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Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B.

“Development of Design Guidelines For

Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.



Chote Soranakom (1), Masoud Yekani-Fard (1), and Barzin Mobasher (1)

(1) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, USA

This paper summarizes flexural modeling and design procedures for strain softening fiber
reinforced concrete. Closed form solutions for calculating neutral axis, moment and curvature are
presented and used to study the effect of post crack tensile strength and compressive to tensile
strength ratio. With simplification to the closed form solutions, a single equation to predict
moment capacity of a flexural member is obtained. To avoid sudden failure in flexural loading
and to control crack width caused by shrinkage and temperature, the minimum post crack tensile
strength for each case is proposed. A design example of slab on grade is employed to illustrate
the calculation steps. Once the design part is finished, the specified post crack tensile strength for
the slab must be verified by material testing.

Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is a composite material consisting of cementitious matrix and
discrete fibers such as steel, glass, or other synthetic materials. The fibers that are randomly
distributed in the matrix act as crack arrestors. The deboning and pulling of fibers at crack
surface requires energy dissipation, leading to a substantial increase in toughness and resistance
to cyclic and dynamic load [1]. Since the introduction of fibers to the concrete market in late
1960’s, the demand for FRC has been steadily increased. The main areas of applications are slab
on grade, tunnel lining, precast, and prestressed concrete products. Flat slabs made solely of
SFRC has been successfully practiced in France and other European countries, however their
applications in the United States have been limited [2,3]. It is expected that more FRC
applications in new structural areas are forthcoming.
In addition to the commonly used SFRC, a wide range of fiber reinforced concrete systems
have been developed including glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) [4], engineered
cementitious composite (ECC) [5,6], steel infiltrated mat concrete (SIMCON) [7,8],
DUCTAL® [9], CARDIFRC®[10], and other synthetic fiber systems. To standardize materials,
Naaman and Reinhardt [11] defined the classifications of “strain hardening” and “strain-
softening” materials based on hardening and softening tensile responses observed in tension
tests. Within the last category, additional terms of “deflection-hardening” and “deflection-
softening” are defined according to the hardening and softening deflection responses observed in

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

bending tests. This paper summarizes the closed form solutions and design methodology for
strain softening fiber reinforced concrete members, covering flexural responses, nominal
moment capacity and minimum post crack tensile strength. The design procedures are primarily
based on the work of Soranakom and Mobasher [12], ACI 318-05 [13] and RILEM TC 162-
TDF [14].


Figure 1: Idealized strain softening fiber reinforced concrete models:

(a) Tension model; (b) Compression model.

Material characteristics of FRC can be simplified to uniaxial tensile and compressive stress
strain models as shown in Figure 1(a)&(b). These idealized models are suitable for strain
softening fiber reinforced concrete such as SFRC and polymeric fiber reinforced concrete
(PFRC) that contain fibers below the critical level. In these materials the contribution of fibers is
mostly apparent in the post peak region, where the response is described by a decaying stress-
strain relationship. It is possible to assume an average constant post crack tensile strength σp for
the softening response, which can be empirically correlated with the fiber volume fraction and
their bond characteristics.
The following assumptions are made in the development of the models: a) Young’s modulus
for compression and tension are equal (Ec=Et=E), b) tension model consists of a linear stress
strain response up to cracking strain εcr, followed by a post crack response defined by a constant
stress level σp = μEεcr with parameter μ (0 ≤ μ < 1) representing the residual strength as a
fraction of the cracking tensile strength, and c) compressive strength is prescribed to be higher
than the tensile strength, defined by using an elastic perfectly plastic model with a yield
compressive strain εcy = ωεcr with parameter ω (ω >1) depicted in Figure 1(b). Two normalized
parameters used in the models are summarized as follows:
σp σp
μ= = (1)
Eε cr σ cr

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

ε cy σ cy σ cy
ω= = = (2)
ε cr Eε cr σ cr
It should be noted that Eq. (2) implies the normalized yield compressive strain ω is also a
compressive to tensile strength ratio. The compression and tension models terminate at the
normalized ultimate tensile strain βtu and compressive strain λcu respectively.
ε cu ε tu
λcu = ; βtu = (3)
ε cr ε cr


The derivations for neutral axis depth ratio k, non-dimensional moment m, and curvature φ are
described in an earlier publication [12]. The neutral axis parameter k was found by solving the
equilibrium of net internal forces, and the moment is computed from the first moment of force
about the neutral axis, while the curvature is obtained by dividing top compressive strain with the
depth of neutral axis. Closed form solutions for neutral axis depth ratio, moment and curvature
diagram are presented in 3 stages: 0 < εc < εcr, εcr < εc < εcy and εcy < εc < εcu or in
dimensionless form 0 < λ < 1, 1 < λ < ω and ω < λ < λcu.

Table 1: Neutral axis depth ratio and normalized moment curvature expression for three stages of
applied normalized top compressive strain λ

k m φ
(4) (5) (6)
1 λ
0 ≤ λ ≤1
2 2k
2μλ (2λ 3 + 3μλ 2 − 3μ + 2)k 2 λ
1≤ λ ≤ ω 2 − 3μ (2k − 1)
λ + 2μ (λ + 1) − 1 λ 2 2k
2μλ 2 3 2
(3ωλ − ω + 3μλ − 3μ + 2)k 2
ω ≤ λ ≤ λcu 2 − 3μ (2k − 1)
−ω + 2λ (ω + μ ) + 2μ − 1 λ2

Using these expressions, the moment M and curvature Φ represented in terms of their first
cracking values are defined as:
σ cr bh 2
M = mM cr ; M cr = (7)
2ε cr
Φ = φ φcr ; φcr = (8)

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

where Mcr and φcr are cracking moment and curvature, respectively, b and h are width and height
of beam, respectively.

Two parametric studies on the effect of post crack tensile strength μ and compressive-tensile
strength ratio ω were conducted in order to demonstrate the sensitivity of material parameters.
To study the effect of μ from brittle (μ = 0.0) to ductile (μ = 1.00) material, a typical
compressive-tensile strength ratio of 10 (or ω = 10) for SFRC was used. To study the effect of ω,
the post crack tensile strength parameter μ = 1 was used. For both studies, the ultimate
compressive and tensile strains are fixed at 0.0035 and 0.03, respectively, to terminate the
calculation of the response.
Figure 2.a shows the effect of post crack tensile strength on neutral axis parameter. For a
typical SFRC (ω = 10), the neutral axis starts from 0.5 at purely elastic state and decreases
rapidly after the material cracks. For concrete material that compressive strength is much greater
than the tensile strength, an increase in post crack tensile strength results in deeper neutral axis.
Figure 2.b shows the effect of compressive-tensile strength ratio on neutral axis for an elastic
perfectly plastic tensile response (μ = 1). As expected, the material that has equal Young’s
modulus and plastic strength in compression and tension (ω = 1, μ = 1) shows a constant value of
k = 0.5 from purely elastic stage to the post peak (perfectly plastic stage). For others cases that
ω > 1, compressive strengths are stronger than the tensile strength, the k values will decrease
below 0.5 as top compressive strain increases.

0.5 0.5 ω=1

(a) ω=10
(b) μ=1.0
Neutral axis depth ratio, k

Neutral axis depth ratio, k

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

μ=1.00 ω=10
0.1 0.1 ω=15
μ=0.01 μ=0.33
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Normalized top compressive strain, λ Normalized top compressive strain, λ

Figure 2: Neutral axis parameter, k vs. normalized top compressive strain, λ: (a) The effect of
post crack tensile strength, μ; (b) The effect of compressive-tensile strength ratio, ω.

Figure 3.a shows the effect of post crack tensile strength on non-dimensional moment
curvature diagram for a material that has a compressive strength much stronger than its tensile

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

strength (ω = 10). For a brittle material that has low post crack tensile strength (μ = 0.01), the
post peak response of the moment curvature shows brittle failure as expected. As the post crack
tensile strength increases, the moment curvature responses show significantly increase in term of
strength and ductility. Figure 3.b shows the effect of compressive-tensile strength ratio on non-
dimensional moment curvature diagram. As expected, for a material with equal Young’s
modulus and plastic strength in tension and compression (ω = 1, μ = 1), the moment
asymptotically approaches a constant level m = 1.5, which is the exact solution for the theoretical
ratio of plastic moment to elastic yielding moment of a beam under flexural yield hinge
formation (based on the shape factor of elastic-plastic rectangular section). With a perfectly
plastic tensile strength (μ = 1), the increase of ω from 1 to 15 leads to an increase of moment
capacity beyond the 1.5 up to 2.8, however in a decreasing rate.

μ=1.00 m=2.72
(b) μ=1.0
(a) ω=10 3 ω=15 m=2.79
ω=10 m=2.72
Normalized Moment, M'

Normalized Moment,M'
ω=5 m=2.50
2 μ=0.67 m=1.88
ω=1 m=1.50

1 μ=0.33 m=0.95

μ=0.01 m=0.03
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Cuvature, φ' Normalized Cuvature, φ'

Figure 3: Normalized moment curvature diagram: (a) The effect of post crack tensile strength, μ
and; (b) The effect of compressive-tensile strength ratio, ω.


While it is possible to use the full scale moment curvature relationship as shown in Figure 3,
it is more practical to estimate the moment capacity at the infinite dimensionless compressive
strain (λcu = ∞) by taking the limit of λ to infinity in Eqs. (4)-(6), which results in Eqs. (9)-(11).
k∞ = (9)
ω +μ
m∞ = (10)
ω +μ

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

φ∞ = ∞ (11)
The ultimate strength design philosophy is based on the member’s reduced capacity being
greater than the ultimate moment Mu calculated from factored loads. The internal forces are
obtained by linear elastic analysis using factor load coefficients according to ACI Sec 9.2. The
equation for nominal moment capacity can be derived by substituting m∞ from Eq. (10) for m in
Eq. (7). A reduction factor φp is introduced to safeguard the uncertainty of using post crack
tensile strength to predict the ultimate moment capacity and the value φp = 0.7 was recommended
from the earlier work [15]. Thus, the deign equation for nominal moment capacity Mn of the
cross section is expressed as:
φpMn = φ M ≥ Mu (12)
ω + μ p cr
Alternatively, the minimum level of post crack tensile strength necessary to carry the ultimate
moment of a given section can be obtained from Eq. (12).
M uω
μ= (13)
3ωφ p M cr − M u


The design equations are presented with a minimum number of independent variables and
dimensionless parameters. Cracking tensile strength and Young’s modulus can be estimated
according to ACI-318 [13] Sec. 11.2 and Sec. 8.5.1, respectively.

σ cr = Eε cr = 6.7 f c' (psi) (or = 0.56 f c' (MPa)) (14)

E = 57, 000 f c' (psi) (or = 4, 733 f c' (MPa)) (15)

Cracking tensile strain for FRC members can be calculated from Hooke’s law as:

σ cr 6.7 f c' 0.56 f c'

ε cr = = = = 118 μ str (16)
E 57000 f c' 4733 f c'
Tensile stress-strain model can also be obtained directly from uniaxial tension test. However, the
test procedure is difficult to control and normally under-predicts the flexural strength due to the
size effect between uniform stress in direct tension test and gradient stress in bending test
[12,16,17,18]. To predict flexural behaviors, the back calculation of tensile properties from
load-deflection curve of the four point bending test is an option which indirectly incorporates the
size effect in material properties.
The yield compressive strength parameters σcy = 0.85fc’ from RILEM [14] is adopted here,
where fc’ is the ultimate uniaxial cylinder compressive strength. By applying a typical value for

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

yield compressive strain ω=0.85(fc’)0.5/6.7 and the cracking moment Mcr=σcrbh2/6 in Eq. (12),
the expression for nominal moment capacity as a function of its post crack tensile strength, μ and
ultimate compressive strength, fc’, is obtained as:
⎡ μ f' ⎤
φp M n = ⎢ c ⎥ φ pσ cr bh 2 ( ξ = 15.8 for f c' in psi,ξ = 1.32 for f c' in MPa ) (17)
⎢ ξμ+2 f c' ⎥
⎣ ⎦


In reinforced concrete structures, the minimum flexural reinforcement is enforced to avoid a
sudden failure of a beam when its post cracking strength is lower than its cracking moment. In
FRC system, the sudden drop in moment capacity after cracking refers to deflection-softening
response. The critical normalized post crack tensile strength level μcrit that maintains a load
carrying capacity equivalent to the cracking strength level (Mu = Mcr) is obtained by solving Eq.
(13) with reduction factor φp = 1.
μcrit = (18)
3ω − 1
For typical FRC materials, compressive-tensile strain ratio ω varies between 6 and 12. Thus,
μcrit varies in a narrow range between 0.353 and 0.343. Since the actual tensile strength and the
strength used in the design calculations may be different by a factor of 7.5 f c' / 6.7 f c' = 1.12 , a
slightly conservative value that ensures the post crack capacity is always greater than the first
cracking level of an actual flexural member is proposed as:
μmin_ flex = 0.40 (19)


Due phase change of FRC from liquid to solid, large surface to volume ratio of reinforced
concrete slab can cause severe cracking due to shrinkage. In order to control crack width within
acceptable range, the minimum shrinkage and temperature reinforcement must be placed
perpendicular to the main flexural reinforcement. According to the ACI Sec., the
minimum ratio of reinforcement to gross section area ρmin_ST is

⎪0.0020 40 ksi < f y < 50 ksi, deformed bar

ρ min_ ST = ⎨0.0018 f y = 60 ksi, welded-wire fabric (smooth or deformed) (20)

⎪ 0.0018 × 60, 000 > 0.0014 f y > 60 ksi at ε sy = 0.35%
⎪⎩ fy

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

where fy is the yield strength of steel. When steel rebar or welded wire mesh is replaced with
FRC, the minimum normalized post crack tensile strength μmin_ST that guarantees same tensile
performance can be determined by the equivalence of tensile capacity for the same reliability
φb ρ min_ ST f y bh = φ p μmin_ ST σ cr bh (21)

It is assumed the reduction factor for structural members that the failure is controlled by
reinforcement is the same as the factor for bending φb=0.90 [ACI Sec.]. Other the other
hand, the reduction factor φp = 0.70 is used for the member that the tensile failure is controlled by
post crack capacity of FRC. The use of higher and lower reduction factors in Eq. (21) ensures the
reliability index is maintained when the more reliable steel reinforcement is replaced with the
less reliable FRC. Conservative values ρmin_ST = 0.0018 and fy = 60,000 psi are substituted in Eq.
(21) to produce highest tension force and solve for μmin_ST.
140 0.97
μmin_ ST = (psi) (or = (MPa)) (22)
σ cr σ cr


The design procedure for strain softening fiber reinforced concrete is best suited for thin
structural applications such as slab systems that the size effect is minimal and the internal forces
are relatively low compared to its moment capacity. An example of slab on grade is presented to
demonstrate the design calculations. Typically, slabs on grade are designed based on minimum
shrinkage and temperature steel. The loads on slab are not critical and normally transferred
directly to stiff compacted base materials. These slabs are allowed to cracks but not disintegrate.
Other types of slab on grade and pavement that are designed based on applied load and sub grade
modulus are not considered here.
The concrete slab is five inch thick, reinforced at mid depth with steel rebar #4@18” (12.7
mm @ 457 mm). The materials used are: concrete compressive strength fc’ of 3,000 psi (20.7
MPa) and steel yield strength fy of 60 ksi (414 MPa). Replace this existing design with SFRC
that has compressive strength fc’ of 4000 psi (27.6 MPa).
The slab is designed based on 1 foot strip (254 mm) and the amount of reinforcement As is
calculated by:
π d 2 12 π 0.52 12 in 2
As = = = 0.131 (or 277 mm2/m)
4 spacing 4 18 ft
Calculate the plastic compressive zone according to ACI stress block concept
As f y 0.131× 60
a= = = 0.257
0.85 f c ' b 0.85 × 3 ×12
The factored ultimate moment Mu is equal to the reduced nominal moment capacity φbMn
⎛ a⎞
M u = φb M n = φb As f y ⎜ d − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

0.257 1
= 0.9 × 0.131× 60(2.5 − ) = 1.40 kips-ft/ft (or 6.23 kN-m/m)
2 12
a) Equivalent moment capacity with SFRC, fc’ = 4000 psi (27.6 MPa)
Calculate the cracking tensile strength of SFRC according to Eq. (14)
σ cr = 6.7 fc' = 6.7 4000 = 424 psi (2.92 MPa)
Calculate the cracking moment according to Eq. (7)
σ cr bh 2 424 ×12 × 52 1
M cr = = = 1.77 kips-ft/ft (or 7.87 kN-m/m)
6 6 12000
Calculate the compressive-tensile strength ratio by Eq. (2)
σ cy 0.85 × 4000
ω= = = 8.02
σ cr 424
Determine the normalized post crack tensile strength by Eq. (13)
M uω 1.40 × 8.02
μ= = = 0.395
3ωφ p M cr − M u 3 × 8.02 × 0.7 × 1.77 − 1.40
It can be verified by Eq. (17) that the reduced nominal moment capacity φbMn of the SFRC slab
is equal to the ultimate moment Mu determined from the reinforced concrete slab
⎡ μ f c' ⎤
φpMn = ⎢ ⎥ φ pσ cr bh 2
⎢15.8μ+2 f ⎥ '
⎣ c ⎦

⎡ 0.395 4000 ⎤ 2 1
=⎢ ⎥ 0.7( 424 )( 12 )( 5 ) = 1.40 kips-ft/ft
⎣ 15.8( 0 .395 ) + 2 4000 ⎦ 12000
⎡ 0.395 27.6 ⎤ 2 −6
or = ⎢ ⎥ 0.7( 2.92 )( 1000 )( 127 ) ( 1× 10 ) = 6.23 kN − m / m
⎣1.32( 0.395 ) + 2 27.6 ⎦
However, the required μ must be checked against the minimum post crack tensile strength for
flexure defined in Eq. (19), μmin_flex = 0.40. Thus, use μ = 0.40.

b) Equivalent tensile capacity

Assume plain concrete in reinforced concrete slab has no residual strength; thus, only the amount
of reinforcement will be replaced with SFRC having the same tensile capacity.
φb As f y = φ p μσ cr bh
The post crack tensile strength is calculated
φb As f y 0.9 × 0.131× 60
μ= = = 0.397
φ pσ cr bh 0.7 × 0.424 × 12 × 5
The minimum normalized post crack tensile strength for shrinkage and temperature can be
calculated by Eq. (22)

Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

140 140
μmin_ ST = = = 0.33
σ cr 424
The calculations in this example point out to several potential design approaches. If the goal
is to replace the existing reinforced concrete slab with SFRC system and still have the same
performance and reliability index as the original design, the post crack tensile strength must be
0.40 based on the minimum flexural strength. However, if only shrinkage and temperature
cracking in service condition is of concern, the required strength can be reduced to 0.33. In this
case, specifying μ = 0.40 based on equivalent performance to the original reinforced concrete
slab. It should be point out that the specified post crack tensile strength for material testing must
be calculated by the same cracking tensile strength σcr used in the design calculations, which
may be different from the actual value obtained from test. According to the definition in Eq. (1),
the post crack tensile strength is
σ p = μσ cr = 0.40 × 424 = 170 psi (or 1.17 MPa)

The paper begins with explaining the derivation of closed form solutions for flexural
modeling of strain softening fiber reinforced concrete. Then two parametric studies were
conducted in order to demonstrate the effect of post crack tensile strength and compressive-
tensile strength ratio to the flexural performance. The results shows that the moment curvature
response is very sensitive to the level of post crack tensile strength but very little to the
compressive-tensile strength ratio as long as it is in typical range of FRC (ω = 6-12).
The second half of the paper proposes a design guideline for flexural members made of strain
softening fiber reinforced concrete. The closed form solutions are simplified to a single design
equation to estimate flexural strength. The paper also proposes the minimum normalized post
crack tensile strength of 0.40 for FRC systems to prevent sudden failure of the beam section after
flexural cracking. This value is slightly greater than the critical value of 0.35 that changes the
beam response from deflection-softening to deflection-hardening. For serviceability criterion, the
crack width due to shrinkage and temperature must be kept within acceptable level. By
equalizing the tensile capacity of the minimum reinforcement ratio required by ACI code and the
post crack tensile strength capacity of the FRC, the minimum normalized post crack tensile
strength is obtained to be 140/σcr for imperial unit (or 0.97/σcr for SI unit).
Since FRC is best utilized in slab systems that flexural stress is relatively low compared to the
member capacity and shear stress is not critical, an example of slab on grade is used to illustrate
the calculation steps and specify post crack tensile strength to be verified in material testing.

The authors acknowledge the National Science Foundation, program 0324669-03 for
supporting this project.


Soranakom, C., Yekani-Fard, M., and Mobasher, B. “Development of Design Guidelines For
Strain Softening Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” 7th international Symposium of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete: Design and Applications BEFIB 2008, Editor: R. Gettu, Sept. 2008, pp 513-523.

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