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Kategori: Grammar - Dibaca: 2088 kali

Subjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian. Namun topik Subjunctive ini berbeda dengan
Conditional. Conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian juga namun perbedaannya adalah
Conditional dilengkapi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu untuk mengandai-andai. Misalnya "Aku
akan mengundanya jika aku jadi kamu.". Berikut ini adalah penjelasan tentang Subjunctives.

Struktur Subjunctive

be (past)
 I were
 you were

 he, she, it were

 we were
 you were
 they were

be (present)
 I be
 you be

 he, she, it be
 we be
 you be
 they be

Kata kerja lain (past & present)

 I work
 you work

 he, she, it work

 we work
 you work
 they work

Penggunaan Subjunctive

Kita menggunakan subjunctives ketika kita berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan yang sebenarnya
tidak akan terjadi. Kita menggunakan subjunctive ketika berbicara tentang kegiatan yang
 Inginkan agar terjadi
 Harapkan akan terjadi

 Membayangkan akan terjadi

 The President requests that you be present at the meeting.
 It is vital that you be present at the meeting.

 If you were at the meeting, the President would be happy.

Subjunctive biasanya menggunakan kedua struktur berikut:

 Kata Kerja: ask, command, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest + that
 Ekspresi: it is desirable, essential, important, necessary, vital + that
 The manager insists that the car park be locked at night.
 The board of directors recommended that he join the company.

 It is essential that we vote as soon as possible.

 It was necessary that every student submit his essay by the weekend.

Perhatikan bahwa struktur berikut ini, subjunctive-nya sama. Tidak masalah kalimat itu tenses-
nya past atau present. Contoh:
 Present: The President requests that they stop the occupation.
 Past: The President requested that they stop the occupation.

 Present: It is essential that she be present.

 Past: It was essential that she be present.

Kita selalu menggunakan were sebagai pengganti "was" setelah if (dan kata lainnya yang
memiliki arti yang sama). Contoh:
 If I were you, I would ask her.
 Suppose she were here. What would you say?

Mengapa kita menggunakan "I were", "he were"?

Kita sering mendengar orang berkata "if I were you, I would go" atau "if he were here, he would
tell you". Memang normalnya adalah: I was, he was. Tetapi struktur if I were you tidak melihat
Past Tense". Struktur tersebut hanya mengenal past subjunctive untuk "to be" nya. Perhatikan
contoh kata-kata/frase di bawah ini untuk struktur di atas:
 if
 as if

 wish
 suppose

 If I were younger, I would go. (FORMAL)

 If I was younger, I would go. (INFORMAL)
 If he weren't so mean, he would buy one for me.(FORMAL)
 If he wasn't so mean, he would buy one for me. (INFORMAL)
 I wish I weren't so slow! (FORMAL)
 I wish I wasn't so slow! (INFORMAL)
 I wish it were longer. (FORMAL)
 I wish it was longer. (INFORMAL)
 It's not as if I were ugly. (FORMAL)
 It's not as if I was ugly. (INFORMAL)
 She acts as if she were Queen. (FORMAL)
 She acts as if she was Queen. (INFORMAL)
 If I were you, I should tell her. (FORMAL)
 If I was you, I should tell her.  (INFORMAL)

Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation.

Beberapa ekspresi menggunakan subjunctive. Contoh:

 Long live the King!
 God bless America!
 Heaven forbid!
 Be that as it may, he still wants to see her.
 Come what may, I will never forget you.
 We are all citizens of the world, as it were.

Kategori: Grammar - Dibaca: 14705 kali

Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat) yang
digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun. Untuk
lebih jelasnya penjelasan mengenai Adjective Clause, perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

 I have read the book (that) you just mentioned.

Main Clause: I have read the book.

Subordinate Clause: (that) you just mentioned.

Anak kalimat menerangkan kata benda the book, disebut dengan Adjective Clause
 The lesson (that) she is learning is very difficult.

Main Clause: The lesson is very difficult.

Subordinate Clause: (that) she is learning.

Berdasarkan pada the Antecedent yang ditunjuk oleh introductory words (kata-kata
pendahulunya), Adjective Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 macam, yaitu:

1. Relative Pronoun
 Kata Ganti Orang

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan adalah : Who, Whom, Whose, That

Fungsi :

a. Subjek:

- He paid the money to the man who / that had done the work

b. Objek Kata Kerja:

- He paid the man whom/that he had hired.

c. Objek Kata Depan:

- He paid the man from whom he had borrowed the money.

d. Kata Ganti Kepunyaan:

- This is the girl whose picture you saw.

 Benda, Binatang
Kata Penghubung yang digunakan adalah: Which, that


a. Subjek:

- Here is a book which/that describes animals.

b. Objek Kata Kerja:

- The chair which/that he broke is being repaired.

c. Objek Kata Depan:

- She was wearing the coat for which she had paid $2,00.

2. Relative Adverbs
 Waktu

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: when

- This is the year when the Olympic Games are held.

 Tempat

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: where

- Here is the house where I live.

 Alasan

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: when

- Give me one good reason why you did that.


1. Relative Pronoun

Yaitu Adjective Clause dengan memakai kata penghubung Relative Pronoun.

 The boy is called Bob. He gave me a present.
o The boy who gave me a present is called Bob. atau

o The boy who is called Bob gave me a present.

Beberapa contoh Adjective Clause lainnya:

 The boy whose radio was stolen is a student.
 The girl whom I gave a special reward is a bright student.

 The bike which I borrowed last week was sold.

2. Relative Adverb

Pelajaran tentang ini dibahas lebih lengkap pada Relative Clause. Hal-hal yang perlu
ditambahkan di sini, yaitu:

 Kata Why (yang menunjukkan alasan) yang menjadi Adverb penghubung, mungkin
(kadang-kadang) dapat digantikan dengan that atau kadang-kadang dapat dihilangkan
dalam kalimat.

- The reason (that) I came should be obvious to you.

- The reason (why) I came should be obvious to you.
- The reason I came should be obvious to you.
 When atau Where Bering dapat Baling ditukarkan dengan Preposition yang menunjukkan
tempat (a preposition of Place) ditambah dengan Which.

- The small town in which (= where) I was born has grown to a large metropolis.
- The day on which (= when) they were to leave finally arrived.

Kadang-kadang that dapat menggantikan where atau when.

 The day that (or when, on which) the trial was to take place was a stormy one.
 Please suggest a good place that (or where) we can meet

Beberapa Hal Penting yang Berkaitan dengan Adjective Clause

 Perubahan dari Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase.

o Adjective Clause dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase yang menjelaskan noun
tanpa ada perubahan arti kalimat.
o Hanya Adjective Clause yang mempunyai subjek pronoun: who, which atau that
yang dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.
o Adjective Clause dengan subjek: whom tidak dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective

Perhatikan Contoh berikut:

a. Adjective Clause

* The girl who is sitting next to me is Lisa.

==> The boy is playing the piano is Bent.

b. Adjective Phrase

* The girl sitting next to me is Lisa.

==> The boy playing the piano is Bent.

 Cara mengubah Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase.

(1) Subjek pronoun dan verb be dihilangkan.

* Adjective Clause: The man who is talking to Taylor is from Japan.

* Adjective Phrase: The man talking to Taylor is from Japan.

* Adjective Clause: The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
* Adjective Phrase: The ideas presented in that book are interesting.

* Adjective Clause: Ali is the man who is responsible for preparing the budget.
* Adjective Phrase: Ali is the man responsible for preparing the budget.

* Adjective Clause: The books that are on the shelf are mine.
* Adjective Phrase: The books on the shelf are mine.

(2) Jika tidak ada verb be dalam Adjective Clause, seringkali subjek pronoun dapat
dihilangkan dan mengubah kata kerja dalam Clause itu menjadi bentuk -ing.

* Adjective Clause: English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters.

* Adjective Phrase: English has an alphabet  consisting of 26 letters.

* Adjective Clause: Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome.

* Adjective Phrase: Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome.

 Seringkali Adjective Clause digunakan dalam pola: noun + of which. Pola ini terutama
digunakan untuk tulisan bahasa Inggris resmi (formal written English). Dalam pola ini
biasanya Adjective Clause menerangkan "sesuatu".
* We have an antique table. The top of it has jade inlay.
o We have an antique table, the top of which has jade inlay.

o We toured a 300-year-old house. The exterior of the house consisted of logs

cemented with clay.
o We toured a 300-year-old house, the exterior of which consisted of logs cemented
with lay.

 Adjective Clause sering digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kuantitas dengan of.

Ungkapan kuantitas mendahului pronoun, dan hanya whom, which, dan whose yang
digunakan dalam pola ini.

Ungkapan kuantitas dengan "of" antara lain: some of, none of, both of, one of, many of,
two of, all of, each of, most of, dll.

* There are 20 students in my class. Most of them are from the Outside Java.
--> There are 20 students in my class, most of whom are from the Outside Java.

* He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid.

--> He gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid.

 Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses

Pedoman umum dalam Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses yaitu:

o Jangan menggunakan tanda koma bila Adjective Clause diperlukan untuk
mengidentifikasi noun yang dijelaskan olehnya.
o Gunakanlah tanda koma bila Adjective Clause hanya berfungsi untuk memberi
informasi tambahan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi noun yang
dijelaskan olehnya.
 Henry whose wife works at a bank came to my house yesterday.
 Alex, whose wife works at a bank, came to my house yesterday.


Contoh pertama menggambarkan bahwa Henry memiliki lebih dari 1 istri. Pada kalimat
tersebut pembicara ingin mengindentifikasikan istrinya yang bekerja di Bank, bukan yang

Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua, kita sudah jelas, kalau Alex memiliki hanya 1 orang istri.
Frase yang berada di antara koma hanya memberikan keterangan tambahan saja. Tanpa
frase tersebut pun orang lain sudah mengetahuinya kalau istrinya Alex memang bekerja
di sebuah Bank karena memang istrinya cuma 1 itu.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini untuk lebih jelasnya dalam penggunaan tanda koma dalam
Adjective Clause.

o Soekarno, who is the first President of Republic of Indonesia, could deliver

speech well.

Perbedaan antara Adjective Clause dan Noun Clause

Karena adanya kesamaan dalam beberapa kata pendahulunya, maka kadang-kadang antara Noun
Clause dan Adjective Clause sering membingungkan.

Ada 2 macam perbedaan yang penting antara dua jenis Clause tersebut: perhatikan contoh
berikut ini:
 Adjective Clause biasanya didahului oleh noun atau pronoun yang diterangkan.

Adjective Clause

o I know the house where he lives.

(where he lives mempunyai antecedent the house, yang merupakan objek dari kata know)

Noun Clause

o I know where he lives.

(where he lives adalah objek dari kata know)

Preposisi yang mendahului introductory word adalah milik Adjective Clause dan bukan milik
Noun Clause.

Adjective Clause
 The woman to whom he has been giving money is a poor relative of his.

(Adjective Clause dimulai dengan to yang merupakan bentuk a prepositional phrase dengan
whom dalam Adjective Clause itu. Dan To dapat diletakkan di bagian belakang Adjective
Clause. The woman, whom he has been giving money to, is a poor relative of his).

Noun Clause
 He gives money to whoever needs it.

(The Noun Clause dimulai dengan whoever, seluruh Noun Clause itu adalah objek dari to, yang
tidak dapat dipindah letaknya. Dan juga -ever- merupakan bentuk yang hanya bergandeng
(mengikuti) dengan Noun Clause.
Kategori: Grammar - Dibaca: 8052 kali

Semua auxiliary verbs "kecuali be, do dan have" disebut modals. Tidak seperti auxiliary verbs
lainnya, modals juga berfungsi sebagai kata kerja Bantu dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
Perhatikan contoh-contoh Modals di bawah ini beserta fungsi dari Modals melalui contoh
kalimat yang diberikan.

 They can control their own budgets. (kemampuan/kemungkinan)
 Can I smoke here? (Minta Izin)
 Can you help me?  (Permintaan)

 Could I borrow your dictionary? (Minta Izin)
 Could you say it again more slowly? (Permintaan)
 We could try to fix it ourselves. (Saran)
 I think we could have another Gulf War. (Kemungkinan)
 He gave up his old job so he could work for us. (Kemampuan)

 May I have another cup of coffee? (Minta Izin)
 China may become a major economic power. (Kemungkinan)

 They might give us a 10% discount. (Kemungkinan)

 We must say good-bye now. (Keharusan)
 They mustn't disrupt the work more than necessary. (Larangan)

Ought to
 We ought to employ a professional writer. (Menyarankan)


(jarang dipakai di Amerika)

 Shall I help you with your luggage? (Menawarkan)
 Shall we say 2.30 then? (Menyarankan)

 Shall I do that or will you? (Meminta)

 We should sort out this problem at once. (Menyarankan)
 I think we should check everything again. (Merekomendasikan)

 Profits should increase next year.  (Prediksi tak tentu)

 I can't see any taxis so I'll walk. (Keputusan Spontan)
 I'll do that for you if you like. (Menawarkan)
 I'll get back to you first thing on Monday. (Janji)
 Profits will increase next year.  (Prediksi tak tentu)

 Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? (Minta Izin)
 Would you pass the salt please? (Permintaan)
 Would you mind waiting a moment? (Permintaan)
 "Would three o'clock suit you?" - "That'd be fine." (Mengatur)
 Would you like to play golf this Friday? (Mengundang)
 "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I'd like tea please." (Merujuk)

Modal auxiliary verbs selalu diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja pertama.
Kategori: Grammar - Dibaca: 7487 kali

Adjectives (kata sifat) adalah kata-kata yang menerangkan kata benda (nouns) atau kata ganti
(pronouns). Adjectives dapat diletakkan sebelum kata benda atau setelah kata kerja tertentu. Kita
juga dapat meletakkan lebih dari 1 kata sifat di depan kata benda.

Pembagian Kata Sifat (Adjectives)

1. Quality Adjectives
2. Possessive Adjectives
3. Demonstrative Adjectives
4. Interrogative Adjectives
5. Quantity Adjectives
6. Numeral Adjectives
7. Proper Adjectives
8. Distributive Adjectives

1. Quality Adjectives (Kata Sifat Kualitas)

Quality Adjectives disebut juga kata sifat yang menunjukkan bentuk, ukutan, kondisi, warna,
bahan, fungsi dll dari kata benda atau kata ganti.

Posisi Quality Adjectives

a. Attributives

Attributive Adjectives diletakkan sebelum kata benda atau diantara article dan kata benda.

 I can see a beautiful girl.
 I have got a new book.

b. Predicatives

Predicative Adjectives dibagi lagi menjadi:

1. Subject Complement

 Your daughter is pretty.
 She is very beautiful.

 The book is new.

2. Object Complement

 He made his wife happy.
 I consider him foolish.

 She pushed the window open.

C. Appositives

Appositive Adjectives biasanya mengikuti kata bendanya dan menjelaskannya. Jenis ini terbagi
menjadi dua bagian, yaitu:
1. Restrictive
 A teacher untrained in Phonetics is as useless as a doctor untrained in anatomy.

2. Non-restrictive
 A blacksmith, swarthy and muscular, was leisurely working the long handle of his

2. Possessive Adjectives (Kata Sifat Kepunyaan)

Possessive adjectives terdiri dari my, our, their, your, his, her, its.

1. Sebagai Subjective Complement

 What is your phone number?
 That us my house.

2. Sebagai Object
 I can't complete my assignment because I don't have the text book.
 The bakery sold hisfavourite type of bread.

3. Sebagai Object of Prepositions

 After many years, she returned to her homeland.
 They give everything to their mother.

3. Demonstrative Adjectives (Kata Sifat Penunjuk)

Kata Sifat ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu:

1. Definite, yang terdiri dari this, that, these, those.

 This book is mine
 Those pictures are beautiful.

2. Indefinite, yang terdiri dari another, the other, an, a, some, dll.
 A teacher will come to teach us today.
 They can eat the other apples.

4. Interrogative Adjectives (Kata Sifat Tanya)

Kata sifat jenis ini terdiri dari:

a. Sebagai Subject
 What color is your house?
 Whose book is this?

b. Sebagai Object
 I don't know what problem she is talking about.
 They never question which part of the novel will be summarized.

c. Sebagai Object of Prepositions

 With whose father do you speak?
 In which hotel do you like to stay?

5. Quantity Adjectives (Kata Sifat Kuantitas)

Kata-kata yang termasuk dalam jenis ini adalah much, some, enough, little, half, any, dll.
 He ate little bread.
 Will you have some tea?

6. Numeral Adjectives (Kata Sifat Penomoran)

Kata Sifat jenis ini terbagi atas:

1. Definite, yang menunjukkan jumlah yang pasti dari suatu kata benda atau kata ganti.

a. Cardinal
 We have three cars at home.
 You can take twelve books.

b. Ordinal
 Our class is in the third floor.
 They will depart on the second flight.

c. Multiplications
 The rooms have a single bed.
 There is a pair of shoes under the table.

2. Indefinite
 Kata-kata yang termasuk dalam jenis ini adalah all, some, enough, many, dll.
 Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed

 I will buy some pens

 I am waiting for some friends here.

7. Proper Adjectives (Kata Sifat Nama Diri)

Proper Nouns
 England
 Holland

 Indonesia, dll

Proper Adjectives
 English
 Dutch

 Indonesian, dll

  English people like drinking tea.

 Arabian people like eating dates.

8. Distributive Adjectives (Kata Sifat Distributif)

Kata-kata yang sering dipakai adalah each, every, neither, either.

 She reads every book in the library
 I can choose either red or yellow car.

Order of Adjectives (Susunan Kata Sifat)

Sebelum mepelajari bagian ini, coba Anda pilih mana frasa yang benar dari 2 frasa yang ada di
bawah ini.
 Perempuan tua yang kaya, atau
 Perempuan kaya yang tua.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kedua frasa di atas, hamper tidak ada masalah. Namun dalam bahasa
Inggris, salah satu diantaranya tidak sesuai dengan standard tata bahasa. Mari kita ingat urutan
kata sifat yang benar di depan kata benda.


D = Determiner (the, a, an, some, dll)

O = Opinion (beautiful, rich, diligent, dll)
S = Size (big, small, long, dll)
A = Age (young, old, new)
S = Shape (round, fat, thin, dll)
C = Color (white, yellow, red, dll)
O = Origin (Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia, dll)
M = Material (rubber, plastic, cotton, dll)
P = Purpose (tennis, school, dll)

Mari kita urutkan kata-kata sifat yang ada dalam frasa di atas:

Perempuan = Kata benda (letaknya terakhir = No. 10 setelah purpose)

 Kaya = Kata Sifat = Opinion (No. 2)
 Tua = Kata Sifat = Age (no. 4)

Jadi urutan yang benar adalah 2, 4, 10

Kaya, tua, perempuan = Rich old lady
 I have a beautiful large house.
 She has an expensive tennis racket.

Degree of Comparison

Sebelum kita membahas mengenai topik ini, ada baiknya kita mengingat bentuk perubahan kata
sifat menjadi tingkat lebih (comparative) dan tingkat paling (superlative).

1. Kata Sifat dengan 1 suku kata

 Big - bigger - biggest
 Small - smaller - smallest

 Thin - thinner - thinnest

 Old - older - oldest
 Dst.

2. Kata Sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata

 Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
 Expensive - more expensive - most expensive

 Interesting - more interesting - most interesting

 Dst

3. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "y"

 Happy - happier - happiest
 Easy - easier - easiest

 Busy - busier - busiest

4. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan some, low, le, dan er

 Handsome - more handsome/handsomer - most handsome/handsomest
 Narrow - more narrow/narrower - most narrow/narrowest

 Gentle - more gentle/gentler - most gentle/gentlest

 Clever - more clever/cleverer - most clever/cleverest

Catatan: untuk kata sifat jenis di atas, lebih baik menggunakan more untuk comparative dan
most untuk superlative daripada menggunakan dan ...est, walaupun kedua-duanya benar.

5. Kata Sifat tak beraturan

 Good - well - best
 Bad - worse - worst

 Little - less - least

 Much - more - most
 Many - more - most
 Far - further/farther - furthest/farthest
 Dll

6. Kata Sifat lainnya

Polite, quiet, wicked, pleasant, tired, cruel, stupid memiliki 2 jenis tingkat perbandingannya
seperti yang berlaku pada kata sifat jenis no. 4. Namun, ada baiknya menggunakan more dan
most untuk tingkat lebih dan tingkat paling-nya.

7. Kat Sifat yang tidak dapat dibuat tingkat perbandingannya

 Wrong, right, single, empty, full, equal, correct, unique, universal, perfect, pregnant, dll.

1. Equal Comparison

As + adjectives + as
 This book is as cheap as mine
 You are as beautiful as my mother

2. Comparative (Tingkat Lebih)

Comparative + than
 Your house is bigger than mine
 She is more beautiful than her sister

3. Superlative (Tingkat Paling)

The + superlative
 She is the best student in the class.
 Mr. William is the oldest teachers at school.

4. Parallel Comparison

 The + comparative, the + comparative (semakin..., semakin...)
 Comparative and comparative (makin lama makin ...)

 The harder you study, the better chance you'll get (makin keras kamu belajar, makin baik
pula peluang yang akan kamu peroleh)
 You look more and more beautiful (kamu makin lama makin cantik)
 You are better and better (Kamu makin lama makin bagus saja)

5. Logical Comparison

a. Possessive
 Henry's salary is much higher than Alex's
 My mother gets better than yours

b. That of
 The climate in Bandung is as mild as that of in Palembang (that of = the climate of)

c. Those of
 The duties of a driver are much more dangerous than those of a teacher

d. Any
 Mary is smarter than anybody else in the class.
 Bali is smaller than any other province in Indonesia.
Adverb Clause
Kategori: Grammar - Dibaca: 5927 kali

Adverbial Clause adalah Clause (anak kalimat) yang berfungsi sebagai Adverb, yakni menerangkan kata
Adverbial Clause biasanya diklasifikasikan berdasarkan "arti/maksud" dari Conjunction (kata
penghubung yang mendahuluinya).
Jenis-jenis Adverbial Clause antara lain:

1. Clause of Time

Clause yang menunjukkan waktu. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata
penghubung) seperti after, before, no sooner, while, as, dll.


 Shut the door before you go out.

 You may begin when(ever) you are ready.

 While he was walking home, he saw an accident.

 By the time I arrive, Alex will have left.

 No sooner had she entered than he gave an order.

2. Clause of Place

Clause yang menunjukkan tempat. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti where,
nowhere, anywhere, wherever, dll.


 They sat down wherever they could find empty seats

 The guard stood where he was positioned.

 Where there is a will, there is a way.

 Where there is poverty, there we find discontent and unrest.

 Go where you like.

3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)

Clause yang menunjukkan adanya pertentangan antara dua kejadian atau peristiwa yang saling
berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti although,
though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, dll.


 As the time you were sleeping, we were working hard.

 Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.

 Although it is late, we'll stay a little longer.

 He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.

4. Clause of Manner

Clause yang menunjukkan cars bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Biasanya
dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti as, how, like, in that, dll.

 He did as I told him.
 You may finish it how you like.

 They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.

5. Clause of Purpose and Result

Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan maksud/tujuan dan hasil. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan
kata penghubung seperti (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, dll.


 They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
 She bought a book so (that) she could learn English

 He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation.

 I am working night and day in the hope that I can finish this book soon.

6. Clause of Cause and Effect

Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat. Ada beberapa pola membentuk Clause jenis ini.
Perhatikan baik-baik.


 Ryan ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.

 It was so cold yesterday that I didn't want to swim.

 The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.

 The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.


 The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team.
 I had so few job offers that it wasn't difficult to select one.


 He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now.
 The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.


 It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors. ATAU It was so hot a day that we decided
to stay indoors.
 It was such an interesting book that he couldn't put it down. ATAU It was so interesting a book
that he couldn't put it down.


 She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.

 They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.

 Perry has had such bad luck that he's decided not to gamble.

 This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.

Di samping itu, untuk mengungkapkan hubungan cause and effect (sebab dan akibat) dapat digunakan
pola lain, yaitu:

1.       Menggunakan Preposition (kata depan) seperti because of, due to, due to the fact that, dll

 Because of the cold weather, we stayed home. (=We stayed home because of the cold weather)
 Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. (=We stayed home due to the cold weather)

 Due to the fact that the weather was cold, we stayed home. (=We stayed home due to the fact that
the weather was cold)

2.       Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction) seperti because, since, now, that, as, as long as,
inasmuch as


 Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.

 Since he's not interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.

 As she had nothing in particular to do, she called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take
in a movie.

 Inasmuch as the two government leaders could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace
are still remote.

3.       Menggunakan transition words seperti therefore, consequently.


 Alex failed the test because he didn't study.

 Alex didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.

 Alex didn't study. Consequently, he failed the test.


Beberapa Adverb Clause dapat diubah menjadi Modifying Phrases dengan cara:

1)      Menghilangkan subjek dari dependent Clause dan verb (be).


a.       ADVERB CLAUSE      : While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
b.       MODIFYING PHRASE : While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
2)      Jika dalam Adverb Clause tidak ada be, hilangkanlah subjek dan ubahlah verb dalam Adverb
Clause itu menjadi bentuk -ing.

a.       ADVERB CLAUSE      : Before I left for work, I ate breakfast.

b.       MODIFYING PHRASE : Before leaving for work, I ate breakfast.

Adverb Clause dapat diubah menjadi Modifying Phrase jika subjek dari adverb Clause dan subjek dari
main Clause sama.



 While I was sitting in class, I fell asleep MENJADI While sitting in class, I fell asleep.
 While Ann was sitting in class, she fell asleep MENJADI While sitting in class, Ann fell asleep.

 Since Mary came to this country, she has made many friends MENJADI Since coming to this
country, Mary has made many friends.

 While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep.

 While we were walking home, a frog hopped across the road in front of us.

7. Clause of Condition

Clause yang menunjukkan adanya persyaratan antara dua kejadian (peristiwa) yang berhubungan.
Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunctions seperti if, even if, unless, in the even that, or in even
that, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that),


 If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.

 She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her.

 Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss.

 In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be notified at once.

 The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is called off at once.

 We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary

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