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Genocide is known globally as one of the worst moral crimes one group of
people can commit. Be it from the more relatively known and studied Holocaust,
which lasted from 1941 to 1945, or the revolt of the government in 1793 at
Vendee, genocide has been used as a tool to gain or shift power among the masses
for decades. The victims of the Holocaust were the worshippers of Judaism,
Africans, gypsies and the handicapped. Genocide can happen anywhere, at any
time. During the Holocaust, the people victimized were the people who the ruler
thought were different or not worthy of life. During a genocide it is not often the
people’s opinions being expressed through war, violence, death and brutality, it is
the ruler having his way with the views of their municipality. Unfortunately this
shines a wrong light on the people, most people today associate the Germans with
the Holocaust, and that is wrong to remember a people only for their faults,
genocide also negatively effects the population who are being represented by the
ruler. The estimated number of casualties taken place during this specific
genocide, the Holocaust, rose to among the numbers of three million.

An example of the genocide besides the Holocaust would be the Armenian

genocide. In 1915, hundreds of thousands of Armenian citizens were slaughtered
just after World War 1. The Armenian genocide refers to the systematic
destruction of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman
military, ordered Armenian civilians to be taken from their homes and ordered to
march hundreds of miles, denying them neither water nor food. Another
genocide, the Rwandan genocide took place beginning in 1994. In July of 1994,
the death toll was in the heights of 100,000 to 500,000. In 1990, the Rwandan
Patriotic Front, a rebel group composed of Tutsi refugees, invaded coming from
Uganda, this was an attempt at overthrowing the Hutu led government. That
initial feud began the Rwandan Civil War. The Hutu brutally murdered many
remaining Tutsis. The last is in Cambodia, between the years 1975 to 1979 in
which 21 percent of the country’s population lost their lives. This regime had an

absolute disregard for human mortality and compassion. COME

These genocides have many similarities and differences, one of these is
that they all stem from a form of the government mistreating their people. As in
the case with the Rwandans and the Armenians they both had stable governments
until a cleansing was put into effect and it rocked their entire system to its core. In
each of the areas in which the genocide took place, there was a deeply set in state
of segregation between the people. For the Tutsi’s and the Hutu’s it was a
government segregated and fighting for power, when they really weren’t that
different at all, no different religions or languages. In the case of the Armenians it
was religion that was meant to be eradicated, not unlike the more widely known
Holocaust of the Jews. Something that all three of these three instances involve is
that they did not have the successful American system of democracy which others
even today try to instate.

Where there are similarities between these cruel and unjust acts of men there must
also be differences. One obvious difference between the three is the geological difference
of the acts. The Armenian genocide took place in Africa while the Cambodian genocide
took place in Cambodia. Another difference between these acts is the amount which gave
the ultimate sacrifice. In the some of the cases the deal toll had risen to a fair amount of
the population just blown to smithereens , where some remained small amounts of
remorse. The last difference was in the ways that they took place. The Armenian
genocide was like the Holocaust where the Jews would have to march and were treated
like dogs. In the case of the Cambodian genocide it was mainly just cold blooded murder.

Finally I am asked with a simple answerable question. That would be “ Can

genocide ever be eradicated?” The simple answer to that would be “no”. I believe that as
long as there is evil in the hearts of men, we will always have murder, cruelty, and
inevitably genocide. The people of all of these instances have given their lives to prove
that although genocide cannot be eradicated, it is avoidable. People will always fight and
be pushed too far. People will always be pushed to the point where they act without
thinking logically, but based solely on emotions. Unfortunately the people who are the
most guilty of acting without logic or reason in some of the most fitting times are the
leaders who represent our world. Until these problems are faced we will always be
plagued by genocide.

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