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Angela Ramirez Final Project: Survival Guide

Wow I cant believe that these nine weeks already finished. Let me tell what I learned in class.

I learned where I can get my recourse in the library for example center for writing excellence here I can write my paper and get it check by using WritePoint this will helped my when I turned in my paper and it let me know that I used the second person too much and will give me ideas as to what else to use. It also checked my verbs, punctuations and capitalization. The other thing you can use is Plagiarism Checker this will let you know if you copied someone elses work or if someone copied from the internet and its not there own paper or words. Instructors use this resource as well which I think it is very good so they know how many students are actually doing there own homework.

We as student need to uphold academic honesty this means we need to follow the class rules. Students are expected to conduct themselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity. Students are expected to respect the rights and privileges of others and to foster an environment conducive to learning. Students are accountable for their actions and are required to work independently as well as collaboratively with teams, in achieving learning goals and objectives. Just because you are not in a tradition school there are still rules to follow. The most important one is plagiarism if you are caught doing plagiarism you can be dropped from the program. Honesty is ones word and if you dont have that

then your words mean nothing. We are adults and we teach our children to have respect for the elders and instructors so why would we do the same?

I have set my goals I want to get my Associate of Arts in Health care Administration/Medical records first and then I will get my Bachelors and of course my Masters I will achieve this by 2015. In order for someone to accomplish their goals they need to have a lot of support from family members if you dont have that I dont think you will achieve yours goal. I already completed the first nine week of my goal I got this far I will finish the rest because my husband is behind me 100%.

When I started this course I didnt managing my time wisely I didnt know when I was going to do what. But when I took this class and had to write down how I had to manage my time I had to think how this will work for me. This help me a lot and now I manage my time they way its going to help me in the long run. This way I can make sure that I finish my homework in a timely manner.

Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention there is 8 rules that you need to follow here they are.

Dig Deep: Check out educational websites for new research, interview industry mavericks, or scour the business press.

Avoid Info Overload: When you overload your audience, you shut down the dialogue that's an important part of decision-making.

Practice Delivery: Practice your delivery over and over until you remove the distractions including nervous tics and uncomfortable pauses. Forget Comedy: Remember your audience didn't come to laugh; this is a business presentation.

Pick Powerful Props: A few simple props to demonstrate a point can be memorable in the minds of your target audience.

Minimize You: Write a script for your presentation that makes the audience the protagonist, or the main character, which faces a problem that you will help them to solve," says Atkinson.

Speak the Language: A knockout business presentation doesn't leave people wondering what you said.

Simple Slides: Use slides in your knockout presentation to highlight and emphasize key points.

I am glad I got to know this information because this will help me with my work and classes.

My strongest intelligence is musical/rhythmic which means that I have sensing tonal qualities; I enjoy creating/enjoying melodies, and rhythms. I am also sensitive to sound and rhythms. I am using schemas to hear music and understanding the structure of music. I knew I love music and dancing I didnt know this was an intelligence of mine. Rhythmic Experience Online MI Activities MI Overview MI Criteria Return Core Characteristics: Aural Orientation heightened ... just in sound Resonance identification with patterns as an expression of experience Audition thinking musically rather than verbally Students with a strong rhythmic intelligence: Seek patterns in new information Find patterns in their environment Are particularly drawn to ... Finding patterns in sequences of numbers Listening to a symphony Deciphering code Learning to read music Technologies that stimulate this intelligence: Pattern blocks Puzzles Musical instruments Phonograph Headphones Tape player/recorder Digital sounds Online pattern games Multimedia presentations Speakers CD. Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence is defined as having the following criteria: *an ability to discern and express musical forms, *sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, or melody *sensitivity to timbre, or a highly developed ability to distinguish the sound of a violin from that of a flute, viola, human voice, or cello *composers, musicians, and conductors are examples of careers for musically intelligent people

*Beethoven, cellist Yo Yo and conductor Arturo Toscanini are famous examples of musically intelligent people.

Show sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and sound May study with music in the background, play an instrument, notice non-verbal sounds in the environment, learn more easily if sung or tapped out

Every one should have to take this class they will learn how to use the educational resource from the library correctly, make sure they uphold academic honesty; they will learn how to set and achieve goals, they will learn how to manage time wisely, how to foster reading comprehension and retention and apply personality and learning styles. By the time the nine weeks is over they will be surprise how much they learned and memorize it.

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