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Argusville City Council Regular Meeting

June 6, 2011 Meeting called to order at 7:30 with the following in attendance: Darren Wetzel, David Becker, Scott Leverson, Randy Teberg, Mary Howatt, Paul Kalibabky, Mark Rickert, Gary Tandsater, Jeremy Denault, Chris Fix, and Brandon Oye. Minutes & balance were approved as read. Motion Leverson Second Teberg to pay bills as follows: Cass County Electric $525.60, Forum $90.72, Brian S. Rust $250, Qwest $56.62, Cass County Electric $578.55, City of Fargo $14, Cass Rural Water $2074.88, Metro Disposal $3312.70, Forum $5.76, Nedrebo Backhoe Services $172. Motion carried. Deputy Fix reported on area calls and updates. City Updates: Monitoring of the Argusville School is in progress. Snow fencing project tabled. The replacement fire hydrant is on order. Tandsater poured concrete for the generator pad and submitted bill to ACDC. Sandbag removal will be done Saturday, June 11, at 9 AM; notice will be sent to the community. Motion Leverson Second Teberg to approve 3 year contract with Metro Disposal for trash disposal. Motion carried. City will not add recycling at this time but reserves the option to add at a later date. Motion Becker Second Leverson to set new garbage rate at $15 per month for residents. Motion carried. Motion Teberg Second Becker to accept the mowing bid of $5100 from Clayton Nedrebo. Motion carried. Motion Teberg Second Becker to designate Fargo Forum as the official city newspaper. Motion carried. Motion Teberg Second Leverson to approve water reservoir improvement plans and specification as presented by Moore Engineering. Motion carried. Motion Becker Second Teberg to authorize Moore Engineering to solicit bids for water tie-in project. Motion carried. Motion Becker Second Leverson to draft a check in the amount of $8000 to Moore Engineering for water tiein preliminary plan work. Motion carried. Oye reported the levee recertification process is moving forward. He also discussed ideas to improve drainage along 167th by the flap gate culvert area. He will look at options for the area and get preliminary cost estimates. The City has received inquiries regarding the old fire hall property from the appraiser bidding the County 4 project. The building is in line with where the straightened highway will fall. The city has determined this is a dispute between the landowner and the county. Denault requested reminders be sent to the community regarding weed control and vehicle restrictions in parks. Becker was appointed city contact for mosquito control. Tandsater volunteered to distribute pellets in standing water in Richwood and along 167th. Council authorized $100-150 for supplies. Teberg reported reservoir water levels are low. Summer odd-even watering restrictions need to be recognized. Residents wishing to fill pools should contact him prior to filling. Teberg reported Kent Bergeron is trying to get additional choices for high speed internet to the city. Council invited Bergeron to come to the next meeting to discuss the issue.

Mayor Wetzel reported the council approved a water leak repair by the park concession stand to be paid from the reserve fund. Wanzek will be using water from hydrants, tracking use and submitting usage for billing at the end of the projects. Northern Improvement is metering their use for later billing. Bekki Hill submitted resignation from City Council. Replacement will be appointed at the July meeting. Richwood residents will be surveyed to determine interest. The position expires in 2012. Next Meeting is July 11, 2011 at 7:30 PM. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM Mary Howatt Auditor

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