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DAWAT AND TABLIGH MANUAL: Contents: A. Six Points (6-Siffats) B.

Some Aayats (Verses) in Quran regarding the Importance of Dawah & Tabligh C. Tarteeb of Dawat and Tabligh A. Six points (6-Siffat): Assalamo Alaikum to all respected elders & brothers in Islam. Alhamdulillah, we t hank Allah for the infinite Nimah (blessings) He has given to us. He created us a s a mankind and a Muslim and among the Ummah of Rasulullah (SAW). He is the Crea tor, the Sustainer and the King of this world and the Hereafter. Allah created u s purposely to worship Him as He stated in Quran; I did not create Jinn and mankin d except to worship Me. He wanted us to be successful in this dunya and hereafter that is why He sent Anbiya (AS) & the last was our Prophet Mohammad (SAW). The real success is what Allah Taalah stated in the Quran; those who were saved from t he Hell and will enter Paradise are the successful ones. Life in this dunya is ve ry short maybe 60-70 yrs of living, we will die and the life hereafter is the et ernal life with beginning and with out ending. To be successful in dunya and akh irat is to bring in ourself the complete Deen (Islamic Religion) and Iman (Belie f) according to the ways (sunnah) of Rasulullah (SAW). To facilitate following t he complete deen is to bring into ourselves certain qualities what we call the S ix-Points (6-Siffat) which is common to the Sahaba (RA) that is why they achieve d the complete deen & iman. To enumerate the 6-points, they are: 1. The Kalima [Phrase], La ilaha illallah, M uhammadur Rasulullah; 2. Salat [the Prayer]; 3. Ilmo wa Dhikr [Knowledge and Reme mbrance]; 4. Ikram al-Muslim [Honoring Muslims]; 5. Ikhlas [Sincerity]; and 6. D awah Ilallah or Khoroods Fii Sabilillah [Invitation and Conveyance]. 1.a) The fi rst part is the Kalima [Phrase], La ilaha illallah, MEANING: The meaning of the K alima is: There is no god but Allah OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to bring into ou rselves the certainty (Yakeen) of the fact that whatever happens, happens with t he Will of Allah. That Allah can do anything without the help of makhluq (creati on) and makhluq cannot do anything without Allahs Will. It is to take out from ou r hearts the ghairullah (other than Allah) & love of makhluq; and to enter the l ove of Allah (SWT) as love of Allah will not enter into the hearts full of love of Dunya. VIRTUES: One of the virtues of this Kalima is that it is stated in had ith that, He who bears witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah, and his tongue frequently re cites it while his heart is contented with it, the Fire shall not burn him.. Read the kalimah a 100x every day, for it is the best compensation for one s sins, an d no good deed is better than it. "Whoever reads Laa ilaaha illallaah a 100x in the morning, and a 100x in the evening shall have the reward of one who has rel eased ten slaves from the posterity of Ismaa-eel (Alayhis salaam)". "Keep your f aith fresh by reading and observing Laa ilaaha illallaah. EFFORT: Our objective t o acquire true Yakeen can be achieved by giving effort in Dawat of the Siffat (Qu alities) / Greatness of Allah; to listen to Dawat of the Siffat / Greatness of Al lah & to think/ponder of the Greatness / Siffat of Allah, & to make Duaa to Alla h to have it. That, Allah is The Creator, He creates all the creatures. He gives life & causes death. He is the Sustainer, He gives Rizq to all living creatures . He is the King, in this world & the Hereafter. Food can benefit living things by the Will of Allah. Water is dependant on the hukm (command) of Allah to quenc h thirst. Fire can burn only by the permission of Allah. Weapons can kill by the leave of Allah. Also, to cure, medication is contingent on Allahs hukm. Allah gi ves power to whom He wills & take power from whom He wills. Allah is in control of the affairs of the universe and of mankind, and He (Allah) Knows all and Witn esses every secret. Good & bad condition comes from Allah, etc, etc 1.b) The seco nd part is the kalima; Mohammadur Rasulullah, MEANING: The meaning is; Mohammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah. OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to bring into ourse lves the Sunnah (ways) of Rasulullah (SAW). Allah sent Nabi Mohammad as a mercy to mankind. So, our success in this Dunya & Akhirat lies only with following the ways of Rasulullah (SAW). Ways other than the sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW) is Bida

h & unacceptable to Allah. VIRTUES: One of the virtues is that, our amal (deeds a nd actions) to be acceptable, it is important that they should be according to t he sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW). The interpreters of the Quran have interpreted th e Ayat Liyabluwakum Ayyukum Ahsanu Amalaa; Which means: The Amal [deed and action] which is done only for Allahs sake and not according to the Sunnat of our Prophet (SAW) then that Amal is not acceptable. In the same way if an Amal is done according to the Sunnat of our Prophet (SAW) but not don e for Allahs sake is also not acceptable. The acceptable Amal is that which is do ne for Allahs sake (ikhlas) and according to the sunnat of Rasulullah (SAW). EFFO RT: Our objective to bring into ourselves the Sunnat (Way of Life) of Rasulullah (SAW) can be achieved by giving effort in Dawat of the Importance of Sunnat of R asulullah (SAW), to listen to Dawat regarding the sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW) & pr actical application into ourselves the ways of Rasulullah (SAW) as well as make Duaa to Allah to live by it. For example, we should learn & practice how he pray , how he dress, how he eat, how he sleep, his manners, his social & business dea lings, etc. 2) Second Siffat is the Salat MEANING: The meaning of Salat is the 5 X daily prayers. OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to perform the Salat properly in kh ushu` (reverence) & humility in its fixed time & in jamaah. And how our body par ts obedience to Allah while in Salat will be obedient also outside of Salah whil e in our house & in work. VIRTUES: Some of the virtues of Salat stated in ahadit h is that; The key to Paradise is Salat and the key to Salat is Wudu. Salat is the first to be reckoned in judgement day & if the Salat will pass, all other deeds will be easy for us. Salat is the pillar of religion, whoever performs it establis h the religion & whoever left it meant he overthrow of religion. Also, But as for those who abandon Salat shall meet Allah in a state that Allah will be very angr y with him. EFFORT: Our objective to bring into ourselves the hakikat (reality) o f Salat can be achieved by giving effort in Dawat of Salat. And performing Salat with concentration, in its fixed time & in jamaah (congregation). Also by Duaa t o Allah to have the reality of Salat. 3.a) Third Siffat is Ilmo Wa Dhikr MEANING: The meaning of Ilmo Wa Dhikr is Knowledge & Remembrance of Allah OBJECTIVE: Firs t is Ilmo, and our objective is to have knowledge in religion from the Quran & Had ith. To know halal & haram so as to know what to do in every circumstances. VIRT UES: Some of the virtues of Ilmo stated in hadith is that; The best among you is h e who learns the Quran and teaches it. The one for whom Allah intends good, He guid es him towards the understanding of Deen. Whoever treads on a path in search of Is lamic knowledge, Allah will ease the way to Paradise for him. The Angels will lo wer their wings, pleased with this seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heav ens and on earth will ask forgiveness for the knowledgeable person, even the fis h in the deepest of waters will ask for his forgiveness." EFFORT: Our objective to have the Ilm can be achieved by giving effort in Dawat of Ilm . To spare time to study the Quran & Hadith by attending Talim & reading kitab. To go to the Ulama t o learn masail (rulings) & fadhail (virtues) as well as to make Duaa from Allah to have beneficial Ilm in religion. OBJECTIVE: The second is Dhikr, and our objec tive is to have awareness & remembrance of Allah in 24 hours & in every circumst ances. VIRTUES: Some of the virtues of Dhikr stated in hadith is that; When some people who gather and engage in remembering Allah Azza wa Jall, not intending any thing except Allahs pleasure, an angel calls them from the heavens: Get up duly f orgiven! As indeed your sins have been replaced with virtues. Allah the Almighty a nd Majestic says: I am with My slave when he remembers Me and till his lips move while remembering Me. Is anyone of you unable to earn a thousand virtues daily? O ne of those sitting with him asked (Nabi): How can one earn a thousand virtues i n a day? He replied: If one glorifies Allah one hundred times (for example, Subh anAllah [Transcendent is Allah] one hundred times), a thousand virtues are recor ded for him and a thousand sins are removed from him. EFFORT: Our objective can b e achieved by giving effort in Dawat of Dhikr & to engage in constant Dhikr of Al lah in every circumstances. This dhikr should be done with presence of heart and mind, concentrating on the words being uttered like Tilawat Quran, repetition of Laa Ilaaha Illallah, Ashtaghfirullah, Allahummasalli Ala Nabiyyina Mohammad (SAW) 10 x each AM & PM & other adhkar when eating, sleeping, etc. 4) Fourth Siffat is Ik ram Al-Muslimin MEANING: The meaning of Ikram Al-Muslimin is Service & Honoring

the fellow Muslims OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to have love, respect, generosity & patience towards our fellow Muslims. We should give their rights & forego our rights to them. VIRTUES: Some of the virtues of Ikram stated in hadith is that; "When a Mu min meets another Mu min, greets him, takes his hand and shakes it, t heir sins are shed off just as leaves are shed off a tree. No one will attain true Iman (faith) until he wish for his brother muslim what he wish for himself. Indee d, the most perfect believer in faith is one who has the best manners and is the kindest to his family; and the best of you are those who are best to their wive s. Nothing will weigh more heavily in the Balance of the believing slave on the Da y of Resurrection than a good attitude towards others. .Anyone with these three qu alities shall be under the shade of Allahs Mercy (on the Day of Resurrection) and will be admitted into Paradise: 1) Courtesy towards the weak, 2) Compassion to parents 3) Kindness to slaves (subor dinates). Whoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will exalt him; as a result of that he considers himself small, yet in the eyes of people he becom es great. But he who is arrogant, Allah abases him; and he becomes small in the eyes of people, although he considers himself great to the extent that people co nsider him to be worse than a dog or a pig. EFFORT: Our objective to achieve the quality of Ikram is to give effort in Dawat of Ikram & through practical applicat ion by respecting ones elders, showing kindness to the young & women, and honorin g the Ulema. Whether one is dealing with ones spouse, family, relatives, friends o r acquaintances, to always put the other ahead of oneself. To, at all times, be ready to sacrifice ones own desires for another. 5) Fifth Siffat is Ikhlas An-Niy yat MEANING: The meaning of Ikhlas An-Niyyat is Sincerity of Intention. OBJECTIV E: Our objective is to have sincerity of our amal that is for the pleasure of All ah alone so as to be accepted by Allah. VIRTUES: Some of the virtues of Ikhlas s tated in hadith is that; Indeed Allah does not look at your faces and possessions , but He looks at your hearts and your deeds. Verily, Allah does not accept any de ed, except that done sincerely for Him and to obtain His pleasure. EFFORT: Our ob jective to achieve the Ikhlas is to give effort in Dawat of Ikhlas & application by checking ones intention before, during and after every act. If one finds any m otive other than seeking Divine pleasure, one must immediately repent and correc t ones intention. By constantly repenting and removing any ulterior motives, ones intentions will become progressively more sincere, InshaAllah [God-willing]. 6) Fifth Siffat is Dawah & Tabligh MEANING: The meaning is Invitation & Conveyance O BJECTIVE: Our objective is to spare time in the effort of spreading the Deen (Re ligion) so that all of humanity will attain Iman (Belief) & Hidaya (Guidance) to attain salvation. That mankind be saved from the torment of the Fire, and enter s the Garden (Paradise) of Allah. All of the Prophets (upon them be peace) were given a task to invite humanity to their Creator that is why Allah love them. Ea ch prophet was sent to a specific people, calling them to the worship of the one God. No more prophets to come for the effort of Deen. We as an Ummah (brotherho od) have been given this responsibility as an honor, for Allah the Exalted has c alled this Ummah: Kuntum Khaira Ummatin Ukhrijat Linnaas(the best people that hath been brought forth). VIRTUES: Some of the virtues of Dawah & Tabligh stated in h adith is that; Whoever guides to something good is like the one who does it. A day spent in the Path of Allah is better than a thousand other days. A morning spent i n the Path of Allah is better than the world and all that it contains. When the du st of the Path of Allah enters the body of a Muslim, Allah prohibits Hellfire on him. Your striving in the Path of Allah for a short while, is far better than you r good deeds of the whole life staying with your family. To be in the Path of Alla h, for a short while, is better than worshipping on the Lailatul-Qadr in from of Hajar al-Aswad (That is equivalent to worship of more than 1000 nights x 100,00 0x). EFFORT: Our objective to have Iman & Hidayat can be achieved by giving effor t in Dawat by spending time in the effort of spreading the Deen of Allah (SWT). W e should fix time & try our best to go in Khoroj Fi Sabilillah (Going in the Pat h of Allah) for 4-months in ones lifetime, 40-days in a year, 3-days every month & the 5-amals in our Mahala. The Daily Maswara, Talim, 3-days Nisab, 2-Jaula, 2 ho urs daily & on Thursday nights to visit the local Markaz for the Shab-e-Jumuah [E ve of Friday] gathering (Itikaf). The number of days is not compulsory, it is onl

y recommended just as it is recommended that a person studying first aid, for ex ample, serves one month as practicals. While he will not be an expert in medicin e, he will know the basic things to do during an emergency. Similarly, a person going out for 3 days, 40 days, 4 months, etc. does not become an expert on Shari ah, but he will learn the basic requirements of Shariah. The more time he gives, the more he will learn and perfect himself. The time frame is not a criteria ac cording to Shariah. There are some commandments in Shariah in which the method is not stipulated. For example, it is a commandment of Shariah to acquire knowledg e, but the manner in which the Madrasas are established today, is not proven thr ough Quran and Hadith. Up until the recent past, the scholars used to teach in t he masjids of their respective towns and villages. The students had to go to dif ferent scholars to learn the different sciences. No arrangements of food or boar ding were made. However, the zeal for knowledge had decreased as time went by, a nd the scholars felt it necessary to establish the system of Darul Ulooms as is established today. Nobody regards such a system to be bidah. Similarly, Shariah h as commanded us to do the work of dawah & tableegh. This work used to be done on an individual basis. The learned people used to preach the others and prevent th em from all vices. As time went on, vice started prevailing, and people had stop ped doing the work on an individual basis; therefore, a collective effort had to take place, and rules had to be set up for the work to carry on in order. The overwhelming success of the Jamaat Tabligh is mainly because of the manifest ation of the Six Points which involves the purification of the Naffs (desire) an d the entity of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) & adhering to the Sunnah (Ways)of Nab i Mohammad (SAW). A few fundamental points have to be borne in mind: a).Practica lly every Surah of the Qur aan mentions Jihaad in the way of Allaah. When academ ics discuss the meaning of Jihaad, one understands it to express many aspects re lating to the upkeep of Deen. It will mean, to exert oneself for Deen, to strive for the protection of Deen, to endeavour for the defence of Deen, to spread the Deen, to preach and propagate the Deen, to teach all branches of Deen, to engag e in physical contact in order to upkeep, maintain, defend, protect, spread and propagate the Kalimah of Tauheed of Islaam. b.) Da wah (inviting) and Tabligh (p ropagating) of Deen is Jihaad (striving in the Deen). Jihaad leads eventually to Qitaal martyrdom or killing for the pleasure of Allaah without exceeding the stip ulated boundaries of the Shariah. c.) To learn about Deen is Fardh (obligatory). To preach and propagate Deen is also Fardh (obligatory). To protect and defend Deen can be done in various ways and the Tabligh Jamaat is one of the most excel lent, which has been proven by experience to protect the Deen. We observe that t he Tabligh Jamaat is like a mobile Madrassah and is extremely effective for the masses and professionals. It is that international movement that has reformed th e lives of not hundreds, but thousands. Every day so many people enter the Tabli gh Jamaat and reform themselves to become good members of society when they have formerly been. And Allah Ta ala Knows Best. B. Some Aayats (Verses) in Quran reg arding the Importance of Dawah & Tabligh: Allah the Exalted has said: Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good , enjo ining Al-Maroof (good) and forbidding Al-Munkar (evil). And it is they who are th e successful ( Aal Imraan 3:104) You (True Believers) are the Best of People (Khaira Ummat) ever raised up for ma nkind; you enjoin Al-Maruf (Good) and forbid Al-Munkar (Bad) and you believe in A llah. (Aal-Imraan 3:110) Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exho rtation, and reason with them in the better way (Quran, 16:125); Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, I am of those who bow in Islam (Quran, 41:33); Say thou: "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah, - on evidence clear as the seeing with one s eyes, - I and whoever follo ws me (Quran, 12:108); And remind for reminding truly benefits believers. (Quran, 5 1:55); And those who believed and emigrated and strove for the way of God, and t hose who provided refuge and assisted - those are the true believers, and for th em is forgiveness and a generous provision. (Quran, 8:74); Those who believe, and have emigrated, and have struggled in the way of God with their possessions and their lives are greater in degree with God; and those, they are the triumphant. Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from Him and beatitude; for them sh

all be gardens wherein is enduring bliss, therein they shall abide forever. Sure ly with God is a tremendous reward. (Quran, 9:20-22); But as for those who strugg le for Our sake, We shall assuredly guide them in Our ways, and truly God is wit h the virtuous. (Quran, 29:69); The [true] believers are only those who believe i n God and His Messenger, and then have not doubted, and who strive with their we alth and their souls for the cause of God. It is they who are sincere. (Quran, 49 :15); O you who believe, shall I show you a commerce that will deliver you from a painful chastisement? You should believe in God and His Messenger and struggle for the cause of God with your possessions and your lives. That is better for y ou, should you know. He will [then] forgive you your sins and admit you into gar dens underneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in the Gardens of Eden. That is the supreme triumph. (Quran, 61:10-12). C. Tarteeb (Guidelines) of Dawat & Tabligh: Some of the Greatness of Allah (SAW): 1) Allah created Adam (Alayhis salaam) without a father or a mother. 2) Allah created Isa (Alayhis salaam) with out a father. 3) Allah protected Uzair (Alayhis salaam) to sleep for 100 years w hile his food remained hot. 4) Ashab e Kahf were put to sleep for 309 years and remained alive. 5) Yusuf (Alayhis salaam) was thrown into a well, sold in the ma rket, accused of Zina and thrown into jail. After all this Allah Ta ala made him a ruler. 6) Allah Ta ala provided Hazrat Maryam with provisions in a locked roo m. 7) Allah Ta ala made the pebble in the hand of Abu Jahl recite the Kalimah. 8) A llah made a small dead animal to bear witness on Him and His Messenger in the pr esence of an unbeliever. 9) Through the power of Allah a breast feeding child ga ve evidence of the innocence of Hazrat Maryam. 10) Hazrat Zakariyya (Alayhis sal aam) on reaching old age was given the news of being bestowed with a son. 11) Al lah made the fire into a garden for Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam). 12) Allah sustaine d Musa (Alayhis salaam) in the house of the biggest enemy. 13) Allah sustained t he family of Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) in an open desert. 14) Allah Ta ala provid ed us the Zamzam (water) from the rubbing of the heels of Ismail (Alayhis salaam ). Days of the week On Saturday Allah Ta ala created this Earth. On Sunday the m ountains were placed on this Earth. On Monday the trees were created. On Tuesday evil was created. On Wednesday light (Noor) was created. On Thursday the animal s were spread throughout the Earth. On Friday Allah created Adam (Alayhis salaam ). Amount of Angels 1) There is a river in Jannat in which Hazrat Jibraeel (Alay his salaam) enters. When he comes out of this river, he shakes his entire body d rying himself. From every drop of water 1 angel is born. 2) Hazrat Ibn Abbas Rad hiallaho anho relates the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, one of th e angels of Allah if told to swallow the seven heavens and the seven earth s in one morsel, he has the ability to do so. 3) In the seventh heaven exists the Qib lah for the angels. Everyday 70,000 angels are present making Tawaf and due to t he amount of angels they are unable to have a second opportunity for Tawaf till the day of Judgement. Virtues of this Ummah 1) Hazrat Adam (Alayhis salaam) said I made Taubah which was only accepted in Makkah. But if this Ummah makes Taubah at any place of the Earth it will be accepted. 2) Hazrat Adam (Alayhis salaam) was made to perceive nakedness for his mistake but if this Ummah makes mistakes openly, Allah Ta ala will shelter it. 3) Adam s (Alayhis salaam) wife was separa ted from him because of his mistake, but in spite of the mistakes of this Ummah, their wives will not be separated from them. 4) Adam (Alayhis salaam) was in Ja nnah and due to his mistake, he was sent out, but this Ummah being out of Jannah will enter in to it by making Taubah over their sin. 490 Million virtues of Dawa t & Tabligh a) Spending 1 in the path of Allah is equivalent to spending 700,000 . b) Performing one Salat in the path of Allah is equivalent to 490,000,000 (490 million) Salat. Hazrat Imran Ibn Hussain Radhiallaho anho relates the Prophet ( Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, the person who remains at home and spends hi s wealth in the path of Allah, for every Dirham he is rewarded with 700 Dirhams. The person who goes in the path of Allah and spends his wealth in the path of A llah, for every Dirham he is rewarded 700,000 Dirhams. Suhail Ibn Muaz Radhialla ho anho relates the Prophet (SAW) said: "Certainly Salat, Saum and Zikr in the P ath of Allah reaches up to 700 times. (Sunan Abu Dawud) Spending in the path of Allah is equivalent to 700,000. Hence, your Badni Qurbani (physical sacrifice) a

dded to your Mali Ajar (spending) is equivalent to 700,000 x 700 = 490,000,000 ( 490 million). (Sunan Abu Dawud Chapter 271, Hadith 726) 4 Qualities of a Da ee D a ees must have the following qualities Camel: Similar to the camel he has the c apability to make big sacrifices. Sky: He keeps high intentions. Mountain: He is strong and steadfast like the mountain. Earth: He is humble like the Earth. 4 T s Whether we are in Jama at or at home, there are (4) A mals we should be stead fast and punctual in. 1. T = Takbeer ulah (in Jamaah Prayer in Masjid) 2. T = Ta hajjud 3. T = Tasbeehat 4. T = Tilawat e Qur an 4 Qualities which enlighten the heart (Hidayat): 1. Obeying the Ameer (leader). 2. Protecting your gaze (keep your eyesight down). 3. Being steadfast in Takbeer ulah. 4. Being punctual in Ijtimai A maal. 4 A maal we do most A. Dawat 1. Umoomi Dawat: This is done before the Salaat in wh ich most Praying are present (going gasht). 2. Khususi Dawat: (a) Senior workers (b) People of status (c) Ulama (religious Scholars) 3. Infiradi Dawat: Individua l Dawat. 4. Ijtimai Dawat: Collective Dawat.(Bayan) B. Taleem 1. Infiradi Taleem: Memorizing the sayings of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). 2. Ijtimai Taleem: collectively (i) Taleem in Masjid (ii) Tale em at home. C. Ibaadat Wa Dhikr: Ibaadat: 1. Tasbeehat; 2. Prayers; 3. Tilawat Qur an; ; 4. Du a; Zikr: (i) 3rd Kalimah; (ii) Durood Sharif; (iii) Istighfaar; (iv) any othe r Zikr D. Khidmat (Service) 1. Khidmat of the Ameer (Leader). 2. Khidmat of the Jama at . 3. Khidmat of the people in the locality. 4. Khidmat of yourself. 4 things to do less 1. Less time for eating. 2. Less time for sleeping. 3. Less time in worl dly talks. 4. Less time in you necessities/outside the Masjid. 4 things not to d o 1. Asking by tongue. 2. Desiring by Heart. 3. Extravagance. 4. Using someone s belongings without permission. Summary of 6 points (to get rid of these sicknes ses there are these cures in the following table) Sickness (Cures) a) Kufr ( La ilaha illallah); Bidat (Muhammadur Rasulullah) b) Evilness (Salaat) d) Ignorance ("ilm); Negligence (Zikr) e)Jealousy / Arrogance (Ikraam) f) Pride (Ikhlaas) g) Being Astray (Dawat & Tabligh) 5 things which are loved and forgotten (we love th e things we shouldn t and forget the things we should love) Loved (Forgotten) Du niya (world) -- Akhira (hereafter) Maal (wealth) -- Amaal (actions) Hayaat (life )--Maut (death) Buildings -- (The grave) Makhhluq (creation) --Khaliq (creator) 4 points before entering the locality (we should go with the following intention s and try our best to fulfill them) 1) Every male and female will fulfill the co mmandments of Allah and follow the way shown by the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe w asallam). From each and every house. 2) At least a 4 months full Jama at will go in the path of Allah. 3) If the effort of deen is present in this particular Ma sjid then due to the efforts of our Jama at there will be an increase in the sta ndard of the work. 4) If there is no work existing, then due to the presence of our Jama at the effort will start in this Masjid. 3 days equal to one month Ever yone should try his best to go for three days every month. Every good deed would be multiplied by 10. In this case 3 days would be equivalent to 30 days in the path of Allah. Therefore every month three days will be equivalent to 1 year in the path of Allah. Dawat on Yakeen (Certainty) (the following are some of the thi ngs we should have belief in with conviction and talk about when we are giving D awat) i. Success is in the hands of Allah. ii. Allah is the Creator of everythin g and every situation. iii. All treasures are in the possession of Allah Ta ala. iv. Whatever Allah wishes, it is done by his Qudrat (Power). v. Allah does not need the help of any creations. vi. The entire creation is helpless and cannot d o anything without the will of Allah Ta ala. vii. Allah is one and there is none like him. Our success and the success of the entire humanity is in complete 100 % Deen. If we follow complete Deen, then the help of Allah will be with us. For Deen to enter in our lives, efforts are required. Efforts of Deen 1) Iman & Yakeen a. To sit in the gathering of Imaan and Yaqeen and encourage others also. b. To give Dawat on Imaan and Yaqeen. c. To create Fi kr on Imaan and Yaqeen and think how it can come in to our lives. d. To think ab out the Greatness of Allah. e. Going in the path of Allah to learn Imaan and Yaq een and preparing others also. f. Standing in the night and crying to Allah. g.

Making Dua to Allah to give us the reality of Imaan and Yaqeen. 2) Ibaadat & Amaa l a. Sitting in the gatherings of Taleem and encouraging others also. b. Perfect ing our Ibaadat by asking the Ulama. c. Fixing a special time for Tilawat e Qur an. d. Being punctual in tasbeehat. e. Learning the masnun Duas for different oc casions. 6 main points 1) Doing Amal with Yaqeen. 2) Doing this work in the way s hown by the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). 3) Doing Amal with the awarenes s of Allah. 4) Only for the pleasure of Allah. 5) Pondering on its virtues creat ing a desire to do Amal. 6) Doing Amal by suppressing your Nafs (desires). Unity o f the Jama at 6 Methods for unity 1) Salam: Unity increases by the spreading of salam. 2) Kalam: Talking in a soft and polite manner. 3) Ikraam: Fulfilling the needs of someone. 4) Hadiyah: Giving a gift unites the heart. 5) Dua: Making Dua for the unity of that person. 6) Taareef: In his absence talk ing about his good qualities. 6 points that bring disunity 1) Tanqees: Looking a t the faults of one another. 2) Criticism. 3) Tardeed: Rejecting to listen to th e opinion of another person. 4) Taqabul: Opposition. 5) Tahqeer: Belittling othe rs. 6) To insist and repeat your opinion. First and most important Usool (princi pal) in Tableegh is love and respect for each other as stated in the hadith; Abd ullah ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that the Rasulullah (SAW) looked at the Kaba and sai d: La ilaha illallah, how pure you are, and how sweet your fragrance, and how grea t your honor! However the honor of a Mumin [believer] is greater than yours. Inde ed, Allah (SWT) has made you respectable; (likewise) the wealth, the blood, and the honor of a Mumin has been made respectable; and Allah has forbidden us to sus pect him of wrongdoing. O Muslims you are the best of all Nations. In the knowledg e of Allah this was destined for you from eternity. This knowledge had also been conveyed to some of the previous Prophets. Just as the Messenger of Allah (SAW) is the last, and most distinguished of all Prophets, so also his Ummah will be the most distinguished Ummah, surpassing all other Umam (followers of other Prop hets) because of its having the most honored of all Prophets, and because of bei ng given an everlasting and most perfect Sharia (Islamic Law) never to be abrogat ed. All doors of knowledge and wisdom will be opened upon it. By its struggle an d sacrifice all branches of Iman, righteous actions and piety will be brought to life. This Ummah will not be limited to any particular tribe, nation, country o r continent but its field of action will encompass the whole world and all aspec ts of human life. As though, its very existence will be for the benefit of other s and as far as is humanly possible to bring the whole of mankind to the doors o f Paradise. May Allaah accept the efforts and sacrifices of all those doing any f orm of good work in whichever permissible way and wherever they may be. May Alla h accept us in the noble work of Nabi in propagating the Deen & raise us in Akhi rat among those Daee Ilallah. May Allah make easy for us to spend time & be stead fast. Aameen. Please include me in your prayers. ENGR. MANSAWI SARIP MAROHOM (Send me e-mail if you want soft copy or you can copy from m y Facebook)

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