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Be a Leader, here, should pass the criteria below: 1.

Show the Justice Yes, it is an important and really be a capability for all leaders whether he is a director, businessman, president, principal, and the other profession, which lead a leadership. How come a nice cooperation and support each other and easily run the programs have made when right and rules unbalanced, right? By showing the justice to all people, here, the leaders will strong and show strength because of strengthen from members that he or she leads. I believe it! We have reminded by all friends, to a story for long time ago. When our Messenger, Muhammad SAW told His people that when his children and family made sins, he was the first time to make a justice and he would like to show to all people the justice must be showing. So, why we do not dare to make and show the justice among us if we know we have sins. 2. Nice Listener and Speaker Maybe most of you, readers, always see leaders can speak in front of audience easily and really multi talents in speaking and telling or sharing information. And it is enough when a leader can speak and be a nice speaker or different? So, what is main point, be a nice listener or speaker? What is your comment and answer about those? We give you and we will do not judge your answer, readers. Reminded us about an English magazine about language skills, indeed, in the contents of article we have read said that why Indonesian people have bad point especially when join in English listening. And according with analysis of English skills we have got that most of Indonesian always speak and enjoy become a speaker rather than be a nice listener. In other our point of view, and based on our English background, actually there are category for skills especially language, here, English. For passive skills, here, listening and reading. So that we just accepted information and cannot get feedback from source that we have got because of only one side. Meanwhile, we have different reasons with the second skills, speaking and writing. They are active skills, which all people cans see our capability because we can make feedback from one side to other side. Here, we know that why we feel difficult to find a leader who can be a nice listener and speaker, too. Maybe, it based on the reasons that we have explained above. Listening information especially negative like judge or protest to a leader become a boring thing, right? We hope all leaders can be a nice listener and speaker because of they can and get balancing from them. 3. Dare to Take Risk Not all leaders can dare to take risk especially when he or she decided to big problems or decided to big problems or decided a rule or ethics for job more make a law. Having capability in taking risk and dare to face on what is going on later will help leaders, too. Why? As a leader should he knows what should he does or does not and also it is a part of leader job. 4. Close to Members Start now when you read this article, you will agree with us about approaching communication with members whether employees that we lead or people who related to us. Why we must talk about close and close to members, why and why? Thats right, by closing to our members, willy

nilly, we know what are members wanted, right? And do not be a negative thinking about close to members because of not emotion or feeling but professionalism. 5. Has as much as Information As a leader, getting much information is needed. How come he can lead his employee or worker while he does no anything. 6. Be a Rule-Model To be a rule-model and loved by all employee or worker I think is good idea and good feedback for him. Best Regards, Fahmi Awaludin

Meski ada peningkatan, jumlah pemimpin bergender wanita masih terbatas. Bagaimana melahirkan wanita pemimpin? Potensi perempuan sebagai pemimpin tampaknya belum serius dikembangkan. Padahal, menurut Betty Alisjahbana, mantan CEO IBM Indonesia, perempuan mempunyai sifatsifat dasar yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjadi pemimpin yang sukses di masa kini. Contohnya, kecenderungan berkolaborasi, memimpin secara egaliter, telaten mengembangkan kemampuan timnya, dan mengayomi. Belum seriusnya memberdayakan perempuan sebagai pemimpin setidaknya tecermin dari minimnya jumlah wanita pemimpin. Kondisi ini menjadi fenomena tidak hanya di negara berkembang, tetapi juga di negara maju. Setidaknya hasil Kajian Keanekaragaman Gender Dewan Direksi yang dilakukan oleh Korn/Ferry International, perusahaan pencari eksekutif global yang berbasis di Los Angeles, pada Maret 2011 menguatkan dugaan itu. Wanita terus kurang terwakili di direksi perusahaan Asia Pasifik, demikian salah satu poin temuan hasil survei Korn/Ferry yang dilansir PR Newswire-AsiaNet. Artinya, perwakilan wanita di dewan direksi perusahaan-perusahaan di kawasan Asia Pasifik masih rendah. Selain itu, karakteristik demografi direksi wanita diketahui sangat berbeda dari direksi pria. Hasil sigi yang dipimpin Prof. Mak Yuen Teen dari NUS Business School di National University of Singapore itu juga menyebutkan lebih dari 70% direksi perusaha an di enam negara yang disurvei ternyata tidak memiliki direktur independen yang bergender wanita. Bahkan, dewan direksi yang anggotanya tiga wanita atau lebih adalah hal yang langka. Sungguh menyedihkan! Temuan lain? Masih banyak, tetapi ada beberapa fakta penting, di antaranya: (1) ratarata direktur wanita lebih muda tiga tahun dari direktur pria; (2) direktur wanita lebih mungkin memiliki latar belakang pendidikan hukum dan akuntansi, sedangkan direktur pria kebanyakan dari bidang teknik dan sains; (3) masa jabatan direktur wanita lebih pendek dari pria; (4) Australia mempunyai persentase tertinggi (11,2%) untuk direktur wanita; dan (5) hanya 14 dari 600 perusahaan di enam negara yang memiliki lebih dari dua direktur wanita. Studi Korn/Ferry yang berfokus pada keanekaragaman direksi perusahaan itu merupakan pertama kalinya di Asia Pasifik dan melibatkan 100 perusahaan yang disurvei. Penelitian dilakukan di enam negara (Australia, Selandia Baru, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapura) dengan jumlah responden 4.630 direktur yang menduduki 5.335 jabatan. Selain Korn/Ferry, Accenture juga melakukan studi terkait peringatan International Womens Day pada Maret 2011. Sigi tersebut dilakukan pada 3.400 profesional di 29 negara termasuk Indonesia. Hasilnya? Antara lain, meski lebih dari setengah para responden (55% untuk perempuan dan 57% untuk laki -laki) puas dengan tingkatan

kariernya, para perempuan merasa bahwa karier mereka tidak berada pada jalur cepat (63% perempuan, 55% laki-laki). Bahkan, lebih sedikit perempuan yang memiliki tujuan untuk mencapai posisi eksekutif (C-level) atau posisi yang setara (14% dibanding 22%). Untuk pertanyaan Accenture yang berkaitan dengan faktor apakah yang membuat karier perempuan maju di dalam organisasi, lebih dari dua pertiga perempuan (68%) dan setengah dari laki-laki (55%) menyatakan kerja keras dan jam kerja yang panjang. Bagaimana dengan negara kita? Potretnya tidak jauh berbeda. Jumlah Srikandi Indonesia yang menjadi pemimpin tidak sebanyak kaum Adam. Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan Linda Amalia Gumelar menjelaskan, wanita pengusaha saja masih kecil, yaitu 0,1% dari total penduduk Indonesia. Ini tidak terlalu mengherankan lantaran jumlah entrepreneur kita juga minim. Linda menyodorkan data, dari 230-an juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia, hanya 2% yang menjadi pelaku usaha. Padahal, kalau dilihat dari populasi jumlah gender wanita yang mencapai 49% dari total penduduk, itu adalah potensi besar. Rupanya tidak cuma jumlah wanita pengusaha yang terbatas. Jumlah profesional atau eksekutif wanita pun sedikit. Berdasarkan hasil survei tim Riset SWA tahun 2011, jumlah direktur wanita di perusahaan perbankan hanya 64 orang dari total 382 direktur atau sekitar 16,75%. Sementara itu, jumlah direktur wanita di BUMN perusahaan publik tercatat lima orang dari total 99 direktur atau 5,5% saja. Begitu juga di perusahaan publik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dari 1.879 direksi, ternyata direktur wanita cuma 11,8% atau 222 orang. Menurut Ani Soetjipto, peneliti dari Pusat Kajian Politik Unive rsitas Indonesia, jumlah wanita di pemerintahan periode 2004-09 masih kurang. Simak saja, jumlah menteri yang perempuan hanya tiga orang dari total 36 menteri atau hanya 8,3%. Sementara itu, jumlah gubernur wanita ada satu orang dari total 33 gubernur (3%) . Untuk kepala daerah tingkat dua, dari 440 kepala daerah, jumlah wanita hanya 18 orang (1,8%). Bagaimana dengan anggota legislatif wanita? Jumlah anggota DPR-RI yang wanita selama Pemilu 2009 naik 18,04% menjadi 101 orang. Bandingkan dengan pencapaian jumlah anggota DPR yang wanita pada Pemilu 2004 sebesar 61 orang atau 11,5% dari total laki-laki 489 orang. Sementara itu, jumlah perempuan yang menjadi anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah hasil pemilu 2009 meningkat menjadi 34 orang (27,27 %) dari total pemilu 2004 yang berjumlah 26 orang (18,8%). Menurut saya, populasi wanita yang jadi pemimpin memang sedikit sejak awal. Lihat saja anggota DPR, yang mencalonkan diri makin minim. Soalnya tanpa kita sadari, wanita telah menjadi golongan minoritas, kata Eileen Rachman, head-hunter dari Experd Assessment Center. Padahal, dengan ramainya isu gender diperbincangkan, jumlah populasi wanita pemimpin mestinya meningkat. Pri Notowidigdo memiliki pandangan lain. Mitra Pengelola AMROP itu menjelaskan, sedikitnya jumlah wanita di top management dikarenakan mayoritas perusahaan lebih banyak mencari talenta dari gender pria. Selain itu, ada dua faktor yang sering menjadi penghalang wanita menjadi leader, yaitu persepsi dan pendekatan, dia menguraikan. Persepsi masyarakat yang terbentuk adalah pola pikir wanita masih tradisional meski sudah banyak kemajuan dalam emansipasi wanita. Untuk pendekatan, ada wanita profesional yang terlalu lembut dan kurang tegas, terutama dalam menghadapi kolega atau atasan yang macho. Namun, ada juga wanita profesional yang pendekatannya overkill, sehingga terlalu agresif. Namun, langkanya wanita pemimpin, menurut Pri, tidak perlu sampai memunculkan keberpihakan untuk memberi posisi kepada wanita sehingga peluangnya memimpin perusahaan menjadi besar. Sebab, bagaimanapun, sistem yang merit harus diberlakukan. Jangan sampai wanita diangkat bukan karena kompetensinya. Itu justru akan membuatnya kerepotan lantaran selalu dipertanyakan lingkungan. Lilis Setiadi mengamini opini Pri. Tidak perlu ada kebe rpihakan kepada wanita. Yang terpenting adalah penilaian kinerja yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan bersifat fair dan transparan, kata Presiden Direktur PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen itu seraya menambahkan, wanita pemimpin dituntut memiliki integritas tinggi, bertanggung jawab, berwawasan luas, terbuka untuk ide dan kritik, punya jiwa kepemimpinan yang menonjol, serta memiliki sense of priority dan time management yang baik.

Bagi Rhenald Kasali, keberpihakan kepada perempuan tergantung pada selera perusahaan. Contoh, dulu di Bank Niaga pernah membuat kantor cabang wanita, tapi akhirnya ditutup, kata Guru Besar Universitas Indonesia itu. Di Amerika Serikat, lanjutnya, ada yang namanyaaffirmative action, yaitu program untuk mendorong kaum minoritas dan perempuan supaya mencapai posisi puncak. Mereka dilindungi undang undang dan diberi proteksi. Nah, di Indonesia affirmative action ada di parlemen di mana partai-partai didorong agar 20% porsinya diisi perempuan. Beberapa perusahaan yang beroperasi di Indonesia juga mendukung wanita pemimpin. Sebut saja di DuPont Indonesia, sebagaimana dituturkan George Hadi Santoso, perusahaan yang berbasis di AS itu memberikan kuota minimal 30% untuk profesional wanita. Kebetulan CEO Dupont di headquarter adalah wanita. Kami selalu mendukung karier para karyawan wanita di Dupont dengan training-training. Namun, wanita itu juga harus bersaing fair dengan pria, ujar CEO Dupont Indonesia itu. CEO DuPont adalah Ellen Kullman, seorang wanita. Unilever Indonesia juga mempekerjakan wanita dalam porsi besar. Josef Bataona, Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia Unilever Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa kini jumlah wanita dalam jajaran BOD Unilever mencapai 38%, level manajer senior 30%, dan di level manajer mencapai 40%. Jumlah wanita dari total Management Trainee (MT) Unilever tahun 2010 tercatat cukup tinggi, yaitu mencapai 57%. Unilever menargetkan 50% dari MT yang direkrut pada 2012 adalah wanita, lalu 50% wanita pada level manajer, 40% wanita di posisi manajer senior, dan 25% wanita di level BOD. Adapun untuk tahun 2015, Unilever menargetkan 55% wanita dari MT, 55% wanita di level manajer, 50% wanita di level manajer senior, dan 35% wanita di level BOD. Bank CIMB Niaga juga peduli pada karier wanita. Untuk dewan direksi bank yang sahamnya mayoritas dimiliki CIMB Malaysia itu, porsi direktur wanita sekitar 30%. Coba perhatikan, dari 12 anggota BOD, sebanyak empat direktur adalah wanita. Kembali ke masalah sedikitnya jumlah wanita pemimpin. Mengacu pada fakta-fakta terbatasnya jumlah wanita di lingkungan bisnis, profesional, birokrat, atau legislatif itu, para wanita tidak boleh berkecil hati. Justru, para wanita harus bangkit dan menunjukkan eksistensinya mulai sekarang. Ini adalah peluang besar yang tidak boleh disia-siakan untuk menjadi pemimpin, yaitu sebagai profesional top, self employee, entrepreneur, anggota legislatif atau birokrat di lembaga pemerintahan. Kenyataannya, dulu atau sekarang sudah ada wanita-wanita sukses di berbagai bidang. Para wanita perkasa ini berhasil menyeimbangkan kepentingan karier dan keluarga. Siapa saja mereka? Di lingkungan pemerintahan ada Mari Elka Pangestu (Menteri Perdagangan), Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih (Menteri Kesehatan), Linda A. Gumelar (Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan), Armida S. Alisjahbana (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional), Nurhaida (Ketua Bapepam-LK), Retno Lestari Marsudi (Dirjen Urusan Eropa & Amerika Kementerian Luar Negeri RI), Ratu Atut (Gubernur Banten), Tri Rismaharini (Wali Kota Surabaya), Airin Rachmi Diany (Wali Kota Tangerang S elatan), serta Haryanti Sutrisno (Bupati Kediri). Di jajaran profesional, ada sejumlah nama senior dan rising star. Sebut saja, Sri Urip (mantan CEO Unilever Indonesia), Betti Alisjahbana (mantan CEO IBM Indonesia), Karen Agustiawan (Dirut Pertamina), Megawati Khie (Direktur Pengelola Personal Systems Group HP Indonesia), Sri Mulyani Indrawati (Direktur Pengelola World Bank), Dian Siswarini (Direktur Network XL Axiata), Nining S. Permana (Direktur Pengelola Tupperware Indonesia), Amelia Chandra (Direktur Pemasaran Astra Daihatsu Motor), plus Lauren Sulistiawati (Direktur Retail BankingPermata Bank). Srikandi yang memutuskan sebagai pengusaha pun banyak yang layak diacungi jempol. Yaitu, Benarty Suhali (pemilik bisnis fashion merek X.S.M.L), Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo (pendiri, Putri Kuswisnu Wardhani (CEO Mustika Ratu), Susi Pudjiastuti (pemilik Susi Air), Susiawati Hutomo (pemilik The Body Shop), Svida Alisjahbana (Presdir Grup Femina), dan Fenny Djoko Susanto (CEO Sumber Alfaria Trijaya/Alfamart). Wanita yang memilih jalur self employee juga banyak yang berhasil. Contoh, Ida Fiqriah (pilot Garuda), Dian HP (penggubah lagu), Bertha Herawati (guru vokal artis), Ay Tjoe

Christine (pelukis yang banyak pameran di luar negeri), Lula Kamal (dokter, bintang iklan, presenter), Anggun (penyanyi internasional, bintang iklan), Farah Quinn ( chef, model iklan), atau Alberthiene Endah (penulis buku selebritas). Lantas, bagaimana caranya melahirkan dan memperbanyak wanita pemimpin, baik di dunia bisnis, ataupun ranah l ainnya? Josef menjelaskan, guna mendorong lahirnya seorang pemimpin, baik pria ataupun wanita, semua kepala bagian perlu memahami setiap karakter anggota timnya. Yang kami upayakan di Unilever adalah bagaimana agar perusahaan ini care terhadap perempuan yang kodratnya menjadi ibu dan harus mengurus anaknya. Dan kenyataannya, sudah cukup banyak juga wanita pemimpin yang lahir di Unilever Indonesia ini, misalnya Bu Sri Urip. Beliau adalah chairman wanita pertama di Unilever di seluruh dunia, paparnya. Rhenald melengkapi pandangan Josef. Wanita harus menanggalkan sikap spesial. Jangan memanfaatkan status perempuan untuk mendapat perlakuan istimewa, ujarnya. Dia mengatakan, ada empat kriteria menjadi women leader. Pertama, adanya dukungan keluarga. Kedua, perusahaan tempat bekerja harus women friendly. Ketiga, wanita itu harus memilih seseorang sebagai mentor. Keempat, siap investasi waktu yang cukup besar. Eileen menambahkan, kandidat wanita pemimpin perlu mempelajari caranya mengambil risiko. Calon pemimpin harus sering latihan mengelola risiko dengan baik dan timely decision. Kedua, harus jeli dalam memilih orang yang mampu mendukung kepemimpinan si wanita. Ketiga, harus mampu membawa orang ke arah yang dia kehendaki. Ani Soetjipto berpendapat, untuk memperkokoh peran wanita di berbagai bidang, termasuk pemerintahan, banyak upaya yang bisa dilakukan. Di antaranya, melalui kebijakan (perundangan) dan memperkuat komitmen politik pada kepemimpinan di level atas. Guna mendapatkan banyak wanita pemimpin, Pri mengatakan bahwa pendidikan atau proses sosialisasi secara informal dan formal adalah kunci untuk mengubah persepsi terhadap wanita dan sekaligus untuk mendorong persepsi dan tindakan terhadap wanita sebagai agen perubahaan positif. Tantangan wanita pemimpin ke depan makin berat. Harus banyak belajar dari orang yang telah berhasil agar bisa menjadi leader di dunia entrepreneur, ujar Maudy Ratna Winata, Presdir sekaligus pemilik PT Ikafood Putramas. Menurutnya, fokus berbisnis saja tidak cukup, tetapi juga harus mampu bekerja keras, ulet, tegas dan bijaksana. Tak kalah pentingnya adalah tantangan supaya fisik tetap prima dalam menghadapi segala jenis pekerjaan yang melelahkan. Pantang menyerah juga menjadi tantangan wanita pemimpin. Jangan mudah putus asa. Saya kalau ketemu tembok, bukannya mundur, tapi cari jalan lain, ujar Sylvia Sumarin, CEO PT Dyviacom Intrabum Tbk., mengibaratkan kegigihannya sebagai wanita pengusaha. Apalagi di bidang teknologi informasi, tantangan yang harus dihadapi adalah penciptaan inovasi lantaran perkembangannya sangat cepat dan persaingan bisnis makin ketat. Menurut Eileen, problem wanita pemimpin kelak antara lain terletak pada masalah decision making, coordinating, controlling dan moving forward. Wanita juga harus fight, bisa bersaing sejajar dengan pria tanpa menunjukkan karakter cengeng. Intinya, wahai kaum wanita,challenge yourself dengan bekal kemampuan manajerial yang memadai. (*)

1. a person who rules, guides, or inspires others; head 2. (Music / Classical Music) Music a. Also called (esp US and Canadian) concertmaster the principal first violinist of an orchestra, who plays solo parts, and acts as the conductor's deputy and spokesman for the orchestra b. US a conductor or director of an orchestra or chorus

3. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Mountaineering) a. the first man on a climbing rope b. the leading horse or dog in a team 4. (Business / Marketing) Chiefly US and Canadian an article offered at a sufficiently low price to attract customers See also loss leader 5. (Economics) a statistic or index that gives an advance indication of the state of the economy 6. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) Chiefly Brit Also called leading article the leading editorial in a newspaper 7. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Angling) Angling another word for trace2 [2], cast [32a] 8. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical another term for fairlead 9. (Performing Arts) a strip of blank film or tape used to facilitate threading a projector, developing machine, etc., and to aid identification 10. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (plural) Printing rows of dots or hyphens used to guide the reader's eye across a page, as in a table of contents 11. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) Botany any of the long slender shoots that grow from the stem or branch of a tree: usually removed during pruning 12. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit a member of the Government having primary authority in initiating legislative business (esp in the phrases Leader of the House of Commons and Leader of the House of Lords ) 13. (Law) the senior barrister, usually a Queen's Counsel, in charge of the conduct of a case Compare junior [6] leaderless adj

8. Tip 1 Motivate: Everyone wants to feel important. Good leader motivates his followers. Tip 2 Listen : You have to be a good listener. To become a good leader listen to everyone in the team and take a conscious decision. Tip 3 Trust your team: To get 100% from your team trust them fully. The good leader must learn to trust. Tip 4 Say thanks : Understand the power of these two words. Saying thanks makes the leader better. Tip 5 Be courteous : It is very obvious that the good leader should be corteous to everyone in the team. Tip 6 Keep your ears to ground : This will help you to spot a looming staff crisis before it happens and this ke to success for a leader Tip 7 Be flexible : A good leader recognises peoples needs outside work life in order to achieve better result on the work. Tip 8 Stay cool under pressure : How do you expect people to respond if the boss looks like to be under pressure. A good leader never passes his stress to his subordinates. Tip 9 Lead by example: Be first in the office and last out. Especially in hard times the good leader sets the example to be followed by others. Tip 10 Be an expert : Make sure that your staff knows that you know what your talking about. The good leader is alwas an expert of the subject. Tip 11 Stay humble : A good leader is always humble and never gets too big for his shoes Tip 12 Have a sense of humour: It is most essential for a good leader. Tip 13 Celebrate : The leader always celebrates a good news. 9. (Vibizmanagement - Leadership) - Memimpin sebuah perusahaan bukan merupakan hal yang dapat dikatakan susah tapi juga tidak bisa dikatakan mudah juga. Menjadi seorang pemimpin adalah suatu kesempatan yang tidak semua orang bisa mendapatkannya sekalipun kita tahu memang seorang manusia dilahirkan sebagai seorang pemimpin. Tetapi bukan berarti otomatis langsung dapat menjadi seorang pemimpin. Bila kita mendapat kesempatan itu berarti kita harus dapat menyikapi dengan penuh semangat, dengan integritas, dan etika sebagai landasan pada kepemimpinan kita, bila kita mau memimpin dengan baik dan efektif dimana kita akan meletakkan dasar untuk membawa suatu perubahan dimana kita ditempatkan sebagai seorang pemimpin.

Menurut Dr. Nancy Huber seorang penulis leadership menyatakan; Being a good leader means knowing who you are at the deepest level. Memilih untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik berarti kita telah mengetahui siapa diri kita sampai tingkat yang terdalam. Pada waktu kita memutuskan untuk menerima posisi menjadi pemimpin disebuah perusahaan kita sadar bahwa itu merupakan pilihan pribadi kita, dimana kesempatan itu bukan datang begitu saja tanpa kita ketahui, sehingga kita dapat mempelajari untuk bagaimana dapat menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik. Hal itu dapat dikatakan bahwa kita telah siap menapakinya dengan menunjukkan segenap kekuatan , kualitas, komitmen, dan kehandalan kita sebagai seorang pemimpin bagi kemajuan perusahaan. Dan pada waktu kita melakukan semua itu maka orang lain akan dapat melihat dan mengenalinilai yang kita bawa ke dalam perusahaan akan kualitas seorang pemimpin seperti apa yang muncul.

Berikut beberapa langkah yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik yang dapat menjaga akan karakter nya sebagai pemimpin yang baik di tempat dimana kita bekerja, menurut Nicole Papa seorang penulis dan pembicara seminar Leadership:

1. Seorang pemimpin yang baik memberikan ide-ide /pemikiran yang jelas kepada anak buah/karyawannya dengan teliti dan detail untuk memastikan bahwa ide-ide/pemikiran itu berjalan lancar. Dia harus dapat berproduktivitas dan memiliki kinerja secara tepat waktu serta objektif. 2. Seorang pemimpin yang baik dapat memotivasi akan anak buahnya untuk berkembang maju. Dengan berangapan bahwa antara dirinya dan anak buahnya tidak ada perbedaan , tetapi saling membutuhkan untuk menghasilkan keberhasilan bagi perusahaan. 3. Seorang pemimpin yang baik adalah seorang yang dapat berkomunikasi secara efektif dan dapat memberikan visi dan misi yang jelas kepada anak buahnya. 4. Seorang pemimpin yang baik dapat mengerti jiwa manusia dalam individu setiap anak buahnya, dan memperhatikan kebutuhan emosional, fisik dan mental mereka.

Contoh seorang pemimpin yang baik adalah ketika ia dapat tampil tetap tenang, mengeluarkan ideide pemikirannya untuk mencarikan sebuah solusi dan sekalipun masalah tetap mungkin menghadang dan sepertinya sulit untuk mendapatkan jalan keluar namun sebagai pemimpin yang baik ia dapat mengkomunikasikan masalah ini dengan baik dengan tidak lupa memberikan juga semangat untuk tetap terus maju bagi anak buah/karyawannya. Saya pernah bertemu seorang pemimpin di sebuah sekolahan yang cukup terkenal di suatu daerah. Dia pernah sharing kepada saya ketika ia mengalami suatu masalah yang cukup pelik disana sementara ia tetap harus dapat memimpin akan anak buahnya. Hal pertama yang saya lihat adalah bagaimana ketenangannya dalam menghadapi akan masalah itu dan bagaimana ia tetap dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan efektif kepada semua anak buah didalam mengarahkan pekerjaan apa yang hendak dikerjakan. Dan satu hal yang tidak saya lupakan adalah bahwa ia tetap tersenyum dan bersikap menyenangkan kepada semua anak buah nya seolah-olah tidak terjadi apa-apa.

Sering kali kita melihat seorang pemimpin bila ada pada suatu masalah maka semua yang ada disekitarnya pasti akan terkena dampak dari masalah yang dihadapinya. Entah mungkin kena teguran atau juga mendapat sikap yang kurang menyenangkan dan raut mukanya dapat langsung terbaca. Disitulah letak nilai dari seorang pemimpin bila dapat dikatakan seorang pemimpin yang baik atau tidak. Bila seorang pemimpin ingin menjadi pemimpin yang baik dan dapat memberikan contoh maka ia harus memiliki sikap rendah hati, bersedia berkorban dan mau un menjadi tuk pelayan bagi orang lain. Dan tidak mengejutkan bagi kita bila melihat pemimpin-pemimpin yang berhasil dan sukses didalam memimpin akan perusahaanya adalah ketika mereka bersedia untuk berkorban dan memiliki kerendah hatian yang merupakan kualitas utama untuk menjadikan dia sebagai pemimpin yang baik. 10. My Further Thoughts on What Makes a Good Leader for Today s World by Deborah Emin on June 17th, 2010

Previously, I wrote that it would be good to have a leader who is capable of going out in the woods alone and perchance getting lost knows how to take care of him/herself. This is a vastly different type of person than we have generally had in the White House for example. In the woods, there are no advisors willing to front for you with the bears and take them on and protect you. There are no press people able to talk the mosquitoes out of biting you up and making you scream with their viciousness.

In the woods, there is no Blackberry reception. No phones to call in a drone attack. No one to listen to your pretty words as you try and coax a skunk out of your tent. The fact is, there is no one at all but you and the natural world and the stars at night if it is clear and the sun during the day. It is light during the day and at night it is dark, very dark.

How to handle this amount of time alone, with the very world we are asked to preserve all around you, dear incomplete ruler? That is the assignment. Can you find your way into the woods and then out again? Do you even want to?

It frightens me to see how the majority of people who make the decisions that rule my life, and yours, are incapable of making decisions based on the real world as it is. They keep trying to reshape it all.

From the pharmaceutical companies that have polluted both our bodi s and the waters, we are e tempted all day and all night to try this pill and that one for whatever it is they deem to be a problem.

From the car companies, we are being urged to buy these humungous wastes of resources in order to be both sexy and potent. Since when are cars capable of making us anything but poorer?

From the food industries, we receive horrible products inclined more to becoming addictive or poisonous than in any way nutritious. Each and every day, children are being seduced into buying the food with the most sugar and food additives rather than food. My mother told me she buys these processed juices because it is easier than buying fresh fruit. It seems not to matter that there are fewer vitamins and minerals in these products than a real fruit will have. It is just so much easier to buy than fresh fruit. And it doesn t go bad. And that thought never makes her question what could be in it then if it doesn t go bad.

From the media companies we are constantly being sold things that are already ours.

We are sold the reasons for our own ineptitude. We are sold all day and all night.

In the woods, there are no advertisements. The trees are trees. The wind sighs through them. The earth smells like itself and it makes no claim to be something else. It is not a product pretending to be earth or grass. It is what it is.

A world leader who understands what the real world is would definitely be a very different kind of ruler. This kind of ruler would not need advisors or pollsters. This type of ruler would know how to describe waking up to the sound of the birds in the early morning. These bird noises still have great variety and can still be a part of all our lives.

What kind of world would it be if rulers were not just able to do things alone in the natural world but wanted to be alone in the woods? This question keeps plaguing me. 11. How often have you heard the comment, He or she is a born leader? There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they re looked up to as a leader.

Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further.

Seven Personal Qualities Found In A Good Leader: A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader walks the talk and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.


A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

A good leader as well as keeping the main goal in focus is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. Not only is the goal in view but a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

These seven personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role. 12. I. INTRODUCTION

Leadership is an important part of a nation and civailian. Leadership is an strategic position because leadership is same with our head in our body, if our head are sick, so the others part of our body are not in good condition, and reversely when our head is healthy, our body wiil be. In the hand of leader there are many crucial decision for our nation will made, our nation as the body are depend on the head.

Leadership problem that our nation faced it caused by the wrong style of a leader that developed on the public environment, and proccess for produce a leader are not suppo to produce a good rt leader on this nation. Long time crysis and undone problem that happend in Indonesia revive us that, we are need a new model of leadership because if we still use the old style of leadership, it caused our country brought to the lowest places below the others nation and it will be destroy our country too. This national leadership now is on the lowest places along the history of Indonesia, while this country is declare his nationality around 63 years ago and we have changed our leader many times, our country are still on the bad situation and the problem that indonesia has are so complicated.


Interest in leadership increased during the early part of the twentieth century. Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished between leaders and followers, while subsequent

theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill level. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types:

1. Great Man Theories :

Assumptions: Leaders are born and not made. Great leaders will arise when there is a great need.


Early research on leadership was based on the study of people who were already great leaders. These people were often from the aristocracy, as few from lower classes had the opportunity to lead. This contributed to the notion that leadership had something to do with breeding.

The idea of the Great Man also strayed into the mythic domain, with notions that in times of need, a Great Man would arise, almost by magic. This was easy to verify, by pointing to people such as Eisenhower and Churchill, let alone those further back along the timeline, even to Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and the Buddah.

2. Trait Theories :

Assumptions People are born with inherited traits. Some traits are particularly suited to leadership. People who make good leaders have the right (or sufficient) combination of traits.


Early research on leadership was based on the psychological focus of the day, which was of people having inherited characteristics or traits. Attention was thus put on discovering these traits, often by studying successful leaders, but with the underlying assumption that if other people could also be found with these traits, then they, too, could also become great leaders.

3. Contingency Theories :


The leader s ability to lead is contingent upon various situational factors, including the leader s preferred style, the capabilities and behaviors of followers and also various other situational factors.


Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contend that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others.

An effect of this is that leaders who are very effective at one place and time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when the factors around them change.

This helps to explain how some leaders who seem for a while to have the Midas touch suddenly appear to go off the boil and make very unsuccessful decisions.

Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation.

4. Situational Theories :


The best action of the leader depends on a range of situational factors.


When a decision is needed, an effective leader does not just fall into a single preferred style, such as using transactional or transformational methods. In practice, as they say, things are not that simple.

Factors that affect situational decisions include motivation and capability of followers. This, in turn, is affected by factors within the particular situation. The relationship between followers and the leader may be another factor that affects leader behavior as much as it does follower behavior.

The leaders perception of the follower and the situation will affect what they do rather than the truth of the situation. The leader s perception of themselves and other factors such as stress and mood will also modify the leaders behavior.

Leaders here work on such factors as external relationships, acquisition of resources, managing demands on the group and managing the structures and culture of the group.

5. Behavioral Theories :


Leaders can be made, rather than are born. Successful leadership is based in definable, learnable behavior.


Behavioral theories of leadership do not seek inborn traits or capabilities. Rather, they look at what leaders actually do.

If success can be defined in terms of describable actions, then it should be relatively easy for other people to act in the same way. This is easier to teach and learn then to adopt the more ephemeral traits or capabilities .

6. Participative Theories :

Assumptions Involvement in decision-making improves the understanding of the issues involved by those who must carry out the decisions. People are more committed to actions where they have involved in the relevant decision-making. People are less competitive and more collaborative when they are working on joint goals. When people make decisions together, the social commitment to one another is greater and thus increases their commitment to the decision. Several people deciding together make better decisions than one person alone.


A Participative Leader, rather than taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the process, possibly including subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers whim to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. The question of how much influence others are given thus may vary on the manager s preferences and beliefs, and a whole spectrum of participation is possible

7. Management Theories : Also known as Transactional Theories

Assumptions People are motivated by reward and punishment. Social systems work best with a clear chain of command. When people have agreed to do a job, a part of the deal is that they cede all authority to their manager. The prime purpose of a subordinate is to do what their manager tells them to do.


The transactional leader works through creating clear structures whereby it is clear what is required of their subordinates, and the rewards that they get for following orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.

The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company (and by implication the subordinate s manager) gets authority over the subordinate.

When the Transactional Leader allocates work to a subordinate, they are considered to be fully responsible for it, whether or not they have the resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding).

The transactional leader often uses management by exception, working on the principle that if something is operating to defined (and hence expected) performance then it does not need attention. Exceptions to expectation require praise and reward for exceeding expectation, whilst some kind of corrective action is applied for performance below expectation.

Whereas Transformational Leadership has more of a selling style, Transactional Leadership, once the contract is in place, takes a telling style.

8. Relationship Theories : Also known as Transformational Theories


People will follow a person who inspires them. A person with vision and passion can achieve great things. The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy.


Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about you and want you to succeed. Relationship theories focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. These leaders motivate and inspire people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. Transformational leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential. These leaders often have high ethical and moral standards.


The ideal leader for indonesia it must be comply with many individual prime aspect.These are characteristic of good individuality for our leader that suitable for lead our nation :

1. The leader should has integrity,be honest, and be dare so he can challange his enemies in front of his people and it can attract other people to support him.

2. The leader should be care to the people, and give them many support like mores or things for stressed people in the country.

3. The leader must be do all of his job as a leader, give a respect for people, and must served the people, not be served by the people.

According to the characteristic of a good leader, its very difficult to find the leader like that, so we must be honestly to waiting for the ideal leader to lead our nation.

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