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Europa Central n Epoca Medieval i Modern Timpurie Masteratul Semestrul I 2007-2008 Maria Crciun mariacraciun@yahoo.

com Descrierea cursului Acest curs, organizat n mare parte ca un seminar este o abordare general a problematicii istorice central europene n perioada medeival i modern timpurie. Scopul cursului este s familiarizeze studenii cu dezvoltarea instituional i cultural specific acestei regiuni, ce poate fi neleas drept o cale alternativ spre modernitate fa de cea oferit de Europa occidental i paradigma construirii statului modern. Relevana contemporan a cursului poate fi plasat n contextul conturrii unei identiti regionale. Cursul face parte din syllabus-ul programului de masterat Societate, art, identiti n Europa central. De la medieval la modernitate. El se nscrie ntre cursurile fundamentale ale acestui program i i propune o introducere n istoria acestei regiuni. Cerine La fiecare ntlnire un student este responsabil cu conducerea discuiei din cadrul seminarului. Ali doi sau trei studeni vor pregti prezentri de 10 minute n care vor rspunde la ntrebrile directoare ale seminarului. Aceste prezentri vor sta la baza eseurillor prezentate n scris. Toi studenii au obligaia s predea dou eseuri. Evaluarea: Unul dintre eseuri va fi predat n form scris (redactat pe calculator) n 10 Noiembrie 2007, n timp ce al doilea va fi predat (n mod similar din punctul de vedere al redactrii) n 20 Decembrie 2007. Fiecare eseu va reprezenta 30% din nota final (60% n total). 20% din not va fi reprezentat de participarea la discuii i de parcurgerea analitic a bibliografiei. 20% din nota va fi obinut pentru conducerea seminarului. Structura cursului Sptmna 1: Introducere. Stabilirea limitelor geografice i ale contextului cultural al Europei centrale. Discuie: 1. Care sunt principalele idei vehiculate despre Europa central? 2. Care sunt punctele de difereniere care sunt remarcate? Studenii vor citi obligatoriu unul dintre studiile propuse. Bibliografie: 1. Karl J. Lezser, Concepts of Europe in the Early and High Middle Ages in Past and Present, No. 137, The Cultural and Political Construction of Europe (Nov. 1992), pp. 25-47.

2. Robin Okey, Central Europe/Eastern Europe Behind the Definitions Past and Present (Nov. 1992), pp. 102-133. 3. Robert Bartlett, The Making of Europe. Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950-1350 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993), The Expansion of Latin Christendom pp. 5-23. 4. Andrew Pettegree and Karin Maag, The Reformation in Eastern and Central Europe in Karin Maag ed., The Reformation in Eastern and Central Europe (Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1997), pp. 1-18. 5. Graeme Murdock, Calvinism on the Frontier 1600-1660. International Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000), pp. 10-45. 6. Diarmaid MacCullough, Reformation: Europes House Divided 1490-1700 (London: Allen Lane, 2003), chapter 10 Central Europe: Religion Contested. 7. Philip Longworth, The Making of Eastern Europe (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1992), Metamorphoses (1526-1648), pp. 181-210, pp. 211-236. Documente: Harta Norman Stone Program GWZO, Program SOMEF Sptmna 2: Regatele Europei centrale n epoca medieval Discuie: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Care sunt principalele regate ale Europei centrale? Strategii misionare i contextul imperial. Regele sfnt i rolul lui n strategiile dinastice ale Europei centrale. Commonwealth-ul Jagellon

Bibliografie: 1. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, A Concise History of Hungary. The History of Hungary from the Early middle Ages to the Present (Budapest: Corvina, Osiris, 2005), Hungary under the Arpads and Angevins (950-1382), pp. 43-69. 2. Gbor Klaniczay, Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses. Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Rex iustus: the saintly institutor of Christian kingship, pp. 114-154; The Cult of dynastic saints as propaganda, pp. 295-366. 3. Pl Engel, The Realm of St Stephen. A History of Medeival Hungary 895-1526 (London, New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2001), King Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490), pp. 298-323; The Age of the Jagiellonian Kings (1490-1526), pp. 345-371. Saptamana 3: ntre dou imperii. Factori politici care afecteaz Europa central n secolele 16 i 17. Discuie:

1. Ct de important este Europa central din punct de vedere strategic n politica expansionist a Imperiului Otoman n secolul al 16-lea? 2. n ce msur expansiunea otoman a avut un impact general cultural asupra Europei centrale? Bibliografie: 1. Halil Inalck, Imperiul Otoman. Epoca Clasic (Bucureti: Editura Enciclopedic, 1996), pp. 81-88. 2. Jean Brenger, Istoria Imperiului Habsburgilor 1273-1918 (Bucureti: Teora, 2000), pp. 113-160. Documente: Un missionario italiano in Ungheria ai tempi dei Turchi (Lettera del provinciale dei frati minori conventuali Vincenzo Pinieri da Montefiscone all Sacra Congregazione de propaganda fide, 1631) in Annuario. Studi e documenti italo-ungheresi (Accademia DUngheria in Roma Istituto Storico).

Sptmna 4: Curtea, spaiu politic, spaiu cultural. Discuie: 1. Care este rolul politic al curii n Europa central? 2. Care este rolul cultural al curii n Europa central? Bibliografie: 1. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, A Concise History of Hungary, The Reign of Sigismund of Luxembourg, pp. 115-123; The Renaissance in Hungary, pp. 146-150. 2. Gbor Klaniczay, Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses., Saintly princesses and their heavenly courts, pp. 195-294. 3. R.J.W. Evans, The Austrian Habsburgs. The dynasty as a political institution in A. G. Dickens, The Courts of Europe. Politics, Patronage and Royalty 1400-1800 (New York: Greenwich House, 1977), pp. 121145. 4. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Court, Cloister and City. The Art and Culture of Central Europe 1450-1800 (London: Orion Publishing House, 1995), pp. 138-165, pp. 184-203. Eseu suplimentar despre curtea lui Sigismund de Luxemburg Eseu suplimentar despre curtea principatului transilvnean n secolul al 17-lea. Sptmna 5: Instituiile guvernrii n Europa central. Discuie: 1. Care sunt instituiile de guvernare specifice Europei centrale? 2. Care este evoluia n timp a acestor instituii?

3. Reflectai dac sistemul politic specific Europei centrale poate s duc la formarea statului modern. Eseuri care s rspund la cele dou ntrebri vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!!! Toi studenii vor citi dou dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Robert Evans, Introduction in Robert Evans, T.V Thomas eds., Crown, Church and Estates: Central European politics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (London: Macmillan, 1991), pp. XVII-XXXI. 2. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, A Concise History of Hungary, The End of the House of Arpad, pp. 78-88, The Angevine Monarchy, pp. 89-98. 3. Pl Engel. The Realm of St Stephen, The New Monarchy, pp. 140-156. 4. Volker Press, The System of Estates in the Austrian Hereditary Lands and in the Holy Roman Empire: A Comparison in Evans ed., pp. 1-22. 5. Winfried Eberhard, The Political System and the Intellectual Traditions of the Bohemian Stndestaat from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century in Evans ed., pp. 23-47. 6. Alfred Kohler, Ferdinand I and the Estates: Between Confrontation and Cooperation, 1521-1564 in Evans ed., pp. 48-57. 7. Lszl Makkai, The Crown and the Diets of Hungary and Transylvania in the Sixteenth Century in Evans ed., pp. 80-91. 8. Josef Vlka, Moravia and the Crisis of the Estates System in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown in Evans ed., pp. 149-157. 9. Robert Bireley, Ferdinand II: Founder of the Habsburg Monarchy in Evans ed., pp. 226-244. 10. H.G. Koenigsberger, Epilogue: Central and Western Europe in Evans ed., pp. 300-309. Sptmna 6: Oraul, motorul economic al Europei centrale. Discutie: 1. Care este rolul oraului n economia Europei centrale? 2. Care este rolul oraului n determinarea modernitii acestui spaiu? Eseuri pe ambele teme vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi dou dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie:

1. Lszl Kosa ed., A Cultural History of Hungary. From the Beginnings to the Eigteenth Century (Budapest: Corvina Osiris, 1999), Hungarian Culture in the Middle Ages, pp. 60-153 2. Pl Engel, The Realm of St Stephen, Trade and Towns, pp. 244-266. 3. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, A Concise History of Hungary, Hungarian Society in the Middle Ages, pp. 150-166. 4. Lucien Febvre, Life in Renaissance France, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977), pp. 1-24. 5. Andrew Pettegree, Europe in the Sixteenth Century (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002), pp. 1-18. 6. Bob Scribner, Social Control and the Possibility of an Urban Reformation, in Bob Scribner ed., Popular Culture and Popular Movements in Reformation Germany (London and Ronceverte: The Hambledon Press, 1987), pp. 175-184. 7. Bob Scribner, Anticlericalism and the Cities in R. W. Scribner edited by Lyndal Roper, Religion and Culture in Germany (1400-1800), (Leiden: Brill, 2001), pp. 169-191. 8. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, Hungarian Culture in the Early Modern Age in Lszl Ksa, A Cultural History of Hungary. From the Beginning to the Eighteenth Century (Budapest: Corvina, Osiris, 1999), pp. 154-228. 9. Christian Fredericks, Early Modern Towns 1450-1750, capitolul 5 Life and Death, pp. 114-135; capitolul 7 Family and Household, pp. 165-181, capitolul 6 Work and Status, pp. 139-165; capitolul 10 Urban Routine, pp. 245-274. Documente: Stamp cu oraul secolului al 16-lea Plan orae Statute breasl Sptmna 7: Structura social a Europei centrale n epoca medievala si modern timpurie. Discutie: 1. Care este specificul structurii sociale n Europa central? 2. Reflectai dac structura social are un impact asupra vieii politice? 3. Care este ethosul nobiliar al regiunii? Eseuri pe cele trei teme vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important !!! Toi studenii vor citi dou dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Pl Engel, The Realm of St Stephen, The Rural Landscape, pp. 267-277.

2. W. Schulze, Estates and the Problem of Resistance in Theory and Practice in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries. in Evans ed., Crown, Church and Estates, pp. 158-175. 3. Inge Auerbach, The Bohemian Opposition, Poland Lithuania, and the Outbreak of the Thirty Years War , in Evans ed., Crown, Church and Estates, pp. 196-225. 4. Klmn Benda, Habsburg Absolutism and the Resistance of the Hungarian Estates in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, in Evans ed., Crown, Church and Estates, pp. 123-128. 5. Gottfired Schramm, Armed Conflict in East Central Europe: Protestant Noble Opposition and Catholic Royalist Factions, 1604-1620 in Evans ed., pp. 176195. 6. Georg Heilingsetzer, The Austrian Nobility, 1600-1650: Between Court and Estates in Evans ed., pp. 245-261. 7. Karin J. MacHardy, Cultural Capital, Family Strategies and Noble Identity in Early Modern Habsburg Austria, 1579-1620 in Past and Present, 103/1999, pp. 36-75. Documente: Ioan Kemny, Memorii (Cluj-Napoca, Casa Crii de tiin, 2002). Sptmna 8: Reforma n Europa central. Discutie: 1. Explicai de ce luteranismul are mai mult succes n Europa est central dect n Europa de vest. 2. Explicai succesul calvinismului n Europa est central. 3. De ce este Europa central patria unitarianismului i care este specificul acestei biserici? Eseuri pe toate trei temele vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi trei dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Winfried Eberhard, Bohemia, Moravia and Austria in Andrew Pettegree, The Early Reformation in Europe (Cambridge: University Press, 1992), pp. 23-48. 2. David P. Daniel, Hungary in Pettegree ed., Early Reformation, pp. 49-69. 3. Frantiek Kavka, Bohemia in Bob Scribner, The Reformation in National Context (Cambridge: University Press, 1994), pp. 131-154. 4. Katalin Pter, Hungary in Scribner ed., Reformation, pp. 155-167. 5. Janusz Tazbir, Poland in Scribner ed., Reformation, pp. 168-180. 6. Graeme Murdock, Eastern Europe in Andrew Pettegree ed., The Reformation World (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 190-210.

7. Evan Cameron, The European Reformation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp. 276-280, pp. 329-333. 8. Carter Lindberg, The European Reformations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996), pp. 229249. 9. Gizella Keser, Religiones rationales in Transylvania in Gizella Keser, Mihly Balzs, Gyrgy Enyedi and Central European Unitarianism in the 16th and 17th centuries (Budapest: Balassi Kiad, 2000), pp. 125-136. 10. Edit Szegedi, Identiti n Transilvania premodern (Cluj, 2002), capitolul despre unitarianism. 11. Janusz Mallek, The Reformation in Poland and Prussia in the 16th century: similarities and differences, in Maag ed., pp. 182-191. 12. Graeme Murdock, International Calvinism, Ethnic Allegiance and the Reformed Church of Transylvania in the Early Seventeenth century, in Ethnicity and Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, eds. Maria Crciun, Ovidiu Ghitta, (Cluj: University Press, 1995), pp. 92-100. 13. Graeme Murdock, Beyond the Pale. International Calvinist Attacks against Unitarianism in Transylvania in Gizella Keser, Mihly Balzs, Gyrgy Enyedi and Central European Unitarianism in the 16th and 17th centuries (Budapest: Balassi Kiad, 2000), pp. 245-252. Documente: Reformatio Ecclesiarum Saxonicarum Sptmna 9: Reforma catolic n Europa central. Discuie: 1. Care este semnificaia evoluiei catolicismului n epoca premodern i care este termenul cel mai potrivit pentru a denumi acest fenomen? 2. Care este rolul catolicismului n strategiile politice ale Monarhiei Habsburgice? 3. Care este rolul catolicismului n procesul identitar polonez? 4. Prin ce se caracterizeaz Reforma catolic n Europa central? Eseuri pe toate temele vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi patru dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Ronnie Hsia, The World of Catholic Renewal 1540-1770 (Cambridge: University Press, 1998), Introduction, pp. 1-9, The Militant Church, pp. 10-25. 2. John OMalley, Trent and All That. Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era (Cambridge Mass, London: Harvard University Press, 2000), pp. 1-15, 119146.

3. Rona Johnston, Patronage and Parish: the Nobility and the Recatholicization of Lower Austria in Maag ed., pp. 211-228. 4. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, The misisonary and the devil: ways of conversion in catholic missions in Hungary in Istvn Gyrgy Tth and Eszter Andor eds., Frontiers of Faith. Religious Exchange and the Constitution of Religious Identities 1400-1750 (Budapest: CEU Press, 2001), pp. 79-87. 5. Peter Vatopedi, Reformation and Counter Reformation in Inner Austria. A Crossroads of German and Italian influences in Tth ed,, Frontiers of Faith, pp. 203-211. 6. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, A Forgoten weapon of the Trento Reform: the apostolic visitation in Jos Pedro Paiva ed., Religious ceremonials and images: power and social meaning (1400-1750), (Coimbra: Palimages, 2002), pp. 231-252. 7. Istvn Bitskey, The Collegium Germanicum Hungaricum in Rome and the Beginning of Counter Reformation in Hungary in Evans ed., pp. 110-122. 8. Martin Elbel, Pilgrims on the way of the cross. Pilgrimage Practice and confessional Identity in early modern Bohemia in Tth ed., Frontiers of Faith, pp. 275-284. 9. Martin Elbel, Bishops Secular Entry: Power and Representation in Inauguration Ceremonies of the Eighteenth-Century Bishops of Olomouc in Paiva ed., pp. 4760. Documente: Scrisori i rapoarte ale Jezuiilor despre Transilvania Sptmna 10: Confesionalizarea ca proces istoric. Discuie: 1. Definii confesionalizarea. 2. Identificai fenomenele conexe acestui process. 3. Care au fost criticile aduse acestei paradigme? Eseuri pe toate cele trei teme vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi patru dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Heinz Schilling, Confessionalization in the Empire: Religion and Societal Change in Germany between 1555 and 1620 in Heinz Schilling, Religion, Political Culture and the Emergence of Early Modern Society (Leiden: Brill, 1992), pp. 205-245. 2. Heinz Schilling, Between the Territorial State and Urban Liberty: Lutheranism and Calvinism in the County of Lippe in Ronnie Po-chia Hsia ed., The German People and the Reformation (Ithaca, N.Y.,1988), pp. 263-283.

3. Heinz Schilling, Alternatives to the Lutheran Reformation and the Rise of Lutheran Identity, in Andrew C. Fix and Susan C. Karant-Nunn eds., Germania Illustrata: Essays on Early Modern Germany Presented to Gerald Strauss, Sixteenth century Essays and Studies, 1992, pp. 99-120. 4. Heinz Schilling, Confessional Europe, in Thomas A. Brady, Heiko A. Oberman, James D. Tracy eds., Handbook of European History 1400-1600. Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, volume II Visions, Programs and Outcomes, (Grand Rapids Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995), pp. 641-682. 5. Wolfgang Reinhard, Reformation, Counter Reformation and the Early Modern State: A Reassessment, Catholic Historical Review, 75, 3, 1989, pp. 383-404. 6. Wolfgang Reinhard, tat et glise dans lEmpire entre Reforme et Absolutisme in J. Ph. Genet, B. Vincent eds., tat et glise dans la gense de letat moderne (Madrid: Casa de Velasquez, 1986). 7. James Harrington, H. W. Smith, Confessionalization, Community and State Building in Germany 1555-1879, Journal of Modern History, 69, 1997, pp. 77-101. 8. Ute Lotz-Heumann, The concept of Confessionalization: a Historiographical Paradigm in Dispute, Memoria y Civilizacion, 4, 2001, pp. 93-114. 9. Andrew Pettegree, Konfessionaliesierung in Northwestern Europe contribution to conference Konfessionaliesierung, Stnde und Staat in Ostmitteleuropa (15501650) (Leipzig, 1997). Sptmna 11: Strategii ale confesionalizrii n Europa central Discuie: 1. Este posibil confesionalizarea n Europa central? Studiu de caz: 1. Monarhia Habsburgic 2. Principatul Transilvaniei 3. Oraele din Prusia 4. Oraele din Transilvania 5. Slovenia 5 studeni diferii vor analiza studiile de caz pe baza bibliografiei i vor da un rspuns ntrebrii centrale a seminarului n eseul lor. Toat grupa va discuta prezentrile i se va ajunge la o concluzie. Bibliografie: 1. Michael G. Mller, Late Reformation and Protestant Confessionalization in the Major Towns of Royal Prussia, in Maag ed., pp. 192-210. 2. Heinz Schilling, Confessionalization and the Rise of Religious and Cultural Frontiers in Early Modern Europe in Tth ed., Frontiers of Faith, pp. 21-36.

3. Olivier Chaline, Frontires religieuses: La Bohme aprs la Montagne Blanche in Tth ed., Frontiers of Faith, pp. 55-66. 4. Regina Prtner, Confessionalization in Slovenia in ARG, 2000. 5. Gernot Heiss, Princes, Jesuits, and the Origins of Counter Reformation in the Habsburg Lands in Evans ed., pp. 92-109. 6. Antoni Maczak, Confessions, Freedoms, and the Unity of Poland-Lithuania in Evans ed., pp. 269-286. 7. Edit Szegedi, Identiti n Transilvania premodern (Cluj, 2002), capitolul despre confesionalizare. Documente: Corespondena ntre Istvn Katana Geleji i Gyrgy Rkoczi Documente adresate mitropolitului Sptmna 12: Reformarea poporului i construirea identitii confessionale. Discutie: 1. Cum are loc diseminarea ideilor Reformei n rndul populaiei? 2. Care este rolul clerului n formarea identitii confesionale a congregaiilor? Eseuri pe toate temele vor fi prezentate n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi trei dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Andrew Pettegree, The clergy and the Reformation: from devilish priesthood to new professional elite in Andrew Pettegree ed., The Reformation of the Parishes, The Ministry and the Reformation in Town and Country (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993), pp. 1-21. 2. Rona Johnston Gordon, The Implementation of Tridentine Reform: the Passau Official and the Parish Clergy in Lower Austria 1563-1637 in Pettegree ed., Parishes, pp. 215-238. 3. Graeme Murdock, Dressed to Repress?: Protestant Clerical Dress and the Regulation of Morality in Early Modern Europe in Fashion Theory, vol. 4, (2000), pp. 179-200. 4. Katalin Pter, The way from the church of the priest to the church of the Congregation, in Tth ed., Frontiers of Faith, pp. 9-20. 5. Robert Wuthnow, Communities of Discourse. Ideology and Social Structure in the Reformation, the Enlightenment and European Socialism (Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press, 1989). Introduction. The Problem of Articulation, pp. 1-22. 6. Bob Scribner, Heterodoxy, Literacy and Print in the Early German Reformation, in Peter Biller and Anne Hudson eds., Heresy and Literacy 1000-1530 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 255-278.


7. Bob Scribner, Oral Culture and the Diffusion of Reformation Ideas, in Scribner, Popular Culture and Popular Movements, pp. 49-70. 8. Bob Scribner, For the Sake of Simple Folk. Popular Propaganda for the German Reformation (Cambridge: University Press, 1981). Printing, Prints and Propaganda, pp. 1-13. Teaching the Gospel: Propaganda as Instruction, pp. 190-228. The Rhetoric of the Image, pp. 229-250. Documente: Statut al friei calfelor Kirchenordnung Sinoade protestante Sptmna 13: Reformarea poporului i construirea identitii confesionale. Discuie: 1. Cum se construiete identitatea confesional a laicilor? 2. Care este rolul culturii materiale n formarea identitii confesionale a congregaiilor? Eseuri rspunznd la ambele ntrebari vor fi prezentate de studeni n cadrul cursului. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi cinci dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Graeme Murodck, Calvinist Catechising and Hungarian Reformed Identity in Maria Crciun, Ovidiu Ghitta and Graeme Murdock eds., Confessional Identity in east central Europe (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002), pp. 81-98. 2. Krista Zach, Protestant vernacular catechisms and religious reform in sixteenth century east central Europe in Crciun, Ghitta, Murdock eds., Confessional Identity, pp. 49-63. 3. Carmen Florea, Shaping Transylvanian anti-Trinitarian identity in an urban context in Crciun, Ghitta, Murdock eds., Confessional Identity, pp. 64-80. 4. Csilla Gbor, Catholic Devotional Literature in seventeenth century Transylvania in Crciun, Ghitta, Murdock eds., Confessional Identity, pp. 121133. 5. Istvn Gyrgy Tth, The Advance of Literacy in Ksa ed., pp. 204-224. 6. Norbert Kersken, Reformation and the writing of national history in east central and northern Europe, in Maag ed., pp. 50-72. 7. Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, Social Discipline in the Reformation: central Europe 1550-1750 (London: Routledge, 1989), Introduction. 8. Graeme Murdock, Church Building and Discipline in early seventeenth century Hungary and Transylvania, in Maag ed., pp. 130-154. 9. Andrew Spicer, Architecture in Pettegree ed., The Reformation World, pp. 505520.


10. Bob Scribner, Popular Piety and Modes of Visual Perception in Late Medieval and Reformation Germany, The Journal of Religious History, 15 (December 1989), pp. 448-469. 11. Bob Scribner, Cosmic Order and Daily Life. Sacred and Secular in Pre Industrial German Society, in Kaspar von Greyerz, Religion and Society, pp. 17-33. (pp. 3-16) 12. Maria Crciun, Superstition and Religious Differences in Sixteenth and Seventeenth century Transylvania in Tth ed., Frontiers, pp. 213-232. 13. Bob Scribner, The Impact of the Reformation on Daily Life in Roper ed., Religion and Culture, pp. 275-301 (pp. 315-343). 14. Heinz Schilling, Urban architecture and ritual in confessional Europe in Paiva ed., pp. 7-26. Documente: Poliptice Catehism Indicaii pentru mitropolit privind ritul i ceremoniile Sptmna 14: Acomodarea diferenelor religioase: tensiuni interconfesionale. De la teologie la agende politice i atitudini civice. i conflicte

Discuie: 1. Se poate spune c Europa central este o lume a toleranei religioase? 2. Care sunt modelele de cohabitare religioas specifice Europei centrale? 3. Reflectai dac Reforma joac un rol n definirea rolului monarhului. 4. Reflectai dac teologia motiveaz atitudinea politic a cetenilor 5. Reflectai dac religia dicteaz atitudini civice n societatea central european. Eseuri se vor prezenta pe toate teme. Important!!! Toi studenii vor citi trei dintre studiile propuse, marcate cu bold. Fiecare student va mai citi nc un studiu din list, n aa fel nct toat bibliografia s fie acoperit. Bibliografie: 1. Jaroslav Panek, The Question of Tolerance in Bohemia and Moravia in the Age of the Reformation in Tolerance and Intolerance, pp. 231-248. 2. Katalin Pter, Tolerance and intolerance in sixteenth century Hungary in Tolerance and Intolerance, pp. 249-261. 3. Michael Mller, Protestant confessionalization in the towns of Royal Prussia and the practice of religious toleration in Poland-Lithuania in Tolerance and Intolerance, pp. 262-281. 4. Graeme Murdock, Between Confessional Absolutism and Toleration: the Interdenominational Relations of the Hungarian Reformed and Romanian Orthodox Churches in Early Seventeenth Century Transylvania, in Annales (Budapest, 1995), pp. 216-223.


5. Daniel Tollet, Cohabitation, concurrence et conversion dans la Confederation polono-lituanienne in Tth ed., Frontiers, pp. 67-78. 6. Ewa Kowalska, The social function of orthodoxy. The Lutherans in Hungary in Tth ed., Frontiers, pp. 195-202. 7. Jaroslav Panek, The Religious Question and the Political System, in Evans ed., Crown, Church and Estates, pp. 129--148. 8. Graeme Murdock, The importance of being Josiah: an image of Calvinist identity in Sixteenth Century Journal, XXIX, 4, 1998, pp. 1093-1060. 9. Graeme Murdock, Magyar Judah: constructing a new Canaan in eastern Europe in Robert Swanson ed., The Holy Land, Holy Lands and Christian History, Studies in Church History, (2000), pp. 10. Joachim Bahlcke, Calvinism and the estate liberation movements in Bohemia and Hungary (1570-1620) in Maag ed., pp. 72-91. 11. Katalin Pter, The Struggle for Protestant Religious Liberty at the 1646-1647 Diet in Hungary in Evans ed., pp. 261-268. 12. Inge Auerbach, The Bohemian Opposition, Poland-Lithuania and the Outbreak of the Thirty Years War in Evans ed., pp. 196-225. 13. Johannes Burkhardt, The Thirty Years War in Ronnie Po-chia Hsia ed. A Companion to the Reformation World (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), pp. 272-290.


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