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Tanzania Procurement Journal Supplement

PPRA and CoST agree to enhance transparency and accountability in construction sector
ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol III - No.1 - Supplement No. 7 May 25, 2010 Free with Daily News every Tuesday

he Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) and Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in implementing activities which will enhance transparency and accountability in construction sector. The Memorandum was signed by CoSTs Manager, Architect Jehad A. Jehad and PPRAs Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ramadhan Mlinga at a

ceremony held on 24th May, 2010 in Dar es Salaam. The signing of MoU followed a CoST Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 20th Novem-

ber 2008 which resolved that PPRA and PCCB should each enter into memorandum with CoST in implementing activities which will lead to increase transparency and accountability in construction sector.

The agreement will focus on the following: Establishing a working group of PPRA and CoST staff to enhance transparency and accountability in public procurement through disclosure of information; PPRA assisting CoST to access documents related to public funded projects in the construction sector in order to ensure that CoSTs goal of achieving transparency is achieved;

PPRA to provide advice to CoST Tanzania on all procurement related to construction matters PPRA to attend meetings of CoST in Tanzania including Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) and Annual General Meetings (AGM), CoST to periodically provide to PPRA the collected and analysed information before dissemination to other parties.

Construction Industry Transparency Initiative

The construction sector plays a vital role in supporting social and economic development, yet it consistently ranks as one of the most corrupt sectors. Corruption on public sector projects has been known to increase contract prices and result in unnecessary, unsuitable, defective or dangerous projects, often subject to severe delays. The complexity of the causes and types of corruption are such that they cannot be addressed by a single initiative. Consequently, as an alternative means of combating corruption the Department for International Development (DFID) was commissioned to carry out conceptual design of the Construction Industry Transparency Initiative (CoST) in December 2006. Tanzania was chosen as one of three case study countries to provide practical guidance. Other countries were Ghana, United Kingdom and Vietnam. The design was carried out in early 2007. Key findings from Tanzania were that; there was political will to improve transparency, many agencies were positive about CoST (particularly: Presidents

PPRAs Dr. Mlinga and CoSTs Arch. Jehad sign MoU in Dar es salaam. Standing are PPRAs Head of Legal Unit, Mrs. Bertha Soka (Left) and CoSTs Administrative Assistant, Ms. Mercy Mushi (right)

PPRA has organised a 3-day training on Procurement Management Information System (PMIS) to be held in Morogoro from 2-4 June, 2010. This training is for staff working in Procurement Management Units (PMUS) of Procuring entities (PEs). For details including names of invited PEs, please visit PPRA website

Office - Good Governance, Prevention & Combating of Corruption Bureau, National Construction Council, Ministry of Infrastructure, Front Against Corrupt Elements in Tanzania, and Development Partners: DFID, European Commission, World Bank, Danida), stakeholders recommended that an interim steering committee be set up at a National Stakeholders Workshop in September. This Interim Committee as advised by the Workshop participants would then make recommendations to Government on the modalities of establishing the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) and identification of the Lead Agency. Possible Lead Agencies included; the National Construction Council, the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority and the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau. On 20th June 2007, DFID organized the Internation-

al Forum on Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) in London. The objective of the Forum was to review the Outline Design of the Draft Concept Paper. The Forum was attended by 86 participants representing governments/government institutions, civil society, academia, industry and private sector, international organizations and trade unions. Tanzania was represented by officials from the National Construction Council (NCC), Front Against Corrupt Elements in Tanzania (FACEIT), Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), and Tanzania Civil Engineering Contractors Association (TACECA). Almost all participants supported the objectives of CoST. However, a number of issues of detail nature were raised; mainly geared towards making CoST a success. Tanzania should be one of the pilot countries. The National Construction Council was given the initial mandate to coordinate the initiative in Tanzania. NCC organized a similar work-

shop which was held in Dar es Salaam on 6th September 2007. The Workshop aimed at discussing the concept of CoST and its practicability and preparatory arrangements for its implementation in Tanzania. The Key Workshop Outputs were: An Interim Working Group (IWG) was appointed comprising of representation from: i). Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) ii). National Construction Council (NCC) iii). National Audit Office iv). Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau (PCCB) v). Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) vi). Tanzania Civil Engineering Contractors Association (TACECA)

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Tender Opportunities
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Achievements made by PPRA under Institutional Support Programme for Good Governance
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Tender awards
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vii). Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) viii). Front Against Corrupt Elements in Tanzania (FACEIT) NCC was mandated to coordinate preparatory arrangements for implementation of CoST in Tanzania. The IWG was required to come with recommendations for customizing CoST based on the workshop discussions The second workshop was held on 5th December 2007 in Dar es Salaam. The objective of the workshop was to consider the recommendations of the Interim Working Group (IWG) on the customization of CoST in Tanzania. The recommendations were based on TOR which was an outcome of the stakeholders workshop held in Dar es Salaam on 6th September 2007.

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplement

Tuesday, Sept 29, 2009

Tue May 25,2010

PROCUREMENTNEWS Construction Industry Transparency Initiative

CoST Tanzania is currently housed within the NCC offices. The CoST Secretariat is under Arch. Jehad A. Jehad as its Manager who is assisted by an Administrative Assistant Mrs. Mercy Mushi. OBJECTIVES Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) aims to enhance the transparency and accountability of publicly financed construction projects. The expectation is that improved transparency will be supportive of better management of public finances and reduced corruption. CoST will build on other country and international initiatives that exist to increase transparency and reduce corruption. PRINCIPLES Cost principles are based on: Belief that public sector infrastructure projects should support sustainable economic growth that contributes to sustainable development and poverty reduction, but mismanagement during construction can undermine their potential social and economic benefits and value for money A belief in accountability by government to all citizens for public expenditure on construction projects, and are committed to encouraging high standards of transparency and accountability in all parts of the construction sector, both public and private. Consideration that disclosure of basic project information throughout the project cycle could be an effective and efficient way to improve value for money of construction projects over time, and that greater transparency during project implementation should be supported by open and transparent tendering processes Recognition of the enhanced environment for domestic and foreign direct investment that transparency may bring. In seeking solutions, we believe that a collaborative multi-stakeholder group can play an important oversight and interpretative role in ensuring greater transparency and public understanding of information disclosed on projects. Building on other country and international initiatives that exist to increase transparency and reduce corruption. MEMBERSHIP Any entity or person who shares the Objectives and Principles of CoST set out above may apply to become a Member of CoST.. THE ORGANISATION OF CoST CoST is implemented through the CoST General Meeting, the Chairperson, the Multisectoral Group (MSG), and Secretariat, the Administrative Host and such other working groups as may be endorsed by the CoST General Meeting in accordance with Rules of CoST. THE CoST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The CoST General Meeting is the policy making instrument and voting council of CoST. All Members have the right to attend any CoST General Meeting. Other observers may be invited by the Chairperson to attend any CoST General Meeting. THE MULTI-STAKEHOLDER GROUP (MSG) Multi-stakeholder engagement and deliberation is central to CoST operational design and structure. This is a model of governance and consensus building that has acquired significant prominence in recent years. CoST itself builds on experience of other multi stakeholder initiatives that are intended to promote common standards of transparency in other sectors. The modality of CoST provides for the establishment of a Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) in each country where CoST secretariat, Secretarial support, Provision of office accommodation and office equipment, Procurement and contracting, and Assist the Assurance Team in obtaining information. NCC signed an MOU with CoST to guide implementation of its functions. THE ASSURANCE TEAM Members of the Assurance Team are responsible for collecting and assessing the adequacy and reliability of material project information disclosures, identifying causes for concern in such disclosures, and reporting its findings to the MSG. Its function is technical, operating in accordance with its TOR and instructions from the MSG. Through its reporting, the Assurance Team plays an interpretative role in helping to make raw data disclosures more intelligible to the MSG and, through the MSG, to a wider range of affected stakeholders. on support from the IAG members and CoST secretariat. Such support will be provided through the MSG, which should ensure that regular reports on progress go to the Champion. It may be helpful for the Champion to have direct access to and support from the Secretariat and the IAG, as well as fellow Champions. Some of the issues arising may be politically sensitive and discussion may be needed in confidence at a very senior level. INTERNATIONAL SECRETERIAT (IS) AND THE INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP (IAG) At an international level, there are the International Secretariat (IS) and the International Advisory Group (IAG). The IS is contracted by DFID and is generally responsible for the management and overall implementation of CoST in all pilot countries. It is based in London. The IAG comprises the Chairman (Mr. Christian Poortman form Transparency International), the Vice Chairman (Prof. George Ofori from the National University of Singapore), and representatives of DFID, World Bank, a person from each of the pilot countries, academia and international contractors. IAG provides strategic leadership of CoST. The representative for Tanzania in IAG is Mr. Kesogukewele M.I.M Msita, the Chief Executive Officer of NCC PROGRESS TO DATE Some of the notable milestones in the implementation of CoST in Tanzania are as follows: Have a Champion Have a functioning MSG and Secretariat Have a Work plan and budget Base line study has been carried out Ten projects for the assurance process have been identified. The projects selected are from the road, building, water and health sectors. Five teams for the assurance process have been identified and are have start working this May 2010. CHALLENGES The challenges faced so far relate to: learning by doing, lengthy procurement process through use of the Public Procurement Act, change of the Secretariat staff after the first year of operation, Lack of awareness of some of the key stakeholders on CoST As for the future, Tanzania requires to come with strategies for sustaining CoST with or without donor support. CONCLUSION CoST is useful to Tanzania as is one of the practical ways of enhancing transparency and accountability in the implementation of publicly funded infrastructure projects. Implementation of the pilot phase has been somehow slow. However, Tanzania expects to be one of the countries which will achieve the key milestones by end of the pilot phase in October 2010. There is however need to come with strategies for sustaining CoST as one of the recipes for good governance in Tanzania.

The Workshop agreed on the legal status of CoST and the guiding Rules. The rules embody, objectives, principles, membership requirements, organization (Annual General meeting, Multi-stakeholder Group, Executive Committee, secretariat, Administrative Host), Assurance Team (qualification, mode of appointment and terms of reference), and funding arrangements, the Champion and Host Ministry, Challenges and remedies, and next steps, Work plan (2 years) and budget. The International Launch of CoST was held in Dar es Salaam in May 20-23, 2008. The launch was officiated by Hon. Phillip Marmo, the Minister of State for Policy and Parliamentary Affairs. Thereafter it was expected that the local chapter of CoST for Tanzania will be launched. Thus, CoST in Tanzania was launched on the 20th of

November, 2008. The launch was officiated by Hon. Sophia M. Simba (MP), the Minister of State responsible for Good Governance, and Mr. Simon Gill Deputy Head of the UK Department for International Development (DfID) in Tanzania and was held at the Courtyard Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The launch ended with the appointment of the members of the Multi Stakeholder Group (MSG) and the MSG Chairperson. Currently, the members of MSG are as follows: Mr. Abdul Awadh Chairman of the MSG (Private Sector representative) Mr. Kesogukewele M.I.M. Msita National Construction Council (NCC) Mr. Seif Kassanga - Prevention & Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Mrs. Monica Malikita - Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Ms. Catherine Mwasumbi - National Housing Corporation (NHC) Prof. Mengiseny E. Kasseva - ARDHI University Mr. Charles Magashi - Tanzania Mines, Energy, Construction and Allied Workers Association (TAMICO) Mr. Emmanuel Ole Kambainei - Front Against Corrupt Elements in Tanzania (FACEIT) Mr. Kaiza Bubelwa Concern for Development in Africa (FoRDIA) Mr. John Kelly Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) Mr. Magili Kazungu - Tanzania Civil Engineering Contractors Association (TACECA)

is established. CoST will bring key stakeholders together to agree new common standards of transparency and accountability for the construction industry in each country. Membership of Multi-Stakeholder Group comprises of civil society, public sector and Private sector. The purpose of the MSG is to oversee the implementation the CoST initiative in each pilot country. It must adhere to the overall objectives of the CoST initiative and conduct itself in a manner that is consistent with the values and principles that underpin CoST. It provides oversight of the work of the Secretariat, Administrative Host and Assurance Team THE SECRETARIAT Facilitates the works of the Assurance team and Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) THE ADMINISTRATIVE HOST The Administrative Host is the National Construction Council. The services to be provided to CoST by the administrative host include: Management of CoST funds and property as custodian and trustee for CoST, Personnel services including contracting the services of the manager, members of assurance team and staff of the

CoST CHAMPION The CoST Champion in Tanzania is Hon. Sophia Simba (MP), the Minister of State Good Governance. In each participating country, a high level government official is appointed to be the CoST Champion. As the role is at a very senior level, it would be unrealistic to expect the Champion to give more than minimal time to CoST. However the association of his or her name with CoST will give the Initiative high visibility, encouraging media and other interest groups and helping to open door when necessary. He or she will naturally be a national point of contact on CoST for Ministerial colleagues and other key governance bodies (e.g. Parliament, the Presidency etc) foreign Ambassadors and high ranking members of relevant international organizations such as the World Bank, UK DFID and others. The champion may also represent his or her country at high-level international Ministerial meetings. Perhaps the most important contribution of the Champion will be to use his or her strategic position to help overcome challenges at key moments. The CoST champion will be able to draw

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplementTue May 25, 2010

THIS section provides summaries of open tender opportunities in procuring entities (PEs). More details of the tenders may be found on PPRA website Prospective bidders are required to confirm the information provided hereunder or seek further details from respective PEs.

Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Manonga(Shy/Tbr Brd) Nyasamba(Shy/Mza Brd)[Mhumbu - Nyasamba Section] Paved Road.Section] Paved Road.. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/04; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Kolandoto Sibiti road on MWADUWALWA, UCHUNGA, NKONZE1, NKONZE2, ISHIGA, MINYANDA, MWAMBEGWA AND MWANHUZI1 Bridges (Including Drift Repair). Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/05; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Sapiwi Mwigumbi road on NKOLOLO and SAYUSAYU Bridges and Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Maswa Mwigumbi road. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/06; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Kishapu Buzinza road on MHANGU 1, MHANGU 2, MHANGU 3, & MWALATA Bridges, Kabondo Semu road on BUFU UPPER Bridge and Kanawa Kalitu road on KILOLELI Bridge.. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/07; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Bariadi (Butyama) Kisesa road on SIMA, NDOBA 1, MAHAHA & KILULU Bridges. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga.

Procuring entity: Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited. Tender No.: PA/032/10/HQ/G/1 Tender Name: Supply of Office Stationery, Computer Consumables and Computer Spares. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited, P.O. Box 9494 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited. Tender No.: PA/032/10/HQ/S/1 Tender Name: Manufacturing and Fighting of TTCL Signboard and out Door Billboards. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited, P.O. Box 9494 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Education Authority Tender No.: AE/026/2009/10/G/1 Tender Name: The Supply of Device and Equipment for People with Disabilities. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Education Authority, P.O. Box 34578, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 16th June, 2010 13:00hrs Procuring entity: Monduli District Council. Tender No.: MDC/LGA/004/2009/2010/G/18 Tender Name: Supply of Power Tillers. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Monduli District Council, P.O. Box 1,Monduli Deadline of submission: 03rd June, 2010 10:30hrs Procuring entity: Monduli District Council. Tender No.: MDC/LGA/004/2009/2010/G/18 Tender Name: Supply of Power Tillers. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Monduli District Council, P.O. Box 1, Monduli Deadline of submission: 03rd June, 2010 10:30hrs Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency. Tender No.: AE/05/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/01 Tender Name: Supply of Stationery and Office Supplies Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 40,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Government Procurement Services Agency, P. O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 11th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Tender No.: ME/011/2009/2010/G/03 Tender Name: Purchase of Laboratory Chemicals for Water Development and Management Institute.

Lot 1: Analytical Reagents/Chemicals. Lot 2: Analytical Acids and Solutions. Lot 3: Bacteriological Chemicals/Media, Buffer Power Pillows and Detergents. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, P. O. Box 9153, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency. Tender No.: AE/05/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/13 Tender Name: Procurement of Gas Oil and Premium Motor Gasoline (Unleaded). Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Government Procurement Services Agency, P. O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. Tender No.: TPSF/G/27 Tender Name: Procurement of Weight and Measures Equipment (Legal Metrology ) for the Collage of Business Education (CBE). Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, P.O. Box 11313 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 11th June, 2010 11:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. Tender No.: TPSF/G/36 Tender Name: Procurement of training Equipment for the Institute of Tax Administration. Lot 1: Computers and Accessories. Lot 2: Projectors. Lot 3: Public Address System. Lot 4: Software for Library Management System. Lot 5:Reading Materials. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, P.O. Box 11313 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 11th June, 2010 11:00hrs Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/01 Tender Name: Supply of Stationery and Office Supplies Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/03 Tender Name: Supply of Consumables and Accessories for Office Equipment Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Gov-

ernment Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/05 Tender Name: Supply of Cleaning Materials and Supplies Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/07 Tender Name: Supply of Motor Vehicles Accessories Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/09 Tender Name: Supply of Fuels and Lubricants Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/10 Tender Name: Supply of Food and Beverages Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/11 Tender Name: Supply of Uniforms, Beddings, Sports Gears and Textile Materials Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/12 Tender Name: Supply of Electrical Materials Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at

10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/14 Tender Name: Supply of Kitchen Appliances and Equipment Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/15 Tender Name: Supply of Tools, Equipment and Sundries Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/G/16 Tender Name: Supply Civil Works and Construction Materials Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am


Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/01; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Tinde Kahama Kasilo (Shy/Kgr Brd)[Tinde Isaka Section] Paved Road. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above. Method of Procurement: National Open Competitive. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/02; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Manonga(Shy/Tbr Brd) Nyasamba (Shy/Mza Brd)[Manonga - Tinde Mhumbu Section] Paved Road. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: National Open Competitive. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/03; FY: 2010/11

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Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/08; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works on LUBAGA & NGHONGO Bridges,Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Shinyanga Bubiki Unpaved and Paved & Spot Improvement(0.6km) along Shinyanga Bubiki,Unpavedroad. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/09; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Sola Jct - Sakasaka road on SOLA, MWABUSALU,, MWABAYANDA 1 & ITUGUTU Bridges. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/10; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works along Maswa Njiapanda - Lalago road on MASWA AIRSTRIP, HINDUKI C, HINDUKI D Bridges AND Routine and Recurrent Mainteanace Works along Maswa Njiapanda Lalago road. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/11; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works on KAHAMA Bridge,Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Nyandekwa Jct Nyandekwa Butibu road & Masabi Mega road and Spot Improvement along Nyandekwa Jct Nyandekwa Butibu [1.46km] and Masabi Mega [0.4km] roads. Unpaved Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/12; FY: 2010/11 Tender Name: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Works on MHANGO 1, MHANGO 2, MBITI, NGULYATI Bridge and Routine and Recurrent Maintenance Works along Bariadi salama[Shy/Mza Brd]. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Seven and above.

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplement

Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Regional Manager TANROADS, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Tender No.: AE/001/2010-11/SHY/W/15; FY: 2010/11 Bid Name: Periodic Maintenance Works along Shinyanga Bubiki [1.0km] Paved regional road. Source of Fund: Roads Board Fund. Eligible Firms: National Contractors - Class Six and above. Method of Procurement: NCB. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000.00 Contact Address: Secretary, Delegated TANROADS Regional Tender Board [TRTB], Mwanza Road, Ushirika Area, P.O. Box 62, Shinyanga. Deadline for Submission: 16/06/2010 Procuring entity: Lushoto District Council. Tender No.: LDC/KWIS/CW/01/20209/2010 Tender Name: Rehabilitation of Kwemkwazu Irrigation Scheme. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 80,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional Administration and Local Government Lushoto District Council, P.O. Box 32,Lushoto Deadline of submission: 25th May, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Lushoto District Council. Tender No.: LDC/KWIS/CW/02/20209/2010 Tender Name: Rehabilitation of Kitivo Irrigation Scheme. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 80,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional Administration and Local Government Lushoto District Council, P.O. Box 32,Lushoto Deadline of submission: 25th May, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Pangani District Council Tender No.: LGA/129/2009/2010/WSDP/W/01 Tender Name: Drilling of Exploratory Boreholes, Pump Testing. Lot 2:Development/Reaming and Capping of the Productive Boreholes. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Pangani District Council, P.O. Box 89,Pangani Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Ministry of Infrastructure Development. Tender No.: ME/015/2009/2010/HQ/W/13 Tender Name: Rehabilitation of MV Alina Magogoni Crossing Dar es Salaa. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 150,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Ministry of Infrastructure Development, P.O. Box 9144, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 14th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. Tender No.: Tender Name: Pre - Qualification for Repair and Maintenance of its Buildings. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, P. O. Box 9183, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 14th June, 2010 09:00hrs Procuring entity: The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. Tender No.: Tender Name: Pre -Qualification for Printing of Academys. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, P. O. Box 9183, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 14th June, 2010 09:00hrs Procuring entity: Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Tender No.: NCAA/PC/W/2009/2010/T001/Lot 2. Tender Name: Proposed Construction of Staff Houses to be Built at Engaruka Station. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, P. O. Box 1, Ngorongoro. Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 11:00hrs Procuring entity: Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Tender No.: NCAA/PC/W/2009/2010/T001/Lot 1. Tender Name: Proposed Construction Anal Office Cum Staff Houses to be Built at Engaruka Station. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, P. O. Box 1, Ngorongoro. Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 11:00hrs Procuring entity: Mafia District Council. Tender No.: MDC/CTB/CB/2009-2010/01 Tender Name: Lot 1:Drilling of Exploratory and Productive Boreholes,Development,Pumping Test, Casings ,Installation and Capping. Lot 2:Drilling of Additional Boreholes,Development,Pumping Test, Capping. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Mafia District Council, P. O. Box 85, Ngorongoro. Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Mkwawa University Collage of Education. Tender No.: MUCE/058//15/2009/2010/W/04 Tender Name: Construction of Lecture Theatre. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 175,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Mkwawa University Collage of Education, Private Ban, Iringa. Deadline of submission: 04th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Temeke Municipal Council. Tender No.: LGA/061/INV2/2009/2010 Tender Name: Expression of Interest Construction of Sports Center at Evereti. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Temeke Municipal Council, P. O. Box 46343, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Mpwapwa District Council. Tender No.: LGA/HWMP/023/WSDP/W/03//2009/2010 Tender Name: Lot 1:Drilling of Exploratory and Productive Boreholes,Development,Pumping Test. Lot 2:Development and Capping of Productive Boreholes. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Mpwapwa District Council, P. O. Box 12, Mpwapwa Deadline of submission: 18th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2009/2010/RV/W/80 Tender Name: Emergency Works along Songea Mitomoni Road . Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 1 , Songea Deadline of submission: 4th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2009/2010/RV/W/81 Tender Name: Emergency Construction of Luhekei Bridges Along Songea Mbinga Mbambabay Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 1 , Songea Deadline of submission: 04th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/1 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Likumburu Trunk Road Pkg 1 Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/2 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Likumburu Trunk Road Pkg 2 Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/3 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Likumburu Trunk Road.(Repair of Drainage Structure) Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/4(a) Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Likumburu Trunk Road.(Grass Cutting) Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB

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Tue May 25,2010

Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/4(b) Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Likumburu ,SongeaTunduru -Lumesule and Songea-Mbinga Mbambabay Trunk Roads(Grass Cutting)Lot 1:Songea -Lukumburu Road. Lot 2:Songea Tunduru -Lumesule Road. Lot 3:Songea -MbingaMbambabay. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/20110/RV/W/5 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Tunduru -Limesule Trunk Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/7 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance along Songea-Lukumburu Trunk Road Pkg 1. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/8 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance along Songea-Lukumburu Trunk Road Pkg 2. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/9 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance along Songea-Tunduru -Lumesule Trunk Road (Namtumbo -Mchomoro Road Section)Pkg 1. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/10 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance along Songea-Tunduru -Lumesule Trunk Road (Ligunga -Tunduru Road Section)Pkg 2. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TAN-

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplementTue May 25, 2010

ROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/11 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance and Spot Improvement along Songea -Mitomoni Trunk Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/12 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance along Songea -Mitomoni Trunk Road Package 1. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/14 Tender Name: Bridges Major Repair along Songea-Tunduru -Lumesule Songea -Mbinga Mbambabay and Songea -Mitomoni trunk Roads. Lot 1:Songea Tunduru -Lumesule road (10 Bridges)Lot 2:Songea -Mbinga -Mbambabay (Luhekei B Bridge)Lot 3:Songea -Mitomoni. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/15 Tender Name: Routine and Recurrent Maintenance and Bridges Preventive Maintenance along Mtwarapachani-Lingusenguse and Namabengo -Mbimbi Regional Roads. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/17 Tender Name: PM and Spot Improvement along Mbambabay -Lituhi and Nangombo -Chiwindi Regional Road. Lot 1:PM along Mbambabay Lituhi.Lot 2:Spot Improvement along Mbababay Lituhi.Lot 3:PM along Nangombo -Chiwindi.Lot 4:Spot Improvement along Nangombo -Chiwindi. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/19 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance along Mtwarapachani -Lingusenguse Regional Road Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/32 Tender Name: Periodic Maintenance Works along Azimio-Lukumbule and Tunduru -Nalasi Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/42 Tender Name: Rehabilitation of Wino-Ifinga Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/48 Tender Name: Rehabilitation of Wino Ifunga Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/50 Tender Name: Rehabilitation Works of Tundra Nalasi Road(Lingusenguse -Nalasi Section) Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/51 Tender Name: Replacement of Timber Decks with Concrete on 2 Bridges along Nangombo Chiwindi Regional Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/52 Tender Name: Opening up of Londo -Kilosa kwa Mpepo Road Section. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/60 Tender Name: Upgrading of Songea Township Roads to Bitumen Standard. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania National Roads Agency. Tender No.: AE/001/2010/2011/RV/W/62 Tender Name: Construction of Box Culvert at Londo -Lumecha -Kitanda Road. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, TANROADS, P.O. Box 31 , Songea Deadline of submission: 25th June, 2010 10:00hrs

Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/12 Tender Name: Provision of Grinding and Milling Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: National Electrical Commission. Tender No.: IE/018/209/2010/HQ/N/28 Tender Name: Provision of Services for Hiring of Heavy Duty Vehicle/Truck to Carry Ballot Papers, Election Materials and Equipment for 2010 General Election. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, National Electrical Commission, P. O. Box 10923, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited. Tender No.: PA/032/10/HQ/S/2 Tender Name: Pre - Qualification of Private Garages for Maintenance and Repair of TTCL Fleet. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited, P.O. Box 9494 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Port Authority. Tender No.: TPA52-WB/2009/2010 Tender Name: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Close Circuit Television Network for TPA. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 100,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Port Authority, P.O. Box 9184 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 1st July, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited. Tender No.: PA/001/09/HQ/N/35 Tender Name: Procurement of Third Part Agents for Selling Luku Coded Tokens and Keypad Receipts. Lot 1:Kinondoni South. Lot 2:Kinondoni North. Lot 3:Kilimanjaro.Lot 4:Morogoro.lot 5:Singida.lot 6:Mwanza.Lot 7:Tabora.lot 8:Mbeya.lot 9:Iringa.Lot10:Ilala.Lot 11:Coast. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Electric Supply company Limited, P.O. Box 9024, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 28th May, 2010 14:30hrs

PROCUREMENT OPPORTUNITIES Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania NONCONSULTANCY Eligible Firm: National and International
Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/01 Tender Name: Provision of Catering Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/02 Tender Name: Provision of Conference Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/05 Tender Name: Provision of Security Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/06 Tender Name: Provision of Travelling Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/08 Tender Name: Provision of Transport and Handling Services Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/09 Tender Name: Provision of Service and Maintenance of Office Equipment Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firm: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: T.shs 40,000.00 Contact Address: Chief Executive Officer, Government Procurement Services Agency, P.O. Box 9150, Dar es Salaam. Deadline for Submission: 11th June, 2010 at 10:00 am Procuring entity: Government Procurement Services Agency Tender No.: AE/005/HQ/FWC/2009/2010/S/10 Tender Name: Provision of Service and Maintenance of Firefighting Equipment

Procuring entity: Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA). Tender No.: AE/057/2009/2010/HQ/CS/07 Tender Name: Request for Expression of Interest for the Consultancy Services to Under Take Review on Insolvency Laws Prated in Tanzania. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA), P. O. Box 9183, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 03rd June, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Tender No.: ME/011/2009/2010/C/06 Tender Name: Development of Regulations for Implementation Water Resources Management ACT No 11 of 2009 and Sub - Sector Operational Procedures and Guidelines Including Environmental Management Monitoring. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, P. O. Box 9153, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 09th June, 2010 15:30hrs Procuring entity: Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. Tender No.: Tender Name: Expression of Interest for Provision of Consulting Services for Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, P.O. Box 11313 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 25th May, 2010 10:00hrs Procuring entity: Dar Rapid Transit Agency. Tender No.: Tender Name: Individual Consultant for Development and Operation of the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National and International Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: N/A Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Dar Rapid Transit Agency, P.O. Box 724 , Dar es Salaam. Deadline of submission: 28th May, 2010 10:00hrs

Continues on page 7

This is a continuation of a report on achievements made by PPRA under ISP for Good Governance that were published in the Tanzania Procurement Journal Supplement of May,18, 2010

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplement

started on 1st June 2009. The 14-day training focused on the following areas: a) Overview of PPA 2004 and its regulations, also covering; System for Checking and Monitoring; Procurement Management Information System; and, Procurement of Commonly Used Items, b) Procurement of Goods, c) Procurement of Works, d) Procurement of Non Consultancy Services, e) Procurement of Consultancy Services, f) Disposal of Public assets by Tender, and g) Procurement Procedures of the African Development Bank. The training was conducted in four zonal centres namely Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza and Mbeya. In each zonal centre the training was conducted six times making the total number of training sessions to be 24. From 1st June 2009 to 9th November 2009, training started each week consecutively at Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza and Mbeya centres. At the end of this program a total of 1671 staff of PEs had been trained. Figure 10 shows a group photo of one of the training sessions that was held in Arusha. This program was then extend to cover four extra session between January and March, 2010 in which

Tuesday, Sept 29, 2009

Tue May 25,2010

Major achievements under ISP for Good Governance

Table 5: Compliance and Performance Indicators


Performance Data

Professionalization of Procurement
Professionalization of procurement is also amongst the six strategic interventions contained in PPRAs Procurement Capacity Building Strategy. Others are training, regulatory harmonization, oversight efficiency, regularization of staffing levels and maximization of procurement performance. An important milestone in implementing this strategy was reached in February 2008 when the President of the United Republic of Tanzania assented to the Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board Act, 2007. The Act repealed the National Board for Materials Management Act of 1981. A consultant was engaged under the programme to prepare Regulations for implementing the new Act and a Code of Ethics for procurement and supplies professionals. The Regulations and Code of Ethics were presented at a stakeholders workshop held on 12th March, 2009 and approved by NBMM Board of Directors on 7th May, 2009 and signed by the Minister for Infrastructure Development on 30th September, 2009. The same were gazetted as GN 364 of 6/11/2009 for Regulations and GN 365 of 6/11/2009 for the code of ethics. The Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSTB) is now operational replacing the defunct National Board for Materials Management.

Establishment and com- Existence of a tender board in accordance position of tender with the requirements of the Act and boards Regulations Establishment and composition of PMUs Independence of functions Existence of a PMU in accordance with the requirements of the Act and Regulations Percentage of tenders in which there was no interference between individual functions of Accounting Officer, tender board, PMU or user department Prepared and properly implemented annual procurement plan Percentage of tenders/contracts which received all compulsory approvals in various processes

participants had an opportunity of sharing experiences in developing procurement capacity development strategies and discussed on the draft document on experiences in applying the OECD procurement assessment methodology. Figure 11 shows a cross section of participants during the meeting.

Publication of Procurement Journal

PPRA continued to publish the Tanzania Procurement Journal (TPJ) where by a total of 21 Editions of Volume I, 13 editions of Volume II and 1 Edition of Volume III have been published. Online copies of the Journal are available in PPRAs website. Beginning July 2009, PPRA introduced TPJ Supplement as a pull-out in Daily News and it is published every Tuesday. The TPJ Supplement contains tender opportunities, tender awards, PPRAs recent reports and any other information related to procurement. So far 40 supplements have been published. The main TPJ is now published on a quarterly basis without the tender opportunities and awards and a decision has been made to suspend its publication and focus on the TPJ Supplement starting from July 2010. Through TPJ supplement, PPRA has introduced the use of cartoons, some of which are included in this report, as an initiative to simplify messages to the

Annual procurement plan Compulsory approvals

Advertisement of bid opportunities Publication of awards

Percentage of open bidding procedures publicly advertised Percentage of contract awards disclosed to the public Time for preparation of Percentage of tenders complying with the bids stipulated time in the Act and regulations Methods of procurePercentage of tenders using authorized ments methods of procurement in accordance with their limits of application The use of standard Percentage of tenders using standard/ tender documents approved tender documents Procurement records Percentage of tenders with complete records Quality assurance and Percentage of tenders with adequate qualicontrol ty assurance and control systems Contract implementation Percentage of contracts implemented as per the terms of contract

ance is obtained as an average score of 13 Compliance and Performance Indicators shown in Table 5. During the financial year 2008/09, a follow-up was made in 45 procuring entities comprising of 17 LGAs and 28 MDAs to ascertain whether the previously observed weaknesses had been addressed.. Specifically, the assessment sought to; ascertain whether, or to what extent, recommendations or observations made by PPRA have been implemented by PE; evaluate the adequacy of the plans in improving compliance; assess problems that might have arisen in the process of implementing the recommendations; determine the impact of the audit by assessing the level of compliance using the same performance indicators which were used in the audits, and; provide professional advice on areas that need further improvement. The assessment indicated a remarkable compliance improvement from an average level of 39% and 50% in the financial years 2006/2007 and 2007/08 respectively, to an average level of 71%. These results show the impact of various strategies which are being implemented by PPRA including procurement audits and implementation of the SCMP. Training of Procurement Management Staff PPRA entered into a contract with a Consultant M/s Institute of Procurement and Supplies (IPS) to conduct training to staff involved with procurement activities in PEs. Implementation of the training program

Procurement audits and Assessment of the implementation of audits recommendations

The primary objective of the procurement audits is to: provide PPRA with independent information, assurance and opinion about economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funds; ensure that all eligible suppliers, contractors and service provides are given equal opportunity to compete in providing goods, executing works or providing services, and; ensure that there is integrity, accountability, fairness and transparency in the procurement process. The secondary objective is to identify weaknesses in complying with the provisions of the PPA and its Regulations so as to enable appropriate measures to be taken including implementation of appropriate capacity building strategies. During the audits, the audit teams also visit some selected projects to assess their implementation as shown in Figure 9. Under the programme, PPRA has been able to audit a total of 129 PEs, 30 PEs in 2007/08 and 99 PEs in 2008/09. The outcome of the audits in 2007/08 indicated an average level of compliance of fifty percent (50%) while the audits in 2008/09 indicated an average level of compliance of fifty five (55%). This is a significant improvement compared to the compliance level of thirty nine (39%) observed in 2006/07. For each audited PE, the average level of compli-

Figure 10: A group photo of participants of one of the training at Arusha Centre

a further 262 staff of PEs were trained. Altogether the total number of staff from PEs who attended this program is 1933 which is 161% of the pre-set target of 1,200.

public in relation to PPA, regulations, procedures, ethics and corruption issues.

Computerisation of PPRAs Internal Systems

To improve efficiency in its day-to-day operations, PPRA under AfDB financing, procured software packages for accounting, human resources, payroll and document management systems. By April 2010, all software were installed, tested and key users of the systems as well as systems administrators, were trained. In implementing the document management system, various documents, having approximately 1,200,000 pages were scanned, indexed and systems for workflow were being finalized to accommodate the requirements of PPRA.

OECD-DAC Joint Venture Meeting

Tanzania hosted the third Meeting of the OECD-DAC JV on Procurement from 5th to 7th May, 2008 at Ngurdoto Hotel in Arusha, Tanzania. The meeting attracted 85 and 73 foreign and local participants, respectively. The main objective of the meeting was to provide participants with an opportunity to be updated on the current situation regarding the 2008 monitoring exercise of the Paris Declaration and to discuss and get the necessary clarifications and agree on the strategic issues regarding the country procurement systems that Joint Venture proposes to share with preparatory regional workshops and the relevant round table at High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra, Ghana, September, 2008. Furthermore, the

Preparation for Implementation of Electronic Procurement System in Tanzania

A consultant was engaged in January, 2010 to carry out a feasibility study on implementation of e-procurement system in Tanzania. The main objective of the consultancy was to assess readiness of the public and private sectors; and the pertinent enabling environment for successful implementation of public e-procurement system in Tanzania, taking into account international experiences and best practices. Services sought included: Reviewing the existing legal framework and identify changes and amendments that will allow e-procurement to succeed in Tanzania; Reviewing of the existent pertinent business, economic and financial systems, including the e-commerce environment, business processes, national payments and develop recommendations on the

Figure 9: PPRAs audit team assesses the quality of works of a vented drift along Miangalua Chombe Kyamatundu Road in Sumbawanga District Council

Figure 11: A cross section of participants during the OECD-DAC Joint Venture meeting in Arusha

Continues on page 7

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplementTue May 25, 2010

Major achievements under ISP for Good Governance
Continued from page 6
economic viability of e-procurement in Tanzania; Reviewing the existing ICT infrastructure readiness of the public and private sectors for e-procurement and establish additional effort required towards a robust e-procurement environment; Reviewing the existing public procurement institutional framework in view of proposing a framework that will provide effective and efficient implementation of the system in Tanzania. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to discuss the draft report before its adoption during a workshop which was on one side to understand the market situation and bidders on the other side not to inflate prices. The survey of prices was undertaken and average (indicative) prices published on the website of PPRA. Such prices are reviewed on an annual basis. Initially, common use items and services were identified, classified and coded for ease of reference. There are therefore 24 classes of items and the entire list contains 2331 items. Meanwhile, a list of common activities in building and civil works, particularly road works, has been established and their unit rates (prices) are being finalized ready for posting on the website. The total number of activities is 105 in building works and 69 in road works. It PPRA in particular expects that AfDB will approve the next phase of ISP to enable PPRA consolidate the achievements which has been attained under phase one with a focus to the following: a) Expansion of PPRAs reach by recruiting and training more staff, establishing own office building at Kurasini and zonal offices. Figure 15 shows the proposed office building for PPRA for which funds are being sought for its renovation; b) Increasing further efforts of capacity building by further training of PEs staff, establishing zonal training and data entry centres and instutionalisation of procurement training to training providers; c) Improving PEs compliance with the Public Procurement Act through
Procuring entity: Halimashauri ya Jiji la Mwanza. Tender No.: MCC/089/2010/2011/13 Tender Name: Uwakala wa Usafi wa Mazingira katika Maeneo Mbalimbali ya Jiji la Mwanza. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Halimashauri ya Jiji la Mwanza, P.O. Box 1333, Mwanza Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 11:00hrs Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 35,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Korogwe Town Council, P.O. Box 615,Korogwe Deadline of submission: 14th June, 2010 12:00hrs

Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional and Administration and Local Government, P. O. Box 914, Dodoma Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Regional and Administration and Local Government. Tender No.: RAS/DOM/002/NCS/ 2010/2011/04 Tender Name: Provision of Catering Services at the Dodoma Regional Hospital ,Dodoma. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional and Administration and Local Government, P. O. Box 914, Dodoma Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Regional and Administration and Local Government. Tender No.: RAS/DOM/002/NCS/2010/2011/05 Tender Name: Provision of Reception and Security at the Dodoma Regional Hospital, Dodoma. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional and Administration and Local Government, P. O. Box 914, Dodoma Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs Procuring entity: Regional and Administration and Local Government. Tender No.: RAS/DOM/002/NCS/2010/2011/06 Tender Name: Provision of Internal Wards Cleaning and other Internal Areas of the Hospital at the Dodoma Regional Hospital, Dodoma. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Price of Bid Document: Tshs 50,000 Contact Address: The Secretary TB, Regional and Administration and Local Government, P. O. Box 914, Dodoma Deadline of submission: 17th June, 2010 14:00hrs

Figure 12: A group photo of a participants in e-procurement workshop held in Dar es salaam on 4th March, 2010

held in Dar-es-Salaam on 4th march 2010. Figure 12 shows a group photo of participants in that event. By the end of the programme, the report with recommendation on how the country should move towards eprocurement, has been submitted, discussed and adopted by PPRAs Board of Directors. The assessment revealed that currently Tanzania is not ready to implement e-procurement as far as policy and legal environment is concerned. As far as institutional structures, ICT environment and human resources the country was assessed to be not ready but already some efforts had been initiated. It fared better in the procurement processes where it was assessed to be ready with some additional efforts required.

is expected that availability of this information will enhance PEs ability to estimate building and civil works more accurately. The database will also help bidders prepare more responsive bids.

Future Outlook
ISP I for Good Governance has been very instrumental in enabling PPRA to establish and put in place systems and procedures that are important for the successful implementation of the PPA 2004 and its Regulations. Most of the developed system like the SCMP, PMIS, System of Procurement of CUIS and the production of TPJ Supplement need to be implemented on a continuous basis. Other systems, like e-procurement systems, are also in the offing on the basis of the studies carried out under the programme. The road to a procurement system that is transparent, fair , effective, efficient and able to offer value for money is a long one and already there has been notable achievements as explained in this report, but much awaits to be done. It is therefore the expectation of PPRA that the Government, the Bank and other Stakeholders will continue to assist PPRA fulfill its mandate.

scaling up of procurement audits and followup on the implementation of audit recommendations; d) Scaling up the dissemination of PPRAs services through the TPJ Supplement, Radio and TV so as to inform the public more of their responsibilities in ensuring that the public procurement system delivers the desired results; and e) Further enhancing the use of ICT in public procurement.

This report has highlighted major achievements under the ISP I. It has shown how the programme has enabled smooth start up of PPRA during its toddler age. It has further described in detail various interventions for capacity building and systems developed to assist PPRA manage its regulatory function and PEs carry out procurement effectively and efficiently in accordance with the Public Procurement Act and its Regulations. The success has been largely to the high level of cooperation that was extended by the Banks staff throughout its implementation for almost last four years. PPRA is looking forward to work with the Bank in the next phase of the ISP and other future phases.

Compilation of Average Prices and Establishment of Price Base for Common Use Items
For quite sometime, procuring entities have been procuring items and services that are commonly used at prices that were significantly different from each other. Similarly, it was realized that the cumulative cost incurred by PEs when each carries out the process individually was quite high and could reasonably be reduced. PPRA in consultation with GPSA established a system for procurement of such items and services and GPSA was given the responsibility of managing the process. The purpose of compiling and establishing a price base for common use items and services was to enable PEs

Figure 13: A building acquired by PPRA recently. The building will be renovated to become PPRA head office

Procuring entity: National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania. Tender No.: PA/069/2010/ HQ/N/02B Tender Name: Provision of NIC Generators Servicing. Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Procuring entity: Halimashauri ya Price of Bid Document: Tshs. Jiji la Mwanza. 100,000 Tender No.: MCC/089/2010/ Contact Address: The Secretary 2011/17 TB, National Insurance CorporaTender Name: Utoaji wa Huduma tion of Tanzania, P.O. Box 9264, Mbalimbali kwa Watumizi ya Hali- Dar es Salaam mashauri ya Jiji la Mwanza. Deadline of submission: 11th Source of Fund: Government of June, 2010 15:00hrs Tanzania Eligible Firms: National Procuring entity: Muhimbili OrthoMethod of Procurement: NCB pedic Institute. Price of Bid Document: Tshs. Tender No.: PA/008/2010/2011 100,000 /NC/04 Contact Address: The Secretary Tender Name: Supply of Medical TB, Halimashauri ya Jiji la Mwan- Gases. za, P.O. Box 1333, Mwanza Source of Fund: Government of Deadline of submission: 16th Tanzania June, 2010 11:00hrs Eligible Firms: National Method of Procurement: NCB Procuring entity: Halimashauri ya Price of Bid Document: Tshs Jiji la Mwanza. 60,000 Tender No.: MCC/089/2010/ Contact Address: The Secretary 2011/16 TB, Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute, Tender Name: Uwakala wa Uku- P.O. Box 65474, Dar es Salaam sanyaji Ushuru kwa Maeneo Mbal- Deadline of submission: 16th imbali ya jiji la Mwanza. June, 2010 10:00hrs Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Procuring entity: Arusha TechniEligible Firms: National cal Collage. Method of Procurement: NCB Tender No.: PA/083/09Price of Bid Document: Tshs. 10/ATC/NCS/01 100,000 Tender Name: Provision for Lot Contact Address: The Secretary 1:Catering Services.Lot 2:RecepTB, Halimashauri ya Jiji la Mwan- tion and Security Services.Lot za, P.O. Box 1333, Mwanza 3:Office Cleaning and Ground Deadline of submission: 16th Maintenance. June, 2010 11:00hrs Source of Fund: Government of Tanzania Procuring entity: Tanzania Eligible Firms: National National Parks. Method of Procurement: NCB Tender No.: Price of Bid Document: N/A PA/037/2010/2011/HQ/GWND/02 Contact Address: The Secretary Tender Name: Provision of Serv- TB, Arusha Technical Collage, P. ice and Repair of Office Machines, O. Box 296, Arusha Service and Repair of Refrigera- Deadline of submission: 16th tors and Air Conditioners, ComJune, 2010 11:00hrs pound Maintenance, Servicing of Firefighting Facilities, Provision of Procuring entity: Muhimbili OrthoSecurity Services, Provision of pedic Institute. Insurance Services, Tax ConsulTender No.: PA-0083/2010/2011 tancy Services. /NC/01 Source of Fund: Government of Tender Name: Provision of InsurTanzania ance Services. Eligible Firms: National Source of Fund: Government of Method of Procurement: NCB Tanzania Price of Bid Document: Tshs. Eligible Firms: National 100,000 Method of Procurement: NCB Contact Address: The Secretary Price of Bid Document: Tshs TB, Tanzania National Parks, P.O. 60,000 Box 3134, Arusha Contact Address: The Secretary Deadline of submission: 18th TB, Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute, June, 2010 14:00hrs P. O. Box 65474, Dar es Salaam Deadline of submission: 16th Procuring entity: Korogwe Town June, 2010 10:00hrs Council. Tender No.: HMK/01-20/2010 Procuring entity: Regional and /2011 Administration and Local GovernTender Name: Ukusanyaji wa ment. Ushuru wa Maeneo Mablimbali ya Tender No.: RAS/DOM/002/NCS Mji wa Korogwe (Tanga). 2010/2011/03 Source of Fund: Government of Tender Name: Provision of CleanTanzania ing and Ground Maintenance ServEligible Firms: National ices.

Editorial Board
Dr. R.S Mlinga... Chair Dr. L.M Shirima...member Eng. A. Kasuwi ... member P.M. Shilla ...member C.E. Mwakibinga ... member Eng. M.M Swai ...member Eng. E. Lupembe ... member C. Mnyamani ... member Eng. H.N Ilahuka ... editor This Supplement is published by PPRA every Tuesday

Name of PE Tender No. Tender description Local LGTI/01/2008/2009 Consultancy services for design Gavernment and supervision of the proposed Training project for construction of lecture Institute theatres,hostel and general store cum offices Dar-ssPA/015/2009/10/W/ Construction of vertical extenSalaam 08 sion and staff offices for existing Institute of multimedia labs Technology QUATATION NO 1 Rehabilitation of highway and soil laboratory building Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) TRA/DDA/T.42/RF Repair and maintanance of Q NO.68 avaya pabx telephone system Repair and maintanance of avaya pabx telephone systemmapato house TRA/DDA/T.42/RF Provision of bandwith for 3.5 Q NO.47] Ghz wireless link TRA/DDA/T.42/1

Tanzania Procurement JournalSupplement

Firm awarded M/S PSM ARCHITECTS COMPANY LTD, Currency and Date of award amount Tshs 93,552,701.50 27-Mar-13 Name of PE Tanzania National Roads Agency Tender No. Tender description AE/001/2009/10/K Renovation of tanroads GR/G/59 office(part o1) TEN/W/01 Spot improvement works along tca jct-minjingu road, periodic mtce along mbauda-losinyai roads & routine/recurrent mtce along TCA jct-minjingu road Firm awarded

Tuesday, Sept 29, 2009

Tue May 25,2010

Currency and Date of award amount Tshs 64,272,800 Tshs 1,763,796 31-Oct-13 18-Jul-13



Tshs 55,714,312.50 Tshs 66,279,900 Tshs 3,360,000 ANNUAL CONTRACT USD 850

12-0ct-09 TEN/W/02


2-Aug-12 2-Jul-12 2-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 2-Jul-13 2-Jul-13 TEN/W/04 TEN/W/05 TEN/W/06 TEN/W/03

Periodic mtce works along kia M/S ROCKTRONICS LTD JCT-TCA JCT, kijenge usa river and kilala-nkoaranga paved roads& routine/recurrent along kia jct-tac jct Periodic mtce &routine recurrent M/S BUILDER&LIMEmtce works along usa riverWORKS LIMITED oldonyosambu,kijenge usariverand tengeru mereranikia road Routine/recurrent maintanance along kia JCT-TCA JCT road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along kia JCT-TCA jct road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along TCA JCT-minjingu road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along TCA JCT-minjingu road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along makuyuni-ngorongoro road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along makuyuni-ngorongoro road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along usariveroldonyosambu(paved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along usariveroldonyosambu(unpaved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along monduli-engaruka)paved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along monduliengaruka)unpaved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along kijenge-usariver(paved) road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along kijenge-usariver(unpaved) road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along mbauda -losinyai(paved) road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along mbauda -losinyai (unpaved) road (LB) Routine/recurrent maintanance along t/packers-losinyai along(unpaved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along tengeru-merereni (unpaved) road (lb) Rutine/recurrent maintanance along karatu-kilimapunda (unpaved) road(lb) Routine/recurrent maintanance along mto wa mbu loliondo(unpaved) road(lb) Periodic and routine/reccurent mtce along mbauda0-losinyai and t/packers-losinyai roads and rehabilitation of teapackerslosinyai road NIL NIL NIL

Tshs 1,339,180


Tshs 426,876,000


TRA/CW/E05DO3/ Construction of tra mantyara TRA&ELERAI CONSTRUC- Tshs 652,183,620 07 regional office building at babati TION CO LIMITED TRA/ADMIN/MVR/2 Provision of motor vehicles and KIDABA AUTO WORKS 007/05 repair and maintanance TRA/ADMIN/CSM/0 Servicing,repair and main1//2007/05 tanance of computers and network equipment COMPUTECH ICS(T) LTD Tshs 33,047,828 Tshs 121,887,360

Tshs 29,419,000 Tshs 29,419,000 Tshs 47,061,000

1-Oct-13 1-Oct-13 1-Oct-13

TRA/ADMIN/GENS Repair and maintanance service KBS INTERNATIONAL T/01//2007/11 for generators(zone 2&4) COMPANY LIMITED TRA/ADMIN/GENS Repair and maintanance service MUHIMA AND COMPANY T/01//2007/11 for generators(zone 1,3&5) LIMITED TRA/ADMIN/FIRE/ Repair and maintanance of fire 2007/12 fighting equipment TRA/ADMIN/COOL Repair and maintanance of /2007/2009 office cooling systems Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) W/62 W/50 W/61 W/21 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND GENERAL MERCANTILE LIMITED kaeco(t) LIMITED

Tshs 28,599,980 Tshs 21,783,374 Tshs 18,763,200

2-Jul-13 2-Jul-13 2-Jul-13



Tshs 47,061,000




Tshs 43,510,000


TEN/W/09 Tshs 11,754,720 Tshs 930,984,414.00 Tshs 1,158,080,187.00 16-Dec-12 7-Jul-13 9-Jul-13 25-Jul-13 5-Aug-13 TEN/W/12 TEN/W/10


Tshs 43,510,000


Looping of flow meters at kurasi- ENIKON(T) LIMITED ni oil jetty Rehabilition of kasanga port SAXON BUILDING CONTRACTORS


Tshs 6,039,000




Tshs 5,440,000


Design,build and supply of cor- MICRONIX SYSTEMS LIM- Tshs 1,381,350.00 porate polo shirts ITED USD Design build of the zambia yard JV CONSTRUCTION CO at tanga port LIMITED&TECHNO COMBINE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Repairing ZV reach stacker tat ERISTICS(T) LIMITED mtwara and Dar-es salaam ports Construction of passenger shel- SATELLITE CONTRACter at nansio port TORS CO LIMITED Construction of concrete block AF MULT-CON LIMITED wall fence around tpa at mtwara Construction,installation and COMARCO CONSTRUCcommissioning of the navigation- TION CO LTD al beacons at ras makabe and ras pangani Construction of jeeties at lake MODSPAN ENTERPRISES tanganyika,ports of LIMITED lagos,kalya,karema and kiramo Maintanance of and omni pcx MFI OFFICE SOLUTION 4900 PABX and entire telephone network for tpa headquarters, Da-es-salaam port and port control tower M/S NATIONAL CONTRACTING CO.LIMITED Tshs 3,723,634,289.74


Tshs 5,954,000


W/48 W/57 W/39 W/58

Tshs 196,042,132 Tshs 178,717,687.00 Tshs 265,000,000 Tshs 562,241,872.67

14-Aug-13 1-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 30-Sep-13



Tshs 6,095,000




Tshs 3,217,000



Tshs 15,440,000


TEN/W/16 Tshs 4,870,121,016 Tshs 33,271,280 1-Oct-13 TEN/W/17


Tshs 6, 385,000






Tshs 5, 440,000


TEN/W/18 Tshs 275,437,548 USD 707,215 30-Sep-13


Tshs 7.360,000


Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited Muhimbili University Of Health And Allied Sciences

PA/001/08/HQ/W/2 Rehabilitation of tanga substa03 tion



Tshs 4.800,000



Construction of the parking areas a&b


Tshs 23,846,840 Tshs 83,739,507.00 Tshs 169,026,354.00 Tshs 1,653,750

13-Oct-13 16-Sep-13 16-Sep-13



Tshs 9.600,000


Rehabilitation of undregraduated KIARENI INVESTMENT LTD students's hostels(ruvu) building Rehabilitation of undregraduated CHICHI ENGINEERING CO students's hostels(lukuledi and LTD kagera buildings



Tshs 6.400,000


TEN/W/29 8-Aug-13


Tshs 354.315,000


Tanzania National Roads Agency

AE/001/2009/10/K Reallocation of distribution pipe M/S BUWASA GR/G/57 line ta harmugembe along rwamishenye bandari road

To continue in the Supplement to be published on 1st June, 2010

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