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*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files.

They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. These letters have been
retyped from the originals to facilitate copying.

For additional testimonials and to purchase products, check out our blog at an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Fibromyalgia Here is what I did for my Fibromyalgia pain. 2 doses OPC 3 in the morn and 2 doses at bedtime Glucosatrim 3x a day Calcium Isotonix, one in the morning and one at bedtime one cap Aloe in the morn and 1 cap at night 1 dose of Isotonix B complex in the morn I dose of Dreamz at night (to make sure I get good REM sleep which is so important for people with Fibromyalgia) Within a month or so I suddenly one day discovered I had no pain. I was off the pain meds as well. I was amazed at my recovery. When I stopped the regime the pain came back. So the one important thing to me was the OPC 3's in ridding myself of the pain. The rest was for prevention and just plain good health. Hope this was helpful to you and your friend. Sincerely, Leslie B ===================================================================================== First a little bit about myself. My name is Cindy A from Appleton, Wisconsin. I am 52 years young ( I finally feel that way now). I have Fibromyalgia, degenerative joint disease (usually referred to as osteoarthritis) and a slight emphysema. Looking back I believe the cause and start of the firbro and D.J.D. was an auto accident that I was in back in April of 1977. I was 7 months pregnant with our son (yes he is fine), when a drunk driver wanting to commit suicide pulled out in front of me. It could have been worse and thankfully everyone survived. I had some lacerations, deep tissue injury and a broken jaw, which required surgery. I made it through these things over some time. The years go by and life hands you little or big roads blocks (stress), you deal the best you can with these things but stress is also a factor for firbromyalgia. In approximately 1989 I was diagnosed with fibro. I had aches and some pain, but I thought the doctor didn't know what he was talking about because everybody who went to him seemed to be diagnosed with fibro. I dismissed it and took myself off of the amytriptilene (anti-depressent) they put everyone on for this disease. Then in 1998 I was in another auto accident (again lucky to be alive). This left me with large hematomas and deep tissue injury along with three cracked ribs. I didn't seem to recover as well with this accident. The aches and pain persisted with very little relief in between. Shortly after this my left hip started to bother me a lot. If you aren't sure what true joint hip pain is, it is actually in the groin area. I was also bothered by tendonitis in both elbows, bursitis in both hips, neck and back problems. I felt like a human pin cushion. I never got much relief, just more injections and medications. January 2002 left me pretty well drained. I was still working in a doctors office and on my feet all day. It got harder and harder to do. In March of that year I had to quit working due to my health. In October I had my left hip replaced (avoid this at all costs). In April of 2004 we went to Texas to visit our son. (Do not use the restroom and carry anti-bacterial wipes with you on the airplane). I spent most of my time there in a hospital. I had contracted a gastrointestinal bacterial infection called campylobacter jejuni. When your immune system is already compromised this infection hits you like gang busters and also adds to the problems of fibro. I was walking with one cane at this time and now I needed two. I had to crawl up the stairs in my home and was in pain 24/7. I could not sit or stand up from a chair without help. I spent the majority of my days on the sofa in pain. Unfortunately all the medication I was on did not help. In fact I believe it made me worse. Then in July of 2004 my prayers were answered. Several years ago while still working in the health field I got my insurance license and mortgage license. My name was on a list of loan originators and I received a call from an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

someone who I thought wanted me to sell mortgages for him. I was in so much pain but yet I agreed to talk with him. (In the back of my mind I knew I needed to make some money but I also knew there was no way possible that I could work). He came over to talk with my husband and me. He actually was a Market America Independent distributor. I only misunderstood him because of the pain and drugs I was on. I am so glad I had said I would speak with him. He could see how much pain I was in and told us about OPC-3 and the great results his wife had with her allergies from it. I thought, oh great, more supplements. I thought I had tried everything there was in an attempt to get better. I said I would try it but I knew for sure it wouldn't help. So I would take it just like you are suppose to and when the bottle was empty I would give it back with some smug remark. BUT IT WORKED!!!! Four and one-half weeks after taking just the OPC-3 I was experiencing great relief. I threw away one cane and then the other. I couldn't believe the results. I was sleeping better, I hardly had any pain, I stopped taking almost all my prescription medication and I knew I was getting my life back. With my doctors help I managed to get off all of my medication. OPC-3 has drastically changed my life for the better. All my blood tests are within normal range, my last pulmonary function tests found no trace of emphysema, and the degenerative joint disease in my right knee is all but gone. I do take other Market America supplements that I have added over some time. I suggest for anyone with fibro, arthritis or D.J.D., that they take OPC-3, Calcium Plus, and Glucosatrin to start. I hope this helps. Cindy

Fibromyalgia Calcium Plus

I had Fibromyalgia for 25 years and the first Market America supplement I took was the Calcium Plus. Within the first 3 days, ALL my Fibromyalgia pain was gone. I have been free from the burning, stabbing pain in my neck, back and hips for 2 and 1/2 years! I thought that was amazing and have shared that testimony many times. My conclusion was that I probably was deficient in Magnesium - (see Mg info at bottom of page) I want to share with you what just happened this evening. We have been out of the Calcium Plus for a week now and I have had terrible pain in my neck, back and head (headaches- which I hardly ever have) that has gotten worse day by day. I originally thought I had done some thing to my neck and back (even though I couldn't recollect doing anything). Today I spent about an hour talking to a person who has Fibromyalgia and did some more research on Magnesium Deficiency on the web. As I read through much info, I began to think that maybe this pain was due to my not taking in enough Magnesium. I ran downstairs and mixed up a cocktail of the PRIME BONE MAINTENANCE Formula (which I had forgotten I had) and chugged it down. I could hardly believe it and wouldn't have unless I had gone through it myself - My pain was ALL gone in about 10 minutes. I thought it couldn't possibly be taking effect so quickly, but that just goes to show you how good our products are! (I am sure the Calcium Plus would have worked just as well, but we were still out of that! Cindy J

Hi Big Al, I have a customer who has had Fibromyalgia for over 20 years. She had it so bad that she could not even walk her dogs (small dogs) on a leash because the pulling would hurt her fingers. She was in so much pain she always looked tired and exhausted. I put her on OPC-3 and Greens... My daughter also had the Fibromyalgia and she is on the same items. Within 3 weeks my girlfriend called me and told me that she was blown away because she was feeling so great. She had been on many medication and now she is off. She also tried other holistic products but nothing worked. She gets stopped where ever she goes because she looks so good. All her friends what to know what she is doing. She is so happy because for the first time in 20 years she feels so good. Ps... my daughter also had the same results. So my ans. to you is OPC and Greens! an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

3 caps of opc and Greens 2-3 times a day. Good luck Camille R ======================================================================================== My mother has CFIDS and has for about 15 years. Her quality of life is so much better since she has been on our Isotonix. She has more energy and less symptoms overall. Initially, we started her out on 2 caps of OPC3 and Isochrome, which made an incredible difference. We have several customers with fibromyalgia on the same regimen plus ORAC. Over time, we have added Vit. C, Multi and ORAC, because she loves the products and feels so good. Hope that helps!! Susan H

I was in a car accident and had major whiplash. I spent 3 years of my life suffering from a disease call Fibromyalgia. It was very painful, mainly in my neck, shoulders and back along with severe headaches. I was put on all kinds of medications such as muscle relaxes, painkillers and tranquilizers that lead to anti-depressants and Cortisone injections. I was disabled for 2 years, basically over medicated and feeling useless lying on the couch. I realized that the medication was just coving up the real problem. Then I learned about Market America and nutriceuticals.the all-natural approach to good health. I first did a 7-day Nutri-Clean detoxification that cleanses the colon, digestive system and liver. It flushed the toxins out of my body and I immediately could fell a difference. Then I loaded up on 2 caps of OPC3 and 2 caps of Calcium daily, within 3 weeks my pain was 90% gone and I was myself once again. I added 1 cap or ORAC and now Im 100% better. I still am very careful not to overdo it and I make a conscience effort to eat right. I have not been on any medication for over 2 years. And I feel great! Carolyn B, Green Bay, WI

I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia. I take OPC-3, TC Select, Glucosatrin, Multitech and Minerals. I was unable to get out of bed. To do anything at all, I had to roll out of the bed and crawl on my hands and knees. A friend of ours was a Market America Distributor and asked my husband if I would try the OPC-3 and Vitamin C and I did. Then I added the other things to it. Anyway to make a long story short it took about 21/2 months and I was up and able to do things again. It was a slow process but now my Lupus is in remission and has been for the last 4 years. I'm pretty much pain free with the Fibromyalgia, which at first was very debilitating. No one could even touch me without me being in agony. I am a walking testimonial for our products and I hope this helps. I started the products five years ago and will be taking them forever. :) Patricia G

ISOTONIX LINE HELPS WITH PERSONAL STRUGGLE - I am writing this letter in the hope that other women might benefit from my personal struggle in coping with the various necessities of life. I have been an anorexic/bulimic since the age of twelve. This was due, to no small degree, on being a product of an extremely dysfunctional family. I was both physically and mentally abused on a daily basis. I grew up alone, frightened, and extremely angry and I considered suicide on many occasions. I ran away from home only to be apprehended by the police and returned to my family, where the cycle repeated itself. By the time I reached high school I firmly believed that I was ugly fat, and unworthy of love. Thus, I raged against everything and everyone, but none more so than myself. Entering college afforded me the opportunity to escape from my family but unfortunately I could not escape me! I graduated from college and graduate school and I began teaching in a large urban district. an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

After a number of years, the stress of teaching and my extremely tenuous family relationships caused me to terminate my teaching position at 46. During this interim, I was subsequently diagnosed with high levels of Epstein Barr, fibromyalgia, major depression, and panic disorder with agoraphobia, severe stressors, and a borderline personality disorder. For two years I spent the better part of a day in bed. I would not leave my home and found every excuse under the sun to cancel any and all appointments. I slept around the clock, often going days without bathing, cleaning my home, or changing my clothing. After trying acupuncture treatments for six months, physical therapy in a rehabilitation center, and being institutionalized in an eating disorder clinic in Philadelphia for three weeks, I still could not function. By chance, my husband was in a neighborhood store where he saw an advertisement for someone who specialized in Personal Fitness Training with nutritional supplements. I resisted calling this woman for three weeks. Finally I was able to make the call that has changed my life so radically. Kathy Speno is my Personal Trainer and an Independent Distributor for Market America. She has placed me on a daily regimen of: OPC-3, Isochrome, B-12, Multivitamin, and Mineral Blast. I went from working out twice a week to four training sessions a week, all of this in a two-month period. I am able to get up in the morning, leave my house, and train with Kathy I am beginning to see an astonishing change in myself. These nutritional supplements are fabulous, and I feel as if I have my life back. It is as if God has handed me a miracle and a guardian angel in Kathy I trust Kathy wholly Her advice and love has spurred me to encourage my husband to work out and join a health club with me. We feel a renewed appreciation in our lives. Elizabeth M. B N.J. ===================================================

This letter is being written with sincere appreciation to Market America for making OPC-3 available. I would like to relay my testimony on behalf of this great product. In 1991 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Before I was diagnosed, I thought I was dying of some horrible disease but the most frustrating was the fact that no one understood including my doctor. Because I looked normal and in good health and after all the tests were run without showing anything wrong, my doctor decided that I must have Lymes Disease because had most of the classic symptoms. Some of my symptoms were no energy, pain in certain points on my body, couldn't sleep through the night because it was hard to find a position that didn't hurt, my wrists and hands hurt so much, I couldn't even wring a dish cloth, the most painful of all was walking. My back and hips hurt so bad, getting out of bed or a chair was extremely painful because! I would get so stiff it took a few minutes just to limber up enough to walk. It took some time to do my hair because I couldn't hold a blow dryer or curling iron for more than a few seconds at a time. After treating me for Lymes via intravenous antibiotics, which were given to me once a day for two weeks (I had severe allergic reaction to the drug, I thought I was going to die.) After that didn't achieve the results he wanted, my doctor gave up and wanted to send me to Mayo Clinic for further testing. I am so glad that I went to see a Chiropractor instead. When I went to see him, I was in so much pain that he could barely touch me. At that point he asked me if I had ever heard of Fibromyalgia. Of course I said, "No". He was pretty sure that I had fibromyalgia and gave me some literature and asked me to read it and see if I agreed with him. I could have cried after reading the material, because it described exactly how I felt. I was so excited to know that I was not dying and that what I had actually had a name. I continued to see my chiropractor once a week for several months and then backed off to twice a month for the next 3 years. My pain never went away, but I could at least an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

tolerate it some. I became a distributor with market America in October of 1996 and at that time started taking the OPC3 and within two days my pain was gone and I had so much energy and for the first time in years I slept like a baby. It has been a year and a half that I have been taking OPC3 and living a normal life. I will never stop taking OPC3. My husband, Michael, is very glad to have a happy wife again. In fact, he started taking the OPC3 shortly after for the arthritis in his wrist, he figured if it did this much for me then it could only help him also and needless to say he is very pleased with the results. I would also like to add that ALL of my allergies are gone. I used to suffer from severe hay fever; I helped keep the antihistamine and tissue industry in business. Also, my husband's nighttime twitching disappeared. My chiropractor is very pleased with the results of my taking OPC3 that he has recommended it to some of his patients. I only see him on an as-needed basis every few months. My son, Layne, now nine years old suffered from constant sinus infections; our doctor told me that it would be a fact of life for him. All through first grade he missed a total of 23 days due to sinus infections and colds. I got him started on OPC3 and during second and third grades did not miss any days of school due to illness. He is very proud of this fact and does not hesitate to tell anyone that it is the OPC3. There are so many testimonies available and I am happy to share mine in order to be able to help someone who has lost hope. Sincerely, June T and Family Vulcan, MI =============================================== July 7, 1998: Dear Dennis, Last July 16th, I became an "UnFranchise" owner. I wanted to buy the OPC3 and Isotonix for my twin daughters who were suffering from Fibromyalgia. They had finished their first year of college with mononucleosis and spent most of the summer of 95 recuperating. They had to quit playing college field hockey because they were not able to run and practice because they hurt too much. The doctor ran tests and their mono was gone, and sent them to a specialist on Easter vacation of 1996.The Rheumatoidologist ran blood tests and indicated it may be Lupus. After nine to ten months of trying strong medications, the girls said enough is enough and stopped all medicines. The specialist said it was Fibromyalgia and to take Ibuprofen since the medication did not help them. After a year of taking OPC3, Isotonix B-12, calcium Plus, Vitamin C and Aloe they are doing great. The one has even stopped her allergy shots, which she has been taking since she was eight years old. They went for a run just last week and she did not even take her inhaler for her asthma. She started to take the ThermoChrome Select, which has Ma Huang, which is helpful with asthma. She was also able to go off of her thyroid medicine. It is very hard to watch your children, who played basketball, field hockey, and ran track in high school, suffer with pain and not being able to sleep. Just 2 years ago their future looked rather dim. Today one is heading for veterinary school and the other one is a medical technologist, and both are getting married this year. Thanks to Market America and the education you supply us about our wonderful products they have their health back and their future. Thank you Marker America for your great team. Sincerely, Donna J. S P.S. Amy ran out of the OPC3 and was off of it for four days. Her hands ached so bad that it hurt to hold the steering wheel of the car. She took a loading dose for one week and then went to her normal two caps in the morning and two caps in the evening. She has no doubt that OPC3 has given her life back. ===============================================

January 5, 1998 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1994. I was in such pain that I could not do any house cleaning or even carry in my own groceries. I was introduced to OPC3 in October of 1996. A year has gone by an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

and my life has changed drastically. I take 2 doses of OPC3 and 1 dose of MultiTech daily. This past Saturday I cut my grass, raked leaves and used the blower to blow leaves off the driveway. Then I came in my house and cleaned the rest of the day. I am not always 100% pain free, especially when I overdo it. But, I would never have dreamt that I would get my life back when I started on these Market America products. They have been a true blessing for myself as well as my husband. A year ago he had 3 bouts of pneumonia before Christmas. In April he went on 2 doses a day of OPC3. He has not even had a cold since April. We are truly thankful for these lifechanging products.

Sue B Charlotte NC =============================================== Hi Linda and Team, I have a customer who has fibromyalgia. She started out on OPC-3 with a loading dose for her weight and then went to a single cap after that because she could not afford anymore. Well the pain was too much and she had noticed a difference with the loading dose so she upd the dose to two capfuls and was feeling better. I noticed she was taking a Calcium Pill and suggested she try Calcium-Plus as she was taking many pills a day. She takes 3-4 capfuls a day but it has decreased her pain tremendously and she would not go back to the pills. She takes so much because her body does not absorb calcium well. I don't know that anyone else would have to take this much. Hope this helps Be Well Sonya =============================================== Payge, I have a customer with Fibromyalgia. She was in consent pain. She had tried everything over a period of several years from conventional doctors and drugs to alternative medical, such as acupuncture. Nothing helped. She tried OPC-3, starting out with 3 to 4 doses a day. Within a month she felt an improvement and now will not go with out it. She is almost completely free of pain. It really felt good to be a part of helping someone make an improvement in their life. Good Luck. Diane, Phx AZ =============================================== November 4, 1996 Dear Dennis F, I cannot begin to express my gratitude to market America for how OPC3 and B-12 have changed my life. April 30, 1993 I was involved in a serious car accident. It was a miracle that I was not killed. I was very lucky that all that I received was whiplash and severe bruising. Unfortunately six months later I developed fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can affect most, if no all, of our voluntary muscle tissues. There is also a myriad of other symptoms. These symptoms include irritable bowel and bladder syndromes, confusion, profound fatigue, interrupted or poor sleep, word mix-ups, numbness and tingling all over, spasms of the blood vessels in the extremities, intolerance to any changes in barometric pressure, severe headaches and chest pain which can be so severe that it can mimic a heart attack. Patients seem to be most unnerved by the mental confusion, and are relieved to find that they do not have something like Alzheimer's disease. Dennis, I felt like you should know how much OPC3 has helped me, if you were to see me I look the picture of health. There is no cure for fibromyalgia. I was recommended by my doctors to take antidepressant or anti-inflammatories to help me cope with the pain. I was also told that I would have fibromyalgia all of my life and to try to deal with it the an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

best I can. I never did take the medicines recommended to me but what I did do was take OPC3 and B-12 every day! It has been three months now and I am pain free. I feel like a new person. With the combination of B-12 and OPC3 I now dream at night, have a smile on my face and have begun to enjoy life again. Thanks, again, Market America for B-12 and OPC3. Janice O

Dear Cindy, Thank you so much for introducing me to OPC-3, its changed my life completely. There were days I could not even get out of bed after sleeping for 10 hours. Those days are gone thanks to OPC-3. Since I have been taken my OPC-3, calcium and B12 I am completely off all my medication for my fibromyagia. This disorder I suffer from is such a burden and hard to cope with. I am so happy I found a natural way to deal with my disorder. I will share one story how I am convinced that these products really work. There was a incident that happen to me about a few months ago I left my OPC-3, calcium and B12 at a friends house I thought to my self its only 3 days I should be fine And I will take it as soon as I get it back. That was the biggest mistake I have ever made. All my symptoms of pain cane back to me on the second day I was feeling very fatigue, muscle aches and my body started to shut its self down. I thought I will go home and get a good nights rest. The next day it was no better, so I called Cindy and told her the story and she personally came down to my job and gave me a few days worth of her own personnel bottles. I am very grateful that she did that and that she believes in these products, because without them I would still be taking my medication from the Doctor. This has changed my life, thank you Market America and thank you Cindy Wynn for everything and I will never go without these products again. Sincerely, Laura F Lyman, Maine

February 2003 I have had Fibromyalgia for 17 years. I am 44 years old and up until 3 months ago I felt like I was living in a 95 year old woman's' body. Among a few of the worst symptoms I experienced were: I could not bend at the knees AT ALL without having excruciating pain. Because I couldn't use my leg muscles I would strain my back whenever I had to pick something up off of the floor. And heaven forbid I ever got down on the floor or ground because I could NOT get back up without help. This really cramped my style outdoors because I am an avid Master Gardener and Landscaping Fanatic. Having to give that up completely in the summer of 2002 for what I thought was going to be forever, > really robbed me of my spirit and zest that makes me special in the eyes of the people who know me. Also the tingling pins and needles piercing my arms, hands and fingers that woke me up in the middle of the night robbed me of ever obtaining a truly restful nights' sleep. And on numerous occasions the leg cramps would be so bad that I had no choice but to get out of bed and soak in a warm tub of water for an hour or two. Consequently during the day my Chronic Fatigue was so bad that half the time I felt like I had better stop and check my pulse to see if I was still alive! When I could go on no more I would drag my half dead body back to lay down for a mid day nap but I'm not the kind of person who can sleep during the day so that never worked and usually I was up again within 20 minutes trying to accomplish some of the work I HAD to get done for the day. Three months ago I ran into a old friend at a funeral that I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years. He had helped numerous people with my condition obtain their quality of life back. I was totally skeptical because I had already tried everything an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

out there to no avail. Well, thank God he MADE me try the OPC-3 Supplement because I feel like a million dollars today. I will never be without it. More than 3/4 of the testimonials I read from people who have Fibromyalgia, had success within 3 days of taking the OPC-3, and for years keep their body in check with just one cap a day. However, since my case was so extreme I started out with 3 capfuls A.M. and 3 capfuls P.M. as a loading dose. After this regimen for a period of 2 months I was able to get up off the floor with no help and no hands!!!!! Now after being on the product just 3 months I can outrun my 8 year old son! I feel like I'm 18 years old again. I now take only 1 to 2 capfuls a day to keep things in check. I got my life back. Now I want to help others get theirs back so I have become a Market America Distributor since the Isotonically capable OPC-3 is exclusively available through them. Also, thank God for Market America's "WAKE THE DEAD" Mochotonix for treating my fatigue problems without drugs or prescriptions. It works. And it works FAST!! It has also helped me achieve some weight loss. I love it! I just can't thank my friend or Market America enough for what they have put on my plate. As promised, I will share with others which I have been given. Sincerely, Karen M. T Norfolk, NE

It is now April 2004, and I am still experiencing new improvements to my health, here are a couple examples: I used to have a set of reading glasses in every room of the house. After being on the Isotonix Nutritionals for about 8 months, I noticed I wasn't using the glasses for reading anymore! Before I started taking OPC 3 my memory was deteriorating. For example, if you interrupted me in the middle of a sentence, there is NO WAY I would be able to remember what I was talking about. In other words my train of thought was very very short. I've been taking OPC 3 for a year and a half now. I no longer have a problem remembering what I am talking about. It's unbelievable how you notice people having > that problem once you no longer have it! It's an epidemic!!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 2 1/2 years ago when in a bedridden state with chronic pain throughout my body, dry eyes and mouth, irritable bowel, headaches, depression, anxiety, loss of sleep and memory, tingling throughout my body and total shut down. I take allot of magnesium (slowmag), OPC-3, Isochrome, calcium, multi, B12, Aloe, antioxidant, oxygen plus, and vitamin C daily. Also, must eat differently, drink allot of water daily, and do some exercise. If more info is needed, please let me know.Because I care, Patricia M Carlisle, PA ============================================== I would recommend her starting out the products without the loading dose. Some people can't handle that much OPC-3 or Glucosatrin. Have her take OPC-3 1 cap full until she gets it into her system about 1 month then go for on to 2 capfuls. She will need two capfuls of OPC-3 everyday thereafter, The same with the Glucosatrin, just get her to take it 2x daily it may take a little longer to get the results however it does work. She should also be taking the multivitamin. I have had Fibromyalgia for 9 years and have taken every pain/anit-inflamitory/muscle relaxer out there and nothing worked like this combination. Does she want to live in pain or like a zombie or does she want to feel better? Believe it or not some people like misery or just give up. She/He needs to make a decision do you want to beat this thing??????? I am not a doctor this is just what has helped me and I strongly recommend it for everyone else out their with this horrible illness. I found excuses for not wanting to take it at the beginning also, however I was lucky enough to have a best friend tell me what do I have to loose by trying it and look what I will gain if it works. I have my life back now and have started one of the most powerful business ventures imaginable with my husband, yes Market America, and I thank God for the amazing products and also for the incredible compensation plan. I have gotten my life back and at 37 this feels wonderful. Can your friend say that? If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me. Best wishes, an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Jeanne P =============================================== "I was diagnosed as having chronic fatigue with secondary Fibromyalgia. It is a chronic condition that causes fatigue and widespread pain throughout the body. Some call chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia the "irritable, everything syndrome"! I started on OPC's as another thing to try after many different prescriptions. I had absolutely no faith in it, but figured it wouldn't hurt me. In 3 days, I noticed that I was really having some good days, which I decided was due to my ups and downs. After about 3 and half months, I consider myself back to normal. My activities are many and my schedule is booked full. No fatigue or pain hinders my life." ====================

Christy, I suffered with fibromyalgia for years and was under a rheumatologist. His treatment of choice was exercise and minute dosages (1/4 pill of the smallest pill that drug companies manufacture) of Librium (sp?) 4 hours before retiring at night. This regimen did help but did not solve the problem. I still reached for the Advil bottle every morning before I had my morning coffee because I hurt so much in the morning. I was so fatigued every morning that it took me 2-3 hours before I felt like doing anything. I became affiliated with Market America in March 1998 and began taking OPC3 shortly after for lower back pain. Lo and behold, after 3 days of the loading dose, I awoke one morning, went through my morning routine of vitamins, then coffee, then reading the morning paper and suddenly realized that I had not taken any Advil because I WASN'T HURTING! I couldn't believe it. I also had more energy in the morning and became much more productive because I felt like being productive. The black cloud of negative feelings lifted and I felt like living completely for the first time in years. Now I have added Glucosatrin and fibromyalgia is NOT a problem. I am so thankful for OPC3 and highly recommend it for fibromyalgia. If anyone wants to speak personally with me, I will gladly discuss it with anyone. Marjie Shires Pensacola, FL (850) 941-2897 ========================= ================================================================================ Hi. My name is Vikki, I live in NH. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well as bipolar 7 years ago. I had many different treatments, antidepressants, diet changes, exercise, massage therapy, the list goes on. A year ago, this week , I was introduced to OPC3. I felt a tremendous difference in a week. As of today I am 100% symptom free of both. I do take many other Isotonix, but I know that OPC3 gave me the "jump-start" I was looking for. Hope this is helpful Vikki B =============================================== A lot may depend on how long he has had this problem and how much of a dosage of OPC-3 you have him on. We have found that people with this problem tend to do better with a large loading dose for 3 weeks before lowering it to a maintenance dose. As an example we might suggest 6 caps of OPC-3 per day as a loading dose taken for the first 3-4 weeks for such an individual along with one cap of Antioxidant, which can increase the potency of the OPC-3 by as much as 50%, along with one cap of Vitamin C, which can increase the potency of the OPC-3 by as much as 20%. We have found that most people with this problem will usually notice a difference within the loading period of the first 3-4 weeks if they take the products as described above; however not all people will, some may need 45-90 days to experience a difference. I hope this assists you. an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Scott & Philo Executive Director Nashua, NURSING HOME ============================

Re: - Fibromyalgia Date: 6/29/00 9:04:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time I have Fibro and have been under doctors' (and that's doctors) care for years. This past October (1999) I freed myself from ALL medications and here's how: I take 3caps of OPC3 first thing every day with 2 caps of Isochrome and CoQ10. I take all our vitamins and minerals (B12, Multi-Tech, Mineral Blast, and Vit C) with breakfast daily and take the Calcium (2caps) at night. I have been on Glucosatrin since last September and have only recently been able to lower my daily dose from 2 caps 2x a day to 2 caps 1x daily. (In the last 30 days I have noticed that if I miss a day---I do not have any recurring pain the next day---this is one more improvement.) I also take TC Select daily. This seems to help with other disorders I suffered with my entire life (i.e. manic depression, migraine headaches, TMJ and sever tendonitis). I have been taking OPC3 for two years and as time passes I notice more and more positive changes in my health. When the fibro "achiness" kicks in at night (and that is very seldom) I just add a cap or two of OPC3 to my nighttime calcium and sleep like a baby. I recently started taking Straw-Kiwi Aloe at night, seems to help my sleep and I wake up more rested. Might sound like a lot, but my quality of life has improved 300%! I was loosing days at a time to the agonies caused by the Fibro and Migrainesthe pain and medications ruled my life for more than15 years. Migraines would wake me up feeling like an elephant was standing on my head. Visits to the emergency room, resulted in massive injections of Demerol and anything and everything the professionals thought would help. The pain always remained and my ability to function with the medications became very limited. I would have to be carried out of the emergency room and lost most of my ability to think, talk, function, etc. I was often just "sleeping it all off. The Fibromyalgia caused muscle cramping and leg thrashing in the night. I suffered with achiness affecting my ability to sleep or relax. As a result, the doctor's medication of choice was often a muscle relaxer and anti-depressant or both. Visits to massage therapists and chiropractors sometimes helped and other times didn't. If found myself just "drugged up" a lot of the time. I became dependent on a selfinjection medication for the migraines called Imitrex. Horrible effects from this drug although it would often abort the migraine. I still lost a day or so recouping from the effects of the headaches and the medication. The Imitrex also seemed to set off more pain and discomfort of the Fibromyalgia---I was in a giant "catch 22". I can only say, I am so thankful it is all behind me. Today, I get up feeling greatno aches and pains, no headaches----ever! I can get out of bed without the help of my husband (for months he had to assist me and it took quite some time to get the body moving without pain) I sleep incredibly well and have lost all the weight caused by the adverse effects of all the meds. (Thanks to the SouthBeach Diet) The "chronic" problems I was diagnosed with seem to be non-existent with my daily routine of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. I am so thankful for Market America and these amazing products. Jennifer C- July 2000 Age 47 Colorado Springs, Co ===============================================

March 16, 1999 I was a very active woman, with healthy eating habits, healthy exercise habits, and never on medications. Hospitals were foreign to me, thank the Lord. Approximately 6 yrs ago, I started experiencing some unusual symptoms to include getting tired quickly, forgetting where I was going/coming from; losing my thoughts in the middle of sentences, simple things that I took for granted would just flow from my lips would get caught somewhere in space. Tingling throughout my body, sleep apnea, drying of the mouth. Many other symptoms, but these name a few. I consulted my doctor and was sent home with "nothing observed". Just my "nerves" I was an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

told. I started to wonder about Alzheimer's. A few years passed with the same problems, only becoming more intense. Another doctor, and same results....nothing seems to be wrong. Continued plugging away, but time didn't help...things got worse. I couldn't get up in the morning, and I couldn't wait to go back to bed when I did force myself up.....Every part of my body ached with pain. I lost my way several times while driving in a city that I had been familiar with for almost 30 years. I was exhausted from the "inside - out". I ended up in the hospital emergency room having lost my vision, my hearing, my motor skills, my memory (didn't recognize my own daughter when she came to see me)...I was a mess. "They" performed several tests on me and when I was sent home from the hospital, I was told I had experienced a "migraine" attack. They set me up with a Neurologist. He sent me home with "nothing" found. There was nothing more for me to do! I consulted a different doctor with a large list of complaints....mostly the memory loss that had been occurring, joint and muscle pain, exhaustion! (I'm talking about an exhaustion that is so bad you can hardly lift a fork to your mouth to eat). Again, I was sent home with "nothing". After a long cry, I sent my husband to see our niece about "that stuff" she kept talking about! OPC3 Two years she spent, trying to get me to try it! Well, this was my last hope, so I decided to "listen" this time! Let me tell you...... Three weeks to the day I started my loading dose of this product, I felt that terrible 5-year cloud lift from my head. I wasn't "cured" right away, but since that time, it's been down hill all the way. I started reading about this anti oxidant, and the other Isotonix supplements, because I wanted to know what it was that "changed my life". I now take a combination of these vitamin supplements as well as the TC 5000 and TC Select. After much reading, listening, talking....I consider that I have experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.I am back to my healthy self again! That "syndrome" does not exist in my life! I am enjoying a very wonderfully healthy life, thanks to Market America, Inc. and their products! I am pain free and living long, happy days again. I praise and thank God for putting this company and it's products at my fingertips. Thanks you and God Bless!

Suzanne R Manchester, NH =============================================== Dear Friends, This testimony is being written to encourage and give hope to anyone who can relate to my story and to introduce you to the incredible Isotonix products Market America offers. It all started five years ago, when I was diagnosed with Mono while I was pregnant. I ended up on bed rest two thirds of that pregnancy. On average, I slept 12-14 hours a day. Soon after my baby girl was born, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus. When you have EBV, you feel like you have a bad flu 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The fatigue is overwhelming, every part of you aches, and you're constantly fighting infections because your immune system is unable to fight them off. You live from one prescription to another and one Doctor to another. I continued to feel worse finding very little relief. I underwent so many tests and procedures to find out if I had a more serious condition. It was then that I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. CFS is very similar to EBV with added stomach problems, insomnia, chronic headaches, sore throat, numerous allergies to both food and environment, and memory problems (a.k.a. "brain fog"). The fatigue becomes crippling and disabling. During the same time period when I was diagnosed with CFS, I had another baby girl. Having two babies at home with CFS was incredibly difficult. There were so many days when we never changed out of our pajamas. Every ounce of energy I had was spent taking care of the girls and their older brother, everything else went undone. I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I decided to see a Naturopath Doctor for alternative treatment. Natural medicine helped me more than prescriptions (due to the horrible side effects I had) but at a high price. On average, I spent $250 dollars a month that was not covered by insurance. After two years of this with my husband being the only income earner for our family, I could no longer an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

afford to continue seeing the Naturopath. At this point in my life, I returned to the Medical Doctors for treatment and I could not have gone any lower. It was then, that I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I call it a "Curse". Fibromyalgia affects every part of your body from head to toe in horrific ways. You feel as if you are literally dying, day by day. I began to think I would never see my children grow up and share in all their milestones. I even began to plan my own funeral as horrible as that sounds; it's very true. The pain is so intense and seems to never let up, it just gets worse. By this time, I was taking many prescriptions and receiving 14 injection shots a minimum of twice a week. These injections would numb the pain so I could halfway function and walk. I received four injections in each knee, two in each upper shoulder area, and two in my upper neck area at the base of my skull. The first shot in the base of my skull, I had my firs! t panic attack. I felt so hopeless and fell into a deep depression.Now hear my recovery story! A friend of mine who knew my health problems told me that she had a product she thought could help me. I was very skeptical because I truly had tried everything (I thought). The product she had was OPC-3. The product sounded great and the cost was very reasonable. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. Four days after taking OPC-3 my worst pain in my knees was almost completely gone. Seven days after taking OPC-3, I made the decision to stop taking my prescriptions and to have NO MORE injections. I haven't been to the Doctors since then. At this same time, I also started B-12 and my energy level dramatically increased. I am so thankful that I was open minded enough to try these products. Today I have my supplement cocktail every morning of OPC-3 and the other Isotonix products. I have never felt better. Praise God!! Every day I am truly grateful for the these products literally giving me my life back and my husband is just as grateful because he has his wife back too. Since these products were working so well for me and the rest of my family, I looked into getting them at wholesale prices. When I discovered how easy this was to do I became a Distributor with Market America and now purchase the products directly from the company and have them delivered to my front poor. I then began to share my story and how well I was feeling with a few friends and they shared with a few friends and so on. Everyone wanted the products and continues too want more because their health has improved and they are feeling better. At this point, Market America has turned into a part-time business (8-10 hours a week) and this month we will have earned OVER $3,000 in commission checks and almost double that if you include retail sales profits in just 7 months. Remember that we joined Market America to get the products at wholesale prices not realizing we would receive commission checks like we! are. And the BEST part of this business is that we are helping people to feel better and to improve their health. For this reason alone, we would do this business even if we never received a single commission check. Several times a week both my husband and I hear such awesome testimonies of what these products are doing for them and receive sincere appreciation for introducing them to these products. I get emotional thinking of how many people are being helped and that I have the honor of being a part in that. As I said earlier, these products have given me my life back and Market America is allowing us to give our children choices and to fulfill our dreams. I am a walking, talking, and LIVING example of what Market America is all about. I extend an offer to you to take a look at these products and the Company at their website, if not for you, but for someone you know. Then I'll look forward to hearing from you, so you too can begin your road to improved health and begin your recovery story. Wishing You And Yours Good Health And God's Blessings! Tracy A. W Enumclaw WA ====================================== I have had a chemical imbalance for a number of years due to vitamin deficiency. I have been allergic to all store vitamins and have had to be hospitalized for it. I also had a calcium deficiency and the calcium pills the doctors were giving me for 7 years were not working. My hairdresser finally convinced me to try the MultiTech and an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Calcium Plus. Within a month, my doctor noticed the difference in my blood work and my skin color. He told me whatever I had found keep using it and don't stop! Within two month, my dentist noticed that my teeth were beginning to tighten back up in my gums and that my fingernails were beginning to harden. Both doctors were glad that I had finally found something that would give me better health. In January of 1999, I started fracturing vertebra's and had also developed stenosis of the lower spine that caused me so much pain that they were talking about starting me on morphine therapy. Since I am morphine intolerant, I felt that was not an option. I ended up giving up my home in Virginia and went to live with my sister in Vermont in June. I could hardly walk and wasn't able to take care of myself. In October, Market America's magazine, Powerline, ! described the product Glucosatrin and I called my hairdresser to get more information. I then ordered it right away because I didn't want to use the pain relief treatment the Veterans Hospital wanted to use. Within three (3) weeks, it not only relieved 75% of my back pain but also cleared up my Fibromyalgia. The rest of the pain became manageable. I have had such success with these products that my doctors can't believe that I can walk and not use my wheelchair. I have had to stop taking the Multi Tech because of the iron, but am taking: OPC-3, Isochrome w/Q-10, Antioxidant, vitamin C, Glucosatrin, and ThermoChrome 10,000 ThermoChrome has helped me lose 35 pounds this year and with the Isochrome, I haven't had an angina attack in several months. Many times when the vertebra's fracture, it causes some chest pain because of muscle spasms and by taking the Glucosatrin and Isochrome, it has made manageable. If it! weren't for Market America's products, I would have to live with my sister or in an Assisted Living Facility instead of buying a new home in New Hampshire. THANKS MARKET AMERICA for giving me a new start in life!! Carol A. J New Hampshire =============================================== From my experience with Fibromyalgia customers, I would say "no" the OPC-3 does not interact negatively with pain killers. In fact, I have a lady who got off *all* of her pain medications since being on OPC-3. She started on OPC-3, Antioxidant and Mineral Blast and wanted to take TC Select (this put another cust. into remission) but she is on Synthroid for her Thyroid. She is doing awesome on the products, in fact, has become a distributor since having such great results!! Hope this helps! Pam S Mason City, IA ==================

I too have a customer with Fibro. It's ME!!!! I've been on OPC-3 for over a year now and will NEVER be without it. The pain is all but gone. I'm doing things that I haven't been able to do for 2-3 years prior to OPC-3. My first comment would be to convince your client that a 90 day committment is a must. Three weeks just isn't enough time to tell if OPC-3 is right for her. Be sure to get this committment!! She'll love you for it. I also have Reflux Esophagitis (sic). I found that my stomach reacted to the natural "fizz" in some of our products. I've learned to let my OPC-3 cocktail (with Vitamin C) sit for at least 5 minutes before I drink it. That really helped. You may also want to discuss our Aloe drink with your client. I sincerely hope you can convince her to stay on OPC-3 for at least 90 days. Life without the Fibro pain is "beautiful". Good luck and we'll see you at the top.

TL Weaver an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

=============================================== Ditto! I have a customer with that condition also and a rhematoid athritis and more. She had to take OPC for several months in at least 4x daily, plus multitech and calcium to notice any aid in pain. But after about 3 months she ran out thinking she could wait til she returned from a trip and reorder. She got into so much pain she was begging me for the OPC upon her return- and it has been over a year now and needless to say she does NOT run out. Adding mineral blast is also helpful I hear, but we got her under control with OPC, multitech, and calcium. And she was on (zorcor? and she stopped that after only taking that med for a month) we also added feminene recently because she stopped HRT treatment after all the negative reports and the feminene is helping those symptoms. Customer is 50 yrs. old.Hope it helps, Deborah h. s ============================================================ At a Local Seminar a couple of years ago the speaker recommended "six caps a day until the pain goes away" and then start reducing the dosage. (Two caps three times per day) After having less than good results with the first two customers that tried OPC-3 for fibromyalgia, I tried the six caps with the next one and the results were wonderful. She backed down to four caps per day after four weeks. Derrick G --------------------------------------------Hi Nancy, I have fibomyalgia. I took 4 caps of OPC daily and 2 Vitamin C at first. What she has is called Fibro Fog to those of us with this illness. It is part of the illness. I now take OPC-3 (4 caps), Vitamin C- (2caps), Antioxidants(1cap), CoQ10 (1cap), Feminene (2 capsules), B-12 (2caps) and Oxygen Plus (2 capsules) daily. These have been a life saver for me. I still have this feeling occasionally but not every day like I did. Now it only happens when I'm in a flare up which are fewer and far less episodes. Have her add one at a time. See how she does. Warm wishes, Patricia G --------------------------------------------Big Al, I Lived with Fybromyalgia, Spimadic muscles, RA and lots of other problems for 9 years because of which was the results of two car accidents and wrongly prescribed pharmacy medicines. I had three disk fused together and the second accident injured two of them plus more disks. My surgeon said all he could do was fuse all the disks together with a still rod and I would have to have someone lead me anywhere I walked the rest of my life. So, I live with pain for all those years trying not to have that surgery. My last two and half of years if I drove the car 10 minutes, I was out of it in bed for three days. I sleep the last 9 months setting straight up could not let my head touch anything. The more conventional medicines I was given made me go even deeper into pain. I was given every type of treatment you could have had. I was on 13 different pain meds and going every other day for 17-31 trigger point injections in my head and neck plus therapy 34 times a week. I HAD NO LIFE! an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

I had just prayed to God if he didnt do something within 2-3 day I could not handle the pain anymore; I was on the verge of being suicidal. With in 2 hours of that prayer, the phone rang, it was My NOW sponsor, he called me to tell he had a person that had this product that would help pain. I said if you can get it to me over night I would try it. With in three days of July 3, 2002 taking ONLY OPC-3 triple dose twice a day the first time. I could tell it was helping me, so I slowly took myself off ALL 13 pain meds that I had depended on for years, three of them any and as many doses I wanted to take a day. Six weeks to the day, starting on OPC-3, I was off ALL my meds and TOTALLY pain free. So, my husband and I became Distributors that next June just to get product wholesale. This past August was three years so far with NO pain. The OPC3s is a product I will NEVER go off of because I do not want back to how my body felt or my life was. I am so grateful for the whole team at Market America and my sponsors for telling me about the Isotonix line, that I, as many of you, are ever ideated to tell anyone I can about OPC-3s. Hope this will help someone in the future. It has taken my husband and I longer to start working Market Americas recruiting part of the business because of getting myself back into shape. We really just started working it this past February. But watch out! Transitions have also helped me loose 81 pounds from a size tight 18 to a 10 since last November. LIVES ARE BEING CHANGED WITH MARKET AMERICA.

Gloria J. & Steve A. S Waynesboro,VA 22980


Al, When Mark & I became Market America distributors I was full blown Fibromyalgia and I had sinuses really bad, headaches, etc. Taking the OPC 3 daily I never realized that it was doing more for me than the Fibromyalgia, sinuses, headaches, etc. I did not realize the prevention of other concerns. However in July of this year I was put on strong antiboitics for weeks and was not able to take my OPC-3 during that time. I realized on Sunday Morning of convention I had an ugly large varicose vein poking out in my upper right leg. When I was able to get back on the OPC-3 the varicose vein began to diminish and is almost gone. Because I do have Fibromyalgia, I take at least 1 capful per 75 pounds; some days I take more. However that's another testimony! I hope this helps. Shary W ==================================================================================

Fibromyalgia an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

I was officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in December, 2004 after being in pain for months. I was going to the doctor, and they were doing different tests to rule out all kinds of diseases, but I kept getting worse. My doctor told me in September that he was pretty sure that I did have fibromyalgia but he wanted me to see a rheumatologist to be sure. I saw him December, 2004 and he told me that I did have fibromyalgia and he also adjusted my medications. This gave me a small amount of relief but it was only temporary... I spiraled downward from about February onward. My pain intensified greatly. I could not sleep at night because of the extreme pain in my hips and my lower back. {Originally the pain was contained to my right hip but by spring it was both hips.} My sleep pattern was so broken that I would be in a sort of mental fog when I awoke in the morning. It would take me anywhere from an hour to three hours just to get going in the mornings. The majority of the time, I felt like my brain was in a huge mental fog bank. I could not think clearly, partly because of medication side effects and partly because of lack of quality sleep. HOWEVER, In October, 2005, I was introduced to a most amazing product called OPC-3. It has changed my life! I started taking OPC-3 by doing a load, THREE capfuls of OPC-3 in the morning and TWO capfuls in the evening. I started to feel results after only one week on the product. I continue to take OPC-3 daily. I vary my daily amount from two capfuls if I am having no pain or stress in my life(ha, ha), to as many as four capfuls per day if I am having some pain when I wake up. I was able to come off of all THREE of my medications that my M.D. had prescribed for the Fibromyalgia. I never had near the relief of symptoms with the prescription drugs that I have experienced with the OPC-3. I initially just took the OPC-3 by itself and did not add other products for about three to four weeks. It took me some time to work other things into my schedule. I was advised from the very beginning to take the OPC-3, Calcium Plus, Multi-Tech, B-12 and that I needed to add the Greens to my regimen. I have since followed this advice. I was asked how long it took for me to achieve results with OPC-3. As I stated earlier, I started to notice a difference after only one week on OPC-3. After I had been on the product for about a month and had added the above mentioned products to my daily supplementation routine, I was able to come off of all my prescription medications for fibromyalgia!!! This was truly amazing. If you ever have anyone question the price and make statements about insurance covering the prescription meds for fibromyalgia but NOT covering the OPC-3 and other products from MA, I have a good response for that. I am paying LESS for my nutritional supplements that I was paying in Co-Pays for my pharmaceuticals!!! Not only am I saving money, I cannot even begin to relay to you how completely my QUALITY of LIFE has been bettered since I found OPC-3 and the other products from Market America. My pain is almost non-existent and my energy level is through the roof. My friends and family have noticed a huge difference in the things that I am once again able to do that I could not do for a long period of time. I thank God daily for being able to find the Market America products because I KNOW what! a trem endous difference they have made in my life. If you have more questions, or if someone wants to talk with me directly, I am very pleased to share my story! Sincerely, Retha K. D Blessed With Health

Fibromyalgia an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

I've suffered with Fibromyalgia for 15 years. Often times the pain in all of my trigger points was debilitating. I always had a cane with me to depend on for the times when walking would become nearly impossible without support. I am in my forties but my lack of mobility made me appear double my age. Up until Sept. '06 I was on four different medications for the pain, inflammation, and the resulting sleep deprivation. I sampled OPC-3 at a product preview and found I could walk the shopping mall for five hours that same day, no cane, no support. I didn't believe that this formula would have made an impact after just one sample, but I had no other explanation. I started OPC-3 regularly a week later, loading dose first, then continuing on 2 caps first thing in the morning. ! ; When my activity level is increased or weather changes cause an increase in pain, I increase my dosage for the day. Within 6 weeks, I had weaned off all of the prescription medication for the Fibromyalgia. I am a new person, free to move, walk up stairs, even sleep through the night. No more mid-day deadening fatigue. (Transitions helped with that as well!) I am slowly adding exercise into my regimen without the pain and tendonitis flare up that used to occur. I added multi-tech with iron and CoQ-10 and feel better now than I ever remember feeling in my adult and latter teen life. Good Health, Janet M ============================================= Fibromyalgia-Migraines-Hypertension-Transitions-Prator March 21, 2008 I just wanted to share this all of you. Previous to getting into Market America I was not happy with my life. I was over weight, depressed and struggling with my chronic conditions. Fibromyalgia, migraines and I even developed chest pain and was put on high blood pressure medications. Well to make a long story short. I met my business partner Suada and she turned me on to Market America products. I started on OPC3 and progressed from there. I now take Calcium, B complex and Complete greens. I also signed up for Transitions Lifestyle and I am fantastic! I was wearing size 12 to 14 and today I just went shopping as my pants were falling off of me. Today I tried on a pair of Size 8 pants and they fit. What can I say except that Transitions works if you know of anyone that you want to share this with please do so. It not a diet it is about a lifestyle change and Market America products and Transitions have changed my life. I have not looked this good since I was in my 20s and I am now 53. I look better than my son who is 31. I feel great, and I love the relationships that I have made through this business. I am looking forward to making Market America my primary means of income and firing my boss because with Market America the skies the Limit. Cendy P 503-460-7459 (cell)

Jackie, age 32 ish - Chronic Fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia for some 10years "I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, accompanied with chronic fatigue syndrome. The doctors prescribed a strong anti-inflammatory drug plus an anti-depressant. For two and a half years I had been able to sleep only on my back. When I started taking OPC's, the pain improved in 3 days, and in 14 days most of it was gone. The pain in my arms had been very severe, like an abscessed tooth. The pain in the groin, ribcage, hip, back, neck, and elbow has also gone for the most part."

"I was diagnosed as having chronic fatigue with secondary Fibromyalgia. It is a chronic condition that causes fatigue and widespread pain throughout the body. Some call chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia the "irritable, everything syndrome"! I started on OPC's as another thing to try after many different prescriptions. I had absolutely no faith in it, but figured it wouldn't hurt me. In 3 days , I noticed that I was really having some good days, which I decided was due to my ups and downs. After about 3 and a half months, I consider myself back to normal. My activities are many and my schedule is booked full. No fatigue or pain hinders my life."

Fibromyalgia-Pre-Natal Vit-Glaucoma-Allergies-Ulcers-Eczema-More-Leather May 9, 2008 an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Margie Ls Testimonial OK, heres my story. This may possibly be the longest testimonial youve ever seen, so you might be sorry you asked for it. I will also warn you that I take a LOT of product! You asked specifically about my fibromyalgia, but I also had a multitude of other health issues so I feel compelled to include that as part of my story. Even without those additional complications, fibromyalgia itself is a fairly complex syndrome. Fibromyalgia is not a disease, but rather a collection of maladies that combine together to form the syndrome. As you know, when I decided to start my Market America business, it was not because of the product. Indeed, I had not even tried a single product when I launched my business. I came into the business after many years of analyzing business models professionally. This was just the most brilliant business model I had ever seen and I knew that the products worked from interviewing many distributors in the process of evaluating the business. I had no idea that the products would change my health status so dramatically, or that Market America would change my life forever for the better. In the summer of 1998, when I first became a Market America distributor, I think its fair to say that my life was a total mess. I had left Wall Street with 3 bleeding ulcers, extremely severe allergies to everything from shellfish to perfume, excruciating back pain and muscle inflammation that was so extreme that you could actually see the muscles in my neck, shoulders, and back bulging out from under my clothes. I was running a very demanding franchise business in the alarm industry, typically leaving my house around 5:30 in the morning and returning around midnight. My exhaustion, depression, pain and chronic infections (especially upper respiratory) were profound. I visited my chiropractor 5 days a week and a massage therapist 4 days a week just to be able to function. My chiropractor (bless his heart) would sit in his office and cry in frustration. He just didnt know how to help me, and the agony I suffered was painful to watch. By Sunday, I was bedridden each week, too exhausted to get out of bed. Getting up to use the bathroom was enough of an ordeal to make me burst into tears. I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and although it was a comfort to know that there was a name for my misery, there was very little that traditional medicine could offer me. I placed my initial order to become a distributor, and OPC-3 was on that order. That bottle sat on my kitchen counter for weeks as I was completely overwhelmed with my life and just never got around to getting started. I had to wake up about 2 hours before leaving my house to leave myself time to ramp up. It usually took about an hour (and a long hot shower with a massaging shower head) in the morning just to be able to finally stand upright because the muscle spasms in my back were so severe. So anyway, on one particularly bleak morning, when I was hunched over in my kitchen, clinging to the counter for support, I laid my eyes on that OPC and thought I had better try this because my condition was worsening every day. I will never forget that day. Ten minutes later, I was standing upright, flipping eggs on a skillet, and then it dawned on me how much better I felt. I was in shock. I damned near burned my house down because I left those eggs right where they were to call Andy (who introduced me to the business) on his cell phone to see if such a thing were possible. He laughed and said he really didnt know because it usually took people a while to feel results, but he had heard of many miracles with this product, and why not keep taking it & see how I felt. So I did After many years of carrying an Epi-Pen with me at all times to deal with the very severe allergic reactions that gave me an inside view of every single ER in metro NYC, I have not filled that prescription since. My life-threatening allergic reactions just stopped. I could once again ride an elevator with people wearing fragrance, I could dine out like normal people, and I could enjoy a day in the city without vomiting in the street from exhaust fumes. My visits to the chiropractor dwindled an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

down to once a week, and my massage therapy went from being a dire necessity to a rare treat. My mood improved dramatically, and everyone around me noticed. I took a very high loading dose of OPC-3 because thats what worked best for me. I took 2 caps in the morning, 2 mid-day and 2 more at night. If I felt one of my many respiratory issues flare up (bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.), I took a cap every hour until it was gone. I quickly added aloe juice to my routine because I was still suffering from excruciating pain from my ulcers, although they were no longer bleeding. I drank 2 to 4 ounces of aloe a day because I felt a big difference with my ulcers, my irritable bowel syndrome (another joy of fibro) and my eczema. Within 4 weeks, I was off my prescription Zantac and found myself enjoying things I had not been able to eat in years, like tomatoes and lemonade. Little by little, I started adding things to my regimen and my steady improvement continued. I felt a big improvement just with the Calcium Plus, morning and night, especially with the muscle spasms. When I added Mineral Blast every other day, I felt such an immediate surge of energy and mental clarity that I never stopped taking it again. Vitamin B-12 put an end to my nervous jitters and mood swings. My monthly periods improved dramatically as well, although Im not sure what supplement specifically I can credit for that. Its hard to say what helped me the most because everything I added made me feel better & better. Within 9 months after starting with Market America, I sold my existing business to my partner, substantially lowering my stress level. After years of being told that I would not be able to have children, I found myself pregnant. My OB/GYN was thrilled with the Isotonix that I was taking. He did not prescribe pre-natal vitamins to me and said, No prescription that I can write you would be better than what youre taking now. Id like to get all my patients on these products. My pregnancy, which was supposed to be high-risk, was flawless. I never even got morning sickness. Because I am a DES baby and had several reproductive issues as well, including an abnormal cervix, I was supposed to be bed-ridden for my last trimester. That never happened. I felt better than I had ever felt in my life. I worked (if you can call it that) my Market America business right up to a few days before my due date. I went into labor on my exact due date and gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 10-pound baby boy. I stayed home for 7 months after James was born to enjoy that very special time with my bundle of joy. This was an experience that I was told all my life that I would never have and I will treasure it always. Because of the residual income that this business provides, I continued to get paid during that time period and I am so very grateful for that opportunity to stay home with him. After pregnancy, which my endocrinologist tells me is a privileged immune state, I did have a flareup of my fibromyalgia. I added Prime to my daily routine when I finished nursing my son, and once again, felt like a million bucks. Unfortunately, I can no longer take Prime because of a number of precancerous growths (its not a good idea to take a growth stimulant in such an instance), and I miss it terribly. I would absolutely suggest Prime for anyone with fibromyalgia because research shows a direct correlation between human growth hormone (or lack thereof) and this syndrome. I also miss my ThermoChrome, but have found Mochatonix to be an excellent substitute. With Mochatonix, I feel a mental clarity and ability to organize my thoughts that I have not experienced since I first became ill with fibromyalgia (which I think was about 25 years ago). This is called fibro fog and its just terrible. I would often lose my car in parking lots, space out on the highway & forget where I was going, wander around my house knowing that I was supposed to be doing something but unable to remember what it was. I would forget a conversation within moments of having it, which is a an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

very hard way to live. My inability to organize my thoughts affected every aspect of my life and I am very grateful that I can have a delicious drink in the morning (it also eliminated my need for the massive quantities of coffee I drank every day just to keep going) that clears my head, lets me finish tasks that Ive started, makes me feel happy & upbeat, and gives me energy that lasts all day long. At the end of 2002, I had 6 pre-cancerous polyps removed from my colon. Immediately after that, I added our Complete Greens formula and fiber powder to my daily routine, mixing them together in a great-tasting shake before lunch. I also do a complete Nutri-Clean program once each quarter. I am happy to report that my last colonoscopy revealed a perfect and clean colon, much to my GI docs amazement. As a side benefit, my cholesterol dropped 70 points over the first 4-month period during which I added that shake to my routine. Amazing! The greens also give me a tremendous amount of energy & mental clarity, so now I swear by them as well. When customized isotonix were introduced, I immediately took a NutriPhysical survey and ordered my 90-day supply. They happened to be delivered during a very rainy & stormy week, and adverse weather like that can still affect my mood as Ive battled depression all my life (also part of the fibro syndrome). Within 30 minutes of taking my first daily packet of customized isotonix, I felt that black cloud lift. The difference was astounding. Ive run out on two occasions and definitely did not feel as terrific, so now I swear by that, too. I know my formula has a lot of B vitamins in it, so maybe thats a factor, but I love the convenience of the daily packets and the confidence of knowing that Im getting what I need every day. I also have to mention that I was diagnosed with glaucoma at the age of 26, having already incurred severe damage to my optic nerves. The best ophthalmolic neurologists in the country were completely stumped by my condition and despite their best efforts, my optic nerves and eyesight continued to decline. That deterioration stopped completely when I started OPC-3, and I added our Vision Formula to my routine as soon as it was introduced. My peripheral field vision tests continue to speak for themselves, and my ophthalmologist now refers his patients to me for those products. So, as I mentioned, I do take a lot of product. I will continue to take everything that I take, because if I drop any of them, I just dont feel as well. My fibromyalgia is not cured, I just dont suffer anymore. I still have peptic ulcer disease, I just dont have ulcers. I still have a scoliosis of the spine, I just dont have back pain. See what I mean? My body just handles all of those issues so much better. I cannot put a price tag on my quality of life. Everything in my life has improved as a result of the products and the business my stress level, my mood, my health, my marriage, and my financial situation. I will forever be grateful to God for putting Market America in my life. I cannot imagine what my life would be like now without it! Because not everyone would have the belief level or commitment to healing themselves that I now feel, what I do with everyone to start out is Debi Waldecks Wellness Protocol, which I believe you already have. This helps to detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, and restore some of the healthy bacteria in the GI tract. From there, I believe everyone on this planet should stay on OPC, aloe juice, calcium, minerals, greens and fiber, and of course, our very excellent multi. If anyone stays on that routine, they should feel substantial improvement very quickly, and I would try to add the customized isotonix formula because I believe so strongly in it. They can then eliminate the multi & mineral blast, but should continue to take the OPC (as much as they need, which is different for everyone), aloe, calcium, greens & fiber. I take a minimum of 3 caps of OPC daily, even after all this time, because if I take any less than that, I feel my symptoms flare up. an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Sorry for the long essay, but as you can see, there was an awful lot to cover here. I hope this information was helpful to you. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think can benefit from my experience.

Margie L Monroe, NY =======================================================================

I have lived with Fibromyalgia for most of my adult life but in more recent years my health really took a downturn. My life became even more difficult due to severe dizziness and weakness which steadily worsen to the point of having to live with a relative. Everyone became concerned as they slowly watched me waste away. For six months the doctor kept telling me "nothing was wrong" and suggested I go on antidepressants. I responded, "No" and decided to look for an alternative solution. As I was considering nutritional products my niece told me she knew a number of people who had been helped by Market America's all natural food supplements called "Isotonix." Would I be willing to take some? Since it was a powder mixed with water that made it easy to swallow and it provided a high concentration of nutrients which are delivered in a few minute, I decided to give it a try. My body wasn't absorbing B-12 well so I began getting monthly shots. Between the shots I became weak and my vision blurred so I took "Isotonix" B-12 formula. Within 10 minutes I regain strength, the dizziness was gone and my vision was clear. Since this helped and I had other health problems, I gradually added more nutrients: OPC 3, Maximum ORAC, Calcium Plus and MultiTech. To my amazement within a few weeks I began to reap other benefits: One morning while getting out of bed, I realized my constant severe pain and stiffness from Fibromyalgia was gone. Since I had razor-sharp mouth pain for 4 years and the Doctor, Dentist & Dental School couldn't give me answers or relief I decided to try the "Isotonix" CoQ10 and the Ultimate Aloe. To my delight the gum & lip inflammation vanished and so did the pain. But what really got me excited about CoQ10 was that several months later when I walked up two flights of stairs I no longer had the Angina chest pain which over 30 years was only relieved by using Nitro. under the tongue. As months passed and I continued feeling well I began to realize the Market America "Isotonix" products were as good as everyone was telling me. After more than 30 years of severe pain, God had provided me with a miracle. Do I believe in the products, You bet I do! So, if you desire a "Better Quality of Live" learn about Market America and their products. I did and now at 70 years of age I have a new life. Boy, I'm really enjoying it! "Just give it a try". I did, that's why I'm in the business of helping people. Take care of yourself & God's Blessings to you and your love ones. Bette D

My experience with OPC-3 and Fibromyalgia, When I first found out about OPC-3 at an educational seminar held at a support group for fibromyalgia and arthritis I was interested in trying it. My experience at that time with my fibro was that I could not take the muscle relaxants and was concerned about the amount of ibuprofen I was taking. I had for a couple of years been an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

taking various supplements and getting some good results with my pain management but nothing seemed to help the fatigue and depression. When I learned about OPC-3 and isotonic delivery system I was very interested in trying it. After starting the OPC-3 I first noticed an increase in energy and relief in my lower back pain that was always constant with me. After about 1 month I also started taking the B-12 complex and noticed in about 2 months a dramatic change. I was pain free a majority of the time and my energy level was better then it had been in 10 years. I have been taking OPC-3 and other isotonix supplements now for 2-1/2 years and have not had any back spasms, my energy level is excellent and I have not had any issues with depression. I feel that these supplements and lifestyle changes of eating better and exercising have given me my life back!

Fibromyalgia My husband, Spencer, has had fibromyalgia for three years. During this time he has suffered aches and pains all over his body. Many days he could barely walk, or use his hands because they were so painful and swollen. Our family Dr. was treating him with the only medication that had any effect at all on the condition -- Prednisone: one of the wonder drugs because you have to wonder what damage it is doing to other parts of your body. He was on a daily dose of 10 mg. And just like clockwork the symptoms would flare up about every 2 months, forcing him to go on a massive dose to bring the symptoms down to a tolerable level, but by no means even beginning to eliminate them. During this time Spencer was also doing to the chiropractor 3 times a week. Though this too seemed to help, there still was lots of pain. He started taking OPC-3 in January and by the end of February he was doing so well he felt it was necessary to eliminate some of the treatments so he would know what was working and what wasn't. When he called the chiropractor to cancel his appointments, explaining why he wanted to stop, needless to say the Dr. tried to talk him out of it, stating his symptoms would return. So, against the advice of the Dr., Spencer did stop the treatments. Still doing well and free of all fibromyalgia symptoms, Spencer stopped taking the Prednisone as of March. He is still free of all symptoms and leading a normal life. Though I have not experienced any of this pain and suffering myself I lived with it every day. I saw my husband go from being an active hard worker and an avid golfer to a man who worked only because he had to, to support his family. He did very little golfing because the pain and swelling robbed him of the joy and pleasure of the sport. Our family Dr. had talked to Spencer about the fact that he would have to consider retiring in the very near future. Today Spencer is symptom free and leading a normal active life, and we give all the credit to OPC-3. I am happy to see him back to his normal self and again able to do the things he wants, when he wants. During our vacation, he was able to romp and play, pain free, with our grandchildren for the first time in three years. Believe us when we say he would never give up his OPC-3!!! Marion M Niagara, WI

Fibromyalgia I'm so glad others are discovering the OPC-3. I couldn't stand life without it! I would like to tell you that I was so miserable with the fibro being that I have always been a very active person and this disease totally disables. No energy lots of pain. There are a lot of different symptoms that go along with it. For instance I also developed TMJ, a lot of fibro patients also have that and it's very painful and you just an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

get no sleep at all. By the way, the medical people have discovered that fibro patients usually never reach the REM stage of sleep, the muscles never really rest. Then of course a friend brought to me the OPC-3. I megadosed (12 capfuls) and after approx 1 month I was back to my old self. Then I reduced the dose to 2-3 caps a day and I maintain that dose. I also take the Aloe, as the fibro did affect my digestive system and this seems to help so much. People with fibro usually have had so much pain and have taken so many different prescriptions that it is hard for them to believe that something natural can help. I am proof that it does work. I own three businesses, an insurance agency, a cell phone business, and of course Market America and my energy level is great and I rarely have pain. If I can help anyone with this disease please let me know. Have a great day! Bonnie Fibromyalgia Menstrual Cramps/PMS -- Allergies In the Fall I began feeling extremely fatigued and this was unusual for me, as I am an active person. I enjoy all kinds of outside activity, especially walking and roller blading. My walking, with the girls, was getting to be an effort and the roller blading was put on hold. I was becoming so weak in my walking that at first I had a hard time keeping up, but what really hurt was when one of them had to walk back and get the car because I couldn't make it. In December I remember a few weeks of depression and by January I had all over body pain. I hurt from head to toe. I started thinking maybe I had bone cancer. This got me doing something about it! Because I was 45, I started thinking maybe it was menopause, so I went in for the TSH test to find out. Well, when the test came back the result said I was not in my menopause but that I was borderline Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Well I checked into both of these and I had no symptoms of Lupus, but there were definitely some signs of rheumatoid arthritis. I still wasn't happy not knowing but my doctor said they would take more tests in 6 months. I continued to feel weak and very fatigued. A friend of mine gave my mother a paper on Fibromyalgia. Out of curiosity I began reading it and found myself saying "Oh My God, that's me" through most of the paper. I was convinced I needed to see someone who could possibly diagnose this. I got in touch with my doctor and he set up an appointment with an out of town specialist. It only took 15 minutes for my diagnosis. I was very relieved. The specialist offered me several prescriptions, which he said would help, but I chose not to take any of them as I wanted to use a natural means if I was able. It was at this same time that Donna Lewis, a friend of mine asked me to try OPC-3. I was very skeptical because of the sugar content. I also have hypoglycemia. Well I checked it out thoroughly and just couldn't see where it would hurt me. It was definitely all natural. She gave me 2 bottles of OPC-3 and I took it on a trip to see my son overseas. I took it faithfully as she said and I was gone almost 2 weeks. It wasn't until I got home and received a letter from my son that I realized the OPC-3 had already made a difference. My son wrote, "I hope when I'm 45 that I'll have all the energy you have mom." It got me thinking about how much I had improved. I was back walking with the girls and the pain was minimal. I continued to get better with the fibromyalgia. In June I was tenting in Lower Michigan. It was cold and rainy. My period was due. Normally I bloat, have severe cramps and bad PMS. There was none of this. I thought it was just a fluke, but when it happened continuously each month I knew I could only credit it to OPC-3. I was really getting excited. I didn't have to dread the monthly period. If it works this well on my monthly period, what was it going to do for menopause. Fall was soon here and the goldenrod was out - NO Allergies! I thought this is too good to be true. Was it the OPC-3? Again, it was the only thing different I was doing. an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Finally as I told you earlier, I also have hypoglycemia and I was finding myself eating more than one fruit a day and without any protein with it. Normally I always ate some form of protein with any fruit I put in my mouth. The OPC-3 somehow had leveled me out or has leveled my sugar to allow me to eat a small amount of fruit by itself. I continue to notice little things that make me wonder what other things OPC-3 is healing in me. Thank you, Market America for OPC-3. Faye N Rapid River, Michigan

I have fibromyalgia and my sister-in-law also. I started taking OPC-3 about a year ago and she also did shortly after me. I experienced dramatic results with my fatigue within a week. It took a week for her to see the swelling going down in her legs and feeling better with the muscle aches. I started with 2 caps a day and now I take 2 in am and 2 in pm. My sister-in-law was only taking 1 cap a day and has increased to 2 caps a day. She just told me, a few days ago, that she has realized that in the last 3 weeks, she has been pain free!!! It looks like OPC-3 is doing its job in scavenging those free radical cells. When I am having a bad day, I add a few more capfuls. We have a Physical Therapist in the company who has all her Fibromyalgia patients on Glucosatrin. One of the reasons she joined the company was because of that product alone. Joan R Clinton, CT


My name is Maria G; I am now a new Independent Distributor for Market America, Inc. I'm writing to share with you the great success I've personally had in using ThermoChrome 5,000, OPC-3 and B12. I sustained an auto accident in the summer of 1994, resulting from multiple traumas. The end result was a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia which is a degenerative muscle disease--a form of arthritis. My entire left hand side of my body was injured to the point where I was suffering numbness and tingling from head to toe. I experience flu-like symptoms and felt fatigued daily. Since the injury, I've been on various forms of pain killers, arthritic and anti-inflammatory medication. Prior to this accident, I was very healthy, so, I decided to wean myself of all the medication to see whether I was healed. To my surprise, I still was experiencing some complications walking, sleeping and had the symptoms off and on, especially on real cold and rainy days! I kept treating myself with the anti-inflammatory pills that I was given only when necessary. During March, 1996, I suffered a relapse again and could not shake it. Back at my doctor's office I found myself, only this time I took the ingredient sheet of ThermoChrome 5,000 to her office with me. I asked her to check the ingredients for me and make sure it would be safe for me to take. Her response was "This product will cost you about $90.00, but its natural herbs and safe for you to take." I decided to listen to my sister (Belinda Gonzalez and Pat Odom) for recommending the above mentioned products to me. Instead of filling my new prescription given by my physician, I instead decided to drop the prescription off at my pharmacy and asked them to put it on hold. After serious thought, I decided to take control myself and go the natural way instead. I started taking ThermoChrome 5,000, OPC-3 and B12 to help me with these symptoms. To my surprise all symptoms were gone in a few days and a month later are now history and it's also helping me with my Endometriosis and Asthma as well!! Finally, I see the light at the end of the tunnel physically, and financially. I'm now feeling normal again and working hard at aiming to get where I the top!! Thanks Market America for your great products, keep up the good work...See you at the top!!! Maria G Everett, Massachusetts an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

=============================================== FIBROMYALGIA - ALSO MIGRAINES

Six and a half years ago, at the age of 43, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by Dr. Wenner, a muscular specialist. Fibromyalgia is a connective tissue disease. Dr. Wenner estimated that I had Fibromyalgia for over twenty years, judging by the large amount of involvement of the connective tissue. The pain was all over my body and felt very deep, similar to pain associated with the flu. The pain would sometimes ease up, but it would never go away. I had tried prescription pain relievers over the years but could not tolerate them. I took Ibuprofen (three at a time) every six hours when I couldnt stand the pain any longer. Sometimes this took the edge off, but it never took the pain away. Pain, depression, chronic fatigue, sleepless nights, hot showers, ice packs, pills, rest, and just wanting to give up were my life. I went on Pamelor, (an antidepressant) in 1990 for depression and to help me rest at night. People with Fibromyalgia wake during R.E.M. sleep, which is the restorative level of sleep. I began taking OPC-3 in August 1996. By the end of September 1996 I had gradually weaned myself off the Pamelor and have stayed off. I have no problems going to sleep at night or staying asleep. I have more energy. Most of my days are totally pain-free, and I take no pills. The rare times that I do have pain, it is nothing compared to the constant flu-like pain I had before. I was told to give up the idea of ever working a full-time job again, but I now baby-sit one of my grandchildren full-time. I begin my day at 6:30 a.m. and stop around 9:30 p.m. My husband and I are now Market America Distributors and we are enjoying it very much. My husband used to get migraine headaches and have trouble sleeping at night, but since he started taking OPC-3, he no longer has these problems. I could not do all that I do now if I still had the pain and fatigue that I had for years. Now when Im tired it's because of a busy life and not from pain. I thank God for answered prayers and being able to live to the fullest again. Shirley A ================================================================================

Fibromyalgia Testimonial

My friend Donna has been suffering for years with severe pain due to fibromyalgia. I remember sitting with her at baseball games when our children were younger and her crying next to me because she was in so much pain. She was having a hard time functioning at work and at home. When I had my product preview in June, her husband came and we suggested OPC-3 and B-12 for her to take for her illness. I called today to follow up and to see how things were going with her. Her husband was so excited on the phone telling us that her fibromyalgia was gone. She started feeling results within a month's time. Her doctor could not believe it! It felt so good to be able to help someone who had been suffering for so long. Our products are awesome! Hope this can help some of you out there who know people with this illness. Lisetta M ======================================================================================== Fibro myalga, Parkinsons, Diabetes PRE BURN and Fibromyalgia

July 27, 2009

Have clients with fibro that say Pre-burn helps with pain, fatigue Could be because of the d ribose component [not to mention so many other things B vitamins, green tea, muscle building creatine etc] an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

D-Ribose may improve fibromyalgia symptoms

Published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine this month, The Use of D-Ribose in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study explores the use of D-ribose to decrease the debilitating symptoms of both fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Both syndromes are "often associated with impaired cellular energy metabolism." D-ribose, a naturally occuring sugar nutrient, is thought to increase the creation of cellular energy in heart and skeletal muscle. The pilot study evaluated its use as a supplement in 41 patients with CFS and or FMS. They were given a dosage of dose of 5g three times daily for a total of 280 g. They completed visual analog scale questionnaires and assessment before and after treatment. The researchers conclude:
D-ribose, which was well-tolerated, resulted in a significant improvement in all five visual analog scale (VAS) categories: energy; sleep; mental clarity; pain intensity; and well-being, as well as an improvement in patients' global assessment. Approximately 66% of patients experienced significant improvement while on D-ribose, with an average increase in energy on the VAS of 45% and an average improvement in overall well-being of 30%... D-ribose significantly reduced clinical symptoms in patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Bonnie C, CNC, NC, CTLC

Live Well! an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

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