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Textbook practice (some of these may have already been assigned): - pg.

367 #1-8: see back of the book - pg. 368-9 #1-4, 8-12, 15, 17-18 #1-4, 8-10 - see back of the book 11. Urine production would increase. Salt, amino acids, and glucose are actively transported from the nephron in the area of the proximal tubule. The reduced active transport capabilities, due to the inhibition of ATP formation, would mean a higher solute concentration (increased osmotic pressure) in the nephron. Because of the higher osmotic pressure in the nephron, less water is reabsorbed, increasing urine production. The reduced blood flow to the kidney would be detected by the juxtaglomerular apparati. Renin would be released, converting angiotensinogen to angiotensin. The angiotensin causes constriction of local arterioles (this increases blood pressure) and initiates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone, by increasing Na+ transport from the nephrons, increases water reabsorption, which helps elevate blood pressure. Decreased blood pressure will reduce filtration, thereby decreasing the amount of urine produced. The animal will become dehydrated. ADH is stored in the pituitary. Without ADH, urine production could be expected to increase. 18. (a) Proteins are not permeable through Bowman s capsule. (b) All amino acids have been reabsorbed from the proximal tubules. (c) The concentration of urea shows water reabsorption. Urea becomes more concentrated as urine passes along the nephron because water is reabsorbed.


15. 17.

- pg. 407 #1-8 see back of the book

- pg. 408-9 #4-7, 10, 11 4. Insulin secretion is reduced in times of stress to avoid a reduction in blood glucose levels. Blood glucose levels are raised during times of stress to supply adequate energy to deal with stress situations. If insulin were not inhibited, glucose would be taken up by cells or converted to glycogen, reducing the glucose available for energy. 5. Increases in insulin and thyroxine would decrease blood sugar levels. Both hormones increase glucose utilization. Insulin also signals the liver to convert glucose into glycogen, also reducing glucose levels. Increases in epinephrine increase blood sugar levels, because glycogen to glucose conversions are accelerated. 6. Iodine is an important component of thyroid hormones. Without iodine, thyroid production and secretion of thyroxine drops. This causes more thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to be produced; consequently, the thyroid is stimulated more and more. Under the relentless influence of TSH, the goiter continues to develop. Normally, an elevated level of thyroxine signals the hypothalamus to stop producing thyroidreleasing hormone (TRH). Without TRH, the pituitary would not produce TSH, so the stimulation of the thyroid would stop.

7. The anabolic steroids provide negative feedback to the pituitary gland, resulting in a decrease in the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Decreased GnRH production slows the production and release of LH, leading to less testosterone production. 10. The anterior pituitary gland produces a variety of regulator hormones. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a hormone of the anterior pituitary, initiates the release of thyroxine, which regulates cell metabolism. As thyroxine levels decline, less blood sugar is oxidized. Impeding cellular metabolism slows the drop in blood sugar levels. Growth hormone (GH) is also produced in the anterior pituitary. Growth hormone increases fat metabolism and switches fuels from glucose to fats. Without GH, the use of fat as a source of energy declines. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (stored in the anterior pituitary) also stimulates the release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal glands. Cortisol, the most significant glucocorticoid, increases the level of amino acids in the blood. The amino acids are converted into glucose, which is the most usable source of cell energy. If cortisol levels drop, blood sugar levels may also fall. 11. Symptoms: stays warm even when cool outside high metabolism; eats a lot but doesn t gain weight A doctor may suspect a hormone imbalance based on the symptoms listed above. It is unusual for someone to eat more than other people but not gain weight and not to feel uncomfortable in a cold environment. Based on these symptoms, the doctor may suspect that the patient is producing too much thyroxine. The symptoms listed above match those associated with hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland produces too much thyroxine.

- pg. 457 #1-9 see back of the book

- pg. 458-9 #3, 5-6, 10, 11, 13 3. Neuron X is an excitatory neuron. Its neuron transmitter causes the depolarization of neuron Y, making it easier to reach threshold level. Neuron W is an inhibitory neuron. Its neuron transmitter causes the hyperpolarization of the resting membrane Y, making it more difficult to achieve threshold level. The cerebellum. The cones are high light-intensity photoreceptors that detect colour. This enables the chicken to distinguish tiny objects on the ground, such as a seeds or small insects. Subtle differences in colour and texture can be detected. However, because the chicken s eyes have so many cones, they do not have many rods. This means that they have very poor night vision and are therefore susceptible to predation at night or when there is very little light.



10. (a) Force of muscle contraction is 4 N. The all-or-none response indicates that once the neuron has been excited, it experiences force with the same speed and intensity. (b) Threshold level is 20 mV. 11. (a) Neuron B (b) An action potential in neuron C will not cause a response in D because sufficient neurotransmitter chemicals are not released. However, if an action potential in C and another excitatory neuron, such as A, are combined, then an action potential in neuron D will be produced. 13. If a leg had been severed, but the cell body of the sensory neuron remained intact, the neuron continues to send information to the CNS. The area of the CNS that was stimulated by the nerve was for

the severed area of the leg. Although the section of the leg was removed, the sensory neuron continues to indicate that the area was irritated.

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