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Ambers Stone Notes

Howlite & Ametrine:

A stone of binding, containment, or control. Very feminine, a Goddess Stone. Air and Water are the elements. This is a very soothing combination. Really helpful in calming bad dreams or possibly restless sleeping. Bad dreams coming from traumatic events, helpful for children, especially. Very comforting-makes you feel as if you are in a safe place. Good for new empaths. The ametrine alone would be good for this if howlite is not available. Very reassuring. Would help and empathy to solidify their shielding. Need to verify with Thai if Ametrine will actually give new empaths a temporary shield until they can integrate it or can construct their own. Will help them to keep their emotions stable while they sort them out from everyone elses. Hematite woud be helpful in combination with ametrine if they are having *real* problems with stability. If Ametrine can help to keep emotions OUT a teacher could use this stone to keep a projective empathy under lock and key until the projection is controlled. NOTE: Could men use Lingham stones instead of eggs on their personal altars because symbolically it makes sense? Couples could use both as long as they dont mind the added fertility issues.

Ametrine could also be used in protective work or as an anchor to a word.

Lapis, Leopard Jasper, & Moonstone:

Very feminine energy. The effect of the Leopard Jasper is minimized by the lapis and the Moonstone. Not so aggressive, but the Lapis and the Moonstone are not smothering. Water/Fire elemental combination. Strong Maiden, but not fierce. Helpful for adolescent girls who are trying to find themselves. Helps with how to balance being a sexual, sensual, emotional, and strong and capable person. All of this may not be happening on a conscious level, but this is a part of growing up. I do not think this combination would be good for boys at all since it is far too female centered. This combination is balanced enough that it would be useful for a young girl who is heterosexual or one who has lesbian tendencies. Somewhat comforting, with a protective bent. Could be helpful to girls/women suffering from sexual trauma. Helps them both before and after they have gone into shock. Could help bring them back around. Will want to use in short sessions. Could fog the system. Could be used for extreme emotional trauma of any kind. Both in the aftermath of and if an individual is dealing with a past situation in a therapeutic setting. This combo puts everything at a safe distance, and wraps the brain and heart in a cocoon so the emotion/pain/fear is felt at a distance. This is a reason why this combination can only be used in short bursts. Too much is not a good thing. One needs to be able to look dispassionately only for a

short time The affect may take some time to pass. Have them hold a moqui ball after.


Water stone. Crone associations? Not a mother stone! Very relaxing and soothing, allows people to deal with extreme situations. Gives them distance to their own emotions. Almost giving the professional distance to health/mental health workers. Naturally gives and reinforces empathic shielding. Helps to filter out the internal emotional white noise. Could possibly help a projective talent to contain themselves. Could be programmed to help in all aspects of the empathic gift. What would this stone do for healers?


Masculine stone. Water? Helpful for someone to reinforce shields and protections, especially when it is due to stress or illness. A good stone to anchor words to. Also, can help the recuperating or stressed to find their inner strength. Will not make someone overly aggressive. When paired with a quartz point, it is useful for mental strength. Wont over stimulate someone. Not a stone of grounding but of foundation. Could combine well with a lot of other stones. Very powerful, but controlled. Helps with mental focus without the laser focus of clear quartz. More like a fog has lifted. Also good for waking up. Soothing stress reducer without making you drowsy.


Air stone. Goddess stone- Mother aspect. Calming to the mind. Soothes the heart chakra. Good for panic in certain relationships. Helps you find your muse. Opens up the crown chakra. Not to deity, however, but to creative inspirations. Could help to find a talent area or an art. Not to hear the voice of Deity. Not good for the third chakra. Too open and vulnerable? Helps to perpetuate a feeling of calmness. Can be use for jealously issues. Not for envy however. Can help get rational thinking back on track. Possibly use in tandem with Larvikite to help connect the head to the heart. Fluorite can be used with some sexual issues if the individual is in the process of dealing with these issues. Lets them look at them through their intellect in a very detached way. Allows them to keep some emotional distance. Good for issues of loss and possible abandonment and neglect. But only if said person is involved in therapy for these issues if they have given consent to deal with these issues. Could be overwhelming to someone if they are unaware and unprepared. Useful for the chakras in the soles of the feet. Possible help someone to move naturally through the process of grief. Helpful if someone is grieving in an unhealthy way. Possibly drawing it out too long or suppressing it. Not useful to someone who is too rational and/or intellectual. Very useful in trying to balance the four/five elements. Like what I had on my altar: Air: Fluorite Fire: Carnelian Water: Amethyst Earth: Snowflake Obsidian

Myself: Smokey Quartz Recommend over other air stones. Useful for people trying to balance emotion and intellect. Beware giving this to air signs. Does not deal with the subconscious at all. Other stones are needed to make that connection.


God Stone. Deep earth stone, but not like Verdite. Verdite feels like is still connected to a specific point in the earth, like it still has a cord or tie to it. Hematite is very grounding in general, but no longer has its connection to that specific point. Excellent for the chakras in the feel (and hands?) but WILL blow open closed chakras. If someone has a healthier connection to earth through those chakras, it can be used. Connected to the underworld gods. Possibly good for helping though times of grief and mourning. Possibly not the best for dealing with traumatic loss. This stone will be too harsh for many people. Almost a stone of last resort, however this stone might be strong enough that it could bring someone out of shock. It would be really hard on the body, but it could be done. Could help get someone past and extreme state (panic, anxiety, fear, grief) to get done what they need to. Because of its extreme nature, it can get the person out of the cycle for long enough to accomplish something. But, this should not be done for an extended period of time. This is a denial of a physiological reaction and there could be lasting repercussions if used in this manner for too long.


Air/Star/Spirit Stone. God stone. Very deep and dark. Good for unlocking the subconscious in a very general way. Good to pave the way to gain access to the information there. Useful for dreamwork. Helpful if the client wants to be more of a participant in the process. (Working outside the sessions). Useful for very logical and linear people to work with. Helps to break though that block. Useful for third eye issues. Especially stabilizing but could open a closed third eye. Need to be careful with that aspect. Possible use to connect a male to the Masculine divinity. Working through the inner labyrinth. Connects the subconscious to the intellect, makes it easier for these two aspects to communicate. Helps understanding flow between the two. *Place under pillow after initial work has brought out core issues. Have them keep a journal in a much detail as possible. Useful when paired with Howlite. Use that journal to help them. Possible use a stone to symbolize the chakra or issue focused upon. Little bags to put stones in to stash in pillowcase. Dreams could be quite vivid and disturbing that is why Howlite is there. The 3rd stone is for focus. Calms anxiety. Should be used with care. Not everyone will be able to cope with the effects it has on dreams. Could spook some people. Howlite alone would be good in other cases. Very transformational effects. Useful around first degree intiations. Helpful with certain types of meditation. Not particularly useful in sexual issues. Use for initiations and meditations when ther are a number of steps to go through. Example: A Chakra reading where issues are brought

up and discussed. One or two rituals to work through issues, culminating in an intiation. Or a series of guided meditations to deal with the issues. Helps to focus the individual in situations like these.. Keep on their altar when focus on something specific is needed. Pendants. Look into jewelry making supplies. Useful when worn as jewelry. Will not interfere with the heart chakra if worn as a necklace.. especially when trying to make important spiritual decisions. Could help people accept their path. Useful for clairvoyance, could be overwhelming to the extremely sensitive. Useful for tarot readers? Stone of connections


Large dark piece. Stone of the crone, the lighter smaller pieces belong to the maiden. Almost as if by design it is to be used in a series, beginning with the small light pieces. A stone of self-knowledge but specifically emotion. Orients the person to focus on the emotions and to find what they are rooted in. Associated with frogs, toads, and other aquatic reptiles. Must be careful with the darker pieces, could be too rough on the emotionally unstable. Helps to bring out the suppressed emotions and helps someone to connect to the reptilian or primitive brain. Large pieces should not be given to children. Help to root out the base emotional instincts. How, why you reacted to something emotionally. Not suited for everyone, may make some people a bit scatter witted- fuzzy. Should not be used in connection with marijuana or other smoking blends designed to aid in emotional areas. An Earth/Water stonea reedy pond?

Can be very soothing and quieting of the emotions as well. Stilling the waters. Useful for the chakras in the palms. Helps to balance what you take in and what you give out. Not a stone for self-nurturance, it only helps to set the groundwork for self-nurturance. If that is the issue at hand you must find a stone to stimulate that.

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