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INSIGHT March 2011

INSIGHT March 2011


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INSIGHT March 2011

Living Life Gods Way - 1

We have thought that an entirely surrendered will is necessary to bring us into a life of victory, but that is not enough. There must be also a broken spirit which will enable us to accept Gods will joyfully without chafing. A surrendered will and a broken spirit are not the same thing. The will is in the realm of the intellect, and corresponds to the law. The spirit is in the realm of the heart, and corresponds to grace. A surrendered will alone does not bring overcoming power. God, by the hand of Moses, called out His people Israel. He delivered them by power and great might, many times causing them to stand awestruck and dumb, as at Sinai, before His lightning and thunders. When face to face with Gods power, they were very penitent, and said, All this will we do, but as soon as the trial was over, thirst quenched, or hunger appeased, they fell to murmuring and complaining against God and His way of working, thus disclosing the fact that though the will surrendered and said, We will do, their spirit was unbroken and wanted its own way, and rebelled inwardly against Gods way. That whole nation, for forty years, though following on, chafed against and questioned God, until all save two perished in the wilderness, and the record gives us the secret of their victory. They had another spirit, an obedient, broken spirit (Numbers 14:24;32:1112; Deuteronomy 1:36). I was made to realize that this unbrokenness of spirit was the cause of many difficulties and failures in Christian experience. Break Me, Lord! Bend Me! The purpose of God is that our spirit as well as our will may yield to Him, and thus the whole nature be brought under His reign and be responsive to Him. The reason that we see so many Christians living a life of struggle and failure is because they have refused to be exercised by, and yielded to, the chastening hand of God. They are wholly unbroken in spirit. Paul is an example of broken-ness of spirit. In the ninth chapter of Acts we have his conversion, where with one masterly stroke of Almighty God, the riotous, persecuting Saul is changed to the everobedient, brokenspirited Paul. What happened to Paul in that hour must happen sometime to every living man or woman who would know a life of victory over the flesh. We have in Acts 9:56 And he said, Who art Thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? Saul found what was the matter with him; he had been kicking against God, and as soon as he saw it, he surrendered, and God took the kick out of him. He said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? not as the terrified keeper of the prison, who yielded because of fear, and said, What must I do? (Acts 16:30) Slain with Him That We Might Reign with Him The will is always saying: What must I do? But a broken spirit ever says, What wilt Thou have me to do? I saw that the kick is in our spirit, not in our will. Here is where many dear ones fail. They are perfectly sure God is speaking, and they do not actually intend to disobey. Like the Israelites they say, We will do, but they do it with a kick in their spirit, which destroys peace and hinders blessing. God made me see how one could be even willing to go to the stake, and yet to do so

Dr. William Zook

The purpose of God is that our spirit as well as our will may yield to Him, and thus the whole nature be brought under His reign and be responsive to Him. The reason that we see so many Christians living a life of struggle and failure is because they have refused to be exercised by, and yielded to, the chastening hand of God.

INSIGHT March 2011

with a wholly unbroken spirit, utterly at variance with Him who said, Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God. And whether it was success or bitterest persecution, it was all the same, I delight to do Thy will no chafing, no resistance, no questioning, but absolute brokenness of spirit (Psalm 40:78). Had it been otherwise, His mission on earth would have been a failure. Can you imagine Jesus all His life obeying His Father, but His spirit chafing, and crying out at every step to be eased or released from the trial, the burden lifted or the circumstances changed? It is not alone His utter surrender of will that excites our admiration, but it is the consciousness that His whole being went with the will in glad obedience, and thus we learn the meaning of the Lamb slain. And we, His bride, are to be united to this Lamb. How can we unless we too have been slain? The Wrong Spirit Much has been spoken and written on the subject of death to the selflife, and much honest effort has been put forth on the part of those seeking an overcoming life, but alas, all our efforts have not left us dead, but more like the prophets of Baal on Carmel, only hewed and hacked until body, soul and spirit are bruised and sore and aching. What then, is the way out, for if honest desire and effort will not bring victory, where are we? I saw that something is radically wrong with us, that the root I had been seeking is in a wrong spirit. It is just as necessary that we have a right spirit as a clean heart a heart that is cleansed from sin, and a spirit broken, the kick taken out. How are we to obtain it? We are told in Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. My heart simply leaped with joy as I saw that God had provided a way out. A new spirit will I put, no efforts of mine, but a work of God, a creation, as it were, of a new human spirit, a displacing of the old, unbroken spirit by a new one that will yield, that will be obedient, that will not chafe, but will be utterly and forever one with God. Oh, what a divine relief! Conviction of Need What we have to do is to feel our need, bring it to Him and make the exchange. What will happen then? He tells us in Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you (not help you) to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, and do them. People are crying out for revival and the Spirits outpouring. I saw the reason it is not given. God will not baptize your or my flesh with His Spirit. Of the sacred oil, it is said, Upon mans flesh shall it not be poured (Exodus 30:32). He does not baptize our intellect, but the Holy Spirit comes upon our spirit, and He gives wisdom through the heart, instead of the head. David saw after his one great sin what he needed was a broken spirit (Psalm 51:17). This is why God often takes up one of no culture, and little intellectual power, and like the case of Sammy Morris, the African Kru boy, so baptizes him or her with the Holy Ghost that they become a wonder unto many. God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty (1 Corinthians 1:27). If it were not so, man would use God instead of God using man. He does graciously put His Spirit upon man at times, and there is real Pentecostal power, but man cannot be trusted with power, so that this intermittent life is the best God can do for an unbroken spirit. But when once the will is surrendered and the new spirit received, it is upon this spirit that God says, I will put My Spirit, and a life of power and victory is assured. As you read these lines, give to Him the old, hard, unbroken spirit, and let Him put within you the new, and life will be a joy. Whether you are called to scrub or preach, it will be all the same; for like our Lord, you will say, I delight to do Thy will. The character and work of many an honest Christian bears the label unbroken, and that is the reason that He permits many trials that are beyond our understanding, beyond our faith, even beyond endurance, not only that the will may surrender, but that we may be pressed to exchange our human spirit, which is forever warring with God, for the new spirit promised us, which is broken, teachable, humble and lowly (2 Corinthians 1:811). Jesus tells us His yoke must be upon us and we learn of Him (Matthew 11:2830). Through His All Sufficiency In Ezekiel 36:37 He tells us how this heart of stone, this hard unbroken spirit will be taken away. I will . . . be enquired of . . . to do it for them.

The character and work of many an honest Christian bears the label unbroken, and that is the reason that He permits many trials that are beyond our understanding, beyond our faith, even beyond endurance, not only that the will may surrender, but that we may be pressed to exchange our human spirit, which is forever warring with God, for the new spirit promised us, which is broken, teachable, humble and lowly (2 Corinthians 1:811).

INSIGHT March 2011

family dairy


INTRODUCTION THE CONJUGAL RESPONSIBILITY A few years ago, God placed a burning desire within me to deliver a message of vital importance to the Body of Christ. He opened my eyes to the huge social crisis that is developing each day, not only around me, but around the globe. After studying and analyzing the roots of the so called social evils, that is drugs, crime, suicide, alcoholism and many more problems closely, I realized that each one of them had a common origin: the deterioration of the family nucleus. Divorce, spousal abuse and crimes of passion on a worldwide scale overwhelm the established norms, they are undoubtedly driving us to social deterioration. It does not have to be this way. Biblically speaking, the family constitutes the human and legal institution that is most important to God. He very wisely created the first couple, and established the procedures necessary for a successful marriage. Unfortunately, man has created his own rules, which are not consistent with the rules established by God. When divine wisdom is set aside, human wisdom is disabled. For this reason, it is not surprising that most marriages end up in failure. Not only is divorce bad for society, but our familiarity with divorce desensitizes us to its moral wrongness. Swayed by the numbers of divorces and our culture, Christians often try to rationalize divorce as acceptable to God. The institution of marriage is the foundation of the family, and the cornerstone upon which all of our social institutions rest, including the church. If the critical condition of the marriages of those people, who do not know Him is unacceptable to God, how much more important is it for the families of those who constitute His Body remain united? This is the issue to which I have called to speak and write about and is also the topic of this book. God wishes the foundation of his kingdom, the family, to be united. Thus, the marriage is the nucleus of the family. Today, we present to you the objectives, statutes and steps we need in order to begin persevering to ensure a successful marriage. This is what exactly what was in Gods heart in the beginning. The biblical roles laid down by God are the only way to develop a health family and a solid church. Take heed of this knowledge and it will bring blessings to you and your family. Do not be afraid to change if this means your own happiness and that of those you love. THE MARITAL DUTY: THE MISSING LINK We continually hear talk about rights and duties in this age of civil rights. Unfortunately, most married couples do not know nor do they acknowledge that God has also established rights and duties for them. These rights and duties were designed for the perfect performance of the conjugal relationship. It is necessary that spouses clearly understand the meaning of the word duty, and know what their obligations are within the conjugal relationship. What is the meaning of the word duty? According to the dictionary, duty is defined as a moral obligation, by natural law or by imposition, to another person or to a situation. A duty is much more than an acquired responsibility, it is an obligation. Consequently, the conjugal duty becomes a set of obligations agreed upon by the bride and groom at the performance of the nuptial ceremony. However, most couples leave the altar with a different vision. Generally, each spouse is cognizant of certain obligations that the other spouse has vowed to them, but rarely does each spouse have a strong conscious awareness of the obligations that he or she has made to the other spouse. Subsequently, the couples vague understanding of their respective duties will lead to all sorts of problems down the road. Fortunately, God has clearly established the respective duties of the husband and the wife in the Bible. Thus, we must learn the roles that God has imposed on each

Ernesto & Alvia Mckenzie

Most married couples do not know nor do they acknowledge that God has also established rights and duties for them. These rights and duties were designed for the perfect performance of the conjugal relationship. It is necessary that spouses clearly understand the meaning of the word duty, and know what their obligations are within the conjugal relationship.

INSIGHT March 2011

mate. Second, we need to understand how they differ from those roles assigned by culture. THE MANS ROLE IN THE MARITAL RELATIONSHIP Since Genesis, God placed man as the head of all earthly things created, including the woman, whom He formed by taking one of Adams ribs (Genesis 2:22). Here we have mans first two responsibilities. First, God created the woman from the mans rib. It was not so that the woman would be inferior to the man, but so that the woman would be his helpmate (The World Book Dictionary defines helpmate as a companion and helper; wife or husband). Indeed, God created women to be perfectly capable of being mans companion and, obviously, God makes everything perfect. Second, God has appointed man as the leader of the family, that is, head of the woman and head of the household (Ephesians 5:23). Unfortunately, most believers have taken this scripture lightly. If we were to analyze this, we would see that God has placed an enormous responsibility on the man. You may ask yourself, What could that enormous responsibility be? Let us suppose that you work for the most famous jewelers in the world and they have put you in charge of the most extravagant and valuable jewels owned by the company. Imagine something happening to the jewels and having to face the most influential and powerful person of this company should something should happen to the jewels. Do you think you would neglect the care of the jewels after having such a great responsibility bestowed upon you? Frankly, I do not think so. I am certain you would be sure to watch for even the most minute details with respect to this position. The same level of attention is required of man given his responsibility as the head of household. The family, especially the wife, constitutes the jewels given man by God. One day each man shall have to give account for the responsibilities that God has entrusted to him, as well as for the family God put in his charge. What a responsibility. The authority delegated to man by God, does not exempt him from seeking to reach a mutual understanding with his wife when making decisions. After all, these decisions will also affect his wife. For example, if a man comes home driving a new car, without having discussed it with his wife beforehand, the wife would naturally feel excluded from the marriage decisions and would be justifiably upset. The man may be the head of the home, but every head needs a neck to hold it up! That neck is the woman. The man is called to lead the woman the same way the man is called to be led by God (see fig. 1). If the Hierarchy of these roles established by God were accomplished to the letter, I would not doubt in the least that fifty percent of the marriages would be successful and secured. However, I should make ne thing clear, any insinuation of supremacy by the man is totally excluded from his role. Further more, the man is to be a guide and the keeper of his family. Third, we find that God ordered man to love his woman in the same way that Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). Again, God put the man in a place of great responsibility. This happened for the following reasons. The love that Christ has for the church is not common. Christ gave himself up for the salvation of humanity; the humanity which constitutes the church of which we are talking about. He offered himself, and left His kingdom, to give his life on a cross, knowing that we were sinners. Furthermore, he made us perfect in Him, notwithstanding our imperfections. Is this not the most beautiful example of love? God asks the man to love his woman with the same kind of deep love to be capable of offering himself for his helpmate. The husband who loves his wife in this way, loves himself. When they marry they are no longer two separate lives anymore, but only one. It is not normal for anyone to neglect his or herself in any way, he or she does not feed, clothe, take proper care of or protect his or her body, the body and the mind will become weak. So man and woman now being one, should both give and receive the same dedication. God expects you to give an account of how you have fulfilled this responsibility at the end of your journey. Take a few minutes to examine yourself. Do you believe you could go before God and render an account of excellence? If you believe you cannot, this is the time to start correcting your steps. THE WOMANS ROLE IN THE MARITAL RELATIONSHIP The meaning of the verb, is yielding oneself to another person, and in our particular situation to God. This is where the first problem between man and woman arises, regardless of whether they are believers or not. The problem? The word submit. The word submit has different meanings. It can be used to express subjection of a person or thing to another, or it can be interpreted as servitude. In this case, the meaning of the verb, is to subject oneself to the common sense of another person, and in our particular situation, to God. The submission of the woman should not be seen as a marriage tie or servitude to a man. The Bible commands the spouses to mutually subject areas of their lives to each other,

The husband who loves his wife in this way, loves himself. When they marry they are no longer two separate lives anymore, but only one. It is not normal for anyone to neglect his or herself in any way, he or she does not feed, clothe, take proper care of or protect his or her body, the body and the mind will become weak. So man and woman now being one, should both give and receive the same dedication. God expects you to give an account of how you have fulfilled this responsibility at the end of your journey.

INSIGHT March 2011

God has an answer to everything. Prayer, obedience and the correct disposition before God, are the key solutions to every situation, Regardless of whether or not your spouse complies with his or her duties, you are responsible before God to comply with your own duties.

without forgetting that the man is the head of the household. By trying to alter or reverse these roles, we will be altering the natural order established by God. Such attempts always upset the delicate balance of the marriage relationship, resulting in crisis. For example, suppose a man of God has been called to be a Missionary, but he decides to be a Pastor. The most probable result is that it would be more difficult for the man to satisfy his self-appointed Pastoral functions, than for a man equipped by God to be a Pastor in the same situation. This naturally follows, since God gave the former all the abilities and gifts required to be a good Missionary. That is, he lacks all the gifts of God to be a Pastor, which, in all certainty, will bring fatigue and frustration. By the same token, the man and the woman should not reverse roles because this would alter the natural order of God. We should remember that, in the same way the woman is subject to her husband, the man is subject to God. Even though it may not seem so, the womans position before God is more comfortable than that of the man. She will only have to follow her husband since he is responsible before God for the decisions which are made. Now, there are times when a man does not subject himself to God this can create problems for the woman. In this case, regardless of what many woman would like to believe, this circumstance does not justify that authority be taken away from the man. God has an answer to everything. Prayer, obedience and the correct disposition before God, are the key solutions to every situation, Regardless of whether or not your spouse complies with his or her duties, you are responsible before God to comply with your own duties. Our grace and favor before God lie in the obedience and disposition of our hearts. Let us not forget, God is an organized God and that everything in His kingdom has an order.

Bob Gass

If you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth. Lk 16:11 NLT We never really own anything, its just a loan. It was Gods property before we arrived, and Hell lend it to somebody else after were gone. Our selfish culture says, If I dont own it, why should I take care of it? Those who understand Gods will live by a higher standard. They say, Because God owns it, Ill take even better care of it! In Gods kingdom, Those who are trusted with something valuable must show they are worthy of that trust (1Co 4:2 NCV). To illustrate this, Jesus told the story of a businessman who entrusted his wealth to his servants while he was away. When he returned he evaluated and rewarded them accordingly: Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness! (Mt 25:21 NIV). When you make the most of what God has given to you He promises three rewards. First, youll be given commendation: Well done, good and faithful servant! Next, youll receive promotion: I will put you in charge of many things. Finally, youll be honored with a celebration: Come and share your masters happiness. For many of us, money is the greatest test of all. Jesus addresses this: If you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Lk 16:11 NLT). Theres a direct correlation between how you use your money, and the quality of your life. So the question is: could the way youre handling your money be preventing God from blessing you with more?

INSIGHT March 2011


The richness of personal relationship with a personal God is enjoyed through the Spirit (Rom. 8: 14-17; Gal. 4:6). Intimacy of this relationship-as children- the adoption-made us to call Abba Father (Rom 8:17;32). It is wonderful to be reminded that all of the Spirit that was available to Jesus is now available to us.

Johnson George

Introduction The role of Holy Spirit in the life of individual Christian is an essential teaching in the New Testament. Holy Spirit has a very significant role in individuals life, just as he has in the churchs life and witness. Holy Spirit, according to the teaching of the Fourth Gospel, is in fact the presence of Jesus himself in the world after his departure from the world (John 14:26; 15:26; 16: 3ff.). Only when one understands the function of the Holy Spirit in his/ her life and submits to it he/she can be used by God on the one hand and receive the blessings of God on the other. Yet, the attempt is not to over emphasize this aspect of the Holy Spirit to bring in an individualized gospel. It is necessary to look into the New Testament understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believers to avoid misunderstandings. 1. Holy Spirit In the Salvation of the Individual The evangelists faithfully recorded the words of Jesus that spoke of the precious gift of the Holy Spirit after his departure (Lk 24: 49; John 14: 26; 15: 26). It is significant to note the words of Jesus promise before he left the disciples. As per Luke the writer of the third Gospel and Acts Jesus asked the disciples to stay till they be clothed with power from on high(24: 49). Acts 1:8 adds that and you will be my witness. The Pentecost (Acts 2)actualized this promise in the first community with all the effect Jesus had told. According to John 16:8 the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin and righteousness. So, it is one of the most important function of the Spirit in the life of the individual to convict him/her of sin. Then, as per the records of 1Peter 1: 2, Holy Spirit sets us apart for obedience to Christ. 1 Cor. 12: 3 say that Spirit enables us to call Jesus our Lord. It is the assurance that we are the children of God that comes to us by the activity of the Holy Spirit as per Rom. 8: 9b, 14-17. The ministry of applying these redemptive benefits to the church belongs to the Holy Spirit, who performs in each person the miracle of Gods grace made available through Christ. In this context it may interesting to look into the response of Mary the mother of Jesus at the wedding at Cana. Jesus didnt do any miracle for the public till then. But Mary could approach him for something of that sort. It is possible to interpret that Mary, by the Work of the Holy Spirit; received Christ into herself and that was the greatest of all miracles for her. This led her to meet Jesus for the need of the people at Cana (John 2: 1-11). 2. Holy Spirit in the Regeneration of the individual The role of the Holy Spirit is underlined very much by Jesus with regard to the regeration of the individual in John 3: 5ff. The new birth is a birth from above and only Holy Spirit can bring it about. The quality of this birth is told in John 1:12-13. Scripture makes it very clear that we cannot make right choices by our own ability(Rom 1:32); cannot accept that come from the Spirit (1Cor. 2:14); cannot please God (Rom:8:8); and cannot accept God ( John 14:17). So God has given the spirit and it is a birth anew. 3. Holy Spirit in the Adoption of the Believer The richness of personal relationship with a personal God is enjoyed through the Spirit (Rom. 8: 14-17; Gal. 4:6). Intimacy of this relationship-as children- the adoption-made us to call Abba Father (Rom 8:17;32). It is wonderful to be reminded that all of the Spirit that was available to Jesus is now available to us.

INSIGHT March 2011

When one accepts Christ into his/her heart Spirit of God brings the presence of Christ to the believer. All that Jesus was to his disciples will now be represented to those same disciples by the Spirit. The believer needs no greater assurance than that of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Paraclete who continues to guarantee our present and future redemption in Christ.

There are two aspects of adoption pointed out in the New Testament : one: in Christ a person is no longer a slave, but a son (Gal 4:7). Rom 8:14,15,16 further speaks of an assured relationship. Holy Spirit is so significant for a meaningful relationship with God. Two: this adoption is yet to be fully realized-Rom 8:23; 1Jn 3:2 4. Holy Spirit in Giving Assurance Another significant work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual is the assurance Holy Spirit brings to the believer. Eph. 1: 14 emphasizes the role of the Spirit in assuring us of our position as well as our possession in Christ. This truth is portrayed through several metaphors in the New Testament, especially in Pauline writings. First metaphor is first fruits that is familiar to the farmer who judges the quality of the final crop on the basis of the first of the harvest. If the first fruits are good, the final crop will be good. The Holy Spirit as the first fruits would be better appreciated if the church were to provide more teaching on the Spirit. The church was brought into being and is held together by his activity. We are sustained by Gods Word, and inspired and illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If this is merely the first fruits the final harvest will surely be beyond all our human expectations. Second, we have the word seal from the world of commerce. Paul reminds the Ephesian Christians that when they believed they were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13). The seal on an article was stamped with its owners mark. The seal of the Holy Spirit thus identifies us as children of God, having tasted of Christs salvation. Sadly, we have too often been marked by organizational identities, internal political squabbles, materialistic preoccupations and high-powered business infrastructures, which have been more visible than this seal. It s time we allow the Holy Spirit to burn away that false exterior and make our identity more recognizable. Thirdly, the word earnest of deposit is another term from commerce derived by Paul for Holy Spirit who guarantees complete payment or possession (Eph.1:14). The first installment or down payment secures the transaction. The Holy Spirit is this guarantee, assuring us of the full salvation that we will one day enjoy in Christ. Fourthly, we have the Johannine term Paraclete which is used to tell the role of the Holy Spirit. Paraclete stresses Gods assurance of Christs presence with us. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as another paraclete. While being on earth Jesus was the paraclete to his disciples, giving counsel and comfort. Now, after Jesus departure, the Holy Spirit would be to the disciples what Jesus Christ had already been to them. Jesus was soon to leave his disciples, but during his absence the Holy Spirit would continue to assure them of Christs presence and of his eventual triumphant return to receive his church into glory. Jesus work was not to cease at his death and resurrection, nor was his fellowship with his disciples to terminate upon his departure from them. When one accepts Christ into his/her heart Spirit of God brings the presence of Christ to the believer. All that Jesus was to his disciples will now be represented to those same disciples by the Spirit. The believer needs no greater assurance than that of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Paraclete who continues to guarantee our present and future redemption in Christ. 5. In the Witness of the Individual In the Gospel of John Holy Spirit will be send so that he will witness to Jesus Christ (John 14:16; 15:26c.; 16: 13). The witness of the Holy Spirit is the God intended wider dimension of it and it is far beyond any agenda of an organization. If the Christians life is controlled by the Holy Spirit, he will bring about the witness to Christ by the life of the Christian. When the Holy Spirit becomes the central, controlling, directing, establishing priorities and enabling, we shall witness a natural, or rather supernatural wholeness in witness. The witness that comes out in this way by the in working of the Holy Spirit would be primarily related to our availability to God than on our own strategies and plans. The Holy Spirit should be given full freedom in our life that he would bring about the mission that God desires. It was the Pentecost that brought in that spontaneity in witness to the timid and fearful disciples. This spontaneity would lead one say with the apostles, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard(Acts 4: 20). Thus witness becomes a priority when Holy Spirit is working in the life of an individual. Conclusion Thus, the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual Christian is immensely important. Holy Spirit plays that vital role in the life of the individual to bring in salvation true in his/her life. Regeneration and adoption of the believer according to the standards of God is performed in the world in the life of the believer by the activity of the Holy Spirit. The assurance to the Christian that he belongs to God is done by the in working of the Holy Spirit this leads one enjoy the Christian joy. Above all Holy Spirit continues the work of Jesus Christ in the world through the disciples in witnessing to Jesus and his salvation.


INSIGHT March 2011

Now, my son, may the Lord be with you; and may you prosper, and build the house of the Lord your God, as He has said to you. Only may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. Then you will prosper, if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed. (Words of King David to his son Solomon - 1 Chron 22:11-13 - NKJV) Before King David died and completed his earthly duties, one of the most important things that he did was to call his son Solomon to himself and lay out to him the things that were in his heart. He told Solomon that he had desired to build a temple in Jerusalem as God had now given rest to His people so that they may dwell in Jerusalem forever (1 Chron 22:6-7; 23:25), but God did not allow him to proceed forward in this building venture as he had shed a lot of blood in his lifetime (1 Chron 22:8). However, God had wanted Solomon to undertake this building project after his death (v. 9-10), for which David had prepared all the required building materials for this project (v. 14-16). David then set out the priorities for his son Solomon in this manner that God would give Solomon wisdom and understanding to keep the commandments of God completely so that he would fulfill the statutes and judgments that God had previously charged Moses concerning Israel. In doing so, he would prosper in his life. Solomon must have pondered over this final charge of his father, and decided that getting wisdom and understanding from God is the primary thing above everything else in his life. That must be reason that when God appeared to Solomon later and asked him what he desired in his life, Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding above anything else that he could have asked from God (2 Chron 1:7-12). God truly blessed Solomon with abundant wisdom and understanding that he became the wisest king and the most prosperous ruler of Israel. This is a wonderful lesson for all parents everywhere about setting priorities for their children. It is good that the children study and achieve greatness on the secular side. But more important is that they desire for wisdom and understanding from God so that they obey the word of God completely all the days of their lives. Then only are they going to be truly prosperous and successful and can influence many people towards God. In order to get started in obtaining wisdom from God, they should develop a godly fear and reverence for God (Prov 1:7) and a love for reading and meditating on Gods word (Joshua 1:8) while they are still young. This is the training that parents are supposed to give to their children as per Proverbs 22:6. If they lack wisdom, they can also ask in faith to God: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. (James 1:5-6) I hope that every parent can learn from what King David counseled his son Solomon, and would take time to counsel and train their children in godly ways. My God bless you in these efforts!

Pastor Shibu Cherian

(Pastor Shibu Cherian is an Ordained Minister with the Church of God, and currently serves as an Associate Pastor of the Atlanta Church of God. He is a certified Chaplain, a Bible Teacher & has a passion for teaching and mentoring. He is currently undergoing the Doctor of Ministry program from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, TN. He authors a Bible readingmeditation blog called United in The WORD @ He resides in Lilburn, GA with his wife Nissy and three daughters Priscila, Pheba & Persis.)

This is a wonderful lesson for all parents everywhere about setting priorities for their children. It is good that the children study and achieve greatness on the secular side. But more important is that they desire for wisdom and understanding from God so that they obey the word of God completely all the days of their lives.


INSIGHT March 2011

Worry Less, Trust More

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst a spark that creates extraordinary results. Within each worrier is a fearless warrior, waiting to emerge. Its as simple as changing two vowels in worrier and suddenly you are a warrior. It means shifting from giving your power away to imagined catastrophes to owning your power and handling situations calmly and courageously. Worriers tend to fill their minds with fearful thoughts until they end up feeling helpless and powerless. Warriors, on the other hand, hold true to their convictions and are always ready to tackle and confront fears. Being a warrior doesnt mean you have to fight a battle; it means standing strong, trusting yourself and having courage. Stop imagining the worst. Thoughts are powerful. Negative or fearful thoughts an immobilize you, leaving you feeling disempowered. Instead, think of all the possible positive things that could happen with the current situation. Use your wild imagination to invoke uplifting and pleasant scenarios and you will feel self-empowered. Move into the present moment. If your thoughts and energy are stuck in the past or lost in the future imagining the worst, you have no power in the now. Warriors have their focus in the present, enjoying the current moment. Ask yourself if everything is okay in this moment and, if it is, relax into that. Center within yourself. Warriors are not scattered, they have all of their energy and focus anchored in themselves, ready to take action when needed. Being centered within involves taking your focus away from the external and centering it within yourself. Bring your attention to your breath and feel your vital energy flowing through your body until you feel clear and calm. Ground your body. Warriors are not flighty, they have their feet planted firmly on the ground and are connected to the earth. By staying grounded you can release fears and worry out of your body down into the earth. Feel the connection of your body to the earth through your feet and imagine releasing all tensions out of your body. Trust your inner wisdom. Each person has access to their highest truth and wisdom. Listening to the ego minds fearful thoughts will not help you to find an appropriate solution to your current situation. A warrior takes time to calm the mind and listen within for guidance. Once you are centered and calm, ask your higher self what to do next. Worry Less, Trust More The next time a stressful situation occurs and you find yourself going into old habits of panic, worry and fear stop. Let go of the fearful thoughts and take a moment to breath and move into the present moment. Find your center, ground your body, stand strong like a warrior, and then listen to the wisdom of the Lord for guidance.

Chaplain: Joseph Mathew

The next time a stressful situation occurs and you find yourself going into old habits of panic, worry and fear stop. Let go of the fearful thoughts and take a moment to breath and move into the present moment. Find your center, ground your body, stand strong like a warrior, and then listen to the wisdom of the Lord for guidance.

A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke. All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time. He cracked the same joke again & again, When there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said... When u cant laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again..


INSIGHT March 2011

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him (1 Cor 3:16,17)

Hardly a youth programme passes off without someone asking in the question-answer session, Can Christians smoke? Several young people start smoking just for the thrill of it. They feel that they enjoy their freedom and self-worth that way. But in course of time they become addicted to this habit and feel miserable. In the initial stages the smokers feel that they get a kick to think better and work better. But soon they realize their folly. Those who smoke to forget their worries are also disappointed. Because smoking was not perhaps known in Biblical times, theres no specific reference to it in the Bible, unlike drinking. But the statutory warning in every cigarette packet is good enough: Smoking is injurious to health! This fact is proved worldwide. Even passive smoking is equally bad. The Government is banning smoking in public places. God desires that we stay healthy (3 Jn 2). How can He approve smoking? The last day of this month is observed as Antismoking Day all over the world! Uninformed folks argue, Jesus is the Saviour of our souls. Why should He bother about our eating or drinking or smoking? But the Bible teaches that we must surrender our bodies also to Him (Rom 12:1). Apostle Paul challenged the lax lifestyle of the Christians in Corinth: Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? You are bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods (1 Cor 6:15, 20). Smokers are definitely under bondage. Smoking enslaves them. They obey every beck and call of the cigarettes. It is not Gods will that His children are under any form of slavery (Jn 8:34). Through his personal testimony, apostle Paul has given us the principle of Christian living: All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of anything (1 Cor 6:12). The Bible admonishes us to abstain even from all forms of evil. May be you are hooked to this habit. Its never too late for God to deliver you. When Christ delivers you, its deliverance indeed (Jn 8:36). Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the Scriptures quoted above whenever you are tempted. You will be saved by remembering what is written! Also avoid the company of smokers. Bad company corrupts good manners. Have a dental appointment to clean up your stained teeth. Smile, Jesus loves you!


INSIGHT March 2011

Mobile phone have made their system into the daily life of the ordinary people offering anytime anywhere communication. The mobile technology has influenced the way we work live and love. It is inexplicably a one-on-one communication. The infusion of mobile phones in everyday life occur because of the economic accessibility they offer, and of course their mobility. Indians have an inimitable way of using their mobile phones. If they want to speak with somebody, they will dial a number, and cut the line. That person would respond by calling back. Sometimes there is also a secret code in missed calls- like if two missed calls means something, three missed calls means something else so on. The term missed call is only displayed prominently on mobile phones. A missed call is a telephone call that is not answered by its intended recipient prior to the termination of ringing on the recipients end. The ringing may be terminated by the caller simply by hanging up the receiver of a landline phone, or pressing the appropriate button on a mobile phone, or if the answering machine or voicemail picks up on the recipients end. A call may be missed if the intended recipient is away from the phone at the time of the call, or if he or she is there, but chooses not to answer, or does not hear the phone ringing. In Christian realm today, people think Gods call is like a missed call in communication. The teaching swings from one extreme to the other. There are people who advocate there is no call for full-time ministry. First group says, All Christians are ministers and there is no need for full-time ministers. A second idea is that every person goes into full time-ministry, so there is no need for a special call. Third idea is, only those who have received a special call should do full-time ministry. Like missed calls, you can respond at your convenience. When we look at the Bible, Matthew: 4:18-22 we see Jesus calling of the first disciples. The community for which Matthew wrote was largely for Jewish Christian when Jesus saw Levi, the son of Alphaus, sitting at the tax office and he said to him follow me. And he rose and followed him. Jesus calls for a decisive response to a new situation. They were busy in a lawful occupation when he calls them to be ministers. His word was imperial, his work was appropriate to their occupation as fishers; it was full of royal promise. I will make you fishers of men; and it was eminently instruction; for an evangelist and a fisher have many points of likeness, but the passage tells that, nobody can make a man fisher but our Lord himself and that those whom he calls can only become successful by following him. They straightway left their nets. And followed him: because the call was effectual and powerful, no nets can entangle those whom Jesus calls to follow him. They came at all cost, they came without a question, they came to quit old haunts and they came to follow their leader without stipulation and demand. Our Lord thrilled in fishermen: perhaps they are gallant, vigorous, candid, energetic and outspoken character fixed them for his service. Some he calls to preach when casting their nets and some while mending them; but in both case they were busy. We shall need both cast and mend nets after we are called up to our Lords work.

SHYAM RAJ, Changanassary

There are people who advocate there is no call for full-time ministry. First group says, All Christians are ministers and there is no need for full-time ministers. A second idea is that every person goes into full time-ministry, so there is no need for a special call. Third idea is, only those who have received a special call should do full-time ministry. Like missed calls, you can respond at your conven ience.


INSIGHT March 2011

This second pair of brothers Left their father as well as their fishery; the first left their nets. But these left the boat. But these quilted father and mother for Christs sake, and they did it as unhesitatingly as the others. It did not seem much of a prospect to follow the houseless Jesus. But an inward attraction drew them, and they followed on charmed to obey the voice divine. Gods call is for everyone, God has no favorite children. He does not particularly select some to whom he passes out his gifts and calling, making the rest just second rank without much significance for his kingdom. Consider your call and to think about your call. James and John: what they did, they instantaneously left the boat, their father and followed him (Mt. 4:22). Clarify your call and to make more clear and comprehend. Samuel he did not recognize the call of God at first, but when he heard the voice he realize that who called me. At that moment he answers, Lord I am here, tell me. Make clear your call try to value your call. Confirm your call: to give the proof of call. There are many calls and missed calls, but you have to understand which one is for you. When Jesus calls his disciples, they came and followed because they confirmed their call. My dear readers, we all are using mobile phones. We used to delay and deny our mobile calls. But when we talk about Gods call, we should not delay our call and we should not deny our call as we do with mobile phones. We must not miss Gods call rather rightly respond to Gods call. May God help us to act in response to His call. Amen.

I heard many saying, everything is changing. But people do not understand that the above statement is a contardiction in itself. If everything does change then change also must change. I will expalin that in a bit detail. we say everything changes; in that case the bench, the desk, the trees, our height,etc.etc..are cahnging. Now how do you understand that something is changing? Of course you compare that thing with a scale or satandrad or a measurement. But if everything is changing, even the scale also would change. In that instance how in the world you would ever understand a change. Therefore we conclude that there are somthing which cannot be changed. That is the standard by which we measure. In the same way the universe may change but there is something unchanging (the divine standard) and what or who is this unchanging principle or standard? No doubt...............Its..........GOD.

Allen Joseph


INSIGHT March 2011

The thoughts in our mind are what lead us to do what we do. What is in our mind? Do we have anger, hatred or bad habits? Sometimes the things which we have accumulated over the years of our lifetime dont allow us to obey Gods Word; it hinders us from being the best person we can be. So what can we do?

I tell you the truth, unless kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (John 12:24). Our Thoughts: The thoughts in our mind are what lead us to do what we do. What is in our mind? Do we have anger, hatred or bad habits? Sometimes the things which we have accumulated over the years of our lifetime dont allow us to obey Gods Word; it hinders us from being the best person we can be. So what can we do? The Word of God can change us, so we have to start filling our minds with something good and pure. Spend lot of time with the one who knows us; better than anyone. God knows it is difficult, but he has the patience with us as long as we are trying. So hold on to the Word of God and stay connected in prayer. We should NEVER GIVE UP. Are We Pleasing God? Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10) Can we please everyone; no we can never please all the people all the time. In this world if we please others then only we are noticed /praised nor loved. But God loves us whether we are smart or not, rich or poor, helpful or funny still he loves us. His love is UNCONDITIONAL! He has created each one of us unique and special. We dont have to perform to earn his love. So we should not be man pleaser rather God pleaser. For this we have to keep out thoughts on God and talk to him throughout our life, to keep our mind on him. He is the one who loves us more than anyone else does and so He is the one whom we must seek to please. Are We Deceiving Ourselves?

Joab John

The Word of God can change us, so we have to start filling our minds with something good and pure. Spend lot of time with the one who knows us; better than anyone. God knows it is difficult, but he has the patience with us as long as we are trying. So hold on to the Word of God and stay connected in prayer. We should NEVER GIVE UP.

Most often we think that we are something. We take pride in our talents, beauty, money and accomplishments. When we take pride, it is there God starts to deal within us; to make us realize that without his help in whatever areas in our life we are nothing. If we are not realizing then we are deceiving ourselves as the scripture says: If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. (Galatians 6:3). Surrender All: What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:8). Paul is saying he counted all things but loss in order that he could please Jesus. He knew that there was nothing valuable in him; in his talents or in his abilities unless God was behind them we must come to the point where we surrender all things. That means. ALL! We must surrender our children, our loved ones, our desires, our jobs, our homes, our everything. When we surrender everything God will give the things back that we should have. He needs to control on everything in our life. Holding things back from God is similar to having idols. We cant hold back anything. Think about Jesus what did he hold back? He laid his all for us because if he had hold anything back, His wouldnt have been the perfect sacrifice that we so desperately needed. He held back nothing. Laying Down Our Life: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). De we love others at least as much as we love ourselves? Dying to self doesnt necessarily mean physical death it could be a giving up of your life as we know it. Think about or Lord Jesus. HE deliberately chooses to leave Heaven and come to earth; not to sin. He chooses to suffer great physical pain for us. He chooses to suffer the biggest pain of


INSIGHT March 2011

all ones by taking all the sins of the world on His shoulders and being separated from Himself (from God). He did all his out of love for us (for me) (for you). He didnt have to do it, He choose to do it. Life is what we can do to glorify Him. Its giving all of our will to Him and putting His will in that place. The anger, envy, lust, pride and everything else must become controlled by Him. It can no longer be me saying Oh well, Im His and He understands so Ill live and repent and go on. If we choose to be His sons and daughters. We have to die to self not just daily, every hour, minute and second. There is no better hope for us to die to self so that we may live with Him. Dying Brings Life ...for when I am weak, then am I strong. 2Cor 12:10 We must understand how mortality can be swallowed up (2Cor 5:4). We must know how the old body, the old tendencies to the fallen nature, may be swallowed up. There is a verse we must come to. It would serve us to look at it now: Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body (2Cor 4:10). What is this dying of the Lord? It is dying to desire. In the measure that we look to one another for our help, we lose faith in God. If you rely upon any man or woman, upon any human assistance, to help you, you fall out of the greater purpose God has for you. You must learn that no earthly source can ever assist you in this. You are going to this realm of life only by mortality being swallowed up by life: And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God (Gal 2:20). It is a process of dying and living. This life I am speaking about absolutely ravishes you. It absolutely severs you from earthly connections. It absolutely disjoins you from all earthly help. And I can understand this word now more than ever: You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin (Heb 12:4). The great striving to the point of bloodshedblood being the very essence of life we have not yet resisted to that degree, but we will. I know the Scripture says we have not, but I know it means that we have not arrived there yet. But thank God, we are in it in a measure. What Does God Require? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God Micah 6:8. God shows us what He requires of us. We choose whether to do it or not. We usually choose not to do everything He requires. We have a tendency to formulate what He wants in such a way that it is comfortable for us. We dont want to do anything that is embarrassing or that is too hard. We dont want to have to do something that might hurt someone elses feelings or that make them uncomfortable. We pick and choose the best things that God wants us to do. How can we expect God to perform miracles and to help us in every way possible when we withhold our best from Him? How can we be fully used by Him when we refuse to let Him have our all? What things are you withholding from Him? Do you draw the line when it comes for you to be embarrassed in front of other people for something He wants you to do? How about if He told you to sell your house and move to another country? What if He required that you give up your family? Chances are you are withholding something. What is it? What does God want from you? He wants you to walk humbly with Him. If you are walking humbly with Him then you are submitted to Him. Anything He wants you will give. It isnt easy to be humble in front of God. In order to be humble you have to place your needs and wants in the background. You have to allow Him to take them. It takes a great deal of faith to give Him your all. It takes a huge commitment to let go of your self and let Him take over. What are the results? You will be an effective member of the Body of Christ. You will be better able to know what Gods opinions are. You will look at people through Gods eyes. The things you say will build up and encourage. You will never again think, Woe is me. When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you dont sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but your heart is happy, being counted worthy to suffer for Christ. That Is Dying to Self That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Phil.3:10

Life is what we can do to glorify Him. Its giving all of our will to Him and putting His will in that place. The anger, envy, lust, pride and everything else must become controlled by Him. It can no longer be me saying Oh well, Im His and He understands so Ill live and repent and go on. If we choose to be His sons and daughters. We have to die to self not just daily, every hour, minute and second. There is no better hope for us to die to self so that we may live with Him.


INSIGHT March 2011

ktmjv tPmk^v

{]m-\bpw Iqm-bva-bpw {InkvXob hnizmknbpsS PohnXn Hcp ]T\w

Hcp {InkvXob hnizm-kn-bpsS Pohn-X-nse A\n-hm-cy-amb cp Imcy--fmWv {]m\bpw Iqm-bva-bpw. {]m\ ssZh-hp-ambpw Iqmbva kl-hn-izm-kn-I-fp-ambpw _-s-ncn-p-p. BZn-a-k-`-bpsS Bcw`w apX Xs {]m-\bpw Iqm-bvabpw {InkvXob hnizmk-n-sbpw k`-bp-sSbpw Poh-\m-Un-bm-bn-cpp (A-sm. 1:14, 2:42) {]m-\-bpsS \n-N\w

a\p-jys A-cwK-n \np-b-cp ssZh-tm-Sp kw`mj-WamWv {]m-\. Bo-b-hpw sshIm-cnIhpw am\-kn-Ihpw imco-cn-Ihpw `uXn-Ihp-amb Bh-iy-sfbpw BIp-e-X-Isfbpw ssZh-ap-n An-p-I-bmWv {]m-\-bn-eqsS sNp--Xv (^n-en. 4:6). klm-b-I\pw k-i\pw km-[n-]-Xnbp-amb ssZh-tm-Sp, \n-lmb a\pjys tX-em-Wn-Xv. {]m\ _unIhpw m\-tI-{o-IrX-hp-amb kao-]-\-a-, ssZh-n\pw a\p-jy\p-an-S-bn cq]-s-Sp Bm-hns Hcp ]pXp-`m-j-bmWv

a\p-jys A-cw-K-n \np-b-cp ssZh-tm-Sp kw`m-j-WamWv {]m-\. Bo-bhpw sshIm-cn-Ihpw am\-kn-Ihpw imco-cn-Ihpw `uXn-Ihp-amb Bh-iy-sfbpw BIpe-X-I-sfbpw ssZh-ap-n An-p-I-bmWv {]m-\-bn-eqsS sNp--Xv (^n-en. 4:6). klmb-I\pw k-i-\pw km-[n-]-Xn-bp-amb ssZh-tm-Sp-, \n-lmb a\p-jys tXem-Wn-Xv. {]m\ _un-Ihpw m\-tI-{o-Ir-X-hp-amb kao-]-\-a-, ssZh-n\pw a\pjy-\p-an-S-bn cq]-s-Sp Bm-hns Hcp ]pXp-`m-j-bmWv (1sIm-cn. 14:15, Fs^. 6:18) tbiphpw {]m-\bpw tbip-{In-kvXp-hmWv {]m-\-bpsS DZm--amb amXr-I. tbip-hns Pohn-X-ssi-enbn \npw {]kw-K-n\npw {]m-\-bpsS k A-fpw \app ]Tn-m-hp-Xm-Wv. tbip Xs injy-msc {]mn-p-hm ]Tn-n-p. hmp-I-fpsS {]mk-kr-jvSntbm kzc-ip-ntbm _mly-\m-Sy-tfm {]m-\sb A-h-m-p-n Fv tbip ]Tn-np. (a-mbn 6:515) lrZbw ssZh-ap-n ]I-cp--Xm-bn-cpp tbip-hns {]m-\. tbip kt`m-Nn-X-ambn cl-ky-ambpw ]c-ky-ambpw {]mX-Yn-p. cl-ky-{]m-\bn ssZho-I-lnXw shfn-s-p-h-cp-hm tbip At]-n-p. (eqm 5:15-16; 22:42, atm. 1:35) ]c-ky-{]m-\-bn, ]nXm-hmb ssZhw {]m\ tIp-sapw adp-]Sn Ab-bvpsa-pw, {]m\ kzs Nen-n-p in-bm-sWpw tbip P\-k-aw sXfn-bnp. ssZh-\maw al-Xz-s-Sp-p-I-bm-bn-cpp ]c-ky-{]m-\-bn-eqsS tbip sNbvX-Xv. ssZh]p-{X-\mbncpp-sh-nepw {]m-\-bn-eq-sS-bmWv Ah ssZh-ln-X-a-dn-bp-Ibpw ssZh-Ir] {]m]n-p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp--Xv. X\n-p-th-nbpw injy-mp-th-nbpw kIe hnip-mp-th-nbpw tbip {]mn-p. (tbm-l. 17:126) Fs\ {]mn-Ww ]nXm-hmb ssZh-tm-SmWv {]mn-t--Xv. tbip-{In-kvXp-hns sFlnI Pohn-Xn ]nXm-hmb ssZh-tmSp am{Xta {]mn-n-cp-p-q. (a-m. 11:25, 26:39, eqtm. 23:46) hnip--m-tcmSpw hn{K-l--tfmSpw {]Ir-Xn-tbmSpw {]mn-p-hm ssZho-I-{]-am-Wan-. (]p-d. 20:4-7). ssZh-n\pw a\p-jyp-an-S-bn GI-a-y- tbip-{InkvXp am{X-amWv. ssZh-k-n-[n-bn {]m\ sNt-Xv Ahs \ma-n am{X-am-Ip-p(-tbm-l. 16:2324). Atm-kvX-e-mcpw A-s\-bmWv sNbvX-Xv. Ah tbip-hns \ma-n {]mnp-Ibpw Ap-X-fpw AS-bm-f-fpw sNp-Ibpw sNbvXp. {]m-\bvv e-Ime kab ]cn-an-Xn-I C. k-hym-]n-bmbn ssZh-ns kn[n-bn GXp-k-abpw Fhn-sS-h-m-sW-nepw Hcp hnizm-knp kao-]n-m-hp--Xm-Wv. Fm aSp-p-t]m-ImsX Ftmgpw {]mn-Ww (eq-tm. 18:1), CS-hn-SmsX {]mno ( 1 sX.5:17), DWn-cpv {]mn-n (a-mbn 26:41) Fsms Xncp-h-N\w hy-ambn ]d-bp--v. app-Ip-nbpw (eq-tm. 22:4; Fs^. 3:14), InS--bn InSpw (k-o. 63:5), Ip-\otcmSpw (k-o. 55:17), i_vZ-ap-bnbpw (F-{_. 5:7), ssII-fp-bnbpw ( 1Xn-sam. 2:8) {]mn-m-hp--Xm-Wv. Fm Cu coXn-I-fn {]m-n-m am{Xta ssZhw adp-]Sn XcnI-bpq Fv ssZh-h-N\w ]d-bp-n-.


INSIGHT March 2011

{]m-\-bpsS hyh--I ]m]-c-ln-X-\pw, hnip--\p-amb ssZh-n-t\mSv ]m]-nepw Aip-n-bnepw PohnXw \bnp--h {]mn-m adp-]Sn e`n-p-I-bn-. ]m]n-I-fpsS {]m\ ssZhw tIpn Fpw, ssZh-`--\m-bn-cp Ahs CjvSw sNp--hs {]m\ tIpp Fpw \mw Adn-bp-p. (tbm-l. 9:31). cn-m Ign-bm-sX-hw btlm-h-bpsS ssI IpdpIo-n-. tIm Ign-bm-sX-hw Ahs sNhn a-am-bn-p-an-. \n-fpsS AIr-Xy- At{X \n-sfbpw \n-fpsS ssZh-sbpw Xn `nn-n-n-cn-p--Xv. \n-fpsS ]m] At{X Ah tIm-sX-hw Ahs apJs \np asd-p-am-dm-n-bXv (sb-i. 59:12). ssZh-k-n-[n-bn ^e-{]-Z-ambn sNs-p {]m-\-I-fpsS DS-a-I {InkvXp-hns c-m ]m]-a {]m]n--hcpw ssZh-ln-X-{]-Im-c-ap hnip-n-bn Pohnp--h-cp-am-Wv. AXp-sImv ]m]w Gp-]-dv {]mn-Ww ( 2 Zn\. 7:14; kZr. 28:13, a. 5:23-24) {]m \-bn sFIyX Dm-bn-cn-Ww (a-m. 18:19; Asm. {]hr. 1:14, 2:46). {]mn-t hnj-b i{Xp-p-th-nbpw (am. 5:44), A[n-Im-cn-Ip-th-nbpw (1 Xnsam. 2:24), hnip-mp-th-WvXnbpw (F-s^. 6:18-20), kphn-tij thebvpw ip{iq-j-I-mp thnbpw (eq-tm. 10:2, Fs^. 6:19-20) XpSn \nc-h[n hnj-b-p-thn {]mn-m hnizmkn-I {]Xn-m-_--cm-Wv. Gen-bmhv (bm-tm. 5:17, 18). s\l-aymhv (s\-l. 1:11), Zm\ntb (Zm-\. 6:10) btkv (1 Zn\. 4:10), Ctbm_v (C-tbm_v 48:9, 10) ZmhoZv (k-o. 55:17), l (1 iap. 1:10) XpSn \nc-h[n ssZh-Zm-ko-Zm-k-m {]m-\m-ho-c-mcmbn-cp-p. {]tXyI {]m-\-I tcmKn-Ip-th-n-bp {]m-\, D]-hmk {]m-\, ay {]m\, IpSpw-_{]m-\, {]`mX kym {]m\ XpS-n-bh ssZh-k-n-[n-bnse {]tXyI {]m-\-Ifm-Wv. {]m-\-bpsS D-c- {]m-\bvv aqp Xc-n-ep D-c--fp-v. adp-]Sn e`n-p {]m-\, adp-]Sn e`n-m {]m-\, adp-]Sn sshIp {]m\ adp-]Sn e`n-m {]m-\bpsS ImcW- ]m]hpw (sb-i. 59:2) Ahn-izm-k-ap lrZ-bhpw (bm-tm. 1:6), kzm-Xbpw (bmtm. 4:3), I]-S-`-nbpw (a-m-bn. 6:5, 6) an-m lrZ-bhpw (asm. 11:25-26) BIpp. adp]Sn e`n-p-Ibpw adp-]Sn sshIp-Ibpw sNp {]m-\-I ssZh-ln-X-{]-Im-c-apXpw ssZh-\m-a-a-l-Xz-n-\m-bn-p-Xpw BWv. Iqmbva ssZh-k` hnizm-kn-I-fpsS Iqhpw Iqm-bva-bp-am-Wv. aqe `mj-bn sImbvt\m-\nb F ]Z-amWv Iqm-bvabvv D]-tbm-Kn-n-cn-p-Xv. ]p-hbv, kl-hn-Xzw, Iqp-{]-h\w Hcpa XpS-nb A--fm-Wv Bo-bhpw {]mtbm-Kn-I-hp-amb Xe-n "Iqmb-bvabvv k`-bp-ambpw hnizm-kn-I-fp-ambpw _-s-Spn ]pXn-b-\n-b-a-n \In-bn-cn-p--Xv. BZna-k`bnse Iqm-bva-sb-p-dnv Asm. {]h. 2:44-47 hsc-bp thZ-`m-K--fn \npw a\n-em-m-hp--Xm-Wv. Bo-bhpw `uXn-I-hp-amb Imcy--fn Xpey-]-m-fn-hpw sFIyZmUyhpw Ah ImWn-n-cp-p. ssZhhpw Iqm-bvabpw ssZhw Iqm-bvasb CjvS-s-Sp-p. a\p-jy-N-cn{Xw apgp-h ssZhw a\p-jy-t\mSv Iqmbva Iqp-hm CjvS-s-Sp--Xns IY-bm-Wv. krjvSn-I-n-emWv ssZh-ns Iqm-bvasb \mw BZyw ImWp-I. ""\mw \psS kzcq-]-n \psS kmZr-iy-{]-Imcw a\p-jys\ DmpI (D-ev]n 1:26) F hmIy-n \mw \psS F ]Z- {it-b-am-Wv. a\pjys\ krjvSn-p--Xn-\p-ap-p-Xs ]nXr-]p-{X-]-cn-ip-m kJnXzw \ne-\n-n-cp-p FmWnXv shfn-s-Sp-p--Xv. ]m]w sNbvXv Hfn-tmSnb a\p-jys ]nmse hv Ah-t\mSv _-s-S-hm B{K-ln-p ssZh-s-bmWv ]g-b-\n-b-a-n ImWp--Xv. ]pXn-b-\n-b-an a\p-jy-t\m-Sp Iqm-bva-bvmbn a\p-jym-h-Xm-c-sa-Sp-n-d-n-h-cp ssZh-]p-{X-\mb {InkvXp-hns\ ImWp-p. Imhdn ac-W-n-eqsS a\p-jy-s\bpw ssZhsbpw hopw Iqm-bva-bn-tep sImp-h-cp XymK-I-s-bWv tbip-{InkvXp \nd-th-p--Xv. B Iqmbvasb kz-sa \nXy-ku-`m-Ky-n-eqsS \nXy-X-tbmfw Fn-p-hm\pw ssZhw B{K-lnp-p. ssZhmw-i-ap a\p-jym-m-hns\ Xn-tep Xs tNp-\np Icp-Wm{Zamb {ia-amWv k`-bnse Iqm-bva-bn-eqsS ssZhw km[n-n-s-Sp-p--Xv. {InkvXp-hn-t\m-Sp Iqmbva ]m]w aqew XI-Sn ssZhw am\p-jn-I-_--ns ]p\-m-]\w {InkvXp-hnt\m-Sp a\p-jys Iqm-bva-bn-eq-sS-bmWv t\sc-bm-Ip-Xv (1 sImcn. 1:9) ]pXn-b\n-ba k`bvv BN-cn-p-hm Imhv \evInb cp I-fmWv kv\m\hpw Xncp-h-m-g-hpw. Cu cv A\p-jvTm-\--fnepw Hcp {InkvXob hnizmkn {InkvXp-hn-t\mSp Iqm-bva-bmWv ImWn-p--Xv. sImcn-y-te-J-\-n Xncp-h-m-g-s-p-dnv ]d-bptm "sImbvt\m-\nb' F ]Z-amWv aqe-`m-j-bn D]-tbm-Kn-n-cn-p--Xv. ( 1 sImcn. 10:16-

tbip-{In-kvXphmWv {]m-\-bpsS DZm--amb amXr-I. tbip-hns Pohn-Xssi-en-bn \npw {]kw-K-n\npw {]m-\-bpsS k A-fpw \app ]Tn-m-hp--Xm-Wv. tbip Xs injymsc {]mn-phm ]Tn-n-p. hmpI-fpsS {]mk-krjvSntbm kzc-ipntbm _mly-\m-Sytfm {]m-\sb A-h-m-p-n Fv tbip ]Tn-n-p. (a-mbn 6:515) lrZbw ssZh-ap-n ]I-cp--Xm-bn-cpp tbip-hns {]m-\.


INSIGHT March 2011

17) kv\m\-n {InkvXp-hn-t\m-Sp-IqsS acn--S--sv Dbns-gp-t-evp--Xns {]XoIm-I BN-cWw ImWp-p. Xncp-hmg ip{ip-jbn-eqsS {InkvXp-hns Imhdn ac-Ws A\p-kva-cn-p-tm {InkvXp-hns c-tmSpw ico-c-tmSpw Hcp-hn-izm-kn-bpsS kl-hnizm-kn-I-tfm-sSm--ap Iqm-bva-bmWv ImWp--Xv. k`bpw Iqm-bvabpw

{InkvXob Pohn-Xnepw Bob ip{iqj-bnepw hnP-bn-phm {]m\ Bh--iyam-Wv. Iqmbva {InkvXob hnizm-k-]-cn]q-Xbvv _ehpw XW-ep-ta-Ip--Xm-Wv. Ch-bn-sem-p-am{Xw Dbp \nev-p-Xv BobPohn-X-ns kwXp-e-\m-h-bvv tImw hcp-pw.

Iqm-bva-bpsS Fm A-X-e-fpw ]q-am-Ip-Xv k`-bn-em-Wv. {InkvXp-hns c-m cm \nbw {]m]nv ]pXnb krjvSn-bm-b-hcpsS Iq-am-Wn-Xv. AhnsS PmXn h h-n-t\m, `mjbvtm tZi-nt\m, m\-an. AhnsS AwK--fm-Iphv Hscm te_ am{Xta Dq. AXv ssZh-a- F ]Z-hn-bmWv (K-em. 3:26-28). k` {InkvXphns ico-c-am-b-Xp-sIm-pw, {InkvXp k`-bpsS ASn-m-\-am-b-Xp-sImpw {InkvXp-tI-{oIr-X-amb Iqm-bva-bmWv k`-bpsS Poh ( 1 sImcn. 12:1121; Fs^. 5:26-27). {InkvXp-hn-t\mSp Iqmbva ]q-am-Ip--Xv, k`-bnse kl-hn-izm-kn-I-tfm-Sp Iqm-bva-bn {]mtbmKnI Bo-b ImgvN-m-Sp-I ]pep-tm am{X-am-Ip-p. hnhn-[-Xcw Iqm-bva-I kl-hn-izm-kn-Itfm-Sp Iqmbva (tbm-l. 15:12), kphn-ti-jtLm-jWn-\p Iqmbva - (^n-en. 1:5) Ir]-bn-ep Iqmbva (^n-en. 1:7). km-nI Iqmbva (^n-en. 4:15), Bh-iy-fn Iqmbva (tdm-a.12:13) Bcm-[-\-bnepw {]m-\-bnepw (A-sm. 1:14, 2:46-47), ]cn-ip-mm-hns Iqmbva ( 2 sImcn. 13:14). Zq-S-p-Im-tcmSpw Zpcp-]-tZ-i-m-tcmSpw Ahn-izm-kn-ItfmSpw Iqmbva AcpXv ( 1 sImcn. 5:9, 11, 2 tbml. 911, 2 sImcn 6:14) D]-kw-lmcw {InkvXob Pohn-X-nepw Bob ip{iq-j-bnepw hnP-bn-p-hm {]m\ Bh--iyam-Wv. Iqmbva {InkvXob hnizm-k-]-cn-]q-Xbvv _ehpw XW-ep-ta-Ip--Xm-Wv. Ch-bnsem-p-am{Xw Dbp \nev-p-Xv BobPohn-X-ns kwXp-e-\m-h-bvv tImw hcp-pw.

\c-Ipe cIm! ]m]w an-tmt\ \an-pp Xncp-ap-n kI-ehpw Anv BIm-i-`q-an-I \nd-smcp ssZhta BZnbpw Ayhpw khpw \o am{Xw \obmWp c-I \o am{Xw Imhv cn-m {]m]vX-\mbv thdm-cp-an-n-sl, A-Im-c-`q-hn A-X-am-p-hm \oXn-kq-cy-\mbv Cu Dugn-bn htmt\ krjvSn-Ismw \o Blm-c-Zm-Xm-hv, ]pjvSnbpw tamZhpw Bbp-p-ta-Ip-tm Fspw Ahn-Ss Xncp-apJw Zin-m ssZh-`-n-bn kqn Zn\w tXmdpw. kvt\l-n \nd-Ip-Sta kvt\lw sNmcn-bsW kvt\l-tm-tS-htcw ImWp-hm hcw \Ip. ]mcnse PohnXw Ccp-f-S-o-Sp-tm ]mX-bn-sepw {]Im-i-am-bo-StW tcmK-Zpx-Jm-Zn-I, ]nWn ss]Zmlw cwK-{]-th-i\w sNp-tm Im-tW. \odpw a\-ns s\mcw \otW \mtXmdpw imn kam-[m-\-ta-ItW tim[\ timI kap-{Z-n XmgmsX imizX ssII-fn XmtW \mYt\ ImSp-I taSp-I Xmn apt-dp-hm Icp-Wm-I-Smw Ftm-gp-ap-m-ItW acp-`q-{]-bm-W-n aco-NnI amtW acp---tbIn Ipfna ]I-ctW ]mcnse bm{X-bn Imep-I Ipg-bp-tm ]mZw CS-dmsX ]mX-bn XmtW ac-W-`o-Xn-bm `b-sSpw thf-bn ac-Ws Pbn Pbw Xp ImtW Bcm-[ys\ At Bcm-[n-o-Spp Bcm-[n-m tbmKy \o am{X-ao-`q-hn C-c-bn R `n-bn Pohnv Cuiz-c-t\m-sSm-v tNcp-am-dm-tW Cun-[-samw Zn\w Xp t]mp Cuizc knt[ XmWp hW-pp!


INSIGHT March 2011

tbi-{In-kvXp-hns kz`m-h- Fmw Ahs hyn-Xz-ns Hu-Xys hnfn-dn-bn-p-XmWv. am\-h-cm-inv Dsm-m Ign-bp D-Xaq-ey-v DS-a-bm-bn-cpp tbip-{In-kvXp
Hcp a\p-jys\ ap-f-f-h-cn \npw hyXy-kvX-\m-p-Xv Xs kz`m-h-amWv. a\p-jy\mbn `qan-bn P\np acnv aqmw \m Dbs-gp-t tbip-{In-kvXp-hns\ tIhew Hcp {]hm-N-I-\m-tbm, c-km-n-bmtbm A ]pXnb\nbaw Nn{Xo-I-cn-p--Xv. ]nstbm k krjvSnpw ssZh-hpam-bp _w aptJ-\-bp-m-tI Pohn-X-km-^eyw AYhm \nXy-XbpsS Ah-Im-in-bm-Ip-hm thn temI-n Ah-X-cn ssZh-amWv {io tbip-{In-kvXp. tbml-ms kph-ntijw Hmw Aymbw Bcw-`n-pI Xs hN\w PU-hcWw {]m]nv {]Xy--s--XmWv {InkvXp Fv {]kvXm-hn-p-sIm-m-Wv. ssZh-n\v am{Xw Ah-Im-i-s-Sm-hp kz`m-h-fpw KpW-fpw tbip-{In-kvXp-hn \apv ImWmw. 1 tbip-{In-kvXp-hn ssZhoI kz`m-h- a. k-]ym-]n: k-i--\mb ssZh-ns apn bmsXmpw ad-hm-bn-cn-p-n. ko 139:1-5 hmIy--fn khpw Ahs apn \hpw aepw InS-p-p... ctm aqtm t] Fs \ma-n IqSn-h-cp-n-S-sm-sbpw Rm Ah-cpsS \Sp-hn-epv (ambn 18:20). Rmt\m temIm-h-km-\-tmfw Fm-\mfpw \n-tfmSv IqsS DmIpw (ambn 28:20). Imcm-Kr-l-n AS-bv-s ]utem-kn-\pw, ]Xvtam-knse GIm XS-hntev \mSp-I-S--s tbml-m\pw Ah Bbn-cp-n-Sv Ir-km-nyw A\p-`-hnm Ign-p. b. k m\n: tbip-{InkvXp k-m-\n-bm-bn-cpp. Ahs Adn-hns ]cn[n-bnsSm bmsXmpw Cu ap-Jv tijn-n-cp-n-. a\p-jys lrZ-b-nse NnIt]mepw Ah Adn-n-cp-p. tbml-m 2:23 hmbn-p-Xv a\p-jy-\n-ep-Xv Fsv kzXth Adn-n-cn--bm X\nv bmsXmcp a\p-jys\pdnpw bmsXm-cp--cpsSbpw kmyw Bh-iy-am-bn-cp-n-. Keoe IS-en InS-p ao\ns hmbn-ep {_bpw, FXn-sc-bp {Kma-n sI-s-n-cn-p s]I-gp-X-Ip-n-bpw Ahs kqva ZrjvSnv ad-hm-bn-cp-n-. Ah-\n m\-n-sbpw ]cn-m-\-n-sbpw \nt-]- Hsbpw Kp]vX-am-bn-cpp (sImse-ky 2:3). c. k-i:- Imhv Xs Pohn-X-n sNbvX Ap-X--sfmw Xs kin shfn-s-Sp-p--Xm-bncpp. Aw sImv Am-bncw t]sc t]mjn-n-p--Xpw, acn--hsc Poh-\n-tev aSn hcp-p--Xpw, {]p-_vZ-amb Keo-e--S Xs hmns apn im-am-b-Xpw, Cs\ [mcmfw Ap-X- Xs AXy--i-n-bpsS sXfn-hp-Ifm-Wv. Dev]n Hmw Aym-b-n kI-e-n-sbpw krjvSn-Xm-hmbn ssZhs \mw ImWpp. Fm ]pXnb \nbaw ]d-bp-Xv {in-p-I. kz-n-ep-Xpw `qan-bp-Xpw, Zriy-am-b-Xpw, AZr-iy-am-b-Xpw, knwl-mk-\- BIs Ir-Xz- BIs hmgvNI BIs kI-eXpw Ah apJm-ncw krjvSn--s-p (sImsem. 1:15-16). tbi-{In-kvXp-hns kz`m-h- Fmw Ahs hyn-Xz-ns Hu-Xys hnfn-dn-bn-p--Xm-Wv. am\-h-cm-inv Dsm-m Ign-bp D-X-aq-ey-v DS-a-bm-bn-cpp tbip-{In-kvXp. II. tbip-{In-kvXp-hns ap kz`m-h- a. hnipn: hnipn F ]Z-n\v ]e A- Xn-cp-sh-gpv In-p-p-v. Bo-Ihpw [mn-I-hpw, tZmj-c-ln-Xhpw Zpcm-{K-l-an-m--Xmb \n-e-Xsb Ipdn-p-XmWv Cu ]Zw. hnipn F ]Z-n\v thXn-cn--s-Xv Fpw A-apv. eqtmkns kphn-ti-j-n adn-b-tbmSv ssZh-ns ZqX kwkm-cn-p-Xv (eq-tmkv 2:35) ""AXn\v ZqX, ]cn-ip-m-mhv \ns ta hcpw AXyp--Xs in \ns ta \ng-enSpw. BI-bm D-hn-p hnip{]P ssZh-]p-{X- Fv hnfn--s-Spw.'' ]cn-ip Fv ]v {]mhiyw tbip-{In-kvXp-hn-s\-p-dnv Xncp-sh-gp-n ]d-n-p-v. b. \oXn: \ymb-ambpw, tbmKy-ambpw {]hn-p--Xn-s\-bmWv Cu ]Zw D]-tbm-Kn-pXv. \psS Im-hmb tbip-{In-kvXp-hns Fm {]h-\- a-WvU-e--fn-epw, Pohn-X-

men Ing-tSv

k-i-\mb ssZhns apn bmsXmpw ad-hm-bn-cnp-n


INSIGHT March 2011

\mw ]m]n-I Bbn-cn-p-tm Xs {InkvXp \ap-p-thn acnv \tm-Sp Xs kvt\ls shfn-s-Spn (tdma 5:8).

nepw \oXn- sh-fn-s-n-cp-p. ssZth-jvSa-\p-k-cnv ]c-am-ambn Pohn-p--Xn-s\-bmWv Xncp-sh-gpv \oXn-sbv hnfn-p-Xv. AXmbXv \oXn ssZth-jvSambn {]hn-pp. aemJn {]h-N-\-n, Im-hns\ \oXn kqcy Fv tcJ-s-Sp-n-bn-pv (a-emJn 4:2). c. kXyw: tbml-m 14:6 , Rm Xs hgn-bpw, kXy-hpw, Poh\pw BIp-p, tbml-m 1:14 hN\w PU-am-bn-Xop, Ir]-bpw kXyhpw \ndh\mbn \psS CSbn ]mp, Fn-s\ ImWp-p. kXyw F ]Z-n\v bYm-n-ep-Xv nc-ambp-Xv Fo A--fm-Wp--Xv. tbml-ms kphn-tijw tbip kXy-ns kz`mhw shfn-s-Sp-nb hn[-s-p-dn-p--Xm-Wv. Rm kmm apncn hn, Rm Pohs A-am-Ip-p, Rm \ CS-b, Rm temI-ns shfn--am-Ipp Cu hn[-n-ep {]kvXm-h-\-I bYm-am-b-Xn-s\bpw, Am--Xn-s\bpw Imhv shfn-s-Spn ImWnp-I-bm-Wv. hN-\-am-Ip tbip kXyhpw {]Im-i-hp-am-Ip-p, B kXyw ssZth-jvSs shfn-s-Sp-p-p. AXv Poh\pw shfn-hpw BIp-p. d. \oXn-\ymbw: a\p-jys {]hn-Iv ssZhw \oXn \S-m-p-Xv \ymb-am-bnm-bn-cnpw. tbml-m 5:30 Imhv ]d-bp-Xv F\nv kzXth Hpw sNp-hm Ign-bp--X. Rm tIp--Xp-t]mse \ymbw hn[n-pp Rm Fs CjvSw A Fs Ab--hs CjvSw At{X sNm Cn-p--Xp-sImv Fs hn[n \oXn-bp--XmIp-p. e. kuay-X, Xmgva: hmnepw {]hn-bn-eqsSbpamWv kuayX shfn-hm-p--Xv. Xs AI-Sn tkhn Bbp-[-[m-cn-I-fmb tdma ]S-bm-fn-Ip-ap-n-epw, A\ymbw Npanb \oXn-\ymb tImS-Xn-Ip apnepw tbip-{In-kvXp ]men kuay-X-bpw Xmgvabpw a\p-jy\v km[y-am-Ip--Xnepw Ap-d-am-bn-cpp. tbip-{In-kvXp-hns kz`m-h--fn hv Ghpw D-X--fm-bn-cpp Ch. ^nen-]y 2mw Aym-b-n thj-n a\p-jy-\mbn Zmk-cq-]-sa-Spv {Iqinse ac-tmfw Xs-m Xmgvn Fp ImWp-p. f. IcpW: ]m]n-I-tfm-Spw, D-X-tcmSpw Ai-c-W-tcmSpw ImWn-p B{Z-a-\-kn-s\bmWv IcpW F ]Zw sImv Dt-in-p--Xv. F{_m-b 2mw Aymbw Ah-km\ hmIy-fn tbip {InkvXp-hn-s\-n ]d-bp-Xv P\-ns ]m]-n\p {]mb-nw hcp-phm Ah Icp-W-bp--h\pw ssZh-Im-cy-n hnizkvX alm-]p-tcm-ln-X\pw BtI-Xn\pw kI-e-nepw Xs ktlm-Z-c-m-tcmSv kZr-iy-\m-bn-o-cp-hm Bh-iy-am-bn-cp-p. g. ZoLa: Cu ]Z-n\v Ah-kcw sImSp-m-Xn-cn-pI hop-hn-Nmcw IqSmsX Hpw {]hn-m-Xn-cn-pI Fsms A-ap-v. A\p-Zn\w \psS Pohn-X-n kw`-hn-p-sIm-n-cn-p a\x-]qhpw Am--Xp-amb ]m]-v \mw ssZh-tIm]w Gm-Xv ssZh-n\v \tm-Sp ZoLa Hp-sImp am{X-am-Wv (bmtm_v 5:7, 2 ]t{Xmkv 3:9). h. kvt\lw: kvt\lw F ]Z-n\v {Kon aqp hmp-I Dv. "AKms' F ]Z-amWv ssZh kvt\ls Ipdn-p--Xn\v D]-tbm-Kn-n-cn-p--Xv. AXn-cp-I-fn-m kvt\lw, D]m-[n-I-fn-m kvt\lw Fsm-s-bmWv Cu ]Z-ns Aw. \mw ]m]nI Bbn-cn-p-tm Xs {InkvXp \ap-p-thn acnv \tm-Sp Xs kvt\ls shfn-s-Spn (tdma 5:8). i. ]m]w Cm--h: \psS Im-hmb tbip-{In-kvXp ]m]nsb kvt\lnp ]t ]m]s shdp-p. Ah ]m]w HgnsI kI-e-nepw \apv Xpey-\mbn ]co-n--s-hm-\m-Wv. F{_m-b 7:26-mw hmIy-n Asm-kvX-e-\mb ]utemkv ]d-bp--Xv. C-s\bp ]ptcm-ln-X-\tm \apv thn-b-Xv. ]hn-{X, \ntZm-j, \n-e, ]m]n-I-tfmSv thdp-hn--h. kz-s-m D-X-\m-b-h tbip-{In-kvXp-hns Cu kz`mh t{ijvT-X-IfmWv av temI aX-t\-Xm--fn \npw Xs thXn-cn Hcp {][m\ LS-Iw. hnip ]t{Xmkv ]d-bpp \mw Ahs Imp-h-Sp-Isf ]n]-p-hm Hcp amXrI ht-p-t]m-bncn-p-p. Ime-n\v ambvp-hm Ign-bm ]cm-Xn-]m-Sp-Isf km-\n-nv Ime-ns s\dp-I-bn \ap-p-thn ImI-c-sf hncn Im-hns Imp-h-Sp-Isf ]n]-mw.

A book from the Chief Editor ASTHAMAYA NOMBARAM is a Malayalam book written by Santhosh Joseph, and it is published on January 2011. This book is the collection of ten contemporary short stories based on christian moral values in the context Kerala culture.

]md-m, Ah-tfmSv ]d-bm ad-Xv, ]pg Hgp-Ipp, Hcp _-ns BIY, sdbv, tSmv dntm, Hm^v sse, F-kv _neo-h, \ndanmh, AkvX-ab s\mcw

Pages 80 Price: 50

For copies (+91) 9744797080


INSIGHT March 2011

cmPp B\nmSv

hnizm-kn- ]m]w sNbvXm an-ptam F tNmZy-n\v Htc kzc-n \mw adp-]Sn ]dbpw, an-pw. AXn\p Imc-W-ambn \mw ]d-bp-Xv \psS _e-lo-\-X-I-sfmw s]mdppw Fm-Wv. AXp-sImv Hmtcm hnizm-knbpw {]mn-p-tm ]m]w F _e-lo-\X F hmmWv D]-tbm-Kn-p--Xv. ]m]-n\p \mw \In-bn-cn-p \ho-I-cn-s t]cmWv _e-lo-\-X. CXn\v Xmmbn Bmhv \psS _e-lo-\-Xbvp XpW\npp F Hcp hmIyhpw D]-tbm-Kn-p-p. ]t CXv Cm-cy-hp-ambn bmsXmcp _-hp-an-m hmIy-am-sW Imcyw kuI-cy-]qw hnkva-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. Hmtcm Znh-khpw kuIcyw t]mse ]m]w sNbvX \mw sshInp _e-lo-\-X-bvsmw am-bm-N\ \S-p-tm anp F Di_vZw tIp kwXy-]vX-cmbn hn{i-an-p-I-bmWv. ]t Fm Znh-khpw ]m]w sNbvXnv Fm Znh-khpw an-p F i_vZw \tmSp a{n-p-Xv ssZhw XsbmtWm-sbv Hcn- t]mepw Nnn-n-p-an-. hmkvX-h-n ]nimNmWv Ccw Hcp DZvt_m[w ]m]w sNp--hp \Ip--Xv. ]m]-t-p-dnpw \oXn-tb-p-dnpw \ymb-hn[ntbp-dnpw t_m[w hcm Hcp XpS {]{Iob-bn anp Fp a{n-p-hm ssZh-n-\m-hp-I-bn-. tIhew Hcp t\cs {]m\-bn Bm-amb ]m-m]w t]mepw hcm--Im-cy s ssZhw anpw Fv hn iz-kn-m\p \ymb-sam-Wv. ssZhw anpw Fv hniz-kn-m-\p \ymb-sa-m-Wv. ssZhw As\ an-p-p-sh-n ssZhw \oXn-am-\-sp hcpw. cn--sp, kv\m\s-p. A\y-`mj ]d-bpp Fo Imcy-smv am{Xw, ]m]-n \nccw XpS-cp- Hcp hnizm-kn-tbmSp an-p-p-sh-n, CtXpdnsmpw Imcy-amb m\-anm Ahnizm-kn-tbm Sp ssZhw F{X A[nIw an-pw. Atm hkvXp-X-I- C sXm-p-a-. ]m]-samw ssZhw anpw FXp icn-X-s. ]t cn-s---hs ]m]-samw an--bn-sp \mw Adn-b-Ww. A_-n-ep ]m]-am-sW-n ssZhw anpw F mWv ]d-tb--Xv. \mw hos-Sp--s-Sm ico-c-n hkn-p-n-S-tmfw hnImc hnNmc-v hnth-I-an-msX ASn-a-sp t]mIm km[yX hf-sc-bmWv. ]t Bmhv kZmt_m[w hcp-p Hcp hyn A_--nsp t]mIp ]m]-am-bn-cn-t-Ww. Hcp a\pjy h sXnepw AI-s-p-t]m-sb-n Bo-I-cmb \n A-s\-bp--hs\ kuayX-bpsS Bm-hn bYm-m-\-s-Sp-p-hn (Kem 6:1) FmWv hN\w. CXmWv k`-him kw`-hn-p--Xv. As\ kw`-hn-p--Xn-t\-p-dnv \apv ]m-m-]hpw DmIpw. Ahp bYm-m-\-s-Sm-\p Ah-Im-i-ap-v. Fm Icp-Xn-Iq-n Izt-j kwL--sf-tmse ka-bhpw kml-N-cyhpw Hs Xcs-Sp ]m]w sNp--h\v ssZh-ns \oXn-\ymb tImS-Xn-bn a- e-`n--bn-. "kXyns ]cn-m\w e`n--tijw \mw a\:]qw ]m]w sNbvXm ]m ]-p-thn C\n B bmKhpw tijn-p-n' Fv ss__n ]d-bpp (F{_m: 10:26) cn-s Hcmv F tmgpw ]cn-ip-m-m-hns ap-dn-bn-p-v. ]m]-t-p-dnv t_m[w Cm-sXb \mw ]m]-n-tev t]mIp-Xv. Ibo-t\mSv ssZhw ]d--Xv, Ibot\ ]m]w \ns hmXn- InS-p-p. AXns B{Klw \n-te-m-Ip-p. \otbm AXns\ IogS-tWw Fm-bn-cp-p. (Dev] :4:7) CXv ap-dn-bn-m-bn-cp-p. ]m]w \s Iog-S-p--Xn\p apv ]m]-t- Io-g-S-m-\p kt-i-amWv Bmhv \apv \Ip--Xv. ]t AXn\p apt] ]m]w Ibot\ Iog-S-n. ap-dn-bnv Ah-K-Wnv a\:]qw ]m]w sNp Hcm-fp-sSbpw ]m]-n\p a e`n-p-Ibn-. ]m]s _e-lo-\-X-bm-p--Xpw, B _e-lo-\X ssZhw an-s-p Nn \IpXpw kmm-\m-Wv. ssZh-a-. CXmWv kmms Cs {][m\ X{--fn Hv.

]m]-samw ssZhw anpw FXp icn-Xs. ]t cn-s--hs ]m]samw an-bn-sp \mw Adn-b-Ww


INSIGHT March 2011

jnPp- X\m-en, dmn

mn s]n-bn sh ]pXp-n tacn-t-S-n-bpsS ico-cs t\mn Rm ]d-p. tacn-tSn `mKyh-Xn-bm-Wv.

temI-nse PohnXw IjvSmSp \nd--Xm-sWpw AXp kln-p-hm ssZh-Ir] Bh-iy-am-sWpw hnIm-cn-b- hopw Hmn--tm CS-hI P\- Nmcp Itk-c-bn Hp-IqSn Aan-cp-p. Adn-bmsX hnIm-cn-b-s Ip-I Fs In Xn-b-Xn-\memtWm AtXm {]kw-K-ns ASp hmp Inm--Xn-emtWm C{]-Imcw ]mSn. C{X-tmfw btlmh klm-bn-p... C{X-tmfw ssZh-sas \S-n... ]nbnemsI B ]mns CucSn-I Dbp. tacntN-nbpw X\-Xmb ssienbn Gp-]m-Sn. tacn Bn, tacn A-n, {]m\ A-n, ssav A-n... Cs\ t]mIpp tacn-t--n-bpsS t]cp-I. \mfp-I ap]v IpSn-tb Ij-I-cpsS ]dp-Zo-k-bm-bn-cp koX-tm-nse P\--fpsS {]nb--cn-bm-bn-cpp Cu tacn-t--n. ]n-m tamW Imn-bp kwkmcw CS-hI P\-fn Bob DWhp- \Ip A\p-`q-Xn-bm-Wv. koX-tm-n \nv Umw lqWns \mn-se-n-p-hm k-iIvX k-Z-bm-ep-hm-sW-mWv tacn-t--n-bpsS Npcp kmyw. CS-hI hnIm-cn-b- ImWp-tm ]dbpw, tacn-t-n HcmgvN ]n-bn hn-sn Ip_m\ sNmp-hm Hcp ssNX-\y-hp-an-sv. adp-]-Sn-bmbn tacn-t-Sn Hp Dds Nncn-p-Ibpw As\ Hcp kvt\l-tmsS ASn-p-Ibpw sNpw. Rm Nnnp Cu tacn-t-n Fp `mKy-h-Xn-bmWv. Pohn-X-n Nncn-am{Xw. Fmh-scbpw tams\ Fp am{Xsa hnfn-p-. BIp-p- Cm--Xn-\m-emWv Fm-hscbpw tams\ Fp hnfn-p--sXv cl-kyw. s]sv hnImcn A ]dp. C\n Bsc-nepw {]mn-mw. an-emtWm CSn-bmtWm BZyw F Xncn--dn-bm {]bmkw t]mse tacn-t-Sn {]m\ XpS-n. IYm{]kwKw FmWv tacntSn-bpsS {]m\sb Nne hnti-jn-n-p--Xv. {]mn-p--Xn-\n-S-bn Dd-p--hsc DWp-hm D kq{Xw Dsp ]nm-p-dw. tdmf kvt- Ibw Ib-dp--Xp-t]mse hfsc ]Xps {]mn-nv CSn-shp t]mse hfsc in-bmbn {]mn-p-Ibpw CSbvp Ic-nepw, ]qn\v tXm-bn-Sp-Xp t]mse lt-ep-mbpw kvtXm{Xhpw tNp-Xv Nnescnepw shdp-tm-sS-bmWv tIn-cp--Xv. B Nne-cn Cubp--h\pw Cs-sbv tXmn-tm-Ipw. Fm ]co-bvp tacn-t-S-n-sb-sImp {]mn-np t]\ sImp-t]mbn FgpXn \ amp Inn-sbpw hm-I Dv. Bip-]{Xn InS--bn Sn.- hn. bnse tImaUn ]cn-]mSn Ip-sImv InS--tm CS-hI-P-\-fpw {]tXy-Inv tacn tNS-nbpw Ibdn hXv Hpw CjvS-am-bn-s-nepw hcWw hcWw Fp ]dp. tams\....-Fp ]nsbSm....-Fp ]dv Fs D shbvm tacntNn apt]mv ASp--tm amdn \np Xtsbp Fs _p Bt{Im-in--tm Rm hnen Acp-sX... ]p ap\n ]d hmp-I Fp sImtm F\np ISw hmtn hp. am\n-jmZ... AsX AcpsX Imm-fm... Fnepw tacn-t-n ]dp. an-Ww tams\... AXp ISph NnecpsS-sb-nepw Ip-I Cud-\Wn-bn-p. Ftm Fs a\pw s\mp ]d-p... -t]m-I-s... -km-c-an tacn-t--n... -a-dp-]Sn {]hm-Nn-I-bpsS i_vZw t]mse ]dp. tams\... -Ipp hnj-an--cpXv Fs ssZhw Ipns\ cnpw hnj-an--cp-Xv. mn s]n-bn sh ]pXp-n tacn-t-S-n-bpsS ico-cs t\mn Rm ]dp. tacn-tSn `mKy-h-Xn-bm-Wv. ]n-se-nepw Ftmgpw ]pn-cn-m Ign-bp B apJp \npw Rm At\I Imcy ]Tn-p. ap-Xns kmbnsenb Rm \S-p-hm t]mepw Ign-bmsX {]bm-k-s-Sp-p. C tacn-tN-n Rm Xf-cn B ]pncnbpw {]m-\bpw F\nv {]tNm-Z\w \Ip-p. apt]mv t]mIp-I-sbv kyqv C sh-m-c ]d--tm-gmWv Rm Ipsd t\cw tacn-tN--n-bpsS ih-i-cocw t\mn-bn-cn-p-I-bm-bncp-sv Xncn--dn--Xv. Kmb-I-kw-Ln\v C{X-tmfw btlmh klmbnp F-p ]mp- ]m-Sp-hm Ipdnp sImSpp apt]mp \on. Atm-sgpw Fs hosN-b Dcpn amp-hm ]ecpw HmSn-sb-n-bncp-p. ho sNb-dn \npw \nn-bn-n-cp hm\n Ib-dp-tm ]n-bn \npw Db Km\w Fs Cud-\-Wn-bn-p. C{X-tmfw btlmh klm-bnp C{X-tmfw ssZhsas \S-n... ]pncn-p tacn tN-n-bpsS apJhpw Fs apdn-bneqsS ann ad-p.


INSIGHT March 2011

IY / ktmjv tPmk^v

Hm^v sse
tamWn-dns Cfw\oe kv{Io\nse Cs\v sF-Wn Rm U_nnv sNbvXp. A{Uv _mdn Posa-bn tUmv tImw Fs-gpXn F ASnp. Atm Xpdph tlmw t]Pn sFUnbpw ]mkvth Upw ssSp sNbvXp ssk C sNp-tm ASp Hsm--c- a-Wn-q-dn-\p-n sNt Imcy--fn Nne-Xv, tmKn ]pXnsbmcp cN\ t]mp sN-Ww, s^bvkv_pnepw, Szn-dn-epw, Hmp-nepw Nne km-]- Ipdnbv-Ww, Ipsd Un sao-cn-b-ep-I UutemUv sN-Ww, cm-gvN-apv hnhm-ln-X-\mb Fs amtcyPv hoUntbm bqSq-_n A]vtemUv sNbvXv AI-se-bp Iqp-Imv e`y-am-Ww FsXm-s-bm-bn-cp-p. Posa-bn-en Ccp-]Xv AsdUv sat-Pp-I. Ah Hmtcm-mbn hmbn-p-tm CSXp sskUnse tImSm-IvSp-I-fn Hn-t\mSv tNv s]mp-t]mse ]-\ndw sXfn-p. BcmWv Hmsse-\n h-sXp t\mp-tm hntUm-bpsS heXp sskUn Xmsg \npw "s{]bvkv Z temUv' Fs-gp-Xnb Nmv t_mIvkv s]mnhp. Rm\pw "s{]bvkv Z temUv' Fs-gp-Xn. GXmv aqp hjw apv Hcp-anp ]Tntijw kum-{^n--bnse Hcp A\m-Ym-e-b-n tPmen sNp kp\n Bbn-cpp adp-h-iv Nmv sNm XpS-n-b-Xv. tImSm-Ivn-ep kp\nens t^mtm-bn \npw aqp hj-n-\p-n Ah\v ]d-b- imco-cnI am--sfmpw kw`-hn-n-n Fp Rm Ip. Gjy-\m-{^n- `qJ-WvU--fpsS AXncpw AI-ehpw t`Znv R-fpsS ssIhn-cpneqsS Idp A-c- IY ]dpw Ifn ]dpw kabw \on-sm-n-cp-p. tNmZy-fmbpw D-c--fmbpw Hm-I-fmbpw kz]v\--fmbpw Hcp-]m-sSm-cp-]mSv Ctm-s-gp-Xp-hm\pw Atmp ]d-bp-hm-\p-apmbn-cp-p. Hcp Znhkw Hnv R ss__n skan-\m-cn-bn ImIp-n-bXp apX _ncp-Z-[m-cn-Ifmbn aqp-hjw apv ]ncn-- Zn\w hsc-bp Hm-I Fs a\-n Xnc-am-e-I-fmbn h-eb-Sn-p. Iocpambn- hnS-sNm-nncn-Xn-\p-tijw an-hmdpw Dm-bn-cp t^mtIm-fp-Ifpw Cusabn-ep-Ifpw Ipdp Ipdp hp. ]ns Xosc-bn-m-sX-bm-bn. ]no-sS-tmtgm a\-ns kucbqY-n Fhn-sStbm Hm-s-Sm Hc-\m-Y-{K-l-ambn Ah-s\-p-dn-p Hm-I HgpIn \Sp. h-tm-gp-sams Hmpw. Atm-sgmw hnfn--Ww, Fgp-XWw Fsms hnNm-cn-pw. Fnepw Xncp ImcWw AsXmpw sNbvXn-. Rm am{X-a-, Ah-\pw. Ac-a-Wn-q Ign--tm Rms\-gp-Xn. ""FSm... sFbmw _nkn...'' ""shbvv...'' ""\n\v C{X s]sv \nm [rXn-bmtbm?'' C. AsX. Fo cp--c-fpw F\np icn-bm-bn-cp-s-nepw Ah-t\mSv Rm [rXn-bn FpXs ]d-p. Hcp-anp ]Tn Zn\--fnse A\p-`q-Xn-bpsS A\L \nanjmgvhc-bn-tev Rm\p-a-h\pw ssItImp ]nSn-n-d-n. \Sp \Sp R Im-knse XWac-p-h-nse B ]gb kna v _p-I-fn-sem-n Ccp-p. Hn-ppw Dd-nbpw Ign sav lmfnepw, tlm-enepw Ib-dnbn-d-n. sse{_dn ]pkvX-I--fnepw, Un-dq-anse kwhm-Z--fnepw R-fpsS a\v sNs-n. mv dqanse ]gb Ccn-nSw ]pdp \npw t\mnIp. tlm-ense \memw \ne-bnse \S-ps {]mY\mapdn-bn \memw bma-n DWp sNn-cpp app-Ipn ssItImp ]nSnv ssZh-ap-n angn-\o-cn Nmenp sNmnb {]mY-\I. -AXn R-fpsS ^okn-sbpw hnhm-l-n-sbpw `mhn an\n-kv{Sn-bp-sSbpw BIp-e-X-Ifpw A`n-cp-Nn-Ifpw ]Sn-cp-p. Bo-bXbpsS tXP-n ebn-n-dn kzbw adv Bcm-[n Nmense - kzXpey-amb [\y-\n-an-j-. Hcn- IqSn B \nan-j- Bhn-n-cpp Fn-sev Rm\minp t]mbn. ""aqp hj-n-\p-n Fsmw am- hn-cn-p-p.'' Ah Nmv t_mIvkn ssSv sNbvXv skUv sNpXv hfsc thKnembncpp. ""icnbm-Sm. aqp Znh-k-n-\p-n, aqp aWn-q-dn-\p-n, aqp an\n-ntem skn-\pntem Fsmw am- a\pjy Pohn-X-n kw`-hn-pw. Bpw ]d-bm Bhn-.'' ""kp\n, \ Nmv sNm XpS-n-bnv Hcp aWn-q Ign-p. C\nbpw \nmw?''

""icnbm-Sm. aqp Znh-k-n-\pn, aqp aWnq-dn-\p-n, aqp an\n-ntem skn-\pntem Fsmw am- a\pjy Pohn-X-n kw`hn-pw. Bpw ]d-bm Bhn-.''


INSIGHT March 2011

""icn-sb-Sm. \n\p [rXn-bm-sW-n Rm \nmw''. Ah\p [rXn-bn-m-bn-cpp. Fnepw F\nv XnSp--am-bn-cp-p. Ah Nmv Ah-km-\n-n-p-tm, Fsm-stbm ]d-bm _mnsh-Xp-t]mse F\np tXmn. \msf ktU D-I-gnv Rm Hmsse-\n-ep-m-Ipw. Atm hopw Nmp sNmsap ]dv Rm ss_ Fgp-Xn. "hnjv bp lmn amtcyUv sse^v' Ah F\np t\p. Ah-\p-thn {]mYn--W-sapw ASp hjw BZyw hnhm-l-apspw hnhm-l-n\v Wn-p-p-shpw Fgp-Xn-b-Xn-\p-tijw kp\n "ss_' Fgp-Xn. s^bvkv_pnepw, bqSq_nepw, tmKnepw, Szn-dn-epw, Hmpnepw Hpw sNm Ignn-s-nepw kp\n-ens\ IXv F\nv Hncn ktm-j-am-bn. aqp hj-n\p tijw BI-kvan-I-ambn Nmn-eqsS Is-nb Iqp-Im-c-s\-p-dnv Aev]w-t]mepw hn-]pn hnSmsX hon h-tm NqSphmt]mse `mcy-tbmSv ]d-p tInp. ky-bvp IpSpw_{]mY-\-bn kp\n-ens hnhm-l-s-bpw an\n-kv{Snsbbpw Hmv R {]mYn-p. Am-g-n\p tijw Ip sXfnv Idp iq\y-X-bn-tev t\mn Ddw hcmsX InSp-tm Uneov sNm-\m-hm Hcp tUm-t]mse Ah Fs Hm-I-fn-ep-m-bn-cp-p. `qJ-WvU--Ise kp\n Ctm DW-n-cn-p-I-bmtWm Dd-p-I-bmtWm? AhnsS Ctm cm{Xntbm ]Item? AhnsS Ctm agtbm shbntem? Hp-a-dn-bn-. Hp-am-{X-a-dnbmw. Ah-\-hnsS FhnsStbm Dv. \msf D-I-gnv Ah Hmsse\n hcp-tm Cp tNmZn-m\pw ]d-bm\pw hnpt]mb Imcy-fpsS env Fs a\-ns t^mU-dn Rm BUv sNbvXp-sIm-n-cp-p. AXn-\nsS Rm Dd-n-tm-bXv Ftm-sgv Adn-n-. Rmb-dmgvN Bcm-[-\bvp tijw hon-sen Aev]-t\cw ab-m InS--tm Ulnbnse Hcp Iqp-Im-cs Fkv. Fw. Fkv. hp. t^mWn-tev Pv Hp t\mn-btXbpp. Dd--Shn- Rm AsX-Spp hmbn-n-. Hcp aWn-q-tdmfw Ign--tm Ulnbnse Iqp-Im-cs t^mtIm. Ahs kzc-an-S-dn-bn-cp-p. Hcp KZvK-Z-tmsS Ah tNmZnp. ""\o Fs Fkv. Fw. Fkv hmbn-nt?'' ""C.'' ""Atm \ob-dn-nt?'' ""C. Fm- Imcyw?'' ""\psS kuv B{^n--bnse kp\n...'' ""B...'' ""kp\n Hcm-Ivkn-Un Cp cmhn-se...'' _mn tIp-hm-\p in F\n-n-m-bn-cp-p. Fs akvXn-jvhpw a\pw Xn ths--t]mse tXmn. ""sF Imv _neohv Cv...'' Fs kzcw ]X-dn. ico-c-am-k-Iew hnd-p-sImv ASp-p Itk-c-bn-tev Rm\n-cpp. ""kp\n Nn \npw XncnsI hcp-tm-gm-bn-cpp A]-I-Sw. Hm Z kvt]mn Ah acn-p.'' Uln-bnse Iqp-Im-c t^m Ip sNp-tm F\nv Fp ]d-b-Ww, Fp sNWw, Ftmp t]mIWw Fsmpw Adn-bm {`m-amb Hc-h--bn-tev Rm am-s-p. ""Fm... Fp-]n?'' hon-ep--h-scmw Fs Npn\pw HmSnhp. Ahcpw Ftm-sSmw \n-e-cm-bn. Ip-\ocns Xncn-\mfw. th]m-Sns thZ-\. Aev]-t\cw A-s\-bn-cp--Xn\p tijw ASp apdnbn Ib-dn. Iyq- HmWm-n. Cs\v IWIvSv sNbvXp. Hmpv Xpdp. Cse cm{Xn sshIn-sb-gp-Xnb kp\n-ens kv{Imv. "\msf Hmsse-\n-en-s-nepw Fs hnhm-l-n\p hcm ad--cp-Xv.' Rm kv{Imns dns-bn nv sNbvXp. hnd-bvp hncpp-sImv Fgp-Xn. "KpUv ss_ kp\n!' Hcp ZoL \nizm-k-n\p tijw KpUv ss_ Uneov sNbvXp. Fnv kp\n-ens t^mtmbn t\mn Rm ]d-p. \ntmSp Rm KpUv ss_ ]d-bp-n-. Hcn- Rm\pw kzXocp hcpw. Atm Ahn-sS-shp \app ImWmw. Posa-bn-en CSXp sskUn-ep kp\n-ens t]cn\p t\sc aukv sImp sN-tm sXfn ssI Nn-n\p t\sc hnSph sNdnb t_mIvkn Nmc\nd-n-ep sNdnb t^mv sskkn Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-p. "kp\n Cukv Hm^v sse.'

""kp\n HcmIvkn-Un Cp cmhnse...'' _mn tIp-hm\p in F\n-n-m-bncp-p. Fs akvXn-jvhpw a\pw Xn ths-t]mse tXmn.


INSIGHT March 2011

{]hmk Pohn-Xw.....AsXmcp hn[n-bm-Wv... Hmtcm hn[n-tb........ Dn-bw s\w kpJn-b Im hdp-Xv DgpphS ]cnphS Imbv _Pn apfIv _Pn t_m Pnte_n ep lh ssakq ]mv anv t]U anIvkv akme I-en t_ms_ anTmbn Abm Fgpv XpSp... tZmibpw tXm N-nbpw ]qpw ]bdpw ]-Shpw C-enbpw kmmdpw hmg-qv tXmc Np N-pcp ]pgp-nb tNpw apf-Ip-s]m-Snbpw Ibpw ]pfn-bn ao Idnbpw In am Dn-en-Xv s\n Dn-en-Xv s\smgn Icn-n Imn Np ]Sw ]pgp-nb t\{-mbv shbv angpp ]pcn Ahn-b kmm ]cnv Idn ]pfn-tcn Fcn-tcn Ctm Abm-fpsS Fgp-ns thKX IqSn. ]pgp-nb apbpw Ipcp-ap-fIp s]mSnbpw ap Ahn-b _pkv sF Hmwtev an s]mcn-Xv Icn-ao s]mn-Xv _o^v tXmc s]mcn tImgn kln h! Fp ]m-c-n-\mWv \mSv hnv ChnsS hp InS-p-Xv?! Xncnv t]mbmtem? Abm-fpsS B-KXw Dd-s-bmbn t]mbn! CXntm aqm-as Znh-k-amWv Abm CsX-gp--Xv.. Ipdp t\cw Dds hmbn-nv Iodn Ifbpw... ASp Imev XpS-nb ]cn-]m-Sn-bmWv hmcn-I-I-fn-epw, amK-kn\p ]I-cp ]mN-IIpdn-p-I t\mn s\Sp-hon-SpI AXm-bn-cpp XpSw.. XpS--n \p-s-m-hpw Hcp ]pXp-a-bm-bn-cpp Abm-fpsS Cu {]hr-n-I Ctm-gnXp Hcp ioe-ambn amdn Ip \nm-sa--msX \ap-sp sNm ]pw?... Hmtcm-cp--cpsS Hmtcm hn[n-tb....


INSIGHT March 2011

Rm \nsf A\m-Y-cmbn hnSp-I-bn

amfn-I-ap-dn-bnshv injy-m-tcm-sSmp Imhns Ay-A-mgns A-cow hfsc s]s-mWv ZpxJ-km-{-am-b-Xv. s]k-lm-bpsS ktm-jhpw Bm-Zhpw \nd A-co-n Bcw-`n Amgw, ac-W-ns kqN-\-I-fp-ambn injy-msc aYn-p-hm-\m-cw-`n-p. Xm Ahsc hnp-t]m-Ip-Ibm-sWpw {IqimWv Xs Imn-cn-p-sXpw Imhv ]d-p. 12-mw A[ym-bn Xs, Im-hns {]`m-jWn ac-W-ns kqN-\-I Dsm-p-hm XpS-n-bn-cp-p. Xs ImWp-hm Xmev]cyw {]I-Sn-n bh-\-m-tcmSp kw`m-jn--bn ""tKmX-p-aWn \nep hoWv NmIpXv'' A\n-hm-cy-am-sW kqN-\-bmWv tbip \evIn-b-Xv. Fm injy-mcm-Is, tbip-hns acW-neqsS Xp Ic-K-X-am-Ip A\p-{K-l- Dsm-p-hm X at\m-`m-h-n-em-bn-cp-n. X--fpsS Kpcp Xsf hnp-t]m-Ip-I-bm-sWpw X A\m-Y-cm-Ip-hm t]mI-bm-sW-p-am-W-h Nnn--Xv. Hcp \qX-\m-i-b-hp-ambn h Kpcp-hns\ ]n]-p-hm kI-ehpw ]cn-Xy-Pnv Cd-n-p-d-s-nv Fp-sa-m-sXbpw ]pXnb Bi-bns {]kn-sb-n kaq-ls t_m[y-s-Sp-m Ign-bm-sXbpw t\Xm-hn-msX Ae-tb-n-h-cp ZpxnXn-sbn Ahp Nnn-m IqSn Ign-bp-am-bn-cp-n-. Imhv acn-p-I-gn-m ]co-i-m-cp-sSbpw kZq-Iy-cp-sSbpw tNmZy-i-c-sf Fs\ t\cn-Sp-sa Nnbpw Ahsc Ae-n. Ah-cpsS Nn-I {Kln Imhv ]d-p, ""Rm \nsf A\m-Y-cmbn hnSp-I-bn; Rm \n-fpsS ASp- hcpw'' (tbm-l-m 14:18). Rm t]mbmepw \n sf hgn-\-S-p-hm ]cn-ip-mm-hns\ \n-fpsS ASp- Ab-bvpw F-h ]d-p. Bcpw klm-b-an-msX GI-cmbn temIsbpw {]Xn-k-n-I-sfbpw t\cn-tS-n-h-cp--h-cmWv A\m-Y. A\m-Y-Xz-ns thZ\ t]dp tImSn-W-n\v Ipn-I temI-n-ep-v. bp\n-sk-^ns 2009 se IW--\p-k-cnv 18.52 Zi-ew A\m-Yp-n-I-fmWv temI-sa-m-Sp-ap--Xv. amXm-]n-Xm--fn-sem-cm ac-W-a-S-bp-Itbm Dt]-n-p-t]m-Ip-Itbm sNbvX-h-cpsS IW-m-Wn-Xv. Im-hns Imev ""A\m-Y'' F ]Zw hnh-n-n-cp-Xv ]nXmhp acn-p-Itbm Dt]-np-t]m-Ip-Itbm sNbvX Ipn-I-sf-bm-Wv. CXns ImcWw ]nXmhmbn-cpp IpSpw_-ns Xeh\pw IpSpw-_mw-K--fpsS kwc--Whpw ]cn-t]m-j-Whpw \nh-ln-t hyn-bpw. kv{XoIpw IpnIpw kzX-{-ambn IpSpw_w ]pep-hmt\m kzbw \ne-\np-hmt\m \nbaw A\p-h-Zn-n-cp-n. AXn-\m amXmhv acn-mepw B Ipn A\m-Y-\-. Ipn-Iv Zmk-m-sc-m IqSnb A[n-Im-ctfm Ah-Im-i-tfm C. ]nXm-hm-bn-cpp IpSpw-_mw-K-v \nba ]cn-c \In-bn-cp--Xv. Pm-h-Im-i-fpw \nens DS-a-m-h-Im-ihpw ]nXm-hn \npw ]p{X-mp e`n-n-cp-p. ]nXm-hns Icp-W-bpsS \ngen-em-bn-cpp a Pohn-n-cp--Xv. av Ah-Imiw \ImsX ]pd-m-p-hm-\p A[n-Imcw ]nXm-hn-\p-m-bn-cp-p. Fn-cp-mepw an ]nXm--mcpw asf kvt\ln-n-cp-p. Cm-c-W--fm ]nXm-hns kvt\l ]cn-em-f-\-bn-m Ipn-Iv `uXnI \-Itfm kwc--Wtam e`n-n-cp-n-. ]nXm-hns Akm-n-[y-n Ipn-I-fpsS Ah-Im-i- ]ecpw NXn-bn-eqsS ssIh-i--Sp-nbn-cp-p. As\ Ahv `h-\hpw \nehpw arK-k-pw Fmw \jvS-s-n-cp-p. hniz-kvX-\mb Imcy- D-hp am{Xta Cu Ah--bn \npw tamN\w e`n-n-cp-p-p. ""kXy-ns Bmhv F asmcp Imcy-s\ Ftpw \n-tfm-Sp-IqsS Ccn-t--Xn\p \np Xcpw'' (tbm-l. 14:16) F hmKvZ--ns {]kn Chn-sS-bm-Wv \mw a\-n-em-p--Xv. ]nXm-hns th]mSn Bob Kpcp-hn-s\-q-Sn-bmWv Ipn-Ip \jvSs-Sp--Xv. Ipn-Iv aX-t_m-[\w \Ip-hm-\p D-c-hm-ZnXzw ]nXm-hn-\m-bn-cp-p. A\m-Y-cmb Ipn-I temI-ns hj-f-Xz--fn-te-n-d-p-Ibpw ]nim-Nns ]nSn-bn AI-s-Sp-Ibpw sNp-am-bn-cp-p. Cu kmlNcy- apIqn In-mWv ""Rm \nsf A\m-Ycmbn hnSp-Ibn'' Fp Imhp ]d--Xv. Fs Akm-n-[y-n \n Hcn-epw A\m-YXzw A\p-`-hn-p-I-bn-. Rm CXp-hscbpw \nsf kwc-n--Xp-t]mse C\nbpw kwc-n-pw. CXp-h-scbpw D]-tZ-i--Xp-t]mse C\nbpw D]-tZ-in-pw, Btem-N\ ]d-p-Xcpw Fw. A\m-Y-Xz-ns `oI-cX a\-n-em-nb {InkvXob k`, Hmw \qm-n Xs A\m-Ysc kwc-n-p-Xv k`-bpsS D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-ambn GsSp-n-cp-p. ]usemkpw ]s{Xmkpw bmtm_pw tbml-m\pw X-fpsS teJ-\--fn A\m-Ysc kwc-n-t-Xns Bh-iy-IX {]tXyIw FgpXn-bn-cpp (bmtm. 1:27). tdmanse apw (F.-Un. 96), GsYknse Acn-n-Ukpw (F.-Un. 125), slakpw (F.-Un.150) k`-Is-gp-Xnb Ip-I-fn Cmcyw {]tXyIw \nt-in-n-cp-p. ""tiJcw A[y- kqn-p-Ibpw Bh-iym-\p-k-cWw A\m-Ypw hn[-h-ampw \IpIbpw thWw'' (P-n amn-b, F.-Un. 160). ""XIsf t]mm CjvS-s-Sp (PmXn-I) ]t A\m-Ysc Dt]-n-p-p. hon P\n Ipp-sf Ah Dt]-n-nv Infn-p-p-sf hon tNp-sIm-pp'' (A-e-Ivkm-{n-bm-bnse a v, F. Un. 195). Imhv hmKvZw sNbvXXp-t]mse ]cn-ip-m-m-hns\ \app \evIn. \mw A\m-Yc. Ahs - afpw Ah-Im-in-I-fp-am-Wv. A\m-Y-cm-b-hsc a-fm-n-op-hm-\p D-c-hm-ZnXzw Ah \app \evIn-bn-p-v. AXp \app \nh-ln-mw.

amXyp ]me-p-

A\m-Y-Xz-ns `oI-cX a\-n-em-nb {InkvXob k`, Hmw \qm-n Xs A\mYsc kwc-n-p-Xv k`-bpsS D-c-hm-Zn-Xzambn GsSp-n-cp-p. ]usemkpw ]s{Xmkpw bmtm_pw tbmlm\pw X-fpsS teJ\- - f n A\m- Y sc kwc- n- t - Xns Bh-iy-IX {]tXyIw Fgp-Xn-bn-cpp

54321210987654321098765432109876543212109876543210987654321098765432 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 543212109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 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PohnX hnP-b-n\v ka-b-hn-\n-tbmKw Fs\ ^e-{]-Z-am-Ip-p-shv \mw Adnn-cn--Ww. kabw Aaqey k-m-Ip-p. t]mb ka-bs Hcn-epw Xncn-p-Inn-. t]mIs- ka-b-ns IqsS \ap-v \jvv-S-am-Ip-Xv Btcm-Kyhpw Ah-k-c-fp-am-Wv. Hmtcm \nan-jhpw hne-s--Xm-sWv Adn-bp-Xv ka-b-\-jvS-s-p-dnv t_m[-hm-m-cm-Ip-tm BWv. A\m-h-iy-ambn kabw If-p-Ip-fn-p-Xv Pohn-XtmSpw ey-tm-Sp-ap \ncp--c-h-Zm-]-c-amb kao-]-\hpw ssZh-tmSp ImWnp A\o-Xn-bp-am-Wv. IpSpw-_w, Bo-bw, BtcKyw ]T-\w, Imbn-I-hn-t\m-Zw, ]T\w, XpSn hyn-]-c-amb Pohn-Xs _m[n-p ka-kvX-X-e--fnepw kabw hn\ntbm-Kn-p-hm Xm-dm-Ip--Xm-Wv. icn-bmb ka-b-hn-\n-tbm-Kw. GsX-nepw Hcp Imcyn\p am{Xw kabw Nne-hn-Sp-tm AXv ap-Im-cy--tfm-Sp B-h--\-bm-Ip-p. sNt Imcy- sNt--Xp-t]mse sNt ka-b-n\p sNm-Xn-cp-m AXp ka-b-\-jvS-n\pw A\m-hiy _nkn sjUyq-fn\pw Imc-W-am-Ipw. ssZhw Fm a\p-jypw Hcp Znhkw Ccp-]-n-\mep aWn-q am{Xsa \In-bn-p-. Fm Nne IpSp-Xepw ap Nne Ipdhpw Imcy- sNpp. F\no Znhkw Hpw sNm-\m-bn F Ip-t_m-[-tmsS Nne InS--bn-tev t]mIp-p. ]Tn-p-bv D-X-m-\--fn Fn-b-h-cpw, henb ]pkvXI Iq- Fgp-Xn-b-h-cpw, temIs amn adn kw`m-h-\-I sNbvX-hcpw Hcp Znhkw Ccp-]-n-\mep aWn-q am{Xw ssIImcyw sNbvX-h-cm-Wv. Ahv henb t\ sImbvsX-Sp-m km[n-Xv ka-bs Zphn-\n-tbKw sNm--Xp-sIm-m-Wv. A-S--an-m-bva, No-sI-p-Ifpw ioe--fpw, hyXv]-amb ]vfm\nwKv Cm-bva. A]-Iz-amb {]mtbm-KnI CS-s]-S, apK-W\m {]m[m\yw \jvS-sSp-I, A\m-hiy Imcy--fn CS-s-Sp-Ibpw kwkm-cn-pIbpw sNp-I XpSn \nc-h[n Imcy- ka-b-\-jvS-apm-pw. Snhn-bpw, samss_-epw, Cs\-pw, \psS kabs NqjWw sNbvsX-Sp-p-p. Ch-bpsS Aan-tX-]tbmKw am\-kn-Ihpw _un-Ihpw \njv{In-b-Xz-n\v \nZm-\-am-Ip-p. ka-b-s-p-dnv ss__n-fn Hcp ]mSp Imcy- ]d-bp-p-v. R m\ap-tffmcp lrZbw {]m]n----hw R-fpsS \mfp-Isf Fp-hm Rsf D]tZin-t-W-sa,. (ko 90:12). btlmh Fs Ah-km-\-sbpw Fs Bbpv F{X F-Xn-s\bpw Fs Adn-bn-t-W-sa. Rm F{X Wn-I Fp Rm Adn-bpam-dm-I-s. (ko 39:4) . ]utemkv ]d-bpp; kabw X-n D]-tbm-Kn-p-ho (Fs^ 5:16). inbmb ka-b-t_m-[hpw ka-b-hn-\n-tbm-Khpw kab {Iao-I-c-Whpw ssZhw \apv \evIn- PohXw F {]Xn-`m-k-tmSv Iqdpw \oXnbpw ]pe-em-Ipp. \n Dm-bn-cn-p Ign-hp--I-tfmSpw Btcm-Ky-tm-Spw, Xme-p-I-tfm-Spw, km[yX-I-tfm-bp-ap ^e-{]-Z-amb CSs]-S IqSn-bm-Wv.

INSIGHT March 2011

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hnZy ktmjv


INSIGHT March 2011

Pohn-X-ns ]m-hnsehnsS-sbm-stbm \mw {InkvXp-hns\ In-p-v; \ncm-i-bpsS ASn-n apn-mW \n\-m-izm-k-am-bn-o B A]-cn-Nn-X-\mb a\p-jy {InkvXp-h-v Bcv Ip. Ign Znhkw \ntm-sSmv kabw Nneh-gn \ns Bm kvt\ln-X {InkvXphmtWm ?

A\ojv tXmakv shp-nd

{InkvXp BcmWv? Fhn-sS-bmWv? {InkvXp-hns\n-bp-ff Bi-b, Dm-gvNI, Zi-\ Hs Hcp-hs\ kqamb cq]m--c-n-tep \S-p-p. ac-W-ns aW-ap-ff Cu temI-ns Xe-n \npw AaXy-X-bn-tev Ah Dbcp-p. Ahs Nn-I ]dp \S-p-Xv Db-c-nem-Wv. ssZhm-\p-cq]-X-bpsS Aah {Kln-p-p. Fs\? {InkvXp-Zi\w ! AS-n apdn-p-f-fn X\nsb kwkm-cn-p-Ibpw BtcmtSm hmin ]nSnp `Ww Ignm-Xn-cn-p-Ibpw sNp-am-bn-cpp Ah, A Xnc-n. Fp ]n hb-ev \n\v ? F\nv {InkvXp-hns\ ImWWw! (ae-bmf at\m-ca Unkw-_ 25 2010 i\n, ksU kn-sa v) Zi-\ns ]mc--cy-ap-f-f- Z-a-kvtIm-kn-se-hn-sStbm P\np hf 20 hb-p-Imcn. t]cp t]mse Ah-fpsS lyZbw \ndsb \nd-ap-ff kz]v\--fm-bn-cp-p. Ah-fpsS B{Klw bmYmy-ambn . Ah {InkvXp-hns\ Ip. kz]v\tam ? bmYmytam? hni-p-f-f-h kz]v\w Ip-W-cp-Xp t]mse-b-nXv Hcp Bbp-jvImew apgp-h Bmhnepw ico-c-nepw Pohs XpSn-p-I \Ip Ahm-Nym-\p-`-h-n\v kz]v\w Fp hntijn-n-p-Xp bp-tam... {InkvXp-hns\ kz]v\-n-se-nepw ImWm Ign-s-n-sep Rm\m-in-p-p. bmYmy-ns Xe-n {InkvXp HXp-ptam? Xs al-Xzw, in, tXPv Chsbms \psS `mjbvpw hmp-Ipw hnh-c-Wm-Xo-X-as? Ah-\n-etm ssZhns k kq-Xbpw tZl-cq-]ambn hkn-p--Xv (sImtem 2.9). {]]w IpSn sImffp-Xv {InkvXp-hn-es? A-s\-sb-n bYmyw {InkvXp-ht. Xtkm-knse \ymb-{]-amW ]WvUn-X iu ]utem-km-b-Xns ]nn Cu Zi\-n\v Hcp ]p-v. Zi-\-ns t]cn Is-dn-b-s kvtX^m-t\m-kns sIme]m-X-In\v kmn-bm-b-h, Ime- Ign--tm shfnm-SpIsfpdnp ]d-bp-p, aqmw kz-s-p-dnp ]d-bp-p. Za-kvtIm-kns ]Sn-hm-Xnhv Ch Zin-Xv kz]v\tam? bmYmytam? apf-fhnXv kz]v\sa-n iuen-\nXv cq]m-cns A\p`hw Bbn-cp-p. As\sbn - iuens\ kw_-n-nXv bmYmy-at? Fm ]utem-kn\v {`mm-sWv A[n-Im-cnIfp-sS ]w. Pohn-X-ns ]m-hnsehnsS-sbm-stbm \mw {InkvXp-hns\ In-p-v; \ncm-i-bpsS ASn--n apn-mW \n\-m-izm-k-am-bn-o B A]-cn-Nn-X-\mb a\p-jy {InkvXph-v Bcv Ip. Ign Znhkw \ntm-sSmv kabw Nne-h-gn \ns Bm kvt\ln-X {InkvXp-hmtWm ? B-dn-bmw, Iodn-]-dn hkv{X-fpw ]n-]m-{X-hp-ambn \ns ap]n \n B km[p a\p-jy Hcp ]t {InkvXp-hm-Im km[y-X-bnt? {]nbt\ \o Ip Xpd-p. {InkvXp-hns\ Zinv. hnh-cn-m \n\v a\-n-em-hn-, hymJym-\nm \n\-Xv aco-Nn-I-bm, CXv shfn-m-Sm... lrZb ZrjvSn-bn {]Im-in-t--Xv. Btcm Hcn- Hmtm-{Km-^n tImdn-bn hcn-I t]mse.... BImiw apgp-h IS-embn-cp-s-n.... `qan-bnse hr- apgp-h t]\-bm-bn-cp-s-n.. kap-{Z-nse Pew apgp-h ajnbmbn-cp-s-n.... Ign-bn-... InkvXphns\ - hnh-cnphm!


INSIGHT March 2011

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