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Alex: La conversacin la saque de internet, no me dio tiempo de hacerla. Pero esta muy buena, vale.

ENTRE CITAS Y PACIENTES Assistant: Hello, Heathrow Clinic. Patient: Hello, I'm calling to make an appointment. Assistant: Medical or dental? Patient: Medical, please. Assistant: Can you hold one moment? I will connect you. Assistant: Hello, how can I help you? Patient: I'd like to make an appointment for a check-up. I'd like Assistant: Have you been here before? Patient: No, I haven't. Assistant: We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o'clock. Patient: Gee, I work on Friday's. Do you have any appointments available on Monday or Wednesdays? Assistant: Our first Monday appointment would be October 22 at 9 in the morning. Could you make that? Patient: Yes, that would be fine. Assistant: What is your name? Patient: Luci Garcia. Assistant: What is your phone number? Patient: 764-2110. Assistant: Is that the 206 area code? Patient: Yes, that's right. Assistant: What is your date of birth? Patient: 10/13/63. Assistant: How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you have health insurance or medical coupons? Patient: No, I don't. Can you tell me what the charge would be for this visit? Assistant: Please come half an hour before the time of your appointment to fill out a medical history. Patient: OK. I will do that. Do your doctors and nurses speak Spanish?

Assistant: We do have some doctors and nurses on staff that speak Spanish. Would you prefer that? Patient: Yes, please. Assistant: OK. I've noted that on the schedule. We will see you on Monday, October 22nd at 9 for a physical check-up. Plan on spending about 1 hour at the clinic. Patient: Thank you. Good-bye. Clinic: Good-bye.

Physical Examination - OTRA CONVERSACION INGLES/ESPAOL Doctor: Cundo fue la ltima en llegar para un examen fsico? Doctor: When did you last come in for a physical exam? Paciente: Yo haba pasado fsica hace dos aos mi. Patient: I had my last physical two years ago. Doctor: Ha tenido otros exmenes recientemente? Anlisis de sangre, un electrocardiograma o un sonido ultra? Doctor: Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or an ultra-sound? Paciente: Bueno, yo me hize unos cuantos rayos X en el dentista. Patient: Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist's. Doctor: Cmo se ha sentido en general? Doctor: How have you been feeling in general? Paciente: Bastante bien. . No me quejo, de verdad. Patient: Pretty wellNo complaints, really. Doctor: Podra usted rueda en la manga izquierda? Me gustara tener su presin arterial. Doctor: Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood pressure. Paciente: Por supuesto. Patient: Certainly. Doctor: 120 sobre 80. . Eso est bien. parece tener exceso de peso, eso es bueno. Hace ejercicio con regularidad? Doctor: 120 over 80 That's fine. No You don't seem to be overweight, that's good. Do you exercise regularly? Paciente: No, no realmente. Si me quedo un tramo de escaleras, me toma un tiempo para recuperar el aliento. Tengo que salir ms. Patient: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my breath back. I need to get out more. Mdico: Eso sera una buena idea. . Qu tal tu dieta?

Doctor: That would be a good ideaHow about your diet? Paciente: Creo que comer una dieta equilibrada bonita. Ya sabes, voy a tener una hamburguesa de vez en cuando, pero en general tengo una dieta bien equilibrada. Patient: I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I'll have a hamburger from time to time, but generally I have well-balanced meals. Doctor: Eso es bueno. Ahora, voy a escuchar a tu corazn. Doctor: That's good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart. Paciente: Oh, eso es fro! Patient: Ooh, that's cold! Doctor: No se preocupe, es slo mi estetoscopio. Ahora, respire y contenga la respiracin. Por favor, tire hacia arriba de su camisa, y respira profundamente ... Todo suena bien, Echemos un vistazo a su garganta Por favor, abiertos y decir 'ah' Doctor: Don't worry it's just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold your breath. Please pull up your shirt, and breathe deeply Everything sounds good.. Let's take a look at your throat.. Please open wide and say 'ah'. Paciente: 'ah' Patient: 'ah' Doctor: OK. Todo se ve forma de barco. Voy a pedir algunos anlisis de sangre y eso es todo. Toma este papel a la recepcin y van a hacer una cita para las pruebas. Doctor: OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood work and that's about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they'll arrange an appointment for the tests. Paciente: Gracias doctor. Tenga un buen da Patient: Thank you doctor. Have a nice day.

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