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1.1 Background of the Study

English literature is a subject that requires in depth knowledge to understand the devices used by authors and poets. Prose is a kind of English literature that has mean the ordinary form of the written language. It is the writing that you will find in novels. It's written in paragraphs with proper grammar and punctuation, it has no set form like say certain poetry. As one of Americas most popular authors, Beverly Cleary, her books have earned her many prestigious awards, including the American Library Associations Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, presented in recognition of her lasting contribution to childrens literature. Then, one of her novel that i have been read is Ramona Forever. Ramona Quimby is the central character in that novel. The series describes events in the lives of Ramona and her family, who live in Portland, Oregon. Ramonas vivid imagination, boundless energy, and accident-prone antics keep everyone she meets on their toes. But her irrepressible sense of fun, adventure and mischief come in handy when she puts her mind to helping save her familys home. This case is called characterization. Characterization is one such literary device that is used randomly in most of the creations to define the attributes of a character either directly or indirectly. Use of characterization is more significant in dramas and works of fiction, where a wide array of characters is introduced to audience and readers. A write up fails to appeal the readers if the characters and their traits are not explained clearly. Based on the description above, the writer interested in analyzes the characterization of Beezus, Mr. Quimby and Mrs. Quimby.

1.2 Research Problem Based on the background above, the writer has research problem about How is the characterization of Beezus, Mr. Quimby and Mrs. Quimby?

1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to know about the characterization of Beezus, Mr. Quimby and Mrs. Quimby in the story Ramona Forever.

1.4 Significance of the Study The writer hopes that the result of this research can give the readers information about the characterization of Beezus, Mr. Quimby and Mrs. Quimby in the story Ramona Forever. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide.


A. Description of Novel

Novel is derived from the Latin Novellus, "new, young, and recent." Novel is also a noun and refers to a fictional book or printed story. Similar to the short story a novel includes a lot of different kinds and possibilities. Its length is also longer than the length of short story. More extended narratives forms have been invented as soon as the same literature was invented. The novels are considered as the most popular literary form nowadays, in both criteria: in the quantity and the quality. However, if we consider the quantity, it has a rival which is a magazine short story. A lot of

people don't want to red any other type of literature than the novels or short stories. It is said that the novel is the best qualitative form of literature. Most novels have the following qualities:

Its intent is entertainment, at least partially. The subject is presented fictionally, though parts of it may be factual. The subject is familiar, credible, and plausible, i.e. readers believe the places and characters.

The subject is people (usually humans), the story their actions and relations; the novel is centered on the person.

There is a small number of central characters. A single plot, however fragmented or tangential, unites the events and characters.

The protagonist(s) evolves and grows in the course of the novel; characters are "rounded" fleshed out, than are the "flat," one-dimensional characters of earlier literary genres.

Its story occurs in an identifiable historical period.

There are exceptions to each of these traits, and a text need not meet all criteria to be a novel. For example, Animal Farm (1945), byGeorge Orwell (19031950), tells its story using farm animals representing human types and human concerns. Another example is the science fiction, or fantasy, novel, believable only when internally consistent, i.e. the rules of the fictional universe are consistent within the novel, itself, indifferent to objective reality, i.e. the Star Trek series, and the fantasy novels of Dennis McKiernans Mithgar series. The novel genre sometimes is contrasted with the Romance genre the original concept is similar, hence, the French word for "novel" is "roman". The first "Romantic fiction" usually was fantastic set in a mythical, ancient 4

time, and had shallow, two-dimensional characters; Don Quixote (1605, 1615), by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (15471616), may be read as parody of popular chivalric romance. Contemporaneously, the word "romance" refers to popular fiction with a sentimental, love story at centre stage, often at the expense of characterisation and plot. A novel is an extended work of written, narrative, prose fiction, usually in story form; the writer of a novel is a novelist. The English word "novel" derives from the Italian word novella, meaning "a tale, a piece of news". The novel is longer (40,000 words and onwards) and more complex than either the short story and the novella, is not bound by the structural and metrical restrictions of plays and poetry, and is not usually composed of the traditional plots of myth and legend (contrast with "romance"). In many cases a novel is about characters and their actions in everyday life (often the writer's present), with emphasis on the "novelty" of the narrative. Based on description above, the writer concludes that the novel deals with a human characterization in a social situation, man as a social being. The novel places more emphasis on characterization, especially one well-rounded characterization, than on plot. Another initial major characteristic of the novel is realism a full and authentic report of human life.

B. Definition of Characterization

Characterization is one of the intrinsic factors in short strory even in novel. According to Bokesch, Laura (2010:10), Almost alaways round or

three dimensional characters. They have good and bad qualities. Their goals, ambitions and values change. A round character change as a result of what happens to him or her. While according to El Shirazy, Habiburrahman (2010:10), yaitu penciptaan citra tokoh dalam cerita. It means, a characterization is creating the characters image in the story. Therefore characterization must be very realist so that the readers can image the strory completely. Actually, characterization has a connection with the characteristics of the characters. According to El Shirazy, Habiburrahman (2010:11), Pada dasarnya sifat tokoh ada dua macam: sifat lahir (rupa, bentuk) dan sifat batin (watak, karakter). Dan sifat tokoh ini biasa diungkapkan dengan berbagai cara, diantaranya melalui: (1) tindakan, ucapan, dan pikirannya; (2) empat tokoh terebut berada; (3) benda benda di sekitar tokoh; (4) kesan tokoh lain terhadap dirinya; serta (5) deskripsi langsung secara naratif oleh pengarang. It means that every character, there are two kinds of characteristics; they are physical characteristics (such as appearance annd shape) and psychic characteristics (characters). Those characteristics can be expressed in some way. They are as follow. a) They action, expression and thought; b) The place where the characters belong; c) Things around the characters; d) The others impression to the characters; and e) The authors description about the characters. Different types of characters are conveyed by characterization. They are as follow.

1) Direct Characterization, while employing the various narrative

techniques, the author uses either direct or indirect forms of characterization. In direct characterization, the author talks directly about the personality of the character. Use of adjectives is common to define the traits of the character. The following sentence will help you to understand this easily.
2) Indirect Characterization, Indirect characterization is much complex

than direct characterization. In this case, the reader has to understand the nature of the character by his thoughts, speech, appearance, role, action and his effect on other characters in the plot. You will often come across such examples where the characters deliver a soliloquy. Based on description above, the writer concludes that

characteristics can be expressed in some way. They are as follow, they action, expression and thought; the place where the characters belong; things around the characters; the others impression to the characters; and the authors description about the characters. And theres two types of characterization, they are as follows direct characterization and indirect characterization.


The writer uses a descriptive method. According to Arikunto, Suharsimi (2010:3), Studi deskriptif berarti memaparkan atau menggambarkan sesuatu hal dan menjelaskan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa, dan lain-lain. It means that descriptive studies may classify order and correlated data seeking to describe relationship that are discoverable in phenomena themselves. Based on the method above, the writer wants to know about the characterization of the novel entitled Ramona Forever.


A. Resume of the novel Ramona Forever

It was begining on Friday evening, who is a cheerful girl, Ramona Quimby, so excited to greet the rich uncle of her friend, Howie Kemp that was coming to visit. One day after school, Howies Uncle Hobart arrives in dirty clothes which surprise Ramona. He was not like what she was supposed to be. Hobart gave Willa Jean an accordion and Howie a unicycle. She thought it was silly gift because thats not fair to gave them. When Ramona 9

watches Howie learns to ride the unicycle outside and Willa Jean was breaking the accordion. After the accident Mrs. Kemp blames Ramona for not stopping Willa Jean from breaking the accordion. Ramona is upset because she feels that it is not her responsibility to look after Willa Jean. Ramona was trying to be good. But it was boring. Later on Ramona asks her sister for permission Beezus denies Ramona the privilege. Ramona feels that Beezus is being overly bossy. In a fit of rage Ramona calls Beezus pizza face, which hurts her feelings. While riding Howies bike, Ramona falls and gets hurt. She goes home to wash the wound and asks Beezus to help, but Beezus refuses and calls her a hateful little creep. Ramona finds the situation to be unfair since she called her pizza face by accident, but Beezus called her a hateful little creep on purpose. When their parents finally come home neither are talking to each other. One day, Ramona comes home looking for her cat Picky-Picky but realizes that she forgot to let him out of the basement. When Beezus opens up the door to the basement, they find the cat dead. Ramona suggests that they bury the cat to avoid worrying their mother. After burying the cat they decide to pray. The death of Picky-Picky makes Beezus and Ramona closer and the sisters finally forgive each other. When their parents come home, their mother reveals that she's pregnant again and Beezus and Ramona start calling the baby "It" as Mr. and Mrs. Quimby decided to wait until the baby's born to find out if it's a boy or a girl. Toward the end of the story, Uncle Hobart and Aunt Bea announce that they will be getting married. Ramona, Beezus, Willa Jean, Howie, and Uncle Hobart shop for clothes to wear in the wedding. On the day of the wedding, Howie accidentally drops the ring and Ramona finds it after that Ramona and Beezus became the nieces of Uncle Hobart. Ramona and her family go to the hospital since Mrs. Quimby is in labor. Beezus and Ramona's


baby sister, Roberta, is born. Their mother believes that Roberta looks like Ramona and at school Ramona is excited to tell everyone about her little sister. In the end of story, she knew that growing up is hard but she did it.


B. Characterization

a. Beezus According to the conversation on the novel Ramona Forever Cleary, Beverly (Page48), Youre supposed to ask first, said Beezus. You cant go out unless I say so. Ramona felt that Beezus was showing off in front of Howie. How come youre so bossy all of a sudden? she demanded.Mom and Dad left me in charge, and you have to mind, answered Beezus. It was showing that characterization of Beezus responsibility and certain to take care her sister. By the time beezus had change out of her muddy clothes, scrubbed her hands, applied disinfectant, and covered her blisters with Band-Aids, ... (Page70) Beezus has neat characterization that showed on description above. Ramona felt better. A big sister could be a comfort if she wanted to.(Page165) She was comfortable person for people around her.

b. Mr. Quimby Mr. Quimby is Ramona and Beezuss father. He was hard work and thoughtful to his family. That characterization showed on the desription below, (Page87), All the Quimbys need seemed too expensive. Still no letters asking Mr. Quimby to report for an interview. Maybe I should go to


Saudi Arabia like Old Moneybags, work double shifts, and earn enough to pay off our bills and mortgage, and buy a car that wouldnt eat us out of house and home and repair bills, he said thoughtfully.

c. Mrs. Quimby Mrs. Quimby was so wise in this case. She always think the best way for her family to keep together. That characterization showed on the desription below, (Page92), Bob- Mrs. Quimby hesitated. If you want to take the job, we could rent our house. A small town might be an interesting experince for the girl untill you found a new job in the city. She was lovely too on the description below, (Page142), Mrs. Quimby kissed her sister and said, I hope that dress will be as lucky for you as it has been for me. (Page177), Dear hearth, of couse you may.Mrs. Quimby then spoke the most beautiful words Ramona had ever heard, Oh Ramona, how Ive missed you, as she turned back the blanket.



A. Conclusion Based on the analysis above, it shows that the characterization and description about novel of Ramona Forever by Beverly Cleary, the writer found the following points:
1. A novel is an extended work of written, narrative, prose fiction,

usually in story form;


2. Characteristics can be expressed in some way. They are as follow, they

action, expression and thought; the place where the characters belong; things around the characters; the others impression to the characters; and the authors description about the characters. And theres two types of characterization, they are as follows direct characterization and indirect characterization;
3. Beezus

Cahracterization are responsibility, certain, neat, and

comfortable person;
4. Mr. Quimby are hard work and thoughtful to his family;

5. Mrs. Quimby are wise and lovely person.

B. Recommendation The writer recommendation to reader, as follows:

1. By reading a literary works, such as novel we can imagine and

understand about the experience of many characterization in that story

2. Ramona Forever is good for us. Tell about the family life. And many

problems like happen in the reality of our life.


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