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In this edition of Heroes of Faith, we present to you an icon of our Faith; the man after Gods
own heart; the hero of all times-King David son of Jesse; the Psalmist, Musician and Prophet of God (2 Samuel 23:2-7; Act 1:16; 2:30).David was anointed king of Israel whose personality was combination of power, wealth and fame but loved God with greatest passion. The account of the reign of King David in Hebron and Jerusalem was around 1010 B.C. to 970 B.C. God used David to establish His promise to the Israelites in the Promised Land in fulfillment of the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was an ideal leader God seeks to occupy the exotic position to lead His people .A leader who obeys God ,work for peace among his people and always praises God for every victory won in battles; honour Gods presence, worship and praise Him .It is unfortunate todays leaders do not attach importance to these leadership qualities. Perhaps this is why the world is not experiencing peace and the joy of the Lord in their nations. In some selected isolated countries the leaders own the masses body and soul which is not suppose to be the case. Some leaders even made the nation to commit abominable acts to God. P E R SO N A LI T Y O F K I N G D AV I D Psalmist, Musician and Prophet of God: He educated us about the glory of God and His kingdom through poems and songs (Psalms 52:1-9; 117:1-2; 118:1-27) and passes prophetic Gods messages (through songs and psalms) to the nation of Israel and by extension through the bible to mankind. Ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ: From his lineage comes the savour of the world, after about forty generation (2000 years approximately; 50X40 years) God decided to honour His promise as spoken by several prophets, to send His only begotten son our Lord Jesus to the world through house of David the celebrated anointed king of Israel (Matthew 1:117; Luke 3:31). Love to stake his life for his flock and his people. As a Shepherd he confronted a lion in order to save a sheep. He risked his life in order to save the pride of Israel from the Philistines when he volunteered to fight with Goliath. God granted him victory, Goliath was killed by him. He loves and depended on God: In most of the psalms, he taught us how to depend on God (Psalm 23:1; 121:1) and love God (Psalm 18:1; 115:1-18; 116:1-19) and in the book of psalms alone 110 times he talks about love.
A man with repentant heart and love to forgive his offenders: David was never invulnerable to sin or failures; when taken to sin or failure he constantly return to the God to seek forgiveness. He committed adultery with Bathsheba (Mother of King Solomon), eventually plotted and killed her husband Uriah (2 Samuel 11) and when Prophet Nathan came to him he showed sense of remorse and cried to the God for forgiveness (see Psalm 51). He offers to build the temple to the Lord but God chooses his son Solomon for the assignment but King David provided the resources and the enabling environment for the building of the temple at Jerusalem. But leaders today will only invest their money on worldly venture not profitable to the kingdom of God. Some members of the Church would complain when ask to contribute to church building or support the gospel. Worship to the Lord: he was a leader with difference who attached prime importance to worshipping the Lord; he provided us with the model on how to come to God and be in His presence.

Our icon King David has demonstrated to us that power, money and fame should not intoxicate us as to fail in our primary purpose of being created by God to serve Him and only Him alone. We need to study the books of Samuel and the Psalms to know more about King David and emulate him in our sojourn on earth in our eternity journey. May God grant us understanding as we read and meditate on His word Amen.

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