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REZUMAT Un nou concept al unui motor cu dou rotoare cu elici contra-rotative crete eficiena propulsiei navei folosit n industria

maritim. Acest concept poate fi realizat cu ajutorul motorului homopolar cu magnei permaneni cu dou rotoare de tip disc, care face obiectul acestei lucrri. Obiectivele acestei teze sunt determinarea parametrilor elctromecanici ai motorului aplicnd modelarea 3-D FEM i analizarea performanelor motorului n regim staionar i dinamic. Obiectivele acestei teze sunt determinarea parametrilor electromecanici ai motorului homopolar cu MP i dou rotoare prin modelarea 3-D Fem. n plus este determinat comportarea motorului homopolar de curent continuu cu MP n regim staionar i dinamic. Pentru a ndeplini aceste obiective, este necesar dezvoltarea unui model 3-D a acestui tip de motor folosind pachetul software Ansoft Maxwell V12. Cu ajutorul acestui software se poate determina fluxul magnetic al motorului i distribuia densitii de curent de pe discul de aluminiu. Apoi, realiznd schema electric echivalent a motorului cu ajutorul lui Matlab/Simulink s-au analizat performanele motorului homopolar. Din analiz au rezultat urmtoarele concluzii: Pentru a produce un cuplu electromagentic relativ mare, cuteni foarte mari trebuiesc sa fie furnizai discului de aluminiu al rotului care este principalul dezavantaj al motorului. Curenii sunt distribuii neuniform care scad cuplul electromagnetic al motorului. Pentru a mbunti acest lucru, trebuie aplicate perii colectoare la periferia discului. Construcia propus a motorului permite rotirea unuia dintre rotoare in sens contrar fa de cellalt. Acest lucru poate fi realizat prin inversarea direciei de deplasare a curentului n unul din discurile de aluminiu.

ABSTRACT A new concept of dual-rotor motor with counter-rotating propeller increases the efficiency of the ship propulsion used in marine industry. This concept can be realized by twinrotor permanent magnet homopolar disc motor, which is the object of this thesis. The objectives of this thesis are to determine the motor electromechanical parameters applying a 3-D FEM modeling and to analyze the motor performance in steady-state and dynamic conditions. The objectives of this thesis are to determinate the PM DC homopolar twin-rotor disc motor electromechanical parameters by 3-D FEM modeling. Furthermore, the PM DC Homopolar perform determination in steady-state and dynamic conditions. To reach these objectives, a 3-D model of the twin-rotor type of homopolar PM DC motor is developed using Ansoft Maxwell V12 software package. From modeling the motor magnetic flux and current flow density distribution on the aluminum disc and the electromechanical parameters were determined. Next, applying the electric equivalent circuit and mechanical equivalent system, the steady-state model and dynamic motor mode was developed in Matlab/Simulink software and the performance of the homopolar motor was analyzed. From the analysis, the following conclusions were deduced: - To produce the relatively high electromagnetic torque a very high currents have to be supplied to the rotor aluminum discs what is the major deficiency of the motor - The currents are distributed non-uniformly in the disc what makes the electromagnetic torque smaller. To improve this, more brushes should be applied around the disc periphery. - The proposed construction of the motor allows one rotor disc to rotate in direction opposite to the rotation of other rotor disc. This can be done by reversing the current flow in one of the aluminum discs.

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