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Delivering Government that Works for People

We have an incredible wealth and diversity of talent in ntario eo le that are ac ve in the oli cal ro cess and deserve to be heard. We need a government that engages and em owers individ als b sinesses and organi a ons to develo sensible long term sol ons to the challenges facing o r comm ni es and o r rovince. We ve seen an emerging theme in global oli cs over the last year. i ens are demanding a new level of acco ntability from oli cians and showing a desire for government that tr ly engages and listens to comm ni es. t s also a call for an end to oli cal insiders bene ng at the ta ayers e ense ab sing ower circ mven ng r les and im os ing nwanted ro ects on comm ni es witho t ro er cons lta on. t s me for a government that res ects and engages ci ens and comm ni es a government com mi ed to b ilding artnershi s with comm ni es to develo sensible sol ons instead of im osing to down b rea cra c sol ons. t s me for more democracy not less. t s me for a new a roach to governing an a roach that the reen arty of ntario is e cited to

The Green Partys plan to deliver government that works for people includes: 1. 2. 3. Ensuring open, transparent and accountable government emoving barriers that prevent ci ens from being heard Ensuring public ocials are held to the highest standards

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 2

1. Ensuring Open, Transparent and Accountable Government

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We will:

Commit to transparency and will end backroom deals. Post details of public contracts online. ake o ernment informa on truly accessible to t e public.

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 3

We are committed to transparency and will end backroom deals.

In January 2010, the Ontario government locked us into a deal ith amsung, giving a mul na onal cor ora on riority access to our electricity grid for 25 years. This ackroom decision has le farmers, community grou s and small usinesses una le to connect their rene a le energy rojects to the electricity grid. ater in 2010, the government assed a secret regula on restric ng our civil li er es at the 20 summit. The confusion surrounding the a lica on of this regula on sho s a rofound disregard for trans arent governance. These ty es of closed door decisions violate our democra c rinci les, as ell as fair and o en rocess. reen s are commi ed to an o en and trans arent government, ecause e kno that meaningful u lic engagement results in a stronger rocess and e er democra c decisions.

Your Green MPPs will:



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A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 4

We will post details of public contracts online.

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Your Green MPPs will:

u or e i le en on o en rin i les e Go ern en o en ies lo l o ern en s nd usinesses n e u li d on e u or e re on o n en would e il le or e u li o Por l w ere o ern en d ess. su

n rio e e isl ure l o e Go ern en . s on r s nd e enses

We will make government information truly accessible to the public

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Your Green MPPs will:

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inis ries o ensure reedo o in or on re ues s re ein de l wi nd wi ou oli l in er eren e wi s e i l o us on in i e sier or i l or reedo o n or on re ues s. e nu er o reedo o in or il le online s ossi le. on re ues s o er e ro el

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A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 5

2. Remove Barriers that Prevent Citizens from Being Heard

Strong provincial planning occurs when there is a true partnership etween the province an co uni es an when ci en input pla s a eaning ul role in nal eci sions. The Green Part supports an increase in the qualit an quan t o local pu lic input in provincial ecision a ing crea ng new opportuni es or ci ens to e hear . e will acilitate ci en par cipa on in the pu lic consul ta on process re oving arriers an oving orwar with ins tu onal re or s.

We will:

Make sure your voice is heard in decisions about energy that aect you. Ensure that residents have a say in community health care decisions. Give ci ens a greater say in formal public consulta ons.

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 6

We will make sure your voice is heard in decisions about energy that affect you.

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Your Green MPPs will:

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Improve environmental assessment an renewable ener onom A t Restore lo al par ipa on over e isions on ener

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Oppose e isions t at ir umvent plannin an environmental le isla on su as-re pea er plant in Kin Towns ip

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 7

We will ensure that residents have a say in community health care decisions.



Your Green MPPs will:

mme iatel embar on a evalua on of o al ealt nte ra on etwor s e nee to reform we ave real ommunit en a ement an e ision ma in not a i onal bureau ra nsure t at on u t mee n s an ma e e ision in an open an transparent wa

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A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 8

We will give citizens a greater say in formal public consultations.

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B , Your Green MPPs will:

Change the mandate of the OMB so that it can only be used to strengthen the community development and planning processes at the municipal level. The OMB will not be used to "end-run" planning at the local level. ( )

B , , Your Green MPPs will: k

ntroduce an - APP legisla on which shi s the burden of proof to the plain to show that a case has substan al merit or the defendant has no valid defense or the harm done to the plain outweighs the harm done to the public interest by allowing the defendant s ac ons to con nue. E EB , , k EB k C , (EC ) EB k BR to ensure that ci en par cipa on is meaningful. EC , Your Green MPPs will: j , , EB B , (EB ) , k -

Reform the nvironmental Bill of Rights

mpower the nvironment Commissioner of Ontario CO to ini ate inves ga ons and implement mechanisms to ensure Ministries incorporate CO recommenda ons into decision ma ing.

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 9

nsure Public Ocials are Held to the Highest tandards

3. Ensuring Public Officials are Held to the Highest Standards

We will:

Strengthen conict of interest rules for provincial and municipal ocials. isclose pu lic ocials e penses in a mel wa . liminate corporate and union dona ons to poli cal par es.

We will strengthen conflict of interest rules for provincial and municipal officials

Your Green MPPs will:

Strengthen the e is ng Municipal Conict of Interest Act to create a mechanism where cases can e quickl addressed without signicant cost to the elector or mem er. Bring the Municipal Conict of Interest Act under the authorit of the Integrit Commissioner to ensure that municipal ocials have the opportunit to request advice and guidance. Bring municipal workers up to the standards of provincial pu lic servants covered and make them accounta le to the Integrit Commissioner. the Pu lic Service Act,

A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 10

nsure Pu lic Ocials are Held to the Highest Standards

We will disclose public officials expenses in a timely way.

We all know rst-hand the eects of the recession on our wallets. When we are planning for ourselves and our businesses, we know the importance of every dollar and plan accordingly. We know that most public ocials are responsible, but as we have seen with the eHealth controversies, expenses can get out of control without proper oversight. As part of our commitment to Open Data, the Green Party will work towards publishing expenses of public ocials online in a mely way. Your Green MPPs will:

Pu lis e enses o n O en D t str teg .

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We will eliminate corporate and union donations to political parties.

t takes money to run a poli cal campaign - adver sing, materials, strategists, sta all cost money and require a candidate to contribute their own money and fundraise. n many cases, unions and corpora ons are large donors to poli cal par es and elec on campaigns. ut unions and corpora ons don t vote people do. And when unions and corpora ons are allowed to donate, the people in them are eec vely allowed to exceed the contribu on limits set by the province. y ending corporate and union dona ons, we remove even the appearance of undue in uence. t also saves poli cians the awkwardness of vo ng on issues that benet companies who may have donated to their campaign. Your Green MPPs will:

or or te n union on ons to oli l r es igns in ro in i l n uni i l ele ons.

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A Five-Point Plan for Ontarios FutureResponsible Government 11 Authorized by the CFO for the Green Party of Ontario

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