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English biblography of Cosmologie i alchimie babilonian by Mircea Eliade, part I Name of the author

Brunos Meissner Charles Jean S. Langdom Giuseppe Ranciotti W.F. Albright A.J.Wensinck Charles Jean Alberto Pincherle Hugo Gressman L. Wooley Theodor Dombart Theodor Dombart Moris Jastrow Eisler Franz Cumont H. Zimmern Paul Mus

Babylonien und Assyrien Le milieu Biblique avant Jesus-Christ, Vol.III Le Poeme sumerien du Paradis La Cosmologia della Bibblia e la sua transmissione fino a Danie The mouth of the rivers in The American journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, vol.35, p.161-195 The Ocean in the literature of the Western Semites Apocrypha and Pseudo-egigrammate Gli Oracoli Sibillini giudaiei The tower of Babel in Jewish Institute of Religion Les sumeriens Der Sakratum Der babylonische Turm Sumerien and Akkadian Views of beginnings in Journal of the American Oriental Society Weltenmantel und Himmerlszell Textes et Monuments Figures reltifs aux Mysteres de Mithra Zum babylonischen Neujahrfest Barabadur. Esquisse dune histoire du Boudhisme mondee sur la critique archeologique des textes

Heidelberg Paris Paris Brescia

Year Notes
1925 1936 1919 1932 1919

The most thorough comment on biblical traditions about Eden Also egiptians and indians have old traditions about four rivers in Heavens and on Earth



Roma New York Paris Munchen Leipzig Munchen Bruxelles Leipzig Paris

1922 1928 1930 1920 1930 1917 1910 1896 1899 1918 1935

Un temple indien est, bati en pierre, un voyage a laxe du monde, et lentree procesionnelle de ses portes

un rite dentree (p.315) A. Jeremias A.J. Wensinck Handbuch der altorientalischen Geisteskultur Berlin The Ideas of the Western Semites Amsterdam concerning the nacel of the Earth The location of the Garden of Eden in The American journal of Semitic Languages, vol. 39, p.15-31 Palastina nach der Agada 1929 1916 Waters = chaos, matrix of all things to become. Mountains = the beginning of the Creation, of manifestation

Albright Brawer

1922 Berlin 1920 Hebrew documents regarding the Temple and Christians documents regarding Golgotha highlights the identifications of Jerusalim with the centre of the Earth The indian mystical is build upon the restoration of the human being in his own centre

Mircea Eliade Mircea Eliade Irene Hausherr Donald A. Mackenzie Wensinck Mircea Eliade Se-Ma Tsien M.Granet H.Maspero Von Heine-Geldern Jeremias Uno Holmberg

Rig Veda Homology and Yoga in Reverential Volume of Anada Coomaraswamy Yoga. Essai sur les origines de la mystique indienne La Methode dOraison hesychaise in Orientalia Christiana, vol IX The Migration of Symbols Legend of Perseus, vol.I Navel of the earth La mandragore Les Memoires, trad. par. Echavannes, vol.I La Pensee chinoise La Chine antique Weitbild und Bauform in Sudostasien in Wierner Bairag zur unde Kulturgeschichte Asiens, vol IV Handbuch Der Baum des Lebens in Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fenicae Mythology of all Races Fino-Ugric and Siberian Mythology

Calcutta and London Paris Roma London London Paris Paris Paris

1937 1963 1927 1925 1894 1893 1934 1927 1930

Helsinki Boston

1920 1927

W. Foy W.Andrae Jean Przyluski A. Coomaraswamy L. de Saussure

Julius Ruska G. Furlani Fritz Saxl

Indische Kultbauten als Symbole des Gotterbergers Die Jonische Saule. Bauform oder Symbol? Les sept terrasses du barabadur in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Elements of Buddhist Icongraphy Le Cadre astronomique des visions de lApocalypse in Actes du Congres Internatinal dHistoire des Religions La cosmologie religieuse en Chine, dans lIran et chez les Prophets hebreux, ibid. Vol II Les origines de lastronomie chinoise Das Sleinbuch des Aristoteles Griechishe Planetendarstellungen in arabischen Steinbuchern La religione babilonese-assira, vol. I Beitragen zu einer Geschichte der Planeten darstellungen im Orient un im Okzident in Der Islam The Mystery-religion and Christianity La religione degli Hittiti La force organique et la force cosmique dans la philosophie medicale de lInde et dans le veda, in Revue Philosophiquee

Leipzig Berlin Oxford Paris

1914 1936 July 1936 1935 1925

1930 Heidelberg Bologna 1912 1919 1928 Tries to explain the astrological beliefs of the arabs from Haran through the old babylonian dogmas The christian revolution of individual redemption

S. Angus

London Bologna

1925 1936 1933

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