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From To

Thiru ................................................... The Chairman,
Chief Superintendent Board of Examinations
(Name of the Institution/Centre) Directorate of Technical Education
(Address) Guindy,
Chennai 600 025

Institution Code:
Letter No. Dated


Sub: Board Examination - April / October 200 - Malpractice by
candidates - Report - Submitted - Regarding.

It was reported by Thiru / Tmt./Selvi ........................................................................
(External / Internal, Hall Superintendent / Flying Squad member) who is on supervision / squad
duty at this centre, that the candidate Selvan / Selvi..............................................................had
indulged in Malpractice on . .200 at ................A.M. / P.M.

The Details of candidate are as below:

1. Name of Candidate :

2. Register Number :

3. Full Time or Part Time :

4. Regular Candidate or Supplementary Candidate :

5. Subject of Examination with Subject Code :

6. Course and Semester of the subject concerned :

7. Code Number of Question Paper :

A written report was obtained from the Hall Superintendent / Flying Squad
member. Simultaneously, the candidate was checked thoroughly, all malpractice materials were
confiscated from him/her, a written statement was obtained from him/her and then he/she was
permitted to continue to write the examination. At the time of detection of malpractice the
candidate had written.............pages and was writing at page number ............


The candidate was summoned for an enquiry at .................. A.M. / P.M. in Chief
Superintendent's room and an enquiry was conducted.

The following documents in respect of the enquiry conducted are enclosed.

1. Answer book of the candidate.
2. Hall Superintendent's / Squad member's report. (MP-Form 2)
3. Statement of the candidate (MP-Form 3)
4. Position of the candidate in the Examination Hall-Sketch showing seating
5. Material used for Malpractice /Exchanged Materials.
6. Copy of Showcause notice served to candidate and his / her acknowledgement for the
same. (MP -Form 4)
7. Proceedings of the Chief Superintendent appointing the Enquiry Committee
(MP-Form 5)
8. Details of Enquiry conducted by the Committee members, in the standard format,
with the Certificate of the Committee. (MP-Form 6)
9. Enquiry Committee's Report. (MP-Form 7)
10. Xerox copy of Hall Ticket of the Candidate.




From To

Thiru.................................................. The Chief Superintendent
Internal/External Hall Superintendent (Name of the Instn. / Centre)
(Name of the Centre)

Institution Code:

Letter No. Dated

Sub: Board Examination - April / October 200 - Malpractice by
candidates - Report - Submitted - Regarding.

I was performing supervision duty to-day ................ F.N./A.N. in Hall No............
It was noticed that a candidate, as per details given below, had indulged in malpractice.

1. Name of the Candidate : Selvan / Selvi.

2. Register Number :

3. a) Full Time or Part Time student :

b) Whether he/she is studying in the Institute now
or a supplementary candidate :

c) If he/she is a regular student, the Branch
of study and semester in which studying now :

4. Semester for which the candidate :
is appearing in today's examination

5. Subject of Examination with Subject Code :

6. Code Number of Question Paper :

7. Time of Malpractice :


8. At the time of detection of Malpractice
i) No. of Pages written by the candidate :
ii) The page at which he/she was writing and :
iii)The question number he / she was answering :

9. Nature of Malpractice : * (To be specific as given in the
Note below).

10. Type of Malpractice material :

11. Candidate's Statement : Obtained / Not obtained

12. General behaviour of the candidate at the time of
detection of the malpractice :

It is requested that necessary action may be taken on the candidate.


*NOTE: Writing the Exam without Hall Ticket
Possession of Code / Hand books not permitted for the day's examination
Possession of Hand written / Printed materials pertaining to the day's exam
Copying Hand written / Printed material
Writing matters pertaining to the day's exam in the instrument box / Calculator
Cover / ...................................
Noting down the answers / formula / hints etc in the question paper
Showing his answer book / Exchanging addl.sheets or question papers / Talking
with neighbours / Talking with outsiders / Showing signs to others / ...................
Possession of Programmable calculator, Digital pad etc. with matters pertaining to
the day's exam stored in it, possession of Cell phone / Pager etc.,
Attempt to insert pre-written additional sheets
Attempt to replace the main answer book
Disturbing other candidates
Misbehaviour with exam staff



From To
The Chief Superintendent
(Name of the Institution)


Today ................................................ F.N. / A.N. I was writing the examination
in the subject ...................................................................... of ................... Semester Civil /
Mechanical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics and Communication / Computer Science and
(Code No..................) in Hall No.................................. I was caught by the Flying squad /
Additional Chief Superintendent / Hall Superintendent at .............................. A.M. / P.M. for
indulging in Malpractice.
I admit that I was in possession of Printed / Xerox / Hand written Material with
matters pertaining / not pertaining to the subject of the day's examination / I have made use of
the material in the examination.
At that time I was answering question number ..................................... in page
number ......................................

Yours faithfully,

Name in Block Letters: (Signature of Candidate)
Register Number :
Date :


Register Number of candidates around

Signature of Hall Superintendent.



Board Examinations - April / October 200


Name of the Centre / Institution : Dated:

Sub: Board's Examination - April / October 200 - Malpractice
by the student - Appearing for Enquiry - Show cause notice
issued - Regarding.

It has been brought to the notice of the Chief Superintendent that the candidate
Selvan / Selvi ............................................................... with Register Number ....................... of
................. Year / Semester .........................................................................................................
Engineering, had indulged in Malpractice in the Board's Examination held on .....................
F.N. / A.N. and detected by the Additional Chief Superintendent / Internal / External Hall
Superintendent / Member of a flying squad.

The candidate is therefore directed to appear for an enquiry before the Enquiry
Committee appointed for this purpose at .................A.M. / P.M. on .................................. in the
Chambers of the Chief Superintendent.



The Individual
Copy to the Enquiry Committee Members
Copy submitted to the Chairman, Board of Examination,
Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai - 600 025
for favour of information(along with the report).



Board Examinations - April / October 200

Proceedings of the Chief Superintendent

Name of the Institution: Inst. Code :

Date :

Sub: Board's Examinations - April / October 200 - Malpractice
by candidates - Constitution of Enquiry Committee - Regarding.

It has been brought to the notice of the Chief Superintendent that the candidate
Selvan / Selvi .................................................................... with Register Number ........................
of ......................... Year / Semester .............................................................................Engineering,
had indulged in Malpractice in today's Board Examination as stated below:
...................................................(Malpractice Committed)................................................................

An Enquiry Committee with the following members is hereby constituted to
enquire into the reported case of Malpractice, so as to enable to submit a report on the same to
the Chairman, Board of Examinations, Chennai.

1. Chief Superintendent (Chairman) Thiru / Tmt.
2. Additional Chief Superintendent (Member) Thiru / Tmt.
3. Hall Superintendent (Member) Thiru / Tmt.

The Committee shall meet at ...........A.M. / P.M. on ..................... in the Chambers
of the Chief Superintendent to conduct a direct enquiry on the candidate and furnish a detailed
report (in MP - FORM - 7)


The Members of Enquiry Committee
Copy submitted to the Chairman, Board of Examination
Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai - 600 025 (along with the report)


Board Examinations - April / October 200

Centre: Inst. Code :

Details of Enquiry conducted by the Enquiry Committee members on Selvan /
Selvi ......................................................... Register Number ....................................... who have
indulged in Malpractice in the Board 's Examination held on ........................................F.N. / A.N.


1. What is your name? :

2. What is your Register Number? :

3. Course and Semester in which you are studying
(or) studied? :

4. Are you a Full time or Part time student? :

5. Did you appear for the Board Examination this
day .....................................F.N. / A.N.? :

6. For which Semester and Subject you appeared? :

7. What is the Code No. of the Question Paper? :

8. Did you go through the instructions to the :
candidate, given in your Hall Ticket / Answer Book
with regard to Malpractice in the examination?

9. Have you read the instructions displayed in English :
and Tamil in the Notice Board of the Institution?

10. Have you been informed by the Hall Superintendent :
in the Examination Hall today not to adopt any means
of unfair practices in the Examination?

11. It is reported that you have indulged in Malpractice :
in the Board Examination today .................F.N./A.N.
Do you accept the Malpractice you have committed?

12. Were you in possession of any malpractice material :
pertaining to the day's examination?
If yes, what kind of materials?

13. Did you copy the malpractice materials in the :
If yes, in which page of answer book? :


14. Did you attempt to insert any pre written sheets :
into the answer book?

15. Did you hand over the Malpractice materials to the :
Hall Superintendent when you were caught?

16. Did you refuse to give a written statement / refuse
to hand over the malpractice material / argue with :
the Hall Superintendent in the Examination Hall?

17. Did you realise that you have violated the Board :
Examination Rules & Regulations?

18. Do you wish to say anything further in this regard? :

Residential Address: Signature:

Name :

Reg. No. :


I declare that the replies given by me in the questionnaire were written in my own
hand writing in total consciousness and without any stress from any source.


Date : Signature of the Candidate

Certificate of the Committee

Certified that the above enquiry had been conducted by us on (Date) at
(Room No.)


Designation: Hall Superintendent Addl. Chief Chief Superintendent
(Member) (Member) (Chairman)



Co!o amCo1 mom Co!o amCo1 mom Co!o amCo1 mom Co!o amCo1 mom

om om om om Co!ooo, m)d / Ccmm! 200 Co!ooo, m)d / Ccmm! 200 Co!ooo, m)d / Ccmm! 200 Co!ooo, m)d / Ccmm! 200

Co!o mm Co!o mm Co!o mm Co!o mm: meo 1 mm. meo 1 mm. meo 1 mm. meo 1 mm.

Oodom/Oodm.................................................................mJomm..................................1 mom)ma c_mm!oomd
mcomc mom)m mo)m.
Coom Coom Coom Coom - -- - mJd mo)m mJd mo)m mJd mo)m mJd mo)m
J. omoo Om! mmm7 .

2. omoo mJo mm mmm7 .

3 . ommoo mm / m amc m1o mm_m mmom7 .

4. ommoo aaCm) mmmo)m de mJCm) mmmo)m7 .

5. @m_ .......................... ammod / mmmod mcOmmm om1 .
Co!mm omo u1mJ!oom7

. mmmoo Co!mo mmmc Co!mm omo u1mJ!oo7 .

7. mmmomom Ocm mmm7 .

8. omoa oomc mmoJ1 mm_m mcomod
Jcm1oo Co!ooaomm o)oo omJJ!oom7 .

9. omoo meo momm) meod maom1oo /
scm1oo o)oo omJJ!oom7 .

J0. Co!o mo mmo mommm samJm Oodooqm
+1mcocm mm m omommmmo)md .

JJ. ommoo @m_ .............................................a.m. /m.m. mcOmmm
om1Co!md amCod +1mcom Oo1mom1oo. .
Co!o amCod ommoo +1mco su OomoJm!oom7

J2. @mm Co!o ommmomc am Comomm Ommmoo
moCm omoo oom @mmoom7 m mmd, moo .

J3. @mm Co!md amComomm Ommmo momm
mm! maJm!oom7 .

m mmd, mcuooJm mmo moJd7 .

J4. amCocmm Ommmoo |mmomCo maJOomm1
omo omooi mcuooJd @mJ!oom7 .

J5. om1momcocm amCom mmm1J
Ommmoo m omommmmo1cm smc .

J. amCom mmm1J Ommmoo smco
m_m, suod oom Oom1o m_m, m .
omommmmoC)m1 Co!o md omomom
Ooo Cmmmm Oodood +1m!oom7


J7. omoo @Ood mem om1 Co!ooaomm
samoom mJamoom 1omo ommoo .

J8. @ ommmomm Cmqm momo Oo1mo mmmuJm!oom7 .

m1 aoo1 m1 aoo1 m1 aoo1 m1 aoo1

oOmmm. oOmmm. oOmmm. oOmmm.
Om! . Om! . Om! . Om! .
mJo mm mJo mm mJo mm mJo mm:

mu mu mu mu

Cmmomc J8 Coomoaomm mJdoo mm mm omd maomc mmom o
momo Ooo m!mmooamm mm o cm!Com1 maomc mmom @om mem Oo1m


mmo . oOmmm

mom)m amm1m omm_ mom)m amm1m omm_ mom)m amm1m omm_ mom)m amm1m omm_

Cmmomc mom)m mmoomd ........................................................... m_ ............................................................
md mcomc mm ommmoom1Jm.

oOmmm oOmmm oOmmm oOmmm:

mom. mom. mom. mom. m o1od aomm aomm
omommmmo! omommmmo! omommmmo!
|c_mm!i |c_mm!i |oeo!i

Om!. Om!. Om!. Om!.

mmo. mmo. mmo. mmo.



Board Examinations - April / October 200

Enquiry Committee's Report
(To be filled by the Chief Superintendent)

Name of the Institution: Institution Code No.:

1. Name of Candidate :

2. Register Number of Candidate :

3. a) Branch, Semester, Subject of Examination :
b) Semester in which the Candidate is studying : I / III / IV / V / VI / VII / VIII / Suppl.

4. Code Number of Question Paper :

5. Date of Examination :

6. Name and Institution address of staff :
detecting the malpractice

7. Nature of Malpractice reported :

8. Material seized from the candidate :
(To be enclosed with the report)

9. Whether the materials seized belong to the : YES / NO

10. Whether the materials seized contains matters : YES / NO
pertaining to the day's exam?

11. Whether the candidate had copied or made : YES / NO
use of the material in the day's examination?
(To be reported after going through the answer
script and the malpractice material fully and

If Yes, Page number of Answer book in which :
the material is copied or made use of (Copied
matter to be underlined in the Answer Book)

12. Whether any other candidate or institutional : YES / NO
staff or outsider had involved in this act of
malpractice? (To be enquired thoroughly and

If yes, details of the person :


13. Whether the candidate had accepted his : YES / NO
involvement in the reported act of

14. Whether the candidate had been booked for
any kind of malpractice or suspected : YES / NO
malpractice in any of the previous
Board Examinations? (Institution records
to be verified and reported correctly)

If Yes, month and year of exam and details :
of punishment awarded

15. Whether the Committee is convinced that the : YES / NO
candidate had deliberately committed the
above act of malpractice?

16. Whether the candidate deserves punishment? : YES / NO

If not, the reason / Why?


Member, Member, Chairman,
Designation: Enquiry Committee & Enquiry Committee & Enquiry Committee &
Hall Superintendent Addl. Chief Chief Superintendent

Name &
Instn. Address:
(in Block letters)


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