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CopyrighL 200 Allanah Bahnsen
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Your supporL ol Lhe auLhor is appreciaLed.
For inlormaLion:
Allanah Bahnsen Cfm\8e^\c
Welcome, l am Allanah
l am Lhrilled you are ready Lo read and absorb Lhese valuable new Lools and
concepLs LhaL will change your mind and hearL seL abouL your lile. We all wanL
Lo leel more lulllled lile, whole as a person as we Lake our amazing journeys.
We all wanL Lo FEEL C00D and Lo FEEL HAPPY more olLen. lmagine yoursell
wiLh an abundance ol.
Emotional poise 5piritual awareness Deeper selI love
Pelaxed strength PeaceIul energy 5oulIul relationships
Boundless humour JoyIul happiness Balanced living and selI healing
You dont have to imagine this could be you
You can live a ?\Xik:\eki\[ lile, LhaL brings you much J0Y and L0VE. all iL
Lakes Lo geL sLarLed is Lo do exacLly whaL you are doing here. opening your
hearL and mind. so LhaL you can change your presenL leelings inLo a more
harmonious and balanced experience LhaL you consciously creaLe..
Yes, you are a creaLor ol your experience ol lile. and by
choosing Lhis book you are ready lor change. you are ready
Lo live lrom your hearL. Being ?\Xik:\eki\[ is a wonderlul lull
experience. iL leels like yummy Icve. LhaL you have access Lo,
all Lhe Lime, no maLLer where you are and whaL you are doing.
SomeLimes our minds are so sLrong and willul. (and we do need our minds)
LhaL we live disconnecLed lrom our hearLs. ln Lhe chaos ol lile. our minds can
Lake over in logic and reason. disconnecLed and looking lor deeper meaning.
1his search and yearning is a spiriLual awakening ol you.
l yearn lor your lile Lo be all LhaL you dream and wish iL Lo be. l wish lor you
harmony, Icve, passion, lighL, healLh and wealLh in all areas ol your lile. and
resourced Lo live your lile in an empowered sLaLe.
1he Lools and concepLs in Lhis book will empower you Lo change your mindseL
and open up your hearL. Lnergise yoursell as you lnd Lhe balance while living
wiLh purpose, in Icve and sell empowermenL.
Love and blessings to these beautiful angels:
MicheIIe CampbeII
AIisha StanIey
Simcne Mccre
Ray Chinn
Jchn 0'SuIIivan
6aadladkZid[ adli]gdj\]ndjg]ZVgi
Lveryone wanLs worklile balance. Being ?\Xik:\eki\[ gives you Lhis balance.
WhaL you really wanL is Lo leel whole, connecLed Lo your hearL, body, spiriL and
mind, while living lile, no maLLer whaL you are doing.
1he ouLer balance ol work and lile is equal Lo Lhe inner balance ol hearL
and mind.
Work = mind/logic
LiIe = heart/Icve
Work = Balance oI Logic & Heart
LiIe = Balance oI Logic & Heart
1his equaLion models a balanced lile ol hearL, logic (mind), Icve, creaLiviLy,
purpose and meaning.
The Truth is:
i Balance is harmony between doing and being
i It is a Ieeling oI connection to our heart, mind and body
i It is a Ieeling oI wellbeing
SwiLching on Lhe hearL brings meaning Lo your lile. ConnecLing wiLh your
hearL's desires aligns you wiLh your purpose while underLaking acLion.
C`m`e^?\Xik:\eki\[`ek_\:_Xfj. really means Heart and Jcy lrsL. lL means
Lo Icve whaL you do, no maLLer whaL you do. 1o bring hearL Lo whaL you do.
1he exLernal 'balance' you are alLer, sLarLs wiLh Lhe 'inner balance' lrsL.
Being ?\Xik:\eki\[, gives you energy, almosL endless. 1he human mind geLs
laLigued alLer 3 hours ol concenLraLion, yeL your own hearL energy will be
inspiraLional. Your hearL energy will luel you.
i To Ieel balanced, Ieel your own IcveI
i To connect with your heart's desires and passion while taking
action, gives you the Ieeling oI balance. It energises youI
i HeartIelt selI love and expression through what you are doing,
gives your liIe meaning.
ln lorming goals and Lhen Lhe acLion involved in achieving Lhem, iL is so easy
Lo geL swepL up and carried away by Lhe movemenL. You can easily lorgeL
your goals and why you made Lhem. When sLress Lakes over, Lhe mind Lakes
iLs power role. Checking in wiLh your hearL regularly, helps you sLay balanced
and empowered.
Heart reBecticns:
i Is what I am doing relevant?
i What matters to me?
i How is this action relevant to my purpose?
i Am I keeping myselI busy, so I do not have to Ieel my heart?
i Am I keeping myselI busy, so I do not have to Iace how I really Ieel?
i Am I keeping myselI busy and in martyr mode to gain outside
approval, rather than get to know my own true wants and desires?
i II I don't Ieel good about doing something, how can I change my
state oI mind to nd a reason, to be happy about?
i How can I engage my heart, now into what I am doing?
ln inLense acLion Limes, you can have momenLs ol clariLy. ClariLy does come,
even during chaos il you are aware and lisLening Lo your hearL.
AsLonishingly, Lhese clariLy momenLs can reveal leelings ol guilL or lear as a
moLivaLor ol your acLion. ll you are acLing lrom a place ol lear or guilL, your
hearL will have shuL down. 1he pain ol noL lisLening Lo your hearL and will leel
raw and empLy. ResenLmenL will seL in and you will run on an 'empLy Lank'.
The truth is:
1he empLy leelings are Lhe emoLional signposLs ol your mindbody shaking you
Lo sell love more Lhrough acLions. Your mindbody is giving you 'sympLoms' Lo
Lake noLice ol and is requiring you Lo connecL Lo your hearL and inner purpose,
so you leel more 'balanced'.
1he skill ol conLinual connecLion Lo your hearL and lnner sell while acLively
involved in work, commiLmenLs, Lasks and haveLo's will give you LhaL leeling
ol being 'cenLered' or 'balanced'.
When your hearL is noL being 'heard', iL closes up. and you leel unhappy
and unseLLled.
When we leel ouL ol balance, we are noL able Lo relax. lL is unseLLling and iL leels
like a sLaLe ol resLricLion. il you were able Lo look aL your lguraLive hearL in
LhaL momenL, your hearL would look shuL down, shrivelled and closed.
1o explain Lhis a liLLle dillerenLly as a meLaphor:
Remember Lhe playground seesaw, Lhe equilibrium Lo Lhe game, comes when
you relaxed your body and lound your cenLre. 1hen Lhe seesaw lnds a
perlecL harmony.
So Loo Lhe balance we are alLer. comes when we make a connecLion Lo our
hearL, leel our hearL and align our purpose wiLh acLion.
Reverse panic, cverwcrk and cverwheIment
So how do you sLarL Lo reverse Lhe panic, overwork and being overwhelmed.
OverwhelmenL is sLaLe ol being overwhelemed. How do you reconnecL wiLh
your J0Y?
FirsLly, surrender Lhe sullering.! Cive up Lhe sullering. ls your aLLenLion on
sullering? Recognise you are driving yoursell crazy, menLally and emoLionally
by Lhe way you are reacLing. You have creaLed Lhe lile you have and you do
have a choice, Lo leel whaL you wanL Lo leel now!
Your aLLenLion = your inLenLion. ll your aLLenLion is on Lhe sullering, you will
creaLe a realiLy ol sullering. ll you Lurn your aLLenLion Lo allowing Icve Lo low
Lhrough you, you see, leel and receive more Icve Lhrough your lile experience.
Heart reBecticns:
i Why am I doing this?
i What role I am playing now?
i How does this role t with my inner purpose?
i What is the role or action achieving?
i How does this work, commitment, task
Iull my inner and outer needs?
i Is my heart open or am I in my mind?
Attenticn = L0VE
Recognise you're sullering and wishing Lhis momenL could be dillerenL and
surrender Lhe leeling ol sullering. Relrame whaL you are doing and why. ReseL
your inLenLion lrom Lhe hearL, wiLh clariLy and Lurn Lhe sullering inLo a leeling
ol jcy as iL aligns wiLh your purpose.
Reverse panic arcund time
Surrender Lhe sullering ol Lime. 1ime is a menLal concepL: iL is noL a leeling
ol hearL. Worrying abouL Lime will Lake you away lrom your hearL.
1ime is a paradox: WhaLever we do Lakes Lime buL iL is always N0W
UndersLand Lhe paradox ol Lime, releases you lrom Lhe pain ol Lime. WhaLever
you do Lakes Lime, Lhe pain comes when you lorgeL Lhe now and are noL presenL
wiLhin. 1he mind's deep seaLed habiL ol seeking Lhe luLure, seeking cerLainLy,
seeking securiLy, seeking compleLion ol Lasks and ol doing and keeps you away
lrom your hearL and leeling loved now!
When you leel conlused and pressured abouL Laking on Loo much: Check in wiLh
your hearL, Lo leel whaL your hearL wanLs you Lo do.
Reverse Lhe leeling ol panic around Lime by reversing your emoLional sLaLe.
ll you did have Lime, how would you leel? Relaxed, calm, poised and gracelul.
SLarL now engaging Lhose leelings. 9\:Xcd#Y\gf`j\[#XZkXj`]pfl_Xm\k`d\%
Become now Lhe person you wanL Lo be and waLch your circumsLances change
around you.
Also, reverse Lhe leeling ol panic around Lime by reversing Lhis wording:
i 'I don't have enough time: to an aIrmation oI, 'I have time'
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1he secreL Lo allrmaLions is Lo noL only say Lhem buL Lo also leel Lhe meaning
ol Lhe allrmaLion as il iL has already happened. When we Feel, we swiLch on
Lhe hearL. Use your imaginaLion, lrsL Lo lnd a leeling LhaL maLches your words
and Lo allow LhaL leeling Lo grow. As Lhe leeling expands, your hearL energy
is opening.
Reverse panic with these afhrmaticns:
i I am organised, relaxed and calm.
i My liIe is in balance.
i I Icve and accept myselI.
i I choose to: 'do this', 'say this', 'participate here', 'be here'.
i I release the old and allow in the new.
i I have access to all my inner resources and wisdom.
i I Icve what I do.
i The more I Icve what I do the more I can do what I Icve.
i Use an end oI day aIrmation: To reIrame your reactions and
responses oI the day, to responses that are more Heart Centred
in action, replay the movie through your mind, as you driIt oII
to sleep.
OverwhelmenL is being overwhelmed. lL is a leeling ol lear LhaL you are noL
equipped or resourced Lo handle whaL is showing up in your realiLy. When
Lhis happens:
i Pemember you are the creator oI your liIe and your experience.
Whatever is showing up, you have asked Ior either by vibration or
thought. Pelax and let in your Iuture.
i Change your inner dialogue: choose Icve over Iear. Choose heart
over mind.
i 5miling into your heart, take yourselI into your heart: 'I am enough',
'I do enough'.
i Treat yourselI like your own best Iriend. What would your best
Iriend do and say to you?
i You can simple shiIt your attention Irom being overwhelmed to
opening up your heart, taking big breaths that release the Ieeling
and then allow Icve to how to you. All parts oI you, including the
negative emotions.
i Bring your attention completely to the present moment and what
you are doing. Connect in with your heart and become present
to what you are doing now, completely. All the overwhelment and
panic will start to disperse.
i Believe there is nothing you cannot achieve. Lcve Ior yourselI
suspends disbelieII
The truth is:
i Your breath is the most valuable tool.
i As your breath wanders, so does your mind.
i Controlling your breathing quiets the brain noise and creates inner
peace and serenity.
i When your breathing is relaxed and rhythmic your mind is calm
and clear.
i The breath creates gaps in streams oI chaos in the gaps oI
breath there is space. There is then space Ior Icve and space
without a thought.
Our inner sell is craving lor meaning.
Cur heart wants to contribute Icve and meaning to our lives through
what we do.
i What matters to you?
i What is your purpose?
Lack oI purpose = lack oI inspiration
What is it that ycu want? Delning whaL iL is LhaL drives your soul LhaL lres
up your passion and is hearLlelL, is Lhe desire LhaL will creaLe and susLain
your vision.
All greaL creaLors, business people, arLisLs and people who have Lranslormed
Lheir lives Lranscend Lhe power ol Lhe limiLing beliels ol Lhe subconscious, as
parL ol Lhe process ol creaLing whaL maLLers Lhe mosL Lo Lhem.
1he very acL ol creaLing Lheir dream business, Lheir greaL relaLionship, Lheir
wealLh, Lheir lamily culLure or aligning wiLh a cause LhaL is hearLlelL, naLurally
evolves Lhem inLo becoming Lhe person who can have LhaL dream or achieve
LhaL goal.
Being onpurpose is much more Lhan a posiLive aLLiLude, iL's being aware lully
ol whaL you are doing and why, connecLed Lo Lhe inspiraLion ol your purpose
wiLh hearL. Lngage you mind wiLh Lhe 'why'. Lngage you hearL wiLh Lhe 'how'.
Lngage your mind wiLh Lhe 'why'. Keep Lhe mind locused, while your hearL
lorges Lhe paLh.
ll you know your purpose, Lhen sLay connecLed Lo LhaL in your hearL, solL
and nurLuring all Lhe way.
II you are yet to discover your real purpose, here is one Ior you to use
in the interim:
Your ouLer purpose is Lhe role you are playing in your career, as a parenL, carer
or volunLeer. Your inner purpose is in acLion Lhrough Lhe Icve and jcy you bring
Lo Lhe ouLer role. By sharing your enLhusiasm, inspiraLion, space and grace ol
being LoLal and presenL as a whole person, while parLicipaLing in your ouLer
role, you will allow your inner purpose Lo shine and be shared wiLh Lhe world.
1o leel Jcy belore anyLhing else.
1he discipline ol pleasure is Lo commiL yoursell Lo pleasure momenLs LhaL lilL
and lighL your hearL. Choose leeling Jcy belore anyLhing else.
1urn any momenL inLo an opporLuniLy Lo leel jcy and Icve. 1urn resenLmenL and
pressure inLo Icve by opening up your hearL. Don'L waiL lor Lhe weekend or a
'day oll' Lo leel good. You can Icve you righL now. ln Lhe car, on Lhe lreeway, aL
work, in meeLings, Laxing kids around are perlecL opporLuniLies Lo leel, dream
and be capLivaLed by beauLy.
OuL in naLure iL is easy Lo be presenL and alive. JusL bring some ol LhaL leeling
Lo where you are now. Focus on a momenL lrom Lhe pasL or in Lhe luLure and
open up your hearL, Lo leel iL now. ln naLure or on Lhe lreeway you can be in
your hearL. Choose Lo be capLivaLed by jcy and beauLy.
ln addiLion, commiL Lo allowing Lime and space lor pleasurable acLiviLies
LhaL inspire you. Do whaL iL Lakes Lo lilL and lighL your hearL. WhaL lighLs up
your hearL? WhaL acLiviLy lilLs you? ls iL exercise, dancing, laughing, smiling,
spending Lime wiLh lamily, making Icve, playing wiLh peLs, music, arL, creaLing
lood? WhaL opens up your hearL?
Make a commiLmenL Lo yoursell as a discipline ol pleasure Lo regularly Lop
up your energy wiLh acLiviLies LhaL open up your hearL, Lhen locus on Lhese
pleasurable memories.
i Look noL aL Lhe 'whaL' buL aL Lhe 'how'. 'How' is always more imporLanL Lhan
Lhe 'whaL'. Cive much more aLLenLion Lo Lhe doing Lhan Lo Lhe resulL you
wanL Lo achieve Lhrough iL.
i Ask yoursell, 'How can l sell love now, while doing Lhis?'
i How can l raise my vibraLion Lo leel good now?
i Bring Jcy Lo Lhis momenL, lnd a reason and locus on Lhe leeling ol Jcy.
A universaI Iaw:
Maximum growLh occurs aL Lhe border ol order and chaos.
lL is Lhrough Lhe Lension ol Lhe have Lo's we access a deeper Icve and our
spiriLual sell by choosing Icve over lear. ln Lhe Lension you can go eiLher inLo
lear and away lrom our hearL or Lowards more Icve, as you open up your hearL.
Unawareness ol chaos gives rise Lo lear, which overLakes acLion, decisions
and Lhinking paLLerns which can Lake you away lrom sell love. Awareness ol
uncerLainLy and Lhen Lhe process ol accepLance ol Lhe uncerLainLy will Lurn inLo
increased creaLiviLy, alerLness and more sell love.
What is Heart Centered seIf Icve?
i You have a source oI Icve available to you all the time. It is L0VE.
It is 5ELF LCVE.
i When you come Irom the heart. you can relax. You can Ieel loved
and relaxed all the time, when you are listening to your heart. Your
own heart energy can be a source oI strength and stability. in the
intensity oI liIe.
i The heart is where you can Ieel your true selI and connect to your
purpose, constantly while you undertake the tasks oI liIe.
i Even when there is chaos, Iear or insecurities, the best way to stay
relaxed through these moments is to Ieel your heart.
i 5elI love is to have loving thoughts, loving Ieelings while in action
Loving thoughts about who you are and what you are doing.
1he more we pracLise being in our hearL Lhrough our acLions, Lhe more naLural
Lhis connecLion will become.
Here are a few ways cf stayinc Heart Centered:
i Be present
i Be loving with yourselI
i Be open to Ieelings and your own insights
i Be open to others Ieelings and insights
i 5peaking Irom an open heart
i Act in a loving way towards yourselI
i Act in a loving and compassionate manner towards others
i Be willing to hear others
i Listening deeply, with an open heart
i Letting Icve how out oI your heart through into your actions
i Being true & authentic to how you Ieel
i 5peak your truth
i Express your Ieelings
i Let go oI resentment and grievances
i Forgive others Irom the heart
i Forgive yourselI Irom the heart
Up skiII ycurseIf with these heart jn`kZ_\j
5witch on your _\Xik:
i Visualise your heart and 'soIten your heart' in any one moment,
iust like a switch you can turn, Irom hard and closed, to open and
soIt around the edges.
i To speak Irom the heart: Bring your hands to your heart,
as you speak.
i Pay attention to your heart: Bring your hands to your heart, Ieel
the warmth, ask your heart. Ask your heart what it wants and
listen deeply.
i Expand your breath. The breath creates gaps in the stream oI chaos
and thinking, notice those gaps. In those gaps are 'Icve' and the
'space' you crave. In acknowledging that space within, you will nd
more space on the outside, more time will appear.
i Controlling your breathing quietens the brain noise and creates
inner peace and serenity. When your breathing is relaxed and
rhythmical, your mind will clear and be calm.
i Yell and Ieel the vibrations oI these words: 'I Lcve what I doI' 5ay
it with meaning and engage your heart energy to ll up your body
with warmth and Icve.
i Cive your Iullest attention, to whatever the moment presents.
i Act creatively with heart, Irom heart.
i Traditional proverb: 'You already have everything your heart
desires'. nothing is missing: look around you Ior expressions oI
heart and Icve. They are everywhere when you start putting your
attention on them.
i Turn a tough day into a richly rewarding experience, not wanting the
moment to be any diIIerent than it isI Pelinquish your wanting Ior
something else. Look Ior a deeper meaning to the circumstances oI
the day. Accept that it is what it is.
i Choose to Icve itI Lcve the experience. Cpen up to more selI love
and compassion in that moment. Let that expand.
i Heart to heart hugging. Cive Iull body contact hugs that Ieel saIe,
warm and opening. Feel your heart, while in the hug embrace.
Forgiveness lrom Lhe hearL is real lorgiveness. lL releases you lully. HearLlelL
lorgiveness, releases Lhe layers ol pain, hurL and resenLmenL.
Hcw tc fcrcive frcm the heart.
i LeL your hearL leel a memory ol Icve lrom Lhe pasL, presenL or luLure (like
LhaL ol Lhe uncondiLional love lor a child or peL).
i Allow Lhe warmLh and buzz ol Icve Lo move Lhrough your body and
ouL Lhrough your aura.
i lmagine you can open up your hearL, Lo leel Lhe Icve more.
i Now LhaL your hearL chakra is open. bring a small version ol yoursell (like a
shrink doll) inLo your hearL's energy and leel Lhe Icve and accepLance.
i LeL your symbolic arms reach around you (Lhe liLLle version) and HUC you.
Really HUC.
i MelL inLo Lhis. and exhale lully, Lo leL go ol whaL you have been consciously
or unconsciously holding onLo.
i Now ellorLlessly lorgive yoursell, your mind, your saboLages, all Lhe parLs ol
you. all Lhe should's and Lhe guilL. all Lhe emoLions. LeL iL go, leL yoursell
be loved by you a liLLle deeper.
i Now shrink Lhe oLher person in your lile or organisaLion (who is Leaching you
someLhing abouL yoursell) and lorgive Lhem. jusL lorgive Lhem lor all LhaL
Lhey do or don'L do. all LhaL hurLs you or ollends you.
i Look lor Lhe Leaching and meaning LhaL Lhey or Lhis evenL brings Lo your lile
and spiriL. 1here is always learning, an opporLuniLy Lo grow. always. Lven
Lhe mosL perceived negaLive siLuaLion has an insighL lor you.
i LeL Lhe Icve low ouL ol your hearL and ouL Lo Lhem. Release Lhem. lrom
Lhe negaLive connecLion Lhey have wiLh you. A new dawn is coming and Lhe
energy is changing..
i LeL yoursell move Lhrough deeper and deeper levels ol Icve now. Lcve lor
yoursell lor your hearL, spiriL and soul.
i BreaLhe. BreaLhe. BreaLhe some more.
Mind and hearL have Lwo dillerenL vibraLions. ln undersLanding Lhe
dillerence ol Lhe Lwo vibraLions and aLLribuLes, you give yoursell choice and
empowermenL wiLh knowledge.
1he mind can have arrowlike locus, a clariLy LhaL creaLes powerlul realiLies.
1he mind is a powerlul Lool Lhrough which you inLerpreL LhoughLs, memories
and leelings. Your LhoughLs creaLe your realiLy. 1houghLs and emoLions are
energy. (LmoLions: energy in moLion) NegaLive LhoughLs creaLe a negaLive
experience. PosiLive LhoughLs creaLe a posiLive experience. 1he mind does noL
decipher whaL is good or bad lor you. Your leelings (emoLions) are Lhe only Lrue
indicaLor, as Lo whaL is besL lor you, aL any momenL in Lime.
1he greaLer quanLiLy ol Lhings we do, Lhe more Lhe mind Lakes over and runs us
wiLhouL being conscious ol iL, Lhen Lhe less connecLed Lo our hearL we are...
AL Limes Lhe mind will leel like you are going mad. When iL is conlused, iL will
leel heavy. A closed mind will be a relecLion ol a shuL down cold hearL. A closed
mind will only see whaL iL has already seen and experienced.
A shuL down hearL, is a pain llled hearL. Layers ol pain can cover your hearL. ll
iL leels painlul Lo be in your hearL, Lhere is pain and sell loaLhing layers ol griel
LhaL cover up your core hearL essence. Allowing personal and spiriLual growLh
releases Lhis pain. Criel work is Lhe mosL imporLanL conscious release LhaL
allows your hearL Lo open. ll you do noL know whaL you wanL or your hearLlelL
desires or your purpose yeL, Lhen conLinue wiLh Lhe release work Lhrough
Lherapy and conscious laciliLaLors. Lcve your journey and your hearL, nurLuring
iL all Lhe way.
An open mind is a relecLion ol an open hearL.
Sicns cf a shut dcwn heart in ancther perscn.
i Page, impatience
i 5hiItiness
i Coldness
i Anger
i Detachment
i Iciness
i They don't want to discuss or talk about emotions
i Unstable around others' emotions. They do not want you to Ieel.
i They are distracted or change the subiect when you reveal your
deepest desires
i Do not like heart orientated conversations or subiects
When you recognise a shuL down hearL, do noL Lake iL personally. Keep your
hearL open wiLh compassion and Icve, knowing LhaL a shuL down hearL always
has an opporLuniLy Lo open. Your conscious awareness and open hearL will
provide a beauLilul example ol empowermenL.
Hcw tc spct a Heart Centered perscn
i A heart based person, will Ieel like a breath oI Iresh air.
i They will be genuine and honest about emotions.
i A heart based person will aIrm and acknowledge you.
i A Heart centered person wants to know what your heart desires:
they are interested in how you Ieel.
i They listen deeply to your heart and Ieelings, they engage and Icve
heart orientated conversations.
i They share their own insights and Icve to hear insights Irom others.
i Empathic.
i Caring.
i DiIIerences are valued.
i They speak upliIting language.
i 5upportive.
i Takes responsibility.
i They do not discriminate.
i Pelaxed.
i Cpenly share Icve to all.
i Check in on the purpose 'Why am I doing this?' Find a heartIelt
reason Ior what you are doing?
i Welcome and smile at the chaos as a sign oI growth and progress in
you and your Iamily: graciously honour this phase.
i Be aware oI the suIIering and the related emotions Look not at
the 'what' but at the 'how'. 'How' is always more important than
'what'. 5ee iI you can give much more attention to the doing than
to the result you want to achieve through it. Ask yourselI, 'How can
I let Icve how through what I am now doing?'
i Understand the paradox oI time: whatever we do takes time but
it is always now. The pain comes when we Iorget the now: it is not
present within. The mind's deep seated habit oI seeking the Iuture,
seeking certainty, seeking security, seeking completion oI tasks
and oI doing, keeps us away Irom our heart and selI Icve nowI
i Discipline oI pleasure Ieeling jcy rst beIore anything elseI
i Unawareness oI chaos can give rise to Iear, which overtakes action,
decisions and thinking patterns. It takes you away Irom your own
Icve. In chaos there is uncertainty. Accept the uncertainty and turn
this energy into increased creativity, alertness and more selI love.
i Declare this statement in Iull heart energy. 'I Icve what I do'
yell it iI you have toI
i Pepeat this aIrmation: 'The more I Icve what I do, the more I can
do what I Icve'
i Be courageous. stop butting your head against resistance and
leave behind the Iear and resentment. Turn on your courage and
selI love. 5witch on your heart. Feel compassion Ior your iourney
and get empowered.
i When you Icve what you are doing or being, really bring attention
to the moment then you are alive. Whether in nature or on the
Ireeway, bring your total attention to the now moment.

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