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AlstraSoft EPay Enterpr ise v4.1 Documentation ================================================== Server requirements for AlstraSoft EPay Enterprise ================================================== 1.

) MySQL (version 3.23 or higher) 2.) MYSQL database 3.) PHP (version 4.2.3 or higher) 4.) Crontab 5.) SSL (optional) ==================================== Installation And Setup Instructions: ==================================== 1. Unpack all files to the desired folder (example: /enterprise) and upload them to server thru FTP. 2. Set permission 777 for the following files and directories: /config.htm /templates (and all directories and the files in this directory) 3. Create new database and execute database.sql using a MySQL Db manager such as PHPMyAdmin 4. Open config.htm and set the following variables: $db_hostname - database hostname; $db_username - database username; $db_password - database password; $db_database - database name; $folder - name of folder (if you install it in main folder for your site please leave it blank) 5. Configure cron sheduler to run /cron/rcharge.php once per day 6. Open /admins/ in your browser and enter "admin" as the login and the default password. 7. For editing of the templates, please refer to templates.txt file ===================== Running The Software: ===================== Admin Login: Default username: admin, password: admin Main Page: Once you have log into the admin panel, you can click the General link under the Configuration to setup your site by following the on-screen instructions You will also be able to edit HTML and email templates through the admin panel

================ Customer Support ================

If you need help installing or configuring stallation for our software for a flat-fee $30. If you require us to help you install e to email us at or use our online feedback form to send us an =============== Version History =============== Version 4.0: - Updated madmin mass email - Bug fixes for system settings

your script, we offer professional in of our software on your server, feel fre installation request.

Version 3.5: - Security fix related to XSS exploits - Multiple member emails: members can now choose the amount of emails the member can use his account with. - Back after logout disabled (security feature). - CSV file upload for mass payments: you can use a CSV file for mass payments an d upload it. - Send money to unregistered members: members can now send money to unregistered members. If the member is not present in the system, an email will be sent to him, inviting him to open an account and as soo n as the account is confirmed, the money is transferred into his account. In account overview, you can see pending payments to unregistered members. - FAQ module: edit FAQ questions and answers from the admin back-end. Version 3.0: ================================ License Agreement and Disclaimer ================================ AlstraSoft EPay Enterprise 3.5 Contact:, Copyright 2003-2006 All rights reserved. THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE !!!! If you have downloaded this software from a website other than 'www.AlstraSoft.c om' or if you have otherwise received this software from someone who is not a representative of this organization you are i nvolved in an illegal activity. The copying, distribution, installation and usage of this software without our consent is ill egal. In order to help us continue the development and production of good software, we kindly ask for your collaboratio n. Please contact us at '' and tell us where you got the software from. LICENSE AGREEMENT Do not run the AlstraSoft software on a site other than which they have been lic ensed for. Violation of this license agreement may void your right to receive support and subject you to legal action . You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different lic ense agreement signed by AlstraSoft, your

use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and dis claimer of warranty. As a registered user, you may alter or modify the AlstraSoft as far as the HTML output is concerned. Further modification of the script code requires written permission of the author (Just drop us a sho rt note ). You cannot give anyone else permission to modify the AlstraSoft Software. You are strictly prohibited from d istributing copies of this software without prior permission. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requ esting donations, for any copies, however made, and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other product s (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission! DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software, the information, code and/or executables as well as the accompany ing files provided are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not lim ited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the auth or or seller be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of data, loss of business profits or special damages, even if the author or seller has been advised of the possibility of such damages . Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on i t. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program.

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