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Management stratgique tude de cas

Rachid Alami - - Professeur en sciences de gestion Rachid Alami Professeur en sciences de gestion PhD St Johns University New York & Fudan University Shangai PhD St Johns University New York & Fudan University Shangai Doctorate Business Administration Universit Paris Dauphine Doctorate Business Administration Universit Paris Dauphine Master es Sciences Master es Sciences DESS : :Ingnierie des systmes DESS Ingnierie des systmes Consultant international en entreprise Consultant international en entreprise R. Alami, 2009 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer

Management stratgique
Exemple danalyse stratgique


Le march Lorganisation (capacits, chane de valeur..) La concurrence (forces et faiblesses,) Barrires lentre Positionnement stratgique Perspective stratgique (interne/externe) Avantage concurrentiel (cot, comptences,) Les FCS

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Management stratgique
Un seul offreur Un seul demandeur Petit nombre d'offreurs


Grand nombre d'offreurs

(Etat pour les socits de BTP)


Petit nombre de demandeurs


Un grand nombre de demandeurs

(France Telecom autrefois)


Concurrence parfaite

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Management stratgique
Table 1: Morocco PEST analysis POLITICAL FACTORS
Liberal economic system Favourable national trade regulations Flexible employment laws Political Stability Court dealing with trade dispute Accommodate FDI policies Free capital transfer No double income tax Threats Islamism and terrorism Frequent riots due to unemployment Hugh amount of bureaucracy

Strong economic growth Stable exchange rates Low inflation rate Strong consumer confidence Low cost labor Unsatured market Competitive production costs Free trade zone with US and Europe (in progress) Threats High level of taxation and income tax Dependency on climate Local competitors (smaller fast-foods) Free trade agreement that give advantages to the detriment of competitors

SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS More balanced income distribution Strong population growth rate Islam as dominant religion Specific diet habits (hot meal no pork and alcohol) Threats Poor public health system Strong local competition for low products price and weak quality Strong smuggling market High level of analphabetism

TECHOLOGICAL FACTORS Credit card network Developed infrastructures Good communications and transportation networks Threats Land buying process Availability of shopping stores Financial conditions

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Management stratgique
Table 1: Morocco PEST analysis

TECHOLOGICAL FACTORS Credit card network Developed infrastructures Good communications and transportation networks Threats Land buying process Availability of shopping stores Financial conditions

SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS More balanced income distribution Strong population growth rate Islam as dominant religion Specific diet habits (hot meal no pork and alcohol) Threats Poor public health system Strong local competition for low products price and weak quality Strong smuggling market High level of analphabetism

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Management stratgique
Advantages franchising format

According to Preble 1992: 1.ability to start a business at a low cost with a proven standardized product or service received from the franchiser for the brand concept


According to Preble( 1992): 1.cost sharing 2.rapid market penetration at a relatively lower cost than establishing ones own distribution system 3.economies of scale According to Alon, Welsh, Falbe (2006): 1.Fewer financial resources required 2.Raw materials can be produced internally 3.Less susceptibility to political, economic and cultural risks 4.Franchises are more familiar with local laws, culture, business norms and practices

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Management stratgique
Reasons Companies Expand Abroad

INTERNAL FACTOR Possession of expertise and knowhow to transfer Ample domestic experience Authors

EXTERNAL FACTOR Inquiries by potential franchisees Domestic market saturation Lower risks Minimal financial investment Expanding middle class Unsaturated markets friendly business law


Walker (1989) Aydin and Kacker (1990)

Alon and McKee (1999) Welch (1988)

(Alon, 2006)

Desire to expand and increase profits

Agrawal and Ramaswami (1992)

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Management stratgique

Multidivisional Structure Matrix Structure Network Structure

La transformation de lorganisation dans le temps

Large Simple Structure Functional Structure

Size of Organization

Small Young Age of Organization

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Coordination and Control Problems Maturity

Management stratgique
Les entreprises tudies
McDonalds Year founded: Year began franchising: International expansion: Year entered Morocco How entered Morocco Presence in other countries 1955 1955 1967 1999 Joint venture 120 Subway 1965 1974 1984 2000 Master franchise 72


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Management stratgique


LA MATRICE BCG Boston Consulting Group


Bonne rentabilit

Rentabilit faible Besoins financiers forts

Croissance du segment 10% d'activit

Besoins financiers forts

Besoins financiers

Vache lait
Rentabilit leve Besoins financiers faibles

Poids mort
Rentabilit faible Besoins financiers faibles



1 PDM relative
R. Alami, 2009

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Management stratgique

Entrants potentiels
Menace des entrants potentiels

Pouvoirs publics

Pouvoir de ngociation des fournisseurs

Intensit concurrentielle
Menace des produits ou services substituables

Pouvoir de ngociation des clients

Clients/distribu teurs

Produits de substitution
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Management stratgique
Le diagnostic stratgique
INTERNE Entreprise


EXTERNE Environnement

Forces / Faiblesses Ressources / Comptences Capacits stratgiques de lentreprise

Opportunits / Menaces Situation de lenvironnement Attractivit stratgique de lenvironnement

Orientation stratgique
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Management stratgique


Les outils du diagnostic stratgique

Domaine dactivit stratgique

Ensemble de lentreprise

Attractivit de lenvironnement

Demande, offre, groupes stratgiques, intensit concurrentielle Chane de la valeur

PESTE : Politique, Econo,Social, technologique, cologique Plate-forme stratgique

Capacits stratgiques de lentreprise

Ressources et comptences Fonctions et processus Facteurs cls de succs Matrice de portefeuille dactivits

Interne et Externe

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Management stratgique


Le diagnostic stratgique externe du DAS

La demande Loffre

Diagnostic externe

Lintensit concurrentielle

Les groupes stratgiques

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Management stratgique


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Management stratgique
Les facteurs cls de succs
Critres de succs dans le secteur


Evaluation de la matrise des FCS

Trs faible Trs fort






Entreprise March
R. Alami, 2009

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Management stratgique
Les facteurs cls de succs
VISIBLE CRITERIA From consumer point of view Main ingredient based Products Product characteristi c Adaptation to local tastes What McDonalds has done and proposed? Hallal meat and chicken, fish, bread, cheese, salad, fries Fat meal and fried ingredients What Subway has done and proposed? What are Moroccan consumers willing to pay for? HALLAL MEAL FRIES SPICY Healthy menu

Degree of importance for Moroccan consumer 6

Hallal meat and chicken, breads, cheese, salad, cheeps Healthy menu Fresh meal with low fat and not fried No adaptation at all

Mc Arabia Mc Ftour (Special Ramadan meal) 5 min

Foreign products but aligned with religion and tastes Not willing to wait HOT meal 4$

Time lining up and preparation Meal temperature Prices (small combo)

4 min

Hot temperature 5$

Warm temperature 6$

6 5

R. Alami, 2009

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Management stratgique
Les facteurs cls de succs
Store format Standard store, Mc Drive, space game, huge outdoor space, large number of seats Playground Terrace- Large parking stand Cocking in the store Standard store to be able to operate from a small base, one hundred square meters, minimal seating, no space game


Large space with playground game for children, Eating at store Parking


Simplicity - No cocking in the store Sandwich gets prepared in the presence of customer No parking Far from shopping centre No playground

No preference


Main streets and shopping area centre Beach, train stations, business area

Respectable area Cross activities (shopping, cinema, entertainment...)

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Management stratgique
Les facteurs cls de succs
INVISIBLE CRITERIA From consumer point of view Franchisee relationship McDonalds franchising approach Deep relationship and mutual trust Organizes frequently training for employees Subway franchising approach I couldnt get information (franchisee is gone) Training was organized once before opening the store


Theory - what authors have stated about general approach Better relationship are good, better chance you have to succeed Crucial factor

Training (Number and time of training, preparation, manual) Marketing strategy

TV commercials Waiting until the Think global, Act local and brand being Billboard when recognized they started before launching running business AD campaign
R. Alami, 2009

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Management stratgique
Les facteurs cls de succs
Franchisees previous experience in franchise Royalties Local partners competence s Origin of ingredients (yogurt, cheeps, logistics, ) 45 Years of experience before coming to Morocco 5% Big advantage got by having a prestigious partner Some ingredients are imported (bread, 26 Years of experience before coming to Morocco 8% Franchisee with few years of experience I couldnt get information


The more experience you have, the best you will succeed Nothing is mentioned by authors You partner must have experience in franchising Nothing is mentioned by authors

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Management stratgique
Errors made by Subway in Morocco


1.Poor selection of master franchiser 2.Lack of knowledge of business rules 3.Keep products as they are without any adaptation to local tastes 4.Inadequate training for operating a chain of restaurants 5.High prices and royalties comparing to what they offer 6.Assuming that foods brought from US will work in Morocco 7.Lack of knowledge of food tradition 8.Lack of local market expertise from inadequate pre- market research 9.Underestimating business processes and bureaucracy 10.Difficulties to find the right localization at the right price
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Management stratgique
Analyse PESTE
Analyse de lenvironnement (PESTE) Environnement politique

Environnement social

Environnement conomique

Environnement technologique

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