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g LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Permission to make photocopies of or to reproduce by any other mechanical or electronic means in whole or in part of any page, illustration or activity in this book is granted only to the original purchaser and is intended for noncommercial use within a church. None of the material in this book may be reproduced for any commercial promotion, advertising or sale of a product or service. Sharing of the material in this book with other churches, network churches, denominations, or organizations not owned or controlled by the original purchaser is also prohibited. For more information, write to Missio Publishing, PO Box 270694, Littleton, CO 80127. Visit our web site at: Written and illustrated by Joyce Smay Creative team leader: Matt Smay Cover Layout: Kevin Tracy Graphic Design and Layout: Nicol Ray Consulting: Samizdat Creative Printing: Print Connection Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Missio Publishing is committed to helping build and beautify the church. ISBN-13: 9780983086406

Table of Contents page TBD

Teachers Guide/Outline
CHAT TIME For the first 10 minutes or so, have the children sit at the table or in a circle and begin asking them fun questions. If you can, ask questions that might lead into the story. For example, if the story involves boats, or fishing, ask the kids if they have been on a boat, or if they've been fishing. If the story has animals in it, ask them about their pets, or a trip to the zoo. If you can't think of questions that lead into the story, ask questions that will interest the children. They love talking about vacations, camping, pets, or funny incidents. This chat time is about them, and getting them to open up and share. PRAYER Start the class by opening in prayer. Ask the children if they have anything that they would like to pray about. If the class is large, you may want to do what we call tag team prayer. The teacher begins, then points, or tags the child to the right. That child then has the option to pray, or tag the next child to the right, and so on. Explain to the children that if they don't want to pray, simply tag the next child. WORSHIP Sing a few songs. You don't necessarily need instruments. You can use CD's or just voices. Worship can move in their hearts, and spirits, in ways we can't see. God knows how to soften, and draw hearts to Him. STORY During the story, the children are asked not to talk or ask questions until the story has been told. To be changed and affected by God's Word, first they need to hear it. After the story is over, they may ask as many questions as they want. SNACK If desired. If you have an assistant that can be with the children during snack, this is a good time to set up for the first game, or activity that you choose. GAMES AND Have the games, or activities, ready and in order, before you come to class, ACTIVITIES to avoid confusion. Any squares that they will be racing for, need to be already cut out. Place them in small baggies to keep them in order. Have supplies ready. If the children become loud and excited after the first race or game, (because they usually do), you can have them sit and calm down for a few minutes, and answer a few questions about the story. If you have an assistant, this is a perfect time to set up for the next activity. If you don't have an assistant, tell the children that whoever is the quietest and calmest, may start the next game.

This outline is merely a guideline. James l:5 says, "Ask wisdom of God and He will give it." Just ask! Remember, be God's extension of love to the kids. Our wisdom, faith, and teaching sacrifices, really are nothing without love. 1 Cor. 13

Abraham and Sarah Lesson Layout Genesis 15: 1-5 and Genesis 17, 18: 1-15
Learning goal God keeps His promises. Abraham served God even when people around him didn't, and God blessed him. Abraham thought he and Sarah were too old to receive this particular blessing that God was going to give them. However, God is not limited by age, whether young or old. When He blesses, He blesses.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Abraham and Sarah Activity Page Children color this page about the story, but also are to search and find the 10 modern things that would not have been there during the time of Abraham and Sarah. 2. Abraham Activity Page - There is something hidden in the stars. The kids are to darken (with the same crayon or marker) all the stars that have 5 points. What is hidden in the stars, is the name, A b r a h a m . 3. Feed the Guests Game pages 1 and 2 This is a race between two children. The object of the game is to bring Abraham's visitors food and drink, like Abraham did. Children keep the people square next to them on the floor before they start. When you say go, both kids race across the room to the other eight squares to find, the milk square, and one more food item that Abraham fixed. (meat, bread, butter, milk) 4. Where's Sarah? Game pages 1 and 2 Two children compete, and will be in two chairs facing each other. The cut out squares will be face down on the floor, in front of them. Face up will be one small picture of Sarah, in view. Place one large tent picture by each child's chair, face up. Children are to close their eyes, while you hide Sarah under one of the squares on the floor. When you begin, both children take turns lifting one square at a time to find Sarah. When one finds Sarah, they must hurry and place her under their tent. However, the other child competing has the chance to grab the small Sarah picture in the middle, and put her under his or her tent. The first one to put Sarah under their tent wins.

1. Copies of the Abraham and Sarah Activity page (one for each child) crayons, or paint. 2. Copies of the Abraham Activity Page (one for each child) crayons, or markers. 3. One copy of the Feed the Guests Game page 1 and page 2. (Cut the squares out before class. Paper clip the two pages separately, and keep the instructions with them. 4. One copy of Where's Sarah Game page 1, and two copies of Where's Sarah Game page 2. Cut out the squares, and tents before class Keep the instruction with the game.

Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah Genesis 15: 1-5 and Genesis 17, 18: 1-15
The memory verse is Genesis 15:1 b (NKJV) Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward."

The Lord spoke to Abram and said to him in a vision, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward. Abram said, "Lord God, what will you give me, since I have no children?" God brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven and see if you can count the stars. Thats how many of your childrens children (or descendants) will be." Abraham believed the Lord. God appeared to Abram again. He said, "I am Almighty God. Walk before me and be righteous. I will make My promise between Me and you. You shall be a father of many nations. From now on, your name will not be Abram, but Abraham." The Lord also said, "As for Sarah, I will bless her and give you a son by her." Abraham fell on his face and laughed. At this time Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90. Abraham and Sarah had set up their tent by the terebinth trees. One day, Abraham was sitting at his tent door and looked up and saw three men close by. He ran to meet them, and bowed before them. The three men were actually the Lord and two angels. Abraham said, "Please stay, wash your feet and rest here under the tree. I will bring a piece of bread, so you will be refreshed before you go." Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. He said, "Quick, fix some bread!" As fast as they could, Abraham and Sarah fixed bread, butter, meat, and milk for their visitors. Abraham brought the food to the men sitting under the tree. The men said to Abraham, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" He answered, "Here, in the tent." The man said, "I will for sure return to you later, and you will see that Sarah will have a son." Sarah was listening from inside the tent and heard what they said. She laughed to herself because she was so old. The Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you, and Sarah will have a son." Sarah came out from the tent and said, "I did not laugh." The Lord said, "Yes, you did laugh!" Time went on, and the Lord did bless Sarah. She had a little baby boy and they named him Isaac, just as the Lord said. Isaac brought joy and laughter into their lives. His name even means laughter. Sarah said, "God has made me laugh! And all who hear about this will laugh with me." Sarah knew that others would be thrilled to hear how God chose to bless her.

Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah Questions Only Genesis 15: 1-5 and Genesis 17, 18: 1-15
1. When Abraham asked God, "What will you give me, since I have no children?" God took him outside and showed him what? 2. The Lord told Abraham that He was going to bless Sarah with what? 3. How old was Abraham when God promised him and Sarah a son? How old was Sarah? 4. One day, Abraham was sitting at his tent door and saw what? 5. Abraham did what for the visitors? 6. Who were these three men? 7. When Sarah heard the man say that she was going to have a baby, what did she do? 8. What did the Lord say when Sarah laughed? 9. Sarah came out from the tent and said what about her laughing? 10. God blessed Sarah with a baby boy, and they named him what? What does his name mean?

Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah Questions and Answers Genesis 15: 1-5 and Genesis 17, 18: 1-15
1. When Abraham asked God, "What will you give me, since I have no children?", God took him outside and showed him what? Answer: God took Abraham outside and showed him the stars. He said, "Look now toward heaven and see if you can count the stars. Thats how many children's children you will have." 2. The Lord told Abraham that He was going to bless Sarah with what? Answer: The Lord told Abraham that He was going to bless Sarah with a son. 3. How old was Abraham when God promised him and Sarah a son? How old was Sarah? Answer: Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. 4. One day, Abraham was sitting at his tent door and saw what? Answer: Abraham looked up and saw three men close by. 5. Abraham did what for the visitors? Answer: Abraham hurried with Sarah to fix food for the visitors. 6. Who were these three men? Answer: The three men Abraham and Sarah had as guests, were actually the Lord and two angels. 7. When Sarah heard the man say that she was going to have a baby, what did she do? Answer: When Sarah heard the man say that she was going to have a baby, she laughed. 8. What did the Lord say when Sarah laughed? Answer: When Sarah laughed, the Lord said, "Why did Sarah laugh? Is anything too hard for the Lord?" 9. Sarah came out from the tent and said what about her laughing? Answer: When Sarah came out from the tent, she said that she did not laugh. 10. God blessed Sarah with a baby boy, and they named him what? What does his name mean? Answer: Sarah's new baby boy was named Isaac, and his name means laughter.

Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah Activity Page

Color or paint the picture of Abraham bringing out food to his visitors. See if you can find the ten modern things in this picture that would not have been there at that time. The story is in Genesis chapter 17.


Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah Activity Page Answers

Color or paint the picture of Abraham bringing out food to his visitors. See if you can find the ten modern things in this picture that would not have been there at that time. The story is in Genesis chapter 17.


Abraham and Sarah

Abraham Activity Page

Color or paint the picture. Darken in all the stars that have 5 points. Then read what the stars say.

The Lord said to Abraham "Look now toward heaven and see if you can count the stars. Thats how many of your children's children you will have." Genesis 15:5

Abraham and Sarah


Abraham Activity Page ANSWER PAGE

Color or paint the picture. Darken in all the stars that have 5 points. Then read what the stars say.

The Lord said to Abraham "Look now toward heaven and see if you can count the stars. Thats how many of your children's children you will have." Genesis 15:5

Abraham and Sarah


Feed the Guests Game (page 1)

Abraham brought the three visitors bread, butter, meat and milk. Genesis chapter 18. Two children will race against each other in this game. Each child will need one copy of this page. Cut out all of the squares. Place the one picture of the Lord and two angels on the floor, face up (one in front of each child) before they start. Place one page for each child of cut out squares across the room, face down on the floor. The object of this game is to bring Abraham's visitors food and drink. When you say go, both children will race across the room to his or her group of squares. They must find one food or drink item that Abraham and Sarah fixed. (meat, bread, butter, milk) They must hurry and bring that item back to the start and place it on the three guests. They go back and forth until all four items are on the square of the three guests. The first one to finish wins.

the Lord and two angels




butter milk


fish sword

Abraham and Sarah

Feed the Guests Game (page 2)

Cut out the squares below. The squares are to be used along with page 1. Read the instruction on page 1 to play the game.

the Lord and two angels




butter milk


fish sword

Abraham and Sarah

Where's Sarah? Game (page 1)

Abraham's visitors in Genesis chapter 18 asked Abraham, "Where's Sarah, your wife?" He said, "Here, in the tent."! Two children will compete against each other. Place two chairs facing each other with a space of 5 or 6 feet in between. Cut out all the squares on page 2. Cut out both small Sarahs out of the square. Place the squares on the floor, face up, in the middle of the room. Cut out the tents and give each child a tent to place on the floor by their chair. Place a small cut out Sarah in the middle of the floor where the pictures are. Take the second small cut out Sarah to hide. Have both children competing, turn and close their eyes. Hide one small Sarah under a square. The other Sarah will be open and able to see in the middle. When you say ready, both children open their eyes and turn around, but stay in their chair. One at a time, they get up and take turns looking under a square. When one child finds Sarah, they must hurry and put her under their tent. When the other child competing sees that the other child has found Sarah, he or she must hurry as fast as they can to grab the Sarah in the middle of the pictures and put Sarah under their tent. The first one to put Sarah under their tent wins.

Abraham and Sarah


Where's Sarah Game (page 2)

Cut out all of the squares. Cut out the two small Sarahs out of their square separately. Follow the directions on page 1.

Abraham and Sarah


Find Sarah Game

All the children may play this game at once. Cut out all the squares. Cut the small Sarah out separately. Place the squares on the table, face up in front of all the children. Have the children turn around and close their eyes. Hide Sarah under one of the squares on the table. Make a copy if you want extra squares for more children. Have the children turn around and open their eyes. Have the children take turns lifting one square at time, until they find Sarah. When a child finds Sarah, they win.

Abraham and Sarah


Parent Take Home Sheet

Abraham and Sarah, Genesis 15: 1-5 and Genesis 17, 18: 1-15

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." Genesis 15:1 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 God's promise and blessing Abraham loved God and God told Abraham
that He (God) was going to be his shield and great reward. God also promised Abraham children. He told Abraham that if he could count the stars, that's how many children's children he would have. Of course Abraham fell down laughing because he was 100 and Sarah was 90. day, two angels were near 3 Visitors from heaven Oneran tothe Lord andand told Sarah to hurry and fix Abraham's tent. Abraham meet them them food. They told Abraham that He would return later and Sarah would have a son. This time it was Sarah's turn to laugh. God blessed baby boy. They named him 3 Promise kept laughter. SarahSarah with ahas made me laugh. And allIsaac which means said, "God who hear about this will laugh with me."

Something to chat about:

God keeps His promises. Abraham loved and served God and God chose to bless him. Abraham thought he and Sarah were too old for this particular blessing. However, God is not limited by age, whether young or old. When He chooses to bless, He blesses. It made Abraham laugh, Sarah laughed, and Isaac name means laughter. God's blessings usually are filled with joy and laughter.
Abraham and Sarah 17

Abraham Rescues Lot Lesson Layout Genesis Chapters 13 and 14

Learning goal Like Abram, stay close to God, serve Him, and He will take care and watch over you wherever you go. Whether you move, separate from family, or are caught in the middle of a war like Abram, call out to God and stay faithful to Him.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Abraham, The Friend of God, Activity Page - In this color page, where God and Abraham are just hanging out as friends, the kids are challenged to figure out the secret message in the wall. If they darken the bricks that have cracks in them, the wall spells out F R I E N D S. 2. Abram Rescues Lot Activity Page - The children are to color this picture of Abram rescuing Lot and his family, and must find the 20 hidden knives in the picture. 3. 4 Kings against 5 Game - This game has 9 kings. (like the story) There are 4 of one king and 5 of another. Two children race across the room to each; their set of 9 kings. They bring two at a time and line up 4 kings facing the 5. The first one finished wins. 4. The Rescue Game - In this race, two children race against each other to rescue Lot and his family from the soldiers and weapons. Each child has a set of eight pictures. 4 of Lot and his family, and 4 of soldiers and weapons. They must grab Lot and his family and leave the soldiers and weapons behind.

1. Copies of, Abraham, The Friend of God Activity Page for each child. crayons, or markers. 2. Copies of, Abram Rescues Lot Activity Page for each child, and crayons. 3. 2 copies of 4 Kings against 5 Game. (provided) Cut out the squares before class. Put them in a baggie, or paper clip with the instructions. 4. 2 copies of, The Rescue Game. (provided) Cut out the squares before class. Keep them together, with the instructions.

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abraham Rescues Lot Genesis Chapters 13 and 24

The memory verse is James 2:23 (NKJV) Abraham believed God. And he was called the friend of God.

Abram loved God. God spoke to Abram and told him to move from where he was living. He wanted him to leave his fathers home and go to a place where God would show him. God promised Abram he would bless him. Abram obeyed. When Abram left, he took with him, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot. God had blessed Abram with riches and servants. They all moved with Abram to the land of Canaan. While Abram was traveling, God appeared to him and said, "To your children I will give this land." Abram set up his tent, built an altar, and called on the name of the Lord. Abram had silver, gold, and herds of animals. When they came to the place where they were going to live, the area was not big enough for all the people, all the animals, and all the things that both Abram and Lot owned. Abram's herdsmen began fighting with Lot's herdsmen. So, Abram said to Lot, "Please, let's not argue, you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, because we are brothers. Here, the whole land is before you. Please separate from me. If you go to the left, then I will go to the right. If you go to the right, then I will go to the left." Lot looked around and saw the plain of Jordan. The area had lots of water everywhere. So Lot separated from Abram and chose for himself the plain of Jordan. Abram stayed in the land of Canaan. Lot lived in the city of Sodom. The men who lived in Sodom were very wicked and sinful against the Lord. After Lot left, the Lord spoke to Abram and said, "Look all around from where you are: north, south, east and west. As far as you can see, I am going to give it to you and your children forever. I will make your children as many as the dust of the earth. If you are able to number the dust of the earth, then you will be able to number your children. Get up and walk in this land. Walk the length and the width because I give it to you." Abram moved his tent by the terebinth trees in Hebron, and built an altar to the Lord. Now, at this time, there were nine kings in the area fighting against each other. Five kings fought against four. The king where Lot lived was captured along with Lot, all the people, and all their belongings. A person, who escaped the battle, ran and told Abram that his nephew was taken and captured in the fight.

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abraham Rescues Lot Genesis Chapters 13 and 24

The memory verse is James 2:23 (NKJV) Abraham believed God. And he was called the friend of God.

As soon as Abram heard that Lot was captured, he gathered all of his servants. He gave all the men weapons. There were 318 men who had been born in Abrams' home who were faithful servants of his. All were trained and ready to fight. Abram and his men chased after the ones who captured Lot and his family. It was night time and Abram divided up his men against the enemy. They caught them and attacked them. Abram rescued Lot and his family and brought them back to their home with all their things. All were safe! When Abram returned from the rescue, a king named Melchizedek brought out bread and wine to Abram. This king was priest of the God Most High. He blessed Abram and said, "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth." Abram set his heart to serve and follow God all the days of his life. God took care of Abram and continued to bless him. He was known as The Friend of God.

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abram Rescues Lot Questions Only Genesis Chapters 13 and 14

1. Who told Abram to move from where he was living? 2. When Abram moved, who went with him? 3. They arrived in Canaan where they would live, but who began fighting and why? 4. How did Abram solve the problem of the herdsmen fighting? 5. Where did Lot choose to go and why? 6. How many kings in this area were fighting against each other? 7. When the king of Sodom, where Lot lived, was captured, who else was taken? 8. What did Abram do when he heard that his nephew Lot was captured? 9. What happened when Abram went to rescue Lot and the people with him? 10. Abram was known as, the what of God?

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abram Rescues Lot Questions and Answers Genesis Chapters 13 and 14

1. Who told Abram to move from where he was living? Answer: God told Abram to move and leave his father's home. 2. When Abram moved, who went with him? Answer: When Abram left, he took his wife Sarai, Lot his nephew, and his servants. 3. They arrived in Canaan where they would live, but who began fighting and why? Answer: In Canaan, Abram's herdsmen began fighting with Lot's herdsmen, because there was not enough room for all of them. 4. How did Abram solve the problem of the herdsmen fighting? Answer: Abram thought it would be best to separate from Lot. 5. Where did Lot choose to go and why? Answer: Lot chose to live in Sodom because there was water everywhere. 6. How many kings in this area were fighting against each other? Answer: There were nine kings in this area fighting against each other. 7. When the king of Sodom, where Lot lived, was captured, who else was taken? Answer: When the king of Sodom was captured, Lot, his family, and all the people were taken as well. 8. What did Abram do when he heard that his nephew, Lot, was captured? When Abram heard that Lot was captured he gave all his 318 servants weapons and went to rescue them. 9. What happened when Abram went to rescue Lot and the people with him? Answer: Abram went at night, attacked the enemy and rescued Lot, his family, and the people, and brought them back safely. 10. Abram was known as, the what of God? Answer: Abram was known as the friend of God.

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abraham - the Friend of God Activity Page

Color or paint the picture. Count how many sheep are in the picture. Darken the bricks on the wall that have a crack in them, and then read what it says. Abraham believed God. And he was called the friend of God. James 2:23



Abraham Rescues Lot


Abraham - the Friend of God Activity Page ANSWER PAGE

Color or paint the picture. Count how many sheep are in the picture. Darken the bricks on the wall that have a crack in them, and then read what it says. Abraham believed God. And he was called the friend of God. James 2:23



Abraham Rescues Lot


Abram Rescues Lot Activity Page

Color the picture. Abraham (in the center) along with his 318 men, are rescuing Lot, and his family from the king and people who captured them. See if you can find the 20 knives in the picture that are shaped like this: Some knives are smaller than others. The story is in Genesis 13 and 14.

Abraham Rescues Lot


Abram Rescues Lot Activity Page ANSWER PAGE

Color the picture. Abraham (in the center) along with his 318 men, are rescuing Lot, and his family from the king and people who captured them. See if you can find the 20 knives in the picture that are shaped like this: Some knives are smaller than others. The story is in Genesis 13 and 14.

Abraham Rescues Lot


4 Kings against 5 Game (page 1)

Two children will race against each other. You will need two copies of this page for the game. Cut out all of the kings on this page and page 2. There are two different kings. One king has 4 copies of the same picture, and the other has 5 copies of the same picture. Place one page of cut out kings across the room; face down on the floor, opposite each child. When you say go; both children race across the room to their group of squares. They pick up two squares at a time and run back to the start. They begin to set up four kings against five. They make a row of four facing the five. The first one to finish this wins.

Abraham Rescues Lot


4 Kings against 5 Game (page 2)

This extra page of kings is to be used along with page 1 of the game. Cut out the square and follow the instructions on page 1.

Abraham Rescues Lot


The Rescue Game (page 1)

Children Soldiers

Abraham rescued Lot and the women and children from the enemy. (Genesis chapter 14) Two children will race against each other. You will need this page and one more copy of this page. (one copy for each child racing) Cut out all the squares on this page and page 2. Place them face across the room. One page of squares will be opposite each child. When you say go, both kids race to their group of squares. They must rescue Lot and the women and children from the enemy. They leave behind soldiers, knives and swords. They must bring Lot and the women and children back to the start. The first one back with their rescued group wins




Lot Sword Knife

Abraham Rescues Lot


The Rescue Game (page 2)

This page is to be used along with page 1 of this game. Cut out all of the squares below and follow the instructions on page 1

Children Soldiers Soldiers



Lot Sword Knife

Abraham Rescues Lot


Parent Take Home Sheet

Abraham Rescues Lot, Genesis chapters 13 and 14

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"Abraham believed God. And he was called the friend of God." James 2:23 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

God blessed 3 Obeying God Abraham loved and served God.father's home Abram with riches. God told Abram to move from where his was, to a place where God would show him. Abram obeyed. Abram took Sarah, their nephew Lot, servants, herds of animals, and moved to the land of Canaan.

much stuff and his nephew Lot 3 Tooland couldnt God blessed Abram of animals. Abram's so much that the hold all their herds herdsmen were fighting with Lot's herdsmen. fight because 3 Keeping peace Abram said, "Let's notAbram let Lot we are brothers." He suggested separating from each other. choose which direction to move first. Abram said he would move the opposite way. promise of blessing After told far as 3 God's see, He (God) was going to Lot left, God land.Abram that asAbramhe could give him the He also told that At kings fighting The king where Lot 3 War wasthis time, there were 4the people, Lot,against When Abram lived captured, along with and his

he was going to give him so many children that they would be like the dust of the earth.

heard that his nephew was taken, he armed 318 servants who were born in his own home, and went out to rescue Lot and his family.

Something to chat about:

Abram set his heart to love and serve God. God blessed and helped Abram wherever he went. When we choose to love and serve God, we can trust Him to take care of us and watch over us wherever we go. Whether we move, separate from family, or are caught in the middle of a war like Lot, we can call out to God. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Abraham Rescues Lot 31

The Lost Son Lesson Layout Luke Chapter 15:11-32

Learning goal When people do not have God in their hearts, their souls are lost. Jesus looks and searches for the souls who are lost. He loves them and His heart longs for them, just like a father who misses a son who has been gone for a very long time. When someone does receive Jesus into their heart, the angels in heaven celebrate.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. The Lost Son Activity Paper - This is a connect the letters page. Kids read sentences around the page. If the sentence is correct about the story, connect the letters mentioned in that sentence. When the letters are connected, the page spells f o u n d. 2. The Lost Son Color Page - Kids color this page, but also help the lost son find his lost money. There are 24 coins and 15 dollars to be found. 3. Find the Lost Son Game - This is a hunt and find game. Kids close their eyes while you hide the small picture in plain sight. The one to find it wins. (You can substitute it for a small toy or action figure) 4. Travel with the Lost Son Race - This is a race between two kids. The object is to stay on their own paths (8 x 10 papers), travel across the room, around a chair, while picking up the three squares needed (inheritance money, far away country, and pigs). The first one back wins.

1. Copies of the Lost Son Activity Paper (one for each child) pencils. 2. Copies of, The Lost Son Color Page (one for each child) crayons, markers, or paint. 3. The small picture on the Find the Lost Son Game. (or a small toy or action figure) 4. One copy of the Travel with the Lost Son Race. About 30 pieces of 8 x 10 papers. (construction, or thin white)

The Lost Son


The Lost Son Luke Chapter 15:11-32

The memory verse is Luke 19:10 (NKJV) "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

Everyone has sinned and needs God. Jesus loved sinners and came to save them. He would talk with them, and eat with them. He came to seek and to save the lost. When the Pharisees and scribes saw Jesus talking to sinners, they didn't like it. Pharisees and scribes were people who thought they knew more about God than anyone. They also thought they were better than anyone because they kept God's laws. They kept God's laws, but they didn't have God's love in their hearts. They said, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." Jesus decided to tell them this story. Once there was a man who had two sons. Everything the father owned was going to be given to his two sons someday. The younger son said to his father, Give me what is mine now. So the father divided all that he had, and gave the younger son his portion. The younger son gathered all his belongings and left. He traveled to a far away country where he spent everything he had, and wasted it. Finally, all the money his dad had given him was gone. A famine came on the land. A famine is when there is little or no food. Back then, if it didnt rain, the crops couldnt grow. The son needed food and a place to stay. He found someone who lived in that country who let him stay with him. He worked for this man by going out into the field and feeding the pigs. The son was so hungry that he began eating the pigs food. One day, the son realized what he had done. He said, How many of my fathers servants have more than enough bread to eat, and here I am dying of hunger. I will get up and go to my father. I will say, Father, I have sinned against heaven and you, and am no longer worthy to be your son. Let me be one of your servants. So, the son got up and began to travel back to his father. By this time, the son had been gone so long that the father thought he was dead. The father loved his son. He missed him. When the son was coming toward his home, the father could see him way off in the distance. The father, filled with love and compassion, began to run toward him. He hugged his son. He fell on his neck, and kissed him. He was so happy to find his lost son. The son said, Father, I have sinned against heaven and you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. The father said to his servants, Bring out the best robe and put it on him. Give him a ring for his hand, and put sandals on his feet. Fix a feast and rejoice because this is my son that was dead and is alive. He was lost and is now found. So everyone began to celebrate. The party had started. Now, the older son was out in the field when all this happened. As he came close to the house, he heard the music and dancing. He asked one of the servants what was going on. The servant said, "Your brother has come home. And because he has
continued on next page

The Lost Son


The Lost Son Continued Luke Chapter 15:11-32

The memory verse is Luke 19:10 (NKJV) "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

returned safely, and not hurt, your father is throwing him a party." This made the older son angry, and he would not go into the house. The father came out and tried to get his son to come in. The older son said, "All these years, I have worked for you. I have never gone against you, and I have never done you wrong. You have never given me a party with my friends. Here, this son of yours has wasted everything on wild living, and as soon as he shows up, you throw him a party." The father said, "Son, you have always been with me, and now everything I have here is yours. It is a good thing to be happy about your brother. We thought he was dead, but he is alive. He was lost and now is found." Jesus told this story to show us what happens in heaven when one person repents, and asks Him to come into their heart. Even the angels rejoice when one lost soul is found.

The Lost Son


The Lost Son Questions Luke Chapter 15:11-32

1. Jesus came to seek and to save what? 2. Why didn't the Pharisees want to be around sinners? 3. What was the difference between how Jesus felt about sinners and how the Pharisees felt about them? 4. Which one of the sons wanted his inheritance, or money, right away? 5. How did the son spend his money? A. carefully B. wastefully C. slowly 6. What was the son eating when he realized what he had done with his life? 7. The son had been gone so long, the father thought what? 8. The son thought he should no longer be called son by the father, so he decided what? 9. How did the father feel about his son returning home? 10. Why was Jesus telling a story about a lost son?

The Lost Son


The Lost Son Questions and Answers Luke Chapter 15:11-32

1. Jesus came to seek and to save what? Answer: Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. 2. Why didn't the Pharisees want to be around sinners? Answer: The Pharisees thought they were better and thought they knew more about God than anyone? 3. What was the difference between how Jesus felt about sinners and how the Pharisees felt about them? Answer: Jesus loved sinners. 4. Which one of the sons wanted his inheritance, or money, right away? Answer: The younger son wanted his inheritance right away. 5. How did the son spend his money? A. carefully B. wastefully C. slowly Answer: The son spent his money wastefully. 6. What was the son eating when he realized what he had done with his life? Answer: The son had been eating pigs food and realized what he had done. 7. The son had been gone so long, the father thought what? Answer: The son had been gone so long, the father thought he was dead. 8. The son thought he should no longer be called son by the father, so he decided what? Answer: The son was going to have the father treat him like one of his servants. 9. How did the father feel about his son returning home? Answer: The father was very happy his son came home and threw him a party. 10. Why was Jesus telling a story about a lost son? Answer: Jesus told this story to show us what happens in heaven when one lost person finds God.

The Lost Son


The Lost Son Activity Paper


Read the sentences on this page. If the sentence is right about the story, draw a line connecting the row of letters. If the sentence is not correct about the story, dont connect the letters. When the right letters are connected, read the last word in this story.




C ca onn m e ect ba th c k ey ho 's m if t e he w ith so a n pi g.




r r


w w w w w Conne ct the d's in the if the f st o a for the ry threw a p ther arty son.

z z

y tor

new ro be.

e w

g g g

o o

es th . n n i try so oun he c if t ay e's aw v he far t v ct to a ne on eled v C v tra v


Connect the w's if the son in the story asked his dad for his inheritance or money.

Connect the j's if b the father asked the son to give hi m his money back.
b b

C o m n v ad nect et t h h e s e x's on i w ft or he f ka a s a ther se rv an t. e e e e Connect th e e e z's if the son wa sted all th e money h e had.

Con r nect th e c's if r the s on wa s given a

d d Connect the k's if the son was willing to be the dad's servant. d d d d d d d d

e th if 's y e r stor n. h so tt e ec th lost nn in s Co ther d hi fa isse m

The Lost Son


a a a


Connec t the o's if the so pig's fo n ate od.


ther e fa lice th po s if e d' ed the th all ect . c onn story is son C he find h in t lp e to h j j

Co if t nne wa he s ct th nt on e g ed fi ' to nal s go ly ho m e. x x x x

x x

z g




e if th b's g for the n ect looki nn nt Co we . son inbow a ar


Conne ct time to the v's if the s go to t he zoo on had on his trip.

y y

o o o

k k







The Lost Son Activity Paper ANSWER PAGE


Read the sentences on this page. If the sentence is right about the story, draw a line connecting the row of letters. If the sentence is not correct about the story, dont connect the letters. When the right letters are connected, read the last word in this story.




C ca onn m e ect ba th c k ey ho 's m if t e he w ith so a n pi g.




r r


w w w w w Conne ct the d's in the if the f st o a for the ry threw a p ther arty son.

z z

y tor

new ro be.

e w

g g g

o o

es th . n n i try so oun he c if t ay e's aw v he far t v ct to a ne on eled v C v tra v


Connect the w's if the son in the story asked his dad for his inheritance or money.

Connect the j's if b the father asked the son to give hi m his money back.
b b

C o m n v ad nect et t h h e s e x's on i w ft or he f ka a s a ther se rv an t. e e e e Connect th e e e z's if the son wa sted all th e money h e had.

Con r nect th e c's if r the s on wa s given a

d d Connect the k's if the son was willing to be the dad's servant. d d d d d d d d

e th if 's y e r stor n. h so tt e ec th lost nn in s Co ther d hi fa isse m

The Lost Son


a a a


Connec t the o's if the so pig's fo n ate od.


ther e fa lice th po s if e d' ed the th all ect . c onn story is son C he find h in t lp e to h j j

Co if t nne wa he s ct th nt on e g ed fi ' to nal s go ly ho m e. x x x x

x x

z g




e if th b's g for the n ect looki nn nt Co we . son inbow a ar


Conne ct time to the v's if the s go to t he zoo on had on his trip.

y y

o o o

k k







The Lost Son Color Page

The lost son wasted all his money. See if you can help him find the 24 lost coins that look like this: See if you can find the 15 lost dollars that look like this:

The story can be found in Luke 15: 11-32

The Lost Son

for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10


The Lost Son Color Page

The lost son wasted all his money. See if you can help him find the 24 lost coins that look like this: See if you can find the 15 lost dollars that look like this:

The story can be found in Luke 15: 11-32

The Lost Son

for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10


Find the Lost Son Game

Cut out the square below. Have the children close their eyes, or wait out of the room while you hide the lost son. Hide it in plain sight. Fold the paper in half if you want it to stand up on something. (You may want to substitute the paper square for a small toy or action figure.) The kids love it!

The Lost Son


Travel with the Lost Son Race

You will need the squares below and about 30 pieces of 8 x 10 papers or construction papers. Cut out the squares below. Make two paths on the floor to the other end of the room with the 8 x 10 papers. The children will be picking up the squares below on their journey. They must stay on the path or pieces of paper when they do this. About halfway across the room, place the inheritance bag on the floor. Put one inheritance bag on the right side of each path. At the end of the room, place the far away country squares on the floor next to each path. On the left side of each path, put the pigs. Both children will pick up the pigs on their way back. Make sure they don't pick up the pigs at the beginning. The first one back wins.

Inheritance Money Far Away Country Pigs

Inheritance Money

Far Away Country


The Lost Son


Parent Take Home Sheet

The Lost Son, Luke 15:11-32

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Sinners Jesus loves them. He hates the sin but loves the person. Everyone is
born with a sin nature and needs God. The Pharisees kept God's laws, so they thought they were better than others. They had no love or tolerance for sinful men. They couldn't understand why Jesus would even talk to them. had two sons. The youngest son decided to take his inheritance and leave. He went to another country, and spent everything. He stayed there with someone and fed the pigs. He was so hungry, he ate the pigs food. When he came to his senses he decided to go home. so long, that the father thought he was probably dead. When the son returned, the father was thrilled. He put the best robe on him. He put sandals on his feet, and a ring on his hand. He threw a huge feast to celebrate. brothers return. He told his father, All these years Ive worked for you and you have never thrown a party for me. The father said, Son, all I have here is yours. But it is a good thing to be happy about your brother. We thought he was dead and he is alive. He was lost and now is found.

3 The Story Jesus decided to tell a story to them about a rich man who

3 A Father's love The father missed his son so much. The son had been gone 3 Jealousy The older son was angry to find out the father was celebrating his

Something to chat about:

When people do not have God in their hearts, their souls are lost. Jesus searches for the souls that are lost. He loves them and longs for them, just like that father who missed his son that had been gone for so long. When one person receives Jesus into their hearts, the angels in heaven celebrate.
The Lost Son 43

Joshua Lesson Layout Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

Learning goal God had promised His people a wonderful new land, and He was leading them there. It was not just easily handed to them. They had to spy out the land. They had to hide from their enemies. They had to fight for it. Sometimes in our lives we may come across problems. We might have plans and goals that are not just easily handed to us. No matter what, we need to make sure God stays important to us. Its important to focus on Him, His Word, and His promises.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Joshua Activity Page - In this color page, there is a hidden word in the bricks. If the child darkens the bricks that have a crack in them, they can read a word that has something to do with the story. The hidden word is s p i e s . 2. Memory Verse Scramble pages 1 and 2 This is a race between two children. Each child is given memory verse, in strips. The goal is to put their memory verse together and in order before the other child. They can match their strips to the memory verse on the floor in front of them. 3. Be a Spy Race - This is an obstacle race between two children. The object of this race is to take their spies (small action figures with string or yarn tied to them), and run the course that the spies ran in the story. First they run to the trees. (pages included) Second, they must swim the river. (two tubs, or wall paper trays with 1" of water in them) Third, they must run to Rahab's house. (a box with a small window cut out at the top for the action figure to fit through) They must run back the same way. The first one finished wins. This is one of the kids favorite games. 4. Spies under Sticks Game - Two children race against each other. The object is to find their two spies, under a pile of sticks first, and return to the start.

1. Copies of the Joshua Activity Page (one for each child) crayons, or markers. 2. One copy of the Memory Verse Scramble page 1, and 4 copies of page 2. Cut out the strips before class. Keep them separated by paper clips. Keep the instructions with the strips. 3. One copy of the Be a Spy Race, and two copies of the trees page. Two small action figures with string or yarn tied to them. Two tree papers. Two containers to represent the river. Two towels (to put under the river tubs) Two boxes with small windows cut in them. Water. 4. One copy of the Spies under Sticks Game. Cut out all four paper spies before class. Sticks (a box of popsicle sticks, or strips of brown construction paper) You will need enough sticks for about eight to ten small groups.


Joshua Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

The memory verse is Joshua 1:9 b (NKJV) "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Moses was the leader of God's people, the children of Israel. Joshua was Moses helper. When Moses died, Joshua became the leader instead of Moses. Joshua wanted to be a good leader too. God spoke to Joshua and said, "Moses is dead. I want you to take my people to the land that I have promised to give them. I will help you now just like I helped Moses. Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua sent two spies across the river to go see the land that God was giving them. The spies were to go see what the city of Jericho was like. They had to be very careful to not be seen. If the king of Jericho or his men caught them, they would probably kill them. First, they had to go through a grove of trees. They had to swim across the river. Hiding carefully wherever they could, they made their way to Jericho. They quickly went up to a lady who let them come into her house. Her name was Rahab. As careful as they had been, someone saw them go into Rahab's house. They told the king, "Men have come here tonight to search out the country." The king sent his men to Rahab's house. When the men got to Rahab's house they said, "Bring out the men that have come into your house. They are here to spy out the land." Before Rahab let the men in, she hurried and hid the spies upstairs, on the roof. She covered them with long sticks. She told the king's men, "Yes, the men came here, but I dont know where they came from. The men left and went out of the city gate as it was being shut. I don't know which way they went, but I'm sure if you hurry, you will be able to catch them." The king's men began to search for the spies. Rahab went back up to the roof where she had hid the spies. She said, "I know that the Lord has given you the land. Everyone is afraid of you. We know how the Lord has fought for you. I have been kind to you. Now, I beg you to please, show kindness to my father's house. Let my father, my mother, my brothers and my sisters live." The spies said, "If you promise that you and your family will not tell our business to anyone, we will be kind to you." Rahab said, "When you leave here, don't go toward the river to cross it yet. The king's men will be searching for you there. The king will have them search for you for three days. Run up to the mountain nearby. Hide up on the mountain for three days. When the king's men have stopped searching and come back into the city, then make your way to the river." Rahab's house sat on top of the wall of the city. The spies told Rahab, "When we come, be sure to have all your family inside this house. Place this red

continued on next page



Joshua continued Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

The memory verse is Joshua 1:9 b (NKJV) "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

rope in the window, so we know which house is yours. We will make sure that whoever is inside your house is safe." Rahab let a rope out the window and down the wall of the city. The spies climbed out the window and down the rope in the dark and were able to escape to the mountains. As soon as the spies were gone, Rahab hung the red rope in her window. The two spies returned safely to Joshua. They said, "The Lord has truly given the land over to us. Everyone is already afraid of us." They knew that once again, God was going to help them. God's people were going to go into the land that God had promised them. God was always watching and finding ways to help His people.



Joshua Questions Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

1. Why did Joshua send spies into the land? 2. What did the spies have to cross in order to get where they needed to go? 3. What was the name of the city the spies went to? 4. When the spies made it into Jericho, where did they go? 5. What did the king do when he found out spies had come into his city? 6. How did Rahab help the spies? 7. Rahab helped the spies. How were the spies going to help Rahab? 8. When God's people came to take over the land, how did they know which house was Rahabs? 9. How did the spies leave Rahab's house? 10. The spies hid somewhere else for three days after leaving Rahabs house. Where?



Joshua Questions and Answers Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

1. Why did Joshua send spies into the land? Answer: God was giving His people the land, so Joshua sent spies to go see what was there. 2. What did the spies have to cross in order to get where they needed to go? Answer: The spies had to cross a river. 3. What was the name of the city the spies went to? Answer: The name of the city the spies went to was Jericho. 4. When the spies made it into Jericho, where did they go? Answer: When the spies entered Jericho, they went into Rahab's house. 5. What did the king do when he found out spies had come into his city? Answer: When the king heard that spies were in his city, he sent men to find them. 6. How did Rahab help the spies? Answer: Rahab hid the spies from the king's men, and she helped them escape. 7. Rahab helped the spies. How were the spies going to help Rahab? Answer: The spies promised to keep Rahab's family safe. 8. When God's people came to take over the land, how did they know which house was Rahabs? Answer: When God's people came through the land, they knew Rahab's house would have a red rope hanging in the window. 9. How did the spies leave Rahab's house? Answer: Rahab let the spies out of the window of her house by a rope that hung down the wall of the city. 10. The spies hid somewhere else for three days after leaving Rahab's house. Where? Answer: The spies went to the mountains for three days to hide before they crossed the river and returned to Joshua.



Joshua Activity Page

Color or paint the picture of Rahab lowering one of the spies out of her window. Color the same color or darken all the bricks that have a crack in them, and read what the city wall says. The story is in Joshua, chapters 1 and 2.



Joshua Activity Page ANSWER PAGE

Color or paint the picture of Rahab lowering one of the spies out of her window. Color the same color or darken all the bricks that have a crack in them, and read what the city wall says. The story is in Joshua, chapters 1 and 2.



Memory Verse Scramble Page 1

This is a game for two children to play against each other. On page 2 of this game, you will find the memory verse for the story of Joshua in large letters and sectioned off. Cut out four complete memory verse sets. (one for each child and two to tape to the middle of the floor.) Take one memory verse that has been cut up in sections. Place the sections face down, mixed up, on the floor in front of the child. Opposite that child, do the same for the one he or she will be playing against. Tape the same memory verse on the floor in the middle of the room. Each child will have a verse facing them in the middle of the floor. They must match their pieces to the one taped in the middle. See the example below. When you say go, both children will begin turning over their sections of memory verse. They must bring the pieces to the middle of the room and match their pieces to the one taped to the floor that faces them. First one finished wins. (You may want to color coordinate the strips for younger children that can't read. Underline the verse sections with different colors from crayons or markers.)









co ur ag e;






id ,

no rd






















go Be s tro ng a nd of g oo d co ur a ge ; do n ot b ea fra id , no rd ism ay ed , fo rt he Lo r d yo ur G od is w ith yo u wh e re ve ry ou go .

Memory Verse Scramble Page 2

These strips are needed for the Memory Verse Scramble Game. You will need four copies of this page. You will use one page for each child and one page for each child to match. Cut out all the strips. (See picture example on page 1)

"Be Strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 52

Trees to be used in the Be a Spy Race

This game is to be used along with the story of Joshua. (You will need this copy and one more copy of this page.)



Spies under Sticks Game

You will need: about three sheets of brown construction paper or a sack of popsicle sticks. Two children will compete against each other. Cut out the four spies below. Place them across the room, on the floor under a few popsicle sticks (or strips of brown construction paper). Make several piles of sticks in different areas. The children must not see you place the spies under the sticks. When you say go, both children will race across the room and search for two spies under the sticks. Once they have the two spies in their hands, they run back to the start. The first one back wins!



Parent Take Home Sheet

Joshua, Joshua Chapters 1 and 2

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 2:9 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Joshua God chose Joshua to be the leader of His people. He was about
to lead the children of Israel into the land that God had promised them. The first city that they would take over was Jericho.

3 Spies Joshua sent two men to spy out Jericho and see what they were up
against. They had to swim the river, sneak into the city, and hide. If they were caught by the king's men, they would have been killed. lady named the the 3 RahabandAreported it toRahab let Themen into her house. Someone did seebut spies the king. king sent men to bring out the spies, Rahab took them upstairs, hid them on the roof, and covered them with sticks. her family when 3 The promise The spies promised to protect Rahab andanyone about the they came back, but Rahab and her family were not tell spies. Rahab hung a red rope in the window. When Joshua and his men came through and saw the red rope, they made sure to keep that house safe.

Something to chat about:

God had promised His people a wonderful new land. It was not just easily handed to them. They had to spy out the land, hide from their enemies, and fight for it. Sometimes we might have plans or goals that are not just easily handed to us. As we focus on those plans and goals, we need to make sure that God stays very important in our lives. Stay focused on Him, His Word, and His promises.
Joshua 55

Crossing the Jordan River Lesson Layout Joshua Chapters 3 and 4

Learning goal God can make a way for His people when there is no possible way. If He can hold back a huge wall of water, none of our problems should be too difficult for Him. God likes it when we remember the wonderful things He has done for us. He wants us to tell our children about them. He wants our children to tell their children, and so on. Every generation should know how wonderful our God is.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. The Jordan River Rocks pages 1 and 2 This is a color page, and art project. After the children color both pages, they can cut out the rocks, and place them over items in the river bed. If they tape one small section of the rock down, they create their own flap page. They can lift up the rocks and see the items underneath. 2. Crossing the River Game pages 1, 2 and 3 This is a race between two children. The object of this race is to cross the, pretend Jordan River, find and collect six rocks, and be the first one back at the start. There is a page of rocks, and a page of river items. The children are to only collect six rocks, not the river items. 3. Crossing the Jordan Race - This is a race between two children. The object is to follow the river path to the other side of the room and back, and pick up six stones along the way. Children must only step on the river papers (blue construction papers). Thin white sheet paper, crumbled up into balls, represent the rocks.

1. Copies of The Jordan River Rocks pages 1 and 2 (one set for each child) crayons, or markers, scissors, tape. 2. One copy of the Crossing the River Game pages 1, 2 and 3. Cut out all the squares ahead of time. Keep the instructions with the cut out squares. 3. One copy of the Crossing the Jordan River Race. Thirty or more sheets of construction paper (preferably blue to represent the river). Twelve pieces of thin white sheet paper.

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the Jordan River Joshua Chapters 3 and 4

The memory verse is Joshua 4:24 (NKJV) "That all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever."

God was about to lead His people, the children of Israel, into the land He had promised them. Joshua was the leader of God's people. In order to go into the Promised Land, the people needed to cross the Jordan River. At this time, the river was very deep. In fact, it over flowed its banks. Joshua sent messengers to go and tell the people to pack up their belongings and get ready to go. They would be crossing the river in three days. God told Joshua to have the priests lead the way, carrying the ark. God said, "Tell the priests, 'when they come to the edge of the water, that they are to stand in the Jordan River. As soon as their feet rest in the water, the waters will be stopped. The water will rise in a heap upstream. The water in front of the people will flow on down into the sea." It happened just like God said. As soon as the priests stepped into the Jordan River, the waters were stopped upstream. A wall of water rose up in a heap. The water in front of the children of Israel went on down into the sea. The bottom of the river was dry ground as the people began to cross. Dads, moms, children and all their animals walked across the Jordan River on dry ground. God spoke to Joshua and said, "Choose twelve men to go and each carry a large stone from the Jordan River. The twelve men will represent the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Set up the twelve stones as a memorial. This will be something that they will always remember." He said, "When your children ask you why the stones are there, you will answer them and say, 'These are the stones we took out of the middle of the Jordan River when God cut off the waters of the river for us. This happened so that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever." The men took up the stones out of the river and did just what Joshua commanded them. The priests stayed in the middle of the Jordan River until all the people had crossed. When all the people passed over, the priests came out of the river. As soon as the priests crossed and stepped onto the other side, the waters that stood up high were released, and came flooding down. Once again the Jordan River was full and overflowing its banks with water. God blessed Joshua that day. All the people knew Joshua was great and that God was with him. They respected Joshua from then on, like they did Moses, all the days of his life.

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the Jordan River Questions Only Joshua Chapters 3 and 4

1. Why did God's people want to cross the Jordan River? 2. Who were the first ones to step into the water to cross? 3. When the priests stepped in the water, what did God do? 4. As the people walked across, where did the priests stand? 5. God told Joshua to have twelve men pick up what out of the river? 6. What were the twelve stones for? 7. When the priests finally crossed and stepped out on the other side of the Jordan, what happened? 8. How full was the river with water at this time? 9. What did the people think of Joshua after all this? 10. The people respected Joshua from then on just as much as who?

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the Jordan River Questions and Answers Joshua Chapters 3 and 4
1. Why did God's people want to cross the Jordan River? Answer: God promised to give His people the land that was on the other side of the Jordan River. 2. Who were the first ones to step into the water to cross? Answer: The first ones to step into the water were the priests. 3. When the priests stepped in the water, what did God do? Answer: God stopped the waters from flowing down. They stood up in a heap upstream. The water in front of them went on down into the sea and the ground became dry for them to cross. 4. As the people walked across, where did the priests stand? Answer: The priests stood in the middle of the Jordan River while the people crossed. 5. God told Joshua to have twelve men pick up what out of the river? Answer: God told Joshua to have twelve men take one stone each out of the Jordan River. 6. What were the twelve stones for? Answer: They were to make a mound with the stones. It was to be a memorial, or something for them to remember and tell their children about. 7. When the priests finally crossed and stepped out on the other side of the Jordan, what happened? Answer: When the priests crossed over and stepped on the other side, the waters that stood up were released. 8. How full was the river with water at this time? Answer: The Jordan River, at this time, overflowed its banks with water. 9. What did the people think of Joshua after all this? Answer: After this, all the people thought Joshua was great and knew God was with him. 10. The people respected Joshua from then on just as much as who? Answer: From then on the people respected Joshua as much as they had respected Moses.

Crossing the Jordan River


The Jordan River Rocks Activity Paper Page 1

Twelve men carried twelve large stones out of the Jordan River. There are twelve stones below. Cut out all the stones. Place the stones one by one over the items or characters in the river bed on the activity paper page 2. Do not place the stones on the fish in the wall of water. Tape only one small piece of tape the side of each stone to keep it in place. Do not tape around the entire rock. The small piece of tape should allow the stone to be a flap. The child should be able to lift each stone to see what's under it. Color or paint if you desire.


Crossing the Jordan River


The Jordan River Rocks Activity Paper Page 2

See page 1 for instructions

Crossing the Jordan River

Twelve men were chosen to carry one large stone each out of the river.

dry river bed


Crossing the River Game Page 1

Two children will race against each other. The object of this game is to cross the, pretend, Jordan River, collect six rocks and be the first one back to the start to win. Cut out the squares on the page of The Jordan River Rocks, and the squares on the page of The River Items. Mix up all the squares and place them across the room face down, on the floor. Space them about one foot apart. When you say go, both kids race across the room to find six rocks. The first one to find his or her six rocks and to get back to the start wins. Another way of playing this game, is to create a pretend river bed, or path, that the kids must follow. Each child must stay on their side of the room and follow their path. Divide both pages of rocks and river items in half. Place six rock squares and six river item squares on each path. Mix the squares up. Space them about 2 feet apart, face down, to the end of the room. When you say go, both kids race along their paths looking for the six rocks they need. The first one back to the start, with their rocks wins.

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the River Game Page 2

The Jordan River Rocks

To be used in the Crossing the River Game.

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the River Game Page 3

The River Items

To be used in the Crossing the River Game.

Crossing the Jordan River


Crossing the Jordan Race

Two children will race against each other. You will need thirty sheets of construction paper. (Preferably blue to represent the river) You will also need twelve thin white sheets of paper. Make two rows of stepping stones using the construction paper. Each child will run along his or her row. Space the papers three or four feet apart. Have them go to the end of the room and around a chair. Once they circle the chair, they return on the same row back to the beginning. Now take the twelve sheets of thin white paper. Crumble each of them up into paper balls that will represent rocks. Place six on each row on the floor and space them out. When you say go, both children must cross the river by only stepping on the sheets of construction paper. As they travel, they must collect all six rocks on their side. The first one back with his or her six rocks, and hasnt stepped off the papers, wins.

Crossing the Jordan River


Parent Take Home Sheet

Crossing the Jordan River, Joshua Chapters 3 and 4

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"That all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever." Joshua 4:24 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Getting ready God was about to lead His people into the Promised Land.
Joshua told the people to get ready because they would be crossing the Jordan River in three days. They had to pack their tents, and belongings. They would be crossing with their dads, moms, children, and herds of animals.

3 Crossing God told Joshua that the priests would lead the way. As soon as

they stepped their feet into the water, the water would stop flowing. It would stand up in a heap, or mound upstream. The water in front of them would empty out and flow on down into the sea. It did, and they crossed on dry ground.

3 Remembering God wanted His people to remember what He did for them.
He told Joshua to choose twelve men. Each man was to carry one large stone out of the dry river bed. They were to set them up as a memorial. Later, when their children asked about the stones, they could tell them what God did for them. (see the memory verse)

Something to chat about:

God can make a way for His people when there is no possible way. If He can hold back a huge wall of water, none of our problems should be too difficult for Him. God likes it when we remember the wonderful things He has done for us. He wants us to tell our children about them. He wants our children to tell their children, and so on. Every generation should know how wonderful our God is.
Crossing the Jordan 66

Ambush at Ai Lesson Layout Joshua Chapters 7 and 8

Learning goal This is a story where one mans sin causes God to stop from helping His people. God sees everything and we can hide nothing from Him. He is always watching to see who is serving Him, and sees who is not serving Him. When we get rid of the sin in our lives that holds us back and choose to serve God, He is there to cover us with protection, and bless us once again.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Ambush at Ai Activity Page - Kids are to color this page and find the 40 coins that have fallen out of the money bag. 2. Ai Word Search - Children are to find the words in the two sentences given. All the words can be found in the block of letters. 3. Which Tent is Achan's? Game - This is a race between two children. The object of this game is to search through the tribe of Israel tents, and find which one Achan hid the stolen items in. The first kid to find the stolen items and run back to the start wins.

1. Copies of the Ambush at Ai Activity Page (one for each child) crayons, or markers. 2. Copies of the Ai Word Search page (one for each child), pencils 3. One copy of the Which Tent is Achan's? Game. Cut out all the tents, and stolen items squares, before class. Keep the instructions with them.

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Joshua Chapters 7 and 8

The memory verse is Joshua 8:7 (NKJV) "Then you shall rise from the ambush and seize the city, for the Lord your God will deliver it into your hand."

God was giving His people the Promised Land. When the children of Israel, or God's people, were taking over the City of Jericho, God said, "Be very careful to stay away from the things these people have that are cursed. If you take of their evil things, you will bring a curse onto yourself, and cause a curse to come into the camp of Israel." A curse is when evil or bad is allowed to happen instead of good. God did not want them to want or covet anything that these evil people had. When the men were inside Jericho, a man named Achan took some of their gold, silver, and a garment. He knew he was not supposed to take them, so he hid them inside his tent and buried them in the ground. Now, the next city the children of Israel came to was a small city named Ai. However, God was angry with the children of Israel because of what Achan had done. Joshua and his men were ready to go take the city of Ai, so they had spies go search out the city. The men came back and said, "We don't need to send all our soldiers to Ai. It's not a very big city. We can easily take it over." Joshua sent his soldiers up to Ai, but the men of Ai came out and chased away and even killed some of the soldiers. God did not help His people because Achan had brought evil and cursed things into their camp. When Joshua and the people saw that they were beaten before this small city, they cried. Joshua fell on his face and cried out to God and said, "Why did this happen?" God said, "Get up! Israel has sinned. They have taken cursed things and have hidden them. I will not be with you anymore, unless you destroy this curse from you. Tomorrow, bring the people together. I will show you who has done this." The next day, all the tribes of Israel came and stood before Joshua. God showed them, that the person who did this was from the tribe of Judah. Then, they brought out the Zarhite family and soon God showed them that Achan was the one. Joshua asked Achan, "What have you done?" Achan said, "Yes, I have sinned. I took gold, silver, and a garment and hid them in my tent." Joshua sent men to Achans tent and brought out the stolen things. Joshua said to Achan, "Why did you bring this trouble on us?" They killed Achan that day because he sinned against God and caused many of their men to die. The Lord was no longer angry at His people. God said to Joshua, "Don't be afraid. Go up to Ai, and I will give you the city. Lay an ambush behind Ai." An ambush is when someone hides and waits in order to attack someone else by surprise. So

continued on next page

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Joshua Chapters 7 and 8

The memory verse is Joshua 8:7 (NKJV) "Then you shall rise from the ambush and seize the city, for the Lord your God will deliver it into your hand."

Joshua sent his men at night to go and hide behind the city. Joshua told his men, "Wait and hide behind the city. In the morning, we will go up to the front of the city like we did before. When the men of Ai come out to chase us, I will give the signal, and you will come out from hiding, run into the city, and set the city on fire." They did just what Joshua said. The next morning Joshua and the men with him came toward Ai. All the men of Ai ran out and began to chase Joshua, and the men with him, like they did before. The Lord said to Joshua, "Stretch out the spear in your hand, back toward Ai." As soon as Joshua did that, his men in ambush got up, ran into the city, and set it on fire. God was with His people that day and fought for them. Joshua was thankful to the Lord for helping them win. He built an altar and gave offerings to the Lord. Then he read Gods laws to all the people and God blessed them.

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Questions Only Joshua Chapters 7 and 8

1. When God's people took over the City of Jericho, God told them to stay away from what? 2. What did God say would happen if someone took something that was cursed? 3. What was the name of the next small city the children of Israel came to? 4. What was the name of the man who stole cursed items from Jericho. 5. What did Achan do with the stolen items? 6. When Joshua and the men of Israel went up to the City of Ai, what happened? 7. When Joshua cried and cried because his men died, what did God say to him? 8. After Achan and the evil items were removed, God decided to help His people take Ai. How did He tell them to take the city? 9. When the men of Ai were chasing Joshua and his men, God told Joshua to turn around and stretch out something toward Ai. What was it? 10. When Joshua held out his spear toward Ai, what happened?

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Questions and Answers Joshua Chapters 7 and 8

1. When God's people took over the City of Jericho, God told them to stay away from what? Answer: God told His people to stay away from the evil people's cursed things. 2. What did God say would happen if someone took something that was cursed? Answer: If God's people took the things that were cursed, they would bring a curse on themselves, and into the camp of Israel. 3. What was the name of the next small city the children of Israel came to? Answer: The next small city that the children of Israel came to was Ai. 4. What was the name of the man who stole cursed items from Jericho? Answer: The man who stole items from Jericho, was Achan. 5. What did Achan do with the stolen items? Answer: Achan hid and buried the stolen items inside his tent. 6. When Joshua and the men of Israel went up to the City of Ai, what happened? Answer: When God's people went up to Ai, the men of Ai chased them away and killed some of them. 7. When Joshua cried and cried because his men died, what did God say to him? Answer: God said to Joshua, "Get up! The children of Israel have sinned and taken some of the cursed things. He also said that He would not help them until they removed the evil from them." 8. After Achan and the evil items were removed, God decided to help His people take Ai. How did He tell them to take the city? Answer: God told Joshua to create an ambush against the City of Ai. 9. When the men of Ai were chasing Joshua and his men, God told Joshua to turn around and stretch out something toward Ai. What was it? Answer: God told Joshua to stretch out his spear toward the City of Ai. 10. When Joshua held out his spear toward Ai, what happened? Answer: When Joshua held out his spear toward Ai, his men that were hiding in ambush, ran into the city, and set it on fire.

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Activity Page

Color or paint the picture of Achan burying his loot. See if you can find the 40 silver coins that have fallen out of the money bag. The story is in Joshua chapters 7 and 8.

Ambush at Ai


Ambush at Ai Activity Page

Color or paint the picture of Achan burying his loot. See if you can find the 40 silver coins that have fallen out of the money bag. The story is in Joshua chapters 7 and 8.

Ambush at Ai


Ai Word Search
Find all the words in the two sentences in the block of letters below.








Ambush at Ai


Ai Word Search
Find all the words in the two sentences in the block of letters below.








Ambush at Ai


Which Tent is Achan's? Game

Two children will compete against each other. Cut out the tents provied on the following pages. Spread them out on the floor all around the room. Cut out the squares below. The gold, silver and garment are what Achan stole and hid in his tent. The two children playing must turn around and close their eyes while you hide the squares of stolen things in two different tents. The object of the game is to be the first one to find the stolen items and run back to their seat. When you say go, both children race through the room lifting tents trying to find the stolen items. The first child to find the items and run them back to his or her chair wins.

Ambush at Ai


Tribe of Israel Tents

Used in the game, Which Tent is Achan's?

Israel Tribe of Judah Tent# 42,875

Israel Tribe of Reuben Tent# 87,432

Israel Tribe of Simeon Tent # 34,798

Ambush at Ai 77

Tribe of Israel Tents

Used in the game, Which Tent is Achan's?

Israel Tribe of Dan Tent# 63,981

Tribe of Issachar


Tent# 77,432

Tribe of Naphtali


Tent # 68,149

Ambush at Ai


Tribe of Israel Tents

Used in the game, Which Tent is Achan's?

Israel Tribe of Asher Tent# 27,783

Israel Tribe of Ephraim Tent# 94,216

Israel Tribe of Gad Tent # 94,447

Ambush at Ai 79

Tribe of Israel Tents

Used in the game, Which Tent is Achan's?

Tribe of Zebulum


Tent# 53,147

Tribe of Benjamin


Tent# 64,371

Israel Tribe of Joseph Tent # 88,496

Ambush at Ai 80

Where is the gold? Game

Take three paper cups and turn them upside down on the table or floor. You will need a coin. Have the children turn around and close their eyes while you place the coin under one of the cups. When you say O.K., all of the children turn around. Begin asking the children, one at a time, which cup they think the coin is in. Ask them in order to be fair. (right to left) If the child does not guess which cup the coin is in, the next child gets to choose between the two remaining cups. If that child does not guess the right one, the win goes to the next child who only has one cup to choose from. (This game is a big hit if you use gold coin chocolate candies for the coins. When they guess the coin, they get to keep the chocolate.)

Ambush at Ai


Parent Take Home Sheet

Ambush at Ai, Joshua chapters 7 and 8

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"Then you shall rise from the ambush and seize the city, for the Lord your God will deliver it into your hand." Joshua 8:7 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Wanting what you can't have God was giving His people the City of AI.
He told Joshua and the people to stay away from the evil things that these people had, because they were cursed. A man named Achan saw some gold, silver, and a beautiful garment, and wanted them. He disobeyed God and took them.

3 Hiding sin Immediately Achan knew what he had done was wrong, so he
hid them. So many times when we know we are doing something wrong we know it, and try to hide it. But God sees everything.

3 Consequences Because Achan disobeyed, and stole, God would not help 3 God forgives Achan was punished for his sin. God was quick to forgive
Something to chat about:

them when they tried to take the City. God's people were chased away and some were even killed because Achan brought a curse onto the people. There are always bad consequences when we sin and disobey God.

His people and allow His blessing to cover them. He even told Joshua how to take the city by creating an ambush. Once again God helped His people win.

This is a story where one man's sin caused God to stop helping His people. God sees everything and we cant hide anything from Him. He is always watching to see who is serving Him, and He sees who is not serving Him. When we get rid of the sin in our lives that holds us back, and choose to serve God, He is there to forgive. He covers us with protection, and is ready to bless us once again.
Ambush at Ai 82

The Walls Fell Down Lesson Layout Joshua Chapter 6

Learning goal God can make a way for His people when there is no possible way. If He can hold back a huge wall of water, none of our problems should be too difficult for Him. God likes it when we remember the wonderful things He has done for us. He wants us to tell our children about them. He wants our children to tell their children, and so on. Every generation should know how wonderful our God is.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper pages 1 and 2 - This is a coloring page, but also a puzzle. After the children color both pages, they cut out the brick sections on page 2. They are to figure out where they fit in the dark empty spaces where bricks are missing on page 1. 2. The City of Jericho Color Page - This is an extra coloring page. 3. And the Walls Fall Down Game - This is a race between two children. The object is to be the first one to circle his or her wall of stacked cups seven times, then knock them over. 4. Memory Verse Scramble Game - This game can be played with one or more players. The children are handed the memory verse, in strips. They are to turn the strips face down, mix them up, and then see how long it takes them to put the verse together. Put an example of the memory verse in order in front of them, to match. This can also be a race between children.

1. Copies of, The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper pages 1 and 2 (one set for each child), crayons, scissors, glue 2. Copies of the City of Jericho color page (one for each child) crayons, or markers 3. One copy of the And the Walls Fall Down Game. At least 20 large plastic cups. 4. Copies for every child of the memory verse that is on the Memory Verse Scramble Game. Cut out all the strips for the memory verse before class and paper clip them to keep them separate.

The Walls Fell Down


The Walls Fell Down Joshua Chapters 6

The memory verse is Joshua 6:2 A (NKJV) And the Lord said to Joshua, See! I have given Jericho into your hand."

God told Joshua to take over the city of Jericho. The people in the city were very evil. A tall wall went all the way around the city. The wall was so wide that houses were built on top of the wall. Joshua had sent spies into the city to see what was there. A lady named Rahab lived in a house on top of the wall. She helped hide the spies from the king who wanted to kill them. The spies promised Rahab that they would protect her and her family when Gods people came to take over the city. The king of Jericho knew God's people were coming. The city was shut up. No one was allowed to go out of the gate. No one was allowed to come in. God said to Joshua, "See! I have given Jericho into your hand. You shall march around the city for seven days. Seven priests blowing seven trumpets will walk in front of the ark. Soldiers ready for battle, will walk in front of them, and behind them. Every day, you will march around the city one time and then return to your camp. On the seventh day, you will march around the city seven times. The priests will sound a long blast with the trumpets, and then you will shout. All the people will shout very loudly and the wall will fall down flat. Each soldier will go into the city straight ahead of him and take over the city." The priests and soldiers began to walk. No one spoke. The only thing you could hear were the priests blowing the trumpets. They circled the city once and went to their camp. They did the same thing the next day and the days following. On the seventh day, they started very early when the sun came up. This day, they circled the city seven times. Joshua yelled, "Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!" All the people shouted. The city wall began to fall. It fell down flat to the ground. Each soldier was able to walk straight in front of him into the city. God gave the city to Joshua and His people. Joshua said to the spies, "Go to the woman that you promised to keep safe." The men went in and brought Rahab out and all her family. The city was destroyed, but Rahab and her family were safe. From then on Rahab and her family began to live with God's people. The spies made a promise to Rahab, and they kept their promise. God kept his promise too. God promised to give Jericho to Joshua and His people. Only God could make a huge giant wall fall down flat.

The Walls Fell Down


The Walls Fell Down Questions Only Joshua Chapters 6

1. What was the name of the city that had a huge, wide wall around it? 2. What was the name of the lady who hid the spies? 3. Why did Rahab hide the spies? 4. What was the promise the spies made to Rahab? 5. Who were the people that God told to walk around the city? 6. What were the priests doing while they were walking around the city? 7. For the first six days, how many times were the soldiers and priests supposed to walk around the city? 8. What were God's people supposed to do on the seventh day? 9. The city was destroyed, but what happened to Rahab and her family? 10. Where did Rahab and her family live after the city was destroyed?

The Walls Fell Down


The Walls Fell Down Questions and Answers Joshua Chapters 6

1. What was the name of the city that had a huge, wide wall around it? Answer: The name of the city was Jericho. 2. What was the name of the lady who hid the spies? Answer: The lady who hid the spies was Rahab. 3. Why did Rahab hide the spies? Answer: Rahab hid the spies because the king wanted to kill them. 4. What was the promise the spies made to Rahab? Answer: The spies promised to protect Rahab and her family when God's people came to take over the city. 5. Who were the people that God told to walk around the city? Answer: The priests and soldiers were the ones who walked around the city. 6. What were the priests doing while they were walking around the city? Answer: The priests were blowing the trumpets as they walked. 7. For the first six days, how many times were the soldiers and priests supposed to walk around the city? Answer: For the first six days, the priests and soldiers walked around the city one time, each day. 8. What were God's people supposed to do on the seventh day? Answer: On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times, the priests were to blow the trumpets and the people were to shout. 9. The city was destroyed, but what happened to Rahab and her family? Answer: Rahab and her family were protected and saved. 10. Where did Rahab and her family live after the city was destroyed? Answer: After the city was destroyed, Rahab and her family began living with God's people.

The Walls Fell Down


The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper Page 1

God brought the wall down. What did the wall look like before? The missing bricks are on The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper (page 2). Cut out the missing bricks on page 2 and glue them back to see what the wall looked like before it fell.


The Walls Fell Down


The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper Page 2

Here are the missing bricks. Cut out the brick sections below. Glue them on the Jericho wall like you would put a puzzle back together. Glue them on The Walls Fall Down Activity Paper (page 1).

Cut out each section. (not each individual brick)

! !

! !

The Walls Fell Down


The City of Jerico

Activity paper to color or paint.


The Walls Fell Down


And the Walls Fall Down Game

Two children will compete against each other. Place two stacks of large paper or plastic cups at the other end of the room. The cups are to represent the Jerico wall. One stack of cups will be opposite each child. Use about ten cups in each stack. (see example)

When you say go, both kids race across the room. They must circle each stack of cups seven times, and then knock over the cups. The first one to knock over the cup wall wins. If the cup wall falls because they bumped it, they do not win. Also, you might want to choose counters and have them stand where the cups are to count. The children who knock over the cups, set the cups back up for the next player.

The Walls Fell Down


Memory Verse Scramble Game

This game can be played with one or more players. Each player will need a copy of this page. Cut out the lined sections of the memory verse below, along the lines. Mix them up and put them face down on the floor or table. When you say go, all kids competing, try to hurry, and put the memory verse together. The first one finished wins. You may want to put an example memory verse in the center of the room, or table, for the kids to copy. This can also be a race between two kids. Place each child's verse across the room opposite them, mixed up, and face down on the floor. When you say go, both kids race to collect one piece at a time, and run it back to the start. The first to put their verse together at the start wins.

"And the Lord said to Joshua 'See! I have given Jericho into your hand,"

Joshua 6:2

The Walls Fell Down


Parent Take Home Sheet

The Walls Fell Down, Joshua chapter 6

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"And the Lord said to Joshua, 'See! I have given Jericho into your hand." Joshua 6:2 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

kept The people of God were going to the 3 PromisenamedRahab had helped the spies Joshuatake overtheyCity of Jericho. A lady sent, so promise Rahab

3 The plan God told Joshua to have the priests and soldiers march around the city The evil king of Jericho knew God's people were coming, and were terrified. 3 They obeyed andthe city inthe rest The only thing heardsaid. Everyday they God did They did what God marched around silence. were the trumpets

that they would protect her and her family.

for seven days. Seven priests blowing trumpets were to walk in front of the ark. Solders, ready for battle, were to walk ahead of, and behind them. Everyday, they were to walk around the city once. On the seventh day, they were to walk around the city seven times, then blow the trumpets and shout. The walls would fall down flat, and they would be able to take over the city.

3 RahabThey wentsaid to the spies, "Gooutthe woman her family. From thenkeep Joshua to that you promised to safe." and safely brought Rahab and on,
Rahab and her family lived with God's people. The spies kept their promise. God also kept His promise to give the city to Joshua and His people.

blowing. The seventh day they circled the city seven times, blew the trumpets, and shouted. God pushed the heavy walls straight into the ground. Every soldier was able to walk straight in front of them to go into the city.

Something to chat about:

God told Joshua to have his men take over Jericho, but do it in a very strange way. God's ways are not our ways. Not very many armies would go to war walking in silence and blowing trumpets. But when God's people obeyed, God caused a miracle to happen right in front of their eyes. If we completely trust and serve God, we dont need to fear, even if our enemies are right in front of us.
The Walls Fell Down 92

Lowered Through The Roof Lesson Layout Mark Chapter 2:1-12

Learning goal How nice it is to have friends who want to bring you to Jesus. These friends were willing to carry their paralyzed friend on his bed to wherever Jesus was. They knew in their hearts, Jesus would heal him. What faith! Jesus saw their faith! Can Jesus see our faith? Look what happened when these good friends put their faith into action.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Finish the Sentence - Children must draw a line to connect the half sentence from one side of the page to the correct half sentence on the other side of the page that completes it. All sentences are in the story or relate to the story. 2. Lowered Through the Roof Activity pages 1 and 2 - This is a coloring page, but also a hunt and find page. Both pages look the same, but they are not. Children must find the eight things that are missing on page 2, that are present on page 1. 3. Carry your Friend to Jesus Race - The object of this race is to be the first team to carry your friend (toy action figure) across the room and back without dropping him. Each team carries a toy action figure on a small paper, or cloth bed. They carry it by holding the ribbons that are attached to each corner of the small bed. See the instructions.

1. Copies of the Finish the Sentence page (one for each child) pencils. 2. Copies of the Lowered Through the Roof Activity pages 1 and 2 (one set for each child) crayons, pencils 3. One copy of the Carry your Friend to Jesus Race. Two 6" x 6" square pieces of cloth or paper (used for a small bed). Two small toy action figures. 8 pieces of ribbon (about 2 feet long) Two chairs for the kids to run around. Attach the ribbon to the corners of the small paper or cloth beds by strong tape, sewing, or stapling, before class.

Lowered Through The Roof


Lowered Through The Roof Mark Chapter 2:1-12

The memory verse is Mark 2:5 (NKJV) When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you."

On this one day, a large crowd of people came to hear Jesus. Teachers, lawyers, and Pharisees were there. God's power was there to heal, so people had come from many towns around. The house, where Jesus was, became crowded fast. Soon, there wasn't room for anyone. The rest of the people had to wait outside. Living close by, there was a man who was paralyzed. When a person is paralyzed, it means that certain parts of their body don't work. If their arms and legs don't work, they can only lie down. Other people must feed them and take care of them. The paralyzed man had four friends come to see him. They wanted their friend to be well, and they knew Jesus was in the area. The four men picked him up, with his bed, and carried him out. They went looking for Jesus. They knew in their heart, that if they could just get him to Jesus, He would heal him. They finally saw the house. As they came closer, they could see the huge crowd. They couldn't even get close to the door. Determined to help their friend, they went to the side or back and made their way onto the roof of the house. Carefully, they lifted the bed carrying their friend up on the roof with them. The house had a tile roof. The men began breaking off the tile and soon made a large hole in the roof. The people inside the house looked up. Down through the open hole, a bed with a man on it, was being lowered into the room. Down, down, down, the bed lowered, and stopped right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, He turned to the man and said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." The scribes and Pharisees said to each other, "The only One who can forgive sins is God." They didnt like Jesus saying He could forgive sins because they did not believe Jesus was God. Jesus knew what they were thinking in their hearts. He said to them, Which is easier to say, Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'rise up and walk? But this is so you know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins." Jesus then said to the man who was paralyzed, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house. Immediately the man stood up in front of them all. He picked up his bed and walked out the door glorifying God. Everyone was amazed and even filled with fear. They glorified God and said, "We have seen strange things today." The power of the Lord was present to heal them. Wow! Today, we still serve a real and powerful God who is truly amazing!

Lowered Through The Roof


Lowered Through The Roof Questions Only Mark 2:1:12

1. Why was the house so crowded where Jesus was? 2. What does paralyzed mean? 3. How many friends did the paralyzed man have that helped him that day? 4. How did the man's friends take him to Jesus? 5. When the men could not get near the door, what did they decide to do? 6. When Jesus looked up and saw what these men were doing, He saw something in the men. What was it? 7. What was the first thing Jesus said to the man? 8. Who were the ones that didn't like Jesus saying He could forgive sins? 9. When the man was healed, what did he take out of the house with him? 10. There was something present that day to heal people. The power of what?

Lowered Through The Roof


Lowered Through The Roof Questions and Answers Mark 2:1:12

1. Why was the house so crowded where Jesus was? Answer: People came to hear and be healed by Jesus. 2. What does paralyzed mean? Answer: When a person is paralyzed, it means that a part or parts of their body don't move or work. It may be their legs or arms. 3. How many friends did the paralyzed man have that helped him that day? Answer: The man in this story had four friends that helped him. 4. How did the man's friends take him to Jesus? Answer: The man's friends picked up his bed with him in it, and carried him out. 5. When the men could not get near the door, what did they decide to do? Answer: The men went up onto the roof to get in. 6. When Jesus looked up and saw what these men were doing, He saw something in the men. What was it? Answer: When Jesus looked up, He saw their faith. 7. What was the first thing Jesus said to the man? Answer: Jesus said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." 8. Who were the ones that didnt like Jesus saying He could forgive sins? Answer: The scribes and Pharisees did not like Jesus saying He could forgive sins. 9. When the man was healed, what did he take out of the house with him? Answer: The man stood up and walked out carrying his bed. 10. There was something present that day to heal people. The power of what? Answer: The power of the Lord was there to heal people.

Lowered Through The Roof


Finish The Sentence

This is to used with the story Lowered Through The Roof.

On the left there are half sentences. Draw a line to the words that best finish the sentence on the right. The house was through a hole in the roof.

There was

the Lord was there.

many people

forgive sins is God.

The power of

picked up his bed and walked.

They let the man down

to believe.

The paralyzed man

a man who was paralyzed.

The only one who can

came to see Jesus.

The four friends had faith

very crowded.

Lowered Through The Roof


Finish The Sentence

This is to used with the story Lowered Through The Roof.

On the left there are half sentences. Draw a line to the words that best finish the sentence on the right. The house was through a hole in the roof.

There was

the Lord was there.

many people

forgive sins is God.

The power of

picked up his bed and walked.

They let the man down

to believe.

The paralyzed man

a man who was paralyzed.

The only one who can

came to see Jesus.

The four friends had faith

very crowded.

Lowered Through The Roof


Paint or color the picture. Compare this page with the Lowered Through the Roof Activity Page 2. See if you can find the eight items missing on page 2.

Lowered Through the Roof Activity Page 1

The Walls Fell Down Lowered Through The Roof


See Lowered Through the Roof Activity Page 1. Compare this page to the activity page 1 and see if you can find the eight items missing below.

Lowered Through the Roof Activity Page 2

The Walls Fell Down Lowered Through The Roof


The items missing on Lowered Through the Roof Activity Page 2 are circled below.

Lowered Through the Roof Activity ANSWER PAGE

Man on roof

foot rope crowd arm




The Walls Fell Down Lowered Through The Roof

Carry Your Friend to Jesus Race

Used with the story, Lowered through the Roof. You will need: Two 6"x6" square pieces of cloth or paper (used for a small bed) Two small toy action figures Ribbon (Cut into 8 pieces about two feet long each) Two small chairs for the children to run around Two children together will race as a team against another team of two children. Attach the strips of ribbon to each corner of the 6" cloth, you will need to fasten it to the corners with safety pins or sew it. At the opposite end of the room from where the children start, place two chairs. Each team will run around their chair. Space the chairs about 5' apart. Give each team the small bed with the ribbon attached. One child will be on one side holding a ribbon in each hand. The other child will do the same on the other side, and both must balance the bed. Place the action figures, one in the middle of each bed. When you say go, both teams race across the room and around the chair carrying their paralyzed friend. The must hurry, but not drop the man, If they drop the man, they're out. The first team back without dropping their man wins.

Lowered Through The Roof


Parent Take Home Sheet

Lowered Through the Roof, Mark 2:1-12

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." Mark 2:1-5 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 3 3 3 3

The crowd Jesus could really draw a crowd. God's power was there to heal. People would come from other towns to see Jesus. There was no room inside the house, and there was a huge crowd outside the house. Hopeless The paralyzed man had no way of coming to Jesus. Others could walk, run, ride horses, and get there anyway they could, but this man couldnt move. How sad! How hopeless! Good friends Four friends came to see this man. They wanted their friend healed, and knew that if they could get him to Jesus, He would heal him. The four of them picked him up on his bed, and carried him to wherever they needed, to get him near Jesus. Determination When the man's friends saw the crowd, they didn't give up. Things just got a little more difficult. They had to climb onto the roof, hoist up their friend on his bed, then start digging and tearing off the roof tiles. Faith When Jesus saw their faith, He turned to the man and said, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." When Jesus said, "Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house," The man stood up and carried his bed out the door.

Something to chat about:

Nice friends. How great it was for this man to have good friends that were willing to bring him to Jesus. These friends were men of faith. They knew in their hearts that Jesus would heal him. Are we a good friend to others? Can they see our faith? Can God see our faith? Look what happened when good friends put their faith into action.
Lowered Through The Roof 103

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah Lesson Layout 1 Kings chapter 17, 1-10
Learning goal Elijah was a prophet who loved of God. Wicked King Ahab wanted to kill Elijah. God protected and hid him. He even had the birds fly in to feed him every morning and evening. Elijah continued to listen and obey God. God protected and provided in miraculous ways. God is our provider. He also knows how to protect and keep us safe, even in dangerous situations.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Birds Bring Breakfast Activity pages 1 and 2 - Children color both pages. They cut out the window section on page 1. Place the wheel from page 2 behind page 1, and fasten it with a brad. Kids can turn the wheel and watch the birds drop food into Elijah's hands. 2. Match the Raven Game - This is a matching game. Tape one of the small square pictures that are along the right side of the page, to the back of each raven. Place all ravens face up on the table or floor. One at a time children take turns turning over two ravens to see if the pictures match. See the instructions. The child with the most matches at the end wins. If you want, when the children get a match, ask them if they know what that picture had to do with the story. 3. Discussion Game - This is an activity to get the kids talking about the story. Use the same page above in activity 2, which is the Match the Raven or Discussion Game. Once again, cut out all the ravens and tape a picture to the back of them. Place them face up on the table. One at a time, children pick up a raven, turn it over, and talk about that picture in the story. 4. Feed Me Game pages 1 and 2 - This is a race between two children. The object of this game is to be the first one to feed Elijah. Both kids race across the room to 16 square story pictures. Each must find two ravens, one bread, and one meat square, then run to the start where they place them on the page where Elijah waits.

1. Copies of Birds Bring Breakfast Activity pages 1 and 2 (one set for each child) crayons, scissors, brads 2. Copies of the Match the Raven page (one for each child) Cut out all squares for the kids, and tape the pictures to the back of the ravens before class. This can also be a craft/art project for the kids to make their own. They will need scissors and tape. 3. One copy of the Match the Raven or Discussion Game. Cut out all the squares and tape the pictures to the back of the ravens before class. 4. Two copies of the Feed Me Game page 1, and one copy of page 2. Cut out all the squares on page 2 before class.

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah 1 Kings chapter 17, 1-10

The memory verse is I Kings 17:6 (NKJV) The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

King Ahab was a very cruel and wicked king. His wife Jezebel was just as evil and cruel as King Ahab. They did terrible things and set up idols for the people to worship. Elijah was the prophet, or man of God, that people listened to at this time. Elijah said to Ahab, "As the Lord God of Israel lives, there shall not be dew or rain these years, until I say." Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah and said, "Get away from here! Go hide by the Brook Cherith. Drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there. Ahab didn't like Elijah or what he said, and sent men all over to search for him. God kept Elijah hidden by Brook Cherith. God must have known that Ahab's men would not search for him there. Brook Cherith flowed down into the Jordan River. In the morning, black raven birds flew in and brought Elijah bread and meat. In the evening, the ravens would fly in again to bring Elijah his dinner of bread and meat. Day after day, God sent the ravens in to feed Elijah. After a while, the brook dried up. There had not been any rain for a long time. God spoke to Elijah again and said, "Get up and go to the city of Zarephath and stay there. I have commanded a widow there to provide for you." A widow is a lady whose husband has died. Elijah went to Zarephath and right away found the lady that God told him about. God was so good to help Elijah. God knows what we are going to need even before we do. Elijah needed to hide from Ahab. He needed water. He needed food. God provided for Elijah. God will provide for us. We serve a God of miracles. He spoke to black ravens, and they obeyed Him. People feed animals and birds, but not too often do you hear of birds feeding people. God's miracles are amazing!

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah Questions Only 1 Kings chapter 17, 1-10
1. Who was the king in this story who had a wicked wife named Jezebel? 2. Elijah went to tell King Ahab what? 3. The Lord told Elijah to go hide where? 4. God said, "Drink from the brook." What else did he tell Elijah at that time? 5. How often did the ravens fly in to feed Elijah? 6. What did the birds bring Elijah to eat? 7. After a while, what happened to the brook? 8. After the brook dried up, God spoke to Elijah again and said what? 9. How long did Elijah have to look for the woman when he arrived at the city? 10. Who was the One who was really looking out for, and caring for Elijah?

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah Questions and Answers 1 Kings chapter 17, 1-10
1. Who was the king in this story who had a wicked wife named Jezebel? Answer: Ahab was the king in this story. 2. Elijah went to tell King Ahab what? Answer: Elijah went to tell Ahab that it wasn't going to rain again until Elijah said. 3. The Lord told Elijah to go hide where? Answer: The Lord told Elijah to go hide by Brook Cherith. 4. God said, "Drink from the brook." What else did he tell Elijah at that time? Answer: God said, "I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." 5. How often did the ravens fly in to feed Elijah? Answer: The ravens flew in every morning and every evening. 6. What did the birds bring Elijah to eat? Answer: The birds brought bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. 7. After a while, what happened to the brook? Answer: After a while, the brook dried up. 8. After the brook dried up, God spoke to Elijah again and said what? Answer: When the brook dried up, God spoke to Elijah and said, "Go to the city of Zarephath." There God spoke to a widow woman to care for Elijah. 9. How long did Elijah have to look for the woman when he arrived at the city? Answer: Elijah found the woman as soon as he got to the city. 10. Who was the One who was really looking out for, and caring for Elijah? Answer: The One who was really watching out for Elijah, was God.

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Color or paint this picture and the wheel on page 2 of this activity. Cut out the dotted lined area on this page. Cut out the wheel on page 2. Place the wheel behind this picture and line up the large dots. Connect the wheel to this page with a paper fastener or brad. The story can be found in I Kings chapter 17.

Birds Bring Breakfast Activity Page 1


Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah

Birds Bring Breakfast Activity Page 2

Color and then cut out the wheel. Place the wheel behind page 1 of this activity and line up the large dots. Connect the wheel to page 1 with a paper fastener or brad.

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Match the Raven or Discussion Game

Matching Game - Cut out the small squares to the left and all the raven squares on two copies of this page. Tape one small picture behind each raven. Place the ravens face up on the floor or table. The children, one at a time, turn over two ravens. If the picture is not a match, they turn the picture back over and it's the other child's turn. If they pick up a match, they keep that pair and go again. The goal is to collect the most pairs. Discussion Game - Place all nine ravens with the small pictures taped behind them on the table in front of the children. One at a time, have the children pick up a raven, turn it over, and say something about the picture.

no rain



a brook

King Ahab

Queen Jezebel


evening meat

dry brook

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


To be played along with Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah story.

Feed Me Game Page 1

Two children will compete against each other. You will need this page and one more copy of this page. Place this page on the floor, one in front of each child. Elijah is hungry and waiting for his food. Cut out the squares on page 2 of this game. Lay all the squares across the room, face down, and spread apart. When you say go, both children race across the room to find two ravens. Once they find the ravens, they must also find one bread and one meat. Once they have two ravens, one bread, and one meat in their hand, they run back to the start and place them on the Elijah paper. The first one to do this wins.

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Feed Me Game Page 2

Cut out all the squares and follow the directions on page 1 of this game.

Queen Jezebel A Brook Meat


King Ahab A Brook

King Ahab




No Rain Meat

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Parent Take Home Sheet

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah

Today's Lesson

1 Kings chapter 17:1-10

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. 1 Kings 17:6 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 The wicked King Ahab was one of the most cruel and wicked kings there
ever was. His wife Jezebel was just as cruel and wicked as he was. They set up idols for people to worship and murdered good people.

3 Elijah obeys Elijah was God's prophet. God told Elijah to tell wicked Ahab
that He (God) was not going let it rain until He said. Then God told Elijah to hurry and get out of there. He said to go hide by a brook and ravens would feed him. Elijah obeyed.

3 God's protection God kept Elijah hidden from King Ahab. He told the birds
to feed him every morning and every evening.

3 Time to move Because there had been no rain, the brook that Elijah drank
Something to chat about:

from dried up. God told Elijah to go to a city where a lady would take care of him. Once again Elijah obeyed.

God knows how to protect us when we need it. Look how important it was for Elijah to continue to obey and listen to God. If he hadn't, Ahab would have killed him. God knows how to provide for us, even if He has to drop food from the sky. Our God can keep us safe in any dangerous situation.

Birds Bring Breakfast to Elijah


Boy Comes Back to Life Lesson Layout I Kings chapter 17 verses 17-24
Learning goal God spoke through the prophet Elijah. Elijah always obeyed God, even when it meant telling wicked King Ahab something that would make him mad. When the king wanted to kill Elijah, God protected and hid him and told birds to come feed him. Later, God told a woman to take care of him. When the womans son died, Elijah prayed for him. God heard and answered Elijahs prayer. The boy came back to life. God loved Elijah and listened to his prayer, but Elijah loved and always listened to God. We serve the same God of Elijah who hears and answers prayer today.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Boy Dies and Comes Back Activity Paper - Color the page. Cut the strip off to the right. Place Elijah holding the boy on top of the bed. Fasten the large dots together with a brad. The kids can move Elijah and create the scene in the story. Elijah can stand up, then lie down on top of the boy. 2. Boy Comes Back to Life Fun Page - This is a page of sentences grouped into threes. In each group of three, one sentence is true to the story. Children are to underline the correct sentence. 3. Boy Comes Back to Life Game - This is a race between two children. The object of this game is to be Elijah, and do what he did in the story. Both kids run to the picture of the mother (place the dead child on her). They pick up the dead child, run him to the other side of the room. (Place the bed and live child on the floor) They place the dead child on the bed, and then lay down on top of him, on the floor. They stand back up, and then do it again. (They do this three times) After this, they pick up the live child and run him back to his mother. The first one back wins. 4. Boy Comes Back Memory Verse Scramble Game This game can be played with one or more players. The children are handed the memory verse, in strips. They are to turn the strips face down, mix them up, and then see how long it takes them to put the verse together. Put an example of the memory verse in order in front of them, to match. This can also be a race between children.

1. Copies of the Boy Dies and Comes Back Activity Paper (one copy for each child) crayons, scissors, brads 2. Copies of the Boy Comes Back to Life Fun Page (one copy for each child) pencils 3. One copy of the Boy Comes Back to Life Game. Cut out all the pictures before class. Keep the instructions with them. 4. Copies of the memory verse strips (one set for each child). Cut out all the strips before class and paper clip them together to keep them separate.

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Comes Back to Life I Kings chapter 17 verses 17-24

The memory verse is I Kings chapter 17:22 (NKJV) Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived.

Elijah was a man who loved God. He was a prophet who God talked to, and he would tell others what God wanted them to hear. King Ahab was the very wicked king at this time. Elijah went to Ahab and said, "As the Lord lives, it's not going to rain again until I say." Elijah left Ahab, but Ahab didnt like what Elijah said and sent men searching for Elijah. God was quick to tell Elijah to go hide from Ahab. At first God hid him by a brook and told birds to fly in and bring him food. When the brook dried up, God told Elijah to go to a city, where a widow woman would care for him. The woman's husband had died, but she had a little boy. Elijah stayed in the upper room over her house. After staying there many days, the son of the woman got sick. He got so sick that he stopped breathing. He died. The woman was so upset, she cried out to Elijah, "Why did I have anything to do with you. Did you come here to show my sins, and to kill my son?" Elijah said to her, "Give me your son." So he took him out of her arms and carried him upstairs to his room. He laid the little boy on his bed, and then cried out to the Lord. He said, "O Lord my God, have you brought this terrible tragedy on this woman with whom I stay, by killing her son?" Then Elijah stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the Lord. He said, "O Lord my God, I pray, let this child's soul come back to him." Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came back into him, and he revived. The little boy came back to life. Elijah scooped the child up in his arms and carried him back down stairs. He handed the boy, now alive, to his mother. Elijah said, "Look, your son lives!" The woman said, "Now I know that you are a man of God. The word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth." God was quick to answer the prayer of his servant Elijah. Today we still serve a very true and real God who loves us, and His miracles are amazing.

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Comes Back to Life Questions Only I Kings chapter 17 verses 17-24
1. Who was searching for the prophet Elijah? 2. Elijah ran to hide from King Ahab. Who hid him? 3. Elijah hid by Brook Cherith until the water dried up, and then where did God send him? 4. Who else lived with the woman? 5. The woman's son died, and she was so upset, she blamed who? 6. When the boy died, Elijah took the boy out of his mother's arms and carried him where? 7. What did Elijah do after he laid the boy on his bed? 8. The Lord heard Elijah's prayer, and the boy came back to life. How did Elijah give the boy to his mother? 9. What did Elijah say to the mother when he handed the boy to her alive? 10. What did the mother say to Elijah when she saw her son alive?

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Comes Back to Life Questions and Answers I Kings chapter 17 verses 17-24
1. Who was searching for the prophet Elijah? Answer: King Ahab was searching for the prophet Elijah. 2. Elijah ran to hide from King Ahab. Who hid him? Answer: God hid Elijah and told him where to hide. 3. Elijah hid by Brook Cherith until the water dried up, and then where did God send him? Answer: When the water from the brook dried up, God told Elijah to go to a city, and a widow woman would take care of him. 4. Who else lived with the woman? Answer: The woman had a son who lived with her. 5. The woman's son died, and she was so upset, she blamed who? Answer: The woman was so upset, she blamed Elijah. 6. When the boy died, Elijah took the boy out of his mother's arms and carried him where? Answer: Elijah took the boy and carried him to his room and laid him on his bed. 7. What did Elijah do after he laid the boy on his bed? Answer: Elijah stretched out on top of the boy three times and prayed. 8. The Lord heard Elijah's prayer, and the boy came back to life. How did Elijah give the boy to his mother? Answer: Elijah picked the boy up and carried him downstairs, and handed him to his mother. 9. What did Elijah say to the mother when he handed the boy to her alive? Answer: Elijah said to the mother, "Look, your son lives!" 10. What did the mother say to Elijah when she saw her son alive? Answer: The mother said to Elijah, "Now, I know that you are a man of God, and the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth."

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Dies and Comes Back Activity Paper

Color or paint the picture. Cut off the strip to the right. Cut out Elijah holding the boy. Match the dot on Elijah's waist with the dot on the bed. Connect them together with a paper fastener or brad. Elijah stretched out on the boy three times, prayed, and then God brought the child back to life. The story is in I Kings chapter 17: 17-24.

The memory verse is I Kings 17:22 Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah: and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived.

Boy Comes Breakfast to Birds BringBack to Life Elijah


Boy Comes Back to Life Fun Page

The story is in I Kings Chapter 17

Below are groups of sentences in threes. Underline or circle the sentences or quotes that belong in the story.

Elijah listened to Rock Music. Elijah listened to God. Elijah listened to wolves howl.

The dog was lost. The daughter liked to play. The son was very sick.

The king was an evil man. The farmer was working in the field. The shepherd counted 200 sheep.

The woman lived there with her sister. The woman lived there with an aunt. The woman lived there with her son.

Elijah cried because he didn't like his food. Elijah cried out to the Lord. Elijah cried and stomped his feet in a tantrum.

The neighbors heard Elijah cry. Dogs ran away when Elijah cried. The Lord heard the voice of Elijah.

Elijah stretched out on the boy three times. Elijah stretched out on the couch. Elijah stretched before his morning run.

The boy's dog came back to him. The boy's soul came back to him. The boy's ball came back to him.

Elijah carried the boy to the doctor. Elijah carried the boy to the horse. Elijah carried the boy and laid him on his bed.

Elijah said, "look before you cross the street." Elijah said, "Look, your son lives!" Elijah said, "Look, I see a bear!"

The woman said, "I know karate." The woman said,"I know French." The woman said, "I know you are a man of God."

Elijah handed the boy, alive, to his mother. Elijah handed the mother a bill for the boy. Elijah handed the mother ice cream.

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Comes Back to Life Fun Page ANSWER PAGE

The story is in I Kings Chapter 17

Below are groups of sentences in threes. Underline or circle the sentences or quotes that belong in the story.

Elijah listened to Rock Music. Elijah listened to God. Elijah listened to wolves howl.

The dog was lost. The daughter liked to play. The son was very sick.

The king was an evil man. The farmer was working in the field. The shepherd counted 200 sheep.

The woman lived there with her sister. The woman lived there with an aunt. The woman lived there with her son.

Elijah cried because he didn't like his food. Elijah cried out to the Lord. Elijah cried and stomped his feet in a tantrum.

The neighbors heard Elijah cry. Dogs ran away when Elijah cried. The Lord heard the voice of Elijah.

Elijah stretched out on the boy three times. Elijah stretched out on the couch. Elijah stretched before his morning run.

The boy's dog came back to him. The boy's soul came back to him. The boy's ball came back to him.

Elijah carried the boy to the doctor. Elijah carried the boy to the horse. Elijah carried the boy and laid him on his bed.

Elijah said, "look before you cross the street." Elijah said, "Look, your son lives!" Elijah said, "Look, I see a bear!"

The woman said, "I know karate." The woman said,"I know French." The woman said, "I know you are a man of God."

Elijah handed the boy, alive, to his mother. Elijah handed the mother a bill for the boy. Elijah handed the mother ice cream.

Boy Comes Back to Life


Boy Comes Back to Life Game

Two children will compete against each other. Place one woman and one dead child (eyes closed) on the floor, face up, in front of each child starting. On the other side of the room opposite each child, place a bed and the alive child. When you say go, each child picks up the dead child off the mother (just like Elijah did) and runs the child to the other side of the room to place him on the bed. When the boy is on the bed, the child competing, must lie down on the floor on top of the paper boy, and then stand up. They must do this three times. (like Elijah did) After this, they pick up the alive child and run him back and place him on the mother. The first one to do this, wins.

! !


Boy Comes Back to Life

! !

Boy Comes Back Memory Verse Scramble Game

This game can be played with one or more players. Each player will need a copy of this page. Cut out the lined sections of the memory verse below, along the lines. Mix them up and put them face down on the floor or table. When you say go, all kids competing try to hurry and put the memory verse together. The first one finished wins. You may want to put an example memory verse in the center of the room, or table, for the kids to copy.

Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah,

and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived.
Boy Comes Back to Life

1 Kings 17:22


Parent Take Home Sheet

Boy Comes Back to Life, 1 Kings chapter 17

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived. 1 Kings 17:22 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Walking with God Elijah was God's prophet. God hid Elijah from wicked
King Ahab who wanted to kill him. He had birds feed him. Later, God told him to go to a city where a lady would take care of him. Every step he took, he walked with God, and God protected him.

3 The tragedy The widow woman that Elijah was staying with, had a little

boy. He got sick and died. The devastated mom cried out to Elijah. He took him out of his mom's arms and carried him to the upper room where he stayed, and laid him on his bed.

miracle Elijah stretched himself out the three times, and cried 3 Theto the Lord. He said, "O Lord my God,on pray,childthis child's soul come out I let back to him." The Lord heard Elijah's prayer and the boy came back to life. Elijah carried the boy down stairs and handed him to a very sad mom. He was able to give her back the joy of her life.

Something to chat about:

Wherever Elijah was, he loved and listened to God. But God also loved and listened to Elijah. When he prayed for this little boy, the Lord heard him and answered his prayer. The same miracle God of Elijah hears and answers prayer today.

Boy Comes Back to Life


Peter Shares His Boat Lesson Layout Luke Chapter 5: 1-11

Learning goal We serve a God of miracles. This is another story where Jesus enjoyed doing a miracle for the ones He loved. At one point, Peter was afraid when he realized that he was in the presence of Almighty God. Jesus told Peter, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men." The Lords desire was, and still is, to capture the hearts and souls of men. He came to seek and to save the lost.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. A Whole Lotta Fish - In this color page, there is a hidden message in the fish. If the children darken the fish that have fins, they can read what it says. The hidden message in the fish is J e s u s. 2. The Catch Activity Pages 1 and 2 - Children color both pages. Cut an opening on page 1 where marked. Cut out the wheel on page 2. Slide the wheel into the opened slot on page 1. Connect both together with a brad at the x marks. When the kids turn the wheel they can see the fish jump out of the water and into the boat. 3. Fish Chatter - This is a table activity to get the kids talking about the story. Write the words given on the page, to the back of the fish. Children, one at a time, turn a fish over and read the word. If they want to, they say something about that word. They dont have to necessarily relate it to the story. For example, if the word is fish, they can say anything about a fish or fishing. 4. Let's Go Fishing! Game - Two children will compete in a fishing contest using broom handles, or paint handle poles. Tape a piece of yarn to the end of each pole. Tape a magnet to the end of the yarn. Cut out 40 or more fish (pattern provided) from construction paper. Double the fish and tape a paper clip or nail in the center of each fish. Time the kids for three minutes. The one with the most fish wins. 5. Drag the Net Race - This is a race between two children. The object of the game is to drag your net, (large beach towel) full of fish, (wadded up pieces of white sheet paper) to the other end of the room and back first. The child back at the start with all his or her fish wins.

1. Copies of the A Whole Lotta Fish page (one for each child) crayons, or markers. 2. Copies of The Catch Activity Pages 1 and 2 (one set for each child) crayons, scissors, brads. 3. One copy of the Fish Chatter page. (cut out all the fish and write in pencil the words on the back of the fish before class) 4. One copy of the Lets Go Fishing Game. 2 broom handles, adhesive tape (for pole and magnet on yarn), regular tape (for the fish), 8 to 10 pieces of construction paper, paper clips or small nails, a blanket (pretend lake) to put the fish on. 5. Two large beach towels, 30 to 40 wadded up pieces of sheet paper, two chairs

Peter Shares His Boat

Peter Shares His Boat Luke chapter 5, 1-11

The memory verse is Luke 5:10 b (NKJV) . . . And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men."

Jesus had just started His ministry and was beginning to do miracles. People started to follow Him. It was about time for Jesus to choose His helpers. One day, He went walking down by the Lake of Gennesaret. There were two boats at the shore. The fishermen had come in from fishing all night and were washing their nets. It had not been a good night for fishing because they hadn't caught a thing. Simon Peter was one of the fishermen and was by his boat. James and John were the other fishermen with the other boat. They were all partners and would fish together. As Jesus spoke to the people along the shore, the crowd began to grow. Soon Jesus stepped into Peter's boat. They pushed the boat out a little way, and Jesus continued to preach to the people while sitting in the boat. When Jesus was done, He sent the crowd away. He said to Peter, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." Peter said, "Master, we have worked all night and have caught nothing, however, at your word, I will let down the net." When they let down the net, there were so many fish in the net that it was beginning to break. They motioned to James and John to bring out their boat and help them. When James and John reached them, they loaded both boats with fish. Both boats were so filled with heavy fish that they began to sink. Peter realized what a miracle this was. He knew only God could make something like this happen. Peter fell down at Jesus' knees and said, "Leave me because I am a sinful man, O Lord!" Peter was afraid. He was right there in the presence of God Almighty knowing he could not hide his faults or sins. Peter knelt before Jesus, but Jesus was quick to comfort Peter. He said to him, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men." When both boats came in to shore, the men left their boats, fish and everything, and followed Jesus.

Peter Shares His Boat


Peter Shares His Boat Questions Luke chapter 5, 1-11

1. When Jesus was down by the lake talking to the people, what were Peter and his partners doing? 2. Who were Peter's partners that fished with him. 3. Why did Jesus get in Peter's boat? 4. What did Jesus do when He got into Peter's boat? Did he hurry and sail away from the crowd? 5. When Jesus finally sent the crowd away, what did He say to Peter? 6. What was Peter's response to Jesus? 7. When they realized there were so many fish that their boat could not hold them, what did they do to get help? 8. Because of this miracle, what was happening to both boats? 9. What did Peter do when he realized who Jesus was? 10. Jesus comforted Peter and said what?

Peter Shares His Boat


Peter Shares His Boat Questions and Answers Luke chapter 5, 1-11
1. When Jesus was down by the lake talking to the people, what were Peter and his partners doing? Answer: Peter and his partners were at the shore washing their nets. 2. Who were Peter's partners that fished with him? Answer: James and John were partners with Peter. 3. Why did Jesus get in Peter's boat? Answer: The crowd that Jesus was talking to grew larger and larger so Jesus stepped into Peters boat. 4. What did Jesus do when He got into Peter's boat? Did he hurry and sail away from the crowd? Answer: No. Jesus sat in the boat and spoke to the people from there. 5. When Jesus finally sent the crowd away, what did He say to Peter? Answer: Jesus told Peter, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 6. What was Peter's response to Jesus? Answer: Peter said, "We've fished all night and have caught nothing, however at your word, I will let down the net." 7. When they realized there were so many fish that their boat could not hold them, what did they do to get help? Answer: They motioned to James and John to bring their boat and help. 8. Because of this miracle, what was happening to both boats? Answer: Both boats began to sink. 9. What did Peter do when he realized who Jesus was? Answer: When Peter realized Jesus was God, he fell at his knees. 10. Jesus comforted Peter and said what? Answer: Jesus comforted Peter and said, "Don't be afraid, from now on you will catch men."

Peter Shares His Boat


A Whole Lotta Fish

This picture says something. Color or darken the fish that have fins. You will see what we all should share with other.

Peter Shares His Boat


A Whole Lotta Fish ANSWER PAGE

This picture says something. Color or darken the fish that have fins. You will see what we all should share with other.

Peter Shares His Boat


The Catch Activity Page 1

Color the picture. Cut along the large wave line that is parked on this page. Cut out the circle on page 2 of this activity. Slide the circle into the wave pocket and match the "X" marks. Use a brad or paper fastener to attach both X marks. Once attached, the child can turn the wheel to see fish jumping.


Peter Shares His Boat


The Catch Activity Page 2

Color and then cut out the wheel. Cut open the large dotted wave line that's marked on page 1 of this activity. Slide the circle into the wave pocket and match the "X" marks. Attach the "X" marks together with a brad or paper fastener.

Peter Shares His Boat 131

Fish Chatter
Cut out the fish below. See the list of words below. The words or names have something to do with the story, Peter Shares His Boat. After you cut out the fish, write a word on the back of each fish. Place the fish with the words face down, spread out, on the table or floor, in front of the children. One at a time, have the children pick up a fish, turn it over and read the word or name. Ask the child if they can remember something in the story about that word. When they are finished speaking, the next child picks up and turns over a fish, reads the word or name and does the same. You may want to make your fish out of bright colored construction paper.





Peter Shares His Boat



Fish Chatter Answers for Words

Below are the words listed on the Fish Chatter page with fish. along with the word, are just a few thoughts about that word or name in regards to the story.

FISHERMEN: Some men make their living by catching and selling fish. Peter, James and John were all fishermen. They were all partners and, as fishermen, they would fish together. JESUS: Jesus was just starting His ministry at this time. People followed Jesus everywhere. Jesus was about to choose His helpers. Jesus talked to the crowd. Jesus sat in Peter's boat.

A CROWD: Crowds of people followed Jesus. There were so many people in the crowd, Jesus got into Peter's boat. Jesus preached to the crowd. Jesus loved and healed people all the time, that's why crowds would follow Him. PETER: Peter was a fisherman, It was Peter's boat that Jesus got into, to get away from the crowd. Jesus told Peter, "Launch out into the deep for a catch." Peter said "Master, we have caught nothing. However, I will let down the net." Peter fell down at Jesus feet. Peter was afraid. Jesus comforted Peter and said,"Do not be afraid. From now on, you will catch men." Sink means to go to the bottom of whatever you're in. Both boats began to sink. Both boats were sinking because of all the fish.


FISH: When the fishermen fished all night, they did not catch one fish. When these fishermen caught fish, they would catch them in nets. When they let the net down like Jesus said, there were so many fish that the net was breaking. Both boats were filled with fish. MIRACLE: A miracle is something amazing and usually impossible. Jesus did the miracle here of fish, where there were no fish.

AFRAID: Peter in the story became afraid. Peter was afraid when he realized he was actually in the presence of God. Jesus said, "Do not be afraid." TWO BOATS: There were two boats that were sinking. They needed two boats to try and carry the fish. NETS: The fishermen in this story used nets to catch fish. At the beginning of the story, the fishermen were washing their nets. When the miracle happened, the nets were filled with fish and breaking.

Peter Shares His Boat


Let's Go Fishing! Game

This game will need some preparation ahead of time. You will need two broom handles or poles to use as fishing poles. Use yarn for the line. Tape a piece of yarn to the end of each pole. The yarn should be about 4 to 5 feet long. At the other end of the yarn, tape a magnet. Use adhesive tape. Get about 10 sheets of construction paper and cut out 40 or more fish. (See fish size below) Tape small nails or paper clips in the center of half of the fish. Nails actually work better. Cover over the nail with another fish and tape them together. The nail will be sandwiched in between two fish. Throw a large blanket or sheet down on the floor to be used as the lake. Give two children the poles and begin counting slowly to 30. The child who catches the most fish wins.

Peter Shares His Boat


Drag the Net Race

Two children will compete against each other. You will need two large towels or beach towels to represent nets. You will also need about 30-40 pieces of white sheet paper. Wad all the sheet paper into balls. Divide the paper balls and place half on each towel. The paper balls are to represent the fish in the net. Move the paper balls to the back edge of the towel, so the children will have to be careful to keep them on the towel. Place two chairs opposite the room. Each child will have to circle around his or her chair dragging the net. When you say go, both children will drag their net, or towel, across the room. They must not lose any of their fish off the net, or they immediately lose. The first one back to the beginning, with all his or her fish on the net, wins.

Peter Shares His Boat


Parent Take Home Sheet

Peter Shares His Boat, Luke 5:1-11

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

. . . And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men" Luke 5:10 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 The circumstances Jesus had just started His ministry and was about to
choose His disciples. He had walked down by the sea where Simon Peter, a fisherman, had just come in from a long night of not catching fish. As Jesus began to talk to the people, the crowd grew. Soon Jesus stepped into Peter's boat and asked Peter to push the boat out a little way from land so He could talk to the people easier. Peter to the He told Peter to, 3 Catchingout into After Jesus finished talkingsaying,crowd,there, done that" "Launch the deep for a catch." The "Been applied to Peter at this point. He tried to explain that he and his partners worked all night trying to catch fish, with nothing to show for it. Peter said, "However, at Your Word, I will let down the net." Then the miracle of fish happened.

3 The miracle When Peter let down the net, it got and heavier, and heavier
Something to chat about:

with the weight of fish. The net was beginning to break. Peter quickly signaled his partners, James and John, at shore to bring their boat. When they reached Peter, they loaded both boats so high with fish that they began to sink. That's God!

The men wanted to catch fish, but Jesus wanted to catch a great disciple that would help Him in His ministry. Peter fell at Jesus feet when He realized that he was in the presence of Almighty God. Peter would never be the same. Jesus told Peter, "Don't be afraid. From now on you will catch men." Peter's new promotion was now to help the Lord reach and impact others in ways that would capture their hearts for God. Fishermen!
Peter Shares His Boat 136

Daniel in the Lions' Den Lesson Layout Daniel Chapter 6

Learning goal Daniel was described by others as one who had an excellent spirit in him. He loved and served God with his whole heart and thats where his excellent spirit came from. God. Can others around us see an excellent spirit in us? If our faith is put to the test, would we be like Daniel? Not even the threat of death would stop Daniel from bowing before the God he loved.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. Daniel in the Lions' Den Activity Pages 1 and 2 - Kids create their own lions' den. Color both pages. Cut out the opening on The Den page. Place the den over page 1. 2. Daniel Word Search - Kids are to circle in the group of letters on the page, all the words in the sentence, "My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths." 3. Daniel in the Lions' Den Game pages 1, 2, and 3 - This is a race between two children. The object of this game is to follow your path across the room and back while collecting lions, and kneeling 3 times to pray saying, "Thank you God." Back at the start, they must put all lions in the den. Any lions that have teeth showing must be placed on the angel because the angel shut the lions' mouths. The first child finished wins.

1. Copies of Daniel in the Lions' Den Activity Pages 1 and 2. (one set for each child) crayons, scissors, glue or tape. 2. Copies of the Daniel Word Search page. (one for each child) pencils 3. One copy of the Daniel in the Lions' Den Game pages 1, 2, and 3. (cut out all lions before class and keep the instructions with them)

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Daniel Chapter 6

The memory verse is Daniel 6:22 A (NKJV) "My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me."

There once was a king named Darius. The king really liked a man in his kingdom named Daniel and could see that there was an excellent spirit in him. In fact, the king was thinking about putting Daniel in charge of the entire kingdom. The king had other important leaders and governors that worked for him also. These men didn't like it when they found out the king was going to make Daniel more important than them. They wanted to get rid of Daniel. They got together and decided that they needed to find something wrong with Daniel, and then maybe they could turn the king against him. They were jealous and evil. They followed and studied Daniel, but they couldn't find him doing anything wrong. Daniel was good and loved God. Three times a day, he would kneel down, pray, and thank his God. The men said, "Nothing Daniel does is wrong. Maybe we can think of something against the law of His God." So, all these leaders and governors in the land came up with a sneaky plan. They went to King Darius and said, "We have all gotten together and would like to make a royal decree or law. For thirty days, don't let anyone pray or ask anything from any God or man, except you, O king. If someone does pray or ask another God anything, let them be thrown into a den of lions. Now, sign the writing so no one can change it." King Darius didnt know they were just trying to trick Daniel, so he signed what they wrote. When a king signed something into law, no one could change it, not even the king. Daniel heard the news. He turned and went to his home. In his upper room, the windows were open facing Jerusalem, and Daniel knelt down to pray to his God. This day, Daniel knelt down three times and prayed, just like usual. The men were watching Daniel and hurried to tell the king. They said to the king, "Didnt you sign an order, that if anyone prays to any god or man for thirty days, except you, they must be thrown into a den of lions? The king said, "Yes, it's true." They said, "Well, Daniel does not respect you, O king, or the law you signed. He prays three times a day." When King Darius heard this, he was very upset. He liked Daniel and never wanted anything like this to happen. He was angry at himself and tried to think of how he could save Daniel. He thought and thought, but he could not figure out how to help him. Finally, the men said, "You know, O king, if a king signs something, it's law and cannot be changed." The king had no choice but to have Daniel thrown into the lions' den. First, the king said to Daniel, Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."

continued on next page

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Daniel Chapter 6

The memory verse is Daniel 6:22 A (NKJV) My God sent His angel and shut the lions mouths, so that they have not hurt me.

They threw Daniel into the lions' den and brought a stone and laid it on the mouth, or the opening of the den. The king went to his palace and spent the night. He didn't eat or sleep. Very early in the morning, the king hurried to the den. When he got to the den, he yelled, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?" Then Daniel said, "O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so they have not hurt me. God found me innocent before Him. Also, O king, I have not done anything wrong to you." King Darius was so glad for Daniel. The king signed a new law. The new law said, "I make a decree, or law, that men must respect the God of Daniel. He is the living God. He delivers and rescues. He delivered Daniel from the power of the lions." So Daniel did well and prospered under King Darius, and God blessed him.

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Questions Only Daniel Chapter 6

1. What was the king's name in this story? 2. The king liked Daniel so much that he thought about doing what? 3. What did the other leaders think about the king promoting Daniel? 4. When the leaders followed Daniel because they wanted to catch him doing something wrong, what wrong things did they see him do? 5. The men had King Darius sign a writing or law. What did the law say? 6. When the men came to King Darius and said that Daniel was not doing what the new law said, how did the king feel? 7. Before they threw Daniel into the den of lions, the king said something to Daniel about his God. What? 8. While Daniel was in the den with the lions, the king went to his palace. How much sleep did he get? 9. Why didn't the lions eat Daniel? 10. When they brought Daniel up and out of the den, how many bite marks and scratches did he have?

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Questions and Answers Daniel Chapter 6

1. What was the king's name in this story? Answer: The name of the king in this story is King Darius. 2. The king liked Daniel so much that he thought about doing what? Answer: The king thought about putting Daniel in charge of the entire kingdom. 3. What did the other leaders think about the king promoting Daniel? Answer: The other leaders were jealous and did not want the king promoting Daniel. 4. When the leaders followed Daniel because they wanted to catch him doing something wrong, what wrong things did they see him do? Answer: Daniel did not do anything wrong. 5. The men had King Darius sign a writing or law. What did the law say? Answer: The law the men had the king sign, said that no one was to pray or ask anything of any god or man, except King Darius, for 30 days. If someone did pray to another god, they would be thrown into a den of lions. 6. When the men came to King Darius and said that Daniel was not doing what the new law said, how did the king feel? Answer: King Darius was very upset when he heard that Daniel had been caught not obeying the new law. He wanted to rescue him, but couldn't. 7. Before they threw Daniel into the den of lions, the king said something to Daniel about his God. What? Answer: King Darius said to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you." 8. While Daniel was in the den with the lions, the king went to his palace. How much sleep did he get? Answer: The king could not sleep when Daniel was in the lions' den. 9. Why didn't the lions eat Daniel? Answer: God sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths. 10. When they brought Daniel up and out of the den, how many bite marks and scratches did he have? Answer: None. Daniel was not injured or harmed at all.
Daniel in the Lions Den 141

Daniel in the Lions' Den Activity Page 1

Color or paint this picture and the den which is on Daniel in the Lions Den Activity Page 2. Cut out the opening of the den and place the den over this page. Tape the sides together.

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions Den Activity Page 2

Color or paint the den. Cut out the opening of the den. Cut along the wide black line. Place this den over Daniel in the Lions Den Activity Page 1. Tape the outside edges together.

Daniel in the Lions Den

Daniel Word Search

Find and circle all of the words that are in the following sentence.









Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel Word Search ANSWER PAGE

Find and circle all of the words that are in the following sentence.









Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Game page 1

You will need to cut out the lions on this page and the next page, which is Daniel in the Lions' Den Game page 2. You will also need two copies of Daniel in the Lions' Den page 3, which is the angel and the den. Two children will compete against each other. Both children will be racing across the room collecting the lions that are in their path. They will also be kneeling three different times, like Daniel did, and saying, "Thank you God!" Place two chairs at the end of the room for the children to run around. Put two pieces of adhesive tape on the floor half way to the chairs. Each child will have his or her path to run on. Put an angel and a den on the floor in front of each child before you start. When you say go, both kids begin picking up lions. When they reach the tape on the floor, they must kneel, with at least one knee on the floor, and pray saying, "Thank you God!" They continue collecting the lions in their path. When they get to the chair, they stop to kneel and pray again. They circle around the chair and come back to the adhesive tape where they kneel for the third time and pray again. Once they are back, they must hurry and put the lions in the den. Any lions that have their mouth open and teeth showing, they must set over on the angel because the angel was the one who shut the lions mouths. The first one finished wins

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Game page 2

Cut out the lines below and follow the instructions on page 1.

! !

Daniel in the Lions Den


Daniel in the Lions' Den Game Page 3

Each child competing will need a copy of this page. Cut the page in two along the dotted line and follow the instructions on page 1.

Daniel in the Lions Den


Parent Take Home Sheet

Daniel in the Lions' Den , Daniel Chapter 6

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

"My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me." Daniel 6:22 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Favor Daniel was an amazing man of God. He had an excellent spirit in

him. The king favored Daniel and liked him so much that he was thinking of putting him in charge of the entire kingdom.

3 Jealousy Other leaders and governors of the land did not like King Darius
favoring Daniel. They came up with an evil plan to get rid of him. plan They couldn't find anything wrong so 3 The evil to docome up with something against his with Danieltoldthey king decided God. They the that they wanted honor him in a special way for one month. Everyone was commanded to praise and honor the king, and not any other God or man. If they disobeyed, they would be thrown into a den of lions. No would keep Daniel kneeling and worshiping 3 Integrity Whensigned lawhe already knew the fromhad been signed and what his God. he knelt, law the consequences were.

3 God saves The evil men were thrilled to catch Daniel praying, and have him
thrown into the lions' den. What they didn't count on, was a real God who saves. He sent His angel to shut the lions' mouths.

Something to chat about:

Daniel would have rather died than stop worshiping his God. He was known for his excellent spirit. Can others see an excellent spirit in us? Can God? Daniel had a deep, deep love for God that was worth dying for. And God knew it.
Daniel in the Lions Den 149

Pool of Bethesda Lesson Layout John chapter 5: 1-16

Learning goal God's Word is full of strange and different stories. This one is about a healing pool and a paralyzed man. The man had no hope of ever getting into the pool to be healed when the angel stirred the water. Jesus brought hope to the hopeless. He created a miracle and healed someone who could not possibly be healed. Wherever Jesus is, He brings hope, encouragement, and new life.

Supply List
Below numbers correspond with the numbered activities.

Activity List
1. First One in Wins! (two pages) - Color both pages. Cut out the pool with no one in it. Place it over the pool with people. Tape the top edge down to create a flap. Kids can retell the story about the angel stirring the water. 2. Pool of Bethesda Activity Page Kids are to color, then connect the letters in the name b e t h e s d a . The connected letters spell stir. The angel stirred the water. 3. You Choose the Story Page - Kids read this short story, and choose the correct words that best complete the sentences. 4. Take up Your Bed and Walk Game - A team of two children will compete against a team of two children. One child on each team lies on a blanket while the other child pulls them to the other end of the room, around a chair and back. Once back, they must take up their bed and walk. They must carry their blanket to the end of the room and back. 5. Pool of Bethesda Game - Two children will compete against each other. The object of this game is to be the first child (paralyzed) to drag themselves, using only their arms, to the other end of the room, and touch the pool. (blue paper) Place a 8 x 10 piece of blue construction paper (representing the pool) at the opposite end of the room, along with a child (angel) holding a wooden spoon. When the angel stirs (taps) the water (blue paper) with the wooden spoon, the game begins.

1. Copies of the First One in Wins pages. (one copy of both pages for each child) crayons, scissors, tape 2. Copies of the Pool of Bethesda Activity Page (one copy for each child) crayons, or markers, pencils 3. Copies of the You Choose the Story Page (one copy for each child) pencils or pens 4. One copy of the Take up Your Bed and Walk Game instructions. Two blankets, two chairs 5. One copy of the Pool of Bethesda Game. One 8 x 10 sheet of blue construction paper. One wooden spoon. Blankets (if the floors do not have carpet)

Daniel in the Lions Den

Pool of Bethesda John chapter 5: 1-16

The memory verse is John 5:8 (NKJV) "Rise, take up your bed and walk."

Once there was a very special pool in Jerusalem. It was called the pool of Bethesda. There were five decks or porches stepping down to this pool. Many sick people lay on these decks. All of them would wait for the water in the pool to start moving around on its own. Every once in a while, an angel would come down into the pool and stir up the water. When this happened, whoever stepped into the water first, would be healed from whatever illness or sickness they had. There was a certain man who would, day after day, lay there at the pool. He had been paralyzed for thirty eight years. One day, Jesus came walking through and saw this man and asked him, "Do you want to be made well? The sick man said, "Sir, I dont have anyone to help me into the water. When the water starts moving, I try to get into the water, but while I am coming, someone else always steps in first." Jesus said, "Rise, take up your bed and walk." Immediately the man was healed. He picked up his bed and walked. That day was the Sabbath or the holy day. The Jews kept Gods laws. To keep the Sabbath holy, meant that no one was allowed to work or carry anything on the Sabbath day. The Jews who always obeyed the law said to the man that was healed, "It is the Sabbath. It is not lawful or allowed for you to carry your bed." The man answered, "But the one who healed me said to take up your bed and walk." They asked him, "Who was it that told you to take up your bed and walk?" At this time, Jesus had gone with the crowd. The man did not remember or know who it was who healed him. Later, Jesus found the man in the temple and said to him, "Look, you have been healed. Now don't sin anymore or else something worse might come upon you." When the man left, he went and told the Jews that it was Jesus that healed him. The Jews then wanted to kill Jesus because He had done these things on the Sabbath. For the Jews, it was way more important to keep God's laws than it was to know God or have love for others. They did not care about a man who had been paralyzed for thirty eight years. They cared more about the law than people or God.

Daniel in the Lions Den


Pool of Bethesda Questions Only John chapter 5: 1-16

1. What was the name of the special pool in Jerusalem? 2. Why were most of the people laying there by the pool? 3. Every once in a while, something would happen to the water in the pool. What was it? 4. After the angel stirred the water, what happened? 5. How long had the man in our story been paralyzed? 6. What happened every time the paralyzed man tried to get into the water? 7. Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be made well. What did Jesus tell the man to do next? 8. Why were the Jews angry about this man carrying his bed? 9. When the Jews asked the man who it was that told him to carry his bed, why didn't he tell them? 10. Later when Jesus found the man in the temple, what did he say to him?

Daniel in the Lions Den


Pool of Bethesda Questions and Answers John chapter 5: 1-16

1. What was the name of the special pool in Jerusalem? Answer: The name of the pool was Bethesda. 2. Why were most of the people laying there by the pool? Answer: Most of the people laying by the pool were sick and wanted to be healed. 3. Every once in a while, something would happen to the water in the pool. What was it? Answer: An angel would come and stir the water. 4. After the angel stirred the water, what happened? Answer: After the angel stirred the water, the first one to step into the water was healed of whatever disease he had. 5. How long had the man in this story been paralyzed? Answer: The man in the story had been paralyzed for 38 years. 6. What happened every time the paralyzed man tried to get into the water? Answer: Every time the paralyzed man tried to get into the water, someone else would step into the water before him. 7. Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be made well. What did Jesus tell the man to do next? Answer: Jesus said, "Take up your bed and walk." 8. Why were the Jews angry about this man carrying his bed? Answer: The Jews were angry because the man was carrying his bed on the Sabbath. 9. When the Jews asked the man who it was that told him to carry his bed, why didn't he tell them? Answer: The man couldn't tell the Jews who healed him because he couldn't remember, and by that time Jesus had already left. 10. Later when Jesus found the man in the temple, what did he say to him? Answer: When Jesus found the man in the temple, he said, "You have been healed. Now don't sin anymore or else something worse might come upon you."

Daniel in the Lions Den


First One in Wins! Pool of Bethesda Activity Page 1

Color the picture below. Color then cut out the pool on the following sheet. Tape only the top edge of the pool to the top edge of the pool on this page. It will create a flap. Children can lift the pool flap and tell the story about the angel stirring the water.

Place the other pool over this pool and tape only the top of the pools together.

Pool of Bethesda


First One in Wins! Pool of Bethesda Activity Page 2

Color then cut out the pool. Tape the top edge only to the pool page that has people in it, to create a flap.

Pool of Bethesda


Pool of Bethesda Game

Two children will compete against each other. Use a 8 x 10 piece of blue construction paper to represent the pool. Place it at the opposite end of the room along with a child that will be the angel. Give the angel child a wooden spoon. When the angel taps the water paper, the game will begin. Have the two children that will be racing lie on the floor. They must drag themselves, using only their arms, across the room to the Pool of Bethesda paper. First one to touch the water and then stand, wins. If the room does not have carpet, have the children lay on a blanket and use their arms to pull themselves across the room.

Pool of Bethesda


Pool of Bethesda Take up Your Bed and Walk Game

A team of two children will be racing against another team of two children. You will need two blankets. One child will be lying on the blanket, and the other child will be pulling them. When you say go, both teams must drag their paralyzed friend to the opposite end of the room, around a chair, and back. Once back, the paralyzed child must take up their bed and walk. They must carry their bed (blanket) across the room and back. The first one back wins for their team.

Pool of Bethesda


Pool of Bethesda Activity Page

Color the picture below. There is a hidden word in the group of letters on the left side. connect the letters in the name, B E T H E S D A. For example, find the b's and draw a line connecting the b's. (b b b) Then connect the e's and so on.

o c f g h o b b t y t g g x o b v t e e e t f g f

d a

d g

h s

Pool of Bethesda


Pool of Bethesda Activity Page ANSWER PAGE

Color the picture below. There is a hidden word in the group of letters on the left side. connect the letters in the name, B E T H E S D A. For example, find the b's and draw a line connecting the b's. (b b b) Then connect the e's and so on.

o c f g h o b b t y t g g x o b v t e e e t f g f

d a

d g

h s

Pool of Bethesda


You Choose the Story

for the Pool of Bethesda, John 5: 1-16

Read the story below. When you come to place in the sentence where there are three choices that would complete the sentence, underline the words that you know to be true in the Pool of Bethesda story.

branches pool Once there was a very special tree in Jerusalem. There were five rocks where decks cow dirt an angel many sick people lay. Every once in a while, a bird would stir the water. The leaves a lizard be healed crawl first one to crow into the water first, would turn orange. There was a turned into a fish step igloo walrus paralyzed man that was never able to get into the cave. Jesus asked the man, water bear to be made well?" couldn't swim. "Do you want a cookie?" The man explained that he never ate sugar. to swim?" couldn't get into the water. your bed and walk." Jesus said, "Rise, take up knitting and sewing." The man was healed skiing and hang gliding." chicken for lunch. immediately. He picked up his bed and walked. Jesus healed the man on his dirty clothes. the Sabbath day pool Tuesday. Later, Jesus found the man in the temple and said, "Look, you Ground Hogs Day kitchen ever diet and exercise." have been healed. Now don't swim for at least 30 minutes." sin anymore."
Pool of Bethesda 160

You Choose the Story

for the Pool of Bethesda, John 5: 1-16

Read the story below. When you come to place in the sentence where there are three choices that would complete the sentence, underline the words that you know to be true in the Pool of Bethesda story.

pool branches Once there was a very special tree in Jerusalem. There were five rocks where decks cow dirt an angel many sick people lay. Every once in a while, a bird would stir the water. The leaves a lizard be healed crawl first one to crow into the water first, would turn orange. There was a turned into a fish step igloo walrus paralyzed man that was never able to get into the cave. Jesus asked the man, bear water to be made well?" couldn't swim. "Do you want a cookie?" The man explained that he never ate sugar. to swim?" couldn't get into the water. your bed and walk." Jesus said, "Rise, take up knitting and sewing." The man was healed skiing and hang gliding." chicken for lunch. immediately. He picked up his bed and walked. Jesus healed the man on his dirty clothes. pool the Sabbath day Tuesday. Later, Jesus found the man in the temple and said, "Look, you Ground Hogs Day kitchen ever diet and exercise." have been healed. Now don't swim for at least 30 minutes." sin anymore."
Pool of Bethesda 161

Parent Take Home Sheet

Pool of Bethesda, John 5:1-16

Today's Lesson

Memory Verse:

Cut out and hang at home to help you remember today's lesson.

Jesus said to him, Rise, take up your bed and walk." John 5:8 (NKJV)

Key Talking Points:

3 Strange happening There once was a very special pool in Jerusalem. Every
once in a while, an angel would come down into the pool and stir the water. Whoever stepped in first when this happened was healed of whatever illness or sickness they had.

3 No hope A paralyzed man lay at this pool and had no way of getting into

the pool. Every time the water was stirred, someone else would hurry and jump into the water. He had no one to help him into the water. He had been in that condition for 38 years.

3 The man with no hope meets Jesus Jesus walked up to this man and asked
him if he wanted to be made well. The man explained his situation. Jesus said," Rise, take up your bed and walk." The man was immediately healed.

3 Criticism This man was healed on the Sabbath. The Jews kept God's laws.
Something to chat about:

One of them is to keep the Sabbath holy. They told this man that he was not allowed to carry his bed on the Sabbath. He told them that the man who healed him, also told him to take up his bed and walk.

We serve a God who loves, and brings hope to the hopeless. Jesus can bring hope, encouragement, and new life into any situation. The Jews did not care about this man and the fact that he was just healed. They did not have love in their hearts. When love is missing, it's easy to be critical and judge others. We need to carefully guard against that, because; He who does not love does not know God. - 1 John 4:8
Pool of Bethesda 162

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