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Ravenholdt - US

Terms of Service
Mission Statement - Nephilim is a raiding guild based on the principles of friendship, loyalty, trust, and commitment. Our current focus is endgame content, specifically raiding and supporting all members of Nephilim in whatever tasks they are trying to achieve. Nephilim offers serious players the same professional attitude that most of us follow in our real-life careers: punctual, prepared, methodical, efficient. Nephilims success depends on each player meeting guild expectations for attitude, communication, and collaboration; a chain is only as strong as the weakest link.


Respect - show respect to your fellow guild members. Flaming, deliberately causing offense, and generally being an asshat in Guild chat or Party/Raid chat isnt acceptable. Light-hearted jesting is one thing, but anything more could be penalized. Simply put, avoid griefing fellow guildies. Represent - while you have <Nephilim> guild tag floating above your head, you are a representative of our guild in all things we do, whether its when youre idling in a city, leveling a character, joining a PuG group, or anything else. Dont act in a manner that will get justifiable complaints. Bad practices such as ninjaing herbs/veins, mobs, etc is looked down upon, and ninjaing loot causes a lot of problems. In short, youre in the games public eye as one of our members, so behave. Equanimity - maintaining the aplomb has for a while been an important element of the guild, and to that effect, there are rules regarding disputes and arguments, be they on Mumble or in Guild Chat. For Guild Chat (aka /g): please keep arguments from /g. Small-scale arguments are fine, obviously, so long as they do not get out of hand. Friendly banter, discussion, debate, and so on have been and always will be not only acceptable but encouraged. But any major arguments should be kept in whispers. If a big or unpleasant argument breaks out, and isnt resolved quickly, you shall be demoted to the Timeout rank until such a time as the officers see fit to do otherwise. The Timeout rank has had its /g talk privileges removed, although theyll be able to still read /g. For Mumble: if its a normal situation, people can be asked to behave as per the usual rules and take it to whispers if possible. In the case of a raid scenario, however, you may have your voice rights stripped either temporarily or for the rest of the raid. Voiced arguments that the rest of the raid can hear are counterproductive and often have a negative effect on morale.

Required / Recommended Add-ons & Software

AIR - Awesome Interrupt Rotations (Required) (Melee Only) In short, AIR is an Interrupt rotation manager and announcer for raid encounters. Those involved in this monotonous yet tricky task of preventing the raid boss from wiping out our raid with a big boom spell are required to use AIR. AIR manages the interrupt rotations in raid encounters in a simple way, automatizing chat and whisper warnings and showing you relevant information such as if it your target is casting and is or isnt your turn to interrupt. Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs Bossmods (Required) These are both reliable sets of boss mods; which you use is up to you, but we do require one of them. These add-ons consist of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini addons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter. EPGPLootmaster (Required) EPGPLootmaster is how Nephilim announces Loot and is required by all members. It sends a pop-up and a message to all raid members with the question whether they want the loot or not and sends this response to the master looter. GTFO (Required) GTFO provides an audible alert when youre standing in something youre not supposed to be standing in. This mod improves your situational awareness and is required for raiders of all skill levels as even the most seasoned veteran sometimes needs a reminder to GTFO. Mumble (Required) You are required to listen in on Mumble during raids. Our server address is and port number 4968. Password is located in Guild Tab under the Info Panel. Power Auras Classic (Optional) PAC provides visual cues (auras) when you gain buffs and debuffs. This add-on is very useful for shorts buffs or debuffs, it allows you to draw in the center of the screen, or around your character, with customizable visual effects, rather than having to look at or mouseover buff/debuff icons/actionbars. Omen Threat Meter (Required) Omen is currently the best threat-meter in the game, we require all members of the raid to have it active. Blizzard added an in-game threat system, but it has no proper interface of its own yet. Omen is still needed to be able to see threat properly, and is now 100% accurate; no excuses! RSA - Raelis Spell Announcer (Optional) RSA is an add-on that aims to help players with the announcement of certain spells, aswell as reminding you of important missing buffs.

Attendance isnt something that we expect gets tossed under the rug when you dont feel like raiding. Everyone has those days and missing a few raids is excusable in the big picture. However, when we have a rash of people who cite anything from burnout to apocalypse as their reasons to not show up to raids, the 20+ people who lose out on a raid day get understandably upset. As any of the raiding ranks (Initiate, Member, and Raider), we expect you to have at least 75% attendance over a 30 day span. If your attendance drops below that in any given 30 day time period, we will start looking into your 60 and 90 day attendance stats to see how you stand. If youre always skirting that 75% (or lower) mark, youll be demoted. No arguments. If youre an initiate and dont meet our attendance standards, you will be removed from the guild. (If youre an initiate that has joined with the understanding that youll participate less than that, you will be exempt. These cases are extremely rare.)

Loot Council
Loot Council is designed to maximize loot distribution fairly and equally. The officers do not take loot-council responsibilities lightly and as such is one of the most difficult and, arguably, stressful parts of being an officer. The generic example is do you give the Tier drop to a Healer or Caster DPS. The questions that come up are, in no particular order: Are both consistently raiding? How are they with raid mechanics? What do each currently have equipped in that slot? How much of an upgrade is this for both players? How often do each of these players receive loot? Does this give either a 2p/4p bonus? How will this improve the players HPS/DPS? Based on current content is it more important to improve HPS or DPS on a raid-wide scale? Loot is an investment by the guild into each individual who receives an item. It is also a reward for good performance. The officers understand this and try their best to be both fair and just in their decisions. They also weigh the benefits of giving items to player A over players B-G. This includes performance and accountability but also who would receive the most benefit from the item, as well as which individual receiving the item would benefit the raid the most. These last two are not always in sync with each other.

Message from the GM

To me, the greatest and most challenging part of this game is the end game raid. Nothing is more thrilling than downing the hardest content this game has to offer. Doing that requires strong leadership to organize and lead the raid and guild. The hardest and most rewarding part of being GM is organizing those raids, managing a strong roster of players, and setting challenging goals that push us to be among the elite guilds on server. I treat those in the guild fairly, but expect them to continue to push themselves to be the top players in their class. To that end, the goals of this guild are in reach: to defeat and master the toughest content this game has to offer and remain established as a premier guild on this server, and I hope youll help us to achieve these goals for a long time to come. On behalf of the officers and I, welcome aboard.

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