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Convertir Nmeros a Palabras

Clases en VB.NET para convertir nmeros a palabras en Ingles y espaol

Este artculo suministra la clase para traducir nmeros a palabras en Ingles y espaol respectivamente. Aunque este tema ha sido tratado ampliamente por los programadores, presento una alternativa con las clases CNumbersToWords y CNumerosEnPalabras. Al final doy la pauta para usar como WebService.

La Clase CNumbersToWords
La clase CNumbersToWords esta basada en el articulo Q95640 del MSDN escrito para VB clsico. He modificado y optimizado el cdigo para adaptarlo a VB.NET, como tambien he incluido el parametros moneda. La clase contine la funcin NumbersToWords la cual hace la tarea. El cdigo de la clase es el siguente: '//================================================================== '// CLASS : CNumbersToWords '// AUTHOR : Article MSDN Q95640 '// MODIFY : Harvey Triana ( '// DESCRIPTION : Converts a number into string names '//================================================================== Public Class CNumbersToWords Private Const DOT As String = "," Function NumbersToWords( _ ByVal Number As String, _ ByVal Money As String) As String Dim Dim Dim Dim s As String Temp As String IntPart As String Cents As String

Dim DecimalPlace, Count Dim Place(9) Place(2) = " Place(3) = " Place(4) = " Place(5) = " As String Thousand " Million " Billion " Trillion "

'//Convert s to a string, trimming extra spaces. s = Format(Val(Number), "0.00") DecimalPlace = InStr(s, DOT) '//If we find decimal place... If DecimalPlace > 0 Then '//Convert cents Temp = Left(Mid(s, DecimalPlace + 1) & "00", 2) Cents = ConvertTens(Temp) '//Strip off cents from remainder to convert. s = Trim(Left(s, DecimalPlace - 1)) End If Count = 1 Do Until s = "" '//Convert last 3 digits of s to English IntPart. Temp = ConvertHundreds(Right(s, 3)) If Len(Temp) Then IntPart = Temp & Place(Count) & IntPart If Len(s) > 3 Then '//Remove last 3 converted digits from s.

s = Left(s, Len(s) - 3) Else s = "" End If Count = Count + 1 Loop '//Clean up IntPart. '//Clean up IntPart. Select Case IntPart Case "" IntPart = "No " & Money Case "One" IntPart = "One " & Singular(Money) Case Else IntPart = IntPart & " " & Money End Select IntPart = IntPart & " " '//Clean up cents. Select Case Cents Case "" Cents = "And No Cents" Case "One" Cents = "And One Cent" Case Else Cents = "And " & Cents & " Cents" End Select Return (Trim(IntPart & Cents)) End Function Private Function ConvertHundreds(ByVal MyNumber As String) As String Dim rtn As String '//Exit if there is nothing to convert. If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function '//Append leading zeros to number. MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3) '//Do we have a hundreds place digit to convert? If Not Left(MyNumber, 1) = "0" Then rtn = ConvertDigit(Left(MyNumber, 1)) & " Hundred " End If '//Do we have a tens place digit to convert? If Not Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) = "0" Then rtn = rtn & ConvertTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2)) Else '//If not, then convert the ones place digit. rtn = rtn & ConvertDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3)) End If ConvertHundreds = Trim(rtn) End Function Private Function ConvertTens(ByVal MyTens As String) As String Dim rtn As String '//Is value between 10 and 19? If Val(Left(MyTens, 1)) = 1 Then Select Case Val(MyTens) Case 10 : rtn = "Ten" Case 11 : rtn = "Eleven" Case 12 : rtn = "Twelve" Case 13 : rtn = "Thirteen" Case 14 : rtn = "Fourteen"

Case 15 : Case 16 : Case 17 : Case 18 : Case 19 : Case Else End Select Else

rtn rtn rtn rtn rtn

= = = = =

"Fifteen" "Sixteen" "Seventeen" "Eighteen" "Nineteen"

'//.. otherwise it's between 20 and 99. Select Case Val(Left(MyTens, 1)) Case 2 : rtn = "Twenty " Case 3 : rtn = "Thirty " Case 4 : rtn = "Forty " Case 5 : rtn = "Fifty " Case 6 : rtn = "Sixty " Case 7 : rtn = "Seventy " Case 8 : rtn = "Eighty " Case 9 : rtn = "Ninety " Case Else End Select '//Convert ones place digit. rtn = rtn & ConvertDigit(Right(MyTens, 1)) End If ConvertTens = rtn End Function Private Function ConvertDigit(ByVal MyDigit As String) As String Select Case Val(MyDigit) Case 1 : ConvertDigit = "One" Case 2 : ConvertDigit = "Two" Case 3 : ConvertDigit = "Three" Case 4 : ConvertDigit = "Four" Case 5 : ConvertDigit = "Five" Case 6 : ConvertDigit = "Six" Case 7 : ConvertDigit = "Seven" Case 8 : ConvertDigit = "Eight" Case 9 : ConvertDigit = "Nine" Case Else : ConvertDigit = "" End Select End Function Private Function Singular(ByVal s As String) As String If Len(s) >= 2 Then If Right(s, 1) = "s" Then If Right(s, 2) = "es" Then Singular = Left(s, Len(s) - 2) Else Singular = Left(s, Len(s) - 1) End If Else Singular = s End If End If End Function End Class '//==============================================================

La Clase CNumerosEnPalabras
La clase CNumerosEnPalabras fue escrita por mi para VB clsico hace varios aos. Esta clase fue traducida y optimizada para VB.NET. La clase contine la funcin NumerosEnPalabras la cual hace la tarea. El cdigo de la clase es el siguente: '//==================================================================

'// CLASS : CNumerosEnPalabras '// AUTHOR : Harvey Triana ( '// DESCRIPTION : Convierte un numero a palabras '//================================================================== Public Class CNumerosEnPalabras Private Const DOT As String = "," Public Function NumerosEnPalabras( _ ByVal Number As String, _ ByVal Moneda As String) As String Dim Dim Dim Dim s As String DecimalPlace As Integer IntPart As String Cents As String

s = Format(Val(Number), "0.00") DecimalPlace = InStr(s, DOT) If DecimalPlace Then IntPart = Left(s, DecimalPlace - 1) Cents = Left(Mid(s, DecimalPlace + 1, 2), 2) Else IntPart = s Cents = "" End If If IntPart = "0" Or IntPart = "" Then s = "Cero " ElseIf Len(IntPart) > 7 Then s = IntNumToSpanish(Val(Left(IntPart, Len(IntPart) - 6))) + _ "Millones " + IntNumToSpanish(Val(Right(IntPart, 6))) Else s = IntNumToSpanish(Val(IntPart)) End If If Right(s, 9) = "Millones " Or Right(s, 7) = "Milln " Then s = s + "de " End If Select Case s Case "Un ", "Una " s = s & Singular(Moneda) Case Else s = s & Moneda End Select s = s & " " If Val(Cents) Then Cents = "con " + IntNumToSpanish(Val(Cents)) + "Centavos" Else Cents = "con Cero Centavos" End If Return (Trim(s + Cents)) End Function Public Function IntNumToSpanish(ByVal numero As Integer) As String Dim ptr As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim s As String Dim rtn As String Dim tem As String s = CStr(numero) n = Len(s) tem = "" i = n Do Until i = 0

tem = EvalPart(Val(Mid(s, n - i + 1, 1) + CloneChain(i - 1, "0"))) If Not tem = "Cero" Then rtn = rtn + tem + " " End If i = i - 1 Loop '//Filters '//filterThousands ReplaceAll(rtn, " Mil Mil", " Un Mil") Do ptr = InStr(rtn, "Mil ") If ptr Then If InStr(ptr + 1, rtn, "Mil ") Then ReplaceStringFrom(rtn, "Mil ", "", ptr) Else : Exit Do End If Else : Exit Do End If Loop '//filterHundreds ptr = 0 Do ptr = InStr(ptr + 1, rtn, "Cien ") If ptr Then tem = Left(Mid(rtn, ptr + 5), 1) If tem = "M" Or tem = "" Then Else ReplaceStringFrom(rtn, "Cien", "Ciento", ptr) End If End If Loop Until ptr = 0 '//filterMisc ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, ReplaceAll(rtn, "Diez Un", "Once") "Diez Dos", "Doce") "Diez Tres", "Trece") "Diez Cuatro", "Catorce") "Diez Cinco", "Quince") "Diez Seis", "Dieciseis") "Diez Siete", "Diecisiete") "Diez Ocho", "Dieciocho") "Diez Nueve", "Diecinueve") "Veinte Un", "Veintiun") "Veinte Dos", "Veintidos") "Veinte Tres", "Veintitres") "Veinte Cuatro", "Veinticuatro") "Veinte Cinco", "Veinticinco") "Veinte Seis", "Veintises") "Veinte Siete", "Veintisiete") "Veinte Ocho", "Veintiocho") "Veinte Nueve", "Veintinueve")

'//filterOne If Left(rtn, 1) = "M" Then rtn = "Un " + rtn End If '//Un Mil... If Left(rtn, 6) = "Un Mil" Then rtn = Mid(rtn, 4) End If '//addAnd For i = 65 To 88 If Not i = 77 Then ReplaceAll(rtn, "a " + Chr(i), "* y " + Chr(i)) End If Next ReplaceAll(rtn, "*", "a")

IntNumToSpanish = rtn End Function Private Dim Dim Dim Do Select Case x Case 0 : s = "Cero" Case 1 : s = "Un" Case 2 : s = "Dos" Case 3 : s = "Tres" Case 4 : s = "Cuatro" Case 5 : s = "Cinco" Case 6 : s = "Seis" Case 7 : s = "Siete" Case 8 : s = "Ocho" Case 9 : s = "Nueve" Case 10 : s = "Diez" Case 20 : s = "Veinte" Case 30 : s = "Treinta" Case 40 : s = "Cuarenta" Case 50 : s = "Cincuenta" Case 60 : s = "Sesenta" Case 70 : s = "Setenta" Case 80 : s = "Ochenta" Case 90 : s = "Noventa" Case 100 : s = "Cien" Case 200 : s = "Doscientos" Case 300 : s = "Trescientos" Case 400 : s = "Cuatrocientos" Case 500 : s = "Quinientos" Case 600 : s = "Seiscientos" Case 700 : s = "Setecientos" Case 800 : s = "Ochocientos" Case 900 : s = "Novecientos" Case 1000 : s = "Mil" Case 1000000 : s = "Milln" End Select If s = "" Then i = i + 1 x = x / 1000 If x = 0 Then i = 0 Else Exit Do End If Loop Until i = 0 rtn = s Select Case i Case 0 : s Case 1 : s Case 2 : s Case 3 : s End Select Function EvalPart(ByVal x As Integer) As String rtn As String s As String i As Integer

= = = =

"" " Mil" " Millones" " Billones"

EvalPart = rtn + s Exit Function End Function Private Sub ReplaceStringFrom( _ ByRef s As String, _ ByVal OldWrd As String, _ ByVal NewWrd As String, _ ByVal ptr As Integer) s = Left(s, ptr - 1) + NewWrd + Mid(s, Len(OldWrd) + ptr)

End Sub Private Function Singular(ByVal s As String) As String If Len(s) >= 2 Then If Right(s, 1) = "s" Then If Right(s, 2) = "es" Then Singular = Left(s, Len(s) - 2) Else Singular = Left(s, Len(s) - 1) End If Else Singular = s End If End If End Function Private Dim Dim Dim Function CloneChain(ByVal n As Integer, ByVal Chr As String) i As Integer CharClone As String rtn As String

If Len(Chr) Then CharClone = Mid(Chr, 1, 1) For i = 1 To n rtn = rtn + CharClone Next End If Return rtn End Function Private Sub ReplaceAll( _ ByRef s As String, _ ByVal OldWrd As String, _ ByVal NewWrd As String) Dim ptr As Integer Do ptr = InStr(s, OldWrd) If ptr Then s = Left(s, ptr - 1) + NewWrd + Mid(s, Len(OldWrd) + ptr) End If Loop Until ptr = 0 End Sub End Class //==============================================================

Usando Como WebServices

Como todo cdigo de .NET las clases pueden hacer parte de un WebService. Tan solo se requiere agregar las clases al projecto, delegar los metodos como metodos de Web, y publicar. El codigo de un WebService de ejemplo que trabaj es el siguiente: '//================================================================== '// WEBSERVICE : ...Service1 '// AUTHOR : Harvey Triana ( '// DESCRIPTION : Converts a number into string names '//================================================================== Imports System.Web.Services <WebService(Namespace := "")> _ Public Class Service1 Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService Dim ew As Numbers2Words.CNumbersToWords Dim es As Numbers2Words.CNumerosEnPalabras #Region " Web Services Designer Generated Code "

<WebMethod()> Function NumbersToWords(ByVal Number As String, ByVal Money As String) As String ew = New CNumbersToWords() Return (ew.NumbersToWords(Number, Money)) End Function <WebMethod()> Function NumerosEnPalabras(ByVal Numero As String, ByVal Moneda As String) As String es = New CNumerosEnPalabras() Return (es.NumerosEnPalabras(Numero, Moneda)) End Function End Class //============================================================== Observe que las clases no se modifican en absoluto, solo se usan en un objeto concreto. Los WebService pueden servir a cualquier aplicacin .NET, es decir tamto a aplicaciones locales como aplicaciones en Web (ASP.NET). Tan solo debe agregar la referencia al WebService desde Project=> Add Web Reference. Luego crear un objeto del WebService. Siguiendo con el ejemplo, yo cree una aplicacin de Windows, agregue un Boton (btnContertToWords), un Label (lblResponse), un TextBox (txtNumber). Mi servidor se llama Joda y el servicio web se llama Service1. El siguiente cdigo completa el ejemplo: '//================================================================== '// FORM : Form1 '// AUTHOR : Harvey Triana ( '// DESCRIPTION : Sample of Consuming a WebService '//================================================================== Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Private Sub btnContertToWords_Click( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnContertToWords.Click Dim ws As joda.Service1 ws = New joda.Service1() Me.lblResponse.Text = ws.NumbersToWords(Me.txtNumber.Text, "Dolars") End Sub End Class Despues de dar clic, se crea un objeto del WebService, y se ejecuta una de sus funciones. Vaya si funciona.

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