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Ordination Guide

So That G-2.0104 Shall Be a Blessing for our Church and World

Greetings in Christ from More Light Presbyterians! On July 10, 2011, a revision in the Form of Government that affects ordination takes effect across the PCUSA.

Together, G-2.0104 a and b (formerly G-6.0106 a and b) read as follows:

To those called to exercise special functions in the church deacons, elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament God gives suitable gifts for their various duties. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, natural and acquired, those who undertake particular ministries should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world. They must have the approval of Gods people and the concurring judgment of a governing body of the church. Standards for ordained service reflect the churchs desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidates calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidates ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.

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This revision provides a level platform of Gifts and Requirements that invite prayerful definition of serious words and application of these concepts to each candidate for office.This is the historic Presbyterian way of connecting national standards with particular people called to service in the church. The goal of this guide is to provide assistance to seminaries, individuals, committees and other church bodies or officers who are responsible for turning G-2.0104 a and b from words on a page into an expression of Gods loving will for leadership in the PCUSA. We share with you an overview of the impact of G-2.0104 on the life of the church, as well as particular guidance for individual areas.

Its hard to build a church as big as Gods love. It was hard for the disciples, and its hard for us. Passing 10-A is one simple way to help in our building such a church.
Rev. Steve Runholt, Presbytery of Western North Carolina

Ordination Guide

Procedural Impact of G-2.0104 on Church Life

G-2.0104 strengthens and broadens standards for ordained office. It gives clear guidance to sessions and presbyteries regarding their responsibility to discern the call of God to individuals, and to examine candidates for ordained service as to their gifts, preparation, and suitability for the office to which they are called. The examining body is encouraged to become familiar with the candidates faith and discipleship, their manner of life, and their commitment to fulfill all the requirements of the office to which they are called. Emphasis upon Scripture, the Book of Confessions and the constitutional questions creates a coherence that should make the work of call and preparation both clearer and more stringent for all. In the midst of the detail of discernment and examination, it is important that all of us remember this: Joyful submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life is the essential core of all standards for church office. When the Presbyterian Church emerged out of the Reformation, our ancestors insisted upon the principle of the people electing their officers. F-3.0106 states it clearly, The election of the persons to the exercise of this authority, in any particular society, is in that society. And F-3.0106 reflects that

Ordination Guide

foundation of PCUSA polity, The government of this church is representative, and the right of Gods people to elect their officers is inalienable. Therefore, no person can be placed in any permanent office in a congregation or governing body of the church except by election of that body. One of the reasons for this practice was the recognition of variations in faith and practice in different regions, always under the umbrella of Reformed Theology. In addition, freedom of conscience has been equally honored in our church (F-3.0101). Tension regarding elements of Christian faith and practice was assumed, and contention was to be met by mutual respect and forbearance within prayerful discernment and vote by the bodies electing their own officers. The outcomes for sessions and presbyteries will be a more lively exchange about faith and life, a richer relationship between candidates and committees, a heightened awareness of the Holy Spirit moving in the church, and a deeper gratitude for Gods provision for the unity of life in the Body of Christ.

Our history reveals that when exclusions and fears disappear, the fruits of the spirit are planted. By seeing each other as God sees us, as the Beloved, our eyes and hearts are opened to see these fruits reflected in one another.
Katie Turpen, Young Adult Volunteer, Presbytery of South Louisiana

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A Special Word to Sessions and Nominating Committees

As you seek to nominate elders and deacons for your congregation, G-2.0104 invites you to focus on the gifts given to members of your church for service as officers. Getting to know deeply the faith and discipleship, the manner of life and the commitment of potential elders and deacons to serve in these offices can strengthen the fabric of your Christian fellowship. Rooting your work in Scripture, the Book of Confessions and the constitutional questions can enliven your own faith so that you join the new elders and deacons in joyful submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as you lead the congregation in doing the same. Pastor Nominating Committees have the same opportunity to grow in faith as they perceive the gifts of pastoral candidates and apply the requirements for calling a new pastor. Exploration together of broad concepts like love of Jesus Christ, faith, discipleship, calling and gifts will lead to solid common ground upon which the loving relationship between pastor and people can be built, as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Ive known you, the Presbyterian Church, my whole life. You gave my family a roof over our heads when my parents were married at 18 and couldnt afford a home. You gave me the youth group that was a respite from my fathers alcoholism and abuse. You gave me the summer camp where I met my wife, the love of my life. You sent me to seminary where I cultivated a passion for ministry. You blessed me with ordination. You are the Church Ive known my whole life. Ive loved you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with these words on my lips for my generation and my daughters generation, Look! See the church I knowwe are the church Jesus calls us to be!
Rev. Nate Philips, New Castle Presbytery

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A Special Word to Seminarians, Candidates and Inquirers

G-2.0104 charges presbyteries, through their Committee on Preparation for Ministry, to attend carefully to your gifts and abilities, your faith, discipleship and love of Jesus Christ, your manner of life as it demonstrates the Gospel to the church and the world, your calling, preparation and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The work of the supervising committee is to be guided by Scripture, the confessions and the constitutional questions upon ordination. In response to the standards for ordination, root yourself in Scripture, the confessions and the constitutional questions for ordination and use these to explain your manner of life in Christ, your call to and preparation for ministry, and your faith in the triune God. This bedrock of our traditionthe Bible, the confessions, and the constitutional questions for ordinationis solid ground according to G-2.0104. As the committee seeks to know you better, make an effort to get to know the committee you are working with. Get to know their gifts, faith, calling, and manner of life. Mutual knowledge and understanding are crucial in the successful application of the standards for ordination. Deep relationships with members of the committee offer a firm footing on the way to ordination.
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This revision provides a witness to the way the Gospel of Jesus works in our church. Now, people, every single one, can bring all their gifts. I will bring much I have gained from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community into my service to the church as I fulfill Gods call to ordained office.
Beth Van Sickle, Inquirer, Scioto Valley Presbytery, Seminarian, Louisville

A Special Word to Committees on Ministry and Preparation

G-2.0104 places a large responsibility upon you in assessing gifts and applying requirements for ordination of Ministers of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA.You are to attend carefully to inquirers and candidates gifts and abilities, faith, discipleship and love of Jesus Christ, manner of life as it demonstrates the Gospel to the church and the world, calling, preparation and suitability for the responsibilities of office. Along with guidance by Scripture and the confessions comes the need for personal knowledge of each inquirer and candidate. Of course, this is what you are already doing as you shepherd candidates toward ordination. What this moment offers to us is an opportunity to recall exactly what these standards mean to us, especially words like manner of life as it demonstrates the Gospel, and suitability. Prayerful discernment in the light of Scripture, the confessions and the constitutional questions, touched by the movement of the Holy Spirit, is essential to the examination of each candidate.

G-2.0104 invites us to focus our discernment on the whole person created, loved, and called by Godas governing bodies examine and consider each candidates calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. In this important work, G-2.0104 returns the church to THE biblical standard faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Scott Clark, Candidate for Teaching Elder, certified ready to receive a call

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A Special Word to Stated Clerks and Executive Presbyters

We trust that you know already from experience that the best way for you to give good advice, counsel and support is to know G-2.0104 by heart. Then you will be able to draw on the words of the Form of Government itself, when called upon to comment upon it, whether to sessions and nominating committees or to Committees on Preparation or Ministry. In the face of fear and confusion you will be able to say what is there to be built upon, even when asked about what is not there. G-2.0104 offers a way to guide these different, important church bodies to more deeply explore the life, faith and call of potential elders, deacons and ministers. That deeper look will enrich us all. As we look deeply at others we will also look more deeply at ourselves.
I know I am loved as a child of God, as are all gays and lesbians, as are all persons. My efforts to be in relationship with God are part of a desire to serve the church Ive grown to love. In my heart I am answering Gods call. To deny any gay or lesbian person the opportunity to serve as an elder and deacon is to deny our call to be in relationship with God through service in our faith community.
Elder Meghan Kaskoun, Presbytery of Cincinnati

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A Special Word to Seminaries

There is one important word to every seminary where Presbyterian students are preparing for a call to ordained ministry: Be as clear as possible when a Presbyterian student enters about the process to ordination and the prospects for receiving a call. The Holy Spirit will work with these facts to sustain the student in his or her education and perhaps to ordained office in the PCUSA. For polity professors and administrators handling placement, help your seminarians study the exact wording of G-2.0104. Help them become as familiar as possible with the theological contours of their own presbyteries, other potential presbyteries where they might come under care and the presbyteries where they might seek a call. Prepare them to be ready to ground their responses to questions from Committees on Preparation or Ministry and from Pastor Nominating Committees in Scripture, the confessions and the constitutional questions.

I sat on the GA committee that discerned, prayed about, and recommended the language which is now Amendment 10-A. As a committee, we saw the struggle of those who came to speak to us, and we recognized that each person who spokeregardless of their opinionsought to be faithful followers of Christ.
Abby Mohaupt, Candidate for Teaching Elder, Blackhawk Presbytery, Student at McCormick Seminary


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When we receive G-2.0104 a and b Gifts and Requirements as a gift from God to the PCUSA, may it bind us together in the mind of Christ. May we find our unity in Scripture and the confessions with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. May God bless you richly as you endeavor to serve Christ!

Ordination Guide


More Light Presbyterians 4737 County Road 101, Box 246 Minnetonka, MN 55345

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