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Sujith S Nair, UG Student, ECE Department, SAINTGITS College of Engg., Kottayam
Abstract: Five dimensional DVD is an optical storage device which can store 1.6 Terabytes of data, which is 300 times more than that a single ordinary DVD can hold. The name came from the factor that it utilizes 5 dimensions to store data. The five dimensions include 3 spatial dimensions, colour dimension and polarization dimension. The invention of 5-D DVD explores the possibilities of increasing data density beyond 1 Tbits/cm. The technology makes use of extremely tiny (nanometer-scale) gold particles called nanorods as the recording medium. The gold nanorods add a new dimension to the current 3 spatial dimensions employed in DVD writing. The nanorods when hit by a controlled light provides a multi wavelength or coloured laser effect, different from the single wavelength approach to read optical discs. Index Terms-nano roads, polarization, surface plasmon resonance, blue ray, holographic storage III. I. INTRODUCTION Scientists have unveiled new DVD technology that stores data in five dimensions, making it possible to pack more than 300 DVDs onto a single disc. A team of researchers at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, have used nanotechhnology to boost the storage potential nearly 10,000fold compared to standard DVDs Multiplexed optical recording provides an unparalleled approach to increasing the information density beyond 1012 bits per cm3 (1 Tbit cm-3) by storing multiple, individually addressable patterns within the same recording volume. Although wavelength, polarization and spatial dimensions have all been exploited for multiplexing, these approaches have never been integrated into a single technique that could ultimately increase the information capacity by orders of magnitude. The major hurdle is the lack of a suitable recording medium that is extremely selective in the domains of wavelength and polarization and in the three spatial domains, so as to provide orthogonality in all five dimensions. Here we show true five-dimensional optical recording by exploiting the unique properties of the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of gold nanorods. The longitudinal SPR exhibits an excellent wavelength and polarization sensitivity, whereas the distinct energy threshold required for the photo thermal recording mechanism provides the axial selectivity. The recordings were detected using longitudinal SPR-mediated two-photon luminescence, which we demonstrate to possess an enhanced wavelength and angular selectivity comp-ared to conventional linear detection mechanisms. Combined with the high cross-section of two-photon luminescence, this enabled non-destructive, cross-talk-free readout. This technique can be immediately applied to optical patterning, encryption and data storage, where higher data densities are pursued. II. CONVENTIONAL OPTICAL STORAGE SCHEMES

The conventional optical storage technologies are classified into three, depending on the number of dimensions that have been used for recording data. They are 2-Dimensional, 3-Dimensional and 4-dimensinal optical storage technologies. The 5-dimensional DVD, discussing here utilizes five dimensions to store data. In spite of the conventional three dimensions it made use of two additional dimensions TWO DIMENSIONAL OPTICAL STORAGE In this technology the data is written in pits on the surface of the disc. Examples are CD, DVD and blue ray disc. Smaller pits mean that for the same available area, more data can be stored. Moreover, the available data area for DVD disc is larger than the one of CD. This depends on how narrow is the laser beam used for recording as well as reading. That is how a DVD holds more than that of a CD and the storage capacity of a blue ray disc is very much higher than a DVD. III.

Fig.1 2D optical storage

cd dvd blue-ray Fig.2: comparison of beam size The main drawback of 2-D technology is the diffraction of light. This is nothing but there is a

fundamental limit to how small we can focus the light. This imposes the limit to how high we can pack up the data. The comparison of the beam size of and blue ray disc is shown below.CD, DVD and blue ray disc is shown below. IV. THREE DIMENSIONAL STORAGE

causing a photochemical change in the media the laser causes fluorescence. This is achieved e.g. by using a lower laser power or a different laser wavelength. The intensity or wavelength of the fluorescence is different depending on whether the media has been written at that point, and so by measuring the emitted light the data is read.

Three dimensional optical storage includes multilayered and holographic storage. In the case of multilayer optical storage the data is held in multiple layers. There will be two or more recording media packed in a single disc. Current optical data storage media, such as the CD and DVD store data as a series of reflective marks on an internal surface of a disc. In order to increase storage capacity, it is possible for discs to hold two or even more of these data layers, but their number is severely limited since the addressing laser interacts with every layer that it passes through on the way to and from the addressed layer. These interactions cause noise that limits the technology to approximately 10 layers.

Fig. 4: holographic storage



Fig.3: 3D storage (multilayered)

In the case of holographic storage the data storage is volumetric. That is the data is stored in the entire volume. This innovation has the potential to provide terabyte-level mass storage on DVD-sized disks. However, because of the volumetric nature of the data structure, the laser light must travel through other data points before it reaches the point where reading or recording is desired. Therefore, some kind of nonlinearity is required to ensure that these other data points do not interfere with the addressing of the desired point. In order to record information on the disc a laser is brought to a focus at a particular depth in the media that corresponds to a particular information layer. When the laser is turned on it causes a photochemical change in the media. As the disc spins and the read/write head moves along a radius, the layer is written just as a DVD-R is written. The depth of the focus may then be changed and another entirely different layer of information writ-ten. The distance between layers may be 5 to 100 micrometers, allowing >100 layers of information to be stored on a single disc. In order to read the data back (in this example), a similar procedure is used except this time instead of

Fig.5: Four dimensional optical storage

Along with the three dimensions mentioned above, the four dimensional storage makes use of an additional dimension, colour dimension. This techno-logy is not implemented commercially. Laser beams of different colours are used to encode data. Individual bits can have different colours of encoding schemes. VI. FIVE DIMENSIONAL DVD

The new optical disc format - known as 5D DVD is developed by researchers at Melbourne Australia's Swinburne University of Technology. Along with the data storage techniques used by traditional optical disc formats, 5D DVD uses gold nanorods to record information using different wavelengths on the same location on the disc. It also uses polarization to record layers of data on top of each other. VII. THE CONCEPT DIMENSION OF FIVE

The picture given below shows how the five dimensions are implemented.

Fig.6: Five dimensional optical storage

This scheme utilizes polarization of light along with the previously mentioned four dimensions. In the figure two states of polarization are shown, one horizontal and other vertical. So we can have six additional channels in one recording bit.Each layer contains extremely tiny gold particles called "nanorods". When a nanorod is hit by a laser of the right colour, it melts into a more spherical particle that can no longer be "seen" when the layer is read. The reading laser only interacts with a single layer at the laser focus due to the reading technique used. That means multiple nanorod layers can be stacked between layers of transparent spacers to create a threedimensional storage material, and the laser will not interfere with the layers that are not being read. But the data isn't just stored in three dimensional spaces. It is also stored using different colours and different polarizations of light the two other "dimensions." Polarization refers to the direction in which light waves are oscillating. The direction can be rotated within 360 degrees using a filter.

To record on the disc, the researchers focused a tunable laser onto 750-nanometer-wide spots on a gold nanorod layer. The tiny rods have a tendency to collapse into spheres when they absorb light and are heated to a certain threshold. But the rods are selective. Nanorods of a specific size absorb a specific wavelength and then only if they are aligned with the direction of the lights polarization. Under those conditions, the energy waves traveling along the rods surfacecalled surface plasmonsresonate with the lights frequency. So when the laser beam is focused on the bits, only some of the rods turn into spheres. There are many different sizes of rods in random orientation, Light impinging with a certain color and polarization will only target a subpopulation of gold nanorods, leaving the remaining rods for the next recording. IX. READING PROCESS

Reading the bits involves focusing light from the same laser on the bits but with much lower energy. The nanorods shine when they absorb the dim light, which must be of the same wavelength and polarization that could change their shape during recording.

Fig.8: photo thermal melting as recording mechanism

Fig.7: response of gold nanorods to coloured light


Nanorods of different sizes respond to different colours of light. Nanorods of different orientations respond to different polarizations of light. Nanorods hit with the wrong colour or polarizations are unresponsive and therefore "invisible." using three colours and two polarizations, you can get six data sets written in the same exact spot. The researchers tested their technology by writing 18 images on a single slide using three layers, three different colours and two different polarizations of light.


Fig. 9: five dimensional recording

The figure explains how the six channels are utilized for recording bits. There are three layers of the recording medium and for each layer there are six channels. In the figure green layer shown is the recording medium and each layer is separated by transparent spacer. In the first layer it is shown that tree different colours of laser can be used. Along with this, two polarization states are also used. So it gives us total six recording channels within a recording layer. We repeat this scheme for next layers and this gives us a data density of 1.1 Tbits/cm. Likewise if the number of layers and the states of polarization is increased the capacity can be improved to 10 TB/disc. XI. GOLD NANORODS

XII. SURFACE PLASMONS A surface plasmon is an electromagnetic surface wave which propagates in metals with negative real component of their permittivity. Surface waves can exist free of illuminating field i.e. plasmons are true surface waves. In some cases, SPs can travel distaces much longer than the skin depth of the metal (~ 100 mms) surface plasmons are highly localized at sharp corners and discontinuities, charge accuulation results in high field intensities.

Metallic nanorods of gold and silver exhibits same optical properties. The researchers preferred gold nanorod because of their stability. The 5-D DVD makes use of nanorods of widths ranging between 17 and 20 nm and lengths ranging from 40 to 100 nm. The unique optical property of gold nanorod is that it exhibit tunable absorption as a function of their aspect

Fiig.11: Surface Plasmon on metallic surfaces

Fig.10: Tunable absorption by gold nanorod

ratio. The morphology, volume and packing configuration of the nanorods contributes to their optical properties. An illustration of this phenomenon is provided in Figure 11, in which the calculated optical extinction efficiencies of gold rods of various aspect ratios but equal volumes is shown. The optical extinction of gold nanorods is also influenced by their orientation with respect to the light, or, more exactly, their orientation with respect to the electric field vector e of the light. When the rods are parallel to unpolarized incident radiation, the e of the light must necessarily be directed across the transverse directions of the rod. This will lead to only the weaker transverse plasmon resonance at ~520 nm being excited. However, the longitudinal and transverse resonances will both be excited in the case when the rods lie orthogonal to the incident light. The additional excitation of the longitudinal plasmon in this case causes a significant increase in optical exitnction.

These electronic ripples can have a well-defined wavelength (which quantum mechanics tells us is related to their momentum). What makes them have a frequency? That is, what makes the plasmon waves wave? When the electrons are displaced, the positive charge left behind exerts an attractive force on the electrons, trying to pull them back to their original positions. This interaction is what makes the plasmons oscillate once they're excited, and these Coulomb interactions are also why plasmons cost energy to excite. These Coulomb interactions with the positive background charge also force plasmons to obey certain boundary conditions at the edges of the host metal. As a result, nanoparticles can have discrete allowed plasmonic modes strongly influenced by particle shape, while larger structures (e.g., thin metal films) can have propagating plasmon modes over a broad range of wavelengths. Typical plasmon frequencies are comparable to the freq-uencies of visible light (i.e., ~ 1015 Hz). Plasmons decay (into incoherent electron-hole pair excitations), eventually dissipating their energy as the sloshing electrons scatter instead of oscillating smoothly, and as oscillating electric dipoles (and other multipoles) radiate. XIII. CONCLUSION

Instead of the current three dimensional optical storage technologies, five dimensional DVD exploits the colour and polarization of light as two additional dimensions along with the three spatial dimensions. These multiple variables mean that the same volume of space can hold multiple bits in multiple ways, the researchers explain. For instance, a space that responds to three different colors and two different polarizations can hold six bits. To read the bits, the

researchers scanned the surface of the disc with a laser of lower energy but the same wavelength and polarization used during writing, identifying which areas had been previously melted with that light and which hadn't. Since the volume of a typical DVD-sized disc was about 12 cm^3, the total data capacity would be 1.6 terabytes. Adding an extra dimension, say by using another polarization, could increase the storage capacity to 10 terabytes - about 140 times the capacity of a Blue-ray, which can store around 50 gigabytes.The researchers are currently working with Samsung on the technology, and hope that it could be comm.ercially available in the next 5 to 10 years. However, commercializing the technology will be challenging. For instance, it might be difficult to read the disk quickly because the information is packed so densely. Also, the large, expensive titanium-sapphire femtosecond laser used in the study is not practical, although the researchers say that a cheaper laser diode could also work. XIV. REFERENCE

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