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Prestressed Concrete : Ultimate bending strength of beams

Introduction Bending strength with bonded tendons Ultimate strength without non-tensioned steel Ultimate strength with non-tensioned steel Bending strength with unbonded tendons Bending strength at transfer

University of Western Australia

School of Civil and Resource Engineering 2004

Prestressing has great advantages at working load, where deflections and cracking are controlled - serviceability limit states. But we must also satisfy the safety limit state. This means: f Muo >= M* everywhere along the beam. So we need a method of estimating Muo. Ductility limits must be observed, just as for reinforced concrete : Lower: Muo >= 1.2 [ Z(f cf + P/A) + Pe ] Upper: ku <= 0.4
This is the cracking moment based on the full tensile strength of the section


In bonded tendon construction, the tendon is connected, either directly or indirectly, to the adjacent concrete. So the strain in the tendon is always equal to the strain in the adjacent concrete. For example:

in grouted, internal post-tensioned construction, and

in pre-tensioned construction.
Grouted duct, with 4 strand tendon

In these cases, the Bernoulli/Navier postulate is valid, and we use this in estimating the ultimate bending strength. [See later discussion for unbonded tendons, where Bernoulli/Navier does not apply. The ultimate bending strength is rather different.]

Concrete cast around stressed strands

Ultimate bending strength:

The importance of bond :

Prestressed beam, cracked in bending.

cracked range
M cr

T - dT T

Bonding allows the force to change along the tendon.


Applied Moment Mtot ultimate moment Muo

This is our focus today

cracking moment Mcr prestress and self-weight prestress only de-compression moment Mo balanced (equiv.load)

post-cracking curvature

ultimate curvature ku Section Curvature k

Moment / Curvature Diagram at a Section

Ultimate Bending Strength

Without non-tensioned steel:

gk u d p = x dn = k u d p 0.85 f c C

Note how similar this is to ultimate strength in reinforced concrete.

0.003 tendon dp




At ultimate moment, a rectangular stress block may be adopted, just as for reinforced concrete. The block is defined by an ultimate concrete strain of 0.003, and a uniform stress of 0.85 f c. So Muo = C z = Tp z More generally, and with the same result: Muo = Tp dp - C (dp - z)

BUT how do we estimate Tp? . . .

There are three methods available.

Each uses a different approach to estimating spu , the tensile stress in the tendon at which peak bending moment is achieved:

Method 1 . Very simple, usually conservative.

Use spu = f py and equate C to Tp = spu Ap


spu = f py
ep sp

Method 2 . Trial and error, following a known stress/strain curve.

Select spu so that C = Tp = spu Ap

Select spu
ep sp

Method 3. Empirical formula for spu . (See AS3600 cl. 8.1.5)

Use spu to calculate Tp, then use C = Tp.

Calculate spu

Lets check them out . . .

Method 1 . spu = f py
0.003 x = gdn dn =ku d 0.85 f c C dp - x/2 Tp epu Tp = Apt f py But C = 0.85 f c b x Then So x = Tp / (0.85 f c b)

Muo = Tp ( dp - x/2)

Also ku d = x / g to check that ku <= 0.4

Note that the t in Apt is to remind us that it is only tendons in the tension zone at ultimate that are included.

Method 2 .

Select spu ,epu to lie on stress/strain line.

dn x =g dn

0.85 f c C dp - x/2 Tp


ece epu


Point 2 Point 3 o.k.

1. Select dn, and calculate epu from

Point 1

epu = epe + ece + ept

2. Estimate spu = 0.85 f c b gdn / Ap 3. Plot on curve. 4. Adjust and repeat until spu epu lies on curve. Then adopt this value of spu


Then Tp = spu Ap Proceed as for Method 1.

Method 3 .

Estimate spu from empirical formula.

AS3600 provides (with several qualifications) : spu = fp (1 - k 1 k 2 /g) where k 1 = 0.4 generally, or if fpy/fp >= 0.9 then k1 = 0.28 and k 2 = [Apt fp + (Ast - Asc) fsy] / (bef dp f c)

So which one do we use?

How about the easiest one?

We often find that, even though we have carefully selected the prestress tendon for working load conditions, the ultimate strength of the section is inadequate.

Dont worry!

The first thing to consider is the addition of some non-tensioned reinforcement, say Grade 500N conventional rebar. When properly placed and anchored, the rebar provides additional force at high overload, and so increases the ultimate moment.

How do we estimate this? . . .

0.003 dp tendon rebar

gku d = x
d n = ku d

0.85 f c








Using the rectangular stress block as before: For a ductile section (that is when the tendon plus rebar areas are not too large), Tp is conservatively estimated as Apt fpy, and Ts as Ast fsy.

The compression force C equilibrates the tension forces provided by the tendon AND the rebar. So C = Apt fpy, + Ast fsy and therefore:

Muo = Tp dp + Ts ds - C x /2 How can we quickly size the rebar required for safety? . . .

Ultimate Bending Strength

With non-tensioned steel:

Selecting non-tensioned steel (approximate):

We wish to select Ast required to satisfy fMuo >= M* :
Apt f py + A st f sy dp ds

x/2 = 0.15 ds approx.

A p f py A st f sy

A st


This is an approximate method: Adopt the approximation x/2 = 0.15 ds. Then M uo = A pt f py (d p - 0.15 d s ) + A st f sy (d s - 0.15 d s ) = A pt f py (d p - 0.15 d s ) + A st f sy 0.85 d s But M uo >= M* / f.So

A st >= [ M*/ f- Apt fpy (dp - 0.15 ds) ] / [ f sy 0.85 ds ] Then check the ultimate strength of the section, and refine.


Unbonded tendons occur : in conventional internally post-tensioned elements prior to grouting, or when grouting is not intended. in externally post-tensioned elements - connection between tendon and concrete occurs at ends of elements, and at harping points, if any. Bernoulli / Navier postulate does not apply - tendon and concrete strain independently. Clearly, the tendon Consider this beam: stress can respond only to changes in the overall extension of the concrete. Straight, unbonded tendon, stressed and anchored at each end of beam

How can we estimate spu? . . .

Answer: Not with any confidence. But there is an empirical method available in AS3600:
For span/depth ratios <= 35: spu = sp.ef + 70 + f c bef dp / (100 Apt) <= sp.ef + 400 For span/depth ratios > 35: spu = sp.ef + 70 + f c bef dp / (300 Apt) <= sp.ef + 200 bef dp sp.ef is the effective stress in the tendon.

Of course, spu must not exceed fpy.

Tp is then determined, and Muo is calculated as previously.


One remaining matter . . .


At transfer, using working loads, we check that sb <= 0.5 fcp to ensure linear action in the concrete. AS3600 (cl. suggests that this also provides adequate protection against ultimate bending failure at transfer . . . . . . but some researchers question this. A rational approach is:
a is defined by D and dp: b dp D a = 2 (D - dp) So C = 0.85 f cp b a P = Pu a C The ultimate condition occurs when Pu = C So Pu = 1.7 fcp b (D - dp)

Then we must test that 0.6Pu >= 1.15 Pjm where Pjm is the maximum jacking force applied during stressing. (AS3600 cls. 3.3.1 and

Two Tips for Designers:

1. Selection of tendon/rebar for given M*:

Select approximate line of T, the resultant of Tp and Ts ,by choosing d. Then Muo = T (d - x/2) approx. where x = 0.3 d approx. But fMuo >= M*. So T = M* / (f 0.85 d) P is known from serviceability considerations. So select Ap and Ast to satisfy strength and serviceability. d Tp Ts T

2. Influence of long. rebar on serviceability :

It is conservative to ignore this rebar.

Otherwise, use transformed section method , thus:

introduce equivalent concrete area at depth of each rebar layer; calculate I, Ztop, Zbott, A, y; then proceed as before, using these new properties.

We must always check that a section has adequate ultimate strength: f Muo >= M* with f = 0.8. This often requires the introduction of non-tensioned steel. Lower and upper ductility of a section must always be checked, and the section, or stressing, or rebar adjusted if necessary. Three methods of estimating Muo are available for elements with bonded tendons. For elements with unbonded tendons, a different method of estimating Muo is required. Ensure that sections have adequate ultimate strength at transfer. Ensuring that sa <= 0.5 fcp is probably o.k., but if in doubt, check by the rational method.

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