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1. Culture and poetry in the Elizabethan court (1579-1603) 1.1 Sir Philip Sidney Astrophel and Stella Defence of poetry 1.2 Edmund Spenser The Shepheards Calender The Faerie Queene Amoretti/ Epithalamion 1.3 Samuel Daniel A defence of rhyme 1.4 Michael Drayton Ideas Mirrour Piers Gaveston Polylbion 2. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Henry VI Tituts Andronicus The comedy of errors The taming of the Shrew A midsummer nights dream Romeo and Juliet Richard II Richard III Henry IV Henry V Henry VIII (a final contribution to this historical tragedy, mostly written by John Fletcher). Much ado about nothing The merchant of Venice Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra

The winters tale The tempest Cymbeline Measure for measure Alls well that ends well Troilus and Cressida

Cristopher Marlowe: Tamburlaine the Great Cristopher Marlowe: The tragical history of doctor Faustus Cristopher Marlowe: The jew of Malta

3. The Metaphysical poets 3.1 John Donne Poems Songs and Sonets Break of day The flea The good morrow Holy Sonnets Hymns 3.2 George Herbert The temple The employment 3.3 Henry Vaughan Silex Scintillans I Silex Scintillans II The world The retreat 3.4 Andrew Marvell Miscellaneous Poems To his coy mistress Nymph complaining of the death of her fawn Mower 3.5 Richard Crashaw

Steps to the temple

4. The poetry of John Milton (1608-1674) Ode on the morning of Christs nativity Comus (a masque) Lycidas Paradise lost Paraise Regained Samson Agonistes The doctrine and discipline of divorce Aeropagitica Propopulo anglicano defensio

5. The development of drama, from Shakespeare to the Restoration 5.1 Ben Jonson The gypsies metamorphosd Every man in his humour Volpone Sejanus His fall Catilina 5.2 Cyril Tourneur The revengers tragedy The atheists tragedy 5.3 John Webster The white devil


1. The Augustan era (1680-1780) 2. Augustan poetry (1680-1770) 2.1 John Dryden The hind and the panther All for love or the world well lost Absalom and Achitophel

2.2 Alexander Pope The rape of the lock An essay on man Pastorals Eloise to Abelard The Dunciad An essay on criticism 2.3 Jonathan Swift Poems Gullivers travels 2.4 John Dyer The ruins of Rome The fleece 2.5 William Collins 2.6 James Thomson The seasons 2.7 John Armstrong 2.8 Samuel Johnson The Rambler The Idler The vanity of human wishes The lives of the English poets 2.9 Thomas Gray Elegy written in a country Churchyard 2.10 Oliver Goldsmith The desert village The traveller

3. Augustan prose (1710-1730) 3.1 Daniel Defoe Reasons against the succession of the house of Hanover Robinson Crusoe

The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders Colonel Jack Roxana The fortunate mistress 3.2 Jonathan Swift Gullivers travels 4. The evolution of the novel 4.1 Samuel Richardson Pamela or virtue rewarded Clarissa Harlowe The history of a young lady The history of Sir Charles Grandinson 4.2 Henry Fielding An apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews The history of Tom Jones, a Founding

5. Further developments in novel and drama (1750-1780) 5.1 Laurence Sterne The life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy 5.2 Tobias Smollet The adventures of Roderick Random The adventures of peregrine Pickle The expedition of Humphry Clinker 5.3 Oliver Goldsmith The vicar of Wakefield She stoops the conquer

5.4 Samuel Johnson Mr. Johnsons preface to this edition of Shakespeares plays 5.5 Horace Walpole The castle of Otranto

5.6 Richard Brinsley Sheridan The rivals The school for Scandal The critic


1. ROMANTICISM 1.2 WILLLIAM BLAKE - Auguries of Innocence - Songs of Innocence - Songs of Experience - Holy Thursday - The Chimney sweeper - My Pretty Rose Tree - The Lily - The Sick Rose 2. ROMANTIC REVOLUTIONARY THINKING 2.1 ROBERT BURNS - Holy Willies Prayer - That and A 2.2 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH - The Prelude - Preface to the Lyrical Ballads - Michael - Lines Written in Early Spring - The Green Linnet - Wandered Lonely as a Cloud - My heart Leaps Up - It is a Beauteous Evening - Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey - A defence of Poetry - When the Lamp is Shattered - To a Sky-Lark 2.3 LORD BRYON - Don Juan

The Vision of Judgement

2.4 PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY - A song: Men of England - England in 1819

3. ROMANTICISM AND ANTI-ROMANTICISM 3.1 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE - Lyrical Ballads (co-author with Wordsworth) - Biographia Literaria 3.2 JOHN KEATS - Camelion Poet - Kubla khan / A vision in a Dream - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Ode on a Grecian Urn - Ode to Psyche - Ode on Indolence - Ode on Melancholy - Ode to a Nightingale 3.3 JANE AUSTEN - Emma - Sense and Sensibility - Pride and Prejudice 3.4 WALTER SCOTT -Waverly - Maria Edgeworth

4. FROM ROMANTICISM TO THE VICTORIAN AGE 4.1 MARY SHELLEY - Frankenstein - The Modern Prometeus - Caleb Williams - Political Justice

4.2 THE BRONTS: EMILY, CHARLOTTE AND ANNE Wuthering Heights (Emily) Jane Eyre (Charlotte) Agnes Grey (Charlotte) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Charlotte) Poems by Currer (their) Ellis and Acton Bell (their)

4.2 CHARLES DICKENS - David Copperfield - The Old Curiosity Shop - Benjamin Disraeli - Charles Kingsley - Elizabeth Gaskell - Hard Times - Oliver Twist - Great Expectations

5. THE VICTORIAN NOVEL 5.1 GEORGE ELLIOT - The Mill on The Floss - Middlemarch - Felix Holt - The Radical - Silas Marner 5.2 THOMAS HARDY - Jude The Obscure - Tess of the DUrbevilles - The Return of the Native - The Mayor of Casterbridge

6. VICTORIAN POETRY AND ESSAY 6.1 ALFRED TENNYSON - The Charge of the light Brigade - Idylls of the King

6.2 ROBERT BROWING - The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church - Fra Lippo Lippi - Andrea del Sarlo 6.3 WALTER PATER - Studies in the History of the Renaissance 6.4 GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS - Spring 7. THE VICTORIAN ESSAY 7.1 JOHN STUART MILL - The Subjection of Women - On Liberty 7.2 CHARLES DARWIN - On the Origin of Species - The Descent of Man 7.3 MATTHEW ARNOLD - Function of Criticism at the Pres-ent Time - In Culture and Anarchy - Literature and Science


1. THE NINETIES 1.2 ARTHUR IGNATIUS CONAN DOYLE - Strand Magazine 1.3 ROBERT LOUIS BALFOUR STEVENSON - Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Treasure Island

1.4 ABRAHAM STOKER - Dracula

1.5 HENRY RIDER HAGGARD - King Solomons Mines - Allan Quatermain 1.6 RUDYARD KIPLING - Kim 1.7 JOSEPH CONRAD - Heart of Darkness 1.8 OSCAR WILDE - The Picture of Dorian Gray - The Ballad of Reading Gaol - Lady Windermeres Fan - A Woman of No Importance - An Ideal Husband - The importance of Being Earnest

2. THE REVIVAL OF THE THEATRE TO 1945 2.2 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW - Mrs. Warrens Profession - Arms and the Man 2.3 JOHN MILLINGTON SYGNE - The Playboy of the Western World 2.4 SEAN OCASEY - The Plough and the Stars

3. POST-WAR THEATRE 3.1 NOL COWARD - Cavalcade 3.2 JOHN BOYNTON PRIESTLEY - Laburnum Grove - I Have Been Here Before - Time and the Conways

An Inspector Calls

4. THE BIRTH OF MODERN POETRY 4.1 THOMAS HARDY - The Convergence of the Twain 4.2 RUPERT BROOKE - The Old Vicarage - Granchester 4.3 WILFRED OWEN - Dulce et Deorum Est 4.4 THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT - Murder - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - The Waste Land 4.4 EZRA POUND - In a Station of the Metro 4.5 WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS - Easter 1916 - The Tower - The Winding Stair 4.7 CHRISTOPHER FRY - The Ladys Not For Burning - A Phoenix Too Frequent - Venus Observed - A Sleep of Prisonersg

5. THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN NOVEL 5.1 JOHN GALSWORTHY The Man Of Property The Forstye Saga Howards End

5.2 ARNOLD BENNETT Anna of the Five Towns The Old Wives Tale

5.3 HERBERT GEORGE WELLS The Time Machine: An Invention The Island of Doctor Moreau The Invisible Man The War of the Worlds The History of Mr. Polly

5.4 CHRISTOPHER ISHERWOOD The Berlin Stories The lost Mr. Norris Chandes Trains Goodbye to Berlin

5.5 EVELYN WAUGH Black Mischief Brideshead Revisted: Tge Sacred and Profane Memoirs of Capitain Charles Ryder

5.6 GEORGE ORWELL Burmese Days The Road to Wigan Pier Homage to Catalonia Animal Farm Nineeen Eighty-Four Politics and the English Literature


6.2 EDUARD MORGAN FORSTER Aspects of the Novel A Room With a View A Passage to India

6.3 DAVID HERBERT LAWRENCE Sons and Lovers Women in Love Lady Chatterleys Lover

6.4 JAMES JOYCE Dubliners A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Ulyses


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