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Getting Started: Defining the Research Problem

This page is philosophically slanted toward quantitative research methodologies, however students may engage in qualitative studies. A resource for these methodologies is provided at the end of the page. The Research Statement or Problem. Criteria for Research Problem Statements: The statement of the problem should clearly indicate what is to be investigated. The actual statement may be in a declarative or in a question form. The statement should indicate the variables of interest and the specific relationship between the variables that are to be studied. Please note: In some qualitative methodologies, a statement of variables will not be possible and should not be done. However, an explanation of the qualitative methodology and the parameters of the research methodology should be explained. For more information please see: Bogdan, R.C. & S.K. Biklen (2003). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. 3rd Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon or another textbook. Research problem: A research problem is a question or a statement about the relationship between variables. It is the first task facing researchers and is one of the most important aspects of doing research in any field. Sources of research problems: Personal experience and interests as educational practitioners. Various educational and behavioral theories. Related Literature- Literature from ones own area of interest. A reproduction of past research studies. An explanation of variables In many quantitative research studies, there are two major types of variables that should be defined. These are independent variables and dependent variables. Sometimes, depending on the type of qualitative research method that is being utilized, it is helpful to frame the study in terms of variables. Variables must be well defined and the explanations of variables should be clear. Independent Variables This is a variable that is antecedent to the dependent variable; it is also called the experimental or treatment variable. The program or intervention is often an independent variable that is manipulated by the investigator. Some independent variables are attributes that cannot be controlled by the investigator. Sometimes these are called assigned variables. They are attributes such as gender, socio-economic class, cognitive level (IQ), and ethnicity. Some investigators will study the effects of certain attributes. For instance, investigators have studied the effect of gender on certain types of verbal tasks. Dependent Variables This is a variable that is consequence of or dependent on an antecedent variable (usually the independent variable). It is also called the outcome or effect variable. In general, this is the variable that is measured to determine the effect of an antecedent independent variable. Subjects of Study: Populations and Samples The Population. The population is a larger group to which a researcher wishes to generalize. It includes all members of a defined class of people, events, or objects that the research wishes to study or learn about. Examples of populations include below average fifth graders, graduate students, and college freshmen. Sample A sample is part of a population that is chosen according to a specific methodology. Sometimes samples are randomly selected as a certain percentage or number chosen from the population. Sometimes they are chosen according to specific attributes such as gender, ethnicity, or disabling condition. The method or rules used to choose a sample must be clearly and accurately explained.

Populations, Samples, and Teacher Research In many cases of teacher initiated research the population is a well-defined concept because it is certain children, a specific classroom, other teachers, or a school. If there is not intent to generalize beyond the immediate subjects of study, there will be no sample and the researcher will be studying a population. In teacher-initiated research this is acceptable. It should be clearly explained that the population is being studied and the attributes of that population should be clearly defined. Explanations should include details about context and settings. Why review the research and past literature? There are several ways in which the review of previous research can help in the formulation of new research problems. 1. Review of previous research helps us formulate research questions that are the next logical step from previous investigations. 2. Review of previous research may stimulate a researcher to see whether the procedures employed can be adapted to solving other problems, or whether a similar study could be conducted in a different field or subject area or with different groups or subjects. 3. Reviewing previous research may suggest the desirability of replication to confirm previous findings. 4. Reviewing previous research studies previously undertaken may raise the question of the applicability of their findings to other cultures. 5. Reviewing previous research may result in detecting inconsistencies and contradictions or in dissatisfaction with the conceptualization, methodology, measuring instruments, and statistical analysis used. Resources A good introductory text for qualitative research is: Bogdan, R.C. & S.K. Biklen (2003). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. 3rd Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

For some very helpful information, you may wish to look at: Trochim, William M. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition. Internet URL:

Y511 First Assignment

A one page single spaced typed Statement of problem or issue that includes: The research problem or issue to be studied An explanation of variables- Independent Variables, Dependent Variables, themes, or components A statement of relevance to the field of education and/or importance A statement about methods, the subjects, data, data-base, or source of information Limitations of the study This is not required to be in APA format
Coming up for 9/25 - Annotated Bibliography/ Review of the Literature 15 to 20 Sources dated after 2000 Only 10 may be from secondary sources, textbooks, or from internet sites Cover Page in APA format Full citations in APA format with 3 to 5 sentence synopsis of each reference

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