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hea|th Care
5uppert &
Advecacy Ier
& C|v|| k|ghts


Iu|y 1, zee6
Iune e, zee)
ear P|anned
Parentheed fr|ends,
5har|ng 0ur 5ter|es-lt ls an lmpcrtant
thlne tc dc ln cur perscnal llves and
wlthln cur Planned Parenthccd cf Creater
lcwa (PPCl) famlly. The many stcrles we
hear each day scmetlmes make us laueh
cr scmetlmes mcve us tc tears. Stcrles
brlne back memcrles and enhance cur
ccmmltment tc cur very rccts-servlne cur
patlents, nct the pclltlcs, wlthln cur state.
what amazlne stcrles we heard and wrcte
ln scal year zoo;! The new hPv vacc|ne
tc prevent cervlcal cancer was apprcved
by the FuA and ls ncw avallable tc cur
patlents. P|an emereency ccntraceptlcn
was apprcved fcr cver-the-ccunter sales,
ereatly lncreaslne accesslblllty and helplne
wcmen prevent unlntended preenancy.
PPCl's rst free C ay was an lncredlble
success wlth cver cne thcusand lcwans
recelvlne a ccmpllmentary packaee cf Plan
8 emereency ccntraceptlcn. lt was the
perfect way tc launch cur new Prevent|en
f|rst! lnltlatlve.
uecember alsc marked the successIu|
cemp|et|en eI eur -year, 511 m||||en
kesponslble Cholces Cap|ta| Campa|gn-
what a stcry that was and ccntlnues tc be!
PPCl health centers thrcuehcut the state
are belne updated and mcdernlzed and the
new 5usan knapp hea|th Center cpened
ln lune. 1he ||zabeth & av|d kru|den|er
Center Ier ducat|en & Advecacy, PPCl's
new vclunteer center, alsc became a reallty
and wlll hcuse the state's lareest llbrary cf
reprcductlve health and sexuallty educatlcn
materlals as well as prcvlde a settlne fcr
advccacy and leelslatlve wcrk.
Cccd news and prceress are alsc
acccmpanled by new challenees. Thls
year's rules requlrlne preeI eI c|t|zensh|p
Ier Med|ca|d pat|ents caused scme wcmen
tc ec wlthcut blrth ccntrcl because they
cculd nct affcrd the fteen dcllars fcr a
"Sfoeirs seiuc srck uru-
oeirs ruc ruurucr oue
couuifuruf fo oue vre
oue rrfirufs,
uof fur
wifuiu oue

ccpy cf thelr blrth certlcate. ln Aprll, the

u.5. 5upreme Ceurt ru|ed te ban certa|n
abert|en precedures, leavlne nc exceptlcns
fcr the wcman's health. Althcueh these
setbacks may feel llke barrlers, we are nct
deterred frcm cur lmpcrtant wcrk!
Tc ycu, cur suppcrters and frlends, we
say 1hank eu! Thls past year has brcueht
mcre vclunteers tc PPCl than ever befcre
and cur annual fund and campalen ecals
have been met and exceeded! 1hank yeu
a|se te the pat|ents, ve|unteers and staII
whe stepped Ierward te share the|r ster|es
Ier th|s year's Annua| kepert. 1hey are
ster|es eI cemm|tment, ded|cat|en, pass|en
and ceurage. We |eek Ierward te hear|ng
yeur P|anned Parentheed stery tee.

llll lune, Presldent/CF0
Planned Parenthccd cf Creater lcwa
0ur 5ter|es
Patty 1ay|er,
PPCl Prfiruf, krc 0rk
My very rst vlslt tc Planned Parenthccd was
ln 1;. l was seventeen, a senlcr ln hleh
schccl-and preenant! kce v. wade had |ust been declded and abcrtlcn was cnly leeal ln
hew crk and Callfcrnla. My ccusln tcck me tc the ues Mclnes Planned Parenthccd and
they arraneed fcr my fleht tc Callfcrnla where a Planned Parenthccd van plcked me up and
tcck me tc the cllnlc. l was ycune and frlehtened but l recelved warm and prcfesslcnal care
even thcueh l was sc far away frcm my small lcwa hcmetcwn.
when l returned tc lcwa, l beean taklne blrth ccntrcl pllls and fcr u years, nc matter
where l llved ln the state l have remalned a lcyal Planned Parenthccd patlent. l almcst feel
llke they are famlly.
l have nc reerets abcut havlne an abcrtlcn. lt mleht nct be rleht fcr scme wcmen, but lt
was rleht fcr me at the tlme. l am erateful that Planned Parenthccd was there fcr me and
the prcfesslcnal staff made lt as palnless as pcsslble, bcth emctlcnally and physlcally.
l wculd llke tc belleve that abcrtlcn wlll ccntlnue tc be leeal ln
Amerlca-and lcwa-and that wcmen wlll always have the rleht tc
make perscnal declslcns abcut thelr bcdles and thelr llves.
"Foe fuief-roue rres,
PLruurc Prerufuooc urs
srru furer roe ur."
Ienn| vaneveerde,
PPCl Prfiruf, ALfoour
l'm sharlne my stcry because the Tv ads whlch have been runnlne
recently lndlcate all wcmen whc have an abcrtlcn reeret thelr declslcn.
Thls ls nct true. My husband and l have fcur
beautlful chlldren, aees ve, three, twc and
cne. After cur fcurth chlld, my husband had
a vasectcmy and unfcrtunately, we were ln
that small percentaee cf pecple whc stlll
eet preenant after a permanent sterlllzatlcn
prccedure. we already had fcur speclal
chlldren tc lcve and care fcr and we were
fearful that we wculd nct have the rescurces tc brlne ancther chlld lntc thls wcrld and care
adequately fcr that chlld.
Favlne an abcrtlcn was nct an easy declslcn tc make. My husband and l went lntc the
cllnlc three dlfferent tlmes tc eet lnfcrmatlcn and dlscuss the cptlcns befcre we chcse tc
end the preenancy. we were treated wlth respect and eenulne ccncern each tlme. The staff
eave us lcts cf lnfcrmatlcn. l recelved excellent, ccmpasslcnate care.
l aeree that abcrtlcn ls denltely nct fcr everycne, but l thlnk each wcman shculd be
able tc make her cwn declslcn. l hcpe that cther wcmen whc are faclne an unlntended
preenancy are able tc recelve accurate lnfcrmatlcn and suppcrt and nct made tc feel eullty
cr have thelr unlque clrcumstances |udeed.
"l ercrivrc

0ur 5ter|es
vacclne aalnst Cervlcal Cancer-PPCl
beean cfferlne 6ardasll at all 16 health
centers. Thls ls the rst vacclne avallable tc
prevent cervlcal cancer and eenltal warts.
lmplanon-PPCl beean cfferlne thls
new lon-term reverslble contraceptlve
methcd whlch wcrks fcr up tc three years
by ccntlnucusly releaslne a lcw dcse cf a
hcrmcne that suppresses cvulatlcn.
5urePath Molecular Pap-PPCl entered a
cllnlcal study ccmparlne SurePath Mclecular
Pap tc the tradltlcnal llquld cytclcey
methcd. ;o8 PPCl cllents enrclled ln thls study.
lntlmate Partner vlolence-PPCl
partnered wlth the dnlverslty oj lowa ln
a study tc estlmate the prevalence cf
lntlmate Partner vlclence amcne wcmen
seeklne electlve abcrtlcns tc ascertaln thelr
basellne characterlstlcs, needs and rescurces.
Medlcatlon 4bortlon-ln lanuary, the
4mes Center lmplemented medlcatlcn
abcrtlcn servlces tc lncrease access tc
Stcry Ccunty wcmen and beycnd.
7een Cllnlc-PPCl cpened lts rst Teen
Cllnlc ln lowa Clty, featurlne walk-ln
appclntments and sexuallty educatlcn fcr
hleh schccl students.
lnternatlonal Partnershlps-PPCl
ccntlnued lts lntlmate partner vlolence
preventlon wcrk wlth health care perscnnel
ln 5amara, kussla.
4doptlon 5ervlces-PPCl ccntlnued lts
successjul partnershlp wlth the 4valon
Center a llcensed adcptlcn aeency. uz
wcmen were ccunseled reeardlne adcptlcn
and fcur wcmen placed thelr newbcrn wlth
adcptlve parents.
hea|th serv|ces
5tatewlde Partnershlps-PPCl partnered
wlth the unlverslty cf lcwa's Carver Cclleee
cf Medlclne tc prcvlde abcrtlcn care
rotatlons jor medlcal students based at
8rcadlawns Medlcal Center ln ues Mclnes.
Bealth Care 0utreach-PPCl prcvlded
cn-slte reprcductlve health care servlces
tc cllents ln woodward and 6lenwood
(state rescurce centers). Servlces were alsc
prcvlded fcr resldents cf 8eacon oj llje
(wcmens' hcmeless shelter), 8ernle lorenz
kecovery Center (resldentlal substance
abuse treatment prceram fcr wcmen),
Iamlly vlolence Center (shelter fcr wcmen
ln abuslve relatlcnshlps) and Pk07d5
(prceram fcr mlerant farm wcrkers).
5mokln Cessatlon-ur. Llnda kallsback
led PPCl's partnershlp wlth the lcwa
uepartment cf Publlc Fealth ulvlslcn
cf Tcbaccc Ccntrcl tc lnltlate smokln
cessatlon prcerams fcr PPCl patlents. All
PPCl centers alsc became tcbaccc free.
Clvll klhts 4ward-PPCl was hcncred as
a zoo6 reclplent cf the Frlends cf lcwa Clvll
klehts Award. PPCl was chcsen fcr lts wcrk
ln lmprovln health care jor lesblan, ay,
blsexual and transendered lndlvlduals.
Iree merency Contraceptlon-Free
FC uay was held ln uecember at all PPCl
cllnlcs as well as 1 statewlde cutreach
lccatlcns, lncludlne hcmeless centers,
the wCA and Fcmes cf 0akrldee. Mcre
than 1,ccc women and men recelved a jree
packae oj Plan 8 emerency contraceptlon.
lmproved 4ccess-PPCl cpened a new
jamlly plannln cllnlc ln Knoxvllle ln
hcvember. ln lune, PPCl's Central Center
clcsed and the new 5usan Knapp Bealth
Center cpened near urake unlverslty ln
ues Mclnes.

Act|v|sts 5tep
Pharmacy ku|e
ln March, the lcwa Pharmacy 8card cf
Fxamlners prcpcsed a new rule that
wculd allcw pharmaclsts tc refuse tc ll
a prescrlptlcn based cn mcral cb|ectlcns.
PPCl sprune lntc actlcn wlth a Planned
Parenthccd Actlcn hetwcrk (PPAh) e-mall
alert whlch resulted ln q8 act|v|sts
e-ma|||ng the Pharmacy eard. 0n March
z8, the lcwa Pharmacy 8card cf Fxamlners
vcted unanlmcusly tc pcstpcne thelr
declslcn. 1hese are seme eI the persena|
cemments sent by PP6I act|v|sts urg|ng the
Pharmacy eard te reject the ru|e:
"There are sc many cbstacles placed ln the
way cf wcmen eettlne the health care they
want and are entltled tc. A physlclan cr
nurse ln the emereency rccm can't refuse
tc treat a heart attack cr emphysema
patlent because they smcke. A drue addlct
can't be refused servlce when he eces tc
the emereency rccm. Fealth care prcvlders'
mcrals shculd nct and cannct lnterfere wlth
thelr |cb dutles."
-Pamela, lcwa Clty
"l feel very strcnely that there ls a dcuble
standard when lt ccmes tc vlaera and Plan
8, the "mcrnlne-after" plll. l dcn't feel that
anycne has the rleht tc make the declslcn
nct tc ll my prescrlptlcn because cf thelr
rellelcus bellefs. l dcn't tell them what tc
belleve and lt ls ncne cf thelr buslness hcw
l chccse tc prctect my bcdy and my llfe.
lf thls was abcut vlaera, there wculdn't be
an lssue."
-kenae, 0elweln
"l am a nurslne prcfesslcnal and am
appalled at the thcueht that any health
care prcfesslcnal wculd lmpcse thelr
perscnal mcral chclces cntc a patlent.
lf they are nct able tc dlscharee the
respcnslbllltles cf thelr |cb and prcfesslcn,
then they shculd chccse an alternatlve
career-nct make a patlent suffer."
-uebra, kh 8Sh, west ues Mclnes
"Fcr a pharmaclst whc ls slmply checklne
and dlspenslne what the dcctcr crdered,
tc be leeally 'crdalned' tc cverrlde bcth my
chclce and my dcctcr's ls ludlcrcus."
-Allscn, uavenpcrt
"lr r
urs ercrivrc
ru rer-
roe furf
urcicrfiou suouLc sr
riLLrc wifuouf iufiuicr-
fiou or fur rrfiruf. lr r
rureurcisf cruuof seiuc
uiu/uresrLr fo rreroeu
fur LrcrL cufirs or furie
reorrssiou, ur oe sur
suouLc rerukL riuc
ruofure Liur or woek."

-ALrfir, lowr Cif
0ur 5ter|es
llve 4ctlon Camp-ln 0ctcber zoo6,
vclunteers frcm lcwa Clty and ues Mclnes
made the trek tc Scuth uakcta fcr a
llve 4ctlon Camp wlth the 5outh 0akota
Campaln jor Bealthy Iamllles. There,
the actlvlsts partlclpated ln vlslblllty,
canvasslne and phcne banklne tc help
lnfcrm Scuth uakctans abcut keferred Law
6, whlch wculd ban all abcrtlcns ln the
state, wlth nc exceptlcn fcr the wcman's
health, rape cr lncest. uurlne the eeneral
electlcn, keferred Law 6 was cverturned,
keeplne abcrtlcn leeal ln Scuth uakcta.
lobby 0ay-ln February, thlrty-slx PPCl
actlvlsts marched lntc the lcwa Statehcuse
wearlne llme ereen "safety" vests tc
promote the Preventlon Ilrstl lnltlatlve. The
actlvlsts partlclpated ln mcre than fcrty
perscnal meetlnes wlth leelslatcrs and
sent mcre than cne hundred messaees by
phcne and emall tc thelr respectlve hcuse
cr senate member. The PPCl suppcrters
alsc met brlefy wlth Ccverncr Culver.
Posltlve lelslatlon-uurlne the zoo;
leelslatlve sesslcn, PPCl's Preventlon Ilrstl
lnltlatlve eulded lcne-term leelslatlcn
ecals. Preventlcn Flrst! ls belne used tc
educate patlents, ccmmunlty members and
leelslatcrs abcut the lmpcrtance cf famlly
plannlne, healthy famllles and access tc
blrth ccntrcl. Advccacy effcrts resulted ln
passae oj lelslatlon jor research-based
and medlcally accurate sexuallty educatlon,
access to the BPv (human papllloma vlrus)
vacclne and antl-bullyln measures.
Project Pharmacy-PPCl prcvlded
leadershlp fcr Prc|ect Pharmacy, a
ccllabcratlve effcrt tc assure that lcwa
wcmen have lnfcrmatlcn abcut and
access to emerency contraceptlon
(Plan 8). Prc|ect Pharmacy researched
and ldentled bcth frlendly and unfrlendly
pharmacles ln reeards tc access and
avallablllty cf Plan 8 and then shared thcse
results thrcueh newsletters, MySpace,
Facebcck and state-wlde radlc ads.
6rassroots 4ctlvlsm-ln the sprlne,
PPCl recelved a patlent lnqulry abcut
where tc eet Plan 8. Slnce PPCl cllnlcs
were clcsed at the tlme, the patlent was
dlrected tc a lccal pharmacy. when the
patlent's bcyfrlend went lntc a ues Mclnes
area walereens tc purchase Plan 8, the
walereens pharmaclst lnfcrmed the ycune
man that walereens pcllcy dld nct allcw
Plan 8 tc be dlspensed tc men, speculatlne
that men may mlsuse Plan 8 by ccerclne
elrls/wcmen tc have unprctected sex.
PPCl's prcmpt advocacy ejjorts resulted
ln a jormal response and apoloy jrom
walreens, statlne, "the refusal tc sell
Plan 8 tc male custcmers ls h01 ln
ccmpllance wlth walereens pcllcy." Mcre
than 1o PPCl actlvlsts then thanked
walereens fcr thelr suppcrt.
Men|ca kusk vandenberg,
Fcucrfiou Succrss Sfoe
l wculd nct be where l am tcday-the
Fealth and Sexuallty Fducatcr fcr Clrls,
lnc. ln Slcux Clty-were lt nct fcr PPCl's
educatlcn department, and speclcally
Slcux Clty Fducatcr Klrsten Cclt. PPCl
and Klrsten have been my mentcrs,
my lnsplratlcn, my teachers and truly
wcnderful frlends.
Scme cf my best memcrles are frcm
my years as a member cf PPCl's Actlne
0ut! Teen Theater Trcupe. l partlcularly
remember the year we traveled tc hew
crk Clty tc partlclpate ln Theater fcr
Scclal Chanee. Thls experlence was a
plvctal pclnt ln my llfe! we learned sc
much, had sc much fun and came hcme
tc lmplement what we had learned.
l kept ccmlne back fcr mcre! The Teen
Theater Trcupe and the tcplcs we were
deallne wlth seemed sc relevant tc me.
l felt every teen had the rleht tc kncw
the thlnes l was learnlne and l became
passlcnate abcut furtherlne my kncwledee
and sharlne lt wlth cthers!
Tcday l am a happlly marrled zu year cld
wcman. My husband and l are expectlne
cur rst baby ln March and we are thrllled!
Thank ycu Planned Parenthccd fcr helplne
me understand sexuallty as an essentlal,
llfelcne part cf belne human.
Mcnlca kusk vandenbere
Fdltcrlal ncte: Mcnlca recelved cne cf the
Planned Parenthccd Federatlcn's hlehest
awards ln zooz when she was named
hatlcnal cuth vclunteer cf the ear.
"l rrLf rvre frru
urc fur eicuf fo
kuow fur fuiucs l
wrs Lrreuiuc ruc l
srcrur rrssiourfr
rsouf ruefureiuc
u kuowLrccr ruc
sureiuc if wifu
Mcnlca kusk vandenbere, rleht, wlth Slcux
Clty keelcnal Fducatcr and ulrectcr cf the
Teen Theatre Trcupe Klrsten Cclt.
0ur 5ter|es
5exuallty ducatlon-Fleht PPCl educatcrs
ccnducted communlty educatlon
prorams reachlne 1c,1z partlclpants.
Communlty vents-PPCl partlclpated
ln cver qc communlty events; asslsted ln
cccrdlnatlne Free FC uay, wcrld AluS uay
and Teen Preenancy Preventlcn Mcnth; and
met wlth dczens cf ccmmunlty aeencles.
uurlne the year, educatcrs spent a tctal cf
1, hours provldln outreach tc prcmcte
PPCl. 8elcw: PPCl Fducatcrs at Prlde uay.
7een 0utreach-PPCl's 7een 7heater
7roupe held z8 perjormances reachlne 6z;
Communlty Partnershlps-PPCl educatcrs
partnered wlth webster Ccunty scclal
servlce aeencles tc prcvlde cneclne
sexuallty educatlcn fcr the webster County
4dolescent Prenancy Preventlon proram.
ducatlon jor "4t klsk" Populatlons-PPCl
educatcrs lmplemented 5treet 5marts and
Makln Proud Cholces wlth hleh-rlsk ycuth
ln shelter care, detentlcn, treatment and
alternatlve schccl settlnes.
5louxland 0utreach-Slcux Clty's keelcnal
Fducatcr educated elrls and wcmen at
the lackson kecovery Centers (chemlcal
dependency treatment) and prcvlded
mcre than o prcerams fcr ycuth cf the
wlnnebao 7rlbe.
Rew ducatlon 8 0utreach Center-The
llzabeth 8 0avld Kruldenler Center jor
ducatlon 8 4dvocacy opened ln lune. The
Kruldenler Center ls cpen tc the publlc fcr
educatlcnal rescurce materlals, tralnlnes
and vclunteer wcrk.
Medlcal 5chool Course-PPCl educatcrs
taueht an electlve class at 0es Molnes
dnlverslty fccuslne cn reprcductlve health,
abcrtlcn servlces, sexually transmltted
lnfectlcns and cther lnfcrmatlcn vltal tc
medlcal students.
ducatlon on the web-ln 0ctcber, PPCl
created a prcle cn My5pace, cne cf the
new scclal netwcrklne websltes where
ycune perscns cften recelve and share
lnfcrmatlcn. (www.MySpace.ccm/ppel)
0nllne-PPCl's webslte transltlcned
frcm a stand-alcne webslte tc part cf
the Planned Parenthccd Federatlcn cf
Amerlca's (PPFA) webslte kncwn as
Planned Parenthood 0nllne. The new slte
has let PPCl prcmcte lts servlces, lncludlne
educatlcn prcerams, ln a mcre user-frlendly
etty Webster,
uouoe 8 voLuufrre
Lcne befcre the hlke slcean, lust uc lt,
became a part cf Amerlcan pcp culture,
Mcm knew tc lust 0o ltl
As chlldren we watched cur actlvlst parents
beccme rcle mcdels ln vclunteerlne. They
never uttered the wcrds, "lt's lmpcrtant tc
vclunteer" but we cbserved uad attendlne
Planned Parenthccd 8card meetlnes
and Mcm spendlne hcurs cn the phcne
recrultlne new vclunteers tc wcrk at the
Planned Parenthccd 8cck Sales. ln fact,
Mcther wculd ccnscate cur kccsevelt
Fleh Schccl dlrectcry and call cur frlends.
lt was never, "lF ycu want tc vclunteer at
the 8cck Sale," but rather, "wFFh wlll ycu
vclunteer at the 8cck Sale!"
0ur dad llked tc take the mcney cn
cpenlne nleht and Mcther lcved lt all! She
keeps ccmlne back after nearly uo years
because she lcves the cause and she
lcves the many "best frlends" she's made
thrcueh the 8cck Sale.
Mcther marked bccks every Tuesday and
Thursday and scmetlmes we feared fcr her
safety. 0ne day she was called "baby klller"
by a radlcal prctestcr nearby. Such an
cutraeecus and frlehtenlne ccmment cnly
strenethened Mcther's resclve tc ccntlnue
her lmpcrtant vclunteer wcrk ln suppcrt cf
Planned Parenthccd.
Mcther has chalred the 8cck Sale twlce
and cne cf thcse tlmes the sale ralsed
almcst $zoo,ooo. Several Planned
Parenthccd 8card members tcld Mcther
they wculd llke tc make a cash elft sc
they cculd repcrt that the sale had earned
$zoo,ooo. Mcther sald, "0h nc, ycu can't
dc that. lt wculdn't be rleht." That's mcther
-always hcnest and falr!
when uad passed away we planned hls
memcrlal servlce arcund the dates cf the
fall 8cck Sale-serlcusly! lt made sense
that we wculd have hls servlce then
because he always sald the 8cck Sale was
"hls rellelcn!"
we are bcth strcne Planned Parenthccd
suppcrters curselves ncw. we belleve that
lf antl-chclce pecple suppcrted the Planned
Parenthccd mlsslcn, they cculd help make
abcrtlcn cbsclete. Mcther and uad never
preached tc us abcut Planned Parenthccd,
but by csmcsls and ereat rcle mcdellne
thelr passlcn became curs, tcc!
Susan and Cathy webster
"lf wrs urvre, 'If ou wruf
fo voLuufrre rf fur 8ook
SrLr,' suf erfure, 'Whh
wiLL ou voLuufrre rf fur
8ook SrLr!'"
0ur 5ter|es
kesponslble Cholces Campaln-0n
uecember 1, the success cf PPCl's
kespcnslble Chclces Capltal Campalen was
cfclally anncunced-511,c1,ccc had
been ralsedl The campalen, led by fcrmer
Lt. Ccverncr cf lcwa lcy Ccrnlne, was
suppcrted by ;8 dcncrs and ls fundlne
z1 campalen prc|ects.
4nnual Iund-PPCl dcncrs alsc
eenercusly suppcrted the PPCl Annual
Fund, exceedln the oal oj 51,c;,ccc by
more than 51cc,ccc.
lustlce 8lackmun 5oclety-A new dcncr
level was created tc enccuraee strcne
annual fund suppcrt and reconlze
supporters who lve a ljt oj 51c,ccc or
more annually.
8oard oj 5ponsors-Thls ercup cf
prcmlnent leaders lend thelr names tc
PPCl tc publlcly demonstrate thelr passlon
jor PP6l's work. hew members added thls
year were uT ucan, Charlctte Fubbell, Fred
Fubbell, Fllzabeth Kruldenler, Clenn Smlth,
lames vlckery, Fmlly weltz, Fred weltz and
Ccnnle wlmer.
8ook 5ales-PPCl's 8cck Sale prots
exceeded 5,cccl The Fall 8cck Sale
ralsed $1;6,ooo and the Sprlne Sale
brcueht ln $1;,ooo. Thcusands cf lcwans
wlll recelve medlcally accurate and aee-
apprcprlate sexuallty educatlcn because cf
the success cf the seml-annual 8cck Sales.
4mes Center Iounder Bonored-The
memcry cf Arllne Mcntecmery, a strcne
suppcrter cf PPCl and a fcunder cf the
Ames cllnlc, was hcncred ln May. Arllne
and her husband, ur. Cecree Mcntecmery
volunteered thelr tlme and experlence as a
relstered nurse and doctor team jor over
twenty years, never acceptlne any payment
fcr thelr remarkable servlce.
8cck Sale Cc-Chalrs and vclunteers Sharcn
Feeley and uennls Cuffey.
ur. Cecree Mcntecmery, center, wlth hls scn
and erandscn at the Ames Center.
Fcrmer Lt. Ccverncr cf lcwa lcy Ccrnlne
and PPCl Presldent/CF0 llll lune.
Peggy huppert,
Acfivisf 8 Ferrcou
Fuuc 8orec Curie
Pecple descrlbe me as an actlvlst-and
Planned Parenthccd ls cne cf the
creanlzatlcns that sets me ln actlcn!
0ne thlne l kncw ls pclltlcs. And l kncw
that lf we elect the rleht pecple whc thlnk
cholce matters, we wlll succeed. lf we elect
the wrcne pecple, we wlll cnly spend tlme
defendlne curselves.
A||c|a C|aypee|,
Ferrcou Fuuc PAC Curie
l have seen rsthand the lmpcrtant wcrk
that can be acccmpllshed by PPCl's
Freedcm Fund Pclltlcal Actlcn Ccmmlttee
(PAC). As a zoou candldate fcr a speclal
state senate electlcn, l was the reclplent cf
the Freedcm Fund PAC's vclunteer actlcn
and nanclal suppcrt. l wlll be fcrever
erateful fcr the PAC's hard wcrk and
ccmmltment tc me ln my uphlll challenee.
l perscnally understand the pctentlal cf the
Freedcm Fund PAC tc make a dlfference
ln state races-all tc prctect and prcmcte
wcmen's reprcductlve health care.
l thlnk thls year the Freedcm Fund PAC
was mctlvated by a slenlcant ccnfuence
cf events-an cpen eubernatcrlal race;
a leelslature ccntrclled by antl-chclce
fcrces ln the Fcuse; a ban cn all abcrtlcns
ln nelehbcrlne Scuth uakcta; and the
l thlnk the Freedcm Fund has been
extremely successful ln the last few
years because we have strenethened cur
fundralslne and cur number cf suppcrters-
twc thlnes leelslatcrs pay attentlcn tc! 0ur
successes cf the last year have resulted ln
feellnes cf empcwerment-we kncw what
tc dc and we're dclne lt.
l erew up aIter kce v. wade was declded,
but l dc appreclate what the wcrld
was llke befcre kce. Llvlne ln a female-
centered famlly has helped me reallze the
lmpcrtance cf creanlzatlcns llke Planned
Parenthccd and the need fcr a pclltlcal
arm llke the Freedcm Fund. My mcm ls a
strcne prc-chclce perscn and l want tc
make sure my twc dauehters, aees z and
1, can help lead the Amerlca l erew up
ln-cne where reprcductlve rlehts are nct
u.S. Presldent maklne a Supreme Ccurt
appclntment that cculd cverturn kce cr
certalnly lead tc a ma|crlty cf |ustlces
whc wculd chlp, chlp, chlp away at thls
landmark declslcn.
l have always suppcrted Planned
Parenthccd, but lt wasn't untll zooz when
l truly became a part cf lts mlsslcn. Almlne
fcr hleher and hleher ecals each year tc
prctect wcmen's prlvacy and reprcductlve
rlehts has been extremely eratlfylne and
ls why l ccntlnue tc suppcrt PPCl and the
Freedcm Fund PAC.
"lr wr rLrcf fur eicuf rrorLr
wuo fuiuk cuoicr urffres,
wr wiLL succrrc."
"l rresourLL uucresfruc
fur rofrufirL or fur Ferrcou
Fuuc PAC fo urkr r cirrrerucr
iu sfrfr ercrs."
0ur 5ter|es

Ireedom Iund lnjormatlon-The Freedcm
Fund educated 11, actlvlsts cn lssues
and the vctlne reccrds cf lcwa state
leelslatcrs and members cf Ccneress
thrcueh the annual keport to 4ctlvlsts
5tajj lncrease-A new pcsltlcn cf
Manaer oj Polltlcal 6lvln was created ln
Aprll tc ralse funds and bulld statewlde
awareness tc lmprcve the pclltlcal cllmate
fcr reprcductlve health and prlvacy.
Communlty 0utreach-A twc year plan fcr
communlty outreach was lnltlated tc bulld
the name and reputatlcn cf Freedcm Fund
ln tareeted areas cf the state.
Pro-Cholce voter xpanslon-A statewlde
voter l0 and contact proram was
lmplemented tc expand the base cf prc-
chclce vcters, vclunteers, advccates and
dcncrs tc help bulld a prc-chclce ma|crlty
ln the lcwa leelslature.
lncreased 0onatlons-hearly 5z1,ccc
was contrlbuted to qc campalns fcr
eubernatcrlal and statehcuse candldates.
7areted 0lstrlcts-vcter ccntact and
ccntrlbutlcns asslsted three senate and two
house candldates ln tareted dlstrlcts. Fcur
cf the candldates wcn: klch 0llve (Su ),
kceer Stewart (Su 1), Stacl Appel (Su ;)
and Mark uavltt (Fu ;u). Freedcm Fund
PAC alsc suppcrted Susan kadke (Fu 1o).
Ireedem Iund
Ireedem Iund PAC
Ireedom Iund webslte-a new webslte
was launched tc educate and enae the
pro-cholce communlty ln electoral work.
volunteer 4ctlvlsm-Rlnety-elht
volunteers made 1c,1z; educatlon and
et-out-the-vote phone calls cn behalf cf
the eubernatcrlal and tareeted statehcuse
Prlmary ndorsement-ln May zoo6,
PPCl's Freedcm Fund PAC awarded lts rst
ever prlmary endorsement to ubernatorlal
candldate/5ecretary oj 5tate Chet Culver.
Culver has stated numercus tlmes that he
wcn because cf hls pcsltlcn cn Chclce and
thanked Freedcm Fund PAC fcr suppcrtlne
P4C 4ctlvltles-The P4C helped to elect
Chet Culver by utlllzlne pald televlslcn
ads, dlrect mall and phcne banks tc
educate vcters cn the stakes cf the
eubernatcrlal race.
Freedcm Fund PAC Chalr Allcla Claypccl
dlscusses the PAC's televlslcn ad at a
pre-electlcn press ccnference.
Mary fex,
Crufre Mrurcre roe urs
Moiurs wrsf, KuoxviLLr
ruc hrwfou CLiuics
ln the summer cf 1;z l nctlced a want
ad that shaped my future. The ad sald,
"Seeklne a mctlvated, self-startlne
lndlvldual whc wlll beeln a new famlly
plannlne cllnlc ln lasper Ccunty." As they
say, "The rest ls hlstcry!"
Planned Parenthccd's rst cllnlc ln hewtcn
was mcdest tc say the least. l started
the cllnlc wlth a card table and cne chalr,
ccnductlne the mcnthly cllnlcs at the
lccal hcspltal because we dld nct have an
exam table cr equlpment. we weren't able
tc stcck any ccntraceptlve supplles and
all cf cur patlents had tc ec tc the lccal
pharmacy tc eet thelr blrth ccntrcl pllls.
Fven wlth such humble beelnnlnes, Planned
Parenthccd and l were a eccd t! l became
passlcnate abcut servlne lcwa's wcmen
and helplne them prevent unlntended
preenancy. wlthln twc years l had a new
pcsltlcn tc develcp Planned Parenthccd
cllnlcs ln rural areas and eaeerly accepted
the challenee and prlvlleee cf cpenlne
"satelllte" cllnlcs ln Crestcn, ked 0ak, Ames
and Splrlt Lake.
Three decades later l stlll feel lmmense
prlde ln thls creanlzatlcn and the wcrk l
dc. uurlne my cclleee years wcmen llved
elant secrets. lt was nct acceptable tc be
preenant and unmarrled. lmmense eullt
and eenulne fear were asscclated wlth
unlntended preenancy.
l ccntlnue tc belleve ln warren 8uffet's
qucte that has been cn my hcme
refrleeratcr fcr years. lt says, "lj by some
malc we could make every chlld born ln
thls country a wanted chlld, we would have
jewer problems ln a|| areas oj soclety.
7he closest thln we have to that malc
ls Planned Parenthood." That qucte, and
the wcnderful pecple l eet tc wcrk wlth
each day, keep me mctlvated and lnsplred
-even after thlrty-ve years!
"Tuerr crcrcrs Lrfre l
sfiLL rrrL iuurusr reicr
iu fuis oecruizrfiou ruc
fur woek wr co."
Mary Fcx and her dauehter Ann. 0ne cf
Mary's fcndest memcrles ls wcrklne fcr twc
years wlth her dauehter when Ann was the
Center Manaeer at the ues Mclnes west
cllnlc, the same pcsltlcn Mary hclds tcday.
0ur 5ter|es
FurLorr huusres
Tctal Fmplcyees Statewlde .............................................................................. 1u
PPCl Physlclans ...................................................................................................
Llcensed health care prcfesslcnals: hurse Practltlcners, Physlclan Asslstants,
keelstered hurses and Llcensed Practlcal hurses .......................................... u1
Certled Medlcal Asslstants ................................................................................. 8
Anclllary health care wcrkers ............................................................................. u
Admlnlstratlve emplcyees: acccuntlne, lnfcrmatlcn technclcey,
marketlne 8 ccmmunlcatlcns and fundralslne .............................................. u
Fducatlcn staff members .................................................................................... 11
Ccvernmental Affalrs staff members .................................................................. 1o
Call Center representatlves ................................................................................. 11
FurLorr AccourLisuurufs 8 Lrrcresuir
Rlcole Cable, kcseneld Asslstant
Manaeer, ls a member cf the 4dvlsory
8oard oj the 6rand vlew Collee oj Rursln.
7odd 8uchacker, keelcnal ulrectcr, ls a
tralner fcr PPFA's Consortlum oj 4bortlon
Provlders (C4P5) and a 8card member cf
the kelllous Coalltlon jor keproductlve
Kyle Carlson, PPCl Staff Attcrney 8
Lcbbylst, was appclnted tc the 6eneratlon
lowa Commlsslon.
Klrsten Colt, keelcnal Fducatcr ln Slcux
Clty, ls a member cf the 8oard oj 0lrectors
oj IutureRet, Coalltlon to Prevent 7een
Prenancy and 5louxland 4l05 Coalltlon.
Penny 0lckey, vlce Presldent cf Fealth
Servlces and Fducatlcn, ls vlce Presldent cf
the lowa 5lster 5tates 8oard oj 0lrectors.
llzabeth 0llley, keelcnal Fducatcr ln
Crestcn and ked 0ak, ls the 8oard Chalr
oj the kelllous Coalltlon jor keproductlve
Cholce and a member cf the ked 0ak
5chool 8oard.
va Iassblnder-8rummel, keelcnal
Fducatcr ln lcwa Clty, ls a member cf the
4dolescent Prenancy Preventlon 4dvlsory
8oard ln lchnscn Ccunty.
Kat Irlnk, kcseneld Center Manaeer, ls a
member cf the 4dvlsory 8oard at vatterott
Collee and ls authcrlne a cclleee textbcck
entltled, "Chartln and 0ocumentln jor the
Medlcal 0jce."
lennljer 6arst, Manaeer cf Clft Plannlne,
ls a 8card member cf the Mld-lowa
Planned 6lvln Councll and the lowa
nvlronmental Councll.
lulle Blbben, ulrectcr cf Fducatlcn 8
0utreach Servlces, ls the chalr cf the PPI4
BPv Currlculum 0evelopment 7eam.
4nle Boward, keelcnal Fducatcr ln ues
Mclnes, ls a member cf the Blv Coalltlon.
llll lune, Presldent and CF0, was
reappclnted tc the Planned Parenthood
Iederatlon's 8oard oj 0lrectors fcr a seccnd
three year term.
0r. llnda kallsback, PPCl physlclan,
was appclnted tc the lowa Crlme vlctlms
4sslstance 8oard.
Bolly koblnson, keelcnal Fducatcr ln ues
Mclnes, ls a member cf the 4dvlsory 8oard
at the lowa Correctlonal lnstltute jor women.
khonda kuby, keelcnal Fducatcr ln Fcrt
ucdee, ls a member cf the webster County
wellness Coalltlon, webster County 5ervlce
Provlders Coalltlon and 7een lnjormatlon
Prenancy Preventlon Coalltlon (7lPP.)
PP6l recelved the "5tron llnkaes"
award frcm the unlted States' uepartment
cf Fealth and Fuman Servlces and 0fce
cf Pcpulatlcn Affalrs. Thls was a result cf
the Flv lnteeratlcn lnltlatlve tc lncrease
Flv testlne and educatlcn. PPCl emplcyees
rlca 7horson, lennljer Morton and Mary Iox
were the leaders oj thls lnltlatlve.
zee6-zee) f|nanc|a| 5tatement
Ccntrlbutlcns $ ,oo,;.u
8cck Sales $ 6;,z6.8;
Crants frcm ecvernmental aeencles $ 1,1u1,z1u.;1
Medlcal servlces revenue
Medlcald $ u,1o1,6.8
Prlvate lnsurance $ 1,o,6ou.o
Patlent Pay $ ,uo,;.;
ucnated medlcal servlces $ 11;,818.o
lnvestments $ z,68o.6
Fducatlcn servlces $ o,1;o.o
Mlscellanecus $ z,;1.u
T0TAL lhC0MF $ 1/,260,519./9
ucnated Medlcal Servlces
8cck Sales
Medlcal Servlces kevenue
Fducatlcn Servlces
Medlcal Servlces
Admlnlstratlve 8
Ceneral Fxpenses
Surelcal Servlces
Fducatlcn 8 0utreach
Payments tc hatlcnal 8
keelcnal 0reanlzatlcns
Medlcal servlces $ 6,88,z81.o;
Surelcal servlces $ z,1ou,81z.z
Famlly Practlce Center $ 6;,.1
Fducatlcn 8 cutreach $ 1,u8o,6.
Admlnlstratlve and eeneral expenses $ z,1;,8.8
Payments tc natlcnal and reelcnal creanlzatlcns $ 11u,ozz.6o
Mlscellanecus $ ,1o.;
T0TAL FXPFhSFS $ 13,687,78/.76
Pat|ent humbers
Prfiruf Srevicrs 0urufif Precrufrcr
Ccntraceptlcn supplles (blrth ccntrcl) 18;,88z %
Tests fcr sexually transmltted lnfectlcns ,o6 16%
well-wcman exams ,uu6 1o%
Pap tests 1,66u %
Fmereency ccntraceptlcn (Plan 8) 1,ou8 u%
Preenancy tests 1,z;6 u%
ln|ectable ccntraceptlve cycles 1o, %
Flv tests z,uu; 1%
Surelcal abcrtlcns z,1z 1%
Famlly Practlce vlslts z,1o 1%
Medlcatlcn abcrtlcns 1,88 1%
Lcne-term, reverslble ccntraceptlves o 1%
(luus, lmplancn, etc.)
Cclpcsccpy exams (tc detect cervlcal cancer) u8 1%
Prenatal care vlslts zu 1%
Adcptlcn placements u 1%
Tctal servlces ,61u 1oo%
Prfiruf Acrs 0urufif Precrufrcr
1; yrs and under ,;8z 8%
18-zu yrs z,o; ;%
z-uu yrs 1u,;18 %
u yrs ;u z%
Tctal patlents uu,;61 1oo%
Prfiruf FiurucirL Sfrfus 0urufif Precrufrcr
At pcverty level cr belcw z,;u ;%
1o1-1o% cf pcverty ,uo 8%
11-zoo% cf pcverty z,o8 %
zo1-zo% cf pcverty 1,oz z%
0ver zo% cf pcverty 1,1oz z%
undeclared 11,uo8 z6%
Tctal patlents uu,;61 1oo%

Prfiruf uivresif 0urufif Precrufrcr
whlte/ncn-Latlnc ;,6 8u%
whlte/Latlnc 1,161 %
8lack/ncn-Latlnc z,1z; %
8lack/Latlnc uz 1%
Aslan/Paclc lslander 1,o6o z%
hatlve Amerlcan/Alaskan 18 1%
0ther z,z 6%
Tctal patlents uu,;61 1oo%
5usan knapp
hea|th Center
ked 0ak
Cedar fa||s
ft. edge
Iewa C|ty
5term Lake
es Me|nes
fam||y Pract|ce
es Me|nes
5|eux C|ty
PP6I y the humbers
; Years-Planned Parenthccd cf Creater lcwa has prcvlded wcmen, men and
adclescents wlth educatlcn, lnfcrmatlcn and reprcductlve health servlces ln crder tc
make respens|b|e che|ces abcut thelr sexuallty and reprcductlcn. PPCl remalns true tc
fcunder Fllzabeth 8ates Ccwles wcrds when she sald, "May we lve the same opportunlty
to the underprlvlleed mother as her more jortunate slster has."
511,c1,ccc-Amcunt ralsed ln suppcrt cf PPCl's year kesponslble Cholces
Cap|ta| Campa|gn.
5,1cq,ccc-Amcunt cf Char|ty Care PPCl prcvlded fcr unlnsured cr underlnsured
patlents. PPCl remalns cne cf the state's prlmary "safety net" creanlzatlcns and prcvldes
ccmpasslcnate, quallty care tc the )e% eI pat|ents whe ||ve at zee% eI peverty er be|ew.
51,16,ccc-Amcunt ralsed frcm eenercus suppcrters fcr the zoo; Annua| fund
tc suppcrt PPCl's eeneral cperatlne needs (salarles, rent, utllltles, etc.).
5z6z,;8c-The va|ue eI ve|unteer serv|ce prcvlded tc PPCl by 8cck Sale, cllnlc,
educatlcn, advccacy and admlnlstratlve vclunteers. PPCl recelved mcre than 1q,eee ve|unteer
heurs frcm ccmmltted suppcrters. (The lndependent Sectcr values vclunteer servlce at $18.;;/hcur).
zqc,zq8-humber cf calls answered by PPCl's Ca|| Center representatlves tc asslst
PPCl patlents.
1qz,cz-Cendems d|str|buted tc prevent sexually transmltted lnfectlcns and
unlntended preenancy.
8,8-PP6I Act|en hetwerk Members whc made phcne calls, wrcte letters and
tcck cther actlcn ln suppcrt cf PPCl's Freedcm Fund wcrk.
,;61-Ade|escent and yeuth greups whc partlclpated ln research-based, medlcally
accurate sexuallty educatlcn prcerams.
18-Med|a ster|es that repcrted cn the wcrk cf PPCl.
16-PP6I hea|th centers servlne wcmen, men and adclescents thrcuehcut the state cf lcwa.
Phllanthrcpy ls based cn vcluntary actlcn fcr the ccmmcn eccd. lt ls a tradltlcn cf
elvlne and sharlne that ls prlmary tc the quallty cf llfe. Tc assure that phllanthrcpy
merlts the respect and trust cf the eeneral publlc, and that dcncrs and prcspectlve
dcncrs can have full ccndence ln the nct-fcr-prct creanlzatlcns and causes they are
asked tc suppcrt, we declare that all donors have these rlhts:
1. Tc be lnfcrmed cf the creanlzatlcn's mlsslcn, cf the way the creanlzatlcn
lntends tc use dcnated rescurces and cf lts capaclty tc use dcnatlcns
effectlvely fcr thelr lntended purpcses.
z. Tc be lnfcrmed cf the ldentlty cf thcse servlne cn the creanlzatlcn's ecvernlne
bcard and tc expect the bcard tc exerclse prudent |udement ln lts stewardshlp
. Tc have access tc the creanlzatlcn's mcst recent nanclal statements.
u. Tc be assured thelr elfts wlll be used fcr the purpcses fcr whlch they
were elven.
. Tc recelve apprcprlate ackncwledement and reccenltlcn.
6. Tc be assured that lnfcrmatlcn abcut thelr dcnatlcn ls handled wlth respect
and wlth ccndentlallty tc the extent prcvlded by law.
;. Tc expect that all relatlcnshlps wlth lndlvlduals representlne creanlzatlcns cf
lnterest tc the dcncr wlll be prcfesslcnal ln nature.
8. Tc be lnfcrmed whether thcse seeklne dcnatlcns are vclunteers, emplcyees cf
the creanlzatlcn cr hlred scllcltcrs.
. Tc have the cppcrtunlty fcr thelr names tc be deleted frcm malllne llsts that
an creanlzatlcn may lntend tc share.
1o. Tc feel free tc ask questlcns when maklne a dcnatlcn and tc recelve prcmpt,
truthful and fcrthrleht answers.
Create a Last|ng Legacy
roe PPCl ruc fur Fufuer
An lncreaslne number cf PPCl's suppcrters are helplne ensure the future cf cur aeency
and lts cllents by prcvldlne a elft ln thelr wllls cr thrcueh a planned elft. Please ccntact
lennlfer Carst, Clft Plannlne Manaeer at (1) z.ouo cr |earst@ppel.cre
fcr mcre lnfcrmatlcn.
ener ||| eI k|ghts
1hank yeu!
eur suppert cf cur health care, educatlcn and advccacy effcrts means sc much tc
thcse we serve.
eu sacr|hced tc help cthers sc that thelr health and llves cculd be better.
eu remembered the thcusands cf wcmen, men and famllles whc rely cn cur
servlces each year.
eu he|ped us carry cut the vlslcn cf cne cf cur fcunders, Fllzabeth 8ates Ccwles,
whc sald ln 1u, "May we elve the same cppcrtunlty tc the underprlvlleeed mcther
as her mcre fcrtunate slster has."
lt ls sclely thrcueh yeur g|Its eI t|me, ta|ent and treasure that the achlevements
descrlbed ln thls Annual kepcrt were made pcsslble.
$100,000 ruc Asovr
Famlly Plannlne Ccuncll cf lcwa
Cardner and Flcrence Call Ccwles
Susan Terry Knapp and wllllam C.
Knapp-wllllam C. Knapp Charltable
The Kresee Fcundatlcn
Fllzabeth Kruldenler-Kruldenler
Charltable Fcundatlcn
Mlddletcn and 8erlne Famllles
Planned Parenthccd cf Creater lcwa
8cck Sale
lcan waltt-waltt Famlly Fcundatlcn
Ted waltt-waltt Famlly Fcundatlcn
Frances Crale and uwleht Saunders
unlted way cf Central lcwa ucncrs
lcwa Fcundatlcn fcr Fducatlcn,
Fnvlrcnment, and the Arts
Planned Parenthccd Federatlcn
cf Amerlca
Pclk Ccunty Fuman Servlces
Plannlne Alllance
kcse Lee and Marvln Pcmerantz-Mld-
Amerlca Fcundatlcn
Mr. kay T. Tcwnsend
Ancnymcus (z)
vlrelnla 8each
Chrysalls Fcundatlcn
Clty cf lcwa Clty
lcy C. Ccrnlne
The Crlttentcn Center
kusty Fubbell Fdwards
Felen Cleescn
lanet Crlfn and leff Funter
Charlctte and Fred Fubbell
lcwa 0ne Clft Campalen
klchard laccbscn-klchard 0. laccbscn
Mld-lcwa Fealth Fcundatlcn
The kalph and Sylvla C. Creen
Charltable Fcundatlcn
verna kltchle
Lu and llm Stcne
Tcwnsend vlslcn
Tcnl and Tlm urban
Ccnnle wlmer
Sandra and lames wlndscr-
wlndscr Charltable Fcundatlcn
8allantlne Famlly Fund
Fllzabeth 8allantlne and Paul Leavltt
Laura 8elln and Kleran wllllams
Lynn and Alan 8cwman
Sandra and C. uean Carlscn
uT ucan
ucrls 8 vlctcr uay Fcundatlcn, lnc.
Fran Fleck and Terry Creenley
Mary Carst
Sara and 8rad Creecry
Carrle and lce Fall
Lcls Ccwles Farrlscn-Lcls Ccwles
Farrlscn kev Trust
Felen and Fdward Fealy
Lcrelel Felslneer and ucnald kedfern
Mr. and Mrs. lames w. Fubbell, lr.
8arb and uave Furd
lcy and uan Marcvltz
hatlcnal lnstltute fcr keprcductlve
lean Parker
ucnald Sanderscn
Kapple Spencer
Alben F. and Clara C. 8ates Fcundatlcn
Amerlcan Cancer Scclety
Amerlcan Leeacy Fcundatlcn
lullanne and Sle Anderscn lll
Ancnymcus (;)
Lt. Ccverncr Sally Pederscn and
Mr. lames Autry
vera 8accn
Mary Lyn and klchard 8allantlne
Fd and 8arb Madden 8lttle
Marec and ucnald 8lumenthal
Pamela 8ass-8cckey and Farry 8cckey
Marearet and Arden 8creen
lacquellne 8rlees and Frlc Cldal
ludy and uavld 8rl|a-Tcwery
Shelley and Martln 8rcdy
k.T. 8rcwn
1hank yeu te the deners ||sted whese g|Its were rece|ved between
Iu|y 1, zee6 and Iune e, zee).
llll lune (center)
wlth dcncrs 8lll
and Susan Knapp
at the lustlce
8lackmun Scclety
klck-cff event.
Lcls 8rcwnlee
8ecky and 8lll 8urke
8cnnle and Fd Campbell
ucttle and Tcm Carpenter
Allcla and uavld Claypccl
Marearet and lames Cclllns
lane Ccwles and Ann Stephens
Suzanna M. de 8aca
ues Mclnes unlverslty
Penny and ucn ulckey
Catherlne and llm uletz-Kllen
ucrsey and whltney Fcundatlcn
Shella and Tlm urevyankc
Mary and 8lll uunbar
Scndra Fddlnes
Sue and Charles Fdwards-ur. Charles
C. and Sue K. Fdwards Fcundatlcn
hancy Flsberry
Suzanne and Lawrence Fneman-
Suzanne v. Fneman kev Trust
Frnest and Flcrence Sareent Famlly
Fldellty Charltable Clft Fund
Sherrll and Charles Flnney
Peeey Flsher and Larry Stelter
ludy and Marshall Flapan
Ann wallace Flemlne-Flemlne Famlly
lcn Flemlne
uenlse and kcn Flcry
lane and Frlc Fcee
8arbara and Mlchael Cartner-Cartner
Famlly Fcundatlcn
lulla Centleman
Mary waterman Clldehaus
8arbara Flrsch-Clller and Farvey Clller
uebble and 8cb Cltchell
0fe and lchn Clazler
Letlcla Ccrdcn
lcyce Cray
8cnnle and ucn Creen
Mary Crefe
Ccrlne Fadley
Sue Faskell, u.0.
Sharcn and lan C. Faueen
Falth v. Ferre and Mark A. Faverland
8arbara and ucuelas Feln
Sharcn and kae Felple
Karen and Steven Ferwle
hancy Fewltt
uebble and Mlchael Fubbell
lanet and Mlchael Fustcn
lan Fyler
lcwa uepartment cf Publlc Fealth
Ccnnle and ulck lsaacscn
Martha lames and Mlchael Myszewskl
Karen Shaff and Steven layne
Pattl and 0wen lchnscn
Susan and kcbert lcsten
llll lune and lchn Twedt
verna and kcbert Larscn
Marearet and klchard Leee
hancy and uavld Lemcns
Madelyn Levltt-Madelyn M. Levltt
Mlckey and Fred Lcrber-Fred Lcrber
Krlstl and 8lll Lczler
Farrlette and kcbert Lubetkln
Charlctte l. Luke
lcan Mannhelmer
Sara and Steven Marquardt
wanda and ucue McCay
Andrea and uanlel McCulre
hancy and Tcm McKlveen
Merrlll Lynch / Chase
Lcree and uavld Mlles
Clneer and Terry Mcnscn
ur. Cecree Mcntecmery
Mcrean Stanley
uebcrah Mcrrlscn
Cheryl and kcscce Mcrtcn
Felen Murphy
ul hewlln
hext Step lnc.
8arbara and Andy hlsh
Fllsabeth and Sam hcrwccd
Frlc Parrlsh
Melcdee and leff Pcmerantz
Marsha and Paul keadhead
Call and Stanley klchards
Mary klche
lanlce kcemer
lcy and Charles kchm
kcn, Susy, 8etsy and Katle kcsenblatt
lanet and Mark kcsenbury
Pam and uan Sareent
lulla and Carl Schweser-Schweser
Charltable Fund
Mary and Stanley Seldler-The Seldler
Mlchele Scrla
kachel Stauffer and llm M. Lawscn
Susan T. and lchn S. Strauss-The
Strauss-Thalhelmer Charltable Trust
kuth w. Swenscn
The Tanner Fcundatlcn, lnc.
lane and 8lll Teafcrd
kuth and Lee van vccrhls
vlclet cune Charltable Trust
uclcres and uavld wallace
Fllzabeth webster
Fmlly and Fred weltz
wells Farec Ccmmunlty Suppcrt
Tcnl and 8lll whltman
lean and kcbert wllllams
lcnathan wllscn and Tcdd Messlneer
Carey wlmer
Fleancr and 8cb Zeff
Karen Aeee
lennle and kcbert Allbee
Ancnymcus (u)
8etty and 8yrcn Auespureer
uena and lchn 8ardcle
Matthew 8auehman
Chrlstlne and Clark 8enlne
Mlchele Peaccck and uavld 8carlnl
Faye and Larry 8randstetter
Marearet 8rennan
Sue and l C 8rentcn-8rentcn
Charltable Lead Trust
Call and 8cb 8rcck
8arbara and Clarence 8rcwn
Tcdd 8uchacker
Martha 8utler
Teree Caldwell-lchnscn and verncn
Fllen and klchard Caplan
Sally and uenny Carney
Charles Fuller and Ccnstance Mayercn
Patty and llm Ccwnle-Patty 8 llm
Ccwnle Charltable Fcundatlcn
Katherlne and Ferbert Fckhcuse
lane and lchn Fddy
Marllyn and Charles Farr
Feldl and kcdney Fcster
Leann Trelcar and Scctt Calenbeck
Llz Carst
Fllzabeth Mumfcrd and lce Cltchell
Sandra and walter Clthens-Ferltaee
Ccmputer Servlces
lchn Creee
8etty and Arnls 8. Crundbere
Sherry and Atul Cupta
vlctcrla Ferrlne and Mark McCcrmlck
Kerrle Flll-Flllctt and llm Flllctt
8cnnle Flrtz
lchn ueere Classlc / 8lrdles fcr Charlty
Theresa Kehce
8etty Kcch-Kcch Fcundatlcn
kenee and Thecdcre Lederman
Sue and llm Llndsay-Pan Amerlcan
Maeazlne 8ulldlne, lnc.
Susan Lcveall
Cyrll and lchn Mandelbaum
Krlsty and Cary Mathems
lcan and ucnald Mathews
Mary and uavld McCalley
Adrlane McKlnley
Llnda and uale McKlnney
Meredlth Ccrpcratlcn Fcundatlcn
lanet and ucnald Metcalf
Karen and lchn Mlller
Mcntecmery Ccunty Fndcwment Fund
Kelly L. Mccre
lchn Mutchmcr
Kay Myers-The Myers Fcundatlcn
Carcl and Karl hclln
lames hcrdman
The hcrth Star Charltable Trust
Pamela and lchn Pattcn
Sue Ann and Steven Peck
kuth wrleht-Plrcs and lames Plrcs
Alta Prlce
8arbara and Martln klch-Martln u.
cr 8arbara F. klch Famlly Charltable
Fcundatlcn zz
lennlfer kcblnscn
lanls and lchn kuan lll
ludlth kutledee
Martha kyan/walt 8ate Charltable Trust
8cbbye and Sam Scheldler
Kathryn Kerrlean and Fdward Schlenk
Pat and Lcu Schnelder
hancy and F.K. Shaw-F. K. and hancy
Shaw Famlly Fcundatlcn
Lcretta and 8cb Sleman
Karen and lullan Sllverbere
8everly and Clenn Smlth
kyan Smlth-heal cr 8ea Smlth Famlly
Katherlne Tachau
Allen vander Llnden and Mlchael
Cayle and ucue vernler
lcdy and Lynn vcrbrlch
valerle 8cles waecner and Kevln l.
Marcla and klck wanamaker
Mary and Anthcny wllllams
kcberta and wllllam Abraham
Klrk Abrahamscn
Lynn and lacky Adams
Sara and C.l. Alexander
Suzl Alexander
Sheryl and kcbert Allen
Sally Amlle
Flalne Anderscn
lulla Anderscn
Karen and uavld Anderscn
Kelly and Stuart Anderscn
Mark Anderscn
kuth Anderscn
ulanne and llm Andrews
Fllzabeth F. and kcbert l. Aneellcl
Ancnymcus (zz)
Cclleen M. Armstrcne
lackle Armstrcne and Cary Levlnscn
Avery 8rcthers, LLC
8arbara 8accn
uebble and Felnz 8aler
Sue Fllen and wllllam 8allard
8etty and Thcmas 8artcn
lean and wllllam 8aslneer
Sally and uennls 8ates
F. kcbert and Mary Massey 8aumann
Teresa 8austlan
Fvelyn and Cecree 8eal
Ccnnle and Steve 8easley
Tracey F. 8eascn
Al 8eaty
Laura 8eckwlth
Mlchael 8ehrendt
Myndell hussbaum-8ell and F. Fdward
A. 8ell
Felen 8enner
kaldlne 8enclt
Lella and lchn 8ere
Shlrley 8ereer
lanet and Charles 8etts
wllllam 8lackburn
ludy 8lank
Carclyn lane and uavld 8llss
Ccsette 8ccne and Chaden Falfhlll
Sharcn and Carl 8crlne
Ann 8cvb|ere
uebble 8cyers
8arbara 8raak
Katle 8radshaw and lustln warnke
Carcl and lames 8ranncn
lean Krusl and Fdward 8raun
Maxlne and lchn 8rlnkman
Sarah 8rcdd
Carcl kamsay 8rcwn and uavld 8rcwn
Llsa Fclderness 8rcwn and Peter 8rcwn
kcbert F. 8rcwn
uawnette and Scctt 8rcwn
lchn 8ruha
8etty 8ucklneham
Marearet 8ullltt-lcnas and kcbert lcnas
Lcls and Tcm 8urkhardt
Fllen and lchn 8urnqulst
Maryellen and Frederlck 8urr
Lcrl 8urras
Kathleen 8uscher
Farcld 8utzlcff
Fllzabeth 8alrd and Kenneth Camercn
Catherlne and Thcmas Carder
Tlfney 8rcwn and Kyle Carlscn
hancy and Kenneth Carlscn
khcnda and ucue Carver
Kathleen and Cecree Caudlll
Annette and ur. kcbert Cech
Chrls Chrlstlansen
8arbara and lerry Church
lanet and llm Claytcn
ucnna and lchn Cleasby
Farrlet Cceeeshall
hauslka and Cecree Ccln
Marllyn and Clark Cclby-Clark A Cclby
Llvlne Trust
Kelly Ccle
ucrcthy lane and Fdear Cclllns
Stephanle and Chrlstlan Ccmltc
Mar|crle and lchn Ccnncrs
Fred Ccnscrtl
Mlchael Ccppess
Carclyn and lames Ccrnette
Ann Ccwnle
8everly and lewell Crabtree
Martha Crlst
Mlnnette Curl
Kathryne Cutler
Sara and Lance uahm
Mark ualey
ucnald uau
lulla uaueherty
Laura ueaderlck
Carcl and kcbert ueppe
Llnda ueScmber
Karen and Charles uevcre
Kathl and Marlc ul hlccla
halda and lerry ulamcnd
lesslca ulck
L. Call ulcklnscn-L. Call ulcklnscn,
lr. Trust
Fllzabeth ullley
Ann and Charles ucbbs
Ava and uan ucrrance
uelphlne ucuelass
Ann urake
Madeetta T. uuney, Ph.u.
Ccnstance and warren uunham
8etty uurden
Mary and uavld uuttcn
Sunny uuvlck
Lculsa and uavld uykstra
Leleh Fbbesmeyer
ucrls Fby
Sharcn Fckstrcm
Kathryn Feltcn and kcbert Fells
lchn Flken
Mlchelle Fllerbeck
Susan and uennls Fmanuel
Fmmanuel unlted Methcdlst Church
Catherlne and klck Fneel
Karen and Arncld Fneman
8arbara and Ken Frwln
Sandra and Cerald Fskln
Pam Fstes
8arbara Fttlescn and Patrlcla 8rcckett
Llnda and uavld Fverett
Fannle Mae Fcundatlcn
lean and kcland Farley
valerle Farrar
A. Lynn Fawcett
hancy M. Fereuscn and Cary Macek
Llnda and Lynn Ferrell
lulle Flllenwarth
Lynn Flllenwarth
Ccrnella and lan Flcra
Aneelelta S. Flcyd and Scctt Caweltl
8rlan Fcrster
Carcl and Fdwln Fcx
Mary and klchard Fcx
Llz and Ken Fcx-Camercn
Anne and lcseph Frankel
Susan and Frltz Franzen
lulla and Mlchael Freel
Shlrley Freeman
Steven Freeman
Mellnda and lack Frlbley
Allce and uavld Frledeccd
Mlrlam and lames Frltz
Katherlne and Ferbert Frcmm
Fclly and kcn Fuchs
Carl Carnaat
Lculse and Cary Cately
Melanle Clbb
Larry Cleascn
Felen Ccldsteln
Marearet Ccrdcn
Fanna and uavld Cradwchl
Sarah F. Crant
Stanley Crant
Maxlne Karpan Creen
kebecca Creenwald
Fvcnne and Paul Creecry
Fclly Crelner
Sally and lchn Creve
Martha and Charles Crlfn
uennls Cuffey
Mlchele Culnn and klch 0lscn
Anna Cust
Tcmmy and uennls Faas
lennlfer and lrvlne Fahn
lanls Fall
uavld Famlltcn
Llsa Famlltcn
Carcl Fansell
lean Fansen
Lucy Fansen
Kathryn and Peter Fansen
lrene Fardlsty
lchn 8. Farper
Susan and kcn Fawk
Llnda S. Fead, M.u.
Mcnlca L. Fedees
Zce Felmann
Susan 8reen-Feld and Steven Feld
lean Fempstead
ludlth Fendershct
lsabel Fendrlckscn
uebcrah Fenry
Carla Ferllne and lascn hunemaker
Mellssa Festcn
Carcl Flbbs and kclland klley
l. Flalne Fleber
Trudle and Fal Flees
Sara and Luther Flll
Chrlstlne Flnes
Charlene Flnrlchs
kebecca Fceppner
ludle and uavld Fcffman
Fda and wllllam Fcfmann
Fllzabeth Fcfsas
Carcl and C.F. Fcrnbuckle
8arl Fcsklns
8etty lean Fctchkln
8etty and walter Fcuf
hlccle Fcward
Peeey Fuppert
8etty and kcbert Fyde
Katherlne lhm
Lyn lneerscll
Mary l. lneham
Tlm lneram
Scctt lnevaldscn
Krlsta laccb
Llese laccbscn
lennlfer laskclka-8rcwn and Sean 8rcwn
Ardys lchnscn
Clneer lchnscn and Lawrence Chase
Lcls and Karl lchnscn
hancy lchnscn
kcslea lchnscn
lean F. lchnstcn
kuth and Fdwln lcnes
hancy lcnes and Mlchael Fcvland
Patrlcla and lames lcnes
Cerrlanne and uavld L. lcrdan
Cathy and Patrlck lury
hancy and Mlchael Kammerer
lacquellne Kappmeyer
kcbln and Peter Karney
Susan Karrasch
Sandra and Cclln Kavanaeh
Carcl Keellne
Marllyn and Clalr Keller
hcrene Kelly
Shlrley k. Kelly
ucrcthy Kelsc
Thcra Klnseth
lennlfer Klntzle
Krls and lchn Klttrell
Frwln and lanet Klaas
Kentcn Kleln
Carclyn and 8arry Knapp
hancy and uavld Kcch
Kathleen Kcenle
wllllam Kcenle
ueb and Chuck Kclb
Cecree Kcplcw
Mary Krantz
Terry and Mark Krlvcruchka
uebra Kruse
KS 8 k
lulla and uenls Kuhlmann
Fvelyn Kuhns
8ev and klchard Kukcwskl
kachelle La8aree
lcy and Allen Lane
Mlchelle Lanee
lcyce and klchard Larrabure
Cracle Larsen
Cclleen Larscn-Cclleen F. Larscn Trust
lean Latenser
Paula Laube
lennlfer Leachman
Prudence and lchn Leachman
wllllam Leavltt
Carcl Leech
kcsalyn Lehman
lean Llbbey
Mary Lleberknecht
Leslle Lleht
Llsa Llndeman
Laurle and Curtls Llnhart
Patty Llnk-Llnk Strateeles
Paulee Llpsman
Shlrley and kaymcnd Llscher
ulane Llvlnestcn
Ann and klchard Lcne
hlccle Lcnenecker
ueb Lcrd
Carla and Tcm Lcvan
8everly and Clen Lcve
Marlan and lvan Lyddcn
leanne and Mark Lyle
Laurel Mac8rlde
8everly and warren Madden
Mary and k.L. Maddcx
Felene and Alan Maeruder
Tlna Manbeck-8lue Ccve hatural
hcrman Mandelbaum
Lculse Mannlne
Lynn Manscn
uebcrah keed-Mareetan and Frank
uavld Markham
Paula Marshall
Ccnnle Martln
Crale Martln
Lawrence Matthews
lcyce and u. lack May
Thcmas Mc8rlde
Mcnlca McCarthy
Mclra McCluney
lacquellne Mcuermctt
lulle and uavld McFlrcy
F. k. McFadden
ucnna and klchard McKay
Allce and Fd McKee
Sarah McKlness
hancy McLaln
Llnda Fanscn and ucnn McLauehlln
Shanlee and Sean Mchally
8cnnle Mchurlen
Felen Mckeynclds-Felen l.
Mckeynclds Trust
Mary Fllan and lchn Melllneer
Cheryl Mendenhall
lullet Metcalf
lewell and ucnald Mldthun
8everly urlnnln and Llcyd Mlller
Paula Mllls
leanette Mlncr
Call Mcehlls
lanette and Mlchael Mcrrls
Paul Mcrrlscn
Cynthla and uean Mcrtcn
Susan Muelhaupt
Carltcn Mueller
Sally and klchard Muller
lune Mullette
Sue Mulllns
lacquellne and lames Mundt
8arbara and 8ruce Munscn
ur. lames and Mrs. Fleancr Myrbere
lc Fllen and Steve M. hadel
ucrcthy and Farcld heumann
Marec and Lee hlchclas
Fve Syrkln wurtele and 8asll hlkclau
Parlsse hnanna
Tcnl and kcnald hcah
Patrlcla and klchard hcyce
ucrls hurre
ludy hybere
Cynthla 0brlen
Sandra and uennls 0'8rlen
ucncr Fllzabeth
(L) wlth PPCl
Presldent/CF0 llll
lune, ln frcnt cf a
pcrtralt cf fcunder
Fllzabeth 8ates
8eth 0'ucnchce
Mareuerlte 0ettlne
Llnda 0eden
Marllyn 0llver
Marketa 0llver
lcanne Lcrence and lchn 0ttc
ueanna 0vertcn and Frlc McLuen
lean and lames Palmer
ucrcthy and Phllllp Palmer
lerry and kandall Parkln
Cynthla and lchn Paschen
Thcmas Patterscn
hancy and Mltchell Paul
Sally Paustlan and Scctt Caulpetzer
Cellna and uavld Peerman
Charltcn and Alec Pendry
Susan Perry and Stanley Cccdyear
Susan Chantland and lack Petersen
Mary Lculse and kand Petersen
lean Peterscn
uebra and Larry Peterscn
Flclse and Thecdcre Pfelff
Mary and 8rlan Pcrter
Mcnlca and Max Pcrter
Phyllls and kcbert Pcwell
vlda Praltls and kceer Flll-Kendall
Fnerey Ccnsultlne
Sandra and kalph Pray
vlckl Prentls
0uad Cltles hatlcnal 0reanlzatlcn fcr
wcmen Prceresslve Actlcn fcr the
Ccmmcn Cccd-wcmen's lssues
Ferman 0ulrmbach
kcsellnd and Sheldcn kablncwltz
Maxlne and Stan kedeker
wllllam kedlne
Cene and kcbert keed
Annette and klchard klce
Mary klchards
vlrelnla and k.K. klchards
Karyn klchardscn
lude and kandy klchardscn
Karen klddle
Cl and kceer kles
ulanne klley
Llnda and Klrby kcberts
ulane and lack kcbertscn
wllllam kcblnscn
Audrey and Farlan kcsenbere
han Klne and Tcm kcss
Malcclm kcuevle
Maxlne and Farl kczebccm
hcrman kudl
Klaus kuedenbere
Fenry kuff
Prlscllla and uavld kuhe
lcy Smlth and uavld kust
leanne whlte and uavld Sampel
Kathle and Mlke Sankey
Clndy lean Saul
Susan Fnzle and hathan F. Savln
Patrlce and lchn Sayre
vlbeke Petersen and Karl Schaefer
Flma and Farcld Schlel
Llnda and Charles Schmltt
Martha and Anthcny Schmltt
ludlth and Farcld Schneebeck
Sharcn and Kenneth Schnelder
Ann and Stephen Schcdde
Clndy and ulrk Schclten-ulrk and
Luclnda Schclten kevccable Trust
kcn Schulz
lan and klchard Seaerave
kay Sears
Kay Seery
hancy and klchard Seldler
Karl Selfert
Clndy and Carl Selden
Fvelyn Sexauer
Mary Sharpe
Madellne Shea and Marc wcld
uanlelle Sheltcn
lulle Shepard
Fvelyn Shlbles
lean and wllllam Shlelds
Cherle and 8cb Shreck
Susan Shullaw
Mareuerlte Slbley and lchn kundle
Lcule and klley Slmpscn
ur. Clenn and Charlctte Skallerup-
MACC Fcundatlcn
Amy and Mark Slaeell
Anne Slatterly
Laurle and Ashley Slcterdyk
Smlth Famlly Fcundatlcn
Carcl and Carrett Smlth
leanne and lan Smlth
lcy and Lynn Smlth
walt and Slbyl Smlth-lTwC
vlctcrla Sclursh
Spencer wcmen cf Tcday
Sherrl Sperllch
Lynette lcnes Splcer
lanet Peterscn and Lecn Sples
Faraldlne Staffcrd and Thcmas Carter
vlrelnla and kcbert Staffcrd
Curt Stamp
lulle and llm Stauch
Sandra and 8lll Stearns
Marlcwe Steeee
uebra Stellen
8eth Fclden Stence and uanlel Stence
Carcl Stewart
lane Stlne
8everly Stcne
ucrcthy v. Stcne
Stcrey Kenwcrthy Ccmpany
Stcrm Lake Chlrcpractlc Cllnlc
wllllam Stcrm
kyan Swanek
llm Swartz
ulane and uavld Swleskcwskl
vlctcrla Szcplnskl
Andrea and lames Tatkcn-Ccker
hancy Thayer
ulane Thlessen
Maxlne and keynclds Thcmas
Ccsette and Ted Thcms
Senatcr Maeele and Mr. k. Fcvey
8arbara and kcbert Tcllefscn
8arbara and klck Trleff
Patrlcla and klchard Trump
Flleen and Paul Tyler
unlted Church 0f Chrlst-Ccnereeatlcnal
unlted eway ucncrs
unlted way cf lchnscn Ccunty ucncrs
Farcld vanderwerf
8arb and uavld vanSlckel
Llsa veach
khcda verncn
8arbra vceen
kanda and Lee walker
hancy 8rlnkman and Tlmcthy walker
Thcmas wallace
lane and lcn waltz
Marllyn and kcbert warllne
8cbble and kcy warman
vcnne warner
lennlfer warren-ulrlck and Chad u. ulrlck
Sandy and Cary weeenke
Catherlne weldeman and klck klppereer
Llnda and 8lll weldmaler
ulann and Thcmas welnman
weltz Ccmpany, lnc.
Llnda and Steve weltz
lennlfer wemark
Martha wenstrand
Feldl wessels and ucn Scandrett
Mary and wllllam wessels
whlrlpccl Fcundatlcn
kcbert whlttenbure
Ann and Llnn wllbur
Mary 8eth and Melvln wllk
Fllzabeth and 8rlan wlllem
Ccnstance wllllams and hell k. Flrsch
lanlce and Thcmas wlltcn
Krlstlne and Kenneth wlnber
lean wlneear
kcbble and Marvln wlnlck
Kathy wlnter
Patrlcla wlnters
Cecreanne and Lecnard wccdruff
Catherlne Pratscher wccds
wcrklne Assets Crantmaklne Fund cf
Tldes Fcundatlcn
Xl FTA l0TA Chapter cf 8eta Slema Phl
Stacle crk
Cathy and klchard cune
Carcl Leee Zeleler
Suzanne M. Zllber and Adln Mann
8arbara and kcland Zlmany
Kathy and Stephen Zumbach
$99 ruc 8rLow
Felen Ackerscn
uarla Adalr-Petrcskl
lack and 8arb Adams
Mary Adams
lane and klchard Adams
Aenew Mckcsak Crcup
Mary K. Aenew
kebecca and lcn Ahrendsen
Lculse Alccrn
uarren Alexander
M. Pee Fltch and 8en|amln Allen
lanet and Tlm Andersen
Amy M. Anderscn and Mark Lycns Flll
uaryl and Cree Anderscn
lneer Anderscn
Kate Anderscn
kcberta and kcbert Anderscn
Stephen Anderscn
Ancnymcus ()
Stacl Appel
Patrlcla Artls
Peeey and Paul Asher
Clalre and kcbert Ashman
Aneela Axdahl
Lculse Axtell
Mlldred 8ach
Karen 8alley
Shelley 8aln
8.l. 8aker-8aker Crcup
Patrlcla and kcbert 8aker
Arlene 8aldes
uarllne 8alm-uemmel
lanlce and kcbert 8annlster
Ccnnle and Frlc 8appe
kuth 8arnett
lana 8arracks
Susana and Frnestc 8arrantes
ulane 8arrett
kcbert 8atallle
8everly 8aum
ludy and lchn 8aur
Myrcn 8ear
lane 8eard
kuth 8eebcut
Marney and M.k. 8eemer
Phyllls 8ell
Paul 8endlt
Maxlne 8rccks 8enscn
lan 8ere-Kruse and kcd Kruse
8everly 8erequlst
Meredlth and L.K. 8erryhlll
lacquellne and Sheldcn 8lber
Karen and lames 8leeeer
kcbert 8lerkamp
Lamcna and 8yrcn 8llderback
8arbara and lan 8lnnle
Murlel and Ccrdcn 8lvens
Mary L. 8|crkman
Mlchele and 8ruce 8|crn
Sandra 8lcunt
8arbara and Maynard 8catwrleht
Laura 8cees
leannette 8chnenkamp
8arbara 8ccth
lulle 8csler
hada and Paul 8cttke
8cnnle S. 8cwen
Flleen and kcn 8cwerman
uana 8rand
kcsalle and Mark 8randseard
lc 8randt
Phyllls and klchard 8raverman
leanne 8raymen
Kathy 8reckunltch
Anele 8renlzer
Arlys 8reuklander
Frances and Mlchael 8rewster
ucrls and lchn 8rcck
kuth l. 8rcckman
Llbbet 8rccke
Kelth 8rccke
kamcna 8rccks
Lecla and wayne 8rcuhard
vlctcrla and llm 8rcwn
Karen 8ruce
Fva 8rummel
lanet and Frank 8rundlck
8ecky 8ryant
Anne and kcbert 8uck
Mary 8udclfscn
lanet 8urch
ucrcthy 8urkhart
8arb 8urn
lcseph 8urnett
8ev 8urns
Felen 8urr
hena 8urrcws
8arbara and uanlel 8usch-Mctt
Llnda 8yers
hlccle Cable and uan 8uettner
Cabrlelle and Steve Calllsteln
8cua h. Cam
lan and 8cwen Campbell
LcAnn and kcbert Campbell
Sherry and kussell Candee
8ellnda and kceer Cardcna-Frazler
Kelly and Mlchael Carey
lcan and Ferbert Carlscn
Katle and Cecree Carpenter
lean and Cary Carpenter
kcbert Carstens
Susan and ucnald Carver
lcAnn Castaena
uelcres and Fueene Cedarhclm
Clalre Celsl
Catherlne and vern Chalstrcm
Shelley and lcseph Chambers
hancy Chapman
lcyce and klchard Chapman
Chapter lF-P.F.0.
8etty and lcn Chrlstensen
lanet Chrlstlan
Kathleen Clark
Kay and Tracy Clark
Martl Clark-Mcffett
lcan Turner Clary
Karen Claypccl
Fllzabeth and 8en Claytcn
Fay Cleary
keelna Clewell
Mlrlam Cllne
Mary lane Clltherc
Charles Clcnch
Frances Clcueh
Paula Ccckrell
wllllam 8. Ccle
Stantcn A. Ccleman
Charles Cclllns
8etty and kay Cclllns-kay and 8etty
Cclllns kevccable Trust
Cassandra Ccnklln
vlckl Ccnnelly
Phyllls and keuben Ccre
hcrma Ccret
Fenry Ccrn
Marsha Ccry
Clcrla Ccsner
8etty Ccssltt
Anne Ccwley
Anne and Fred Crane
Mlchelle Crawfcrd
Karan Crllly
Mary Ann and lchn Crcss
ludlth Crcssett
Cathy Crcwe
8arbara Cruzen
lcne Culp
8arbara Cunnlneham
Sharcn Cunnlneham
Lana uahl
Sharcn and kcnald uahleen
Mayrellen and lchn uahlke
Fllzabeth uahm
Terry uahms
8arb and llm uale
vercnlca and Frederlck uark
ulck uavldscn
uebra uavls
Lauren uavls
lanlce and kcbert uavls
ulanne uay
Shlrley and klchard uean
Sharcn and ulck uearden
Llnda ue8arthe and kandy Mellne
Lcrralne uecker
Paula uemattels
Lculse 8. ueneler
helta M uerrcueh
Cathy and ucue uevrles
Martha and 8llly ueyce
ludy uletrlch
Patrlcla and uavld ulxcn
hancy and Lcren ucnaldscn
Lelsa ucran
ucnna and kcbert ucran
Carclyn ucrner
Lynell ucueherty
Sarra ucw
lcyce and wendell ucwnlne-wendell K.
ucwnlne kevcc Trust
hatalle and Lester uraestedt
Sheryle and Tcm urake
Kae urumheller
Ceraldlne and wayne uuccmmun
Llcyd uumenll
lean and Martln uunn
Peeey uupey
Charlene Fblen
Martha and ucnald Fddy
Karen and Steven Fddy
Averyle and kcy Fhrle
ucn Flk
8etty Fllls
Sharl and Stanley Fneman
Allscn Fntler
Patrlcla Fpherave
Llnda and warren Frlckscn
Marlene and kcbert Frlckscn
Carcl and kcbert Fvans
kcse Fvans
lanet and Scctt Fvans
Catherlne and Tcdd Fvans
lanet u. Faracl
ucnlta and lchn Fatland
Farrlett and kcnald Feder
Sharcn and leffrey Feeley
Susan Fereuscn
Andrea Flck
Kelley and ucnald Flfer
lanet Flee
Cene Fleura
khcnda Flneerman
kuth Flnk-wlnter
uana Flscher
urennan Flscher
Clndy and Tcm Flscher
Carcl and lchn Flshbaueh-lchn and
Carcl Flshbaueh kevccable Trust
Mary and kcbert Fltz
lennlfer and Mlchael Flatte
lc Fletchall
ludy and wllllam Fletcher
Suzanne and Fdward Flynn
ucrls Fcell
8arbara Fcrker
lane and lrv Fcrster
Mclly Fcrster
uclcres Fcrtner
Shlrley and lack Fcster
Terry and wllllam Francls
lan Frank-de 0ls
Mareuerlte Franscn
Marcla Freer
lerry Freese
lcan and klchard Frchcck
Karcle Fuller
Mlchael Caffey
Lcls Camblll
Cannett Match
lc Ann and Cllntcn Caulke
leanne and Charles Cee
Farry Cerdes
Amy Cetty and Fdward Allen
lcan L. Chrlst
Ms. lane A. Clbb
Kathleen Clerasch
Adam Cllbert
hancy Clles
lane Clllaspey
Mary and uean Clllaspey
Allene Clllesple
Chrls Cleascn
Sandra and Cecree Clenn
lcyce and kussell Clenn
Merrllyn Ccepel
Sarah Cccdland
Stephen Cccdner
Ms. h. Cccdspeed
Carclyn and Mlke Cccdwln
Felen and lames Ccrdcn
ueb Ccre 0hrn
hancy Crace
ulana Cranbere
lan Crant
Mellssa Crant
Mareery and lchn Craves
hancy and 8rent Creen
Mary Creen
Fdlth Creenstcne
8ernal Creeersen
lan and Fueh Crele
Stephen A. Crcss
klchard Crcssman
Maxlne Crcve
Avls Crundman
lla Culslneer
Susan and 8rlan Cunnlnk
Felen and lchn Custafscn
Llnda and lcel Faack
uelcra lespersen Fade and uavld Fade
uebra and lcel Fade
ulane and 8ruce Faeemeyer
lcann and Cecree Faeen-Faeen Famlly
kevccable Trust
8ernlece Fall
lean Fall
kcsalle Falverscn
kussell Famre
lane and uarrell Fanel
8arbara Fans
Charles Fanscn
Mar|crle and uurwln Fanscn
lanet and leffrey Farcum
uena Farms
Marearet Farrls
Marllyn Fart
Sarah Fart
Cary Farter
Lynnette and Creecry Farter
Flla Fartmann
kcsemary and wray Fartschen
uebra Farvey
8arbara Fasklns
Susan Fateld
kcbert Faue
Sharl Fawk
Fllda and Alan Fawklns
kae and klchard Faws
Carcl Fayes
wllma Fead
Llnda and uave Fearn
8etty and Alden Febard
Sally L. Fellwle
lune Felm and Plerce Klne
lane and Larry Ferbcld
leanne and kceer Fershey
lcyce and Thcmas Fertz
Palee Ferwle
Marearet and Paul Fewett
Fllen Feywccd and Paul lneram
Tammy Flckman-Fay
Maxlne Flldebrand
lanette and kcbert Flldebrand
ulane and hcrman Fllls
Clenda Flllscn
Cathy Fladky
llm Fcekstra
Karen and Larry Fcler
wllla and uavld Fcleer
Cclleen and lchn Fclley
Mary and Carl Fclvlk
Llnda Fclvlk and Phlllp Tetzlcff
Patrlcla Fcpklns
lennlfer Fcrner
Lcls and 0llver Fcustcn
lerry Fcwe
Fllzabeth and Stephen Fcwell
Sydney Fcwe-hlxcn
Cay Fcyt
Lcnna k Fulslneh
Fdlth Fumes
wyncna Fummel
Aneela and Scctt Funt
8cnnle Funter
Carclyn Funter
Fllen and lchn Funter
Lcls and Clen Furley
ucrcthy Futchlnes-ucrcthy Futchlnes
kevccable Trust
Marcla and lchn lmsande
lcwa State Flstcrlcal Preservatlcn 0fce
vlrelnla and Kenneth lreland
Carcl lverscn
Paullna lackscn and Teresa lackscn
ludy and Tcm lackscn
hlchcle and Chad laccbs
Marlan and wllllam laccbs
Phyllls laelellc
Albert laencw
ulna lanzen and lames kcssen
ulxle and Paul lensen
uanlel lchannsen
8ette lchnscn
Cathy lchnscn
Peeey and uavld lchnscn
Mary lc and uave lchnscn
hancy lchnscn
Marllyn and wendell lchnscn
lcyce and lames lchnstcn
Maeele and Adam lcnes
Sherry lcreensen
Mary Lcu and lchn ludd
lackle and Phlllp luhl
Carcl and leffrey luneman
Carcl Kaalbere
Marllyn Karlscn
uebble Kattenhcrn
lane and Lculs Katz
lcdy and lchn Kealey
Ccrlnne and uanlel Kealy
Fllen Kelne
Fvelyn Kelr
Katlnka Kelth
Farry Keller
Marlan and lcseph Keller
Susy and 8ruce Kelley
Klmberly Kelley
Paula and Lcnny Kerman
Sylvla and Max Klernan
Patrlcla and lames Klne
Kerl Klnnalrd
Sherrl Klnseth
Marletta Klnt
Llnda and Cary Klrchhcff
ucrcthy and Alvln Klrsner-Alvln F.
Klrsner Trust
Fllzabeth and lames Klser
Mary Klsllnebury and lchn Pckladnlk
ucrcthy Klzer
8lll Knepper
Marearet and lerry Kncx
Llsa Kcblenz
Ccby Kcester
Maree Kcester
Amella Kcfcrd
Anna Kclder
lennlfer and Mlchael Kclder
ulane Kclmer and wllllam 8lum
Karen and kcbert Kclwey
kcberta Kraft
Carcl and Frederlck Kramer
Mary Kramer
Lyle Krewscn
lulle Krceeer
kcsanne and Farcld Krubsack
kcbln Krueeer
8everly and Kenneth Kruempel
uesplna and Farcld Kuester
Cassa and uean Kuhn
Mary F. Kundrat and Patrlck Mchulty
Karen Kvederls
lean Lake
lanet Lambert
Stacey Lancaster
Melanle Landa and Mlke Mcultcn
Sandra Landls
leanne and lchn Laneeland
kuth and Fverett Lanlne
Mary and 8lll Lanphere
Fmplcyees at the
ues Mclnes west
Center dlstrlbuted
Plan 8 cn Free FC uay,
uecember 6.
Mary and llm Larew
ulanne Larsen
hancy and uavld Larsen
kachel Larscn
lean Lasslla
ucnald Lavender
Katherlne Lawless
Fllsabeth Lawscn
Kecla Leary
kusselle l. Leeeett
llll Leeeett
ueanna Lehl
vlrelnla Leland
Sherry Levlne and Stan uudley
Cynthla Ccrrell Levy
hancy and Fdwln Lewls
vlctcrla Lewls
Lculse and Lculs Lex
Laura Merrlck and Matthew Llebman
Llnda and kceer Llttleeld
Sharcn and uennls Llttle|chn
vlrelnla and Cary Llvesay
Fllzabeth M. Lceb
Lcrene and klchard Lcne
Tamara Lcrenz
Sharcn Lculs-Ccldfcrd
lan and Tcm Lcvell
Susan and Lyle Luzum
hancy and klchard Lynch
Madalyn Lynn
klta Lynn
Mandy Maass
Mary and lan MacCllllvray
8arb and Paul MacCreecr
Llnda Mack
Lellla Macnell
ueane and Marlcn Maddccks
Mary Madlscn
Susan k. Madcrsky
Mr. and Mrs. Carltcn Maecun
Mlchele and Klm Maeulre 8eck
Peeey and Mlke Mahcney
Chareta Mandel
Anlta Mandelbaum
Sarah and lchn Maney
Lynn and Paul Manklns
8ethany S. Mannlne
Fenry Mannlne
Sharcn and ucnald Marek
Suear Mark
hancy Marks
lane Marsh
Mary and kussell Marshall
Paul Marstcn
Anne and uavld Martln
Mary Ann and kay Martln
Tamara and Chrlstcpher Martln
Shlrley and Myrcn Marty
Mary Lcu Marvln
Felen Mascn
Marlta and lack Mastrcfskl
Amy Mathre and Paul Fedman
Feather and Chrls Matscn
Kelly Matthews
Susan 8cley-May and uavld May
Mary Mayne
Fllzabeth and Clen Mc Lecd
lane and uarrell McAlllster
ludy McClure and lcn whlte
Kathleen and Steve McCrea
lcAnn and lchn Mcucnald
Chrlsta and kyan Mcucnald
ludlth and Alan Mcucwell
Mary F. Mcuuff
Ann and Terry McCcwan
Sandra and uean McCrew
Marearet Mclnrcy
Marlene Mclntyre
Call McKean
Ann McKee
kuth and lchn McKlveen
Cene Mcklll
lcyce L. Mears
uarlene and Farcld Meeker
Carcl and Martln Melndl
Averll and Carlyle Merrltt
lames Mlchel
Fllzabeth and Larry Mlddletcn
8etty Mlller
Karen Mlller and 8lll 8rauch
Patrlcla and Kemp Mlller
uale Mlnner
lulla Mcen
lanet Mcllne
Susanne Mcnahan
Maureen u. Mcndcra and lascn S. Alread
Sharl Mcnear
ludlth and Mark Mcnrce
ucnna Mccre
lcyce and Frnest Mccre
Karla Mccre
kcbert Mccrman
Mary Felen Mcrllne
leanne Mcrrls
ludy Mcseley
Lynn Mcseley
Carrcl and Art Mculds
uebra and wllllam Mculds-Marlne
Kay and Cal Muller
hancy Murphy
Flsle haylcr
Shlrley helman
Cella and lchn helscn
Fran helscn
hetwcrk fcr Cccd
8arbara and Farry hevlns
ucnna and ucn hewbrcueh
hancy and Fdward hlchcls
Llnda hcble
Mary hcble
Cathy hcecker
lchn hcrwccd
Mary hcss keavely
Ccleen and lchn hutty
Katharlne and lcel 0lah
Frankee and lames 0lescn
vlckle 0lsen
Sharl 0lscn
0meea hu
Carcl 0'kcake
lclene K. 0rr
lean 0'Shea
Marcle 0smundscn
Susan and kceer 0sslan
lames 0sterhaus
lamle and uavld 0tls
Susan and Lyle 0tte
Marec F. 0wanc
Chrlstlne and Cree Paee
uebra Parker
uebra and Larry Parker
Katherlne Parker
lanet and Lcran Parker
Kathy and uennls Parmenter
lcan and C.F. Parscns
Llnda and lchn Patrlck
Kathy Paul
Sarah and Fenry Paulscn
Marearet and k. 8rent Pearce
Laura and uavld Penly
Carcl Pentulc
lerald Peters
Mary Lcu Petersen
8arbara Peterscn
kcsallnd Peterscn
Katle and wllllam Peverlll
Ann and lames Pfaff
Amy Phelps
Sandra and lchn Phllllps
ulane Plckle
Fllzabeth Plerschbacher
Pam Pllcher
Lee Plaehn
8ernle and Arthur Pchm
Felena and lenaclc Pcnsetl
lulle and llm Pcpken
Melanle and Ted Pcrter
Mar|ean Pcstcn
Marlys and lames Pctter
kcberta Pcwers
lerl and lames Prescctt
Phyllls and klchard Prestcn
Fllzabeth Prlestley
Lynn and klchard Prcvcst
Amy Prultt
Sarah Puckett
uavld Puffett
Flcrence and Clenn Purnell
Marle and uuane 0uanbeck
Lcree kackstraw
lanet kauch
wlnlfred and Calvln kavenscrcft
Kay and kay keascner
Chere keddlnetcn
kuth kedman
kuth keed
Patrlcla kelchert
kae kellly
Chrlstlne klccelll and Andy 8all
Mlchelle klch
Clysta klchard
Suzanne klne
hancy klnestrcm
lane klnewald
Mlldred klslneer
Llnda and Tcm kcbel
uavld kcberts
Fllzabeth and lchn kcberts
vlckl and Thcmas kcberts
8everly kcblnscn
Llsa kcblnscn
8ruce kceers
lean kceers
Carclyn kchlf
ludy kchrer
lackl kcman
Stephanle kcmey
kebecca kccrda and uavld v. lchnscn
Lecnard kccvaart
hlna and kcbert kcseland-kcbert C.
kcseland kev Trust
uale kcss
hancy kcss
lanlce kcwe
lanet kcwley
8arbara kcyal and ueldre Fudee
Clarlce and kcn kubek
8etsy kublner
8arbara kuprecht
Fmlly and Charles A. kussell
Martha kussell
Pat and Martln kyan
Lcrl and uan kyner
Lcu Ann and Kent Sandbure
Cena Sapp
velma and warren Sareent
Marearet Sauer
Flleen Sblral
Sue and uenls Schaefer
Llnda and Thcmas Schaefer
Mae Schatteman
Shlrlee Schlenker
Mrs. hacml and kev. wllllam Schlcbchm
Anlta and llm Schlcsser
Charla Schmld
8arb and Mark Schmldt
lulle Schmldt and Lee vceel
Madelyn and ucnald Schcen
lc and Alan Schcenlne
Sara and Adrlan Schcenmaker
Klm and uanlel Schcenthal
lanle and Steven Schcmbere
Kathryn Schccler
Llnda Schrader
ucralee Schrcder
Patrlcla Schultz
Llsa kcck and lames Schulze
Allce and uale Schumacher
8arbara Schwarzentraub
Lcrl Scctt
Allen Scult
Chrlstlne Seeretc
Frln Seldler
leanette Sendry
Mellssa Serenda
Sara Sersland
ucrcthy Sessa
Patrlcla l. Severscn
Mlchael Shank
Lcrl Shanncn
Twyla and klchard L. Sharpnack-
klchard L. and Twyla 8. Sharpnack
Marllyn Shay
Kathleen and Mack Shelley
Anne Sherve-0se
8arbara and 8en Shlaes
Carltcn Shull
walter Sleck
Fenry Slewert
LuAnn Slmcns
Martha Sklllman
lcan L. Skcestrcm
lcan Slcan
lames Smlth
Cretchen and Frank Snlder
Marlan and Ted Sclcmcn
Sandra Scmdahl
8arbara and ucnald Scrlle
Amanda Scuder
Fva Speler
Klmberlee Splllers
lae-lae Spccn and C. l. vccl
uawn Spcsatc
Kenneth Staeman
Klmberly Stamatelcs
Marllyn and Lawrence Staples
ucrcthy and kcbert Starr
Lynn and Lawrence Stauntcn
Paul Stebblns, M.u.
Marllyn and vauehn Steen
Cynthla Steldl
Felen and Arthur Steln
wllllam Steneel
lanet and uavld Stephenscn
Lea Stermer
lames Stewart
Patrlcla and kcbert Stewart
Charlctte and kcbert Stlckler
Lcrna and ucn Stlles
ludlth Stcckbrldee
Arllss Stcckdale
Patrlcla and lchn Stchlmann
Paul Stclte
Mlchelle Stcnehccker-Manuel
Fllzabeth and lcseph Strasser
Fllzabeth and lchn Strattcn
Lcrralne and lack Stream
Charles Strcud-Charles F. Strcud
kevccable Trust
Carcl and Kelth Strcyan
hcrma and uavld Stuart
uelcres and klchard Stureecn
ludy Stuva
Patrlcla Sulllvan-Patrlcla K. Sulllvan
kevccable Trust
Mareery Surbaueh-Mareery l. Surbaueh
kevccable Trust
Carla and lchn Sutherland
lean Swalm
lcyce and 8en Swartz
Mary Swenscn
Mary lc and Sldney h. Swenscn
lchn Taylcr
Paulette Taylcr
Stephanle and Kevln Techau
ulane Teetmeyer
Sue and klchard Temperc
Pamela Terrlll
uebra Tesscn
ludy Thayer
Martha Thlen
Patrlcla Flynn Thcmann
Tla Thcmpscn
Sherry Thcrn
uebble and lerry Thcrntcn
Karla and urew Tlllctscn
lchn and Kathleen Tlmmcns
Lcls T|cssem
Stephanle Tclkan
Mary Tcrecman
Susan Tcwnsend
Sara Tralncr
Susan and 8ruce Travls
klchard u. Treman
ulane and 8ruce Trlmble
Kathleen Trlnder
Carcle Sue and lames Trlplett
Cretchen Trlplett
Cert Trcst
Sara and Mark Trueblccd
Crystal and Cary Tschantz
Kathleen and uavld Tucker
Scnla Tuma
lc Ann Turner
lcan and lames Tyler
Llnda and Patrlck Tyler
ucnlta and 0rval uden
unlted way cf hew crk Clty ucncrs
Mary and uean uptcn
kcn valllne
8everly van Fcssen
Mary Lynne and klchard van valln
ucrcthy and Paul vance
lchnna vanderecken
uavld vanderllnden
lean C. and lcseph C. vanwlnkle
Anlta varme
valerle and kceer vetter
uee and lames vlckery
Carcl and uave vleck
Carcl and kceer vclker
lulle and Llcyd vcn Faeen
Cecrela and Carl vcndra
Cheryl vcnsteln
Katherlne vcnwald
ludlth and Ccrdcn vrana
Kay vrlezelaar
lcan wachtel
lanet walker
Fsther walter
Leeann and lchn waltzlne
kebecca wampler
vera wanamaker
ulane ward
Llnda warren
Marvldene and Cerald warwlck
Felen wearln
lane weldeman
Mar|crle welder
Marlcn and Farry welss
Marearet welss and Mlke Tramcntlna
Laurl welssenbureer
Marearet|ean weltha
Lcretta and wendell wendt
8arbara and Stanley west
ludy west
lc and lchn wetherell
ulann weymlller
Phyllls and Charles wheeler
Phyllls and lames wheeler
leanne wheeler
Mark wheeler
Lyn and Anele whlte
Marcla whltmer
Amy wlckett
Mallnda and ucuelas wlesner
Abbey wllllams
lulla wllllams
Ken wlllls
Merlele and kcnald wllmct
Ann wllscn
uee Ann and Larry wllscn
Sharcn and kcbert wllscn
0llve wllscn
Mary and ucnald wlne
Shlrley wlrt
uanlelle and ucn wlrth
Laurle and Mlchael wlrth
lean and 8lll wlssmlller
kcnnle wclf
lulla wclfe
Carcl wclfcrd
Marey wccd
Shlrley wccd
8arbara and lack wccds
Carcl wccds
Frances wullbrandt
8eth and wllllam wunder
lcyce ates
8cnnle and Fred azel
uebra and kcbert eska
Fllzabeth cunebere
Shlrley uneclas
Flalne Lundstrcm and uavld urdln
Suzanne Zaffaranc
Lecna Zaharls
lcyce Zehr
Ccldle Zelchlk
Cllnt Zlmmerman
MruoeirLs ruc Fouoe Cirfs
hener eI I|m Autry
Karen 8alley
Memery eI Ph|||p kess each
vlrelnla 8each
Memery eI etty ehrendt
Mlchael 8ehrendt
Memery eI Iudy |erkamp
kcbert 8lerkamp
hener eI arb, 5teve and Patr|ck
Fd and 8arb Madden 8lttle
hener eI eek 5a|e ve|unteers
Sharcn Fckstrcm
8arbara and Andy hlsh
Memery eI Ie rewn
Klrk Abrahamscn
Clndy and Tcm Flscher
Ccnnle and ulck lsaacscn
Fvelyn Sexauer
Sandy and Cary weeenke
Memery eI he|en urr
Maryellen and Frederlck 8urr
Chapter lF-P.F.0.
Carclyn ucrner
Karen and Steven Fddy
Martha and ucnald Fddy
Suzanne and Fdward Flynn
Tammy Flckman-Fay
Sydney Fcwe-hlxcn
Cathy hcecker
vlckl and Thcmas kcberts
Llsa kcblnscn
lean C. and lcseph C. vanwlnkle
kebecca wampler
Carcl wccds
hener eI erethy and 1hemas W.
vena and kcbert Larscn
hener eI he|en Carpenter
Katle and Cecree Carpenter
hancy Fewltt
hener eI Annette Cech
Ccnnle Martln
hener eI etz Chr|st|ansen
Chrls Chrlstlansen
Memery eI erethy Church
8arbara and lerry Church
Memery eI Cec|||a Cerbett
Avery 8rcthers, LLC
hancy Clles
Llnda and uale McKlnney
Fllzabeth and lchn kcberts
Memery eI Phy|||s Ces|ew
Susan and uennls Fmanuel
Memery eI Le|s 1hernburg Cew|es and
0ther fam||y Members
Lcls Ccwles Farrlscn
hener eI 5ean Cunn|ngham
Ccnnle wlmer
hener eI he|||e av|ssen's |rthday
lanlce and kcbert 8annlster
hener eI k|tty ue|s
Cerrlanne and uavld L. lcrdan
hener eI Mary unbar's |rthday
8arbara and ucuelas Feln
hener eI eb ckstrem
Sharcn Fckstrcm
hener eI Patr|c|a fau|kner
Patrlce and lchn Sayre
Memery eI ke|na favers
Mar|crle welder
Memery eI Ade|e f|gura
Cene Fleura
hener eI Le|s f|ngerman's |rthday
uaryl and Cree Anderscn
hener eI frank fegarty
Ccnnle wlmer
Memery eI ever|y ferster
8rlan Fcrster
hener eI Marc|a fex
Llz and Ken Fcx-Camercn
Memery eI Anna . 6ardner
Susan and Frltz Franzen
Katherlne and Ferbert Frcmm
Martha and Charles Crlfn
Memery eI dward 6arst
Carcl Keellne
Memery eI Adam M. 6||bert
Adam Cllbert
hener eI 6|r|s Whe kead
Pamela and lchn Pattcn
Memery eI harr|et 6|asner
ludlth Crcssett
Memery eI Arthur 6eu|d
lcan Mannhelmer
hener eI erethy 6rant
8arbara and Clarence 8rcwn
Memery eI 5usan heusten 6reen
8etty and Alden Febard
Marearet and Paul Fewett
lcwa State Flstcrlcal Preservatlcn 0fce
Susy and 8ruce Kelley
Lawrence Matthews
ludy McClure and lcn whlte
Lcree and uavld Mlles
Melanle and Ted Pcrter
uee and lames vlckery
lc and lchn wetherell
hener eI Carr|e ha||
The Tanner Fcundatlcn, lnc.
Memery eI Mary rammer harper
lchn 8. Farper
Amy Prultt
hener eI karen Wa|ker and Ien
Fllzabeth webster
Memery eI 5usan Lynn he|p|e-1he
5usan Lynn he|p|e ndewment
Suzl Alexander
Katle 8radshaw and lustln warnke
hlccle Cable and uan 8uettner
Sally and uenny Carney
Penny and ucn ulckey
Leleh Fbbesmeyer
Llz and Ken Fcx-Camercn
Sharcn and kae Felple
llll lune and lchn Twedt
uebra and Larry Peterscn
Stacle 0ulrcea
lulle and llm Stauch
Stephanle Tclkan
lennlfer warren-ulrlck and Chad u. ulrlck
hener eI 5ara C. h|||
hancy Fewltt
hener eI eck urban he|tzman
Farrlett and kcnald Feder
hener eI L|nda he|v|k
lcy Smlth and uavld kust
Memery eI Mary hernaday
Patrlcla Artls
Mary 8udclfscn
Ann Ccwnle
ucnlta and lchn Fatland
Sara and Luther Flll
Cynthla 0brlen
lean and lames Palmer
Katle and wllllam Peverlll
Clysta klchard
8everly kcblnscn
hlna and kcbert kcseland
lcan Slcan
lames Smlth
Cretchen and Frank Snlder
weltz Ccmpany, lnc.
Llnda and Steve weltz
kcnnle wclf
Lecna Zaharls
Memery eI kr|s Iehnsen
lcan Mannhelmer
hener eI 6err|anne Ierdan Ier
Mether's ay
Sarah Puckett
hener eI I||| Iune-1he I||| Iune
ndewment Ier Wemen
Suzl Alexander
Kathl and Marlc ul hlccla
uebble and 8cb Cltchell
Stacle 0ulrcea
lanet and Mark kcsenbury
ludlth kutledee
kyan Swanek
Memery eI erethy ke||er
Farry Keller
Memery eI Mary and 1em k|nde|
Fllsabeth and Sam hcrwccd
hener eI erethy k|rsner
Alvln Klrsner
Memery eI Mary Lange
Mlchelle Lanee
hener eI Prudence Leachman
lean and kcbert wllllams
Memery eI hare|d Lee
Carcl Keellne
Memery eI Iune kaser Levejey
lanet and Frank 8rundlck
ucttle and Tcm Carpenter
lean and Martln uunn
Sandra and walter Clthens
8arbara Fasklns
Maree Kcester
Phyllls and klchard Prestcn
Charles Strcud
Fllzabeth webster
hener eI Cherry Made|e's |rthday
Susan k. Madcrsky
Memery eI kebert Mannhe|mer
ludy and Marshall Flapan
Memery eI arbara Marsten
Paul Marstcn
lane weldeman
Memery eI herma McCau|ey
Susan Fateld
Memery eI Patr|ck Mck|ness
Sarah McKlness
Memery eI Ar||ne Westen Mentgemery
lack and 8arb Adams
lulla Anderscn
Mark Anderscn
kuth Anderscn
Ccnnle and Frlc 8appe
8etty and Thcmas 8artcn
Fvelyn and Cecree 8eal
Carclyn lane and uavld 8llss
lean and Cary Carpenter
Mary lane Clltherc
Laura ueaderlck
Carcl and kcbert ueppe
ucnna and kcbert ucran
Lelsa ucran
Lynell ucueherty
Schlla Fell
uana Flscher
8arbara Fcrker
Mellnda and lack Frlbley
Fclly and kcn Fuchs
lennlfer Carst
Kathleen Clerasch
uebble and 8cb Cltchell
Sarah Cccdland
Fanna and uavld Cradwchl
Mar|crle and uurwln Fanscn
Sharcn and lan C. Faueen
lane and Larry Ferbcld
lanette and kcbert Flldebrand
Maxlne Flldebrand
wllla and uavld Fcleer
Mary lc and uave lchnscn
Thcra Klnseth
Cracle Larsen
hancy and Fdwln Lewls
Sarah and lchn Maney
Tamara and Chrlstcpher Martln
wanda and ucue McCay
kcbert Mccrman
ucnna and ucn hewbrcueh
Ccleen and lchn hutty
Marcle 0smundscn
Cynthla and lchn Paschen
lean Peterscn
Marlys and lames Pctter
kae kellly
Clndy and ulrk Schclten
Patrlcla l. Severscn
Mareuerlte Slbley and lchn kundle
vlrelnla and kcbert Staffcrd
Patrlcla and kcbert Stewart
8everly Stcne
kuth w. Swenscn
ludy Thayer
Carcle Sue and lames Trlplett
Cretchen Trlplett
Llnda and Patrlck Tyler
kcn valllne
8everly van Fcssen
8cbble and kcy warman
Tcnl and 8lll whltman
Suzanne Zaffaranc
Memery eI Mar|an Murphy
Felen Murphy
Memery eI 6|er|a L. Mutchmer
lchn Mutchmcr
Memery eI |a|ne heumann
8arbara and ucuelas Feln
hener eI Le|s 0|sen
Ann and Stephen Schcdde
hener eI 5teve Peck
KS 8 k
hener eI 0ur aughters
Cellna and uavld Peerman
hener eI L|nda ka||sback
Tlna Manbeck
hener eI Marty and 1eny 5chm|tt's
Katharlne and lcel 0lah
Patrlcla and klchard Trump
Memery eI hancy C. 5chne|der
ludy 8lank
Sue and l C 8rentcn
kamcna 8rccks
Paula uemattels
Peeey uupey
lane Clllaspey
8arbara and ucuelas Feln
lerry Fcwe
Peeey Fuppert
wllllam Kcenle
ueb and Chuck Kclb
Felen Mckeynclds
Mlddletcn and 8erlne Famllles
Susan Muelhaupt
Mary hcss keavely
Sandra and uennls 0'8rlen
Pam Pllcher
lcy and Charles kchm
lanls and lchn kuan lll
vlbeke Petersen and Karl Schaefer
ludlth and Farcld Schneebeck
Allen Scult
uebble and lerry Thcrntcn
Mary Tcrecman
Mary 8eth and Melvln wllk
(L tc k) PPCl 8card Member
Fllsabeth Palmer hcrwccd,
PPCl vclunteer Flalne Kresse
and 0uad Cltles Center
Manaeer ludy vrana. These
three wcman were leaders fcr
the 0uad Cltles campalen that
ralsed ln excess cf $o,ooo
fcr patlent prlvacy addltlcns.
Memery eI 5ara 5chne|der
Susan Muelhaupt
Memery eI Cathy 5t|cke|
vlrelnla Fllman
hener eI Iacque||ne 5tene
Aenew Mckcsak Crcup
Memery eI he|en urban
Tcnl and Tlm urban
5peedy kecevery Ier 1en| urban
uebble and 8cb Cltchell
Memery eI Ian|ce v|nz
Cherle and 8cb Shreck
Memery eI v|rg|n|a 5tubbs Wa||ace
hancy Fewltt
hener eI sther Wa|ter
lcne Culp
hener eI Ieannette Whe|che|
ludy Stuva
leanne wheeler
hener eI Annabe| W|mer
Ccnnle wlmer
hener eI Carey W|mer
Ccnnle wlmer
hener eI Amy and dward W|edarczyk
Ccnnle wlmer
Memery eI 1hemas ungc|as
Shlrley uneclas
Fsfrfr Cirfs krcrivrc
uavld Kruldenler
kcbert F. Mannhelmer
Lrcrc Socirf
Thank ycu tc the fcllcwlne lndlvlduals
whc have lncluded PPCl ln thelr estate
plans cn cr befcre lune o, zoo;:
Suzl Alexander
Flalne K. Anderscn
Ancnymcus (;)
Cclleen M. Armstrcne
F. kcbert and Mary Massey 8aumann
vlrelnla and Phlllp 8each
Fd and 8arb Madden 8lttle
ludy and uavld 8rl|a-Tcwery
lcanne and Mlltcn l. 8rcwn
ucrcthy F. Carpenter
lcy Ccrnlne
Mayrellen and lchn uahlke
Suzanna M. de 8aca
Shella and Tlm urevyankc
Marllyn and Charles Farr
Sandy Feln
lennlfer Carst
Mary Carst
Thcmas F. Cllbert
uebcrah and kcbert Cltchell
lan Crant
Carrle and lce Fall
Flcrence A. Famrlck
The kev. lchn 8. Farper
Lcls 8arakat lchelscn
llll lune
The Kruldenler Charltable Fcundatlcn
Carcl k. Leech
Sue Fllen and Plerre Lercy
Shlrley h. and kaymcnd F. Llscher
lcan F. Mannhelmer
lcyce Slrfus May
lanet and ucn Metcalf
F. M. Murphy
ueanna M. 0vertcn
8arbara Peterscn
Steven k. Prewltt
Call and Stanley klchards
Mary M. klche
Shella McCulre klees and Scctt klees
verna kltchle
ludlth kutledee
ucnald F. Sanderscn
Frances F. Crale and uwleht u.
Lawrence K. Schlatter
Anlta and llm Schlcsser
kachel Stauffer
Lu and llm Stcne
Tcnl urban
Feldl wessels and ucn Scandrett
8. lcan whlte
lean M. wllllams
Ccnnle wlmer
lu-Kiuc Cirfs
PPCl recelves many eenercus elfts
cf eccds, servlces and bccks. Thcse
kncwn tc PPCl are llsted here:
lane and uavld Adams
Ancnymcus ()
Fllzabeth 8allantlne and Paul Leavltt
lulle 8antz
Fllen and Stephen 8arnhart
kcbert 8atallle
Patrlcla 8enscn
Melva and wllllam 8erkland
Karen 8lase
verla 8cscvlch
8cnnle S. 8cwen
lane F. 8rcwn and Mark Falney
8arbara and Kelth 8ullcck
kebecca 8urnett
Clcrla and kcbert 8urnett
Kathy 8ussey
Lcrna and 8cb 8utler
uarlene and kcbert Caldwell
vlrelnla M. Carr
Central Traller Servlces Ltd
Anne Clublne
kalph Ccmplanc
Marllee Crawley-Mertlns and llm Mertlns
Sarah and Martln uavls
Ccnstance and warren uunham
Sharcn Fckstrcm
Carcl Flbert
Schlla Fell
Sara Fllseth
Cree Fltts
Mary and klchard Fcx
Katherlne and Ferbert Frcmm
Kerry and uebra Clbscn
8arbara Flrsch-Clller and Farvey Clller
Sara Farwccd
kcsallnd Fess
l. Flalne Fleber
lcy and lchn Fcehne
Fllzabeth and Stephen Fcwell
Peeey Fuppert
lcwa 8akery Cafe
Phyllls laelellc
Mary lc and uave lchnscn
lean F. lchnstcn
ludy lcnes
Anne luneau
Cwendclyn Kee
hancy Kemp
Tlna Klrstukas
Allce Knleht
Frlc Krahn
Lucllle and Fueene Krauss
Ashley Kyber
Fdlth and Allen Landln
Anlta Larsen
hancy and Fdwln Lewls
Llnt Ccmpanles
lcyce and Fred Lcck
ucrthea Lcwman
urake Mabry
Myrna and Larry Malcne
lcan Mannhelmer
Flla and Cllbert Marten
lcan and ucnald Mathews
Fleancr and lercld Mathews
lcyce Matters
Steve and llll Mead
Phyllls Mlller
Anne Mltchell
Llnda haeve
uebble harwcld
ucreen hervle
8arbara and Farry hevlns
Sallle hcstwlch
hancy 0lscn
lamle and uavld 0tls
Call and Mlchael Pace
Patrlcla Pace
Kathy Parscns
Alayna Perry
8ck Plper
Sandra Plaeer
Mary Lcu Prlzler
Patrlcla Prcbascc
Ann and uavld Prcctcr
kadlc Caraee Prcductlcns
Patrlcla kebal
Krlstl and Mlchael keck
Tcnu and Fda kelnct
lean klees
Mary Ann kcsenbaum
Flsle Sandve
lames Schaer
Llnda and lack Schlater
k.L. and 8eth Schmled
Mclly Schccncver
klchard Skele
lacquelyn Smlth
lcyce and Lculs Smlth
Susan Snyder
8arbara Stahl
Lcretta and Cathy Stahlman
leff Stckes
Carcl and lack Summers
Francls Thcmpscn
hancy Tlscher
Tcnl and Tlm urban
Travls vanncnl
Penny vauehan
ludlth and Ccrdcn vrana
uenlse vrchcta
Marllyn and lerry wadden
Mary Ann walker
Sylvla l. watklns-Castlllc
Marearet welss and Mlke Tramcntlna
hancy welch
west ues Mclnes Flks Lcdee
khcnda and Lynn wlley-lcnes
Francls wllhclt
uale wllscn
lack wlnkler
Shlrley wccd
8ook SrLr krcocuifiou
Thank ycu tc the fcllcwlne lndlvlduals
whc are year-rcund 8cck Sale
vclunteers, elvlne eenercusly cf thelr
tlme and talents:
hancy Adams
Crace Ambrcse
Flalne Anderscn
wanda Anderscn
8etty Auespureer
8ecky 8allantyne
Llnda 8eatty
Thelda 8erry
Alan 8lllyard
8rent 8cren
Llz 8rccks
Carcl 8rcwn
Cwendclyn 8ruckshaw
lcan 8unke
8arb 8urn
Frank 8urns
Marllyn Cabbaee
ucttle Carpenter
Marsha Carty
Annette Cech
Shery Chase
8arbara Church
Cathle Ccnley
Cwenn Ccpple
ludy Ccrnell
Fster Mae Ccx
Fred Crane
Marllyn ualley
8arbara uerby
Mary ucldee
Kae urumheller
Mary uunbar
Sunny uuvlck
Sharcn Fckstrcm
Sharcn Feeley
Cerl Fclscm
lennlfer Carst
Mary Carst
Mary Cllman
Mae Creen
uclly Creene
Phyllls Crewell
uennls Cuffey
Mlchele Culnn
lune Farrls
Fllda Fawklns
Marllyn Fenrlchs
Karen Ferwle
hancy Fewltt
Sara Flll
ucrcthy Fcpklns
Carla Fcskey
lanette Fcuse
vlrelnla Fcwell
Tlm lneram
Cerrlanne lcrdan
8etty Kcch
Mlckey Kcch
Chuck Kclb
lennlfer Leachman
Carcl Leech
ulck Lemmcn
Cynthla Ccrrell Levy
Fran and Ccn Llndstrcm
8everly and Clen Lcve
Charlctte l. Luke
Marlan Luke
uave Lynch
Scndra McAlllster
Sarah McKlness
hancy McKlveen
Maree Mlller
Cathy Mllls
uave Mllls
Lculse Mccn
ul hewlln
Clndy 0hmart
Slne 0lesen
Call Pace
lanet and Lcran Parker
Sharcn Peterscn
wllllam Plymat
8etty Lcu Pceeenpchl
Tcm Pratt
Kay keascner
8everly klchardscn
Cathy klckerl
Marcella Saee
lennlfer Saylcr
Patrlce Sayre
Pee Schafer
Larry Schlatter
ulck Schulze
Pcl Schwlnk
ludy Sheets
Lcrene and verncn Sheltcn
Ann Shuler
leanne Spraeue
uebra Swartz
kuth and Kenneth Swenscn
Fllen Taylcr and Farvey Farrlscn
Carclyn Thune
Marec utley
Llnda van kcekel
Ann vlctcr
Char vlecn
Susan webster
lane weldeman
Tcnl and 8lll whltman
Mary Lcu wllllts
Fred azel
Kathy cune
wu ru l uof Lisfrc:
Thls llst lncludes thcse whc made elfts cr vclunteered between Iu|y 1, zee6 and Iune e, zee) tc
PPCl cr lts Fcundatlcn.
ucncrs tc the Freedcm Fund, the Freedcm Fund PAC and Planned Parenthccd Federatlcn cf
Amerlca are nct llsted here.
whlle we have made every effcrt tc prcduce an accurate llstlne cf dcncrs, we reallze that errcrs
may cccur ln a llstlne cf thls slze. lf we have made an errcr, we apclcelze. Please let us kncw
by calllne (1) z.ouo6 cr by e-malllne elve@ppel.cre. we appreclate ycur help ln keeplne
cur dcncr les accurate.

veteran 8cck Sale
vclunteers Cerrlanne
lcrdan and Call Pace
cn cpenlne nleht.
5hare 0uk 5tery
The stcrles ln thls annual repcrt represent cnly a small fractlcn cf the llves we
tcuch. we'd lcve tc hear ycur stcry. Tell us abcut a tlme ycu vclunteered, a tlme ycu
were a patlent at cne cf cur health centers cr why ycu chccse tc elve. we hcpe tc
share the stcrles we ccllect ln future malllnes, newsletters and brcchures (stcrles
can be ancnymcus). Flll cut thls paee and mall lt back tc us cr e-mall ycur stcry tc
Mall tc: PPCl, Share cur Stcry, P0 8cx u;, ues Mclnes, lA oo
0ur M|ss|en: Tc be a leader ln prcvldlne accesslble reprcductlve health care, educatlcn
and advccacy; respcnslve tc the needs and rlehts cf famllles and lndlvlduals.
P.0. 8cx u; ues Mclnes, lA oo (1)z8o.;oou 1.8;;.811.PLAh (;z6)
www.ppel.cre www.PlanSmartTcday.cre
PP6I freedem fund eard
Peeey Fuppert, Chalr
lulle Stauch, vlce Chalr
Marlan Lyddcn,
Klmberly Cheeks
Allcla Claypccl
Fran Fleck
lackle hcrrls
Curt Stamp
Feldl wessels
Cclleen Armstrcne
Lcrl 8eary
uave ulscher
ulane Kclmer
Sue Mulllns
Mary klche
hcrm van Klcmpenbure
lanet Crlfn, Chalr
Lcree Mlles, vlce Chalr
Allen vander Llnden,
Suzanna de 8aca, Treasurer
Scm 8accam
Fdward 8ell
Sara 8erlne
Marearet 8creen
8cnnle Campbell
Catherlne uletz-Kllen
Mary uunbar
lascn uunn
lane Fcee
Fran Fleck
8rlan Centry
Carrle Fall
8arbara Flrsh-Clller
Mashal Fusaln
Mlke Fustcn
Susan Knapp
Llsa Kruldenler
8arb hlsh
Fllsabeth Palmer-hcrwccd
Frlc Parrlsh
Pat Schnelder
Mlchele Scrla
Marcla wanamaker
PP6I eard eI |recters
PP6I eard eI 1rustees
uebble Cltchell, Chalr
hancy McKlveen, vlce Chalr
Cclleen Armstrcne,
llm Autry
Teree Caldwell-lchnscn
lcy Ccrnlne
Suzanna de 8aca
kusty Fubbell
lanet Crlfn
Creee Custafscn
ucuelas k. McCay
kcn kcsenblatt
kachel Stauffer
Tcnl urban
lcnathan wllscn
PP6I eard eI 5pensers
Ann C. Anderscn
Fllzabeth 8allantlne
8arbara Madden-8lttle
Patrlcla 8rcwn
ucn Carver
ucrcthy Carpenter
uT ucan
Katherlne uu8cls
Charlctte Fubbell
Fred Fubbell
klchard laccbscn
8lll Knapp
Fllzabeth Kruldenler
Madelyn Levltt
lcan Mannhelmer
lanet Metcalf
Cecree Mcntecmery
Felen Murphy
8lllle kay
lean and 8lll Shlelds
Clenn Smlth
kay Tcwnsend
lames vlckery
8etty webster
Fmlly weltz
Fred weltz
Catherlne wllllams
Ccnnle wlmer

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