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Options for Running OptiStruct

Option -len Argument RAM in MBytes Description Preferred upper bound on dynamic memory allocation. The solver automatically chooses an in-core, out-of-core, or minimum core solution based on the memory required. OptiStruct will attempt to run at least the minimum core solution regardless of how much memory is designated. Overwritten by the core option. Default = 320Mb. (Example: optistruct infile.fem len 32) -core in, out, min in in-core solution is forced out out-of-core solution is forced min minimum core solution is forced The solver assigns the appropriate memory required. If there is not enough memory available, OptiStruct will error out. Overwrites the len option. (Example: optistruct infile.fem core in) -fixlen RAM in MBytes Disables dynamic memory allocation. OptiStruct will allocate the given amount of memory and use it throughout the run. If this memory is not available, or if the allocated amount is not sufficient for the solution process, OptiStruct will terminate with an error. To avoid over specifying the memory when using this option, it is suggested first to run OptiStruct with the -check option and use the results of that run to properly define the memory size for the -fixlen option. This option allows, on certain platforms, to avoid memory fragmentation and allocate more memory than is possible with dynamic memory allocation. Overwritten by -len and -core options. (Example: optistruct infile.fem All Platforms All Platforms Available on All Platforms

fixlen 500) -rsf Safety factor Specify a safety factor over the limit of allocated memory. (Example: optistruct infile.fem rsf 1.2) (Example: optistruct infile.fem len 32 rsf 1.2) (Example: optistruct infile.fem core out rsf 1.2) -check N/A Submit a check job through the command line. The memory needed is automatically allocated. Cannot be used with analysis, -optskip or -restart (Example: optistruct infile.fem check) -analysis N/A Submit an analysis run. This option will also check the optimization data; the job will be terminated if any errors exist. -optskip will skip checking the optimization data and the analysis will be performed. Cannot be used with -check or -restart (Example: optistruct infile.fem analysis) -optskip N/A Submit an analysis run without performing check on optimization data (skip reading all optimization related cards). Cannot be used with check or restart. (Example: optistruct infile.fem -optskip) -restart All Platforms Specify a restart run. If no argument is provided, OptiStruct will look for the restart file, which will have the same root as the input file with the extension .sh. If you enter an argument On PC, you will need to provide the full path to the restart file including the file name. Cannot be used with check, -analysis or optskip. All Platforms All Platforms All Platforms All Platforms

(Example: optistruct infile.fem -restart); here OptiStruct looks for the restart file (Example: optistruct infile.fem restart C:\oldrun\ ); here OptiStruct looks for the restart file -reanal Density threshold This option can only be used in combination with -restart. Inclusion of this option on a restart run will cause the last iteration to be reanalyzed without penalization. If the "density threshold" given is less than the value of MINDENS (default = 0.01) used in the optimization, all elements will be assigned the densities they had during the final iteration of the optimization. As there is no penalization, stiffness will now be proportional to density. If the "density threshold" given is greater than the value of MINDENS, those elements whose density is less than the given value will have density equal to MINDENS, all others will have a density of 1.0. (Example: optistruct infile.fem -restart -reanal 0.3) -xml N/A Option to specify that the input file is an XML file for a multi-body dynamics solution sequence. Option to specify that the input file is an ACF file for a multi-body dynamics solution sequence. Echos the output file to the screen. This takes precedence over the I/O option SCREEN. (Example: optistruct infile.fem -out) -outfile Prefix for output filenames Option to direct the output files to a directory different from the one in which the input file exists. If such a directory does not exist, the last part of the path is assumed to be the prefix of the output files. This takes precedence over the I/O option OUTFILE. (Example: optistruct infile.fem -outfile results); here OptiStruct will output results.out etc. All Platforms All Platforms All Platforms



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-scr or -tmpdir

Path, filesize=n, slow=1

Option to choose directories in which the scratch files are to be written. filesize=n and slow=1 arguments are optional. Multiple arguments may be comma separated. path ; give the path to the directory for scratch file storage. filesize=n ; defines the maximum file size (in GB) that may be written to that location. slow=1 ; indicates a network drive.

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(Example: optistruct infile.fem scr filesize=2,slow=1,/network_dir/tmp ) Multiple scratch directories may be defined through repeated instances of tmpdir or scr. (Example: optistruct infile.fem tmpdir C:\tmp tmpdir filesize=2,slow=1,Z:\network_drive\tmp ) This overwrites the environment variable OS_TMP_DIR, and the TMPDIR definition in the I/O section of the input deck. For a more detailed description, see the I/O Option TMPDIR. -scrfmode basic, buffered, unbuffered, stripe, overflow, ramdisk Option to select different mode of storing scratch files for linear solver (especially for out-of-core and minimum-core solution modes). Multiple arguments may be comma separated. (Example: optistruct infile.fem scrfmode buffered, stripe tmpdir C:\tmp) For a description of the arguments, see the SCRFMODE setting on I/O option SYSSETTING. -ramdisk Size of virtual disk (in MB) Option to specify area in RAM allocated to store information which otherwise would be stored in scratch files on the hard drive. (Example: optistruct infile.fem ramdisk 800) For a more detailed description, see the RAMDISK setting on I/O option SYSSETTING. All Platforms All Platforms

-nproc or -cpu

Number of processors

Number of processors to be used for analysis. This is applicable only for multi-processor versions of OptiStruct on multi-processor machines. Submit the job to a queue. Use f for foreground. Default = f

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Name of queue



Name of queue

Submit the job to a PBS queue. Use f for foreground. Default = f




Do not send e-mail about the beginning and the end of the PBS job. An e-mail is only sent if the PBS job aborts. This option is applicable only for jobs submitted in PBS queue. NQS/PBS memory. This specifies the memory limits imposed by the queuing system and not the memory allocated from the beginning. Default = 1.1 x lenvc + 12Mb



RAM in Mbytes





FE analysis only (OptiStructFEA). Advanced analysis (OptiStructAdv). Optimization (OptiStruct or OptiStructMulti).

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The solver checks out a license of the specified type before reading the input data. Once the input data is read, the solver verifies that the requested license is of the correct type. If this is not the case, OptiStruct will terminate with an error. No default (Example: optistruct infile.fem -lic FEA) -version N/A Checks version and build time information from OptiStruct. Launches the on-line OptiStruct Users manual. Displays script usage. All Platforms






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Submits a compression run. Reduces out matching material and property definitions. Property definitions referencing deleted material definitions are updated with the retained matching material definition (reduction of property definition occurs after this process). Element definitions referencing deleted property definitions are updated with the retained matching property definition. The resulting bulk data file will be written to a file named <filename>.echo. It is assumed that there is no optimization data in the bulk data. If there is optimization data in the bulk data, the resulting file (<filename>.echo) may not be valid. Cannot be used in combination with any other option. (Example: optistruct infile.fem compress)

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