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A tympanogram with a dome-shaped or flat curve is indicative of (a) Ossicular discontinuity (b) Stapedial fixation (c) Fluid in the

middle ear (d) Malleus head fixation

Q.2 Best pre-operative measure to reduce blood loss at surgery in angiofibroma is (a) Hormonal therapy (b) Pre-operative radiotherapy (c) Embolisation (d) Cryotherapy

Q.3 Nodal metastasis are least common in cancer of (a) Pyriform fossa (b) Glottis (c) Nasopharynx (d) Supraglottis

Q.4 Bony canal which houses the CN VII is narrowest in . segment (a) Meatal (b) Labyrinthine (c) Tympanic (d) Mastoid

Q.5 Predominant presentation of bilateral abductor paralysis is (a) Hoarseness (b) Aspiration (c) Respiratory distress (d) Cough

Q.6 Fistula sign is positive in (a) Vestibular neuronitis (b) CSF otorrhoea (c) Erosion of semicircular canal (d) Serous otitis media

Q.7 Preferred incision for a radical neck dissection in an irradiated patient is (a) Haynes-Martin (b) Mc Fee (c) Schobinger (d) Sorenson

Q.8 Best therapeutic modality for juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis is (a) CO2 laser (b) Photodynamic therapy (c) Cidofovir (d) Interferon therapy

Q.9 Narrowest portion of the upper airway in a child is (a) Supraglottis (b) Glottis (c) Subglottis (d) Trachea

Q.10 A 40-year-old man presented with severe attacks of vertigo. He had history of upper respiratory infection a week before. No complaints of hearing loss, tinnitus or facial paralysis. Likely diagnosis in this case is (a) Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (b) Vestibular neuronitis (c) Meniere's disease (d) Serous labyrinthitis Gradenigo's syndrome is characterized by all of the following except (a) Retrobulbar pain (b) Paralysis CN VI (c) Spread of middle ear infection to petrous apex (d) Cavernous sinus thrombosis

Q.2 Decreased hearing is associated with (a) Unilateral cleft lip (b) Bilateral cleft lip (c) Cleft palate (d) None of the above

Q.3 Rinne test is positive in all of the following except (a) Otosclerosis (b) Normal persons (c) Sensorineural hearing loss (d) Presbycusis

Q.4 Which of the following drugs is ototoxic (a) Penicillin (b) Cephalexin (c) Chloromycetin (d) Gentamicin

Q.5 Most common site for carcinoma nasopharynx is (a) Fossa of Rosenmuller (b) Superior wall (c) Posterior wall (d) Passavant ridge

Q.6 Decreased lacrimation on Schirmer's test indicates a lesion of CN VII (a) Proximal to geniculate ganglion (b) In tympanic segment (c) Vertical segment above the nerve to stapedius (d) Vertical segment above the origin of chorda tympani

Q.7 Horner's syndrome consists of all of the following features except (a) Exophthalmos (b) Ptosis (c) Miosis (d) Anhidrosis

Q.8 Structures lying anterior to basal lamella include all except (a) Suprabullar recess (b) Anterior ethmoidal artery (c) Opening of sphenoid sinus (d) Bulla ethmoidalis

Q.9 Which of the following is primarily affected in Meniere's disease? (a) Middle ear (b) Cochlea (c) VIIIth cranial nerve (d) Tubal function

Q.10 Bilateral abductor paralysis is treated by (a) Thyroplasty type I (b) Injection of gelfoam into the cord (c) Lateralisation of arytenoid (d) Injection of fat into the cord Body of incus is lodged in (a) Epitympanum (b) Mesotympanum (c) Hypotympanum (d) Protympanum

Q.2 Pendred syndrome is characterised by sensorineural deafness and (a) Night blindness (b) Thyroid swelling (c) ECG changes (d) Glomerulonephritis

Q.3 Absolute bone conduction is reduced in (a) Otosclerosis (b) Otitis media with effusion (c) Endolymphatic hydrops (d) Traumatic ossicular dislocation

Q.4 Ohngren's line (plane) used for progress of carcinoma of maxillary sinus is formed by joining (a) Infraorbital margin to upper margin of external auditory meatus (b) Medial canthus of eye to angle of mandible (c) Lateral part of ala of nose to external auditory meatus (d) Tip of nose to angle of mandible

Q.5 Headache appearing at sun rises and abating at sunset is due to (a) Maxillary sinusitis (b) Frontal sinusitis (c) Sphenoid sinusitis (d) Cluster headache

Q.6 Most useful test to diagnose ossicular discontinuity is (a) Evoked response audiometry (b) Impedance audiometry (c) Pure-tone audiometry (d) Rinne test

Q.7 The following questions consist of two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R), you have to examine both statements carefully and select your answer using the codes given below. Assertion (A): Fistula test is positive when cholesteatoma has destroyed the lateral semicircular canal. Reason (R): Labyrinth is still active and responds to pressure changes during performance of fistula test. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

Q.8 Main blood supply to tonsil is desired from (a) Ascending palatine artery (b) Lingual artery (c) Facial artery (d) Descending palatine branch of maxillary artery

Q.9 Section of Jacobson's nerve will cut off secretions of (a) Parotid gland (b) Submandibular gland (c) Nasal glands (d) Palatine glands

Q.10 Thyroglossal duct cyst arises from remnants of second branchialcleft True False

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