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KPI itu terdiri dari: 1. CSSR (CALL SETUP SUCCESS RATE) Definition: Rate of calls going until TCH successful assignment 2. SCR (SUCCESSFULL CALL RATE) Definition: Rate of calls going until normal release that is not interrupted by SDCCH DROP, neither by assignment failures, and neither by CALL DROP. 3. CALL DROP RATE (CDR) Definition: Rate of all losses of TCH connections during a call in relation to the number of successful Call Setups 4. HOSR (HAND OVER SUCCESS RATE) Definition: Successful internal and external outgoing handovers of total number of internal and external outgoing handover attempts 5. PSR (PAGING SUCCESS RATE) Definition: Rate of successful paging attempts of total number of paging attempts. The formula is based on NSS point of view (based on MSC or LAC) 6. LOCATION UPDATE SUCCESS RATE Definition: Successful location update attempts of total number of location update attempts. The formula is based on NSS point of view. 7. SDCCH BLOCK RATE Definition: SDCCH congestion of total number of SDCCH seizure attempts 8. SDCCH DROP RATE Definition: Dropped SDCCH connections of total number of SDCCH connections without TCH congestion. 9. TCH ASSIGNMENT BLOCK RATE Definition: Rate of TCH unsuccessful seizures during assignment procedure due to congestion 10. TCH Assignment Failure Rate (exclude blocking) Definition: Rate of RTCH seizure failed (system + radio) during normal assignment procedure over the total amount of RTCH request for normal assignment procedure 11. EMD (Erlang Minute per Drop) Definition: Total of Erlang minutes (TCH occupation) in one period measurement per drop call (after TCH Assignment). 12. TCH Availability Definition: Available TCH of total number of defined TCH 13. RACH Success Rate Definition : Rate of Successful RACH over the total number of channel required message received

CSSR CDR After TCH ASS EMD HOSR TCH Call Block BH & Sdcch Block BH ULQ0-5 & DLQ0-5

1. Reduce Tch Blocking

~ Activate Dualrate In Blocking Cells ~ Reduce SD Chanel In Dualrated Cells With No SD Block ~ Traffic Share

2. Quality Of TRX (ND 196)

~ Swap Bcch Into Better Quality Trx ~ Fix Hardware Problem ~ Poor ULQ maybe caused By Overshhooting ~ Poor DLQ maybe caused By Coo-Chanel

3. Coverage Adjustment (ND232)

~ Data Cell ~ Distance Range Distribution Per Cell ~ Rxlev Plot ~ List Propose Mechanical Adjustment

4. Decrease Drop Call Rate

~ Fix Hw Problem Verify Hw Problem On Pendem1 And Sengkaling3 ~ Coverage Adjustment (ND232) Change Mechanical Adjustment (Tilt And Reorientation) ~ Audit Trx_Priority_In_Tch_Alloc (ZEQO) Push Traffic Camped In Better Quality Trx ~ Audit Adjacent Set HO Parameter in Sites Which Has Low HOSR (ND153) 5. Decrease Call Drop With Adjust Voice More Priority Then Data Gprs. Setting TRX with the best quality as priority voice (ZEQO parameter TRP) Setting TRX with less quality TRX as priority for data service (ZEQO,ZEQV parameter BFG) Activate GTRX just only on TRX with less quality so traffic data GPRS only available on it. (ZERO) Adjust parameter CDED & CDEF for GPRS capacity, so availability for GPRS can be constantly. (ZEQO)

Target : untuk optimisasi per site dari sebuah network sehingga tercapai KPI yang diinginkan dari site tersebut.









KPI : 1. CSSR = (1-SDCCH Drop)*(1-SDCCH Block)*(1-TCH Block )*TCH Ass. Success. 2. DCR = (TCH drop radio + TCH drop radio old + TCH drop abis + TCH drop abis old + TCH drop ater + TCH drop ater old + TCH drop hardware/BSS)/Call setup. 3. Handover Succes Rate :

(Intra HO + O/G BSC + O/G MSC) Total HO

4. EMD = sum(traffic for entire month)*60/sum(all TCH drop for entire month) 5. TCH Availability : TRX


24 jam

6. CCR ( Completion Call Rate) = (1 - DCR) 7. SCR (Succesfull Call Rate) = CSSR * CCR Action for Optimization : KPI Consistency Check. Parameter : 1. Default : HO margin, Retrans_max, Rx_Tx Power, Ms_Tx Power. 2. Planning: Adjacent, Freq./Channel, MAL (Mobile Allocation List), HSN (Hopping Sequence Number), BSIC (Base Station Indicator Code), MAIO (Mobile Allocation Indication Offset). Performance Indicator : 1. Dropped Call : Radio (Signal strength, Quality), Hardware. 2. Blocked Call Capacity : Parameter Check, Upgrade, Sharing. 3. Handover : Hardware, Quality, Parameter. SDCCH usage: MOC (Mobile Originating Call)/MTC(Mobile Terminating Call). LU (Location Update) IMSI Attach/Detach. SMS. Call Access:

1. Cell Barred 2. C1>0 3. MS class Allowed.

C1 = (Rx_lev Rx_lev_Access_Min) Max(MS_TxCCH,0 MS_Tx Power) Cell Reselect Hysteresiss Hyst = 4 dB 14 dB Cara membatasi coverage: 1. Down Tilt. 2. MS_TxCCH. 3. Rx_lev_Acces_min. 4. Reduce Power. 5. Adjacency. 6. Negative C2 = C1 CRO (Cell Reselection Offset) with PT(Penalty Time) = 31. 7. Coba: Retrans = 1. D_max = 9 (Untuk membatasi coverage, due to rural area) Parameter Access No = cell barred PLMN permitted : 0 7 active. Yang perlu diperhatikan untuk create handover target: LAC, CI, BSIC, BCCH. Jika antar MSC, loading MML and RNW. TSC = BCC. Power control = disable. Layering: Untuk idle mode: - Macro GSM - Macro DCS, C2 = C1 + CRO (10 dB with PT=10 detik) - Micro GSM - Micro DCS - Indoor. Untuk Dedicated Mode - FMMS - AUCL = -80 - FMT = 4 s. ZEOL = check BTS alarm online. ZAHO = check BSC alarm online ZAHP = check BTS Hysteresis. ZAHO = check BTS online + Hysteresis.

SETTING PARAMETER SHARING TRAFFIC: Contoh setting parameter untuk sharing traffic
cell A ke cell B dipermudah, cukup gunakan parameter SL dan PMRG Adjacency default A B B A PMRG 6 2 8 SL -95 -98 -92 cell A ke cell B dipersulit, cukup gunakan parameter SL dan PMRG Adjacency default A B B A PMRG 6 10 2 SL -95 -92 -98

Traffic Sharing GSM ke DCS, selain pake SL dan PMRG, aktifkan umbrella nya dengan command ZEHO dan gunakan parameter AUCL, GSM dipermudah ke DCS default 6 -95 -47 GSM A 2 -98 -88 Adjacency DCS A DCS A 10 -92 -47 GSM A


GSM dipersulit ke DCS default 6 -95 -47 GSM A 10 -92 -80 Adjacency DCS A DCS A 2 -98 -47 GSM A


Aktifkan C2 untuk mengatasi HO terlalu cepat, CRO (-) mencegah HO, CRO (+) menpercepat HO 1 temporary offset (T) = 20s maksimal T=31 Parameter : TEO, PET, C2 berguna buat konfigurasi microcell selama utk mencegah perpindahan cepat MS dan membuat terjadinya cell reselection yang tidak perlu.

Paremeter TXP untuk membatasi coverage agar tidak terlalu melebar, parameter ini sebernya tidak dianjurkan karena dapat mempersempit coverage. nilai yang diijinkan adalah antara -104 s/d -101 dBm

apabila yang terjadi adalah DCS pathloss nya lebih tinggi dari gsm, maka: 1. 2. setting parameter C2 for GSM increase RXP

3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

menaikkan lower uplink power control mempersulit HO to GSM (HO,reselection,dgn logika DCS lebih bagus dr GSM) check tilting antenna Check adjacent frequency Check MAL list, BSIC, MAIO Step Check TO_B1 Tune power control


Analisa Pada sesi drivetest, Untuk analisa sebaiknya kita gunakan Rx full atau sub? Perlu diketahui bahwa:
Bila DTX diaktifkan Maka perlu digunakan Rx sub Rx sub merupakan pengukuran lebih kecil dari Rx full untuk idenifikasi sinyal dengan data kosong atau tidak. 3. Jika DTX dimatikan pengukuran lebih valid dengan Rx full begitu juga sebaliknya. 4. BER jelek mungkin ada gangguan signaling dari tx transmit, antara air interface BTS dan yang diterima oleh ms 5. angka half rate 0-17, full 17-26 enhance rate 26-30 6. MS power sebagai indikasi power yang dipancarkan oleh MS, jika nilainya 0 maka power maksimal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2.

MML COMMAND & ND yang sering di gunakan untuk Optimasi;

1. 2. 3. 4. ZERO,ZEQO,ZEAO,ZEEI,ZEHO untuk collect data atau sebagai analisa data di optim. ND153 : Check ADJACENT ND196 : Check TRX Quality ND232 : Check Timing Advance


ZEOH:2008-07-04:NR=xxxx; ZERS:BTS=xxxx,TRX=xx,CH=xx:U; ZERS:BTS= xxxx,TRX= xx:L; ZDTI:::PCM=ET; liat status LAPD ZDTC:T0769: mematikan signaling ZEEI::BCSU; liat kapasitas trx per BCSU ZUSI:BCSU; liat status spare BCSU ZEQO:BTS=XX:MIS; liat configurasi FRL/FRU ZEAO; liat adjcent cell ZYMO: liat status transmisi BER <10-6

ALARM yang perlu diperhatikan (Literature silahkan lihat NED);


SEDIKIT TENTANG PARAMETER OPTIM: HRACTT1 : Bernilai rangenya 1 10000 dengan default 6000 Bentuknya sbb: HRACTT1=6000 Objectnya BTS Half Rate Activation Threshold 1, Parameter ini mendefinisikan threshold yang digunakan oleh fitur : Cell Load Dependent Activation of Half Rate dan Load-dependent AMR compression handover. a) Cell Load Dependent Activation of Half Rate fitur ini diaplikasikan bila parameter EHRACT diset ke TRUE . Pada kasus ini, HRACTT1 mendefinisikan sebuah threshold load trafik yang dievaluasi untuk pemilihan versi forced speech utk incoming non-AMR TCH seizures. BSC membandingkan HRACTT1 dengan persen busy TCH (berhubungan dengan TCH yg available) dalam : -semua TRX / service layer yang tmsk dlm SLL untuk standard cell -semua TRX / service layer yang tmsk dlm SLL untuk concentric cell -semua TRX / service layer yang tmsk dlm SLL untuk extended cell b) Load-dependent AMR compression handover tujuannya untuk mengkompres handover. Dalam kasus TCH load tinggi untuk mentransfer EFR call dengan quality radio link yang baik ke HR TCH dengan intrasel handover agar mencegah terjadinya TCH Blocking dengan menyediakan tambahan TCH resources. RXLEVAMI=6 : Default 6 Objectnya BTS Range 0-63 0=less than -110 dbm 1= -110 dbm to -109 dbm 2= -109 dbm to -108 dbm .. 62 = -49 dbm to -48 dbm 63 = greater than -48 dbm Parameter ini mendefinisikan minimum DL receive level ,MS harus menerima dari sel yang melayani agar diijinkan mengakses jaringan via RACH. Menset RXLEVAMI ke nilai yang tinggi artinya yaitu hanya MS tsb yang mencoba mengakses sel dimana lokasinya terdapat kondisi coverage yang baik. Jadi jumlah permintaan handover dpt berkurang. Parameter ini dikirim lewat BCCH TRFHOE=TRUE : Range TRUE, FALSE Default FALSE Objectnya HAND (BASICS) Traffic Handover Enabled, parameter ini enable atau memungkinkan fitur Handover disebabkan oleh criteria manajemen resource atau singkatnya disebut juga sebagai traffic handover. Jika fitur ini di"enable"kan maka BSC akan mencek situasi traffic load di sel tsb . Bila traffic load melebihi threshold TRFHITH , BSC enable traffic handover di BTS dengan mengirimkan pesan SET ATTRIBUTE dengan indikasi traffic handover ke BTS via link LPDLM (lihat pengertian LPDLM di posting yg lalu). HOLTHLVDL=10 : Handover lower threshold level downlink Object HAND Range 0-63 Default 10

Mendefinisikan threshold dari level sinyal yang diterima / Rxlev pada downlink untuk keputusan inter cell handover. Parameter ini hanya relevan jika RXLEVHO = TRUE (intercell handover is enable) RXLEVMIN=12 : RX Level Minimum Object ADJC Range 0-63 Default 12 Parameter ini menentukan pada Rx Lev minimum berapa suatu MS dapat melakukan handover ke adjacent cellnya. Semakin tinggi diset nilainya maka smakin lebih cepat dia akan handover ke adjnya. HOM=69 : Handover Margin Object ADJC3 Range 0-126 Default 69 Handover margin for 2G-3G better cell handover , ini untuk mencegah terjadinya ping pong handover antar 2 sel. Parameter ini juga mendefinisikan cell yang lebih baik dari 2G ke 3G. CRESOFF=1 : Cell reselection offset Objectnya Range 0-63 Default 1 Ini dibutuhkan sebagai input dari nilai untuk kalkulasi C2. Parameter ini hanya diset jika CRESPARI diset 1. Sepertinya berhubungan dengan cell reselection yaitu saat MS idle yah, tapi C2nya itu apa ya? Tuh udh kejawab di bawah. CRESPARI=1 object: BTS [BASICS] range: 0=C2 parameters not present 1=C2 parameters present default:1 Cell reselection parameter indicator, indikasikan kehadiran C2 (parameter reselection di BCCH) pada IE 'SI 4 Rest Octets' (SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4) and the IE 'SI 3 Rest Octets' (SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3); 0=not present, 1=present.


NOKIA ND BROWSER OSS4.1 ======================================================= Fault Management 027 BTS outages breakdown over 10 days Configuration Management Find Cell 042 043 050 051 Whole radio network sorted out by BSC, BCF, BTS (042) All cells with LAC and CI (043) Find locked BCFs, BTSs, TRXs and channels (050) Find cells having GPRS enabled TRXs (051)

Adjacencies 070 BTSs with maximum number of adjacencies (070) 071 Cells with minimum number of adjacencies (071) 074 Adjacencies of cells (074) Network Entities 090 Network configuration summary (090) 054 Segment configuration (054) Frequencies 111 Frequency plan (111) Checks 065 060 061 062 069 076 067 068 063 Adjacencies to non-existing or foreign cells (slow, 065) Adjacency discrepancies (060) Non-symmetrical adjacencies (061) Frequency check of adjacent cells (062) Adjacent cell double frequencies (069) Adjacent cells with the same NCC, BCC and frequency (076) Handover synchronisation (067) BTS parameter survey (068) BTS audit (063)

Performance Management BSS SDCCH and TCH Access, availability 134 130 135 138 139 Cells having RACH rejections (134) Cells having SDCCH congestion (130) Cells having TCH congestion (135) Cells having TCH blocking, raw and call blocking (138) Cells having unavailable radio timeslots (139)


150 153 154 151 151 282 288

Cells having high HO failure ratio (150) Adjacencies having high HO failure ratio (153) Handover cause distribution, by cells (154) Common BCCH, Multi-BCF HO, cell-level (151) Common BCCH, Multi-BCF HO, BSC-level (151) Cell Reselection, BTS level (282) Cell Reselection, adjacency level (288)

Drop Call 163 164 166 167 Cells having high TCH drop call ratio (163) Transcoder failures (164) SDCCH Drop ratio per cell (166) Cells having high drop call count in handovers (167)

Traffic and Load 182 181 185 186 189 Busy hour traffic for all cells (182) Daily TCH traffic profile for a BTS (181) Cells having maximum TCH traffic (185) Cells having maximum paging traffic (186) Cells sorted out by SDCCH or TCH holding time (189)

Interference, Quality and Link Balance 190 196 197 244 245 246 195 191 208 Cells having UL interference, 24-hour/10-day breakdowns (190) UL and DL quality and UL interference per TRX, 24-hour/10-day breakdowns (196) UL and DL quality per TRX (197) Distribution of call samples by codecs and quality classes (BER) (244) Distribution of call samples by codecs and quality classes (FER) (245) AMR call time and quality, dynamic time and object aggregation (246) Cells by DL and UL level balance (195) Cells having bad link balance (191) Link balance per TRX (208)

(E)GPRS 229 226 235 275 280 257 284 GPRS KPI (229) (E)GPRS KPIs, enhancements from 229 (226) GPRS counters (235) EGPRS RLC statistics (275) Dynamic Abis (280) Sleeping GPRS BTSs (257) Gb Over IP (284)

(E)QoS 270 Quality of Service (270) 281 EQoS (281) 289 EQoS Quality Control (289) AMR 244 Distribution of call samples by codecs and quality classes (BER) (244) 245 Distribution of call samples by codecs and quality classes (FER) (245) 246 AMR call time and quality, dynamic time and object aggregation (246)

247 Transcoder failure ratio (247) 248 Codec set modification failure ratio (248) PBS 260 Position based services (260) DFCA 276 DFCA (276) 277 DFCA Assignment Quality (277) Other BSS PM 203 Location update success ratio per BSC (203) 522 BSC ET Profile (522) 278 Wireless Priority Services PI (278) Benchmark and analysis 213 BTS Doctor. (213) BTS doctor with all selections BTS doctor with configuration and parameters BTS doctor with adjacencies or alarms BTS doctor with performance statistics 216 BTS analyser (216) BTS analyser with all or cell performance profile selection BTS analyser with configuration and parameters BTS analyser with performance statistics BTS analyser with adjacency checks or alarm statistics 290 802 204 800 205 206 212 Planning and Optimisation KPIs (290) (E)GPRS Benchmark KPIs (802) Network benchmark statistics (heavy, use small area, 204) Quality survey (800) BTS GSM KPI/PI table, dynamic object and time aggregation (205) TRX level GSM KPI/PI table, dynamic object and time aggregation (206) BSC doctor (212)

Extra 022 Active base station alarms (022) 234 Timing advance distribution per TRX (234)

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