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Utilizarea stingatorului P6

1. Se deblocheaza stingatorul, tragand inelul de siguranta.

2. Se verifica functionarea stingatorului prin apasarea scurta a
3. Apropierea de focar se face cu atentie, din directia curentilor de aer sau
a vantului, se apasa parghia de actionare si e foarte important ca refularea
agentului de stingere sa se faca la baza flacarilor si nu la varf sau la
mijlocul lor, ca stingerea sa fie eficienta.
4. In timpul refularii agentului de stingere trebuie sa alternam o miscare a
stingatorului sau a furtunului acestuia de la stanga la dreapta iar in acest
timp trebuie sa pastram o distanta cat mai mare de flacara. La un foc mai
mare este recomandat sa fie de cel putin 6 metri.

3 actionare stingator.jpg

In cazul in care focul este prea mare , apelati urgent numarul 112 pentru
interventia persoanelor abilitate. Daca doriti sa stingeti un foc mai mic,
lasati intotdeauna o cale de acces in spate in cazul in care focul se extinde
si este necesar sa parasiti zona.
Using the P6 extinguisher
1. Unlock the extinguisher by pulling the safety ring.
2. Check the operation of the extinguisher by briefly pressing the lever / lever.
3. Close the focus carefully from the direction of air or wind, press the actuator
lever and it is very important that the extinguisher discharge is made at the base
of the flame and not at the top or in the middle, such as extinguishing be
4. During refueling of the extinguishing agent we must alternate a movement of
the extinguisher or its hose from left to right and during this time we must keep
as much flame distance as possible. At higher fire it is recommended to be at
least 6 meters.

If the fire is too high, urgently call 112 for emergency assistance. If you want to
quench a smaller fire, always leave a back access path if the fire expands and
you need to leave the area.

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