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Getting To The Heart Of The Matter...

Talent Management

Personal Health Management for Your Next Generation of Leaders

Talent Management A Talent Management program is used to identify and grow the next generation of leaders by setting the highest professional standards to develop a companys key players. Each year, high potential employees are identified throughout the organisation. Once identified, these employees participate in programs developed to identify both their strengths and weaknesses. Development plans are then created and executed for those participants to release their true potential. However, organisations recognise that all their investment in enterprise technology, learning and development, and organisational structure is worthless if people are absent, not engaged or lacking energy and vitality when at work. For the future leaders of your organisation, personal health management will be a critical component in determining their daily performance. Managing Health for Optimum Leadership is a condensed, yet very comprehensive program, which can be incorporated (either as an individual or group format) into any of your existing Talent Management programs, worldwide. It combines reality with the best thinking and research to significantly enhance the health, performance and productivity of your company's key players. Participants understand: How to manage the Tri-Solution: Take advantage of NET time. Net No Extra Time! The importance of exercise for optimum business performance. How specific heart rate monitored exercise enhances the organism to control stress, improve immune function, control body weight and improve mindset. How to enhance mental clarity and effectiveness. How to stabilise blood sugar levels and generate an abundance of energy. How to adapt nutrition to business performance requirements. Common misunderstandings concerning nutrition, diet and weight control. How to enhance your capability to deal with stress, daily demands and pressure situations. You will only need an investment of 1.9 per cent of your weekly time. Our simple performance methods are easily transferable into daily business life.

All modules of our Managing Health for Optimum Leadership program are based upon the five foundations of optimum health, which are:
Health Management - Exercise Specific heart rate monitored exercise enhances the organism to control stress, strengthen the immune system, control body weight and improve mindset.

Health Management - Nutrition

Its not surprising that if you fundamentally change what you put into your body you will fundamentally change how you think, feel and perform.

Health Management - Relaxation

With quick and effective relaxation techniques, for both mind and body, we can replenish and enhance our energy levels.

Health Management Body/Postural Alignment

Physical alignment and function can be improved and/reestablished in a short period of time with a regimen of appropriate exercise.

Health Management Emotions & Mindset

By taking control of our emotions and how we feel can empower and energise our lives.

The Program in Practice (Group format)

The group module format (half or one-day) consists of both theoretical and practical workshops

- the kind of initiatives, which transform lives, change organisational culture and increase a
companys competitive advantage which can be incorporated into any of your existing Talent Management programs. Workshops include:

Workshop N1 Introduction, Behaviour Change and Compelling Health Goals Topic

What is Health? Health is Energy! Understanding how to manage the TriSolution The Power of Change Compelling GoalSetting

Energy is the fuel of the business athlete! Business-Family-Health. Understanding NET Time No Extra Time Creating awareness and having a major influence on transforming current disempowering behaviour patterns. S.M.A.R.T. goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Repetition, Time-related. Reasons come first; Answers come second.

Workshop N2 - Exercise for Energy!

Topic Your Energy Zone conditioning your metabolism Content Exercising in your Energy zone should become an integrated part of your lifestyle, which will represent an additional source of energy and not an added source of stress and fatigue. When you exercise regularly in your Energy Zone you will experience a number of both physical and psychological benefits, which include: Healthy weight management (without dieting). Stabilising your blood sugar levels. Strengthening of your heart and circulatory system. Decreasing your risk of cardiovascular-related diseases. Improved immune function. Improved sleep quality. Enhanced capability to deal with demands and stress. Enhanced daily performance, concentration and energy levels. Improved self-confidence, self-esteem and selfimage. Excellent preparation for future, more intense training.

Includes simple heart rate test and body composition measurement.

Workshop N3 Adapting nutrition to business performance requirements Topic

Water to Survive A dry brain cant perform!

Why is water so important for daily performance? Well, our brains are approximately 80% water! If your water balance decreases by only 2 percent your performance output will decrease by as much as 20 percent! Its not surprising that if you fundamentally change what you put into your body you will fundamentally change how you think and feel (increased daily energy, mental clarity and performance). All carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, which is then released into the bloodstream to provide the entire body with fuel. The speed at which this process takes place has a significant effect on our energy and concentration levels, mood, weight, ability to deal with stress and above all, our long-term health. We spend our physical lives processing organic matter, extracting nutrients, building materials and fuel, and eliminating the rest from our system. How good we are at this determines our energy level, longevity and state of mind and body. You are not what you eat you literally become what you can digest and absorb.

Optimum Nourishment

Blood Sugar Response and the Energy Equation

Improve your digestion and enhance your energy!

Includes Sugar Sensitivity, Hide and Seek and sugar quantity if only I knew!

Conclusion Implementing the specific tools and refined training techniques into daily business life. Topic
Putting it all together

Plan tomorrow, today! The 6 daily achievements strategy that will empower your self-confidence everyday.

The Program in Practice (Individual format)

This is a short explanation of the four 90-minute workshops that can be incorporated into any of your Talent Management programs. Workshop #1 Complete Fitness Assessment & Health Appraisal Appropriate exercise has many benefits relating to general health, disease prevention, feelings of well-being and vitality, and of course fitness itself. Therefore, anyone who wishes to improve his or her current health and fitness level can, and should, perform a complete fitness assessment & health appraisal. A complete fitness assessment & health appraisal will consist of static (measure of your current health) and dynamic (measure of your current fitness level) tests. All assessments are adapted to the individual and guidelines will need to be adhered to 24 hrs in advance of the assessment, which will help provide accurate results. Includes full graphical printout and personal explanation

Workshop #2 Exercise for Energy When you exercise regularly in your Energy Zone you will experience a number of both physical and psychological benefits, which include: Healthy weight management (without dieting). Stabilising your blood sugar levels. Strengthening of your heart and circulatory system. Decreasing your risk of cardiovascular-related diseases. Improved immune function. Improved sleep quality. Enhanced capability to deal with demands and stress. Enhanced daily performance, concentration and energy levels. Improved self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image. Excellent preparation for future, more intense training.

Your Energy Zone conditioning your metabolism Exercising in your Energy zone should become an integrated part of your lifestyle, which will represent an additional source of energy and not an added source of stress and fatigue. Includes simple heart rate test and blood lactate measurement for optimum exercise intensity

Workshop #3 Nutrition for enhanced mental performance, concentration and energy. Being healthy means having a sense of well being, characterised by consistently high energy and concentration levels, an efficient, sharp mind and the ability to cope with stressful situations. However, spending most of the day with a tight knot in your stomach and constantly feeling tired and irritable is not healthy. Yet, this poor state of being has become, for most of us, the norm for living in the 21st century. Our daily performance may be somewhat inconsistent, the spark in our life somewhat dim, however we pull our sleeves up and get on with the job. At the other end of the scale are those who can barely function due to chronic fatigue. There are others who are so stressed that life is just a permanent roller coaster. A key element of 21st century living is that most of us are sub-optimally nourished. This means that our body cells cannot create energy efficiently enough, so the first sign of sub-optimum nutrition is fatigue and ultimately, poor performance. How do you define optimum nutrition? In short, optimum nutrition is simply giving yourself the best possible intake of quality nutrients to allow your body to be as healthy and as vital as possible and to function at its near maximum potential. No one nutrition plan is perfect for everyone, although there are general guidelines that apply to us all. Your optimum nutrition is the process of consuming nutrients that: Promotes your optimal physical health and performance. Promotes your optimal mental performance, emotional balance and concentration. Is associated with the minimum incidence of ill health and disease. Is associated with a long, active healthy lifespan.

At present, fifty nutrients have been identified as essential for health. Through the optimal intake of these nutrients you can: Improve mental clarity, mood, concentration, sleep quality and immune function. Increase physical performance, IQ and extend your healthy lifespan. Includes Sugar Sensitivity, Hide and Seek and sugar quantity if only I knew!

Workshop N4 Stress Management & Coping Strategies There are plenty of negative coping strategies that many of us resort to for dealing with stress, such as increased stimulant consumption (alcohol, food, caffeine or cigarettes), or taking our frustrations out on our loved ones. These bring only shortterm relief and have a very detrimental impact on our health in the long term. The trick is to make use of some more positive coping strategies, like the ones we will share with you, to reduce stress and significantly enhance your health. Dont accept negative stress as something you have to live with. Physiologically, your body cannot sustain the fight or flight response that involves an increased release of certain hormones. Long periods of stress will reduce your ability to function efficiently.

Includes a selection of the most simple and effective relaxation techniques for both mind and body, such as Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Power Breathing and Alpha Wave Music, which will quickly replenish and enhance your energy levels.

For more information contact

MG Business Health Solutions Rue du Simplon 45 CH-1800 Vevey Switzerland Tel. +41 (0) 21 921 87 02 Fax. +41 (0) 21 921 87 02 Email. Web.

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