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/Back Strengthening Exercises/

Back Exercises
Why Do Back Exercises?
Note: If you have a back injury or current back pain read: Post-injury exercise page first. Weak Muscles Increase the Risk of Back Pain Weak muscles are often at the root of back pain, especially lower back pain. The muscles of the back, the abdomen, and the buttocks all support the spine - these muscles are called the core muscles. Muscles are the spine's main defense against gravity. Strengthening the muscles that support the spine with exercises, can prevent, reduce and in some cases eliminate back pain. Strong abdominal muscles (especially the deep abs) are as crucial as strong back muscles for supporting the lower back and preventing lower back pain. Strong quadriceps (front of thigh muscles) is important to prevent back injuries when lifting. Proper lifting techniques involve using your legs and if your legs are weak, you may end up using your back. Shortened Muscles Cause Back Pain Shortened muscles can throw the spine out of alignment and cause back pain. Stretching exercises lengthen shortened muscles and relieve back pain. Tight back muscles, tight buttocks muscles, tight muscles in the front of the hip and even tight quadriceps (front of thigh muscles) or tight hamstrings (back of thigh muscles) can affect the alignment of the spine. Stretching the back with stretching exercises also increases mobility of the joints of the spine. Strong and flexible muscles help maintain Proper Posture and prevent Back Strain.

Back Exercise Samples

Note: Read: Post-injury exercise page first. *Check with your physician before doing back exercises if you have back pain, a back condition or other medical condition. Warm up the muscles with 5 minutes of light aerobics such as walking or riding a stationary bike before either stretching or strengthening exercises to reduce the risk of injury. Stretching or Strengthening Exercises First? Stretching after strengthening exercises helps relieve the muscle tightness that can occur from strengthening exercises and may be more

beneficial that stretching before strengthening exercise. However it is largely a matter of personal preference - stretching and strengthening exercises can also each be done on separate days if desired. Remember to warm up first. Do Not hold your breath! Holding your breath can cause a spike in blood pressure! Concentrate on breathing while exercising.


to One major effect of the modern lifestyle is how much time we spend in front of computers, where many people have the tendency to slouch, or otherwise sit poorly. While it is important to have a good quality chair, adjusted to the correct height for desk and computer work, the amount of time we spend at work often means we forget about good habits. On way of helping to train ourselves into retaining a good posture is to practice back strengthening exercises, as well as other exercises related to our core muscles. These are the muscles in our midsection that help determine a persons posture though alignment of the spine, ribs and pelvis whether static or moving. Poor posture often results in back pain, particularly in the lower back, caused by either muscle weakness or stiff muscles. Increasing both the strength and flexibility of the back can often reduce or eliminate such back pain. Strong abdominal muscles, especially the deep abs, are also crucial for supporting the lower back. A program of back strengthening exercises should consist of both flexion exercises pulling the back forward and down and extension exercises lifting the trunk upright, although it should also be noted that a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic (Sinaki and Mikkelsen 1984) showed that while extension exercises prevented further spinal deformation in women suffering from osteoporosis, flexion exercises increased the risk of further spinal compression. The advice on this website is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If you are experiencing back pain, suffering from a back injury or are unaccustomed to regular exercise you should consult a medical practitioner before attempting any back strengthening exercises.


If you want an exercise that will really make your stomach muscles scream, then the Russian twist is definitely for you. The exercise uses the obliques, the ab muscles at the sides of your torso and is one of the most difficult exercises I do.

The do the Russian twist: 1. Lie down on the floor with knees bent. The feet should be either slightly above the ground or under a stable surface. 2. Hold the torso straight at a 45 degree angle to the ground. 3. Hold the arm out front with your hands together, or alternatively hold a weight or ball. 4. Slowly move your arms to one side by twisting the torso. 5. When you have twisted as far as you can twist all the way to the other side. Make sure you dont hold your breath through the exercise, and aim for up to three sets of 8-12 reps. Youll ache the first few times you do it, but should be able to build up reps quite quickly and notice a positive effect on your posture. Technorati Tags: abs, obliques, russian twist Posted in back strengthening exercises | No Comment

4 Back-Strengthening Exercises
By Tracy Teare

Four easy moves that will strengthen muscles and keep you injury-free.
The Workout
These exercises were developed by Roberta Lenard, owner of Lenard Fitness, a personal-training company in Somerville, Massachusetts, and Anthony Carey, owner of Function First, an exercise studio in San Diego.

Hip Bridge
How to do it: Lie on your back, feet flat and hip-width apart, arms relaxed, and knees bent. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift your hips, creating a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold for a slow count of two, then lower slowly. Build up to 10 to 12 repetitions. What it does: This move counteracts the effects of too much chair time, which puts excessive pressure on the spine. It stretches the hip flexors and strengthens the muscles that stabilize the spine, including those of the lower back, the gluteals, and the large, stabilizing abdominal muscles. Make it harder: Lift one foot off the floor and hold it straight up toward the ceiling, foot flexed, keeping the

hips even. This is much more challenging, so start by holding this pose for just a few seconds. Repeat five to eight times, then switch legs.

Back Strengthening Exercises


By: Peter F. Ullrich, Jr., MD
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Just like reinforced steel can bear more weight than sheet aluminum, a strong, well-conditioned back can withstand more stress, and protect the spine better, than a back that has not been conditioned through exercise. Conditioning through flexibility and strengthening back exercises not only helps the back avoid injury, or minimize the severity of injury if the spine is traumatized, it also can help relieve the pain of many back conditions. In This Article:
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Exercise and Back Pain Stretching for Back Pain Relief Specific Hamstring Stretches for Back Pain Relief Back Strengthening Exercises Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise Many back exercises can help strengthen the spinal column and the supporting muscles, ligaments and tendons. Most of these back exercises focus not only on the back, but also the abdominal (stomach) muscles and gluteus (buttocks) and hip muscles. Taken together, these strong core muscles can provide back pain relief because they provide strong support for the spine, keeping it in alignment and facilitating movements that extend or twist the spine. Article continues below

Two of the most well-known back strengthening exercises are: McKenzie exercises and Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization. These back exercises are generally first learned by working with a physical therapist who can demonstrate the exercises and correct a patients form to ensure

strengthening and/or back pain relief is achieved. Although McKenzie exercises and dynamic lumbar stabilization exercises tend to be used for specific conditions, the two forms of physical therapy exercise may also be combined when appropriate.

McKenzie Exercises
These back exercises are named after a physical therapist in New Zealand who found that extending the spine through exercise could reduce pain generated from a compromised disc space. Theoretically, extension exercises may also help reduce the herniation of the disc itself and reduce pressure on a nerve root. There is a wide range of McKenzie exercises, some of which are done standing up while others are performed lying down. All of these upper and lower back exercises use core muscle contraction and, usually, arm motions to stabilize the trunk and extend the spine. For patients who are suffering from leg pain due to a disc herniation (a radiculopathy), extending the spine with McKenzie back exercises may also help reduce the leg pain by "centralizing" the pain (moving the pain from the leg to the back). For most patients, back pain is usually more tolerable than leg pain, and if a patient is able to centralize the pain, they may be able to continue with non-surgical treatment (such as exercise) and avoid a surgical discectomy. When the pain is acute, the exercises should be done frequently (every one to two hours). To be effective, patients should try to avoid flexing the spine (bending forward) during exercising as this undercuts the strengthening motion. McKenzie exercises may also be helpful for those individuals who have back pain due to degenerative disc disease. While sitting or flexing forward can accentuate low back pain for patients with degenerative disc disease, extending the spine can serve to relieve the pressure on the disc. Note that the opposite is true in elderly patients who have facet osteoarthritis and/or lumbar stenosis (extending the spine jams the facet joints on the back and increases pressure across the joints, so these patients will typically feel better sitting, and have more pain with extension).

Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization Exercises

With this back exercise technique, the physical therapist first tries to find the patients "neutral" spine, or the position that allows the patient to feel most comfortable. The back muscles are then exercised to teach the spine how to stay in this position. This back exercise technique relies on proprioception, or the awareness of where ones joints are positioned. Performed on an ongoing basis, these back exercises provide pain relief and help keep the back strong and well positioned. Lumbar stabilization back exercises may also be done in conjunction with McKenzie exercises. The McKenzie exercises serve to reduce back pain, and the lumbar stabilization exercises help strengthen the back. Stabilization back exercises can be rather rigorous and therefore may not be well tolerated by all patients. It may be advisable for elderly patients or patients in significant pain to use other less strenuous means of physical therapy and back exercise to strengthen the back. The above two back exercise programs are commonly prescribed to treat low back pain and leg pain, but many other forms of exercise can also provide pain relief and help with rehabilitation.

The important aspect is that the exercise includes controlled, progressive strengthening exercises. Alternative forms of strengthening exercise that can be gentle on the back include Pilates, yoga and tai chi. There are several forms of these disciplines, and they are best learned working with a certified trainer or practitioner.

3 Easy Back Strengthening Exercises For Instant Back Pain Relief

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3 Easy Back Strengthening Exercises

Do you have a serious back-condition like scoliosis, herniated discs, sciatica, arthritis of the spine, spinal stenosis, lower back pain, upper back pain or even back pain during pregnancy? Did you get lasting pain relief from doctors, surgeons, chiropractors and physical therapist? How about some of the many back pain drugs on the market? Would you like to: - Go back in time to before you had back pain?

- Go for a run or bike ride WITHOUT the pain for days ... - Be able to touch your toes without excruciating pain? If you are looking for back pain relief, you have come to the right spot. These simple back strengthening exercises will give you relief from your back muscle pain. Here are some sample back pain exercises for pain relief: *Hip Bridge Exercise *Side Plank Exercise *Bird Dog Exercise *More Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Hip Bridge Exercise

This back exercise is great for stabilizing the spine and strengthening the core muscles. How to do Hip Bridge Exercise 1. Lay flat on back - knees bent and hands straight and flat at side 2. Feet flat and shoulder width apart 3. Tighten abs the squeeze and slowly lift buttocks until your knees form a straight line with your shoulders (hands remain flat at side) 4. Hold in straight position for two seconds keeping abs tight 5. Slowly return buttocks back to floor 6. Repeat 5 times (for beginners) work your way up to 10-12 reps
Bird Dog
How to do it: Begin on all fours, knees hip-width apart and under the hips, hands flat and shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your abs by pulling belly toward spine. Keep the spine neutral, without arching the back or rotating the hips, and extend your right leg back and your left arm straight ahead. Hold for two to three seconds or as long as you can maintain form. Repeat five to six times on each side.

What it does: This exercise improves muscle balance and coordination, making it easier to keep the spine stable for everyday moves, such as walking, running, dancing, and carrying a child. It also tones your glutes, upper back, lower spine, and hamstrings. Tighter abs also keep the spine supported.

Make it harder: Gradually increase the holding time for 10 to 12 counts. For an additional challenge, add movement to the mix by slowly lifting and lowering the extended arm and leg a few inches, maintaining proper form throughout.

Side Plank
How to do it: Lie on your right side, in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. With your abdominals gently contracted, lift your hips off the floor, maintaining the line. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Hold 20 to 40 seconds and lower. Repeat two to three times, alternating sides. (If this is too challenging, start with bent knees.)

What it does: Builds strength and endurance in the core. This will help keep your lower back protected and stable during activities that require movement in the hips or back.

Make it harder: While holding the basic position, lift and lower your top leg. Gradually work toward holding the upper leg for 5 to 10 counts. Another option: Instead of resting on your forearm, support your body with your hand, palm on the floor and under the shoulder, elbow straight.

How to do it: With your abs gently contracted and hands on hips, take a big step forward with your right foot. Sink down so your right knee is at a 90-degree angle, then push back to the starting position without pausing. Repeat 8 to 12 times, then switch legs and repeat.

What it does: Improves whole-body control, which is key to protecting the spine during walking, running, or stair-climbing. Recruits both surface and deeper stabilizing muscles along the sides, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Make it harder: Set up to do a basic lunge, but this time step your right foot out on a diagonal, not straight ahead, as if the foot is pointing to 2 o clock on a clock face. (When you lunge with the left foot, step it out to 10 o clock.) The change in foot placement makes it harder to balance. As you get stronger, try it with your hands interlaced behind your head or hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance.

Get Instant Relief From Back Pain

Hip Bridge Exercise Video

With Exercise Ball
Great butt and hamstrings exercise: one-leg hip bridge
by antokindness | video info

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Side Plank Exercise

This exercise builds strength and endurance in your core. It is perfect for keeping the lower back stable and protected during activities that involve the hips and back. How to do Side Plank Exercise 1. Lie on your left side place elbows directly under shoulders 2. Tighten your abdominals while lifting your hips off the floor 3. Keep neck aligned with spine and hips square 4. Hold for 30 seconds then lower hips back to floor 5. Repeat 3 times on each side Get Step By Step Back Strengthening Exercises

Bird Dog Exercise

Great for improving muscle balance and coordination keeping the spine stable when doing everyday movements such as walking, running, lifting light loads etc. How to do the Bird Dog Exercise 1. Start on all fours with knees hip width apart (directly under the hips) and hands shoulder with apart with palms flat on floor 2. Tighten your abs 3. Extend right arm fully forward while extending left leg fully back 4. Hold position for 10 seconds 5. Return hand and leg to starting position 6. Repeat 5 times on each side for beginners. If more advanced do 3 sets of 10 reps on each side. For more on how to get back pain relief Check This Out

More Exercises For Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Exercises
Causes And Solutions

The causes of lower back pain are numerous, weather it is from playing a sport, sitting at a computer all day or just day to day activities that involve you bending and twisting. Almost all pain in the lower back is a result of weak muscles in the core of the body namely the abs, back muscles and buttocks muscles. Even though they might not all be weak, they can be out of alignment and the result is still back pain. The good news is that there is hope. Even severe cases of back pain can be eliminated with muscle balance therapy. The purpose of this therapy is to get the core muscles back into alignment therefore eliminating the pain. Go here for more on muscle balance therapy and back pain exercises.

7. /Back Exercises For Men/

Back Exercises for Men
Back exercises for men help improve the physique, correct posture and prevent injury. A good workout comprises of exercises for the upper back, middle back and lower back. Here are some good back exercises for men...

Back exercises for men are an essential part of any good fitness regime. Whether you are working towards muscle growth, muscle definition, or regular fitness, they must be included in a proper training program. The two thumb rules you need to keep in mind are, if you want muscle growth, consistently increase your weight load to build a higher resistance. However, if you want better, higher muscle definition, lower your weight load but increase the number of repetitions. Here are a variety of back strengthening exercises that target different regions of the back. Simple Back Exercises Cable Row Among the upper back exercises for men, the cable row helps add real muscle-mass. Here's how you do it: Sit on the platform with a bend in your knees. Hold the cable attachment (triangle handle or bar) with a neutral grip, ensuring that your arms are outstretched and back and shoulder blades are straight. There should be tension on the cable before you begin. Now brace your abdomen and pull the handle into your sternum. Slowly return to your starting position. While doing this exercise, try to minimize upper body movement, this exercise is ideal forstrengthening lower back muscles, as emphasis is given to the lower back muscles while rowing. Pull-up Pull ups done correctly are among the best back exercises for men. This pull up requires an overhand grip, which puts the pressure on the back instead of the arms. Begin by grasping the bar with an overhand grip, keeping a little more than shoulderwidth distance between your hands, and extend your arms fully. Allow your body to hang straight down. Now slowly pull up until your chin is over the bar, squeezing your lats as you do so. Ensure that you do not swing your body. Gradually lower slowly yourself to the starting position without swinging. Back Exercises with Dumbbells Single Arm Row Stand straight next to the bench, then place your right knee and right palm on the bench. Your back should be flat and parallel to the bench. Grab hold of a dumbbell with your left hand and then raise your arm up, so that the shoulder to elbow portion (upper arm) is parallel to the floor, and the elbow to wrist portion (lower arm) is hanging straight down towards the floor, with your palm facing in. Slowly bring the dumbbell back down. After you complete your left arm workout, repeat the exercise with your right arm. Lying Bent Over Rows Lie face down on a flat or slightly inclined bench, such that your chest to groin region is resting on the bench. Hold a dumbbell in either palm, with your arms hanging down. Now simultaneously bring the dumbbells towards your chest. Maintain control while lowering the dumbbells back down, and don't let them drop. Back Exercises for Lower Back Pain Lying Hamstring Stretch There are a few exercises that are recommended to prevent lower back pain. Make a

roll of a small towel and place it under your lower back, as you lie flat on the floor. Keep your left leg straight while lifting your right leg, and pointing your knee toward the ceiling. Extend your arms and hold your right thigh, by interlocking your fingers. Gradually straighten your right leg and point your toes at the ceiling. You should feel a stretch on the lower side of your thigh. Now retain that position for 30 seconds. One set comprises about 3 repetitions. Perform the same exercise with your other leg. Cat and Camel Stretch: Assume a dog like position by getting down on your hands and knees; your hands should be aligned with you shoulders and your knees with your hips. For the cat stretch, drop your head down, while tucking your hips under and lifting the middle of your back as high as you can. This feline stretch should have your back in a curve, raised towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 seconds. You should perform about 10 reps in a set. In the camel stretch, assume the same initial position, but this time raise your head and hips up, while letting your stomach fall towards the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds and perform about 10 reps in a set. Read more on back stretching exercises. These lower back exercises for men will help those who suffer from low back pain. It is very important to never skip a warm up routine before you begin to exercise or stretch. For regular back exercises to add muscle, one is advised to perform between 3 to 4 sets per exercise. Ideally, do about 2 exercises each for the lower back, the middle back and upper back.

10 Best Back Exercises for Men

By: Daniel Rivas Break Studios Contributing Writer The older we get, the more we need to know the 10 best back exercises for men so that we can easily ease the pain stress causes in our backs. Whether its stress or injury that causes your back pain, these ten back exercises and stretches will help you feel stronger, more balanced, and will take away the pain. 1. The Reach: Get on all fours. Reach your right arm straight ahead will lifting your right leg. Hold for five seconds. Switch to left arm and right leg. Do fifteen of each side. This exercise works the muscles up and down your back, your abs, your hips and glutes. It won't make you a rippling, infomercial stud, but it is a go-to exercise for anyone with back problems. 2. Stretch Your Butt: Believe it or not, back pain often originates in your glutes. Tightness anywhere can pull you out of alignment, but your glutes are big, powerful muscles. Lie on your back and pull your right knee toward your left shoulder. You should feel it stretch in your butt and your hips. Switch to your left knee and right shoulder. Do this stretch for as long as you want. There is no such thing as too much of this stretch. 3. Lunges: If you don't want your back to hurt, you have to be stronger. Lunges work those leg, hip, and butt muscles to keep you in balance. Start with ten to fifteen on each leg, preferably walking forward.

4. Foam Roller: Get one of those fat foam cylinders and roll your hips, glutes, and legs, using your body weight to create the proper pressure. Think of it as giving yourself a shiatsu massage. It hurts so good. 5. Mowers: In a motion similar to cranking a lawnmower, reach your right arm to your left ankle and then pull up until your hand is even with your shoulder. Do ten to fifteen of these and then switch sides. A common theme to all the exercises should be emphasized here. Whatever you do to one side of your body, do to the other. Imbalance causes back pain, so to correct it you have to exercise in a balanced way. 6. Superman: Lie on your stomach and reach your arms and legs straight out so that your hands and feet are only a few inches off the ground. Seems easy, right? Now do it for a minute. Not so easy anymore. 7. Swimmers: While you're on the ground you might as well stay there. Bring your arms up as if you were about to dive into a pool. Now lift your upper body as you bring your arms back. 8. Push-ups: Often overlooked is the fact that to do a proper push-up you need to hold up the middle of your body. Your back and abs get a good workout along with your arms. 9. Scissors: Lie on your side and raise your leg to a 45 degree angle. Ten to fifteen of these are harder than you would think. Again, your working those crucial hips and glutes. 10. Lie Down and Relax. Back pain is often the result of stress. Make sure to take it easy, clear your mind, breath deeply and relax. Sometimes that's all you need to feel yourself again.

Back Exercises For Men

Back Exercises For Men When you ask one hundred females exactly what physical attribute that they find most desirable in a guy, ninety nine of them will certainly say a V-shaped upper body, with wide shoulder blades as well as a lean stomach these are achievable with a good knowledge of back exercises for men. However the most essential part of this particular form is building a solid back muscular lats will certainly develop a powerful V-shape much more compared to any other muscle group can. Right here are several excellent back exercises for men that will will get you there. Pull Ups The Master of Back Exercises Whenever it comes to workouts that truly work the back muscle groups, there is definitely not one better compared to the simple pull up. Pull ups not only focus on a persons back muscle groups, but a persons biceps and forearms at

the same time. This basically tends to make bicep curls along with forearm curls unnecessary so long as pull ups continue to be an essential part of ones workout program. With pullups, you grasp a bar overhead, pull your self up so the chin area is actually the exact same level as the bar, and lower yourself back down. If perhaps anyone experienced gym class in high school, you have most likely done 100s of these previously. However do not allow that point trick you pull-ups will certainly build a solid back more than any kind of other physical exercise ever will. Inverted Rows A lot of men like to perform either bent-over rows in order to focus on the back. This is definitely challenging for a few good reasons. First, when you are performing dumbbell rows, you actually are performing only a single side at a time, which is definitely a waste of time when you actually can be performing either sides. However when you perform bent-over barbell rows, you actually put an enormous amount of strain on the lower back in addition to result in a great deal of injury long-term. Your ideal answer is to perform inverted rows. Together with this physical exercise, you set a barbell up in the stand and dangle from it using the arms whilst trying to keep your legs extended in front of you and your body straight as an arrow. You next continue to pull oneself upward to your bar and also lower oneself back straight down again in a kind of reverse push up. This particular physical exercise will certainly prevent the back stress of barbell rows whilst getting the task done more quickly compared to dumbbell rows. The Best of the Rest

Pullups as well as inverted rows tend to be the very best back exercises for men. However you may well wish to try out a few more in case you are serious. Rope climbs demand a little bit extra equipment and also room than the majority of individuals have, nevertheless they tend to be a really amazing physical exercise at the same time. Plus of course, rowing in both a fishing boat as well as a machine will definitely work the back also. All these excellent back exercises for men will certainly get anyone on the right track towards developing ripped lats.

8./How To Get Bigger Biceps/

How to get big biceps!
Ah, the age old question - how to get big biceps? If I had a penny for every time some asked me how do I get big biceps I would be a rich man! Today I'm going to tell you how to get big biceps, in 5 steps. My "how to get big biceps" advice is not specific to any person or body type, it can work on all guys! NEW FEATURE ARTICLE: SUPPLEMENTS FOR BIG BICEPS Following the advice, exercises guides and workouts on eBicep you can get big biceps! But you have to remember, it's not going to be easy! No one ever said it was going to be easy. At the end of the day it's all up to you. You can read all day about how to get big biceps but it's the hours in the gym and the hard work you put in that will really give you big biceps! How to get big biceps step 1:- Eat Big! In order to get big biceps, you need to eat big. This means eat everything! Your body needs to have an excess of calories each day before you can start to build muscle. Make sure you eat lots of protein (meat, eggs and fish) and lots of carbs (brown bread, brown rice and potatos). Protein is what makes up your muscles, and you need a lot of it to actually build muscle. Eat as much protein as you can. To really get big biceps, make sure you either have a protein shake (a protein drink) or a good meal after your biceps workout. This is when your bicep muscles are repairing and need the nutrients. Also, make sure you eat before you go to bed. Most of actual muscle building happens while you are asleep.

How to get big biceps step 2:- Lift Heavy! One of the biggest mistakes I see lifters making when trying to get big biceps is doing to may sets and way to many reps. If you want to get strong and big biceps, you need to liftheavy weights at low reps. When I say low, I mean anything from 2 to 8, depending on the exercise. Most of my biceps exercises are arounf 4 to 8. I like to load up heavy on the big exercises like barbell bicep curl, chin up and preacher curl. Take this one step further by using a spotter to help you puch out really heavy sets. How to get big biceps step 3:- Rest Up! Most people are surprised when they ask me how to get big biceps and I tell them to get plenty of rest. Like I mentioned earlier in this article, most of your muscle building is done in your sleep. So if you want to get big biceps, get plenty of sleep (9 hours would be good, but 8 is fine). Also try to limit your cardio to 1-2 workouts per week. When you're training your biceps, cut out the cardio. Don't train your biceps then hit the treadmill for an hour afterwards. How to get big biceps? Work hard, rest hard. How to get big biceps step 4:- Mix It Up! Feel like no matter how many hours you spend building your biceps you just can't seem to lift and heavier and get any bigger? You've hit a plateau. It happens to every lifter at some stage. This is why you need to vary your biceps workouts and shock your muscles into growth! See, you muscles tend to get "used" to the biceps training exercises. So you need to change you biceps workout every 2 - 3 months, change the day you work your biceps and change the order in which you do your biceps exercises. This will definately help you to get big biceps! How to get big biceps step 5:- Train smarter! To get big biceps, you need to put some thought into your biceps routine. Here are my tips to trian smarter: Only train your biceps once per week and hit them with 5 different exercises, train your back at least 48 hours before/after your biceps (because the biceps are secondary muscles in back exercises), never train your biceps if they are still sore from the last workout and always do the biggest and heaviest biceps exercises in your routine first (bicep curl, chin up, preacher curl). Apply my "how to get big biceps" to your bicep routine and you'll notice the difference! Remember, you only get out what you put in! Work hard in the gym, rest hard and build bigger biceps!

To do dips for bigger triceps... Look straight ahead while doing dips to work your triceps (or the back of your arms) more and... The closer your chairs are = the more your triceps get worked and... To do dips for a bigger chest... look down and lean forward slightly to work your chest more and... The wider your chairs are spaced apart = The more your chest gets worked and... If you're not strong enough to do dips...

Just do negatives by taking 5-to-10 seconds or longer to lower yourself to the bottom position and don't push yourself back up (Just stand up & complete another negative). The longer or slower you lower yourself down = the more muscle you'll build and... You can also do dips by not lowering yourself all the way down - Just come down halfway by placing a box or any object up under you - This is the same principle as doing board push-ups here and...

To keep getting bigger chest & arms doing dips...

Use more weight by using a weight vest, wearing a book bag with weights, by holding a dumbbell between your ankles or by using a weight belt. I recommend you do 5-to-8 sets of 3-to-8 reps for gaining mass in your chest & arms doing dips using extra weight and... I recommend you do 3-to-4 sets of 8-to-12 reps for general toning or to maintain chest and arm size by using just your bodyweight.


How To Get Bigger Arms


So youre wondering how to get bigger arms? Thats a good question and probably the holy grail when it comes to guys wanting to put on slabs of muscle mass which always includes a pair of sleeve splitting arms. Well to be honest, there are many ways you can train to get bigger arms. Im going to tell you though that everything works to some degree, but if you really want bigger arms much faster, then I suggest you focus on just your arms for a certain period of time. This is called a specialization routine where you tone down the volume on all other muscle groups and increase the volume on 2 muscle groups to play catch up to everything else. You can do this with your arms for around 6-8 weeks.


Now there are some parts of arm training that can make your arms look much bigger minus the triceps and biceps. These muscles are the brachialis and brachioradialis. Here is a picture illustrating them.


Essentially, if your brachialisis is built up, its going to push out your biceps much more, therefore making your arm bigger in circumference. A great way to train both of these 2 muscles is through the use of any type of curling movement with your palms facing down or inward. This is called a pronated grip and neutral grip. This will activate those 2 muscles the most and take the much more powerful biceps out of the movement. Listed below is a routine you can follow on how to get bigger arms for the next 6-8 weeks. However, remember that the growing does not happen in the gym. It happen at your kitchen table. That could be your problem too is that youre not taking in enough calories to ensure muscle growth. Make sure youre eating plenty of calories from clean sources to support what youre doing in the gym. Anyways, here is the program: Monday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 5 super setting movements. A1: Barbell Curls A2: Dips B1: Wide Grip Ez Curl Bar Curls B2: Dumbbell Floor Presses C1: Narrow Grip Ez Curl Bar Curls C2: Ez Curl Bar Pullover Into A Skull Crusher Lying Down Wednesday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 8 super setting movements. A1: Hammer Curls A2: Close Grip Decline Bench Press B1: Reverse Grip Ez Curl Bar Curls B2: Overhead Rope Extensions C1: Zottoman Curls C2: Diamond Grip Pushups Friday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 15 super setting movements. A1: Reverse Grip Ez Curl Bar Preacher Curls A2: Skull Crushers With A Dumbbell B1: Hammer Grip Preacher Bench Curls B2: Arms Bent Lying Pullovers C1: Standing Palms Up Dumbbell Curls (No Twist) C2: Barbell Floor Presses All in all, you can do this routine for 6-8 weeks. For all other body parts, just do them on a separate day, utilizing big multi joint compound movements for 4 sets of 6 to preserve your muscle mass.


As you progress, you will notice youre getting stronger on these lifts. Feel free to add a set, rep or add weight. This my friend is a great program on how to get bigger arms.

I'm Going To Show You How You Can Add Inches To Your Biceps!
get big biceps. Now, I'm sure if your reading this page, your looking to add some size to your biceps. I'm sure that you've also done some initial research on the internet looking for some guidance about programs and techniques. I've also done some research on how to get big biceps and there is some conflicting information about what programs to follow, what exercises to do and so forth. With that in mind, I'm going to give you, what I think are the best techniques to building big biceps. The way I look at it, is if you want to get big biceps, your going to have to train them in a very specific way that is conducive to building muscle. I've broken down the main steps and they are as follows: 1) Know Where Your Going 2) Specialization 3) Exercise Periods 4) Exercise Selection - Direct Exercises 5) Exercise Selection - Indirect Exercises 6) Muscle Building Exercises 7) Diet 8) Rest 9) Supplements What I'd like to do is go over each and discuss the important of each in terms of how to get big biceps. 1) Know Where Your Going Simply showing up to the gym and doing 10 sets of barbell curls will do nothing for your biceps growth. The first thing you need to do is get a starting point. The only way to do this is take out a measuring tape and weight scale. What you want to do is get an accurate measurement of your arm when it's relaxed and when it's in a flexed position. Once you do both, write them down in a log of some sort and get the date down. Go to the following web page: Free Weight Lifting Charts And save this log to your desktop. Once youve done this, print it out. Write down your measurements in this log. The next thing your going to do is hop on a

 Today, I'd like to provide you with some much needed information about how to



weight scale and take down your weight. Write this number down in the log. Remember, date the log. What youre doing here is getting a starting point, which is very, very important in weight training. Once you know what your starting point is, you can decide what your goals are. Realistically, you can probably expect to gain anywhere from to 1 to your biceps in a 12 week training cycle. That is, of course if you do everything right. So, if your arms are 15", you can realistically expect an increase to 15 inches to 16 inches. This all depends on how dedicated you are with your training and diet. Setting a goal for 20 inch arms is unrealistic. Only a small percentage of the population can attain a 20 inch arm. Of course, this all depends on your genetics and this will determine how big your biceps can get - Over a period of time (usually years). However, 18" and 19" arms are realistic (Over the course of a few years) and believe me, these are pretty big arms. Take small steps in terms of periodic training cycles, and youll reach your goals. Ok, write down your goal and in 12 weeks your going to see that youve reached this measurement. Now, your going to be taking your arm measurements every week as well as your body weight. Each should be increasing with each measurement. Alright, now that you know where your starting, you can get onto attaining your goals. 2) Specialization This probably the most important aspect to improving any body part. However, its one that is not really discussed in the muscle magazines or the internet. I first heard about specialization when I was reading an interview article with the great Arnold. He said that whenever he wanted to improve a body part, he would make it a priority in his weight training program. It only makes sense that if you want to improve something, you step up your efforts to make sure it improves. Take calves for example. Most people with weak calves will say that they simply don't have the genetics for building huge calves. However, if you take a look at their training routines, you'll see calves tucked deep down after training quadriceps, and hamstrings, doing maybe 3 to 4 sets of light calf raises. It doesn't work like that. I order to improve a weak body part, you have to train it like it's your favourite body part. I hope you understand that to truly build big biceps, you need to specialize and train them first and foremost. Heres what I suggest. Train your biceps and triceps on the first day of you training program. You will have to re-structure your current weight training program but believe me, if you want big biceps, your going to have to. Heres a sample training schedule: Day 1 Biceps and Triceps Day 2 Legs Day 3 Rest






Day 4 Back and Chest Day 5 Rest Day 6 Shoulders Day 7 Rest This is just a sample and you will have to come up with a weight training plan that is suitable for you. Alright, now that you know that specialization is needed to build big biceps, lets move on to the third point. 3) Exercise Periods The thing you have to remember about biceps is that they are a small muscle group. It doesnt take much work in order to stimulate growth but there is a very fine line when it comes to doing too much for the biceps. Biceps overtraining is a common thing and what people fail to understand is that any pulling motion involves the biceps. This is probably one of the main reasons why hard working weight trainers cant seem to get their biceps to grow. Your biceps are constantly being worked from other exercises and really, they only need brief, intense workout sessions to cause growth. For this reason, I would say to train them once per week. Yep, only once per week. Trust me, if your doing everything right, once per week is all you need and you will see the results your looking for. When you structure your training program, just make sure that you give your biceps enough rest periods to cause muscle growth. Training back a day after youve trained biceps is not a smart thing to do. If youre doing it now, stop immediately. What you want to do is give your biceps at least two to three days rest in between each training session. See the above sample weight training routine. Im going to tell you right now, that compound movements such as barbell bent over rows, and chin ups provide just as much muscle stimulation, if not more, than regular biceps exercises. Im going to discuss this shortly but just remember, indirect exercises are the main biceps builders in your training program. Alright, now that you know about exercise timing, lets move onto the next point about how to get big biceps. 4) Exercise Selection - Direct Exercises Im going to tell you right now that you dont need 25 sets for biceps. Doing 5 exercises for 5 sets is not a smart way to train. Drop the Arnold workouts and cut down on the amount of sets and exercises your doing for biceps. Really, your only need 3 exercises for the biceps and thats plenty. Here is a sample biceps workout to do: Biceps Exercise #1 - Standing Barbell Curls Warm up: 1 x 20 repetitions Set one: 1 x 8 repetitions with 50% of your maximum






Set two: 1 x 8 repetitions with 60% of your maximum Set three: 1 x 8 repetitions with 70% of your maximum Set four: 1 x 8 repetitions with 80% of your maximum Biceps Exercise #2 - Seated Dumbbell Curls Set one: 1 x 10 repetitions with 60% of your maximum Set two: 1 x 10 repetitions with 70% of your maximum Set three: 1 x 8 repetitions with 80% of your maximum Set four: 1 x 8 repetitions with 80% of your maximum Biceps Exercise #3 - Preacher Curls 4 sets of 12 repetitions For preacher curls you should be using moderate weight for this exercise since you really want to do this exercise nice and slow. This is all you need to really stimulate your biceps. Anymore is overkill and you might be doing more harm than good. Remember, less is more! Here's a very important point that I'd like to make. With each workout, you must improve. You can either use more weight, more reps, or do the workout faster. If you don't improve from workout to workout, there is no reason why your body needs to grow. You see, improvement means growth. Understand this principle and you'll build huge muscles. Now that you have an idea of what you should be doing for your biceps workouts, lets move on to the next point about how to get big biceps. 5) Exercise Selection - Indirect Exercises Alright, this is very important so you may want to listen up. You absolutely must have compound pulling movements in your weight training program. If you want to build big biceps, your going to have to start doing these exercises. What Im talking about are bent over barbell rowing, T bar rows, seated pulleys, single arm dumbbell rows, dead lifts and chin ups. What you want to do is incorporate these exercises into your back routine and not your biceps routine. Lets take the above noted sample training schedule. On day 4, you will train back and shoulders. I want you to train back first and really concentrate on moving some heavy weight. The majority of your back exercises should be compound movements. Here's a page you may want to take a look at for the importance of doing compound movements: Importance of compound movements Whenever I need to add some size to my arms, I add in core compound movements. Believe me, your biceps will receive much more muscle stimulation doing a heavy set of reverse grip barbell bent rows than they will with concentration curls. Heres a sample back routine that includes compound movements: Exercise # 1 - Chin Ups 3 x 12 repetitions Exercise # 2 - Reverse Grip Barbell Bent Over Row 4 x 8 repetitions Exercise # 3 - Seated Cable Pulley Rows 3 x 10 repetitions




Exercise # 4 - Standing Dumbbell Shrugs 4 x 12 repetitions Nothing fancy about this back routine but it is very effective for building a big back and especially effective for building big biceps. Now, you should be spacing your back workout about 3 days apart from doing your main biceps workout. See the above noted sample workout routine. Ok, now that you know the importance of core, back movements, lets move onto the next point about building big biceps. 6) Muscle Building Exercises These exercise are not directly involved in your biceps routine but they are pure muscle builders. The two main exercise you may want to incorporate into your training routine are squats and dead lifts. Your probably thinking, what does squats have to do with biceps training? Well, everything. Doing heavy squats has a magical way of making your whole body grow. The reason is that they require so much effort and intensity to do them that it causes a huge surge of growth hormone and testosterone release in your body. As you may or may not know, these hormones are responsible for muscle growth. The more natural production of these hormones you have in your body, the better. So remember, do your squats in your leg sessions. Lets move onto the next point about how to get big biceps. 7) Diet In order to get big strong arms, you need to build muscle mass. In order to build large muscles, you need to increase your intake of nutrients. If you're thinking that you can add two inches of muscle to your arms while trying to get a six pack of abs, it's not going to happen. Building muscle mass required calories, and lots of them. Drop the six pack abs diet and get on a diet that's loaded with plenty of calories, protein, carbs, and quality fats. Ill be very honest here, you want to actually add body weight here in order to start building big biceps. If you want to get big and strong, you have to start eating to get big. To structure your optimal weight lifting diet, please visit Building muscle101's weight lifting diet page. Check out the following page the get an idea of how to add muscle mass: Building Muscle Mass Ok, now that you understand that you need to gain lean body weight to build big biceps, lets move onto our next point. 8) Rest Ill keep this nice and simple. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each and every night. Late nights and parties will kill your progress and should be avoided at all costs if you want to build big biceps. It is very important that you get into the habit of getting quality rest every night. What you have to remember is that your body actually grows and builds muscle while you are sleeping, not while your weight training. If you can get the necessary rest, your body will use that time to repair and build muscle tissue, which is what you want. 9) Supplements

Supplements have there place in sports and weight training. However, the most important point to remember about supplements is that they only work once your have your diet and training in place. Supplements help to enhance a weight training program that's already working. I'd only suggest that you use supplements after 6 to 8 weeks of steady weight training. This way, your body will make the most of these sports supplements. If you feel you are ready to use supplements and are interested in using them to help with your weight training program, please see the following page:

9./Exercises To Strengthen Lower Back/

Lower Back Strengthening Exercises
Exercises > Strengthening (Joints) > Lower Back Strengthening Exercises The following lower back strengthening exercises are designed to improve the strength of the muscles of the lower back. You should discuss the suitability of these lower back strengthening exercises with your physiotherapist prior to beginning them. Generally, they should only be performed provided they do not cause or increase pain. Begin with the basic lower back strengthening exercises. Once these are too easy, add the intermediate lower back strengthening exercises. As your strength improves, the advanced back exercises can then be added to the intermediate program.

Lower Back Strengthening Basic Exercises

To begin with, the following basic lower back strengthening exercises should be performed approximately 3 times daily. As your lower back strength improves, the exercises can be progressed by gradually increasing the repetitions, frequency or duration of the exercises provided they do not cause or increase pain. Transversus Abdominus Retraining Slowly pull your belly button in "away from your belt line" and breathe normally. Your rib cage should remain relaxed and should not elevate during this process. You should be able to feel the muscle contracting if you press deeply 2cm in from the bony process at the front of your pelvis (figure 1). Practise holding this muscle at one third of a maximal contraction for as long as possible during everyday activity (e.g. when walking etc.) provided it is pain free. Repeat this back exercise 3 times daily.

Figure 1 Transversus Abdominus Retraining Opposite Arm Leg Raises Begin this lower back strengthening exercise lying on your stomach with your arms above your head as demonstrated (figure 2). Keeping your knee and elbow straight, slowly lift your opposite arm and leg tightening your lower back and bottom muscles. Hold for 2 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat this process with the other arm and leg. Perform 10 times on each side provided it is pain free.

Figure 2 Opposite Arm Leg Raises (right arm, left leg)

Lower Back Strengthening Intermediate Exercises

The following intermediate lower back strengthening exercises should generally be performed 1 - 3 times per week provided they do not cause or increase pain. Ideally they should not be performed on consecutive days, to allow muscle recovery. As your lower back strength improves, the exercises can be progressed by gradually increasing the repetitions, number of sets or duration of the exercises provided they do not cause or increase pain. Prone Hold Begin this lower back strengthening exercise propped up on your elbows and toes with your back straight as demonstrated (figure 3). Hold this position for as long as possible provided it is pain free and you are maintaining good posture. Repeat 3 times.

Figure 3 Prone Hold Supermans Begin this lower back strengthening exercise lying on your stomach with your arms above your head as demonstrated (figure 4). Keeping your knees and elbows straight, slowly lift both arms and legs tightening your lower back and bottom muscles. Hold for 2 seconds and perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided it is pain free.

Figure 4 Supermans Side Holds Begin this lower back strengthening exercise propped up on one elbow and foot with your back straight as demonstrated (figure 5). Hold this position for as long as possible provided it is pain free and you are maintaining good posture. Repeat 3 times on each side.

Figure 5 Side Holds (left side) Rotation Versus Resistance Band Begin this lower back strengthening exercise kneeling or standing with your back straight, holding a resistance band as demonstrated (figure 6). Slowly rotate your body keeping your arms and back straight. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible provided it is pain free.

Figure 6 Rotation vs. Resistance Band (left side)

Lower Back Strengthening Advanced Exercises

The following advanced lower back strengthening exercises should generally be performed 1 - 3 times per week provided they do not cause or increase pain. Ideally they should not be performed on consecutive days, to allow muscle recovery. As your lower back strength improves, the exercises can be progressed by gradually increasing the repetitions, number of sets or resistance of the exercises provided they do not cause or increase pain. Prone Hold on Swiss Ball Begin this lower back strengthening exercise with your feet on a Swiss ball, your hands on the floor, and your back straight as demonstrated (figure 7). Hold this position for as long as possible provided it is pain free and you are maintaining good posture. Repeat 3 times. Once this is too easy, try maintaining the same position with one leg in the air as demonstrated and repeat on each side.

Figure 7 Prone Hold on Swiss Ball (left leg) Leg Lift over Swiss Ball Begin this lower back strengthening exercise lying over a Swiss ball as demonstrated (figure 8). Slowly lift your legs, keeping the Swiss ball still and your knees straight. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided it is pain free.

Figure 8 Leg Lift over Swiss Ball Roll Outs Begin this lower back strengthening exercise in kneeling with your back straight and your hands on a Swiss ball as demonstrated (figure 9). Slowly roll forwards, moving at your knees, keeping your back and arms straight. Slowly return to the start position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided it is pain free.

Figure 9 Roll Outs Side Bends over Swiss Ball Begin this lower back strengthening exercise with your feet apart and against a wall and your hip and back resting on a Swiss ball as demonstrated (figure 10). Slowly perform a side bend keeping the Swiss ball as still as possible. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side provided the exercise is pain free.

Figure 10 Side Bends over Swiss Ball Side Bend with Rotation over Swiss Ball Begin this lower back strengthening exercise with your feet apart and against a wall and your hip and back resting on a Swiss ball. Your chest should be facing the ground as demonstrated (figure 11). Slowly perform a side bend, rotating your torso so your chest faces upwards as shown, keeping the Swiss ball as still as possible. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side provided the exercise is pain free.

Figure 11 Side Bend with Rotation over Swiss Ball Lower Back Extension over Swiss Ball Begin this lower back strengthening exercise with your feet against the wall and a Swiss ball between your thighs as demonstrated (figure 12). Keeping your back straight, slowly raise your back, keeping the Swiss ball still. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided it is pain free.

Figure 12 Lower Back Extension over Swiss Ball

Tricep Exercises with Dumbbells

Tricep exercises with dumbbells are very effective in building your tricep muscles. They rightly tone up your tricep muscles so that you have firm, strong and perfectly shaped triceps.

10./Tricep Exercises With Dumbbells/

Want to build your tricep muscles? Performing tricep exercises will help you improve the strength of your triceps. You might be struggling to find out the right exercise to strengthen and tone your tricep muscles. With only a pair of dumbbells, you can perfectly workout your triceps and have the desired results. You'll have to perform these dumbbell exercises every alternate day to have the right strength. Ready to do effective tricep exercises with dumbbells, get started. Best Tricep Exercises with Dumbbells Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Extension This is one of the best tricep workouts with dumbbells. To perform it, stand upright and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in right hand. Now lift this arm, so that the dumbbell is at a height of arms length above your shoulder. Now keep your elbow fixed at your ear and bend it slowly following an arc motion behind your head until a ninety degree angle is formed at your elbow, and slowly move it back upwards. Repeat the motion 10 times. Make sure that the part of your arm from armpit to elbow does not move. Remember to slightly bent your knees so that they take the pressure off your lower back. Now, repeat the same motion for left hand. Perform 3 sets of this exercise. More on dumbbell exercises for women. Seated Two Arm Dumbbell Extension Sit upright on a flat exercise bench. Extend both your arms above your head and hold a dumbbell properly with both your arms. When the dumbbell is positioned above your head with your arms extended, keep you arms slightly bended at elbows. Start by slowly lowering your arms downwards, behind your head. Keep your elbows in, all the weight must be over your triceps. Now, slowly raise the dumbbell upward, back to the starting position. Remember to keep your elbows in throughout the exercise. This tricep extension is one of the most effective exercises for triceps with dumbbells. You must perform 10 reps and 3 sets of this exercise. Dumbbell Kickbacks Dumbbell kickbacks is known to be one of the perfect workouts for triceps with

dumbbells. You need a flat bench to perform this exercise. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and place your left knee and left hand on the flat bench. Keep your right arm tucked into your side, upper arm must be parallel to floor and elbow bent to form a ninety degree angle. Now, slowly extend your arm until it is straight, keep a very slight bent at elbow don't make it completely straight. Now move it to initial position and repeat. Perform 10 reps and repeat with your left arm. Perform 3 sets. Lying Dumbbell Extension Another exercise that is amongst the best tricep exercises with dumbbells is lying dumbbell extension. You need a flat exercise bench for this. Lie flat on your back on the bench and hold a dumbbell with both your arms. Keep your arms extended, there must be a slight bend in your arms. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until they are at the sides of your head. Now raise back the dumbbell to the starting position and repeat. Perform 10 reps and 3 sets of this arm exercise. Decline Dumbbell Extensions You need an exercise bench for this dumbbell exercise. Decline the bench and lie flat over it. Now grasp two dumbbells, with someone's help and position them over your shoulders. Your arms must be straightened with just a slight bend at elbow. The palms must face each other. Slowly lower the dumbbells by bending the elbow until they are at the sides of your head, they'll touch your shoulder. Extend your arms to initial position and repeat. Make sure you move both the arms together. This is amongst the best tricep exercises with dumbbells that rightly target your tricep muscles, the declined position helps maintain constant stress on the triceps. Perform 10 reps and 3 sets of this tricep extension exercise. Read more on Tricep Exercises:
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Tricep Exercises for Women Tricep Exercises With Free Weights

The above mentioned tricep exercises with dumbbells will tone up and strengthen your muscles in the right way. You need to perform them for atleast two months to have the desired results. Keeping slight bent in your arms throughout the exercise means not locking the joints is essential to work the tricep muscles. Dumbbell exercises provide a longer range of motion. Also this exercise equipment allows you to work each side independently. So, grab those dumbbells and start building your triceps. By Mamta Mule

Top 10: Bicep Exercises

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I thought I'd give your abs a rest this week and try making your biceps sore instead. If done correctly, the following exercises will get you those bulging biceps that you'll be dying to measure (and show off) in no time.

Number 10 21s
Get yourself a barbell with weight on it and hold it with your palms facing up, shoulder-width apart. Curl the bar halfway up 7 times; then curl it from the halfway point all the way up 7 times; then curl it from the bottom all the way up 7 times. Don't rest between segments.

Number 9 Hangover Barbell Curls

Kneel on an inclined bench, with your chest leaning against the back rest and your arms hanging over the other side. Hold a barbell a little less than shoulder-width apart, making sure that your arms form a 90 angle with your chest at all times, and curl the bar 8 to 12 times.

Number 8 Reverse Grip Curls With Bar Or Cable

Hold a barbell or the straight attachment on a cable machine, with your palms facing down and your hands a little less than shoulder-width apart, and curl. Do 8 to 12 reps.

Number 7 Inclined Dumbbell Curls

Sit on an inclined bench with dumbbells in each hand and hands down by your sides. You can do hammer curls (where you keep your palms facing your body at all times); regular curls (with

palms facing up); or supinating curls (where you start with your palms facing your body, and about halfway through the movement, you turn them facing up). Do 8 to 12 reps.

Number 6 Supinating Dumbbell Curls On Ball

Sit on an exercise ball, holding dumbbells in each hand and with your arms by your sides, palms facing inward. Curl both arms at the same time, turning your palms up about halfway through the movement, so that you complete the curl with your palms facing upward.

Number 5 Pull-Ups
This military training standard is great for biceps, as well as shoulders and overall upper-body strength. Ideally, the bar should be at least a foot higher than you are with your arms extended above your head. Hold on to it, with your palms facing you, and pull yourself up as high as you can; aim for bringing your chin higher than the bar. Remember to lower your body in a controlled manner as well. Do as many as you can, aiming for 15 reps.

Number 4 Preacher Curls

Sit on a preacher bench and rest the back of your arms on the pad. The seat should be adjusted so that your armpits are in line with the top of the pad. Grasp the curl bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and your palms facing outward, and curl.

Number 3 Dumbbell Or Barbell Curls

The standards never go out of style. Grab a barbell loaded with weight or two dumbbells, with your palms facing outward, and curl. If you want an extra challenge, lower the barbell or dumbbells very slowly (i.e. take a full four seconds to do so) and feel the burn.

Number 2 Cable Bicep Curls With Rope Attachment

Secure the rope attachment to the lowest hook on a cable machine, and grip it with your palms facing inward, right under the rubber ends. Contract your biceps, slowly turning your palms upward so that they're facing you by the end of the movement. Do 8 to 12 reps.

Number 1 Bicep Curl Machines Of Various Kinds

Although I'm not a big fan of machines as they tend to do some of the work for you, they're great on days when you're tired or sore, or just plain don't feel like killing yourself.

Bulging Biceps
There you have it: 10 exercises to give your arms that pump you've been after. And you can also check out the article ontricep moves to balance them out. Just don't be a geek and start flexing your arms in the mirror every five minutes.

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