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Learn Astrology

From: Expert Astrologer CD

By picking this book up you are showing an interest in learning more about yourself. This book will start
out by explaining the history of Astrology to you. It will then get into explaining what Astrology is.

I could not say it better than what prior Astrologers have. I am including a lot of information, which is
pretty common and easy to find in multiple places, from the Expert Astrology CD. Most of which I already
had in my Book of Divination. Describing what Astrology is was said best by William W. Hewitt so I am
including portions of his book titled Astrology for Beginners.

Authors Notes:

Without doing a natal chart you should learn a few things about yourself. As you
read through these pages, take a look at the things that are defined according to
your Zodiac.

For instance say that you were born on Yule, December 22. You will know the
following things about yourself:

Zodiac: Capricorn

Symbol: Goat

Main Trait: Cautious

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Fundamental Approach to Life: Passive

Gender Approach to Life: Feminine

This is just a few of the things you may have already known or will learn. Chapter
8 gives you the deeper look into yourself.

These pages are only to assist you in understanding the things that astrology
talks about. You will not learn how to do a Natal Chart, though you will be able to
understand one. There are many books and websites that do your Natal Chart for
you, I advice checking them out.

What is Astrology?

In general, Astrology embraces the idea that there is a connection between the Heavens and
Earth; that the Heavens and Earth are united, interpenetrating and sharing a common space and
Astrology is a study of Heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they reflect on Earth. Cosmic
events beyond Earth do not cause events on Earth. They reflect the happenings on Earth. In
other words, what is happening here is happening there, and what is happening there is
happening here.

Within Astrology we study the past, present and future. We also study the planets, moon and sun;
and how they are related to each other and react with each other. This is a tool to give us a better
control and to see the order of things in what appears to be in disorder.

Astrology, as I briefly explained in my notes, helps us to see ourselves and life in a greater
prospective to obtain the “big picture”. We use natal charts to capture a single moment in time. A
natal chart is, simply, the system used to figure out and map the details of your Astrology reading.

Like all tools, Astrology gets the job done when it is understood and used properly.

What Natal Astrology Is:

1. a tool that provides greater understanding of self
2. the oldest empirical science in the world
3. a patterning of a person’s innate birth potentials, strengths, weaknesses, tendencies and
Intelligent information is available on every aspect of a person’s life from cradle to grave.

What it Isn’t:
1. it is not a cure-all
2. it is not fatalistic
The individual always has the ability to choose by exercising the birth right of free will.
3. it does not advocate that the planets control our lives
We, through our choices, control our own lives.
Chapter 1
Introduction to Astrology
Astrology can be considered the world's oldest celestial science.
Since the earliest times, watching the sky has been a part of man's life.
The seasonal changes were marked by the longest and shortest days (the
solstices), and by the times when night and day were the same length
(equinoxes), this became a simple calendar for hunting and planting.
Besides these practical routine cycles, the position or state of the sun or
moon was noted at the time of significant events. It was soon realized
that certain phenomena in the skies coincided with certain events on
earth. Eventually, these parallels were considered omens, and each tribe
embellished them with their own myths to suit their view of the world.
Gradually, the heavens became replete with fables which told about gods,
demons, and heroes that formed a complex hierarchy of celestial beings
who watched, judged, and manipulated the lives of men.

As civilizations evolved and the body of knowledge grew, the

earliest astrologers kept meticulous calendars and more complete records
of celestial movements. The most convenient way to study the stars was
by connecting their groupings into recognizable patterns we now call the
constellations. The sky was thus divided into twelve segments each one
represented by its own constellation. It was also noted that the visible
planets often appeared to wander through they sky against this backdrop
of constellations. These planets eventually acquired personalities and
mythologies of their own, and astrologers soon began to affix significance
to the position of these planets against certain constellations in the sky.
The night sky was a grand soap-opera, where gods and goddesses
played out their dramas, and the consequences were manifested on earth
through droughts, floods, and a host of natural occurrences.

Through the centuries, Astrology has dealt with the charting and
interpretation of the cycles and movements of celestial objects. Through
the use of computers, calculations that once took months for
mathematicians to perform by hand can now be done in seconds, and the
positions of planets can be computed to a hundredth of a degree. The
interpretation part is another matter, relying vastly on centuries of richly
embroidered legend and mythology.

Astrology deals with ten planets. Eight of these are the sister
planets of the earth: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto. The other two are the Sun and the Moon, neither of
which is a planet. (A planet circles the Sun.) However, as seen from the
earth, the Sun and Moon follow the same path as the planets. Astrologers,
interested in the relationships between the positions of all ten objects,
simply call them the Ten Planets, and that's what we will call them.
The path followed by the ten planets is called the ecliptic. You can
visualize the ecliptic by imagining yourself looking out from a glass-
enclosed observation tower located at the center of a giant circular
racetrack. The tower represents the earth. The racetrack represents the

As you look out from your tower, you see all ten planets moving
around the track in the same direction, from the right to your left. Since the
planets move at different speeds, they are all spread out around the track.
Faster planets circle the track several times a year, overtaking and
passing slower moving planets that take centuries to make one lap.

Astrologers are interested in where each planet can be found on

the track, and where they are with respect to each other. They use the
signs of the zodiac to describe planet positions, and Aspects to describe
the relations between them.
Chapter 2
The Planets
Planets represent different cosmic forces that affect your basic
character traits and your changing urges and needs. They provide the
energies that drive your physical, emotional, mental, and intuitional
systems. These planetary energies are modified by the planet's position in
the zodiac, and by its relationships (aspects) to the other planets.
Personal Planets

Planets fall into three groups according to how long it takes them to
make one trip around the track. The first group of planets takes less than
two years to make a full cycle. These include the Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Venus, and Mars. Since we experience the influence of these planetary
cycles so often, we soon learn to recognize and control our reactions to
them. These are the Personal Planets. The key characterizations from
them are as follows:

Sun Identity, Purpose (Individuality)

Moon Feeling, responsiveness (Personality)
Mercury Intellect, Communication (Mentality)
Venus Attraction, Harmony (Affection)
Mars Energy, Assertion (Initiative)

The second group of planets includes planets Jupiter and Saturn. Their
effects are felt more as long-term inner urges rather than immediate
conscious needs. These urges determine how you view the world.

Jupiter Enthusiasm, Adventurousness (Expansive)

Saturn Caution, Restraint (Conservative)

The third group of planets moves so slowly that its energies influence
entire generations in essentially the same, setting the culture tones for
long periods of time. Uranus makes a full cycle in about 84 years, a full
lifetime, while Neptune and Pluto take about two centuries (164 and 247
years respectively). The characteristics of these Transpersonal planets are
as follows:

Uranus Independent, Intuitional (Originality)

Neptune Inspirational, Mystical (Sensitivity)
Pluto Regeneration, Obsession (Control)

The influences of these transpersonal planets will vary between

Individuals, depending on how they relate to the other planets of the
horoscope, and how they fall into a person's natal houses.
The Sun:
The Sun's position in the zodiac is your familiar Sun sign. The Sun sign
shows how you express your creative urges through conscious acts of will.
The Sun rules the sign Leo

The Moon:
The Moon's position in the zodiac shows your unconscious emotional
reactions to situations based on your early childhood experiences and
family training. The Moon rules the sign Cancer.

The Planet Mercury:

The planet Mercury's position in the zodiac shows how you think things
out and then communicate your ideas and decisions to others. It also
reveals how you make decisions and what you consider before making a
decision. The planet Mercury rules the sign Gemini.

The Planet Venus:

The planet Venus's position in the zodiac shows how you give of
yourself and how you express your feelings for others. It also reveals how
you attract the good things of life, both the material and the spiritual. The
planet Venus rules the sign Libra.

The Planet Mars:

The planet Mars's position in the zodiac shows how you use your
physical energies in expressing your needs. It affects your sex drive,
ambitions, endurance, and aggressiveness. The Planet Mars rules the
sign Aries.

The Planet Jupiter:

The planet Jupiter's position in the zodiac shows how you express your
need to grow. It shows your interests in the higher values of life and how
you share those interests with others. The planet Jupiter rules the sign

The Planet Saturn:

The planet Saturn's position in the zodiac shows how you try to
establish and protect your position in life. It also shows how you face
responsibility and seek recognition for your efforts. The planet Saturn rules
the sign Capricorn.

The Planet Uranus:

The planet Uranus's position in the zodiac shows something about the
motivation, goals, and originality of those born in each seven year period
during which Uranus is in each of the signs. The planet Uranus rules the
sign Aquarius.
The Planet Neptune:
The planet Neptune's position in the zodiac influences the collective
outlook of all those born within the same thirteen year period during which
Neptune remains in one sign, showing the mystical and inspirational
influences felt by each generation. The planet Neptune rules the sign

The Planet Pluto:

The planet Pluto's position in the zodiac influences the entire
generation of people born within the same twelve to twenty-two year
period during which Pluto remains in one sign, showing human need for
regeneration and control in each generation. The planet Pluto rules the
sign Scorpio.
Planets and their Symbols

Symbol Planet Keyword

Sun Self

Moon Emotion

Mercury Communication

Venus Love

Mars Action

 Jupiter Expansion

 Saturn Restriction

Uranus Revolution

 Neptune Imagination

Chapter 3
Sign, the Ancient History
The Significance of The Signs:

The planets represent the energies that drive your physical, emotional
mental and intuitional systems. These energies manifest themselves
differently depending on the positions of the planets in the signs of the
zodiac. Different signs channel the energies into different behavior
patterns, which are then recognized as personality traits. The traits
associated with each sign are as follows:

Aries: Outgoing
Taurus: Conservative
Gemini: Versatile
Cancer: Emotional
Leo: Authoritative
Virgo: Exacting
Libra: Helpful
Scorpio: Determined
Sagittarius: Optimistic
Capricorn: Cautious
Aquarius: Independent
Pisces: Impressionable

When the ancients noticed the planets moving along the ecliptic path,
they also noticed the background of fixed stars behind that path. It would
be as though you noticed a background of billboards around a racetrack.
You could tell the positions of the horses around the track just by
identifying the billboards behind each horse. The ancients used the
background of fixed stars the same way. They divided their racetrack (the
ecliptic) into 12 equal sectors. Each sector was named after the fixed-star
group seen in that sector (for example, Aries "the ram"). The ancients
referred to these sectors as the "little zoo", which in Greek is "zodiac".
Elements of the Zodiac

Every sign falls into a group of signs, either fire, earth, water, and air;
depending on their orientation in the zodiac. These ancient astrologers
had associated each Element with their temperaments, and each group of
elements are at 120 degree angles to each other.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Enthusiastic, courageous, passionate and impulsive.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Practical, materialistic, conservative, and inhibited.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Intellectual, adaptive, impractical, and superficial.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Emotional, sensitive, placid, and susceptible.
Fundamental Groups of the Zodiac

The four groups of signs: fire, earth, air, and water, combine to form
two major groups that represent two fundamental approaches to life;
active and passive.

The fire and air signs make up the active or masculine signs, while the
earth and water signs make up the passive or feminine signs. It is
unfortunate that the ancient astrologers called the active signs masculine
and the passive signs feminine.

The active signs are:


The passive signs are:


Another group of traits occurs among signs that are 90 degrees apart
from each other. There are four signs in each group of Qualities, which are
cardinal, fixed, or mutable. They suggest the basic kinds of activity a
person will be engaged in--getting things started, keeping them going, or
steering them in different directions.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Initiating, enterprising, ambitious, domineering.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Determined, conventional, organizing, dogmatic.

Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius.

Adaptable, imaginative, tutorial, critical.
Chapter 4
Houses and Astrology
The twelve signs of the zodiac show the positions along the ecliptic
where the planets can be found on any date. These planetary positions
don't change very much during a single day. However, the earth's rotation
brings a new rising sign into play about every two hours. Remember the
zodiac is fixed in space, it just seems to move across the sky because of
the earth's rotation each day.

The houses represent the different departments of life in which your

planetary energies find their expressions. For example, your character and
personality, which are set up by your planets in the different signs, will be
directed either into personal or public matters, depending on whether they
fall into the houses of the Northern Hemisphere, or Southern Hemisphere,
respectively. Again you will be self-sufficient if they fall into the eastern
houses or dependent on others if they fall into the western houses.
Spheres of Interest

Each house represents a cluster of interests and activities just as each

sign represents a cluster of traits and approaches for dealing with those
activities. The spheres of interest of each house are as follows:

First: Self, appearance.

Second: Earnings, possessions.
Third: Communications, relatives.
Fourth: Home, parents.
Fifth: Pleasures, children.
Sixth: Health, service.
Seventh: Spouse, partnerships.
Eighth: Death, regeneration.
Ninth: Philosophy, travel.
Tenth: Career, status.
Eleventh: Friends, aspirations.
Twelfth: Secrets, limitations.

The distribution of your houses into different groupings of hemispheres

and groupings of elements and positions determine the over-all focus of
your activities. If most of your planets fall into one of the hemispheres the
significance is as follows:

Northern: A focus on private matters.

Southern: A focus on private activities.
Eastern: Activities are self-started.
Western: Dependence on others' energies.

Another useful grouping of houses corresponds with the grouping of

houses into the four elements. The houses can be grouped into fire, earth,
water and air houses. The significance is as follows:

Individual <Fire Houses>

Life Identity
First, Fifth, Ninth

Activities focus on achieving life's aspirations.

Temporal <Earth Houses>

Material Wealth
Second, Sixth, Tenth

Activities focus on meeting material needs.

Relative <Air Houses>

Third, Seventh, Eleventh

Activities focus on social contact and mind-sharing.

Terminal <Water Houses>

Fourth, Eighth, Twelfth
Activities focus on achieving emotional tranquillity.


Still another important grouping corresponds with the qualities of the

signs, corresponding to the Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable signs of the
zodiac. The significance of a cluster of planets in a group of these houses
is as follows:

Angular <Cardinal Houses>

First, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth
Activities are self-starting for immediate effects.

Succedent <Fixed Houses>

Second, Fifth, Eighth, Eleventh
Activities are aimed at managing and controlling things.

Cadent <Mutable Houses>

Third, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth
Skills are acquired to improve relationships.

The intensity of a planet's influence on a house depends on the sign of

the zodiac that happens to fall on that house in your zodiac. If Cardinal
Signs are found in Angular (Cardinal) Houses, they strengthen the
planetary energies flowing into the activities of the houses.
Chapter 5
Daily Transits and Astrology
A Transit Chart is a Day-To-Day Chart. This type of chart compares
where the planets were when you were born to where they are on a given
day and how that affects your life.

As the planets slowly move along the zodiac each day, they pass
through the different houses of your natal horoscope and make different
aspects with the positions of your natal planets. These transiting planets
energize the latent potentials promised by your natal horoscope, and
trigger the behavior and events which then become a part of your daily

The effect of a transiting planet depends on where it is, with respect to

the planets and houses of your natal horoscope. The day-to-day changes
in your life depend on the transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and
Mars. Their transits throughout the aspects are measured in days and
weeks. The outer planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto--
are important for the long term effects on your life, measured in years and
decades. The duration of a transit effect also depends on whether the
transiting planet is in retrograde motion on your date of interest.
Retrograde planets may remain in retrograde from twenty-one days to five
months (for Mercury and Pluto respectively).

The effect of a planet's transit throughout a natal house are felt over
the duration of its stay in that house. However, the duration of the effect of
a transiting aspect may be somewhat shorter that the duration of the
planet's stay in each sky position (1/3 sign). For example the effect of a
transiting sun is most strongly felt over a three-day period within its ten
day stay in one sky position. The effect will be felt to a lesser extent on the
other days of that sky position. It all depends on how closely the aspect
falls within its orb during the time it is in each sky position.
Transits of the Sun:
The Sun is the source of all energies. These energies stimulate the
activities of the houses occupied by the transiting Sun and reinforce or
weaken the planetary effects, depending on the Sun's aspect to the natal
planet. When the Sun transits an inner planet, it may trigger a dormant
aspect between that inner planet and a slower moving outer planet. If a
planet is being transited by another planet when it is being transited by the
Sun, the effect of the transit is strengthened.

Transits of the Moon:

The Moon spends only about two and a half days in a natal house. This
means that its effects occur so quickly that you feel them more as
unconscious urges and impulses than conscious reactions to situations.

The effects of the transiting Moon, as it makes aspects with your natal
planet positions, are often felt for only a matter of hours. Regardless of
whether you are consciously aware of them, you will feel the effects of the

Transits of the Planet Mercury:

Mercury spends about a week in each natal house. During that time it
affects your mental outlook, communications with others, and urges to
take trips. When Mercury is in retrograde motion during its transit it may
introduce delays in the affairs under its influence.

Transits of the Planet Venus:

Venus spends about three weeks in each natal house. Venus is the
planet of love and material pleasures, so that its transits bring different
degrees of enjoyment. The effects are felt as subjective experiences
rather than as urges to action.

Transiting Venus is retrograde for about one and a half months each
year. During that time the affairs affected by Venus may be slowed down
or delayed.

Transits of the Planet Mars:

Mars spends about two months in each natal house. Mars provides you
with the energies needed to assert yourself in the pursuit of your needs
and desires.
Transiting Mars is retrograde for about three months each year. During
that time you may experience reversals or delays in the affairs affected by
Mars at that time.
Transits of the Slower Planets:
Earlier you saw that the day-to-day changes in your life are affected by
the fast-moving personal planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars. You
just saw how these personal planets affect your life as they transit through
the houses and make aspects with your natal planet positions each day.

The slower outer planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and

Pluto--also produce important effects as they transit through your houses.
These effects are felt over years and decades, hardly something to be
considered in a daily horoscope. Still, these effects are important and
should be understood.

Transits of the Planet Jupiter:

Transiting Jupiter opens you up to expansive feelings and triggers new
opportunities to enlarge the scope of your life. It is in each house for about
one year, and becomes retrograde for about four months each year.

Transits of the Planet Saturn:

Transiting Saturn brings opportunities to learn self-discipline and how
to face responsibilities in the areas of life it touches in each house. The
difficulties that arise during a Saturn transit offer you the best opportunities
to grow wiser as you grow older. Saturn is in each house for about two
and a half years, and is retrograde for about four and a half months.

Transits of the Planet Uranus:

Transiting Uranus brings major changes in your life. It breaks up the
rigid past and challenges you to put the pieces together into a more viable
pattern for living in the present. Uranus is in each natal house for about
seven years and is retrograde for about five months of each year.

Transits of the Planet Neptune:

Transiting Neptune brings opportunities for discovery and use of your
creative abilities in the areas affected by the house it occupies.
Unfortunately it also blurs your ability to distinguish between reality and
illusion in those same areas, perhaps because it energizes your sixth
sense, or psychic abilities. Neptune is in each house for about five
months of each year.

Transits of the Planet Pluto:

Transiting Pluto brings down the established order in the affairs of the
house that it occupies. It then creates the conditions from which new
beginnings can emerge. You will experience major transformations in the
areas affected by the house occupied by transiting Pluto. Pluto spends
about twenty years in each natal house, and is in retrograde motion for
about five months each year.

Chatpter 6
Aspects & Astrology
The cosmic energies of the planets in the positions of the zodiac in the
houses are also affected by how the planets are positioned with respect to
each other at any time. Some positions produce arrangements that
reinforce these energies in helpful ways, while others bring about
disruptive effects. These relations between planetary positions are called
Aspects. You have heard about aspects if you have heard about
oppositions and squares, or conjunctions and trines. When any two
planets are in the same sign of the zodiac, they are in Conjunction. If any
two planets are opposite each other in the zodiac, then they are in
Opposition. If any two planets are at 90 degree angles (Right Angles) to
each other then they are Squared. When any two planes are at 60 degree
angles to each other, then they are Sextile, and when they are 120
degrees apart they are Trine.

The effect of an aspect between two planets is strongest when the

fastest planet reaches the exact angle of the aspect. However effects can
be felt over several degrees (called the Orb), depending on which planet is
involved and on whether it is a major or a minor aspect.

The interpretation of aspects is based impart on how the planets fall

into signs with similar or conflicting elements and qualities. For example,
the square aspect has planets in the same quality, but conflicting elements
(e.g., fire and water) while the trine aspect the planets are in the same
element, but stimulated by different qualities.
The aspects are no longer described as good or bad, but rather as
harmonious or inharmonious. Harmonious aspects can help matters
along. Inharmonious aspects ("badly" aspected planets) introduce
stresses, many of which can actually help you if you learn to deal with
them. A brief description of the meaning of the major aspects is as follows:

Major Aspects:

Conjunction (0 degrees):
Neither harmonious or inharmonious, this aspect merges and
intensifies the energies of two planets. Inner tension can arise if the
planets have conflicting natures.

Sextile (60 degrees, two signs apart):

Harmonious aspect that helps energies flow toward attainment of your
goals, provided you make some conscious effort to achieve them yourself.

Square (90 degrees, three signs apart):

Inharmonious aspect causing tensions and obstacles for you to
overcome. It forces you to choose between your conflicting inner needs
and urges.

Trine (120 degrees, four signs apart):

Harmonious aspect that brings the two energies into an easy interplay.
This can create such beneficial consequences that things become to easy
for you and you become lazy.

Opposition (180 degrees, six signs apart):

Inharmonious aspect creating inner tensions between your planetary
urges. It also creates dynamic tensions with others, which you must
reconcile if you want to maintain harmonious relationships.
Minor Aspects:

Semi-Sextile (30 degrees, 1 sign apart):

A minor harmonious aspect. It is considered important to some
astrologers in natal astrology. It is similar to sextile but minor, It also can
mitigate other inharmonious aspects.

Semi-Square (45 degrees, 1-1/2 signs apart):

A minor inharmonious aspect. This causes friction and irritation
between planets in aspects. This causes mild stress and tension.

Sesquiquadrate (135 degrees, 4-1/2 signs apart):

A little more minor than Semi-Square. This causes irritation and causes
aggravation and discord.

Quincunx (150 degrees, 5 signs apart or Inconjunct):

This aspect is another minor inharmonious one. It suggests a need for
Chapter 7
Compatibility and Astrology
When two people meet, their chances for a compatible relationship
depend on how their basic needs and personality traits will combine in the
give and take of social or business interactions. These can be determined
by comparing a companion's horoscope with your own natal chart.
Element Comparison

In doing a comparison, first notice whether your companion has a

predominance of planets in one of the elements, more than four planets in
one element. A predominance of planets in one element tells you
something about what that person brings to the relationship, for example:

A person with a predominance of Fire signs brings an impulsive

enthusiasm to the relationship.

A person with a predominance of Earth signs introduces a stabilizing

influence on the relationship.

A person with a predominance of Air signs puts the relationship on an

intellectual level.

A person with a predominance of Water signs will flood the relationship

with deep emotional actions and reactions.

In general, people are more likely to be compatible with each other

when their natal planets fall into compatible elements. The compatible
elements are fire with air, earth with water. That means if you have a
predominance of natal planets in the fire signs, you are more likely to have
a compatible relationship with someone who has a predominance of natal
planets in the air signs. If your companion's planets are mostly in the earth
signs, you can expect assorted difficulties depending on which elements
are involved.
Mode Comparison

It is also important to note how many of your planets are in the

Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable signs; and where your companion's planets
are. A predominance of planets in one quality (i.e., five or more planets in
a cardinal, fixed, or mutable sign) tells you how someone is likely to act in
a relationship. For example:

A person with a predominance of Cardinal signs is anxious to see

things get started.

A person with a predominance of Fixed signs is more likely to be

stubborn and unyielding in a relationship.

A person with a predominance of Mutable signs will be adaptable and

willing to make most of the compromises.
Gender Comparison

Now it is important to note to see how you and your companion's

planets are distributed among the masculine and feminine signs. Most
people have an even balance of five-to-five, or six-to-four, between
masculine or feminine. If you and your companion each have the normal
ratios of planets, you should have no trouble getting along with each other.
You can work things out even when one of you has a gender ratio of
seven-to-three while the other has a four-to-six ratio.

If there is a difference of one or two planets in masculine (or feminine)

signs between you and your companion you should have no trouble in
establishing a compatible relationship. If there is a difference of three
planets, you can still work things out. However, if there are more than
three planets between you and your companion, in one gender, you will
both have to work very hard to maintain a relationship. The reason is that
the dominantly masculine person's aggressive behavior will threaten and
harass the reserved, security-motivated feminine person.

If both people are dominated by the same gender (either masculine or

feminine), they share the same viewpoint and approach to life. Initially, this
can give them a strong feeling of compatibility. However, they will soon
feel a need for the kind of stimulation that comes from defending mildly
different points of view. They will have to turn to someone else to meet
that need.

Someone with eight or more planets in a single gender may find it

difficult to find a comfortable relationship.
Chapter 8
A deeper look at the Zodiacs
March 21- April 19

Aries is ruled by Mars, and its symbol is the Ram. Aries is a Fire sign, impulsive
and energetic.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and thus, it represents new beginnings.
Arian's are typically full of creative energy, enthusiasm, and a great inner drive to
prove themselves. They express themselves through action and are constantly
seeking experiences that give them the opportunity to prove they are the best.

There is little timidity in people under this sign - like the Ram, Arians are
confident doers who often forge ahead confidently, regardless of the
consequences. This impulsiveness can sometimes lead to problems when they
leap before they look. They are not afraid to take risks or to gamble to have their
way. If they can temper their impulsive drives, Arians can accomplish much and
be successful leaders. They constantly seek to be the best at whatever they do
and would rather have fame and fortune than material wealth.

Arians crave independence and often seek positions of authority. Optimism runs
through their veins and it is hard to discourage them from tasks they have begun
(However, they are notorious for not finishing what they start). Their high-spirits
are very contagious and are never daunted by fear of failure.

As friends Arians are high-spirited and generous, though sometimes they must
control their competitive impulses and how they affect those around them. They
must learn to temper their aggressiveness and use reason and diplomacy when
dealing with others.
April 20 - May 20

Taurus is ruled by Venus, and its symbol is the Bull. Taurus is an Earth sign,
reliable and materialistic.

Taurus is the sign of determination, stubbornness, and steadiness. Taurean's

greatest strength lies in their tenacity and relentless drive to accomplish their
goals. They are practical at heart, and constantly strive to master their earthly
and material surroundings.

A key element in the Taurean personality is the need for security, both emotional
and material. They are most comfortable dealing with the familiar and have great
bouts of anxiety and uneasiness about change. Rather than resist it though,
Taureans take a wait-and-see approach before developing a level of comfort with
new situations. They must be sure that a new person, situation, or relationship
will be beneficial to them before embracing them. Once convinced, though,
Taureans will develop a life-long loyalty and commitment that is unmatched by
that of other signs. This makes them intensely jealous, and stories abound about
the temper of a crossed Taurus.

Taureans are also very fond of material and earthly pleasures. They are
happiest at home, surrounded by the security and comforts of their possessions.
Their sensuous nature leads them to live the good life. They often seek the
finest clothing, art, and foods, and have a fine appreciation for beauty and

Beneath the stubborn exterior lies a gentler, softer side. Taureans tend to be
very sentimental and passionate and believe in pampering their partners. Deep
inside, unseen to others, they are hopeless romantics.
May 21 - June 21

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and its symbol is the Twins. Gemini is an Air sign,
analytical and ever-changing.

Intelligent, communicative, and non-conformist are the qualities that best

describe those born under the sign of Gemini. The influence of Mercury on the
intellect give Geminis a thirst for learning and knowledge, which in turn they wish
to tell everyone about. Their quick imagination and wit allows them to jump from
one topic to another in conversation and they can keep an audience riveted with
their charm, originality and mental agility.

Geminis are often moody and unpredictable; hence the dual quality of their
personality. They constantly crave variety and new stimulus, and are prone to
depression if this urge is not satisfied. But not for long, for their energy and quick
thinking always propels them in a new direction. A happy Gemini is a Gemini
with four of five interests going at the same time. Restless by nature, they often
find themselves with more than one job, hobby, career, and lover.

The down side to Gemini's personality is their constant contempt for the status
quo and authority - breaking the rules is their motto, which can sometimes work
against their best efforts. Another weakness of Gemini is superficiality. With so
much going on, only the surface can be scratched in many endeavors, leaving a
feeling of unfulfillment. However, Gemini's quick thinking and gift for
improvisation can save the day by allowing them to creatively turn their negative
tendencies into potentials for success.
June 22-July 22

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and its symbol is the Crab. Cancer is a Water sign,
supportive and emotional.

Cancer is the sign of emotional sensitivity and sympathy. This sign, more than
any other, is associated with domestic security and homemaking. Cancers are
known for being very complex and often difficult to understand due to their ever
changing mood swings. One minute they can be cranky and combative and the
next they may seem the sweetest and most caring individuals.

Cancers have a highly developed instinct for self-defense that protects them from
their inner vulnerability and shyness. Like a Crab's shell, their personalities often
project a tough exterior within which they can retreat to. When hurt, Cancers
often react by withdrawing and sulking, a tactic that they have refined to
perfection. Cancers can be extremely stubborn and child-like, and do not usually
give in until they get their way.

But underneath lies a softer side, a gentle, sensitive and emotional interior.
Cancer's are by nature caring and protective. Their maternal instincts lead them
to form life-long bonds and not just with family members, but anyone they come
to care about deeply. Their main drive in life is to establish domestic security for
themselves and for those around them. Cancers desire wealth only as a means
to achieve this stability and to have money for a rainy day. They are very fond of
the past and are very aware of their family lineage.

Their great sensitivity makes Cancers almost impossible to deceive. Also, they
have their own way of doing things. Like a Crab's walk, their direction is often
sideways and ambiguous, but they almost certainly reach their goals. If they can
learn to temper their moodiness, Cancers can channel their great energies into
positive directions. If one can learn to approach them, they can be loyal and
devoted allies at work or at play.

July 23-August 22

Leo is ruled by the Sun, and its symbol is the Lion. Leo is a Fire sign, creative
and grandiose.

Just like the Sun is the center of our planetary system, Leos see themselves as
the center of all life. There is no sign in the Zodiac more proud or regal. Like
their symbol the Lion, Leos rule majestically over their respective kingdoms, be
they an entire nation, an office, or simply a household.

Leos are warm and generous by nature and believe in giving themselves
wholeheartedly to the right causes. In return, however, they expect the same
loyalty and integrity they exhibit from others. The role they assume is that of
nobility and therefore tend to do things in a grand and flamboyant manner. Leos
feel most in their element when they are the object of everyone's attention and
will seek the spotlight whenever they can. They have a talent for appearing regal
and stately before others and spend a great deal of energy influencing how
others perceive them.

Leos are practical, enthusiastic, hard working, and remarkably self-confident.

They tend to gravitate towards positions of authority and their strong sense of
integrity and optimism make them excellent leaders. They are at their best in
positions of power and responsibility. However, like the Lion, they can become
lazy and indolent if their desire for authority is not fulfilled.

Leos like the good life and will spare no expense to surround themselves with the
finest luxuries and most lavish possessions. Nothing is too good for them, from
the restaurants they frequent to the way they dress. They have a dislike for the
ordinary and the routine, and are constantly seeking new excitement.

If Leos have an Achilles heel it is in their insatiable thirst for admiration. Their
egos demand constant flattery and praise. If they not receive their share, they
become withdrawn and sulky, but are too proud to ask for complements.
However, their natural optimism and sunny disposition brings them back around,
and before long, they are back to their original pomp and flamboyance.

August 23 - September 22

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, and its symbol is a virgin with sheaves of
grain in her hands. Virgo is an Earth sign, methodical and improving.

The planet Mercury, the planet of motion, inclines the natives of this sign to a
state of constant activity. Tremendous energy is directed towards doing and
accomplishing. While other signs are dreaming up of things to do, Virgos are
busy doing them.

Virgos value work and the work ethic highly. They are meticulously organized
and prize efficiency. Something about their nature enables them to attend to the
smallest of details. Their analytical minds work round-the clock to bring order to
the chaos of day-to-day life. Nothing escapes their microscopic analysis and
they seldom tolerate shoddy workmanship.

But while Virgos may be excellent at performing on the job, their outlook may
become focused only on their work, making them oblivious to the pleasures of
leisure. Not being able to see the forest through the trees is another common
Virgo shortcoming. They become so focused on the intricacies of detail that
sometimes they lose sight of the big picture. Many Virgos need to learn to be
more tolerant of others who are not as exacting, or do not have as high
standards, as they do.

Despite their apparent outward coolness, Virgos are kind, devoted, and loyal to
those who can see past the efficient exterior. They tend to be loving parents and
their devotion to duty makes them confident and responsible members of any
September 23 - October 22

Libra is ruled by Venus, and its symbol is the Scale. Libra is an Air sign,
charming and balanced.

Libras are defined by a highly developed social sense that draws them towards
people. They have a special need for companionship and for contact with the
public, whether it be art, law, performing arts, or even business partnerships.

Libras have a natural attraction to beautiful things, thanks in part to the influence
of the planet Venus. They possess elegant tastes and enjoy all the good things
in life that money can buy. Their admiration of the beautiful tends to make them
just as hungry for the praise and attention of others. Libras can become overly
concerned with outward appearances and will judge others by their looks and
apparent disposition on more than one occasion.

Libras strive for balance and harmony in life. They tend to see every side of an
argument before choosing sides, and on many occasions will try to smooth over
disputes between others. Since peace is paramount to Libras, they will go to any
lengths to achieve it, even if it means betraying their own internal feelings. It is
because of this that Libras are often seen as indecisive since too often they
aren't sure of what their own feelings are.

Hard working and optimistic, Libras are known for being great partners in
business and team sports. They attract the respect those who interact with them
for their sense of fair play and charm. They make good counselors and have a
keen sense of the human psyche. Libras are warm-hearted, pleasant, and
naturally romantic. They may not save the world, but they will do everything in
their power to make it a better place to live in.
October 23 - November 21

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and its symbol is the Scorpion. Scorpio is a Water sign,
passionate and intense.

Many astrologers consider the sign of Scorpio as the most powerful of all the
signs of the zodiac. Pluto, the ancient god of the nether-world, death, and
regeneration, exerts its influence very strongly on those born under this sign.

Scorpios are know for their intensity and passion. Their drive in life is improve
the status quo through their actions and to change the world for the better,
provided that they can temper their own desires. Scorpios are staunch
defenders of justice and will fight to the end for causes they believe to be just.
They are idealistic and are guided by the highest principles. Scorpios never get
into anything "half-way".

Scorpios live their life in extremes. They can be at the same time powerful and
weak, independent and clingy, passionate and cold. Beneath a confident exterior
often lie turbulent and temperamental urges. They are prone to being
possessive and jealous, and their relationships are often stormy. Their
unpredictable nature and their intensity of feeling often leads others to keep their
distance, but if a Scorpio is given a chance, they can prove to be loving,
generous, and fiercely loyal.

Despite the negative aspects emphasized by some astrologers, Scorpios can

prove that strong emotions can be channeled positively. Scorpios are passionate
about everything that they become involved in, including romance.
November 22 - December 21

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and its symbol is the Archer. Sagittarius is a Fire
sign, straight-forward and free.

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, Sagittarians always seem to be in the right
place at the right time. Like the arrow that always finds its target, Sagittarians
always find themselves in the best of fortunes. They are naturally enthusiastic,
restless, and too optimistic to let anything rain on their parade.

Sagittarians have a longing for the new and exciting and have an inner desire to
always roam free and unrestrained. They prize freedom and liberty above
anything else, and they are often energentic and outgoing. Their inquisitive
nature leads them on never-ending adventures that involve travel, discovery, or
unconventional diversions. This comes at a cost, however, as many Saggitarians
drift towards relationships that are never allowed to develop deep roots. This is
not to say that they cannot be excellent friends, though "no strings attached" is
usually the rule.

Sagittarians are very idealistic and straight-forward. They will let you know what
is on their mind whether you like it or not. They posses an uncanny sense of
intuition though they bore easily once they have figured something out. They are
gifted story tellers, and their charms and sense of humor are amongst the most
liked in the zodiac. Their honesty and candor are admired traits, but many
Sagittarians easily assume that everyone else shares in their integrity.

Though Sagittarians live for tomorrow, they can be the best of companions.
Despite their occasional irresponsibility, it is often hard to resist the charms of a
December 22 - January 19

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and its symbol is the Mountain Goat. Capricorn is
an Earth sign, conservative and ambitious.

The one trait that best describes those born under this sign is ambition. Their
lives are devoted to achieving something, whether it be an intellectual discovery,
meeting a personal commitment, fulfilling a business obligation, or some other
lofty objective. Capricorns have a tireless drive to accomplish their mission and
they plod on methodically until they succeed. Like their symbol, the mountain
goat, they are steady and sure-footed, and take few risks on the way.

Capricorns are highly intelligent and take naturally to positions of authority. They
are excellent administrators and use every tool at their disposal to organize, plan,
and problem solve their way to their goal. Capricorns constantly strive towards
security, and they regard hard work and financial rewards as ways to secure their
well-being. They only desire money because it is a guarantee against whatever
the uncertain future holds.

Capricorns are very confident and have great faith in their own abilities. Often,
they feel that they can only depend on themselves, and this is sometimes
misinterpreted by others who think them cold and detached.
This is far from true, however, as Capricorns can be very sympathetic and
understanding. Just when you least expect it, Capricorns can show you an
excellent sense of humor which is wry, witty, and very funny.
January 20 - February 18

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, and its symbol is the Water-bearer.
Aquarius is an Air sign, independent and unorthodox.

Aquarians are the born eccentrics of the zodiac. Born under the influence of the
planet of change, Uranus, Aquarians live in the future. They are intellectually
independent and tend to have little patience with those who either wish to make
them conform, or simply don't understand their radical ideas. Aquarians
frequently argue for the sake of intellectual exercise, though if they have an
opinion, they will defend it staunchly to the point where they will simply ignore the
opposing arguments.

This is not to say Aquarians are anti-social. Quite the opposite. Aquarians hold
brotherhood and fraternity nearly as important as intellectual ideas, and
constantly crave the stimulation of people. They are humanitarians and their
thoughts constantly delve into the welfare of mankind. They are dreamers and
idealists and often come up with schemes to save the world. All of this dreaming
takes its toll, though, and many an Aquarian has known the sting of
disillusionment with the real world.

Aquarians tend to spend so much time in the clouds that often they are perceived
as aloof and detached. They would rather dream up grand solutions to the
problems of mankind that to involve themselves in the boring details. Their great
weakness is their tendency to find faults in others, while taking for granted their
own shortcomings. Their calmness is also deceptive, concealing great bouts of
mental anxiety.

When down to earth, however, Aquarians are amongst the kindest people in the
zodiac. They are easygoing, reasonable, and never boring. So long as they are
given the freedom to be themselves, they can be the most entertaining and loyal

February 19 - March 20

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, and its symbol is two fish bound together.
Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate.

Just like Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents beginnings, Pisces is
the twelfth and last sign, and represents eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual
rebirth. Pisceans are said to have deep intuitions into the human psyche. They
have a sensitivity to their surroundings unmatched in the zodiac and are
therefore highly spiritual beings. Since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of
illusion and mystery, their personality is elusive and even harder to define.

Pisceans are symbolized by the two fish, one swimming upstream and the other
downstream. This is a good representation of the Piscean personality - one of
duality and indecision. Indeed many Pisceans have trouble defining themselves
against their environments. Instead they use their powers of perception to blend
into their surroundings like chameleons. They are quick to avoid a fight and are
usually taken advantage of for this reason.

Their charm, humor, and sympathy open the doors for Pisceans. They are gentle
and kind, but often tend to suffer from extreme mood swings that typify their dual
nature. This moodiness can be irritating to others who can't relate to their
sensitivity. Inner conflicts, negativity, carelessness, jealousy, and emotional
confusion are all traits that afflict those born under this sign.

However, Pisceans harbor an inner confidence that allows them to persevere.

Pisceans enjoy retreating to a dream world where they can make the rules.
Often the result is uninhibited creativity and intense imagination. Indeed, many
of the world's finest poets, writers, artists, and dancers have been Pisceans. If
they can temper their fatalistic moods, Pisceans can be great assets as friends.
They are blind to outward appearances and can often lead their partners to new
levels of perception.

Chapter 9
Zodiac Correspondences

Planet: Mars.

Metal: Iron.

Age: Womanhood (28-35 yrs) Manhood (28-35yrs).

Cross: Cardinal.

Element: Fire.

Stones: Ruby, bloodstone, diamond, garnet.

Power Stones are the Bloodstone & the Diamond.

Numbers: 7 and 9.

Day: Tuesday.

Season: Spring

Flowers and Herbs: Thistle, wild rose, woodbine.

Tree: Holly, thorn, chestnut.

Color: Red, white or pink.

Bird: Magpie, robin.

Body Area: Head, Brain, face.

Key Word: Appearance.

Musical Tone: G


Planet: Venus.

Metal: Copper.
Age: Youth (14 -21 yrs).

Cross: Fixed.

Element: Earth.

Stones: Saphire, Emerald, Tourquoise, Jade.

Taurus: Your Power Stones are the Sapphire & Turquoise.

Numbers: 6.

Day: Friday.

Season: Spring

Flowers and Herbs: Violet, wild and red garden rose.

Tree: Almond, ash, chery and mrytle.

Color: Blue, green, turquoise, red or yellow.

Bird: Magpie, robin.

Body Area: Throat, neck.

Key Word: Aquisition.

Musical Tone: A


Planet: Mercury.

Metal: Mercury (Poison), Chrome

Age: Girl/Boyhood (7-14 yrs).

Cross: Mutable.

Element: Air.

Stones: Diamond, jade, agate, topaz.

Power Stone is the Moss Agate.

Numbers: 5.

Day: Wednesday.

Season: Spring

Flowers and Herbs: Parsley, dill, hazel, fern, iris.

Tree: Elder, filbert.

Color: White, yellow, silver, pale grey, red or blue.

Bird: Parrot, eagle, finches.

Body Area: Shoulders, chest, lungs.

Key Word: Communication.

Musical Tone: E


Planet: Moon.

Metal: Silver.

Age: Baby - 7 yrs.

Cross: Cardinal.

Element: Water.

Stones: Emerald.

Power Stones are the Moonstone & Clear Quartz.

Numbers: 2 and 7.

Day: Monday.

Season: Summer

Flowers and Herbs: Poppy, white rose, watercress.

Tree: Willow.
Color: Pale blue, silver, pearl, green or brown.

Bird: Seagull, owl, white peacock.

Body Area: Breats, stomach, chest.

Key Word: Security.

Musical Tone: F


Planet: Sun.

Metal: Gold.

Age: Every stage of life.

Cross: Fixed.

Element: Fire.

Stones: Amber, Ruby, diamond.

Power Stones are Amber, Peridot & Golden Topaz.

Numbers: 1 and 4.

Day: Sunday.

Season: Summer

Flowers and Herbs: Marigold, sunflower, hops.

Tree: Willow.

Color: Gold, yellow, blood red, green.

Bird: Peacok, cock, eagle.

Animal: Lion, wolf, griffin.

Body Area: Back.

Key Word: Creativity.

Musical Tone: C


Planet: Mercury.

Metal: Platinum, Nickel

Age: 7-14 yrs.

Cross: Fixed.

Element: Earth.

Stones: Cornelian, Jade, Jasper.

Power Stones are Carnelian & Jade.

Numbers: 5 and 10.

Day: Wednesday.

Season: Summer

Flowers and Herbs: Rosemary, madonna, lily, valerian.

Tree: Elder.

Color: Pastel blue, peach, yellow, gold, black.

Bird: Magpie, parrot.

Animal: Cock, sqirrel.

Key Word: Operation.

Musical Tone: E

Planet: Venus.

Metal: Copper. Bronze

Age: 14-21 yrs.

Cross: Cardinal.

Element: Air.

Stones: Opal, lapis lazuli, beryl, sapphire.

Power Stone is the Lapis Lazuli.

Numbers: 6.

Day: Friday.

Season: Autumn

Flowers and Herbs: Violet, white rose.

Tree: Almond, walnut, plum, mrytle.

Color: Royal blue, cerulean, green, black.

Bird: Dove, swan, sparrow.

Animal: Hare.

Key Word: Partners.

Musical Tone: A


Planet: Mars & Pluto.

Metal: Iron, Steel, Plutonium (Radioactive, Danger).

Age: Seniority.

Cross: Fixed.
Element: Water.

Stones: Topaz, ruby, jet.

Power Stone is the Aquamarine.

Numbers: 9.

Day: Tuesday.

Season: Autumn

Flowers and Herbs: Sweet basil, purple heather.

Tree: Holly, blackthorn.

Color: Deep reds, shadow black, brown..

Bird: Eagle, vulture.

Animal: scorpion, wolf, panther.

Key Word: Death.

Musical Tone: G above high C


Planet: Jupiter.

Metal: Tin, Brass

Age: 35-42 (Maturity).

Cross: Mutable.

Element: Fire.

Stones: Saphire, amethyst, topaz.

Power Stone is the Golden Topaz.

Numbers: 3 & 4.

Day: Thursday.
Season: Autumn

Flowers and Herbs: Carnation, sage.

Tree: Mulberry, vine, chestnut.

Color: Lilac, mauve, purple, indigo, gold-red.

Bird: Eagle, peacock.

Animal: Mare, lion.

Key Word: Wisdom.

Musical Tone: B


Planet: Saturn.

Metal: Lead, Pewter

Age: 42-49 yrs

Cross: Cardinal

Element: Earth

Stones: Onyx, jet, garnet, opal.

Power Stones are Malachite, Black Onyx, & Ruby.

Numbers: 3 & 8

Day: Saturday

Season: Winter

Flowers and Herbs: Nightshade, rue, snowdrop

Tree: Pine, cypress, yew, spruce

Color: Black, grey, violet, red, brown.

Bird: Owl, falcon

Animals: Dog, elephant, goat

Key Word: Achievement

Musical Tone: D


Planet: Saturn

Metal: Uranium (Radioactive Danger), Aluminum

Age: 49-55 (Middle Age)

Cross: Fixed

Element: Air

Stones: Zircon, amber, malachite.

Power Stone is the Garnet.

Numbers: 2 & 3

Day: Saturday

Season: Winter

Flowers and Herbs: Snowdrop, foxglove

Tree: Pine

Color: All colors esp electric blue.

Bird: Cuckoo, albatross, phoenix

Animal: Dog, otter

Key Word: Fellowship

Musical Tone: E above high C


Planet: Jupiter & Neptune

Metal: Tin

Age: 55-62 (Age of Wisdom)

Cross: Mutable

Element: Water

Stones: Sapphire, emerald, amethyst.

Power Stone is the Amethyst.

Numbers: 3 & 6

Day: Thursday

Season: Winter

Flowers and Herbs: Heliotrope, carnation, opium

Tree: Willow, elm

Color: Purple, violet, amethyst, white, green.

Bird: Swan, stork, sandpiper

Animal: Sheep, ox, seal

Key Word: Privacy.

Musical Tone: A above high C

A few definitions:

Transit- cast for current date; how the happenings now relate to your time of birth

Progressions- comparing the natal to the future

Solunar Returns- to find the exact time the Sun or Moon will return to the exact
place of your birth

Rising Sign- the sign of the zodiac that was on the eastern horizon at the
moment of your birth

Ascendant- (ASC) the exact degree of the rising sign

Descending Sign- the sign of the zodiac that was on the western horizon at the
moment of your birth

Descendant- (DSC) exact degree of the descending sign

Mid Heaven- (MC) Medium coeli or reridian; highest point directly over your head
which is the 10th House

Nadir- (IC) lowest point directly below your feet which is the 4th House

North and South Nodes- imaginary points in space related to the Moon at the
time of your birth; always opposite each other and always retrograde

Retrograde- refers to the movement of planets that seem to be backing up as

seen from Earth; Sun and Moon never go retrograde

Direct- refers to the normal movement of planets as seen from Earth

Aspect- relationship of 2 planets; measured by degrees

(Major and Minor aspects defined in Chapter 6)

Ephemeris- book or series of books that contain charts that show where the
planets were or will be for every day; past, present and future
Measurements of Natal Chart

1 Natal Chart= 12 Zodiacs

1 Zodiac= 30 Degrees
1 Degree= 60 Minutes
1 Minute= 60 Seconds

1 Natal Chart= 360 Degrees

Other Books to Read:

Astrology for Dummies

Astrology for Beginners

By: William W. Hewitt

How to Read Your Own Horoscope

By: Timothy Curley

You can find many books at

Sites on the Web to have your Chart done:

More from Success at Your Fingertips
By: Zolar

Listed Below is the Zodiacs and numbers. The numbers that are corresponded to
the Zodiac have a meaning, of which is listed on the next page. This completes a
condensed analysis of your characteristics. Do not pick and choose, read all that
correspond to your Zodiac. How accurate is it?

Aries: 3, 4, 5, 9, 15, 24, 25, 26

Taurus: 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 16, 27, 28

Gemini: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 17, 29

Cancer: 7, 10, 11, 13, 21, 22, 24, 30

Leo: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 17, 24, 26

Virgo: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 22, 31

Libra: 2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 22

Scorpio: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 15, 26

Sagittarius: 1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 17, 18, 24, 28

Capricorn: 1, 9, 11, 13, 18, 20, 27

Aquarius: 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 24, 30

Pisces: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 19, 24, 30

1. material imagination-action
2. philosophical imagination-ideas
3. sensuous-deep and lasting emotions
4. ambitious-high goals
5. Independent-self reliant- self confidence
6. versatility
7. idealistic
8. practical
9. enthusiasm-will power
10. sensitivity
11. caution
12. memory and details
13. intuitive
14. determined and stubborn
15. emotionally expressive-affectionate
16. enjoys working with hands
17. fluidity of thought and expression
18. pride-dignity
19. diplomacy-tact
20. natural ability to concentrate
21. tenacity- persistence
22. artistic skill or appreciation
23. analytical
24. generosity
25. initiative
26. temper
27. logical
28. frankness
29. broad minded
30. altruistic
31. resentment

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