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Host your geospatial data with Google Earth Builder

June 15, 2011

Deborah Hafford, Manager State and Local Government Jason Cain, Google Earth Sales Engineer Special guests: Chris Powell and Rod Erickson, NT Concepts


Introductions RFI questions Demonstration Q&A

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100% Web - a new model for IT

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Google Earth Builder

Google's mapping platform in the cloud

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Host your geospatial data with Google Earth Builder

Upload your geospatial data to Google's infrastructure Publish finished Maps with your data from Google Earth Builder View usage metrics for published Maps
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End users can consume maps from many platforms

Planning your Map

Define goals for the Maps to be built What data would you like visitors to access? Which imagery? Which vector? How often will data be refreshed? Importance: Storage needs for Google Earth Builder and data upload Who should be able to the datasets? Which data will be publicly available? Which data are restricted? Importance: Pageview needs for Google Earth Builder

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Planning your Map

Team to build and publish the data Account Administrator Map Authors Web developers Importance: User account access within Google Earth Builder How do you want to share data with viewers? Google Earth Google Earth API Maps WMS

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Setting up your account Set up the Google Earth Builder (GEB) account
Map authors Designated team to access the GEB web interface

Provider information Attribution for datasets Access Control Lists (ACLs) Data within GEB interface Published Maps from GEB

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Uploading data to Google Earth Builder

Source data to use within Google Earth Builder must be uploaded to Google infrastructure Three methods for upload: 1. Google Earth Builder Web Interface 2. Ship hard drive 3. Remote feed

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Creating your Map Preparing datasets to share and publish Select which source data to upload Create collections of datasets Share building blocks with other users Publish completed Maps for end users Importance: Data sharing, storage, page views

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Publishing your Map

Publishing Maps for user access

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Publishing your Map

Publishing Maps for user access

GIS Desktop
Google Earth Earth API
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Google Earth Builder pricing for Western States

Google Earth Builder pricing strives for simplicity. It's the Gmail/Google Apps principal applied to Geo. You buy storage, You buy page views, You can scale in either dimension You never have to worry about planning for traffic spikes, dealing with failover, buying more storage or anything else.

Google will create a purchasing vehicle for all members of the Western State alliance.

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Data Liberation and Security

A guiding principle of all Google products is to allow our customers to retrieve their data as easily as possible. The Data Liberation Front ( is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products. This is our mission statement:
Users should be able to control the data they store in any of Google's products. Our team's goal is to make it easier to move data in and out.

FISMA for Google Earth Builder

Google is working to attain FISMA accreditation and certification. This is being done as part of an existing contract with a large Federal customer.

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Recap: Google Earth Builder

Google Earth Builder Google's hosted geospatial platform Organizations can upload existing geospatial imagery and vector datasets to Google Earth Builder to distribute with internal and external audiences Uploaded data may be shared Pricing based on storage and number of page views

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Few Can Benefit More Than Government

State of Colorado

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