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Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #1 Prof. Alan S. Willsky

4 September 2003

1) 2) 3) 4)

Administrative details Signals Systems For examples ...

Figures and images used in these lecture notes by permission, copyright 1997 by Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky 1

SIGNALS Signals are functions of independent variables that carry information. For example:

Electrical signals --- voltages and currents in a circuit Acoustic signals --- audio or speech signals (analog or digital) Video signals --- intensity variations in an image (e.g. a CAT scan) Biological signals --- sequence of bases in a gene
. . .


Can be continuous Trajectory of a space shuttle Mass density in a cross-section of a brain Can be discrete DNA base sequence Digital image pixels Can be 1-D, 2-D, N-D For this course: Focus on a single (1-D) independent variable which we call time. Continuous-Time (CT) signals: x(t), t continuous values Discrete-Time (DT) signals: x[n], n integer values only

CT Signals

Most of the signals in the physical world are CT signalsE.g. voltage & current, pressure, temperature, velocity, etc.

DT Signals

x[n], n integer, time varies discretely

Examples of DT signals in nature: DNA base sequence Population of the nth generation of certain species

Many human-made DT Signals

Ex.#1 Weekly Dow-Jones industrial average

Ex.#2 digital image

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim. Used with permission.

Why DT? Can be processed by modern digital computers and digital signal processors (DSPs).


For the most part, our view of systems will be from an input-output perspective:
A system responds to applied input signals, and its response is described in terms of one or more output signals
x(t) CT System y(t)


DT System



Dynamics of an aircraft or space vehicle An algorithm for analyzing financial and economic factors to predict bond prices An algorithm for post-flight analysis of a space launch An edge detection algorithm for medical images

An important concept is that of interconnecting systems To build more complex systems by interconnecting simpler subsystems To modify response of a system Signal flow (Block) diagram



Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #2
9 September 2003

1) 2)

Some examples of systems System properties and examples a) Causality b) Linearity c) Time invariance

x(t) CT System y(t) x[n] DT System y[n]

Ex. #1

RLC circuit

Ex. #2

Mechanical system

Force Balance:

Observation: Very different physical systems may be modeled mathematically in very similar ways.

Ex. #3

Thermal system

Cooling Fin in Steady State

Ex. #3 (Continued)

Observations Independent variable can be something other than time, such as space. Such systems may, more naturally, have boundary conditions, rather than initial conditions.

Ex. #4

Financial system

Fluctuations in the price of zero-coupon bonds t = 0 Time of purchase at price y0 t = T Time of maturity at value yT y(t) = Values of bond at time t x(t) = Influence of external factors on fluctuations in bond price

Observation: Even if the independent variable is time, there are interesting and important systems which have boundary conditions.

Ex. #5 A rudimentary edge detector

This system detects changes in signal slope

Observations 1) A very rich class of systems (but by no means all systems of interest to us) are described by differential and difference equations. 2) Such an equation, by itself, does not completely describe the input-output behavior of a system: we need auxiliary conditions (initial conditions, boundary conditions). 3) In some cases the system of interest has time as the natural independent variable and is causal. However, that is not always the case. 4) Very different physical systems may have very similar mathematical descriptions.

SYSTEM PROPERTIES (Causality, Linearity, Time-invariance, etc.)

Important practical/physical implications

They provide us with insight and structure that we can exploit both to analyze and understand systems more deeply.


A system is causal if the output does not anticipate future values of the input, i.e., if the output at any time depends only on values of the input up to that time. All real-time physical systems are causal, because time only moves forward. Effect occurs after cause. (Imagine if you own a noncausal system whose output depends on tomorrows stock price.) Causality does not apply to spatially varying signals. (We can move both left and right, up and down.) Causality does not apply to systems processing recorded signals, e.g. taped sports games vs. live broadcast.

CAUSALITY (continued)
Mathematically (in CT): A system x(t) y(t) is causal if

when and Then

x1(t) y1(t) x2(t) y2(t) x1(t) = x2(t) for all t to y1(t) = y2(t) for all t to


TIME-INVARIANCE (TI) Informally, a system is time-invariant (TI) if its behavior does not depend on what time it is.

Mathematically (in DT): A system x[n] y[n] is TI if for any input x[n] and any time shift n0,
If then x[n] y[n] x[n - n0] y[n - n0] .

Similarly for a CT time-invariant system, If x(t) y(t) then x(t - to) y(t - to) .



Time-varying (NOT time-invariant)

NOW WE CAN DEDUCE SOMETHING! Fact: If the input to a TI System is periodic, then the output is periodic with the same period. Proof: Suppose and Then by TI x(t + T) y(t + T). x(t + T) = x(t) x(t) y(t)

These are the same input!

So these must be the same output, i.e., y(t) = y(t + T).

LINEAR AND NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Many systems are nonlinear. For example: many circuit elements (e.g., diodes), dynamics of aircraft, econometric models, However, in 6.003 we focus exclusively on linear systems. Why? Linear models represent accurate representations of behavior of many systems (e.g., linear resistors, capacitors, other examples given previously,) Can often linearize models to examine small signal perturbations around operating points Linear systems are analytically tractable, providing basis for important tools and considerable insight

LINEARITY A (CT) system is linear if it has the superposition property: If then x1(t) y1(t) and x2(t) y2(t)

ax1(t) + bx2(t) ay1(t) + by2(t)

y[n] = x2[n]
y(t) = x(2t)

Nonlinear, TI, Causal

Linear, not TI, Noncausal

Can you find systems with other combinations ? - e.g. Linear, TI, Noncausal Linear, not TI, Causal

PROPERTIES OF LINEAR SYSTEMS Superposition If Then For linear systems, zero input zero output


0 = 0 x[n] 0 y[n] = 0

Properties of Linear Systems (Continued) A linear system is causal if and only if it satisfies the condition of initial rest:



Suppose system is causal. Show that (*) holds.


Suppose (*) holds. Show that the system is causal.


Focus of most of this course - Practical importance (Eg. #1-3 earlier this lecture are all LTI systems.) - The powerful analysis tools associated with LTI systems

A basic fact: If we know the response of an LTI system to some inputs, we actually know the response to many inputs


DT LTI System

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #3
11 September 2003
1) 2) 3) 4) Representation of DT signals in terms of shifted unit samples Convolution sum representation of DT LTI systems Examples The unit sample response and properties of DT LTI systems

Exploiting Superposition and Time-Invariance

Question: a)

Are there sets of basic signals so that:

We can represent rich classes of signals as linear combinations of these building block signals.

b) The response of LTI Systems to these basic signals are both simple and insightful. Fact: For LTI Systems (CT or DT) there are two natural choices for these building blocks Focus for now:


Shifted unit samples Shifted unit impulses

Representation of DT Signals Using Unit Samples

That is ...


Basic Signals

The Sifting Property of the Unit Sample


DT System


Suppose the system is linear, and define hk[n] as the response to [n - k]:

From superposition:


DT System


Now suppose the system is LTI, and define the unit sample response h[n]:

From TI: From LTI:

Convolution Sum Representation of Response of LTI Systems


Visualizing the calculation of

Choose value of n and consider it fixed

View as functions of k with n fixed

y[0] = prod of overlap for n=0 y[1] = prod of overlap for n=1

Calculating Successive Values: Shift, Multiply, Sum

-1 11=1 01 + 1 2=2 (-1) 1 + 0 2 + 1 (-1) = -2 (-1) 2 + 0 (-1) + 1 (-1) = -3 (-1) (-1) + 0 (-1) = 1 (-1) (-1) = 1 4

Properties of Convolution and DT LTI Systems

1) A DT LTI System is completely characterized by its unit sample response

Unit Sample response

The Commutative Property


Step response s[n] of an LTI system

step input


Unit Sample response of accumulator

The Distributive Property


The Associative Property

Implication (Very special to LTI Systems)

Properties of LTI Systems

1) Causality

2) Stability

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #4
16 September 2003

1. 2. 3. 4.

Representation of CT Signals in terms of shifted unit impulses Convolution integral representation of CT LTI systems Properties and Examples The unit impulse as an idealized pulse that is short enough: The operational definition of (t)

Representation of CT Signals

Approximate any input x(t) as a sum of shifted, scaled pulses

has unit area

The Sifting Property of the Unit Impulse

Response of a CT LTI System


Operation of CT Convolution


CT convolution

-1 -1 0


1) Commutativity: 2) 3) An integrator:

4) Step response:



The impulse as an idealized short pulse

Consider response from initial rest to pulses of different shapes and durations, but with unit area. As the duration decreases, the responses become similar for different pulse shapes.

The Operational Definition of the Unit Impulse (t)

(t) idealization of a unit-area pulse that is so short that, for any physical systems of interest to us, the system responds only to the area of the pulse and is insensitive to its duration Operationally: The unit impulse is the signal which when applied to any LTI system results in an output equal to the impulse response of the system. That is,

(t) is defined by what it does under convolution.

The Unit Doublet Differentiator

Impulse response = unit doublet

The operational definition of the unit doublet:

Triplets and beyond!

n is number of differentiations


-1 derivatives" = integral I.R. = unit step

Integrators (continued)


Define Then


Sometimes Useful Tricks

Differentiate first, then convolve, then integrate


1 1 2 2

Example (continued)

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #5
18 September 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. Complex Exponentials as Eigenfunctions of LTI Systems Fourier Series representation of CT periodic signals How do we calculate the Fourier coefficients? Convergence and Gibbs Phenomenon

Portrait of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier

Image removed due to copyright considerations. Signals & Systems, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1997, p. 179.

Desirable Characteristics of a Set of Basic Signals

a. We can represent large and useful classes of signals using these building blocks

b. The response of LTI systems to these basic signals is particularly simple, useful, and insightful

Previous focus: Unit samples and impulses Focus now: Eigenfunctions of all LTI systems

The eigenfunctions k(t) and their properties

(Focus on CT systems now, but results apply to DT systems as well.)



Eigenfunction in same function out with a gain From the superposition property of LTI systems:

Now the task of finding response of LTI systems is to determine k.

Complex Exponentials as the Eigenfunctions of any LTI Systems






What kinds of signals can we represent as sums of complex exponentials?

For Now:

Focus on restricted sets of complex exponentials

CT: DT: CT & DT Fourier Series and Transforms

Periodic Signals Magnitude 1

Fourier Series Representation of CT Periodic Signals

- smallest such T is the fundamental period - o = 2 is the fundamental frequency


- periodic with period T - {ak} are the Fourier (series) coefficients - k = 0 DC - k = 1 first harmonic - k = 2 second harmonic

Question #1:

How do we find the Fourier coefficients?

First, for simple periodic signals consisting of a few sinusoidal terms

Euler's relation (memorize!)

0 no dc component

0 0

For real periodic signals, there are two other commonly used forms for CT Fourier series:

Because of the eigenfunction property of ejt, we will usually use the complex exponential form in 6.003. - A consequence of this is that we need to include terms for both positive and negative frequencies:

Now, the complete answer to Question #1

Ex: Periodic Square Wave

DC component is just the average

Convergence of CT Fourier Series

How can the Fourier series for the square wave possibly make sense? The key is: What do we mean by

One useful notion for engineers: there is no energy in the difference

(just need x(t) to have finite energy per period)

Under a different, but reasonable set of conditions (the Dirichlet conditions) Condition 1. x(t) is absolutely integrable over one period, i. e.

Condition 2. of Ex. In a finite time interval, x(t) has a finite number maxima and minima. An example that violates Condition 2.

Condition 3. Ex. In a finite time interval, x(t) has only a finite number of discontinuities. An example that violates Condition 3.

Dirichlet conditions are met for the signals we will encounter in the real world. Then - The Fourier series = x(t) at points where x(t) is continuous - The Fourier series = midpoint at points of discontinuity

Still, convergence has some interesting characteristics:

- As N , xN(t) exhibits Gibbs phenomenon at points of discontinuity Demo: Fourier Series for CT square wave (Gibbs phenomenon).

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #6
23 September 2003
1. 2. 3. CT Fourier series reprise, properties, and examples DT Fourier series DT Fourier series examples and differences with CTFS

CT Fourier Series Pairs

Skip it in future for shorthand

Another (important!) example: Periodic Impulse Train

All components have: (1) the same amplitude, & (2) the same phase.

(A few of the) Properties of CT Fourier Series

Linearity Conjugate Symmetry

Time shift
Introduces a linear phase shift to


Shift by half period

Parsevals Relation

Energy is the same whether measured in the time-domain or the frequency-domain Multiplication Property

Periodic Convolution
x(t), y(t) periodic with period T

Periodic Convolution (continued)

Periodic convolution: Integrate over any one period (e.g. -T/2 to T/2)

Periodic Convolution (continued) Facts

1) z(t) is periodic with period T (why?)

2) Doesnt matter what period over which we choose to integrate:

Periodic 3) convolution in time

Multiplication in frequency!

Fourier Series Representation of DT Periodic Signals

x[n] - periodic with fundamental period N, fundamental frequency

Only ej n which are periodic with period N will appear in the FS

There are only N distinct signals of this form

So we could just use However, it is often useful to allow the choice of N consecutive values of k to be arbitrary.

DT Fourier Series Representation

k =<N >

= Sum over any N consecutive values of k This is a finite series

{ak} Questions:

Fourier (series) coefficients

1) What DT periodic signals have such a representation? 2) How do we find ak?

Answer to Question #1: Any DT periodic signal has a Fourier series representation

A More Direct Way to Solve for ak

Finite geometric series

So, from

DT Fourier Series Pair

Note: 1)

It is convenient to think of ak as being defined for all integers k. So: ak+N = ak Special property of DT Fourier Coefficients.

2) We only use N consecutive values of ak in the synthesis equation. (Since x[n] is periodic, it is specified by N numbers, either in the time or frequency domain)

Example #1:

Sum of a pair of sinusoids

0 1/2 1/2 ej/4/2 e-j/4/2 0 0

a-1+16 = a-1 = 1/2 a2+416 = a2 = ej/4/2

Example #2:

DT Square Wave

Using n = m - N1

Example #2:

DT Square wave (continued)

Convergence Issues for DT Fourier Series: Not an issue, since all series are finite sums. Properties of DT Fourier Series: Example: Lots, just as with CT Fourier Series

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #7
25 September 2003
1. 2. 3. Fourier Series and LTI Systems Frequency Response and Filtering Examples and Demos

The Eigenfunction Property of Complex Exponentials


CT "System Function"


DT "System Function"

Fourier Series: Periodic Signals and LTI Systems

The Frequency Response of an LTI System

CT notation

Frequency Shaping and Filtering

By choice of H(j) (or H(ej)) as a function of , we can shape the frequency composition of the output - Preferential amplification - Selective filtering of some frequencies

Example #1: Audio System

Adjustable Filter



Bass, Mid-range, Treble controls

For audio signals, the amplitude is much more important than the phase.

Example #2:

Frequency Selective Filters

Filter out signals outside of the frequency range of interest Lowpass Filters: Only show amplitude here.

low frequency

low frequency

Highpass Filters


high frequency

high frequency

Bandpass Filters

Demo: Filtering effects on audio signals

Idealized Filters
c cutoff frequency



|H| = 1 and H = 0 for the ideal filters in the passbands, no need for the phase plot.




lower cut-off

upper cut-off


Example #3:

DT Averager/Smoother

FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters


Example #4:

Nonrecursive DT (FIR) filters

Rolls off at lower as M+N+1 increases

Example #5:

Simple DT Edge Detector DT 2-point differentiator

Passes high-frequency components


DT filters, LP, HP, and BP applied to DJ Industrial average

Example #6: Edge enhancement using DT differentiator

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim. Used with permission.

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim. Used with permission.

Example #7:

A Filter Bank


Apply different filters to two-dimensional image signals.

Face of a monkey. Image removed do to copyright considerations




Note: To really understand these examples, we need to understand frequency contents of aperiodic signals the Fourier Transform

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #8
30 September 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. Derivation of the CT Fourier Transform pair Examples of Fourier Transforms Fourier Transforms of Periodic Signals Properties of the CT Fourier Transform

Fouriers Derivation of the CT Fourier Transform

x(t) - an aperiodic signal - view it as the limit of a periodic signal as T For a periodic signal, the harmonic components are spaced 0 = 2/T apart ... As T , 0 0, and harmonic components are spaced closer and closer in frequency Fourier series

Fourier integral

Motivating Example: Square wave


kept fixed

Discrete frequency points become denser in as T increases

So, on with the derivation ...

For simplicity, assume x(t) has a finite duration.

Derivation (continued)

Derivation (continued)

For what kinds of signals can we do this?

(1) It works also even if x(t) is infinite duration, but satisfies: a) Finite energy
In this case, there is zero energy in the error

b) Dirichlet conditions

c) By allowing impulses in x(t) or in X(j), we can represent even more signals E.g. It allows us to consider FT for periodic signals

Example #1 (a)


Example #2:

Exponential function

Even symmetry

Odd symmetry

Example #3:

A square pulse in the time-domain

Note the inverse relation between the two widths Uncertainty principle

Useful facts about CTFTs

Example #4:

x(t) = e

at 2

A Gaussian, important in probability, optics, etc.

(Pulse width in t)(Pulse width in ) t ~ (1/a1/2)(a1/2) = 1

Also a Gaussian!

Uncertainty Principle! Cannot make both t and arbitrarily small.

CT Fourier Transforms of Periodic Signals

periodic in t with frequency o All the energy is concentrated in one frequency o

Example #4:

Line spectrum

Example #5:

Sampling function

Same function in the frequency-domain! Note: (period in t) T (period in ) 2/T Inverse relationship again!

Properties of the CT Fourier Transform

1) Linearity

2) Time Shifting

FT magnitude unchanged

Linear change in FT phase

Properties (continued)
3) Conjugate Symmetry

Even Odd Even Odd

The Properties Keep on Coming ...

4) Time-Scaling

a) b)

x(t) real and even x(t) real and odd


Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #9
2 October 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. The Convolution Property of the CTFT Frequency Response and LTI Systems Revisited Multiplication Property and Parsevals Relation The DT Fourier Transform

The CT Fourier Transform Pair

(Analysis Equation)

(Synthesis Equation) Last lecture: Today: some properties further exploration

Convolution Property

A consequence of the eigenfunction property:

Synthesis equation for y(t)

The Frequency Response Revisited

impulse response

frequency response

The frequency response of a CT LTI system is simply the Fourier transform of its impulse response Example #1:

Example #2:

A differentiator

Differentiation property:

1) Amplifies high frequencies (enhances sharp edges)

Larger at high o phase shift

Example #3: Impulse Response of an Ideal Lowpass Filter

Questions: 1) Is this a causal system? 2) What is h(0)?


3) What is the steady-state value of the step response, i.e. s()?

Example #4: Cascading filtering operations


Example #5:

Example #6:

Gaussian Gaussian = Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian = Gaussian

Example #2 from last lecture

Example #7:

Example #8: LTI Systems Described by LCCDEs (Linear-constant-coefficient differential equations)

Using the Differentiation Property

1) 2)

Rational, can use PFE to get h(t) If X(j) is rational e.g. then Y(j) is also rational

Parsevals Relation

FT is highly symmetric,

Multiplication Property

We already know that: Then it isnt a surprise that:

Convolution in

A consequence of Duality

Examples of the Multiplication Property

For any s(t) ...

Example (continued)

The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

DTFT Derivation (Continued)

DTFS synthesis eq. DTFS analysis eq.


DTFT Derivation (Home Stretch)

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #10
7 October 2003
1. 2. 3. Examples of the DT Fourier Transform Properties of the DT Fourier Transform The Convolution Property and its Implications and Uses

DT Fourier Transform Pair

Analysis Equation FT Synthesis Equation Inverse FT

Convergence Issues
Synthesis Equation: Analysis Equation: None, since integrating over a finite interval Need conditions analogous to CTFT, e.g.

Finite energy

Absolutely summable

Parallel with the CT examples in Lecture #8

More Examples

Infinite sum formula

Still More
4) DT Rectangular pulse (Drawn for N1 = 2)


DTFTs of Sums of Complex Exponentials

Recall CT result: What about DT: a) We expect an impulse (of area 2) at = o b) But X(ej) must be periodic with period 2 In fact

Note: The integration in the synthesis equation is over 2 period, only need X(ej) in one 2 period. Thus,

DTFT of Periodic Signals

DTFS synthesis eq.

Linearity of DTFT

Example #1:

DT sine function

Example #2:

DT periodic impulse train

Also periodic impulse train in the frequency domain!

Properties of the DT Fourier Transform

Different from CTFT

More Properties

Important implications in DT because of periodicity Example

Still More Properties

Yet Still More Properties

7) Time Expansion Recall CT property: But in DT: x[n/2] makes no sense x[2n] misses odd values of x[n] Time scale in CT is infinitely fine

But we can slow a DT signal down by inserting zeros: k an integer 1 x(k)[n] insert (k - 1) zeros between successive values

Insert two zeros in this example (k=3)

Time Expansion (continued)

Stretched by a factor of k in time domain

-compressed by a factor of k in frequency domain

Is There No End to These Properties?

8) Differentiation in Frequency

Multiplication by n 9) Parsevals Relation

Differentiation in frequency

Total energy in time domain

Total energy in frequency domain

The Convolution Property

Example #1:

Example #2:

Ideal Lowpass Filter

Example #3:

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #11
9 October 2003
1. 2. 3. DTFT Properties and Examples Duality in FS & FT Magnitude/Phase of Transforms and Frequency Responses

Convolution Property Example

DT LTI System Described by LCCDEs

Rational function of e-j, use PFE to get h[n]


First-order recursive system

with the condition of initial rest causal

DTFT Multiplication Property

Calculating Periodic Convolutions


Duality in Fourier Analysis

Fourier Transform is highly symmetric CTFT: Both time and frequency are continuous and in general aperiodic
Same except for these differences

Suppose f() and g() are two functions related by


Example of CTFT duality

Square pulse in either time or frequency domain


Duality in DTFS


Duality between CTFS and DTFT




Magnitude and Phase of FT, and Parseval Relation


Parseval Relation:
Energy density in


Parseval Relation:

Effects of Phase
Not on signal energy distribution as a function of frequency Can have dramatic effect on signal shape/character Constructive/Destructive interference Is that important? Depends on the signal and the context


1) Effect of phase on Fourier Series 2) Effect of phase on image processing

Log-Magnitude and Phase

Easy to add

Plotting Log-Magnitude and Phase

a) For real-valued signals and systems
Plot for 0, often with a logarithmic scale for frequency in CT

b) In DT, need only plot for 0 (with linear scale) c) For historical reasons, log-magnitude is usually plotted in units of decibels (dB):
power magnitude

So 20 dB or 2 bels: = 10 amplitude gain = 100 power gain

A Typical Bode plot for a second-order CT system 20 log|H(j)| and H(j) vs. log

40 dB/decade

Changes by -

A typical plot of the magnitude and phase of a secondorder DT frequency response

20log|H(ej)| and H(ej) vs.

For real signals, 0 to is enough

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #12
16 October 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. Linear and Nonlinear Phase Ideal and Nonideal Frequency-Selective Filters CT & DT Rational Frequency Responses DT First- and Second-Order Systems

Linear Phase

Result: Linear phase simply a rigid shift in time, no distortion Nonlinear phase distortion as well as shift DT


All-Pass Systems




Impulse response and output of an all-pass system with nonlinear phase

How do we think about signal delay when the phase is nonlinear? Group Delay

Ideal Lowpass Filter


Noncausal h(t <0) 0 Oscillatory Response e.g. step response

Overshoot by 9%, Gibbs phenomenon

Nonideal Lowpass Filter

Sometimes we dont want a sharp cutoff, e.g.

Often have specifications in time and frequency domain Trade-offs

Step response Freq. Response

CT Rational Frequency Responses

CT: If the system is described by LCCDEs, then

Prototypical Systems

First-order system, has only one energy storing element, e.g. L or C

Second-order system, has two energy storing elements, e.g. L and C

DT Rational Frequency Responses

If the system is described by LCCDEs (Linear-Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations), then

DT First-Order Systems

Demo: Unit-sample, unit-step, and frequency response of DT first-order systems

DT Second-Order System



Demo: Unit-sample, unit-step, and frequency response of DT second-order systems

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #13
21 October 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Concept and Representation of Periodic Sampling of a CT Signal Analysis of Sampling in the Frequency Domain The Sampling Theorem the Nyquist Rate In the Time Domain: Interpolation Undersampling and Aliasing

We live in a continuous-time world: most of the signals we encounter are CT signals, e.g. x(t). How do we convert them into DT signals x[n]? Sampling, taking snap shots of x(t) every T seconds. T sampling period x[n] x(nT), n = ..., -1, 0, 1, 2, ... regularly spaced samples Applications and Examples Digital Processing of Signals Strobe Images in Newspapers Sampling Oscilloscope How do we perform sampling?

Why/When Would a Set of Samples Be Adequate?

Observation: Lots of signals have the same samples

By sampling we throw out lots of information all values of x(t) between sampling points are lost. Key Question for Sampling: Under what conditions can we reconstruct the original CT signal x(t) from its samples?

Impulse Sampling Multiplying x(t) by the sampling function

Analysis of Sampling in the Frequency Domain

Important to note: s1/T

Illustration of sampling in the frequency-domain for a band-limited (X(j)=0 for ||> M) signal

No overlap between shifted spectra

Reconstruction of x(t) from sampled signals

If there is no overlap between shifted spectra, a LPF can reproduce x(t) from xp(t)

The Sampling Theorem

Suppose x(t) is bandlimited, so that

Then x(t) is uniquely determined by its samples {x(nT)} if

Observations on Sampling
(1) In practice, we obviously dont sample with impulses or implement ideal lowpass filters. One practical example: The Zero-Order Hold

Observations (Continued)
(2) Sampling is fundamentally a time-varying operation, since we multiply x(t) with a time-varying function p(t). However,

is the identity system (which is TI) for bandlimited x(t) satisfying the sampling theorem (s > 2M). (3) What if s 2M? Something different: more later.

Time-Domain Interpretation of Reconstruction of Sampled Signals Band-Limited Interpolation

The lowpass filter interpolates the samples assuming x(t) contains no energy at frequencies c

Graphic Illustration of Time-Domain Interpolation

Original CT signal

After sampling

After passing the LPF

Interpolation Methods
Bandlimited Interpolation Zero-Order Hold First-Order Hold Linear interpolation

Undersampling and Aliasing

When s 2 M Undersampling

Undersampling and Aliasing (continued)

Xr(j) X(j) Distortion because of aliasing

Higher frequencies of x(t) are folded back and take on the aliases of lower frequencies Note that at the sample times, xr(nT) = x(nT)

A Simple Example

Picture would be Modified

Demo: Sampling and reconstruction of cosot

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #14
23 October 2003
1. 2. Review/Examples of Sampling/Aliasing DT Processing of CT Signals

Sampling Review

Demo: Effect of aliasing on music.

Strobe Demo

> 0, strobed image moves forward, but at a slower pace = 0, strobed image still < 0, strobed image moves backward. Applications of the strobe effect (aliasing can be useful sometimes): E.g., Sampling oscilloscope

DT Processing of Band-Limited CT Signals

Why do this? Inexpensive, versatile, and higher noise margin. How do we analyze this system? We will need to do it in the frequency domain in both CT and DT In order to avoid confusion about notations, specify CT frequency variable DT frequency variable ( = ) Step 1: Find the relation between xc(t) and xd[n], or Xc(j) and Xd(ej)

Time-Domain Interpretation of C/D Conversion

Note: Not full analog/digital (A/D) conversion not quantizing the x[n] values

Frequency-Domain Interpretation of C/D Conversion

Note: s 2 CT DT

Illustration of C/D Conversion in the Frequency-Domain

X d (e )

X d (e j )

= T1

= T2

Reverse of the process of C/D conversion

D/C Conversion yd[n] yc(t)

Now the whole picture

Overall system is time-varying if sampling theorem is not satisfied It is LTI if the sampling theorem is satisfied, i.e. for bandlimited inputs xc(t), with M < s 2 When the input xc(t) is band-limited (X(j) = 0 at || > ) and the sampling theorem is satisfied (s > 2M), then

DT omege needs to changed

Frequency-Domain Illustration of DT Processing of CT Signals

DT filter


DT freq CT freq

CT freq DT freq

Interpolate (LPF) equivalent CT filter

Assuming No Aliasing

In practice, first specify the desired Hc(j), then design Hd(ej).


Digital Differentiator

Applications: Edge Enhancement

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim. Used with permission.

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim. Used with permission.

Construction of Digital Differentiator

Bandlimited Differentiator

Band-Limited Digital Differentiator (continued)



Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #15
28 October 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Complex Exponential Amplitude Modulation Sinusoidal AM Demodulation of Sinusoidal AM Single-Sideband (SSB) AM Frequency-Division Multiplexing Superheterodyne Receivers

The Concept of Modulation

x(t) Transmitted Signal Carrier Signal


How? Many methods Focus here for the most part on Amplitude Modulation (AM)

More efficient to transmit E&M signals at higher frequencies Transmitting multiple signals through the same medium using different carriers Transmitting through channels with limited passbands Others...

Amplitude Modulation (AM) of a Complex Exponential Carrier

Demodulation of Complex Exponential AM

Corresponds to two separate modulation channels (quadratures) with carriers 90o out of phase

Sinusoidal AM

Drawn assuming c > M

Synchronous Demodulation of Sinusoidal AM

Suppose = 0 for now, Local oscillator is in phase with the carrier.

Synchronous Demodulation in the Time Domain

Now suppose there is a phase difference, i.e. 0, then

Two special cases: 1) = /2, the local oscillator is 90o out of phase with the carrier, r(t) = 0, signal unrecoverable. 2) = (t) slowly varying with time, r(t) cos[(t)] x(t), time-varying gain.

Demodulating signal has phase difference w.r.t. the modulating signal

Synchronous Demodulation (with phase error) in the Frequency Domain

Again, the low-frequency signal ( < M) = 0 when = /2.

Alternative: Asynchronous Demodulation

Assume c >> M, so signal envelope looks like x(t) Add same carrier with amplitude A to signal

Time Domain Frequency Domain

A = 0 DSB/SC (Double Side Band, Suppressed Carrier) A > 0 DSB/WC (Double Side Band, With Carrier)

Asynchronous Demodulation (continued) Envelope Detector

In order for it to function properly, the envelope function must be positive for all time, i.e. A + x(t) > 0 for all t. Demo: Envelope detection for asynchronous demodulation. Advantages of asynchronous demodulation: Simpler in design and implementation. Disadvantages of asynchronous demodulation: Requires extra transmitting power [Acosct]2 to make sure A + x(t) > 0 Maximum power efficiency = 1/3 (P8.27)

Double-Sideband (DSB) and Single-Sideband (SSB) AM

Since x(t) and y(t) are real, from conjugate symmetry both LSB and USB signals carry exactly the same information. USB

DSB, occupies 2M bandwidth in > 0.


Each sideband approach only occupies M bandwidth in > 0.

Single Sideband Modulation

Can also get SSB/SC or SSB/WC

Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM)

(Examples: Radio-station signals and analog cell phones)

All the channels can share the same medium.


FDM in the Frequency-Domain

Baseband signals

Channel a

Channel b

Channel c

Multiplexed signals

Demultiplexing and Demodulation

a needs to be tunable Channels must not overlap Bandwidth Allocation It is difficult (and expensive) to design a highly selective bandpass filter with a tunable center frequency Solution Superheterodyne Receivers

The Superheterodyne Receiver



= 535 1605 kHz RF


= 455 kHz IF

Operation principle: Down convert from c to IF, and use a coarse tunable BPF for the front end. Use a sharp-cutoff fixed BPF at IF to get rid of other signals.

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #16
30 October 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AM with an Arbitrary Periodic Carrier Pulse Train Carrier and Time-Division Multiplexing Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation DT Sinusoidal AM DT Sampling, Decimation, and Interpolation

AM with an Arbitrary Periodic Carrier

Modulating a (Periodic) Rectangular Pulse Train

Modulating a Rectangular Pulse Train Carrier, contd

for rectangular pulse

1) We get a similar picture with any c(t) that is periodic with period T 2) As long as c = 2/T > 2M, there is no overlap in the shifted and scaled replicas of X(j). Consequently, assuming ao 0:

x(t) can be recovered by passing y(t) through a LPF 3) Pulse Train Modulation is the basis for Time-Division Multiplexing Assign time slots instead of frequency slots to different channels, e.g. AT&T wireless phones 4) Really only need samples {x(nT)} when c > 2 M Pulse Amplitude Modulation

Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation (FM)

x(t) is signal to be transmitted


Sinusoidal FM (continued)
Transmitted power does not depend on x(t): average power = A2/2 Bandwidth of y(t) can depend on amplitude of x(t) Demodulation a) Direct tracking of the phase (t) (by using phase-locked loop) b) Use of an LTI system that acts like a differentiator

H(j) Tunable band-limited differentiator, over the bandwidth of y(t)

looks like AM envelope detection

DT Sinusoidal AM
Multiplication Periodic convolution

Example #1:

Example #2: Sinusoidal AM

No overlap of shifted spectra

Example #2 (continued): Possible as long as there is no overlap of shifted replicas of X(ej):


Misleading drawing shown for a very special case of c = /2

Example #3: An arbitrary periodic DT carrier

Example #3 (continued):

2a3 = 2a0

No overlap when: c > 2M (Nyquist rate) M < /N

DT Sampling
Motivation: Reducing the number of data points to be stored or transmitted, e.g. in CD music recording.

DT Sampling (continued)

DT Sampling Theorem
We can reconstruct x[n] if s = 2/N > 2M

Drawn assuming s > 2M Nyquist rate is met M < /N Drawn assuming s < 2M Aliasing!

Decimation Downsampling
xp[n] has (n - 1) zero values between nonzero values: Why keep them around?

Useful to think of this as sampling followed by discarding the zero values

compressed in time by N

Illustration of Decimation in the Time-Domain (for N = 3)

Decimation in the Frequency Domain

Squeeze in time Expand in frequency

Illustration of Decimation in the Frequency Domain

After sampling

After discarding zeros

The Reverse Operation: Upsampling (e.g. CD playback)



Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #17
4 November 2003
1. 2. 3. Motivation and Definition of the (Bilateral) Laplace Transform Examples of Laplace Transforms and Their Regions of Convergence (ROCs) Properties of ROCs

Motivation for the Laplace Transform

CT Fourier transform enables us to do a lot of things, e.g. Analyze frequency response of LTI systems Sampling Modulation Why do we need yet another transform? One view of Laplace Transform is as an extension of the Fourier transform to allow analysis of broader class of signals and systems In particular, Fourier transform cannot handle large (and important) classes of signals and unstable systems, i.e. when

Motivation for the Laplace Transform (continued)

In many applications, we do need to deal with unstable systems, e.g. Stabilizing an inverted pendulum Stabilizing an airplane or space shuttle Instability is desired in some applications, e.g. oscillators and lasers How do we analyze such signals/systems? Recall from Lecture #5, eigenfunction property of LTI systems:

est is an eigenfunction of any LTI system s = + j can be complex in general

The (Bilateral) Laplace Transform

Basic ideas: (1)

absolute integrability needed

(2) A critical issue in dealing with Laplace transform is convergence: X(s) generally exists only for some values of s, located in what is called the region of convergence (ROC)

(3) If s = j is in the ROC (i.e. = 0), then

absolute integrability condition

Example #1:

Unstable: no Fourier Transform but Laplace Transform exists

This converges only if Re(s+a) > 0, i.e. Re(s) > -Re(a)

Example #2:

This converges only if Re(s+a) < 0, i.e. Re(s) < -Re(a)

Key Point (and key difference from FT): Need both X(s) and ROC to uniquely determine x(t). No such an issue for FT.

Graphical Visualization of the ROC

Example #1 Example #2

Rational Transforms
Many (but by no means all) Laplace transforms of interest to us are rational functions of s (e.g., Examples #1 and #2; in general, impulse responses of LTI systems described by LCCDEs), where

Roots of N(s) = zeros of X(s) Roots of D(s) = poles of X(s) Any x(t) consisting of a linear combination of complex exponentials for t > 0 and for t < 0 (e.g., as in Example #1 and #2) has a rational Laplace transform.

Example #3

BOTH required ROC intersection

Notation: pole

Q: Does x(t) have FT?

Laplace Transforms and ROCs

Some signals do not have Laplace Transforms (have no ROC) (a)


X(s) is defined only in ROC; we dont allow impulses in LTs

Properties of the ROC

The ROC can take on only a small number of different forms 1) The ROC consists of a collection of lines parallel to the j-axis in the s-plane (i.e. the ROC only depends on ). Why?

2) If X(s) is rational, then the ROC does not contain any poles. Why?

Poles are places where D(s) = 0 N(s) X(s) = = D(s) Not convergent.

More Properties
3) If x(t) is of finite duration and is absolutely integrable, then the ROC is the entire s-plane.

ROC Properties that Depend on Which Side You Are On - I

4) If x(t) is right-sided (i.e. if it is zero before some time), and if Re(s) = o is in the ROC, then all values of s for which Re(s) > o are also in the ROC.

ROC is a right half plane (RHP)

ROC Properties that Depend on Which Side You Are On - II

5) If x(t) is left-sided (i.e. if it is zero after some time), and if Re(s) = o is in the ROC, then all values of s for which Re(s) < o are also in the ROC.

ROC is a left half plane (LHP)

Still More ROC Properties

6) If x(t) is two-sided and if the line Re(s) = o is in the ROC, then the ROC consists of a strip in the s-plane that includes the line Re(s) = o.


Strip = RHP LHP


Example: Intuition? Okay: multiply by constant (e0t) and will be integrable

Looks bad: no e t will dampen both sides

Example (continued):

What if b < 0? No overlap No Laplace Transform

Properties, Properties
7) If X(s) is rational, then its ROC is bounded by poles or extends to infinity. In addition, no poles of X(s) are contained in the ROC. 8) Suppose X(s) is rational, then (a) If x(t) is right-sided, the ROC is to the right of the rightmost pole. (b) If x(t) is left-sided, the ROC is to the left of the leftmost pole.




9) If ROC of X(s) includes the j-axis, then FT of x(t) exists.

9) If ROC of X(s) includes the j-axis, then FT of x(t) exists. Example: Three possible ROCs

Fourier Transform exists?

x(t) is right-sided x(t) is left-sided x(t) extends for all time



No No Yes

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #18
6 November 2003
Inverse Laplace Transforms Laplace Transform Properties The System Function of an LTI System Geometric Evaluation of Laplace Transforms and Frequency Responses

Inverse Laplace Transform

Fix ROC and apply the inverse Fourier transform

But s = + j ( fixed) ds = jd

Inverse Laplace Transforms Via Partial Fraction Expansion and Properties


Three possible ROCs corresponding to three different signals



Left-sided signal.


Two-sided signal, has Fourier Transform.

ROC III: Right-sided signal.

Properties of Laplace Transforms

Many parallel properties of the CTFT, but for Laplace transforms we need to determine implications for the ROC For example:


ROC at least the intersection of ROCs of X1(s) and X2(s) ROC can be bigger (due to pole-zero cancellation)

ROC entire s-plane

Time Shift

Time-Domain Differentiation

ROC could be bigger than the ROC of X(s), if there is pole-zero cancellation. E.g.,

s-Domain Differentiation

Convolution Property

For Then
ROC of Y(s) = H(s)X(s): at least the overlap of the ROCs of H(s) & X(s) ROC could be empty if there is no overlap between the two ROCs E.g.

x( t ) = et u( t ), and

h( t ) = e t u( t )

ROC could be larger than the overlap of the two. E.g.

The System Function of an LTI System

The system function characterizes the system System properties correspond to properties of H(s) and its ROC A first example:

Geometric Evaluation of Rational Laplace Transforms

Example #1: A first-order zero

Graphic evaluation of Can reason about

- vector length - angle w/ real axis

Example #2:

A first-order pole

Still reason with vector, but remember to "invert" for poles

Example #3:

A higher-order rational Laplace transform

First-Order System

Graphical evaluation of H(j):

Bode Plot of the First-Order System

-20 dB/decade

changes by -/2

Second-Order System

0 < <1

complex poles Underdamped double pole at s = n Critically damped 2 poles on negative real axis Overdamped



Demo Pole-zero diagrams, frequency response, and step response of first-order and second-order CT causal systems

Bode Plot of a Second-Order System

-40 dB/decade

Top is flat when = 1/2 = 0.707 a LPF for < n

changes by -

Unit-Impulse and Unit-Step Response of a SecondOrder System

No oscillations when 1 Critically (=) and over (>) damped.

First-Order All-Pass System

1. Two vectors have the same lengths 2.

a a

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #19
18 November 2003

1. 2. 3.

CT System Function Properties System Function Algebra and Block Diagrams Unilateral Laplace Transform and Applications

CT System Function Properties

H(s) = system function

1) System is stable

| h(t) | dt < ROC of H(s) includes j axis

2) Causality h(t) right-sided signal ROC of H(s) is a right-half plane Question: If the ROC of H(s) is a right-half plane, is the system causal? Ex.


Properties of CT Rational System Functions

a) However, if H(s) is rational, then The system is causal The ROC of H(s) is to the right of the rightmost pole

b) If H(s) is rational and is the system function of a causal system, then

The system is stable

j-axis is in ROC all poles are in LHP

Checking if All Poles Are In the Left-Half Plane

Method #1: Calculate all the roots and see! Method #2: Routh-Hurwitz Without having to solve for roots.

Initial- and Final-Value Theorems

If x(t) = 0 for t < 0 and there are no impulses or higher order discontinuities at the origin, then
Initial value

If x(t) = 0 for t < 0 and x(t) has a finite limit as t , then

Final value

Applications of the Initial- and Final-Value Theorem For

Initial value:

Final value

LTI Systems Described by LCCDEs

roots of numerator zeros roots of denominator poles ROC =? Depends on: 1) Locations of all poles. 2) Boundary conditions, i.e. right-, left-, two-sided signals.

System Function Algebra

Example: A basic feedback system consisting of causal blocks

More on this later in feedback


Determined by the roots of 1+H1(s)H2(s), instead of H1(s)

Block Diagram for Causal LTI Systems with Rational System Functions
Can be viewed as cascade of two systems.

Example (continued) Instead of



s + 3s + 2

2s2 + 4s 6


We can construct H(s) using:


1/s an integrator

Note also that

Lesson to be learned: There are many different ways to construct a system that performs a certain function.

The Unilateral Laplace Transform

(The preferred tool to analyze causal CT systems described by LCCDEs with initial conditions) Note: 1) If x(t) = 0 for t < 0, then 2) Unilateral LT of x(t) = Bilateral LT of x(t)u(t-) 3) For example, if h(t) is the impulse response of a causal LTI system, then

4) Convolution property:If x1(t) = x2(t) = 0 for t < 0, then

Same as Bilateral Laplace transform

Differentiation Property for Unilateral Laplace Transform

Initial condition!



Use of ULTs to Solve Differentiation Equations with Initial Conditions


Take ULT:

ZIR Response for zero input x(t)=0

ZSR Response for zero state, ==0, initially at rest

Example (continued) Response for LTI system initially at rest ( = = 0)

Response to initial conditions alone ( = 0). For example:

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #20
20 November 2003

1. 2.

Feedback Systems Applications of Feedback Systems

A Typical Feedback System

Why use Feedback? Reducing Effects of Nonidealities Reducing Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Variability Stabilizing Unstable Systems Reducing Effects of Disturbances Tracking Shaping System Response Characteristics (bandwidth/speed)

One Motivating Example

Open-Loop System

Closed-Loop Feedback System

Analysis of (Causal!) LTI Feedback Systems: Blacks Formula CT System

Blacks formula (1920s)

Closed - loop system function =

forward gain 1 - loop gain

Forward gain total gain along the forward path from the input to the output Loop gain total gain around the closed loop

Applications of Blacks Formula Example:



The Use of Feedback to Compensate for Nonidealities

Assume KP(j) is very large over the frequency range of interest. In fact, assume

Independent of P(s)!!

Example of Reduced Sensitivity

1)The use of operational amplifiers 2)Decreasing amplifier gain sensitivity Example: (a) Suppose

KP ( j1 ) = 1000 , G ( j1 ) = 0.099 Q( j1 ) = 1000 = 10 1 + (1000)(0.099)

(b) Suppose KP ( j 2 ) = 500 , G ( j 2 ) = 0.099 (50% gain change)

Q ( j 2 ) = 500 9.9 (1% gain change) 1 + (500)(0.099)

Fine, but why doesnt G(j) fluctuate ?


For amplification, G(j) must attenuate, and it is much easier to build attenuators (e.g. resistors) with desired characteristics There is a price:

Needs a large loop gain to produce a steady (and linear) gain for the whole system. Consequence of the negative (degenerative) feedback.


Operational Amplifiers

If the amplitude of the loop gain |KG(s)| >> 1 usually the case, unless the battery is totally dead.


Steady State

The closed-loop gain only depends on the passive components (R1 & R2), independent of the gain of the open-loop amplifier K.

The Same Idea Works for the Compensation for Nonlinearities

Example and Demo: Amplifier with a Deadzone

The second system in the forward path has a nonlinear input-output relation (a deadzone for small input), which will cause distortion if it is used as an amplifier. However, as long as the amplitude of the loop gain is large enough, the input-output response 1/K2

Improving the Dynamics of Systems

Example: Operational Amplifier 741 The open-loop gain has a very large value at dc but very limited bandwidth Not very useful on its own

Stabilization of Unstable Systems

P(s) unstable Design C(s), G(s) so that the closed-loop system

is stable poles of Q(s) = roots of 1+C(s)P(s)G(s) in LHP

Example #1:

First-order unstable systems

Example #2:

Second-order unstable systems

Unstable for all values of K Physically, need damping a term proportional to s d/dt

Example #2 (continued): Attempt #2: Try Proportional-Plus-Derivative (PD) Feedback

Stable as long as K2 > 0 (sufficient damping) and K1 > 4 (sufficient gain).

Example #2 (one more time): Why didnt we stabilize by canceling the unstable poles?

There are at least two reasons why this is a really bad idea: a) In real physical systems, we can never know the precise values of the poles, it could be 2.

b) Disturbance between the two systems will cause instability.

Demo: Magnetic Levitation

io = current needed to balance the weight W at the rest height yo Force balance Linearize about equilibrium with specific values for parameters

Second-order unstable system

Magnetic Levitation (Continued):


Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #21
25 November 2003
1. Feedback
a) b) c) d) Root Locus Tracking Disturbance Rejection The Inverted Pendulum


Introduction to the Z-Transform

The Concept of a Root Locus

C(s), G(s) Designed with one or more free parameters Question: How do the closed-loop poles move as we vary these parameters? Root locus of 1+ C(s)G(s)H(s)

The Classical Root Locus Problem

C(s) = K a simple linear amplifier

Closed-loop poles are the same.

A Simple Example

In either case, pole is at so = -2 - K

Sketch where pole moves as |K| increases...

Becomes more stable

Becomes less stable

What Happens More Generally ?

For simplicity, suppose there is no pole-zero cancellation in G(s)H(s)

Closed-loop poles are the solutions of That is Difficult to solve explicitly for solutions given any specific value of K, unless G(s)H(s) is second-order or lower. Much easier to plot the root locus, the values of s that are solutions for some value of K, because: 1) It is easier to find the roots in the limiting cases for K = 0, . 2) There are rules on how to connect between these limiting points.

Rules for Plotting Root Locus

End points At K = 0, G(so)H(so) = so are poles of the open-loop system function G(s)H(s). At |K| = , G(so)H(so) = 0 so are zeros of the open-loop system function G(s)H(s). Thus: Rule #1: A root locus starts (at K = 0) from a pole of G(s)H(s) and ends (at |K| = ) at a zero of G(s)H(s). Question: Answer: What if the number of poles the number of zeros? Start or end at .

Rule #2:

Angle criterion of the root locus

Thus, s0 is a pole for some positive value of K if:

In this case, s0 is a pole if K = 1/|G(s0) H(s0)|.

Similarly s0 is a pole for some negative value of K if:

In this case, s0 is a pole if K = -1/|G(s0) H(s0)|.

Example of Root Locus.

One zero at -2, two poles at 0, -1.


In addition to stability, we may want good tracking behavior, i.e. for at least some set of input signals.

E (s) =

1 X ( s) 1 + C ( s) H (s)

We want C ( j ) P ( j ) to be large in frequency bands in which we want good tracking

1 E ( j ) = X ( j ) 1 + C ( j ) H ( j )

Tracking (continued)

Using the final-value theorem

Basic example: Tracking error for a step input

Disturbance Rejection
There may be other objectives in feedback controls due to unavoidable disturbances.

Clearly, sensitivities to the disturbances D1(s) and D2(s) are much reduced when the amplitude of the loop gain

Internal Instabilities Due to Pole-Zero Cancellation w(t) H

C (s) =

1 s ( s + 1)

, H (s) =

s s+2

Y (s) =

W (s) =

C ( s) H ( s) 1 X (s) = 2 X (s) s + 3s + 3 1 + C (s) H (s)


s+2 C (s) X ( s) X ( s) = 2 s ( s + 3s + 3) 1 + C (s) H ( s)


Inverted Pendulum


Feedback System to Stabilize the Pendulum

PI feedback stabilizes Subtle problem: internal instability in x(t)! Additional PD feedback around motor / amplifier centers the pendulum

Root Locus & the Inverted Pendulum

Attempt #1: Negative feedback driving the motor

Root locus of M(s)G(s) Remains unstable!

after K. Lundberg

Root Locus & the Inverted Pendulum

Attempt #2: Proportional/Integral Compensator

Root locus of K(s)M(s)G(s) Stable for large enough K

after K. Lundberg

Root Locus & the Inverted Pendulum

BUT x(t) unstable:

System subject to drift... Solution: add PD feedback around motor and compensator:
after K. Lundberg

The z-Transform
Motivation: Analogous to Laplace Transform in CT

We now do not restrict ourselves just to z = ej

The (Bilateral) z-Transform

The ROC and the Relation Between zT and DTFT

, r = |z|

depends only on r = |z|, just like the ROC in s-plane only depends on Re(s) Unit circle (r = 1) in the ROC DTFT X(ej) exists

Example #1

This form for PFE and inverse ztransform

1 z = 1 az 1 za
This form to find pole and zero locations

That is, ROC |z| > |a|, outside a circle

Example #2:

Same X(z) as in Ex #1, but different ROC.

Rational z-Transforms
x[n] = linear combination of exponentials for n > 0 and for n < 0

Polynomials in z characterized (except for a gain) by its poles and zeros

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #22
2 December 2003
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Properties of the ROC of the z-Transform Inverse z-Transform Examples Properties of the z-Transform System Functions of DT LTI Systems a. Causality b. Stability

The z-Transform

-depends only on r = |z|, just like the ROC in s-plane only depends on Re(s) Last time: Unit circle (r = 1) in the ROC DTFT X(ej) exists Rational transforms correspond to signals that are linear combinations of DT exponentials

Some Intuition on the Relation between zT and LT

The (Bilateral) z-Transform

Can think of z-transform as DT version of Laplace transform with

More intuition on zT-LT, s-plane - z-plane relationship

LHP in s-plane, Re(s) < 0 |z| = | esT| < 1, inside the |z| = 1 circle. Special case, Re(s) = - |z| = 0. RHP in s-plane, Re(s) > 0 |z| = | esT| > 1, outside the |z| = 1 circle. Special case, Re(s) = + |z| = . A vertical line in s-plane, Re(s) = constant | esT| = constant, a circle in z-plane.

Properties of the ROCs of z-Transforms

(1) The ROC of X(z) consists of a ring in the z-plane centered about the origin (equivalent to a vertical strip in the s-plane)

(2) The ROC does not contain any poles (same as in LT).

More ROC Properties

(3) If x[n] is of finite duration, then the ROC is the entire z-plane, except possibly at z = 0 and/or z = . Why?


CT counterpart

ROC Properties Continued

(4) If x[n] is a right-sided sequence, and if |z| = ro is in the ROC, then all finite values of z for which |z| > ro are also in the ROC.

Side by Side
(5) If x[n] is a left-sided sequence, and if |z| = ro is in the ROC, then all finite values of z for which 0 < |z| < ro are also in the ROC. (6) If x[n] is two-sided, and if |z| = ro is in the ROC, then the ROC consists of a ring in the z-plane including the circle |z| = ro. What types of signals do the following ROC correspond to?




Example #1

Example #1 continued

Clearly, ROC does not exist if b > 1 No z-transform for b|n|.

Inverse z-Transforms

for fixed r:

Example #2

Partial Fraction Expansion Algebra:

A = 1, B = 2

Note, particular to z-transforms: 1) When finding poles and zeros, express X(z) as a function of z. 2) When doing inverse z-transform using PFE, express X(z) as a function of z-1.




Inversion by Identifying Coefficients in the Power Series

Example #3:

3 -1 2 0 for all other ns

A finite-duration DT sequence

Example #4: (a)


Properties of z-Transforms
(1) Time Shifting The rationality of X(z) unchanged, different from LT. ROC unchanged except for the possible addition or deletion of the origin or infinity no> 0 ROC z 0 (maybe) no< 0 ROC z (maybe) (2) z-Domain Differentiation Derivation: same ROC

Convolution Property and System Functions

Y(z) = H(z)X(z) , ROC at least the intersection of the ROCs of H(z) and X(z), can be bigger if there is pole/zero cancellation. e.g.

H(z) + ROC tells us everything about system

(1) h[n] right-sided ROC is the exterior of a circle possibly including z = :

A DT LTI system with system function H(z) is causal the ROC of H(z) is the exterior of a circle including z =

Causality for Systems with Rational System Functions

A DT LTI system with rational system function H(z) is causal (a) the ROC is the exterior of a circle outside the outermost pole; and (b) if we write H(z) as a ratio of polynomials


LTI System Stable ROC of H(z) includes the unit circle |z| = 1

Frequency Response H(ej) (DTFT of h[n]) exists.

A causal LTI system with rational system function is stable all poles are inside the unit circle, i.e. have magnitudes < 1

Signals and Systems

Fall 2003 Lecture #23
4 December 2003

1. 2. 3. 4.

Geometric Evaluation of z-Transforms and DT Frequency Responses First- and Second-Order Systems System Function Algebra and Block Diagrams Unilateral z-Transforms

Geometric Evaluation of a Rational z-Transform

Example #1:

Example #2:

Example #3:

All same as in s-plane

Geometric Evaluation of DT Frequency Responses

First-Order System one real pole

Second-Order System Two poles that are a complex conjugate pair (z1= rej =z2*)

Clearly, |H| peaks near =

Demo: DT pole-zero diagrams, frequency response, vector diagrams, and impulse- & step-responses

DT LTI Systems Described by LCCDEs

Use the time-shift property

Rational ROC: Depends on Boundary Conditions, left-, right-, or two-sided. For Causal Systems ROC is outside the outermost pole

System Function Algebra and Block Diagrams

Feedback System (causal systems)
negative feedback configuration

Example #1:

z-1 D Delay

Example #2: Cascade of two systems

Unilateral z-Transform

Note: (1) If x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then

(2) UZT of x[n] = BZT of x[n]u[n] ROC always outside a circle and includes z = (3) For causal LTI systems,

Properties of Unilateral z-Transform

Many properties are analogous to properties of the BZT e.g. Convolution property (for x1[n<0] = x2[n<0] = 0)

But there are important differences. For example, time-shift Derivation:

Initial condition

Use of UZTs in Solving Difference Equations with Initial Conditions

UZT of Difference Equation

ZIR Output purely due to the initial conditions, ZSR Output purely due to the input.

Example (continued) = 0 System is initially at rest: ZSR

= 0 Get response to initial conditions ZIR

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