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Fred Bergh Chris Gerber Hennie Sean Bowes Henk Taljaard Marcel Bergh Alan Page
Ashlea Gardens
Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983
Between them hangs a man
who, in spite of His devastat-
ing fate, has the appearance
of superhuman sanctity
about him a serenity which
is dichotomous to His awful
Both criminals hurl
insults at Him (Mark 15:25).
This is typical human arro-
gance, to bank on the pride
of the recipient to respond as
they would want him to. But
they are dealing with Godly
perfection and humility.
What a pathetic attempt to
tap into the power of Christ
in order to secure their own reprieve.
One malefactor changes, the other
chooses not to. His extremely callous
conscience was the problem coupled to
his pride: Save yourself, and us!
The spotless purity of the magnif-
cent Lamb of God condemned him as
the two serve their sentence.
Are we the same? Saturated with
pride, arrogance and a pompous dis-
position that nobody not to mention
God likes?
Jesus gave the unrepentant man
no answer. Why? Simply because there
is no mercy for unbelief and cynically
inclined people.
The other thief changes and takes
a turn for righteousness. He manifests
the qualities we should if we want a
response and blessing from God.
As the thief did, we need to recognise
the power and providence of God (Luke
The thief had a sense of the depravity
of his own conduct. He recognised his
wrongdoing and punishment.
He recognised the innocence and
perfection of Jesus.
He believed in the Royalty of Jesus,
even though the circumstances miti-
gated it.

He believed in the pitifulness

and the power of this Holy suf-
ferer, and he made a humble,
but not unhopeful appeal to be
He did the one thing for Christ
he could do while on the cross
he challenged his compan-
ion in crime and attempted to
silence his cruel taunts: We are
punished justly for what we
did. This man has done nothing
In this brief period of pain
and time we fnd penitence,
faith and service springing in
earnest from the thiefs heart.
Christ now shows His glory as King
of Kings and Lord of Lords. Beneath the
crown of thorns the real King now utters
words of salvation from calvary (His
temporary palace) and his throne (the
cross): Today you shall be with me in
Not even an angel could bring news
as sweet as this Godly truth.
Which thief are we? Do we give up
like the frst, or do we humbly change
like the second, despite the pain and dif-
fculties we may encounter? Do we fold
under the pressure of the world, or do
we put our faith in Christ and serve him?

24 July 2011
Three men, t hree crosses
By Fred Bergh
Three dyi ng men one the Savi our of the worl d are i n the l ast stages of thei r earthl y
pi l gramage. Ahead l i es eterni ty; the unknown to the two mortal s who had gi ven themsel ves
over to del usi on and decadent si n.
The third DVD in the Lee Strobels series, The Case For A
Creator, will be shown on Sunday evening, 7 August.
Please invite your friends and family to watch this
fascinating investigation, consisting of interviews with
intelligent design advocates and Christian apologists
who argue for the existence of a creator.
Are you vi si ti ng wi th us today?
Please si gn our vi si tors book.
Today (24 July)
Opening prayer: Byron Harding
Table: Christo Gerber
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Keenan Bowes
Theo de Weerd
Athan Page
Reading, prayer: Deon Taljaard
Closing prayer: Owain Bowes
Sermon am: Fred Bergh
pm: Marcel Bergh
Key, money orderly: Don Wilmot
Security bs: Bernie Meyer
am: Owain Bowes
pm: Christo Gerber
Tea duty: Heillie & Annette
Table preparation: Caitlin & Irmarie
Flowers: Neels
Next Week (31 July)
Opening prayer: Sean Bowes
Table: Alan Page
Servers: Hendrik Pieterse
Christo Gerber
Liam de Weerd
Charl Greef
Reading, prayer: Gavin de Steur
Closing prayer: Athan Page
Sermon am: Fred Bergh
pm: Gavin de Steur
Key, money orderly: Deon Connoway
Security bs: Bernie Meyer
am: Owain Bowes
pm: Theo de Weerd
Tea duty: Jana & Lucia
Table preparation: Belinda & Megan
Flowers: Sanet

Wednesday @ 10h00
Venue to be announced
Monthly Singing
Tuesday @ 19h30
Church building
to show thyself
Thursday @ 19h30
Tukkies Village
Ladies Day
When: 30 July
Where: Church building
Time: 9h00-1300
Friends welcome
Lunch will be served
RSVP: Alfreda before 23 July
Prayers of Thanksgiving
Jana Krugers mother has been
declared clear of cancer and will be
retested in October.
Prayers of Supplication
Neels Botes is to undergo another eye
operation soon.
Wisdom for the Government.
Izak Connoway is working in Saudi Ara-
bia. Isaks partner, Henk at the company.
Jabu Manzinis son, Sayo is going
through a dif cult time.
Those being treated for cancer: Esme
Rappard, Freda Jooste, Liz Foot (Alan
Pages aunt) and Christo (Salomes
The chronically ill: Don Wilmot (heart
function), Nick Dekker (osteoporosis)
and Isabell Harding (back pain).
Those looking for work: Donovan
Wilmot, Grace Nethamba, Paula Heger,
Deon Connoway and Melissa Conno-
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Young men do us proud
Once again our young
men have wowed us with
their preaching talent.
Last Sunday evening
we were privileged to
listen to Deon Taljaard
preach on the Holy Spirit
who He is and what His
purpose it while Deon
Connoway presented a lesson on the Fight of Faith for Christian

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