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A comparison of Argentinean Laws of Education

LEY 1420/1884 AIMS OF EDUCATION To favour moral, intelectual and physical development of every child between the ages of 6 to 14.


LEY DE EDUCACIN NACIONAL (2006) Education: National priority. Aim: fair society, national identity, respect human rights and favour the national-

Of INITIAL education: To foster the means of expression and economical development of the Nation. (Art.3-Title 1- chap. communication of the child.Stimulate child's habits of social integration and environmental conservation. Vinculate the family with the educational institution.Prevent and attend inequalities and disparities. Of the BASIC GENERAL education: To offer a basic program of education common to all students troughout the country.Favour personal development and critical judgment.Promote the acquisition of a) Equal quality of opportunities and possibilities. socially valuable knowledge and habits.Promote sport and c) Provide ethic and democratic values. physical education.Make students learn about national tradition f) No discrimination. g) Respect to the children-teenagers rights according to the and patrimony. For the POLIMODAL cycle: Prepare the student for his roles as a citizen.Provide theoretical knowledge 26.061 law. h) Everybody can study (rich-poor) over humanistic, social,scientifical and technical areas.Promote sports and encourage the preservation of them to fulfill their role adequately at every educational stage and prepare them as researchers and educative ) Promote the values toward multiculturalism. psico-physical health. For TEACHER'S education: Prepare (Art. 11 - chap. 2) (Read also: Art. 8) 1)

administrators. Of PROFESSIONAL education: Prepare technicians and professionals according to national and regional requirements.To provide assesment to state and private bodies. Of SPECIAL education: Guarantee access to education for people with special needs.Provide an education aiming to integrate people with this needs into society. Of ADULTS: To facilitate access to academic qualifications for persons that would not have fulfilled the basic and compulsory education.


MICAELA answers here Childrens from three years old on until the age of five at the INITIAL level of which only the last year is compulsory.Six years old children at the BASIC GENERAL education level has been accomplished, at the POLIMODAL level that is at least three years long. People that have accomplished all this stages can access institutions of superior education of professional or degree formation. Adults that would not have

Education is compulsory from the age of 5 until the age of 17. The discipline of special education is destined for people with any disability. There is also a discipline to guarantee the education to people that is deprived of freedom. Hospitable education is for students that for health 30days.

that lasts nine years and then continuing ,once the basic level reasons cannot attend the classes for a period larger than

done or fulfilled the basic and compulsory level. Persons deprived from their liberty that require access to educational services. Children with special educational needs.

The government has the duty to provide the people with education. (Art 4 - title 1 chap. 1) Those responsible for teaching are: The Government; the Teachers must have a degree given by "escuelas normales de la Nacion o de las The Family (most important)_ the Government (that is the WHO EDUCATES THEM? provincias" to be able to teach. In case there are not enough teachers with the degree mentioned before, the "Consejo Nacional de Educacion" will authorize particulars for this position. responsible for education to take place) - the provinces - the Catholic Church and other religions oficially recognised by the state - and Social Organizations. (Art. 3 & 4) provinces and the Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires; the religious institutions; and firstly and most important, the family. (Art. 6) Read also: Titulo IV Los/as Docentes y su formacin Capitulo 1- Derechos y obligaciones and Capitulo II La formacin docente.


MICAELA answers here


4 stages:

Educacion Inicial Educacion General Basica Educacion Polimodal Educacion Superior, Profesional y Academica de grado Educacion Especial Educacion de Adultos Educacion Artistica STUDENT ROLES LUZ answers here Students have the right to: receive education to develop their Students have the right to : have a complete education that knowledge and abilities, to be given freedom, to have their in their capabilities and achievements , to receive vocational /academic and profesional/occupational orientation, to be an integral part of student clubs, associations and centres , to protected by social security. is equal for everyone, to have their beliefs respected, to go to be protected against agression, to be evaluated in their capabilities and achievements, to receive economic-socialcultural and pedagogic support , to receive integral part of student clubs, associations and centres, to religious/ moral and political views respected, to be evaluated to school till they have completed their obligatory education, Initial Educ. (Kindergarten): from 45 days to 5 years old. The last year being compulsory; Primary Educ.: 6-yr-olds STRUCTURED? upwards. Secondary Educ.: (High School) adolescents and the youngster who have already gone through Primary school; Tertiary level.

develop their skills in a safe and secure environment and to be vocational/academic and professional orientation, to be an

participate in the functioning of educational institutions, to participate in decision making about the formulation of projects and to develop their learning in a secure and safe environment. Students have the obligation to: study and try Art 43- Chapter 1 hard, participate in the activities, to respect the values of others, the dignity -integrity and privacy of the members of the educational community, to participate and collaborate in the improvement of the educational society, to respect the project of the educational institution, to respect the norms of discipline of the establishment, to go to school regularly and punctually , to take care of the property and equipment of the educational establishment.

TEACHER ROLES LUZ answers here

Ejercer su profesin sobre la base del respeto a la libertad de El docente est obligado: A respetar y hacer respetar los ctedra y a la libertad de enseanza, en el marco de las normas pedaggicas y curriculares establecidas por la autoridad educativa; ingresar en el sistema mediante un principios constitucionales, las disposiciones de la presente ley, la normativa institucional y la que regula la tarea docente; a cumplir con los lineamientos de la poltica

rgimen de concursos que garantice la idoneidad profesional y educativa de la Nacin y de la respectiva jurisdiccin y con el respeto por las incumbencias profesionales; La participacin los diseos curriculares de cada uno de los niveles y gremial; La capacitacin, actualizacin y nueva formulacin en modalidades; a proteger y garantizar los derechos de los/as servicio, para adaptarse a los cambios curriculares requeridos nios/as y adolescentes que se encuentren bajo su Y respetar las normas institucionales de la comunidad educativa que integran, colaborar solidariamente en las responsabilidad, en concordancia con lo dispuesto en la Ley N 26.061, y a respetar la libertad de conciencia, la

actividades de la Comunidad Educativa, y orientar su actuacin en funcin del respeto a la libertad y dignidad del alumno/a como persona. Derechos: Ser reconocidos como agente natural y primario de la educacion Participar en las actividades de los establecimientos educativos Elegir para sus hijos/as la institucion educativa cuyo ideario Both parents must support childrens educational process. (Art.3&1) Those PARENTS' ROLES who didn't follow the rules 'd be punished. (Art.17) They could be part of the Consejo Escolar del Distrito. (Art39) responda a sus convicciones filosoficas, eticas y religiosas Ser informados en forma periodica acerca de la evolucion y evaluacion del proceso educativo de sus hijos/as. Obligaciones:

dignidad, integridad e intimidad de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa.

First educators (have the right to choose school in accordance with their views). As members of the educational community, they must follow and support kids' educational process, and make them respect educational

Hacer cumplir a sus hijos/as con la Educacion General Basica values. (Tt. X Cap VII) y Obligatoria o con la Educacion Especial Seguir y apoyar la evolucion del proceso educativo de sus hijos/as Respetar y hacer respetar a sus hijos/as las normas de convivencia de la unidad educativa

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