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Animated Tutorials regarding How to use TRITON IDE Path: Open Triton IDE go to help -> Help contents(it

may take few seconds to appear.) -> C/C++ Development User Guide > Animated Tutorial.

Executing standalone applications on Discovery Board

Present state of the board RUN/BMS switch on DISCOVERY board is in RUN mode Open Hyperterminal @ 115200 baud rate and press Reset key To execute standalone ARM based application ( Release Mode) Build the Project in IDE with appropriate target settings for Release Press Reset key and come to UBOOT prompt by hitting any key Executable generated is *.bin which needs to be downloaded Give a command on explorer prompt as: loadb 20000000 115200 Click on Transfer menu of hyperterminal and select Send File Browse for the file and select protocol as Kermit and click Send On explorer prompt give command : go 20000000 To execute standalone ARM based application ( Debug Mode) Build the Project in IDE with appropriate target settings for Debug Press Reset key and come to UBOOT prompt by hitting any key Executable generated is *.bin which needs to be downloaded Give a command on explorer prompt as: loadb 20000000 115200 Click on Transfer menu of hyperterminal and select Send File Browse for the file and select protocol as Kermit and click Send On explorer prompt give command : debug 20000000 Disconnect hyperterminal and start debugging through IDE

Executing Linux applications on Discovery Board

Board should be in RUN mode Open hyperterminal @ 115200 baud rate and press Reset Uboot will be loaded. Do not press any key. Linux kernel and root filesystem loads Linux shell prompt allows user to execute Linux based applications

Target Settings to be done in Triton IDE: Select Download option as FTP and Debug type as Ethernet

Enter Target IP address and Target Port Number Select Operating System as Linux Select the Baud Rate @ 115200 Build project in Release mode Generated *.out needs to be downloaded on the DISCOVERY board On linux shell prompt give command: cd var/lib/tftpboot ( this will take you to tftpboot directory) Create a file using command: touch <filename> (filename should be the same as that to be downloaded on board) Change the permissions of the file by giving command: chmod 777 <filename> Open command prompt and go to the location of compiled file Give the below command: tftp i <IPaddressofboard> PUT <filename> and press Enter

Go to linux prompt and give command: ls al Created file has been downloaded on board To execute the application give command: ./<filename>

To execute application for Debug mode: Build project in debug mode with appropriate target settings For downloading follow above steps To debug file give command: gdbserver :500 <filename> Start debugging from Triton IDE

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