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Privestecerulimpreunacu Doamna si Vagabondul, .gaseste+pepitici care nu sunt lalocul lor, rezeste pecifelusiidin 101 Daimatien sidistreaza-te cuo rmulfime de jocuri incepind de la pagina 3, Gasifii sigur c& atinteles bine amuzantele desene animate de pe DVD, mergi repede sa verifcla pagina 10. Acnvines iis Descoperd cu Aladin cum canta cocosii englezi sic rmulfime de alte lucruri ‘amuzante la pagina 8, asd lumineziserilede petrecete, constzuieste s decoreazd un suport de lumanari din aluatséat la pagina 4, ate ~ ‘Aventurile lui Goofy. (serene ‘ CO bands desenatd done ale SoM s < ‘in engleza! Pagina 16. " [APARITIEBILUNARA ———-NUMARUL 17 AQAA uuU A AON |BDITRK: De AGOSTINI HELLAS SRL Perera eae eee ADRESA, Vorlingmenis 44-46, 155 73 Ater eer SAR ane ex iN Noma or reves NANIGER ECONOMIC Fotis Fetiou [NANAGE DE REDATE PRODUCE: Virginia Koutoubas NERETNG MANAGER tics KoatsDutos ODUCT MANAG Nats Kontas ‘CORDORATORDE PRODUCE Ein Tete NANGERDSTRBITE: Bara NNANGERLOGSTIASOFEMATE Divs asaalis (GORDONATORLOSTEA$ OPERA: Vasant INPORTATOR Nea Seve aoa SAL Cunt Nanager: Nae Mn Matetrg Manager Ad Boct. Redacto:Alouect exes 2008.6 Aprils cnr meal hues per patinaprseas as ne _ CuMagic English - Showtime, invatarea limbii engleze devine o placere! Prin jocuri - copilul este indrumat in lumealimbii engleze de ercii din desenele lui animate preferate. Va afla | cumil cheama pe fiecare urmarindu-le aventurile de pe DVD. In acest numar va tnvaja cuvinte — Iegate de noapte sz Doamna si Vagabondul sunt atat de fericit impreunal Privesc cerulsistelele Look at the sky! What beautiful stars! €¢ Casuja celorsapte ptic este casa fericiiide cand a sosit printre ei Albieca-Zapada ‘They're singing! They're dancing! sau comenzi de numere ay anterior, sunafi-ne la tel. (2) Romanta: (021) 40 10 888 (§ Moldova: (022) 93 07 42 Jat reba sh Vizitapi site-ul nosteu la adresa OAC Lea Pre reer ied GUL oa Noy] BLUNT ey art ae re ai Perea Ret EE Cece = Ree ee eee \ Vagabondului. = q s KV one ' © ee , AEH ORST Pee ia inii. Care dintre aceste trei linii corespunde celor rostite = LUTIE $1 TRADUCERE. | DANCE EVERY NIGHT! THE WATER: 1S COLD! morning afternoon evening _—night dimineaté dupé-amiazé searé noapte bunddimineata _noapte bund : ; : Good morning! It’s morning Bund dimineata! E dimineafa! Cine spune buna dimineaja” si cine spune »noapte buna”? Bifeaza o casuté pentru fiecare pozé. Co eee Sana A puppy’ s day Ziva unui cdfelus Descopera impreund cu Aladin care sunt tarile vorbitoare de limba englezd, tnvata obiceiurile gi limba locuitorilor lor. CAT E CEASUL? Jim locuieste la New York, ior Tom la Log Angeles. Atunci cGind Jim se Tntoarce Ja pring de la scoala, Tom abia Tsi Preepe ziua, iar agta pentru ca, tn Statele Unite, distanfele sunt at&t de mari Theat ora se $chimb& dintr-uh capat 7h altul al farii Mai gandegte-te gi 08, |a Londra, Th acelagi moment, Mary 79! ia gustarea de dupt-amiazti! CARAGHIOASE! La ivinea zorilor, tofi cocogii de pe paméint Se pun pe cantat, dar cucurigul cel mat ciudat este, cu siguranf’, cel al cocogilor englezi: Cock adoodle-deo. Acest cuvant 2, dee © prohuntie cu ddevanat bizar’ (covadudiduu); dao ne mai gandim gi o8 doodle inseawn’ ,mézgileal’”, vom pricepe de ce sunt atat de cudafi cocogti englezi! — ~ NO SOAP! Lui Grumpy rui place 68 se spele gi nu e singurui, ruri aga? Poate de aceea, Th engezd, ca 38 refuri 28 faci ceva, ge foloseste expresia: No soap! Soap tngeamné’ ,séipun", dar caceasiti expresie nu se traduce, bineinfeles, prin .fand stipun!”, ci prin .ru Preape discutie!” » BABY-SITTER” } Exact, baby-gitter Tngeamnd ,cel gau cea core sta \ lang un nourndgcut”. Fie cat gunt fete sau bavefi, tofi | acegti baby-sitters se ocupa de copii atunci cand | pirinfiitrebuie 28 piece. Dac’ fi plac copii, atunci cnd_} gi tu vei putea cdgtiga nigte bari prin | ra activitate. Numai o& va trebui petreci sera stand Kanga patup sau lang’ leagtin! OPT STATUETE PENTRU UN OSCAR! Trainte ca Welt Disney 98 realizeze Abd-ca-Zépada $i “cei gapte pitici, toate degenele ocnimate erau scurtmetraje (Filme scurte). Ela fost primul care a crezut c& poate face un sil” adevairat de desene animate, Productia a fost un adevirat succes 9 i-a dus un Oscar format din opt statuete reprezentandv-i pe Alba-cao-Zapada gi pe cei gapte pitici ‘Oh! The moon. Look at the moon! Ol Luna, Priveste luna! Oh! The stars. Look at the stars! Ot Stelle Priveste stelele! It’s night. What a beautiful night! Goodnight. Enoapte. Ce noapte frumoasil Noapte buna. It’s morning. Good morning. What a beautiful morning! Edimineats, Buna dimineafa Cedimineafa frumoasal Itsanew day. Eonouazi, The sun, What a beautiful day! Soarele. Ce zi frumoassl ‘The moon. Whata beautiful moon! Luna, Ce lung frumoasél The stars. What beautiful stars! Stelele. Ce stele frumoase! IInight! Enoapte? Da, e noapte. Cenoapte frumoasal Isit day? Yes, it’s day. Whata beautiful day! E212 Da,ezi Gez2i frumoasa! Isitday? No, it's night. What a beautiful night! Ezi? Nu. enoapte, Ce noapte frumoasal Isitnight? No, it's day. What a beautiful day! Enoapte? Nu, ziua Ceri frumoass! The sun, The moon. Stars, Soarele, Luna, Stele. The sky. Night. Day. Cerul. Noapte, Zi Every day. Under the sun, Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. Isleep and play. dn heat zi, Sub soare, in fiecare noapte. Sub stele. Noapte szi. Dorm sim joc What a beautiful doy. The sky isblue. Time to wake up. Good morning to you. ezi frumoasa Cerul calbastra Etimpul sine trezim, Buna dimineak i Whata beautiful night. Lookat the stars. It's time to sleep. Goodnight. ernoapte frurmoass Priveste stelele Ecra de ulcare. Noaate bung, as Sr ash ey yn ene) ad 3 oF yon It’s time to wash. They want towash, Wash! Wash. E timpul sa ne spalam. Ei vor si se spele. Spala-te! Spslati-va The water. It's cold, The water is cold. Apa. E rece. Af They're washing, He doesn’t want towash. Elsespala El nu vrea s3 se spele. Dinner. It’s dinner time. Gina, E ora ci ‘They're dancing. They'resinging, Ej danseaza. Ei canta. It's bedtime. Goodnight. Eora de culcare, Noapte buna. They're dancing. Ej danseaza. He doesn’t want to dance. El nu vrea si danseze. They're singing. Ei cinta. He doesn’t want to sing. El nu vrea sa cante. They're washing. Eisespala He doesn’t want to wash, Elnu vrea s& se spele. Theyre sleping, Goodnight. Ei dorm. Noapte buna. He doesn’t want to wash, He doesn’t want to dance. He wants to sleep. Elnu vreas8 se spele. El nu vrea 's8 danseze. El vrea sa doarma. Good morning. Buna dimineata. Wake up! Wake upt Iwake up every day. ‘Trezireal Trezirea! ‘Mis teezescin fiecae zi. Wash! Wash! | wash every day. Spali-tel Spali-te! 13 span fiecare zi. Eat! Eat! | eat every day. feta es ek Jeatdinner. (Maninca! Mananca! Mananc in fiecare zi, Manic la micul dejun. ‘Manancle pranz. Mananc la cind. Play! play every day. Eider a ‘in fiecare zi. Sleep Sleep! slop every ni Dormi! Dormi! Dorm in fiecare noapte, Noapte bund. Og20 ’. Under the sun. Pieris ‘night. Under the stars. frece ‘noapte. Sub stele. Night and day. Noapte si zi. Isleep and play. Dorm si ma joc. What night! Cencaptel Berlioz scold and afraid, Lui Berlioz este fig gi fics They‘reall afraid. Tuturor le este fic. It’sanew day. Eonoua zi. Wake up! Tresireal It’s beautiful day. Eozi frumoasa, Here's O'Malley. Here's Duchess. latel pe O Malley. lato pe Ducess Andhereare the thre ittle cats, Si iat’ pe cei tei pisoi. Hello Marie. Hello Berlioz. Hello Toulouse. Buns, Marie, Bund, Berhoz Buns, Toulouse O'Malley is their friend. O'Malley este prietenul lor He's helping them. Eltiajutd They're Friends. Ei sunt preten Here's O'Malley. lati! pe O'Malley. O'Malley likes Duchess, O'Malley o place pe Ducesi. ‘And she likes him. Si citi place de el Does Duchess like O'Malley? Yes, she does. Duceseii place de O'Malley? Da. Does O'Malley like the little cats? Yes, he does. Lui O™Maliy 7 pac pisci? Da. Dosshehelp them? Yes hedos, Biajuta? Does he ike them? Yes, hedoes. Luifi place de ei? Da. 0Q90 Does he like her? Yes, he does. Lui place de ea? /O place? Da. Does he like them? Yes, he does. Luifiplace de ei? /Tiplece? Da. Does she like him? Yes, she does. ace de el? / Il place? Da. Does he help them? Yes, he does. Elvi ajuta? Da, It's morning, E dimineata It's time towake up. E timpul s& ne trezim. It’sanew day, Eonouazi It’s time to play. E timpul de joaca. It’s night. Enoapte. It’s bedtime. E ora de culcare Does he want to dance? No, he doesn’t. El vrea si danseze? Nu, el nu vrea. Does he want to wash? No, he doesn’t. El viea sa se spele? Nu, el nu viea Does he want to sleep? Yes, he docs! El-viea s8 doarma? Dal Does he want to wake up? No, he doesn’t. Elviea si se trezeasca? Nuyel nu vrea Isit day? No, it's night. Ezi? Nu, enoapte. Isitnight? Yes, it's night. Enoapte? Da enoapte. Isit night? No, it’s day. Enoapte? Nuveziua. Is it day? Yes, it's day. Eziua? Da, e ziua. Every day. Under the sun, Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. I sleep and play. Night and day. | sleep and play. Whata beautiful day. The sky is blue Time to wake up. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Every day. Under the sun, Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. I sleep and play. Whata beautiful night. Look at the stars. It'stimeto sleep. Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight. Every day. Under the sun. Every night. Under the stars, Night and day. | sleep and play. Every day. Under the sun. Every night. Under the stars. the sky Every day. Under the sun. Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. | sleep and play. Every day. Under the sun, Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. | sleep and play. 3 O LUMINA SEARA Construieste un suport pentru lumGndri din dluat cu sare, pentru sGrbatori gau pentru oricare alt moment festiv! Acta practice se vor destasora nvtdeauna sub supraveghorea un acl 14 Ca 98 faci aluatul din sare, pune sarea gi fina Thtr-un cagtron. Adaugi apa i framanta bine amestecul obtirut, Fiio hintifa din acest akat gi ‘ntige bine lmanarea *n centr, dar agtfel incatt $8 nu guregti undul turtifei. Indeparteaz’t hunGnarea, Tale marginile ‘turtife’ Th forma de stea. IM nave gi cre fbsest Tntinde Tnir-un strat foarte subfire regtul auatului, Taie din e| buodfele mici 7h Forma de lund, stele gi soare. Apoi fixeazti-le pe syportul de lum@néri, umezindu-le putin Raga o persoands adult’ s2i coaci fn cuptor suportul de lun@rairi: trebuie copt timp de © of la foc potrivit. Dubai dou sau frei zile, 71 vei putea colora, mai fnf@i cu acuarele, Peter Pan, Wendy sicopili ratacigi se afla Jn padure. Let's camp! Pious, cerul ¢ brazdat de fulgere, jar cei trei pisot s-au pierdut de mama lor Whereis the mum? Nu. pierde urmatorul numar Reste doud sdptamani, la chiogcurile de ziare Th Urmatorul nundr, vei descoperi alte Guvinte cu ajutorul cdrora sd te referi 1a diverge nonente ale zilei. Te vel juca ‘Toypreund cu Donald gi cu Pigicile arigtocrate. até céteva lucruni pe care le vei gasi th cuprins: GLUB! soe HELP MEI wt) \ um M —— Bs) Donalda cizutin apa gleinconjurat de pesti cat se poate de ciudafi The water is full of fishes!

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