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HIV/AIDS: An Overview

Axia College/Phoenix University

Sunshine Boyd
HCA 240/Health and Diseases
July 17, 2011
Natasha Brown

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
H Human: because this virus can only infect human beings.
I Immuno-deficiency: because the effect of the virus is to create a deficiency, or a failure to
work properly, within the bodys immune system.
V Virus: because this organism is a virus, which means one of its characteristics is that it is
incapable of reproducing by itself. It reproduces by taking over the machinery of the human cell.
A Acquired: because it is a condition one must acquire or get infected with; not something
transmitted through the genes
I Immune: because it affects the bodys immune system, the part of the body which usually
works to fight off germs such as bacteria and viruses
D Deficiency: because it makes the immune system deficient (makes it not work properly)
S Syndrome: because someone with AIDS may experience a wide range of different diseases
and opportunistic infections(

The difference between HIV and AIDS is that one is a virus and the other is a disease.
HIV attacks humans, creates a deficiency in the immunity system, it cannot reproduce
itself, and it takes over the human cell system and then multiplies with the help of that.
AIDS is acquired by external means, and is not genetically transmitted; it deteriorates the
immunity system due to the pressure of that virus. A person with AIDS may have to go through a
wide range of diseases and opportunistic infection. Therefore it is a syndrome, and it also occurs
long after the person actually had acquired HIV.
There are many ways HIV can be contracted. It is passed through unprotected sex,
exposure to blood, semen, and breast milk and other potentially infectious body fluids.
When a person has CD4(T-Cells) between 600-1,200 they are normal, when they drop
below 200 the human system weakened and the person diagnosed with AIDS. HIV is a virus that
destroys the immune system by destroying the Tcells .( CD4 cells). These cells help the body
fight infection.
AZT, is the medication that you hear of the most, it is supposed to reduce the amount of viruses
in your body. Some medications target HIV itself, to reduce the virus's assault on the immune
system, or to even prevent the virus from entering human immune cells.Other treatments are
used to treat or prevent specific opportunistic infections that threaten the health of people with
HIV-damaged immune systems.
Drugs that interfere with the activity of a retrovirus such as HIV are generally known as
antiretroviral. Nearly all antiretroviral medications currently approved to treat HIV infection
target two viral enzymes used by the virus to replicate it. These enzymes, reverse
transcriptase and protease, are involved in different stages of viral replication. A new
treatmentapproved in the past year works in a completely new way by preventing the virus from
entering the human immune cells.
Four classes of antiretroviral drugs have been developed to interfere with the activity of these
viral enzymes and slow down the multiplication of the virus. These are:
1.)Nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors
2.)Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
3.)Protease inhibitors.
4.)Fusion inhibitors.
HIV is transmitted through: Unprotected penetrative (vaginal or anal) and oral sex with an
infected person, Blood transfusion with contaminated blood, by using contaminated syringes,
needles or other sharp instruments, and from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy,
childbirth and breastfeeding. Ways to avoid contracting HIV is to abstain from having sex,
remain faithful in a relationship, practice non-penetrative sex, use male and female condoms,
take your time with the age when you choose to have sex for the first time having sex for the first
time should be a well thought of plan and a lot of different things should be taken into
consideration before attempting it, do not take on a lot of sexual partners, get tested regularly for
STDs, avoid using intravenous drugs and if you do avoid sharing needles and syringes, ensure
that any blood products that you might need are tested for HI and that all safe blood handling
methods are used. No sexual act is 100% safe. Safer sex involves taking precautions that
decrease the chances of contracting STDs. Sometimes during sexual situations emotion and
passion take over and we forget to use protection, but are a few moments of bliss worth a
lifetime of suffering with an STD? STDs are preventable if we indeed take the time to use
proper precautions.

WAC, through its office in Cape Town, is working closely with civil society organisations in
countries around the world. WAC is serving as a facilitator to strengthen civil society voices on
AIDS and help build national, regional and global campaigns demanding leaders to keep the
promise of universal access.
One of the focuses of this programme is for coordinated mobilisation events around World AIDS
Day and the production of materials such as national websites, posters and elists which will help
keep the campaigning momentum going throughout the year.
Globul Commlsslon on HIV und the Luw
The Global Commission on HIV and Law was officially launched on June 24, 2010 by Helen
Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Michel Sidib,
Executive Director, The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The
Commissions goal is to develop actionable, evidence-informed and human rights-based
recommendations supporting national legal environments that enable effective HIV responses
and realize the human rights of those living with and affected by HIV. To this end, the
Commission will focus on some of the most challenging legal and human rights issues in the
context of HIV, including criminalization of HIV transmission and behaviors and practices such
as drug use, sex work and consensual adult same sex sexual relations.World AIDDuy
World AIDS Duy ls celebruted on December 1 euch yeur uround the world. It hus become one of the most recognlsed
lnternutlonul heulth duys und u key opportunlty to rulse uwureness, commemorute those who huve pussed on, und
celebrute vlctorles such us lncreused uccess to treutment und preventlon servlces.
UNAIDS took the leud on World AIDS Duy cumpulgnlng from lts creutlon untll 2004. From 2004 onwurds the World AIDS
Cumpulgn's Globul Steerlng Commlttee begun selectlng u theme for World AIDS Duy ln consultutlon wlth clvll soclety,
orgunlsutlons und government ugencles lnvolved ln the AIDS response.
Themes run for one or two yeurs und ure not |ust speclflc to World AIDS Duy. Cumpulgnlng sloguns such us 'Stop AIDS.
Keep the Promlse' huve been used yeur round to hold governments uccountuble for thelr HIV und AIDS reluted


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