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LOGIN FORM This is the interface which provides authentication to user who interacts with the system at the time of using it .This enables only the permitted user to use and view the data stored in the system.

Figure1. Showing Login form

The user has to enter correct user name and password for authentication and click the login button. The following code after the click will be executed comparing the password and user name stored in the system.
mystring = "server=MGENIGEOFREY-PC;database=SCHOOL ATTENDANCE ;uid=" + username + " ;pwd=" + password+ ""

If the user enters incorrect username or password ,the system rejects and gives an alert message (incorrect password or username). The user has to retype correct user name and password.


This forms contains two categories where the user has to select. These are Staff and students attendance selection categories The user has to select category in the Comb Box .The system will lead the user to see the Group Box according to choice made.

Figure 2 .Showing SELECTION FORM FOR ATTENDANCE In this case the Head Master and Second Master are allowed to access all data s but teachers are not allowed to access staff information .Teachers will access only student information .The code which limits this is
If frmlogin.txtusername.Text = "school teacher" Then MsgBox(" You are Not Allowed")

This code compares the password of the and category selected and user name in the LOGIN FORM in figure 1 If the select ion is Staff Attendance the left Group Box will be displayed

Then the user will have to select the item from designation Combo Box which are teachers and non teachers. Then the user should click either of the two buttons which are labeled Daily attendance or Staff report based on his/ her intention. Else the right Group Box of student attendance will be displayed. Then the user will have to select the items from both Class and Stream Combo boxes Then the user should click either of the two buttons which are labeled Daily attendance or student report based on his/ her intention. If the user selects one and not both then clicks Daily attendance button the system will give an alter message .The code which executes this message is


This form allows the user to enter the student daily attendance records and will allow the user to save the changes of student records in the database.

Figure 3.student daily attendance form

During the display of this form the selection done in the ATTENDANCE SELECTION FORM in fig2, will be filled in class text boxes. Then the user the will have to select the items from the SELECT STUDENT ID Combo Box ,then the student names will be displayed on the Right hand side Textboxes. That is First name in the First name Text box, Second name in the Second name Textbox and Last name in the Last name Textbox. The code which executes this is
Dim selectquery As String = "select*from studentRec where STUDENTID='" & cbostudentID.SelectedValue & "'" mycommand = New SqlCommand(selectquery, myconnection) Dim myreader As SqlDataReader myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader While myreader.Read txtfname.Text = myreader.Item("FIRSTNAME") txtsname.Text = myreader.Item("SECONDNAME") txtlname.Text = myreader.Item("LASTNAME") End While

Then the user will have to select the attendance record items from the ATTENDANCE Combo Box there after the user will have to click save button to save the student attendance records in the database. The codes which saves these data s after the save button click is
mycommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO StudentAttendance VALUES('" & cbostudentID.Text & "','" & txtfname.Text & "','" & txtsname.Text & "','" & txtlname.Text & "','" & txtstream.Text & "','" & dtpicker.Text & "', '" & cboAttendance.Text & "')"

The plain box (The Grid view) below the save button is used to display all names in the specified stream which is the attendance of the user during the process of recording student attendance reports. Also the user can make changes of student details in the database. When the user has made changes, has to click SAVE EDITS Button to save the changes in the database. If the user needs to view the attendances of the other stream , has to click the BACK Button, otherwise the user has to click the EXIT Button to end the application.


This form allows the user to enter the staff daily attendance records and will allow the user to save the changes of staff records in the database.

Figure 4.Staff daily attendance form

During the display of this form the selection done in the ATTENDANCE SELECTION FORM in fig2, will be filled in designation text box. Then the user the will have to select the items from the SELECT STAFF ID Combo Box ,then the staff names will be displayed on the Right hand side Textboxes. That is First name in the First name Text box, Second name in the Second name Textbox and Last name in the Last name Textbox. The code which executes this is

Dim selectquery As String = "select*from staffRec where STAFF_ID='" & cbostaffid.SelectedValue & "'" mycommand = New SqlCommand(selectquery, myconnection)

Dim myreader As SqlDataReader myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader While myreader.Read txtfname.Text = myreader.Item("FIRST_NAME") txtsname.Text = myreader.Item("SECOND_NAME") txtlname.Text = myreader.Item("LAST_NAME") End While

Then the user will have to select the attendance record items from the ATTENDANCE Combo Box, there after the user will have to click SAVE ATTENDANCE Button to save the staff attendance records in the database. The codes which saves these data s after the SAVE ATTENDANCE button click is
mycommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO StaffAttendance VALUES('" & cbostaffid.Text & "','" & txtfname.Text & "','" & txtsname.Text & "','" & txtlname.Text & "','" & txtdesignation.Text & "','" & dtpicker.Text & "', '" & cboattendance.Text & "')".

The plain box (The Grid view) below the SAVE ATTENDANCE button is used to display all names in the specified designation which is the attendance of the user during the process of recording staff attendance reports. Also the user can make changes of staff details in the database. When the user has made changes, has to click SAVE EDITS Button to save the changes in the database. If the user needs to view the attendances of the other designation, has to click the BACK Button, otherwise the user has to click the EXIT Button to end the application.


This form allows the user to view the report of student attendance records in a specific date according to the user needs.

Referring fig3. During form display, the user will be directed by the system either to view all student attendance report or single student attendance report depending on the choice made in selection form for attendance in figure2. If the user has selected any class in the attendance form the system will allow the user to view all student attendance report in the specific date else will be directed to see only the report for single student in the specified date using student ID .The code which limits is
If frmAttendance.cbostream.Text = "" And frmAttendance.cboclass.Text = "" Then btnview.Visible = False Else GroupBox1.Visible = False txtstudentID.Visible = False btnOk.Visible = False lblstudentID.Visible = False End If

If the user has not selected any class and stream in the selection form for attendance in figure 2 then the Group Box labeled STUDENT ATTENDANCE REPORT will be see. Then the user will have to enter the student ID at Enter student ID Textbox, user should also select date at select date to view

report DateTimePicker. At last the user shall have to click OK Button in order to view student attendance records. The plain box (The Grid view) is used to display all student attendance details for specific date as selected by the user. Else the user will have to select the date and click the VIEW ATTENDANCE REPORT Button. Then all student report will be displayed at the Plain box (The Grid View).If the user wants to proceed with other applications, has to click BACK Button, else has to click EXIT Button to end the application.


This form allows the user to view the report of staff attendance records in a specific date according to the user needs.

FIGURE 6; During form display, the user will be directed by the system either to view all staff attendance report or single staff attendance report depending on the choice made in a selection form for attendance in figure2. If the user has selected any Designation in the Attendance form the system will allow the user to view all staff attendance report in the specific date else will be directed to see only the report for single staff member in the specified date using staff ID .The code which limits is
If frmAttendance.cbodesignation.Text = "" Then

btnviewreport.Visible = False Else Grpstaffreport.Visible = False End If

If the user has not selected any Designation in the selection form for attendance in figure 2 then the Group Box labeled INDIVIDUAL ATTENDANCE REPORT will be seen. Then the user will have to enter the student ID at Enter student ID Textbox, user should also select date at select date DateTimePicker. At last the user shall have to click OK Button in order to view staff attendance records. The plain box (The Grid view) is used to display all staff attendance details for specified date as selected by the user. Else the user will have to select the date and click the VIEW ATTENDANCE REPORT Button. Then all staff report will be displayed at the Plain box (The Grid View).If the user wants to proceed with other applications, has to click BACK Button, else has to click EXIT Button to end the application.

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