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Child Developmentand Pedagogy: Paper I For L.P. level (ClassesI-V)

Total Marks : 30


Child Development and Pedagogy (a) Child development (for children 6-11 years group) o r Conceptand Natureof Development Factors influencing Development - Biological heredity, Psychological and Environmentalfactors. o Dimensionsof Child Development- Physical.Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Moral. o o Developmentof language during early childhoodand later childhood. Individual differences Intra and Inter individual differencesin various areasof Interest,Habit, Aptitudes,Intelligence, Creativity and their assessment. o o . Personality Conceptand factorsinfluencingpersonality. CommonBehavioural Problems Children- Causes Remedies. and of Adjustment,Conceptof Mental Health and Hygiene.

(b) Processof Learning r o o o e Meaning and Natureof Learning. FactorsaffectingLearning. Maturationand Readiness learnins. for Motivation and Learning. Methods of Learning, Major Laws of Learning with their educational implications. o (Stimulus-) Response Theoriesof Learning- (i) Connectionism Theory) (ii) Conditioning- Classicaland operant.

(iii) Gestalt T|ulilt and Group Learning

. (c) Pedagogy o Page 1 | Teaching-LearningProcess Transferof Learnine

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Knowledge of children from Diverse Context - socio-cultural background, children with special needs (Talented, creative, specially abled), inclusive education.

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Understanding childrenwith learningdifficulties and Behaviouralproblems. OrganisingTeaching- Teachingas Plannedactivity, Phasesof Teaching (preactive, Interactive and Post active Phases).Different methods of teachins Lecturemethod,project method.

ClassroomManagement Role of Teacherand the students, Leadershipquality of teacher, time and taskmanagement.

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Conceptof child-centred teachingand competency basedteaching. Continuousand Comprehensive Evaluation. Formativeand summative evaluation. Diagnosticremedialteaching. Conceptof TLM and its importance.

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Child Development Pedagogy Paper II and : For U.P. level (Classes VI-VIII) Total Marks : 30

1. Child Development and Pedagogy (a) Child development (for childrenl2-L4 years group) o o Conceptand Natureof Development FactorsinfluencingDevelopment Biological,Psychological and Environmental factors. . Dimensions of Child Development - Physical with rapid physical changes, Cognitive,Emotional,Social and Moral. . . Understanding changes during the stageof development. Individual differences Intra and Inter individual differencesin various areasof Interest,Habits,Aptitudes,Intelligence, Creativityand their assessment. o . o o r Personality Conceptand factorsinfluencingpersonality. Adjustment,Conceptof Mental Health and Hygiene. Adolescence problems adolescenceadolescence of education. and Counselling Guidance UnderstandingdevelopmentalHazards.

(b) Processof Learning . r o e r Meaning and Natureof Learning. Factorsaffectinglearning. Maturationand Readiness learnine. for Motivation and Learning. Methods of Learning, Major Laws of Learning with their educational implications. o (Stimulus-> Response Theory) Theoriesof Learning- (i) Connectionism (ii) Conditioning Classical operant. and (iit) GestaltT::lr, and Group Learning ' Page 3 | I Transferof Learnins

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(c) Pedagogy o r Teaching-LearningProcess Knowledge of children from Diverse Context - socio-cultural background, children with special needs (Talented, creative, specially abled), inclusive education. o ' Understanding childrenwith learningdifficulties and Behaviouralproblems. OrganisingTeaching- Teachingas Plannedactivity, Phasesof Teaching (Preactive, Interactive and Post active Phases).Different methods of teaching Lecture,Projectmethod,Demonstration, Interact. o ClassroomManagement Role of Teacherand the students, Leadershipqualiry of teacher, time and taskmanagement. o e o o o Conceptof child-centred teachingand competency basedteaching. Continuousand Comprehensive Evaluation. Formativeand summative evaluation. Diagnosticremedialteaching. Conceptof TLM and its importance.

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