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Lesson Plan 1

Class Level: Intermediate Primary 5

Time: 30 minutes
Genre: Short story
Literary Focus: Prose
Plot Characterization 
Setting Point of View

Tone / Mood
Figurative language – simile / metaphor/
personification / onomatopoeia

Integrated Language Skills: Listening

Higher Order Thinking Skills: Literal Comprehension
1. To locate and recognize details such as the
names of characters, the time of the story, or
the place of the story.
2. To identify the main idea of a paragraph.
3. To recall the sequence of the story.

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic

Interpersonal – Role Play
Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

i) Interpret the cover and know its title, author and illustrator
ii) know other books written by the author in its back cover
iii) listen to and enjoy the story
iv) read aloud the story expressively in a role-play
v) understand the gist of the story
vi) know the meaning of new words

Prior Knowledge: Pupils have read some short stories in Year 4.

Pupils know how to identify the author and the
Teacher’s Task/ Students’ Teaching Rationale
Procedures Tasks Resources
Preparatory Activities
(10 min)

1. Introduce the book Ppls look at The cover of the To arouse ppls’
cover the book storybook: interest towards
2. T displays the cover.(without The Elves and the the lesson.
storybook and asks the title of the Shoemaker
the pupils what they story)
see on the cover.
3. T asks who drew the Ppls give To know who the
pictures. answers to the illustrator is.
• How do they know? questions
- Anna C To predict the title
Leplar from the picture on
the cover.
4. T draws the attention - Margaret
to the phrase `Retold Nash To introduce the
by’…asks ppls to title.
name the author of
the book. To know the

5. T asks ppls to guess - The Elves

the title of the story. and the
6. T draws ppls
attention to the other To gather other
information on the Information from
back cover. the back cover.

Main Activities (15 mins)

1. T reads the story to Ppls listen Power point To understand the

the ppls. attentively. presentation, LCD. storyline.
- slides of pictures
2. T reads the story Ppls listen and as illustrated in the To provide
again with the follow the book. stimulation to
scanned pictures on storyline while listen.
the screen. looking at the
The storybook.
To enable ppls to
3. T asks where and Ppls give their portray the
when was the story answers characters.
told. based on the
story read.
To read aloud
Role-play by expressively
4. T divides the class ppls. according to the
according to the characters portray
characters in the in the story.

• The narrator
• The
• His wife
• Old man
• A woman

Closing Activities (5 mins)

1. T flashes the Selected ppl Scanned pictures. To recognize
scanned pictures on at random, details and its
the screen. retell the story. Appendix 1 sequence.
Worksheet LP 1 To recall details
2. T asks ppls to retell Ppls write a and main ideas.
the story in their own brief comment
words. on the story
and explain
Appendix 1

Worksheet Lp1

Name : _________________________ Class: __________

Title of the story: __________________________ Date: __________

Circle the word/s beside the picture to indicate your choice.

I thought this book was

A. Very good

B. Okay

C. Not so good

Give your comment on the story

1. I like the story because

2. I dislike the story because


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