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7.29.11 The Call Squad 8 pm 1 am EST Sunday - Friday 1-760-569-7676 Participant Pin: 637255# TheCallSquad.

.com Our Thanks To Loves Love (Scott) Who Transcribed This Call
The Call Squad July 29, 2011 Patriot, Vic, Scott, Joey, Steve, Deb, Diana, Yukon, Pam, Tim to listen to replays of all past broadcasts. for questions related to the topic of discussion to influence or suggest topic ideas for future calls Website Download: Freedom From Intel: The Iraq Project is an Unclassified US State Dept. report of The Plan to rebuild Iraq. This is a must read and an archive for your memorabilia of this historic event. Joey: Reads Article: Today July 29, Iraq Announcement Document US draft resolution of UNSC from 2003-2010 . About the extension another year of UNAMI The article listed a long list of roles, goals, focus, concerns, and priorities of UNAMI, such as supporting vulnerable groups including Human Rights of various groups; prioritizes advice toward assistance to achieve these goals. 2010 focus was women to have effective opportunities and security. Women can play a big role in the future growth of Iraq. Many think the UNAMI extension may delay the RV, WHICH IS NOT THE CASE. But this article helps demonstrate the guidelines if UNAMI is to stay, and calls upon Iraq to continue to provide security. It says, if you want UNAMI to staythen here are the terms. Joey asks: isnt that a good way to package the idea of our troops staying since some citizens demand their departure? It came from the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary General of UNSC, who requested that the UNAMI please stay. The Iraqis want the assistance, advisors, counselors, and friendly teachers to stay. Patriot agrees: That they requested the extension, and it is by Iraqs consent. No way is this being forced upon them. No where does UNAMI affect the economics of the county, the banking or finance of Iraq, or the ongoing political organization. This is a positive thing because they are helping, coaching, and supporting. They are not interfering. The acronym means: The United Nations Assistance Mission of Iraq. Its not like the RV has been ripped from our hands. UNAMI Good! UNAMI will help make sure it is smooth and stable there, that minorities or ethnic groups are safe, especially with the recent history of the Kurds being gassed. Saddam killed 5000 in one day. My link Vic adds: Imagine this dialog. Maliki goes back to Iraq and Muqtada Al Sadr visits him, but Maliki said to him I wanted them to go.Sadr asks, then why arent they leaving? Maliki says, I dont know, the UN had 15 guys who voted for it since they are investing in Iraq. Maliki got the heat off his back from the Shia & Sadrist Iranians, by blaming the UN. This is a good thing. Patriot: They allowed the regions to decide for themselves how much presence and influence the US troops will have. The Kurds want them present, some other areas do not.

Joey: Remember the UN used to be called the League of Nations that was not so effective in its day. The US and UK created the UN with needs and experiences from WWII. They know there need to be troops there to protect the UNAMI people; protecting UNAMI was a good way to get the troops to stay. Vic: reminds that Iraq was one of the founding fathers of the UN when first established. Patriot: This UNAMI extension really makes the RV possible for a variety of positive interface reasons. Joey: is very humored: Mr. Allawi was kind of bashing Maliki: Iraq: Al-Maliki's escape from the responsibility of keeping the US forces delivered to parliament The date of publishing 29/07/2011 06:30 AM Baghdad (Sumerian News): Considered the Iraqi list led by Iyad Allawi, today, that the confirmation of Prime Minister nouri Al-Maliki's US Vice President Joe Biden that the parliament are the ones to decide the staying of the US forces or not, is an escape from responsibility, criticizing the the ball in the court of the House of Representatives in the not-too-has no view on the resolution of security in the country. The spokesman said the Iraqi official spokesman Haidar public in an interview to "Sumerian News", that "to the prime minister, Nouri Al-Maliki, US Vice President Joe Biden that the parliament are the ones to decide the staying of the US forces or not, is an escape from the face of the responsibility,", indicating that "the parliament sent a letter to Al-Maliki to attend to in order to illustrate the extent of the readiness of the Iraqi security forces, but he did not meet the demand," he said. He said publicly that "Al-Maliki in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the decision of the military, and he has to bear the responsibility for this decision", criticizing the "throw the ball in the court of the House of Representatives, in spite of the fact that the parliament does not have a clear vision on the resolution of security in the country," he said. You can just see how human they are and nobody wants to say the truth about the real need for continued military support, protection and training, knowing reelection will come and many want the occupation to end. Even later in the article a couple Kurds are in a political tap dance of who was taking responsibility for allowing the US Troops stayknowing it was a political hot potato and everyone pointing fingers and high stepping away from personal responsibility. Theyre learning. Joey reads another article about Kuwait and Iraq Selah The two countries should be able to solve any issues diplomatically, not by media. Discussing media, The new Iraq wants to live in peace with the neighbors and work honestly from past to past in which we both suffered, without making us to shoulder the burden of the history Saddam saddled us with. Patriot: Reminds how we Americans eventually after a couple decades began to realize the Native American Indians were OK, and yet the holdout old timers were still prejudiced and wouldnt let go of the past; so the Iraqis so much want the past to be past and the Kuwaitis to forget the pains of Saddams ugly past. Joey says: I think they are getting along, and dont see it the way some of the press representation implies that Iraq and Kuwait are squabbling. The date of publishing 29/07/2011 09:23 AM

Geneva (AFP): The United Nations handed over to Kuwait one billion and 60 million dollars from the value of Compensation of Iraq's invasion of its territory, which it began in 1994, the committee said The United Nations Compensation Commission in a statement .In this last installment, Kuwait should be received compensation of the war so far totaling 33.3 Billion dollars, and has yet to Baghdad to pay about $19 billion. The biggest section of the amount of the payment, he went to public and private Kuwaiti companies and the governments of a number of states that Affected by the war (in particular embassies) and international institutions. Iraq and currently has 5 percent of oil and gas revenues to a special fund Nations United to compensate for its occupation of Kuwait for seven months in 1991. Joey: Reminds Vic of a chat they had a couple weeks ago, when Allawi was out of town, his father died, well actually he was over taking care of business with NATO, it had nothing to do with a feud with Maliki, and we were told that there was a special meeting at Talabanis house on the 9th of July where there was one more issue that had not been done. What was that issue? Everyone admitted that Erbil was done except for this one thing. The answer is Mr. Allawis position! They had not decided if it was a Legislative or an Executive position, which is an important distinction for going forward. They met at Talabanis house to work on an Erbil amendment about this one issue of Allawis Strategic Policy position. Joey reads: Maliki granted the approval of the Defense Ministers of HIS LIST and then told all of Iraq and Allawi during his visit last night that the Prime Minister Maliki agreed to assign the portfolio of the Strategic Defense Ministry to the Minister of the Iraqi List It will be the one they had agreed upon. He added, Talabani told Allawi, that Maliki had also approved that the formation of the National Council for the Strategic Policy and will be an Executive Position as agreed and voted to Parliament. Allawi listened and expressed willingness to attend the Saturday meeting of the leaders of the political bloc. Patriot: So this means that this position is done! Allawi is part of Malikis cabinet as weve projected all along that they were going to do this. They have stopped arguing over this last position. Maliki gets to pick his cabinet, as our President does. Everyone says this is not done, but it is now done, Allawi has an executive position in Malikis cabinet, but Maliki gets to choose his defense minister and nobody can ever say Maliki didnt get what he wanted; so this puts total accountability on Maliki to the people. Allawi is excited also, because this is the position he wanted, the President of National Council is part of Malikis cabinet, and they have voted upon it. Patriot: To put this historical perspective, he reminds, June 30th, Erbil was done as far as we know, except for a part they would agree upon later. Then in early July we heard there would be an amendment. Do we believe that this July 9th meeting at Talabanis home was the amendment? Joey: I believe it was the National Council for Strategic Policy, because that position also makes Allawi also a Prime Minister. We are told today that the last piece of Erbil was to know whether or not the Allawi position would be an Executive position. IT IS EXECUTIVE. They had told us that this was the only holdup delay with Erbil, to decide where will Allawis position be structured for oversight in the government, which branch? Big Yippee. People reporting Erbil is not done are wrong, because there were people that witnessed this decision and signing on July 9th. Bingo, done, the last piece of the puzzle got snapped in. ERBIL IS DONE!

Joey: And theyre telling us in another article that an inch I dont know why they use that term but it must mean they are really close to something; its saying that the meeting on Saturday is crucial to the political process and is on the right track of seriousness. The political blocs in the meeting tomorrow will go thru Mr. Talabani who will be overseeing the political processes for a thorough transition of this important step. Maliki agreed Allawi will be Executive branch. And Allawi agreed to show up Saturday to get his promotion. Patriot: This is cool because during the election, Allawi got more votes than Maliki, as I recall and so he has a position of power now, and the people that voted for him have a representative in the Executive Branch that is powerful, and has some sway; Dont be surprised, Allawi could be the next president after Maliki in the next election, if he does a good job. Joey says she thinks he will. Joey: realized from this next article that sometimes people ONLY read headlines only, so be careful. Planning: Population Census year before the end of this year The date of publishing 29/07/2011 07:00 AM Najaf, said the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, the Iraqi population census-taking the country's public before the end of this year, indicating that it is guessed the number of the country's population of 31 million-and-a-half million people in the light of the results of its survey buildings and facilities. Was scheduled to hold population census the country's public in 2009, but the process was delayed more than once because of the objection of some parties to do so in the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad. Census has been postponed for an indefinite period of time at a time when the Ministry of Planning, in which it said that the month of next October is the best technical for a population census in the country. He said "we have spent large sums of money to create the appropriate groundwork for the population census in Iraq", pointing out that " the ministry spent 205 billion dinars in 2009 for the rehabilitation and preparation of a scientific, also spent 160 billion dinars in the year 2010, and 45 billion in this year." He added that "the ministry has currently 99 staff official contracts, specialists and trained to carry out a population census," expressing his hope that the operation is to take place on time," There is no date for the census, but there is an approximate date, it is our hope that at the end of October, November this year." The Iraqi minister said that his ministry " launched on 11 of last month the Census special buildings and facilities, in the light of this census the number of Iraq's population of: 31 million, 664 Thousand and 446 people." ID=42679 Joey laughing, this sounds like a pretty thorough census, right down to the 446th person. They didnt use some average as if it was an estimated count. No, this was very specific. The census was completed on June 11th, 2011! Patriot: Cues up the July 19th reading of the UNSC part of Ad Melkerts reading of the part of his speech about the census. Note that it later talks about the SPA (Special Population Accounting) a UN group who came in to help them get the census done in time to gain accurate statistics of population count and number of households with various demographics of ages in the homes which is very critical for societal planning and calculation of payments due each person, especially relative to the HCL laws which were just completed that will determine each citizens share of the natural resources revenue payments. The census and HCL completions have connected purpose and needed to be completed simultaneously for accurate projections of all future plans. Ed Melkert reads: Noteworthy in this context is the essential support .successful completion of

the dwelling and household parts of the census. 12 minutes 42 seconds into the meeting. Go to UN Website , the meeting was July 19th at 10:00am. Joey reads an important short article: On July 15 also saw the grand reopening of Baghdads renowned $65 million dollar renovation of the Grand Al Rashiid Hotel . The building of the Iraqi infrastructure including this palaces, hotel and a new airport are important for helping the Iraqis to get what they want. Foreign investors are flocking to the country. They said foreigners are responsible for $45.6 Billion of investments and other business that has come to Iraq in the first half of this year which is already double the amount of the whole year 2010. Investors see a potentially oil rich economy with a population over 31 Million people that are desperate for housing, roads, consumer products and services. The middle class suffered a lot of problems but they are educated and there is a lot of home ownership. The banking and telecommunications industries are very attractive to foreign investors. Joey ad libs: Listen to this and and while listening, think about the Letter of Intent (LOI) that was crafted and sent by Dr. Shabibi to the IMF on May 3rd. Joey reads: The IMF said that we believe that the Iraqs potential for GDP growth this year will be between 6%. Shabibi wrote a LOI that expressed how the DFI funds would be spent and gave an accounting of status and direction of Iraqi banks and the protection of the DFI funds after released. In that same letter, our amazing Dr. Shabibi emphasized that Iraq will see an 11-12 % rise in GDP this year. So, the IMF said, well maybe, but we think 6-7%. But listen to what the IMF reports today: Driven by high energy prices, Iraqs economy will grow to 12.5% this year according to the IMF. Isnt our Dr. Shabibi a visionary? Joey: one more article and think about this question: Why are our troops staying in Iraq? The opening of the investment bank in Najaf is at the top of the (100) billion Iraqi dinars Paraphrasing the article it states that this bank will provide services in the current provisions of loans for both internal and external Najaf was chosen in 2009 to house the ancient artifacts from Ancient Iraq and from the 1920 revolution. 5 million people visited Iraq last year. This year they will spend a half million dollars as they hope to attract more by sending an Artifact Exhibition around the world. This bank will significantly affect the deposits and remittances of investment in this area. See the article below. They want security to help develop this touristic area that will need loans, but also peace and quiet. And that because of the rise of the level of livelihood for these people, the city of Najaf are hoping to provide security to develop a religious tourism to visit Iraq. Theyre hoping to have 15 million people visit from around the world. This is another nail in the coffin of Mr. Sadr., who is becoming irrelevant to Iraq. They do need security though. This is why they need our security forces in Iraq to protect this important growth. You cannot grow an economy without security. How can you grow religious tourism with bomb explosions all around the area? This is Holy Land, for the whole world. 2011-07-29 11:04:47 Najaf (IBA)/Okail is Opened in the governorate of Najaf Al-Mansour Bank investment paid with a capital estimated at (100) billion Iraqi dinars, which provide services in the current provision of loans and external and internal in the presence of the holy city of Najaf and a group of interested in the economy. Najaf governor Adnan Az-zarfi said The Bank in the city, I mean, the confidence of investors in the opening of the investment and the economy in the province as

well as confidence in terms of security in the city, as well as the projects in which he pointed out that would significantly affect the circulation of currency and deposits and remittances and investment sector industrial and agricultural sector. On his part, said Zaid Al Baghdadi, one of the founders of the bank that this is the first section in Najaf and the eighth for Iraq after the Karbala, " through which the development of the city of Najaf, the need much as well as hope to cooperate with construction companies of religious tourism, which is an important part of the holy city of Najaf. And called on the zero on a businessman in the province to open a branch of the central bank in Najaf that such a step for the central bank to the security in order to Najaf City are promising visitors from everywhere and in cash, is as well as the presence of in which the people of the House. Patriot: Joey, whats the status of Sanctions? We need to look at this one more time for the people. Joey: June 30th was the deadline! They said you have till 6/30 to comply with deadlines. Patriot: Yep, and the UN said, . there will be NO EXTENSIONS. Patriot: A UN statement by Secretary General on June 30th at noon, where he stood before the world, with the Iraqi delegation in the audience, (Patriot recites from memory); And he said today is a historic day, that Iraq has taken its rightful place in the world as a sovereign nation. They are free to trade with whomever they choose. Thats when Maliki started travelling to Asia and the USA. On June 5th, from government documents, that until the HCL law was signed and done, Iraq could not engage or sign any more contracts for oil and gas exploration or drilling, because they needed legal clarification of how they were going to divide up the money (similar to how the Alaskan Native Americans receive money from the oil revenue earned from their land mineral rights). The citizens were entitled to 15% of the budget, and they had to determine how they were going to allocate the money from the budget.. And just the other day, we read articles right here in mainstream press that Iraq started signing more new gas and oil contracts with nations and large companies. Now remember, they were forbidden by parliament to do this on June 5th until the HCL laws were finalized, which had a deadline of June 30th, in order that Erbil would be completed by June 30th because the HCL is part of Erbil. So the HCL must have been signed, they fulfilled those terms before June 30th, since we see theyre signing oil and gas contracts again in mid July. The HCL is part of the Erbil and both needed to be completed by the 30th. They are both finished! Joey: Let me read something to you that tells them how they can get out of Chapter 7 sanctions, OK? The UNSC, as of June 1, 2011, this is their words, not mine the activities of the high level coordinator who advises the Security Council on issues between Iraq and Kuwait missing persons are currently authorized through June 30th. It says there continues to be a feeling that progress on issues between the countries regarding borders, compensation, missing persons and artifacts is the key in order to lift the remaining Chapter 7 sanctions and allow Iraq to fully regain International standing. It is possible that council members will agree on a press statement marking the termination of the DFI. Then on the last page is says, December 15, 2011, extended the DFI and related immunities the final time until the 30th June, 2011. Now, a press statement (ref: SC10138) from December 17, 2010, noted, the council agreed to extend financing of the mandate of the high coordinator for six months, ending on June 30, 2011.

How does Iraq get out of sanctions? This is what they had to do to release Chapter 7: 1. They had to return missing persons, well they formed a committee thats been working on this for months. 2. They had to return missing artifacts. People have been returning things, stating they didnt know they couldnt possess it. 3. They paid $21 Billion to Kuwait from the DFI fund. We saw today they paid another Billion or so today. 4. They had to define the borders between the oil fields shared by Kuwait and Iraq and also, Port Mubarak In the article we read here yesterday, Kuwait insists that the Port of Mubarak project will continue till the end, until it is completed and that they had diplomatically agreed on all details for sharing and payment of repairs, so Iraq went over to look at some technical details. Examining the technical details and plans of a major project makes perfect sense. 5. UNSC needed Maliki to write the letter stating that they will never violate the borders of its neighbors, specifically Kuwait, and it had to be received by June 16 2011 and that they would abide by all these things, aforementioned list. Joey has read this letter twice. Guess what guys, they are done! Patriot;but they allowed the funding of some of the DFI money to comply with the Ch. 7 issues to fix. They needed some money and gave them a June 30 deadline, but they allowed them to access some of the funds in January 2011. Iraq agreed the above list in order to get out of sanctions and join the International community on June 30th . today is a historic day, Iraq has rejoined the world community of nations, they are free to trade with whomever they want.Melkert could not have made that statement unless the Ch 7 has already been lifted. We have never seen any article or other proof that they are still restricted and one of the biggest validations of the sanction lifting is the DFI money that was released to Iraq on June 30th.. . It was completely released, not just with some temporary or partial permission like in January to comply with the list above. On July 3rd, 2011, $43 Billion dollar check was written by Iraq to the US Govt. Some money from there went to Kuwait also. They are in control of 237 Billion dollars from the DFI. They were given that nearly quarter of a Trillion Dollars of DFI BECAUSE THEY ARE OUT OF CHAPTER 7 SANCTIONS. Sorry to the Gurus who say they are still in sanctionswe put this in with UNAMI extension. Chapter 7 Lifted GOOD. Joey reads another article : Start and End July 2006 to July 2011USAID 339.4 Million ( likely from DFI funds) International operations systems for best practices.a group of trainers to open their economy with International Standards. USAID is now gone from Iraq. Their mission is done, on time. The teams focus was to work with a program to help the DFI and civil service to successfully facilitate the GOI national development plan, national provincial levels, other entities, training entities, University people, and a field team of people .and other, that ended July 1st. Huh, sounds like the WTO? Yea, (facetiously) and theyre giving up on this country and all the people with all the gas and oil contract that enemies are signing together like brothers, and the war against the desertification by establishing oasis and trees to protect historically very productive agricultural land that is enough productive capacity to feed the entire Mideast. There is a massive plan to rebuild this awesome economy. Go read The Iraq Project. Joey: Reads from Currency Newshound: This is a good one, whenever UN dignitaries come, it is specific purpose and usually to deliver a report card;

The Headline is from June 15, 2010: UN Political Affairs General Ends Iraq Visit Mr. Pasko left yesterday at the end of a 3 day visit, after meeting Maliki and Talabani and Barzani. During these meetings he said he reiterated the UNs commitment to offer assistance and will continue to respond to ways to meet the needs of the Iraqi population who are a high priority for UN agenda, and we will do anything to help establish a prosperous future for Iraqs people. Democracy is a template for that part of the world, and the UN will not let this example fail. At the same time Mr. Pasko emphasized the need for the country to come up with homegrown solutions to overcome the challenges facing it, and to meet the ongoing needs, including civil society, use of women, and the full array of ethnic diversity at Iraqs disposal He then encourages Iraq to be steadfast toward Iraqs opportunity with Democracy. Patriot: Theyre using words like assistnot oversee, occupy, rule, punishment, jail, force, .we want to help them not

Joey.another article from yesterday by the CBI mentioned August 2010 to August 2011 again. What was IMFs response to the GOIs request for help last August? Pay your debt Stabilize your banks Sterilize the economy of large denoms and USD Revalue the currency and release the low denoms Patriot reminds: The CBI had written a request for guidance or assistance to the IMF in July or August 2010 and the list above was the reply from the IMF that shot back quickly to the CBI. It put the burden on Shabibi to get his economic ducks in a row within a year, August to August. This is why we so strongly feel the RV is very near, with this and so much other significant achievements reported tonight, converging on this time, here as we approach August 2011. This is really telling. Mr. Shabibi has emphasized that the RV would happen soon and it would come out forceful, powerful, strong in the world currency with greater value than the USD (.86 is not an example of that) and similar to the Pre-Saddam era. But heres what is really interesting, Joey, where was Dr. Shabibi on June 20, 2011? Joey: On June 20th Shabibi stood in front of Maliki and his Grand Council of Ministers and asked permission to raise the value of the dinar and release the lower denominations. On June 22nd, he got approved permission. We believe that he was anticipating the June 30th release of the sanctions. He wouldnt have asked for it if he thought it might take several months before they would be ready to RV. Nobody knows when, except maybe Mr. Shabibi, and he doesnt know when the conditions will be just right. Theyre out of sanctions from Ch. 7, massive contracts are being signed, ports are being built and paid for. Joey: reads of news posted on Dinar Vets 5/11/11 dated: May 8th, 2011 about currency . The CBI from time to time communicates the idea of raising 3 zeros off the currency and announced he is working on that process. It was confirmed a senior official that the council of representatives is the author It was considered a strategic project that will enhance the Iraqi dinar in the World Bank. And it will raise the value of the Iraqi dinar to its previous value which is equal to $3.33

Patriot: Is the IQD pegged to Dollar? Joey: Shabibi said dollar He also said it is uniform in size like the USD Oil is traded in one currency only, the USD No voodoo math is needed for converting to GBP, then back to USD Another reason they would never peg to the GBP, is because they were repressed in the 20s, then again in the 50s . The people dont look at the US as repressors, but liberators. Logic says you do not bring back an oppressors currency and do nothing to further confuse your population. Debbie: Thinks we need a Call Squad Yippee Meter.shes at 99.9 %.

Patriot: Wants anyone who disputes or disagrees with this report of completed issues related to the RV to show him documents that prove that all weve announced tonight is untrue or should be retractedevery point. Iraq, Welcome back into the world community! People, please stop petting the snake. You keep going back to the snake pits and you know its going to bite you sooner or later, get the documents that are published and ground yourself. Vic: A lot of the questions are already answered: Question from Henry: Do we have provable knowledge that the UST has the. What is it and how can it be found. A Patriot; Article you must read. Google: Billions over Baghdad; about currency coming into Iraq from the UST. Iraq is still designated as an exotic currency. The UST balance sheet shows a significant $3.1-$3.7 Trillion dollars itemized as an Exotic Currency. We believe that line item is Iraqi Dinar. Vic: Q from TL email: is Erbil done, Ministers Completed, and HCL done: All covered in notes above. Joey: There was an article that talked about the witnesses who saw the Erbil signatures on July 9th in the meeting held at Talabanis house that gave Mr. Allawi the President of the Strategic Council, which is a dual Prime Minister with very similar power to Mr. Maliki We think Erbil was done on June 30th and the July 9th signature for Allawis Executive position was actually an amendment. Alan sent in a document in Arabic, Vic could not find a date because it was likely part of a file, with a cover sheet, and were not sure exactly what it is yet, but will be having some contacts read it so we can know more soon. Q & A: Yukon the Enforcer Is On Duty Arabic Word: Inshallah, in Gods time and thats what

SC: Comment for Joey: were waiting for now

TX: In lieu of Joeys article about Shabibi wanting to peg IQD to USD, what if the volatility of the USD which is taking a hit to its value, and I understand the point of not reminding the population with former rulers (UK and GBP), what if they would peg the IQD to the GBP? A: Steve: A lot of conjecture and conspiracy, that our US issues are holding up the RV, it is conceivable that Shabibi could.since hes going to be married to the rate for about 2 years..I think he may be sitting back on the RV to see what our dollar does. Practically, he could make the IQD rate, higher if the dollar falls so instead Q: But can they support waiting?

A: NOOOOOOOO.but he may need to be patient a little longer. If he gives rate of $3.22 and then the dollar drops, .. I think hes waiting to see what the lay of the land is.. From our side of it politically, there are theories of intelligent people, we owe a lot of money, if the credit rating drops and our dollar value drops, we get to payoff our debts much faster with a cheaper dollar, and our credit rating could recover, faster than paying for the debt with a high valued buck; There are a lot of economic theories and we may not know for a long time. cant attribute any ulterior motives of any individual or party, its an economic green issue not blue or red. I dont think much conspiratorial. I

Q TX: Do you think the August 5th A: Patriot: Good question caller, the authors of the Plan, all had to know who was going to be president, the congress, the debt debacle, I dont think the conspiracy knew this in 2002. TN Robert: Declaration of Gift, and as we give to ministries, if eminent, I want to do it Pre-RV if I can, can you guide me. A Patriot: Will you give to 501C3 rated? Yes! How the gift is given is important. If you give to charity, do it after the RV if its a charity that I can give a tax write-off for the giver. The doctrine on that is like if you paid a dollar for a painting at garage sale If giving to an individual, do it pre RV, with a letter, and they need to acknowledge receiving physical possession of the gift prior to the RV. The IRS will have a field day with that. Now, the recipient could give it back and sign a note stating that it was received and given back for safekeeping as to a family member. Q TX2 Joe: For Patriot or Joey.regarding the bad word with L_ _ , an article Joey read about the two currency denominations are going to be side by side for a period of time. Just wanted to make sure Shabibi didnt mean that the dollar and IQD would be side by side. Joey: No, lower and higher denoms side by side for two years or so TN2 : Talking about taxable event with tiered levels of tax rates over different periods of time for exchange A Patriot: Sunday night well be giving specific instruction. But nobody honestly knows what the truth is about the tax, or terms of the exchange, etc. I dont think congress has time for another tax bill, so the current code is what we currently should be expecting, unless a change is announced FL: Wasnt the RV in Kuwait a flat 15% tax ? Vic: All I know is it went crazy on the forex boards Patriot: Whatever the tax laws were in 1994. FL : My friend said it was a flat 15% Q MI Diane: Bakshish is Arabic for Money.

Q NJ Steve: Earlier someone asked if we have confirmation that the Govt has all the dinar sitting here on our groundand I was disturbed because it did not say that was the dinar they had A Patriot : Read Billions over Baghdad Also, look at the exotic currency line item on the Balance Sheet of the UST. We have contracts that we agree not to flood the Iraqi economy for a certain amount

of time, in exchange for oil at $32 dollars for several years. curiosity question but it really does not affect the RV

And I like the

Q WI : Asks for the email address to send questions. I had an article called The Whitehats Report # 24 A Patriot: They cannot get into that , its kind of an urban legend that is so inbred within circles of networks and we cant prove anything, and we cant get anyone to say that they really know and have proof. Its some crazy topic in the category of conspiracy theory and we just cannot even determine a definition for the word Global Settlements Q PA: What would be the most likely day the RV could occur A Patriot: Statistically, Tue-Thurs is the most likely, but it can be any day Also it will be instantaneous and global, all at same time. Its more or less a time zone thing. They must prevent doing an arbitrage thing with a few hours overlap over time zones so double dipping and insider trading cannot occur after the new price has been established. Yukon states 30 Second Questions to get as many as possible: Q CA2 Guy: an article from the Mid East, leader named Suleyamania in Iran, that wields more power and controls Achmadineajead, and controls Maliki Vic: A guy who controls some elite force of Majdi Army that is Muqthada Al Sadrs group, and hes involved with Hezbollah, Al Queida, .ok if he is, would you wan to tread on the US? No, Why are they talking about an Air Force? Al Sadr told the Majdi army that they must be humane, and supportive of the Iranian Government, Iran is not going to influence any more , they dont have enough oil sales, theyre operating out of jealousy. It will be a cold day in hell, if he wants to take a piece out of the mercenary force we will keep there. Q VA: Iraq has 28 Trillion IQD now, and if they RV at $3 would they have 90 Trillion USD? Vic: First, from the 28 Trillion, Shabibi has removed 80% out of circulation. Now, Oil is worth nothing less than 100 Trillion without the gas, gold or other resources. Nothing less than 400 Trillion, no matter what inflation becomes. Lets just see the RV occur, see what its pegged to and then we can see in a week or two what numbers come to. Q OR lady: An article on RVing currencies, and either 5-6 had just RVd Yukon: where did you get that OR: A newsletter I get about world events Tim: There were some small RVs for miniscule pennies, but hes going to check for details in a minute. Yukon: Weve discussed baskets of Currencies for months. Ive still not seen any proof of them and which nations currencies are contained in them. OR: If there are so many currencies expected to RV with the Dinar, why would so many little countries be RVing now before the IQD. Vic: Venezuela went from 4 to 2 Bolivar to the USD, a DV. Indonesia went down about 2%. Then another was a small RV. Now the Paris Club who 19 countries forgave debt to Iraq. Now Kuwait is in a basket pegged to the USD, and the only currency in that basket is the USD. Its very complicated, and we dont have the formula. Well have to wait and see what happens after the RV to see who is pegged to what. OR : Reading the Stansberry Letter, they predict the USD to drop for the next two years. So if it goes down then the value of Dinar goes up, right? Vic: The purchasing power, yes.

OR: So if the dollar falls and we have it in bank accounts, and were holding dinar in safe-boxes, to make money, we must learn to invest in foreign countries instead of just American Stock Exchanges. How do I get into foreign country investing? Vic: From my opinion, open up the CBI website, look at the currencies on that site. But more importantly, look at home, if the dollar goes down, your dinar will go so much farther, correct? Keep the dollars home, I think after a time, maybe even a couple years, I think the dollar will go back up and gold down. China is sitting on 2.7 Trillion Dollars, you think they dont know something? But you need to get some trusted loyal advisors in your local area, Vic really avoids giving advice. PA George: Trying to research, but cant find any answers about taking IQD and exchanging into Swiss Francs. If I went to Switzerland and swapped IQD for Francs, would there be a tax. Yukon: Get a Tax Attny PA: I did, but he says so much has changed, hes not sure, up in the air. Yukon: Recently someone came on that had been to two different professionals and they gave opposite answers, so how are we laypeople supposed to know? Wait till it comes out, keep searching. GA : From an article this week, do you think we are going to see the RV soon? Yukon: Suggests he gets all the info on the replay CT: Short Scenario, I have possession of dinar and some dinar on lawaway. I have some 1,000 note dinar. Would it be a good idea, if I could take a couple of these little 1,000 dinar to pay for my layaway, then put the larger amount I hold into a trust. Will banks be available to do this? Yukon: We think all banks of any major size will be available. You need to talk to a tax professional. As far as what you have on reserve, we hope to have some information directly from the horses mouth SC: If dinar is pegged to USD, at say $4.00 but the dollar is only .70 cents, whats the calculation. Yukon: no matter what the value of the dollar is, youd still calculate the $4.00 x $1.00 CA Lady: Vic & Patriot: If the dollar devalues, I understand we would receive more in an exchange, but if inflation would takeover would we still If we do default or devalue so much, could OPEC choose another currency for oil? Vic: Our dear friend in Libya was trying to evoke the golden dinar for that reason, and we see what happened to him. Oil is pegged to the dollar and Petrodollars will remain. NY : There are over 100 countries RVing and you can see that on the UN website. Yukon & Vic: state they think the Dong DeValued NM: Friends still listening to other sites, and cant believe the Ch. & sanction has been lifted. I know Patriot says the US received a payment from Iraq on July 3rd for several 243 Billion, is there a site or proof of that for evidence? (Transcriptionist thinks the caller means $43 Billion, not $243) Deb: Yes there is. Vic: Have your friends write a letter to the UST ask them for proof of the $243 Billion from Iraq that came from the DFI funds on or about the 3rd of July. NM: No, that would add fuel to the fire, Patriot says he never states anything without proof Steve: We havent catalogued every thing about that.

NM: Theyre saying it wasnt paid so nothing exists. Yukon: When Joey comes back from her break, Ill try to ask her for you. LA; what is the meeting tomorrow and how is it significant? Vic: The meeting tomorrow is scheduled, but I need to check a couple documents just to be sure. NM Lady: Can you clarify the August to August thing for me? Steve: An article Joey found several months ago about GOI petitioning IMF for help and IMF shot back that it was the responsibility of Iraq and told them they had a year to get it done. That shot came last August. GA: Vic, a gentleman called and bothered me, talking about buying oil for $32, how long will we be able to buy it for that price and is there a market to resell it. Vic: $33 dbp for 5-25 years, most likely the latter part of that time frame. BoA will be the clearinghouse. GA: Dont you think it will help payoff debt? Vic: yes, 3 parachutes: taxes revenue, debt payments, and oil price contract CA 3 : Spoils of war, when Saddam confiscated gold from Kuwait, was that recovered by US and kept or returned to Kuwait? Vic: Not sure about all those factors. I assume it would have gone back to Iraq. The 56 Billion of war reparation to Kuwait, I believe that the gold would have been a part of that dialog. CA : If CBI doesnt show an auction on a business day, say July 28th, is that a relevant sign? Vic: Weve seen this before and we believe this is a manual input, so difficult to use that as a sign! MO : I heard that Joey talked about how US is going to possibly fall, which would or could effect that rate with IQD Joey: Says she never talks about things she cant prove. Patriot may have but he stepped away for a while. Yukon asks Joey about the NM question for proof of the 43 Billion paid to US by DFI funds from Iraq, and Joey says it did come from an article that Patriot brought and talked about. Call continues, Transcription Stops,

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